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Since ancient times, man has strived for the sky, but the development of technical thought did not allow his cherished dream to be realized. But attempts to conquer airspace have been made more than once. The Wright brothers' first plane took off from the ground and rose 3 m, which was a breakthrough and the beginning of the era of aviation. In aviation there is the concept of a dynamic ceiling, that is, the maximum flight altitude aircraft. Today we’ll look at the altitude at which military aircraft, as well as passenger airliners, fly.

For these types of aircraft, flight altitude is the main characteristic, since this combat vehicle is designed to destroy air targets and gain air superiority.

Under this name, the American design bureau “Lockheed Martin” created a whole family of multi-purpose combat vehicles. Today in service there is a carrier-based fighter, a ground-based fighter, and an aircraft with a short take-off and vertical landing.

The practical altitude ceiling of these fighters is 18,200 m. The fifth-generation multirole fighters F-35 have already entered service with units of the US, UK, Israeli and Australian Armed Forces. It is planned to supply aircraft capable of carrying nuclear warheads to the armies of Japan and Italy.

“Bird of Prey”, this is how the name of this multi-role fighter of the US Air Force is translated, was put into service in 2005. The F-22 became the first fifth-generation aircraft in the United States Army.

To date, 197 vehicles have been produced, and the total cost of the project is almost 67 billion US dollars. The fighter, whose service ceiling is 20,000 m, was first used in combat operations against Islamists in Syria. Many experts criticize the model for its high cost, low maneuverability, and other technical shortcomings.

The fifth-generation multirole fighter, created by Chinese designers, first took to the air in October 2012, and now the tests are coming to an end.

In one of the test flights, the combat vehicle reached an altitude of 18,000 meters, but the creators say that this is not the limit, and after some modification the J-31 will be able to overcome the mark of 20 thousand meters. The new Chinese fighter was called “Krechet”, but is still used at exhibitions tail number the first test sample "31001".

The promising Russian project is still in the development stage, but test flights of the SU-57 are already in the final stages, and soon the fifth-generation combat fighter will be on combat duty in the Russian Aerospace Forces.

The fighter with the factory designation T-50 made its first flight in 2010, and 3 years later the serial assembly of prototypes began. The dynamic ceiling is achieved due to the aircraft’s technologically advanced high-altitude equipment and a special aerodynamic design, due to which the Su-27 can rise to a height of 20,000 m.

Today, the interceptor aircraft, created at the Mikoyan design bureau, is the fastest and highest altitude aircraft among machines of this type.

The practical ceiling of the combat vehicle in service with the Russian Aerospace Forces is 20,600 m. Note that the Mig-31 is the only aircraft in the world capable of intercepting low-flying cruise missiles. Work is currently underway to upgrade the interceptor into a high-grade fifth-generation multirole fighter.

Reconnaissance aircraft

To avoid detection by ground-based tracking devices, these types of aircraft were designed to conduct reconnaissance at the highest possible altitudes.

The B-57 tactical bomber also performed reconnaissance functions and entered service with the US Air Force in 1954. Today the project is closed, but two aircraft are used for experimental purposes by NASA.

At one time, it was widely used in areas where the US Army conducted military operations, and was also in service with the armies of Taiwan and Pakistan. The service ceiling is 13,745 m, although the modified RB-57F could perform reconnaissance at an altitude of 22,860 m.

The high-altitude reconnaissance aircraft was adopted by the US Air Force in 1957 and is still in use today. Today, there are 35 combat vehicles in service, which are actively used for their intended purpose.

Naturally, over such a long period of operation, the U-2 went through more than one modernization. The dynamic ceiling of modern models is 26,800 m. Although the height ceiling is classified in the tactical and technical characteristics of the latest U-2S model.

M-55 "Geophysics"

In 1988, the high-altitude subsonic reconnaissance aircraft M-55, which received the nickname “Mystic-B” according to NATO classification, entered the armed forces of the Soviet Union.

The USSR began thinking about the creation of such types of aircraft after the American U-2 reconnaissance aircraft was shot down over its territory in 1960. At the end of the 60s, V. Myasishchev’s design bureau began work on creating a Soviet intelligence aircraft. The M-55 is an aircraft of a double-boom design with a cantilever wing, and its ceiling height is 21,550 m. Today, there is only one M-55 aircraft left in the Russian Aerospace Forces.

Flight altitude is not so important for civil aircraft, but there are still cases when a climb is simply necessary, for example, to avoid a lightning storm.

Soviet airliner, modernized already during the period new Russia, has been in operation on air routes since 1972. The model has proven itself to be excellent in both long-haul aviation and short-distance flights.

The maximum altitude at which the Russian Tu-154 airliner can fly is 11,100 meters. Interestingly, some aircraft of this type are given their own names. And after the plane is written off, the name goes to the new board.

One of the best airliners in the world, today it has become the most popular in the history of the passenger aircraft industry.

Passengers note not only the comfort, but also the safety of the flight. As part of our review, we note that the maximum altitude to which one of the modifications, namely the Boeing 737-500, can rise is 11,300 m. This fact puts this airliner in the Top 10 highest altitudes. passenger aircraft peace.

But there is a very interesting website about the most dangerous planes in the world.


Jet wide-body airliner from Airbus S.A.S. the largest aircraft of this type. It entered the airline industry in 2007, and has established itself as a safe and comfortable type of air transport.

The A380 can reach high speeds at various altitudes, and its service ceiling is 13,115 m, which is a record among passenger airliners. The reliability of the aircraft led to the production of models on special orders.

The Russian wide-body aircraft began to operate in 1993, and today it is one of the most popular long-haul airliners with a flight range of 13,000 km.

In addition to the distance record, the Russian Il-96 can fly at an altitude of 12,000 m, which makes it the absolute record holder among Russian passenger airliners of this type.

Historical height record holders

At one time, these aircraft surprised the world with their tactical, technical and flight characteristics, and went down in history as the highest in the world.


This aircraft, in operation from the mid-60s until 1998, is called by many experts and aviation enthusiasts the most beautiful aircraft of all time. During its entire operation, the US Air Force did not lose a single aircraft, although the SR-71 crashed 12 times due to pilot error or technical problems.

But it was not only its beauty that distinguished it from other flying machines. This strategic reconnaissance aircraft also features high speed. The Lockheed SR-71 was able to soar into the sky at one time to a height of 26,000 meters. The expensive project was closed, although many noted its promise.

The MiG-25RB operational reconnaissance aircraft was a modified model of the Soviet interceptor fighter. Like the prototype, the reconnaissance aircraft could reach high speeds and also rise to high altitudes.

The dynamic ceiling of the 25 RB model was 23,000 m. Today it has been withdrawn from service in the Russian army, so it has been replaced by more efficient combat vehicles. But some copies of the legendary MiG-25 continue to fly combat missions in the Algerian and Syrian Air Forces.

The rocket plane did not go into mass production, and only a few prototypes were constructed. The X-15 became a historical aircraft that was able to rise to a height of 107,960 m. This record flight took place in 1963, and the pilot Joseph Walker, who raised his car to such a height, reached a speed of 6 thousand km/h. It was the highest flight in the entire history of aviation, and most importantly, it surprised the public, specialists and the entire editorial staff of the site. In 1970, for a number of reasons, the project was closed, but several prototypes are used by NASA to conduct experiments and train astronauts.

Altitude records set by different types of aircraft

At the end of our review, for the overall picture let’s imagine Interesting Facts altitude records set by various aircraft in different periods of the history of world aviation.

Wright brothers plane

In 1903, the brothers' aircraft rose to a height of 3 meters, which was the highest at that time absolute record among all man's previous attempts to rise into the sky.

Two records

In 1959, pilot B. Jordan set two records for aircraft with a turbojet engine on a Lockheed F-104 Starfighter. It was a speed record and also a height record. He lifted the plane to a height of 31,534 m.

Felt weightless

In 1961, Soviet combat pilot Georgy Masolov set an absolute record for fighter aircraft on a lightweight version of the MiG-21F-13 aircraft, lifting the combat vehicle to a height of 35,000 m. During the flight, the pilot was in a state of weightlessness for several minutes.

Combat sortie

In 1977, pilot Alexander Fedotov flew a MiG-25 to an altitude of 37,650 m. Self-monitoring systems noted that the pilot had experienced large overloads.

Propeller plane

The Grob Strato 2C propeller-driven aircraft broke the record for this type of aircraft in 1995 and rose to a height of 18,561 m.

During experimental flights conducted by NASA, the NASA Helios drone rose to a height of 29,524 m, which became an absolute record among aircraft not equipped with jet engines. This device moves only due to solar energy.

Manned spacecraft SpaceShipOne

In October 2004, pilot William Binney flew a private, rocket-powered manned spacecraft to an altitude of 112,000 m.

Over time, aviation has advanced by leaps and bounds. More and more new aircraft models are being designed with such high speeds that they can exceed the speed of sound at unimaginable heights by several times. Today we will share with you our Top 10 ranking the most fast planes in the world. We will tell you about some of the features of these aircraft, who worked on their creation, when the first flights took place, and much more. This will be interesting, so let's get started. Let's fly!


  • A country: USSR/Russia
  • Developer: Sukhoi Design Bureau
  • Type: Multi-role fighter
  • Production start year: 1981
  • Maximum speed: 2876.4 km/h

Opening the top ten fastest planes in the world is the Su-27, a twin-engine fighter built in the former USSR in an attempt to outperform similarly advanced American aircraft. The aircraft made its first flight in May 1977 and officially entered service with the USSR Air Force in 1985. Can reach a maximum supersonic speed of Mach 2.35 (1,550 mph or 2,876.4 km/h).

The Su-27 gained a reputation as one of the most capable fighters of its time. These aircraft are still in service with Russia, Ukraine and Belarus.

  • A country: USA
  • Developer: General Dynamics
  • Type: Fighter-bomber, strategic bomber
  • Production start year: 1967
  • Maximum speed: 3060 km/h

The large aerospace company General Dynamics completed the development of the F-111 Aardvark tactical strike aircraft about half a century ago. According to calculations, the F-111 Aardvark should accommodate two crew members. 1967 and the aircraft was the first to enter service with the US Air Force. It was used in strategic bombing campaigns, in reconnaissance operations, and also with its help in electronic warfare. This aircraft can reach speeds of Mach 2.5 with extreme ease. And this exceeds the speed of sound by about 2.5 times.

  • A country: USA
  • Developer: McDonnell Douglas, Boeing Defense, Space & Security
  • Type: Interceptor fighter
  • Production start year: 1976
  • Maximum speed: 3065 km/h

In the late 60s, McDonnell Douglas completed its work on the development of a tactical twin-engine fighter. Its immediate purpose is to seize and maintain its superiority during periods of air battles. July 1972 The first flight was successful. A few years later, in 1976, the US Air Force accepted the F-15 Eagle into service.

This plane is one of those that cannot be successful. Its speed is impressive, exceeding Mach 2.5. The US Air Force plans to keep this aircraft in its service for a long time, at least until 2025. It has been exported abroad, namely Israel, Japan and Saudi Arabia, Turkey.

  • A country: USSR/Russia
  • Developer: OKB MiG
  • Type: Interceptor fighter
  • Production start year: 1975-1994
  • Maximum speed: 3463.92 km/h

Mikoyan's design bureau has completed production of a large, twin-engine supersonic aircraft, and already in 1975, in September, the first flight of the aircraft took place. In 1982, it was adopted by the USSR Air Force.

The speed of the MiG-31 can reach Mach 2.83. His unique ability is that he is able to develop supersonic speed and fly at it even low above the ground. Years go by, and the MiG-31 continues to faithfully serve the Russian Aerospace Forces. This aircraft is one of the best representatives of its class and is rightfully ranked with the best and fastest aircraft in the world.

  • A country: USA
  • Developer: North American Aviation
  • Type: Strategic bomber, exploration aircraft
  • Production start year: 1964-1969
  • Maximum speed: 3794.4 km/h

In the late 50s, North American Aviation developed the XB-70, which has six engines. The goal of the creators was to design an aircraft that would serve as a prototype for a strategic bomber with a supply of nuclear bombs.

In 1965, the XB-70 reached its peak speed while flying over Edwards Air Force Base in California. The height above the ground reached 21,300 meters, and the speed was Mach 3.1.

Between 1964 and 1969, two XB-70 models were built and used for test flights. In 1966, one of the models crashed during a mid-air collision. And the second model is in Dayton, it's on display National Museum US Air Force on display.

  • A country: USA
  • Developer: Bell Aircraft
  • Type: Experimental aircraft
  • Production start year: 1955-1956
  • Maximum speed: 3911.904 km/h

A whole group worked on the creation of this aircraft. This group included the United States Air Force, the National Advisory Committee, and the Bell Aircraft Corporation. In 1945, work on developing an aircraft with a rocket engine was completed. The purpose of creating the aircraft was to study the properties of aerodynamics when flying at supersonic speeds, with a range of Mach 2 and 3.

1955, November, X-2 made its first flight. A year later, Captain Milburn managed to reach a speed of Mach 3,196, while the altitude was 19,800 meters. Unfortunately, after reaching peak speed, the plane went out of control and crashed to the ground. Of course, this tragedy did not go unnoticed, and the X-2 program stopped its work.

  • A country: USSR/Russia
  • Developer: OKB MiG
  • Type: Interceptor, reconnaissance aircraft, breakthrough aircraft
  • Production start year: 1969-1985
  • Maximum speed: 3916.8 km/h

Legendary designers - Seletsky, Gurevich and Matyuk worked on the production of this technical miracle. Its main purpose is to collect intelligence data and intercept enemy aircraft at speeds exceeding supersonic. 1964, the first flight took place, and in the 70s the Soviet Air Force actively used it.

The speed of the MiG-25 is incredible - Mach 3.2. Therefore, it is one of the fastest aircraft in the world and is still used for service in the Russian Aerospace Forces and beyond. Other countries such as Syria and Algeria use the MiG-25 in their air forces.

  • A country: USA
  • Developer: Lockheed Corporation, Scunk Works
  • Type: Strategic intelligence officer
  • Production start year: 1966-1999
  • Maximum speed: 4039.2 km/h

Intelligence missions, or rather their implementation, are the main task of this aircraft. In addition, he easily repels enemy threats. The maximum speed is Mach 3.3, and the altitude is 29 thousand meters. It is worth noting that according to some sources, the speed of the Blackbird is indicated at Mach 3.5, but this is not confirmed data. Nevertheless, third place in the ranking of the fastest aircraft in the world is an honor.

  • A country: USA
  • Developer: Lockheed Corporation
  • Type: Interceptor
  • Production start year: 1963-1965
  • Maximum speed: 4100.4 km/h

About half a century ago, Lockheed Corporation completed development of a prototype aircraft. The purpose of creating such an aircraft is to intercept enemy aircraft. Area 51 became the site for testing the YF-12. This place is a top secret US Air Force training ground. 1963, altitude 27,600 meters, YF-12 makes its first flight. Its speed is Mach 3.35. But over time, the US Air Force stopped the YF-12 flight program. However, the YF-12 was able to conduct several scientific research flights for NASA and the Air Force. At the end of the 70s, the aircraft's flights were finally completed.


  • A country: USA
  • Developer: North American Aviation
  • Type: Experimental high-speed research rocket plane
  • Production start year: 1959-1968
  • Maximum speed: 8225.28 km/h

This device has no equal in speed - the world's fastest plane. It is capable of accelerating to Mach 6.72, the fastest speed for a manned aircraft. The rocket plane ended its flights in the 70s, but during its service, many famous personalities, such as Neil Armstrong, were able to take part in the program. The altitude to which the pilots rose was over 100 kilometers. Such pilots can already be safely called astronauts.

And not the Su-27, but the MiG-31 high-speed interceptor. This aircraft, designated Foxhound by NATO classification, has become one of the most unusual examples of modern aviation weapons. He did not have to take part in active hostilities, however, the very fact of the existence of such a machine was already capable of cooling the ardor of any aggressor. Suffice it to say that the use of the MiG-31 can almost completely neutralize the massive cruise missile attacks that the United States and its NATO allies love to deliver. In addition, this interceptor poses a huge danger to any modern military aircraft that finds itself within its range, which is quite extensive.

The history of the creation of the MiG-31 interceptor fighter

In the early 60s, American B-52 strategic bombers were equipped with AGM-28 Hound Dog strategic cruise missiles. Despite the fact that this weapon was very inaccurate (the probable circular deviation was more than three kilometers), it posed a significant threat to the USSR. The greatest concern among the Soviet military was reports about the imminent creation of a special modification of the AGM-28, capable of flying to a target at ultra-low altitude while skirting the terrain.

It was almost impossible not only to shoot down, but even to simply detect such a missile at that time, especially in the northeastern part of the USSR, where there was not yet a continuous radar field or a network of air defense airfields. A need arose to create a new interceptor capable of independently, without assistance from the ground, identifying low-altitude objects against the underlying surface and destroying them as quickly as possible.

In those years, the Mikoyan Design Bureau was engaged in fine-tuning the ultra-high-speed fighter MiG-25, which had many advantages, but was still not suitable for combating cruise missiles. However, it could be used as a base for a new interceptor. Work in this direction began in 1968, after the Soviet government issued a decree on the creation of the E-155 aircraft. The designers had to prepare preliminary designs for three different modifications of this vehicle: the E-155MP interceptor, the E-155MR reconnaissance aircraft and the E-155MRB front-line bomber.

Over the next few years, consideration was given to various options layout of the future aircraft. The most promising project turned out to be the “518-22” project, which was later converted into “518-55”. On its basis, in 1972, not preliminary, but full-scale design of the E-155MP interceptor began, which, after the transition to mass production, was to be called MiG-25MP.

It should be noted that in reality the new aircraft was significantly different from the MiG 25. It was created for different engines, the crew included a navigator, but the most important thing was the new on-board equipment - the Zaslon radar station, which had unprecedented capabilities for the 70s .

On September 16, 1975, the first flight of the E-155M prototype took place. Two years later, 11 interceptors were manufactured in Gorky (Nizhny Novgorod), already designated MiG-31. Flight design tests began and continued until the end of 1978. During one of the flights, the new aircraft successfully attacked a low-altitude target. In addition, a radar was tested, which was able to detect and steadily track ten aircraft at once.

In 1981, the MiG-31 was adopted by air defense fighter aircraft, and from that moment its operation began. At the same time, test flights continued as work was already underway on new modifications of the interceptor. Subsequently, multi-purpose versions of the MiG-31 appeared, and in 2018 it became known that the aircraft became the carrier of the Kinzhal anti-ship aeroballistic missile.

Interceptor design features

Externally, the MiG 31 fighter is very similar to its “predecessor”, the famous MiG-25 aircraft, however, it would be a mistake to assume that these machines differ from each other only in electronic equipment. The layout diagram is indeed almost identical, but its elements have been significantly changed.

Wing and tail

The high-mounted trapezoidal wing of the aircraft has been somewhat strengthened; the frame now includes not two, but three spars. Another difference is the root influx, the sweep of which is 70 degrees. This detail allows the interceptor to maintain stability when flying at high angles of attack. The main part of the wing has a sweep of 41 degrees. The internal caisson houses 4 fuel tanks.

The trailing edge is equipped with ailerons and flaps along its entire length. The mechanization is complemented by deflectable wing tips (can be rotated at an angle of up to 13 degrees). There are aerodynamic ridges located on the upper surface of the consoles.

The vertical tail consists of two keels. Each of them is equipped with a rudder. The camber angle of the keels is 8 degrees. The horizontal tail is all-moving, its surfaces can be used as elevators, as well as to give the aircraft a roll, thereby complementing the ailerons. Two fuel tanks are located inside the keels.

Power point

The MiG 31 aircraft is equipped with two D-30F6 bypass turbojet engines; later modifications were equipped with D-30F6M. The development of this engine was carried out from 1972 to 1979. The design was carried out not from scratch, but on the basis of the D-30 engine (thrust - 6,800 kgf), which was used by Tu-134 airliners. Thanks to a number of improvements and after the installation of the afterburner, the thrust was increased to 15,500 kgf (later up to 16,500 kgf).

The air intakes had to be expanded, since the new engine has increased air consumption during operation.


The main power element of the airframe is the middle part of the aircraft fuselage, inside of which seven fuel tanks are located. The body in this part of the machine is welded. The design generally coincides with the MiG-25.

Part of the fuselage is a garrot, starting immediately behind the cockpit. Control rods are located inside the grotto, and on later modifications there is a fuel tank

The creators of the interceptor took into account that the maximum speed of the MiG 31 decreased slightly and the requirements for heat resistance of the material were reduced, which made it possible to significantly reduce the proportion of stainless steel in the fuselage - from 80 to 50%. Titanium content increased from 8 to 16%. The share of aluminum alloys is 33%. The remaining one percent is composite materials.

In some flight modes, approximately one quarter of the total lift is generated by the fuselage, which is one of the load-bearing parts of the aircraft structure. Two aerodynamic ridges are located in its tail section. The camber between them is 12 degrees.


In order to improve maneuverability on unpaved airfields, the main landing gear of the Mig-31 interceptor is made in a special configuration. The rear wheel on each of the carts is slightly shifted “outward”, and the front wheel is “inward”. This reduces the risk of getting stuck in a deepening rut.

The main landing gear retracts forward into niches located under the air intake ducts. The flaps covering them can be used as brake flaps. The front support is retracted back.

Fighter cockpit

The pilot and navigator-operator are housed in two sealed cabins located in the forward part of the fuselage. The lights open up and back. The cabins are separated by a plexiglass partition, the thickness of which is one centimeter. Both crew members have ejection seats, model K-36DM. Behind the cabins there is an equipment compartment, in front there is a radar station.

Aircraft control system

Unlike other fourth-generation fighters, the MiG-31 does not have fly-by-wire controls, but rather older mechanical controls. Its operation is ensured by special rods and cables. They are stretched from the cockpit to the control surfaces and wing mechanisms through the fuselage and covered with a garrot on top.

The fighter-interceptor is equipped with the KN-25 navigation complex, which includes short- and long-range radio systems, global navigation equipment and two inertial systems. The interceptor, in addition, can be controlled by the SAU-155MP autopilot.

Weapon control system

The MiG-31 supersonic fighter is equipped with a pulse-Doppler radar station RP-31 R007 “Zaslon”. It is the main part of the aircraft’s weapons control system. The main feature of this radar is the presence of a passive phased antenna array. It is noteworthy that before the MiG-31, such radar stations were not installed on production fighters even in the US Air Force.

The Zaslon radar is capable of detecting a target such as an American F-16 fighter at a distance of up to 120 kilometers. Bombers or transport aircraft can be detected at a distance of up to 200 kilometers. At the same time, nationality is determined. Automatic tracking is provided at a distance of 120 kilometers.

The radar can simultaneously detect up to 24 different targets, 8 of which can be targeted by missiles. The electronics itself determines the four highest-priority objects in terms of danger or importance, which should be struck first.

"Zaslon" can receive data from other interceptors or from the A-50 AWACS aircraft - the connection is made automatic. Thanks to this, protection against active interference is ensured - all the “pieces” of information are collected together, which makes it possible to detect hidden targets and point missiles at them. In addition, target designation data can be transferred to another fighter or ground-based air defense system, after which the enemy will receive an attack from a completely unexpected direction.

In general, the on-board equipment allows the MiG-31 to be used as a leader aircraft, controlling an entire aviation group covering a vast airspace.

A later modification of the radar, Zaslon-M, detects targets at a distance of up to 320 kilometers. Twenty-four of them are simultaneously escorted. Eight targets can be hit simultaneously. The equipment is complemented by a heat direction finder operating in passive mode and capable of detecting targets at a distance of up to 56 kilometers without turning on the radar.

The “main caliber” of the first modifications of the MiG-31 was the R-33 missile, which hit enemy aircraft at a distance of up to 120 kilometers. Modern versions of the interceptor are equipped with R-37, whose range is 300 km. The interceptor's armament kit also includes R-77 and RVV-BD missiles, which ensure the destruction of targets at medium and close range.

In close combat, the MiG-31 can use a rapid-firing six-barreled gun GSh-23-6 (dismantled on some modifications).


There are many modifications of the MiG-31 fighter, between which there are sometimes significant differences. Nevertheless, the main operational characteristics are quite similar, since it was mainly the on-board equipment that changed.

The parameters of the initial interceptor are as follows:

For multi-purpose modifications, the combat load can be up to nine tons with a slight increase in the take-off weight of the vehicle.

Flight characteristics

The MiG-31 makes both short sorties to intercept specific targets and long loitering in the air on duty.

During takeoff of the MiG-31, the take-off run is from 950 to 1200 meters, and the landing run is 800 meters.

Advantages and disadvantages of the MiG-31

The main advantage of the interceptor is, of course, the excellent characteristics of its weapon control system.

This aircraft has other advantages:

  1. High speed in afterburner allows you to intercept the fastest targets, including American SR-71 reconnaissance aircraft;
  2. Excellent rate of climb. The plane is capable of “jumping” to a height of 30 kilometers;
  3. Interaction with anti-aircraft missile systems, other aircraft and ground command posts, which expands the capabilities of the MiG-31. A small unit of such aircraft can completely control the airspace over a medium-sized country;
  4. Onboard weapons make it possible to hit both large, slow-moving aircraft and highly maneuverable targets. When firing at cruise missiles, the hit accuracy approaches 100%;
  5. The latest modifications of the MiG-31 are capable of striking ground targets - the aircraft has become multi-purpose. In addition, it became a good launch platform for the Kinzhal hypersonic anti-ship missile.

Among the disadvantages, the first one to highlight is low maneuverability. In close combat, this aircraft is significantly inferior to any other modern fighters. True, for the Mig 31, maneuverability characteristics were not initially considered a priority. In addition, the cable control system has long been outdated; it complicates piloting and does not allow the full capabilities of automation to be realized.

MiG-31 modifications

At first, the fighter was a “pure” interceptor. The first attempts to modernize the MiG-31 involved development in the same direction. Then multi-purpose versions of the aircraft appeared. They were intended mainly for arming the Russian army, although there were also export models.


This modification of the machine made its first flight back in 1985. Changes have been made to the airframe, in particular, there are larger and more rounded root nodules on the wing, and an additional fuel tank is placed inside the gargrot. A monolithic visor is installed on the front cockpit, and the navigator-operator's canopy has been reduced in size. This was done in order to improve the readability of tactical situation indicators. The number of fuselage nests for long-range missiles has been increased to six. At the same time, the gun was dismantled.

In addition, the engine spacing relative to the longitudinal axis of the fighter has been increased. Larger rudders are installed on the keels. Power power plant increased by approximately 2000 kgf.

The main differences from the base model are the installation of an updated Zaslon-M radar station and improved on-board equipment, which for the first time included multifunctional indicators. The direction finder has been replaced with an optoelectronic system. The interceptor was able to use the R-37 missile, during testing of which the target was destroyed from a distance of 300 km.

This option was not built in series, since it was completed only in the 90s, when Russian industry complete collapse reigned.


This version of the aircraft was equipped with a retractable boom for in-flight refueling, which made it possible to significantly increase the combat radius. The modernized fighter received the Zaslon-A radar and a slightly improved weapons control system as a whole. Such a replacement, among other things, made it possible to compensate for the damage caused as a result of the leak of secret information about the MiG-31 aircraft outside the USSR, identified in 1985. In addition, the armament kit included R-40TD medium-range missiles for the first time.


The development of this modification began in 1997 and was carried out in two directions at once. Firstly, the performance characteristics of the onboard radar and weapons control complex were brought to the parameters previously achieved on the MiG-31M aircraft, and secondly, the interceptor was turned into a multi-role fighter.

The mass of the combat load has increased and is 9 tons for this modification. The aircraft is capable of using adjustable bombs KAB-500 (up to eight units) and KAB-1500 (up to six units). The weapons complex also included Kh-31 missiles in anti-ship and anti-radar versions, Kh-59M and Kh-29T air-to-surface missiles, as well as Kh-25MP (or MPU) anti-radar missiles.

All surviving Russian MiG-31s, with the exception of carriers of the Kinzhal complex, will be converted into MiG-31BM. In addition, this option was also offered for export.


Non-serial experimental modification armed with the Kontakt (79M6) missile. With the help of this weapon it was supposed to destroy uninhabited orbital vehicles.


This interceptor variant provides an aerial platform for a satellite launch system, which can weigh between 120 and 160 kilograms. This is facilitated by both the high speed and the considerable practical ceiling of the aircraft. Injection into orbit up to 600 kilometers high is provided.


The plane is a flying laboratory. The MiG-31LL was based at the airfield in Zhukovsky.


This modification, shown at the 1995 Le Bourget Air Show, represents the first attempt to transform a two-seat interceptor into a multi-role aircraft. As with the MiG-31BM variant, the weight of the combat load has been increased to 9 tons. The set of weapons for destroying ground targets is also basically the same. At the same time, the MiG-31F is equipped with the original modification of the Zaslon radar, the capabilities of which are not as great as those of the MiG-31BM on-board equipment.

Combat use of the fighter

The MiG-31 interceptor has never used its missiles against real, rather than training, targets. Nevertheless, it cannot be said that it did not have combat use. For example, it was this aircraft that put an end to the clearly excessive activity of American SR-71 reconnaissance aircraft near the eastern and northwestern borders of the USSR.

In the early 80s, the Blackbirds regularly provoked Soviet system Air defense, forcing it to use secret combat modes of operation. MiG-31 interceptors literally “pushed” the Americans away from the border. Soviet aircraft flew in groups of 8-10 aircraft, alternately transferring SR-71 escort to each other. This made it clear to the American pilot that even with the shortest and most accidental border crossing he would be immediately destroyed. As a result, reconnaissance flights ceased, and the Blackbird itself was eventually decommissioned.

In 2016, several MiG-31BM fighters were sent to Syria. The main purpose of these interceptors is control airspace and coordinating the efforts of the rest of aviation. In this regard, MiGs were able to partially replace A-50 aircraft, the operation of which is more expensive.

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The profession of a pilot acquired a romantic aura at the dawn of aircraft construction - every person who took off into the sky seemed like a hero. Over the past decades, little has changed - many still consider the ability to fly a miracle. The pilots themselves, however, communicate with the planes on a first-name basis, getting the most out of the flying machines. We remembered the seven most interesting aviation records in history.

Airplane speed record

The record of 3,529.56 km/h was recorded on the US Air Force's kilometer-long training route when Captain Eldon W. Joeltz and Major George T. Morgan piloted a Lockheed SR-71A at an altitude of 26 kilometers. In 1990, this milestone could have been broken - US Air Force Lieutenant Colonels Joseph Weed and Edward Yalding reached 3,609 km/h, but the record was not counted - the pilots did not fly through special measuring points.

Altitude record (for jet-powered aircraft)

This record was set by Soviet pilot Alexander Fedotov. Piloting the MiG-25, Fedotov took the record “slide” - he accelerated the plane to 3,000 km/h, after which he began to sharply gain altitude and, having reached 37,650 meters, sent the plane down. This altitude was taken without the weight load of the aircraft, but the loaded machine performed little worse - it reached 37,080 meters.

Maximum number of aircraft shot down in one battle (among Soviet pilots)

On July 6, 1943, while patrolling the airspace as part of a group of La-5 fighters, Senior Lieutenant Alexander Gorovets encountered a large group (from 20 to 50) of German bombers. Alexander's comrades clashed with the Messerschmitts while he single-handedly took on the bombers. In the battle, Alexander shot down nine bombers (one by ramming), which is the best result among Soviet pilots. But the pilot himself did not survive - German fighters shot him down while returning to the airfield. Horovets did not have time to eject.

Record breaking record

The An-225 Mriya aircraft was created for the needs of the Soviet space program and was intended to transport large cargo (for example, spaceships). "Mriya" set 240 world records, and these include: the maximum weight of a commercial cargo (247 tons), the maximum carrying capacity (253.8 tons) and the heaviest monocargo (187.6 tons - the generator weighed so much with a special frame for the Yerevan power plant ). Most interesting record was staged on September 27, 2012 - then “Mriya” raised a gallery of 500 paintings by 120 artists to a height of 10,500 meters, becoming the platform for the highest exhibition in the world.

Record landing speed for a civil aircraft

During a regular flight Kaliningrad-Odessa, the crew of the Tu-134 aircraft was warned about weather conditions and received recommendations to reduce speed. The plane's pilots ignored instrument warnings and turned off the high-speed alarms. The plane landed at a speed of 440 km/h (recommended - 330 km/h), and touched down at 415 km/h without releasing the flaps. The plane flew across runway, stopping one and a half meters from the descent onto the ground. Fortunately, there were no casualties. Thus, with severe violation of instructions and discipline, a world record was set. What were the further adventures of the cheerful crew of the plane, history is silent.

Civil aircraft speed record

August 2010

The Gulfstream G650 reached a top speed of 1,219 km/h in the skies over Georgia. To do this, pilots Tom Home and Harry Freeman launched the plane into a dive at an angle of 16-18 degrees. This aircraft is a business class transport and carries only eight passengers. The Gulfstream G650 copes well with long distances - the aircraft covers more than 11,000 kilometers without landing at a speed of 906 km/h.

The largest firefighting aircraft

The Evergreen 747 Supertanker was converted from a Boeing 747-100. This aircraft is capable of carrying 77,600 liters of extinguishing agent, making it the largest firefighting aircraft. The plane is currently based in the United States, but if necessary, it goes where help is needed. So, for the first time the aircraft showed itself in Cuenca (Spain). In 2010, Evergreen extinguished a fire in Israel on Mount Carmel, and in 2011 it was used in a complex fire in Arizona.

The news of the crash of a MiG-31 fighter-interceptor near the village of Bolgars near Perm spread throughout Russia on September 6, 2011. The crew of the plane died. In connection with this tragedy, fighter flights were temporarily suspended, but the ban has now been lifted. The two-seat supersonic fighter-interceptor MiG-31 is the first Russian fourth-generation combat aircraft. Created 25 years ago, it is still the fastest and highest-altitude combat aircraft in the world. Until recently, the MiG-31 was the only serial fighter in the world equipped with an airborne radar station (ARS) with a phased antenna array (PAA). Along with the American F-14 carrier-based fighter, it is the only carrier of long-range air-to-air missiles in the world. The MiG-31 is practically the only aircraft that is capable of intercepting and destroying cruise missiles flying at extremely low altitudes.

Work on creating a new generation long-range interceptor, designed to replace the Tu-128 and capable of fighting not only high-altitude, but also low-altitude targets, began in the mid-60s, when the FB-111 medium-range bomber was put into service in the United States. capable of breaking through to a target at extremely low altitude in terrain-following mode, and work began on the AMSA strategic multi-mode aircraft, the prototype of the B-1 aircraft.

In 1966, the A.I. Mikoyan Design Bureau began developing a project for a two-seat multi-purpose aircraft E-155M with a variable geometry wing and two RD36-41M turbojet engines designed by OKB-36 MAP ( chief designer P.A. Kolesov). From the beginning of work until 1976, the chief designer of the new aircraft was G.E. Lozino-Lozinsky, from 1978 to 1985 the project was headed by K.K. Vasilchenko, then by A.A. Belosvet and E.K. Kostrubsky. One of the new
requirements for the interceptor, it became possible to conduct semi-autonomous combat operations in the absence of a continuous air defense radar field on Far North And Far East countries.

Taking into account new requirements led in 1972 to the development of a preliminary design of the E-155MP fighter-interceptor. The fighter was supposed to have an interception limit of 700 km when flying at a cruising speed of 2500 km/h (M = 2.35) and 1200 km at subsonic speed. The construction of the first prototype of the E-155MP aircraft (ed. 83/1, tail number 831) was completed by the pilot production of the MMZ named after. A.I. Mikoyan in the spring of 1975. The vehicle was already equipped with standard D-30F-6 engines. Initially, the aircraft was equipped with a wing from the MiG-25RB (without deflectable tips, with a sharp leading edge and without swells), which was replaced during testing with a new wing with root swells, deflectable tips, hovering ailerons and flaps. The differential stabilizer with a swept axis of rotation had a “knife” along the trailing edge, bent upward by 5 degrees. The ventral ridges had an increased area of ​​1.2 m2 (compared to the MiG-25). The brake flaps - the doors of the main landing gear, made according to the original two-wheel bogie design, were deflected in a plane located at an angle of 40 degrees to the plane of symmetry of the aircraft. The wing tanks were not connected to the fuel system. The aircraft is equipped with the Polet-1I navigation system and the SAU-155UP automatic control system. Instead of the standard Zaslon radar and heat direction finder, there were their overall dimensions and weight models. KM-1M ejection seats were installed in both cabins.

The first flight on aircraft No. 831 was performed on September 16, 1975 by test pilot A.V. Fedotov. In the spring of 1976, all the pilots of the MMZ im. A.I. Mikoyan (B.A. Orlov, A.G. Fastovets, P.M. Ostapenko, V.E. Menitsky). V.S. Zaitsev was appointed the first navigator-operator.

Construction of the second copy of the E-155MP (ed. 83/2, side number 832) at the MMZ named after. A.I. Mikoyan ended at the beginning of 1976. Unlike the first prototype, aircraft No. 832 was already equipped with a full set of equipment, in particular the Zaslon radar and a heat direction finder. On him
ventral ridges of a smaller area were also used. The first flight was performed on April 22, 1976 by A.V. Fedotov. Aircraft No. 831 and 832 took part in stage A of the Joint State Tests.

In the summer of 1977, at the Sokol aircraft plant in Gorky ( Nizhny Novgorod) the first two MiG-31 aircraft of the first installation batch were manufactured, receiving a new code ed.01 (tail numbers 011 and 012). They had a number of design differences from experimental machines No. 831 and 832: increased flap span (from 1.93 to 2.68 m); reduced area of ​​the horizontal tail (from 10.12 to 9.8 m2, due to the removal of the “knife” on the trailing edge), smaller sweep angles of the rotation axis and stabilizer deflection angles; increased vertical tail shoulder; modified brake flaps: their area decreased from 1.94 to 1.4 sq.m, and the deflection angle increased from 40 to 44 degrees, the deflection of the flaps began to occur in a plane parallel to the plane of symmetry of the aircraft; the ventral ridges matched those of aircraft No. 832; a standard KN-25 navigation complex with an inertial navigation system and a new computer was installed; The armament included a built-in cannon installation with a 6-barrel GSh-6-23 cannon of 23 mm caliber. The first flight on aircraft No. 011 was carried out on July 13, 1977, on aircraft No. 012 - on June 30, 1977. In May 1977, Joint State Tests (JST) of MiG-31 aircraft began, to which, as construction progressed, new examples of the installation series (No. 201 in 1977, No. 202, 203, 301, 302 and 303 in 1978).

On February 15, 1978, the first flight was carried out to detect and track 10 air targets. Flight magazine wrote in 1978 that when the “MiG-25MP fighter” at the secret Vladimirovka training ground intercepted a low-flying target flying along the profile of an American cruise missile, A.A. Gromyko waved his hand at the Western delegations at the SALT-2 negotiations : “You can fly your rockets wherever you want.” Previously, the USSR demanded to limit the range of cruise missiles.

Stage A of the SGI ended in December 1978 with the issuance of a preliminary conclusion on the launch of the MiG-31 into mass production, which began at NGAZ Sokol in 1979. In the same year, aircraft No. 305 was produced in Gorky, for the first time equipped with standard ejection seats K- 36DM. The MiG-31 testing program also widely used flying laboratories (FLs) created on the basis of other types of aircraft: two FLs based on the Tu-104 (1970 and 1972) for testing the Zaslon radar, FLs based on the MiG-21 ( 1970) for testing the equipment of the K-33 missile, LL MiG-25P-10 (1973) for testing the ejection launch of K-33 missiles, LL based on the MiG-25PU (1975) for testing the SAU-155MP and the complex navigation KN-25, LL based on the MiG-25RB - edition 99 (1976) for fine-tuning the D-30F-6 engines.

Stage B of the SGI began in September 1979 and ended in September 1980, when the first serial aircraft began to arrive in combat units of the country's Air Defense Forces. The first new fighters were equipped with the air unit based in Pravdinsk. By decree of the USSR Council of Ministers of May 6, 1981, the MiG-31 fighter-interceptor with the RP-31 radar and R-33 missiles was put into service. In combat units, the MiG-31 began to be replaced, first of all, by the Tu-128 long-range interceptors (the rearmament was completely completed by the end of the 1980s). The serial modification of the MiG-31B was equipped with an in-flight refueling system from Il-78 or Su-24T tanker aircraft. Flight duration with external tanks is 3.6 hours, with refueling - 6-7 hours.

In 1985-1986, new versions of the aircraft appeared - the MiG-31M interceptor and the anti-satellite MiG-31D, and in 1998 - the multi-purpose MiG-31BM. Admitted to
armament of the MiG-31 has become a worthy rival to the American reconnaissance aircraft SR-71A in the Far East and the Arctic. If before 1984, the pilots of the 365th IAP (who shot down a South Korean Boeing 707 in 1978), armed with outdated Su-15s, were helpless for a long time against reconnaissance aircraft of the SR-71 type, then after switching to the new Su-27 and MiG- 31, weaned the “seventy-first” from flying in their area. The interception that took place on March 8 is typical: a pair of MiG-31s ​​“handled” the SR-71 in international waters in such a way that it, without completing the task, went to its base. On May 27, 1987, in the Arctic, the MiG-31 crew consisting of Guard Captain Yu.N. Moiseev and Guard Captain O.A. Krasnov (72nd GIAP) had to carry out combat influence on the SR-71 reconnaissance aircraft and dislodge it far into neutral waters. The MiG-31 is called the main reason for the SR-71’s “retirement.”

More than 500 MiG-31 aircraft of all modifications were built. There are currently more than 350 Mig-31 fighter-interceptors in service with Russian air defense. The Kazakh Air Force has several dozen MiG-31s.


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