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Today I am reviewing the most boring cities in the world that I have visited in my centuries-long tourism career. Cities where nothing happens. Cities that in their charisma are inferior even to a dish called “jellied meat”. The percentage of dullness of life is especially visible if you find yourself alone in them. Places where the most important thing, as my friend Nikitka says, is not to sober up. Otherwise there is no salvation. Let me explain that in this case we are talking about boring cities, and not the so-called “assholes of the world.” I’ll do a review on greenery and city extreme next time.

For the sake of patriotism and diplomacy, I excluded Russian cities from the list, although there were already 4 applicants! Because even in the most boring cities I have friends (even if I don’t even know about it), and spreading provocative dirt is not my method.

I don’t even have anything to say about some cities. And sometimes I couldn’t even find photographs, so soulless people will represent this or that city google maps. But it is very important that you read this article to the end, because the last paragraph is the whole point. So, let's go...

The capital of the Sultanate of Brunei - Bandar Seri Begawan - retained the first place and forever the leading position.

Finished place. Walking through Bandar Seri Begawan, it seems that there were more people at the peak. Well, it’s not that there are no people at all, but there are precisely no pedestrians! Everyone, absolutely everyone, drives cars. During our three-hour walk, we met 3 (!) people walking. By Brunei standards, you could say they came in droves! Oh yes, another Chinese guy blew his nose near his store. Okay, that's a total of 3.5 people!

Visiting this, one of the most developed countries in Asia, was the most absurd travel investment I have made in the last few years. Even a day to visit it is a lot. During my two days in Brunei, I envied the citizens of Israel - they are not allowed here under any circumstances. There is nothing else in this city.

Kulyab is the last stronghold before the Afghan border and the road to the Pamirs. One hotel, opposite the market, between them there is a road. All. This is Kulyab. Oh, and the only salvation in this city is the bus station. You can leave from here. The entrance to the city is crowned with an inscription installed on the house "Don't leave children unattended".

For $70 at the Khatlon Hotel you will get a non-working air conditioner, a torn cornice, turned out light bulbs, mosquito corpses smeared on the curtains and a refrigerator (and there was one!) with a “minibar” in the form of an unfinished bottle of Cola left by the previous residents.

The hands of guests from the lower floors could easily have stuck through the holes in the shower stall. It’s good that the light in the bathroom didn’t turn off at all - the switch was broken. Because the entire fauna of Kulyab that lived there still needed it for reproduction. At night, mosquitoes returned a visit from there.

As usual, a ray of light is local residents. Kulyab is exactly the case when the phrase “But we have good people!” quite appropriate as a salvation. There is nothing else in this city.


If there weren’t an orangutan hospital nearby (and there isn’t), a trip to rainy Kuchin would be pointless. And for the sake of a couple of orangutans, there is no point in flying to Borneo. There is nothing else in this city.

Oh, no... Dakar is still on the list "The most dangerous cities in the world". The most intense city I have ever seen.

After 8 pm they strongly advise not to leave the hotel, and that would be a good idea! But you listen to advice and as a result you feel like a diplomat in a besieged embassy on the territory of another country. An extremely littered city with a dominance of McDonald's, guarded by men with double-barreled shotguns. This entire endless landfill is crowned by a lonely tree with a flock of mangy vultures guarding it. In the cartoon “Treasure Island,” the same vultures followed each passing pirate with their gaze. And in their eyes, Blind Pew was reflected there. There is nothing else in this city.

p.s. Although Honduran women are very beautiful, in my opinion. And you can trust him. I couldn’t even find a photo from Honduras, so I’m attaching a photo from Nicaragua. One horseradish.

If you are not a fan of archaeological stupas, do not read any guidebooks and avoid Bagan. Even with hot air balloon, at sunrises, sunsets, from underground - Bagan has already been filmed from everywhere three thousand times. Stupas sticking out every ten meters in the heat of 40 degrees provide little visual pleasure. There is nothing else in this city.

Kunming is a large and spacious city. But in a series of other Chinese cities that I met on my way, there was nothing to catch the eye in Kunming. There is a cool place called red soil near Kunming, but not a single taxi driver agreed to take me there in response to the hieroglyphs I offered describing the desired direction and price, which lowered Kunming even more in my eyes. And there is nothing else in this city.

In Cali there is a garbage street - dirty people sit there and recycle garbage. A beggar came up to me near it and told me not to go there because “surely” they would rob me. Perhaps if not for this advice, Cali would have migrated to the list of hot cities before Bogota and Medellin later got there. But I listened to that beggar and did not go to that area. And there is nothing else in this city.

I went to Macedonia with high expectations of something ethnically cool. But the capital disappointed with its ordinariness. An incredible number of statues (it seems that the Macedonians erected monuments to everyone they could) in the midst of unremarkable architecture. The brightest flash was the “Chichko Stoylko” stall selling some kind of shawarma. And there is nothing else in this city.

In Guayaquil we lived on the outskirts of the city. But one day I got out into the center, walked along it and yawned until I came across a fire in one of the shopping centers. And there is nothing else in this city.

A grey, unremarkable city in northern Sumatra. In principle, Sumatra is not at all distinguished by any charisma of its cities. That’s why you meet the first tourist here on the fourth day of your stay on the island. But this is the closest Indonesian point to talented Singapore. And there is nothing else in this city.

Sancti Spiritus is still not entirely deserved to be here. “Not a city, but an almshouse.” Among the attractions are a mobile beer hall, which has a constant crowd of local drunks, and, it seems, the Conrado Benitez cinema, which has never worked, is just opposite my window. I lived in the central square. And housing...I've dreamed of something like this all my life. A huge hall with such sunlight that it fills it with its fiery hues from 2 to 6 pm. But the euphoria from it quickly gives way to melancholy. The city itself is boring. Typical Latin American yawning province. At the beginning of the third day, a biplane flies over the city. This is the most significant event of the day. On Tuesday they laid asphalt on all the streets at once. You should have seen the bewilderment of the Cubans, unable to cross the street from one sidewalk to another. Well, there is nothing else in this city.

The city consists of a waterfront. She doesn't even need a river. Moreover, neither one nor the other saves the situation. With the same success, Laos could place its capital in any other city on its territory. I didn't notice that they were any different. An embankment, a couple of prostitutes, ... well, that’s probably all. And there is nothing else in this city.

By the way, tell us which cities in your life made you yawn and mope. Help others avoid them!

In general, a strange warning: “Not recommended for visiting...” You still have to manage to get into such cities. But, in fairness, it should be noted that the impression of a particular city is formed by a lot of circumstances, from the weather, to the company, the amount of drink and simply luck and coincidence. And then the most depressing outback will sparkle with the bright colors of adventure. Always remember this!

When I said that I was going to Hannover, one of my acquaintances raised his eyebrows in surprise.
- To Hanover? This is the most boring and colorless city in Germany. I would go to Hamburg, there really is something to see there.

But I was invited to Hannover and promised a tour of the city. I went and didn’t regret it.

They promised to meet me, but we agreed just in case. If anything happens, we’ll warm up and meet under the tail.

I was a little stunned by this meeting place. But it immediately became clear that Hannover had one of the most popular places for meetings.

The famous “tail” belongs to the horse of the King of Hanover, Ernst Augustus. The tail is the very first thing anyone who comes to Hannover sees. Only by going out onto the station square and turning to face the station can you see the king himself. His sculpture, of course. The station square is named after the king. He is loved and revered in Hanover. By the way, this is written on the pedestal. They say that this was the first king to live permanently in Hanover.
Since we're looking at the station, it's worth noting. Hanoverians are proud of their station.
Built in 1876, this station is the first station in Germany planned according to an end-to-end scheme. Convenient, by the way.

I have long noticed that Germans in general, and Hanoverians especially, love convenience. And not only for myself. The tourism service bureau in Hannover (located here, on the square opposite the station) will be happy to help you, book a hotel if necessary, and provide information. In Hannover they love and take care of their guests. Look at your feet. Do you see the red line under your feet?

If you find yourself alone in Hanover and there is no one to show you the city, do not despair! Feel free to follow the red stripe painted on the asphalt. This is the famous Hanoverian red thread for tourists and guests of the city.
You will need two to three hours. A pleasant, interesting and educational walk awaits you with sightseeing in Hannover.

I invite you now to this walk! I'm lucky. I had wonderful guides. People in love with their city. We didn't just walk and watch. Our walk was accompanied by interesting stories and details.

Elegant Louise

Built relatively recently, in 1987, the shopping arcade is called “Louise's Gallery”. Hanoverians say "Louise". The shopping complex is 155 meters long and 12 meters high. Glass transparent roof. The shopping center has about 40 shops and boutiques. Very festive and elegant. They say you can buy absolutely everything here. From fashionable clothes to flowers and furniture.
But please forgive me. I'm not a fan of shopping... not an expert, no. Yes, and we’re going for a walk! And who will carry the shopping??? And those two or three hours allotted to us for a walk will fly by here without us noticing.
Let's go, girls, let's go!

Look, right opposite Louise's gallery there is another shopping arcade. It is called by different names. Some, Louise's younger sister, some Kröpke-passage. But you can go there, even just to look, without me. You know how to get there, but don’t say that I didn’t warn you about the exorbitant prices. I warn you!

By the way, we are at Kröpke Square. Yes, it is very close to the station. So close that if you go underground, you will find yourself on a busy underground street connecting Kröpke Square with the main station. Well, of course, there is trade going on here again. Kröpke metro station is considered the main interchange hub of the city metro.

We rise to the surface of the earth. There are always a lot of people here. But despite the huge crowds of people, you will be able to find a place to sit on the sidelines and watch the life of one of the busiest squares in the city.
If you ever hear on the news about a rally in Hanover, it's most likely to take place here. They also make dates here on the square. Here at this watch.

In the winter before Christmas, a traditional pyramid and carousel are installed in this square.

In the old days, there was a carriage parking area right under the roof of the theater façade. Currently, the parking problem is solved somewhat differently. Below the square there is an underground parking lot. It has access to the theater.
The theater building was built in the style of classicism. Its façade is decorated with statues of famous poets and composers.
The building was erected according to the design of the remarkable architect Georg-Ludwig Laves from 1814 to 1864. It was conceived and built for the royal court theater.
During the bombing of the city in July 1943, the theater burned down. It took 5 years to restore it.
The theater has excellent acoustics. It seats 1220 spectators.

We go out onto the street named after one of the English kings. It turns out that George III was simultaneously the king of Great Britain and Hanover from 1814 to 1820. The street is named after him.
In almost all guidebooks you will find information that Georgstrasse locals lovingly call it “Shorze” because you can find many small shops here, and here the townspeople love to just hang out. There may also be mention of a “steintor” - a stone gate on a section of the pedestrian zone.

For some reason they don’t write (I couldn’t find it) about the monument to Jews tortured by the Nazis, created in 1994 by the Memory group of the memorial complex. There are many names there. I stood and read. I have no Jewish relatives, but it was still nice to meet such a universal monument, here in the center of western Germany.

The three stone gentlemen are not familiar to me. It turns out these are monuments:
Louis Stroemer – surgeon and orthopedist (1804-1876)
Karl Karmarsh - famous technician (1803-1879)
Heinrich Marschner - Hanoverian bandmaster (1795-1861).
Well, the locals know them.

We continue our walk. We pass by grandiose buildings in the French late Gothic style (of course, this is a bank, what else could be located in such a respectable building?), past the tables of a street cafe.

And suddenly we find ourselves in a completely different era. This is nothing more than a remnant of the fortress wall. It has been preserved since the 14th century.

Here was Church of St. Egidia. All that remains of it is the church yard.

Ancient stones entwined with ivy and wild grapes create a unique solemn picture. The Kneeling Monument is a modern creation by the Hanoverian sculptor Lehmann. Isn't it true that he fits very harmoniously into the atmosphere of memory?

Here, at the place where eras and events intertwine, I was told that the Church of St. Aegidia witnessed the main events of the Hanoverian Reformation. During the bombing in 1943, the church was destroyed. Nothing remains except the Baroque tower and the outer wall of the churchyard. Now this corner is a mournful memory of the events of the Second World War.
Who would have thought that Hannover's sister city is the Japanese city of Hiroshima. This friendship bell is a gift to Hannover from Hiroshima.

I was captivated by the atmosphere of this corner of living history in the center of a huge modern city. I took photographs, trying to understand and convey rather contradictory feelings. I'm not in Russia, I'm in the country that started the war. But do they mourn and remember here too?
As if confirming my thoughts, the bells began to play on the restored tower of the old church. I once again envied the Germans. They know how to preserve history.
My friends told me that the bells on this tower ring four times a day, reminding them of the dead. The Germans do not remain silent about the unpleasant events of their history. They treat history as history. It was. And it’s up to us, the living, to comprehend it.

We will, of course, continue our walk around Hannover. For now, let's stand here for a while. Let's forget that there are city streets nearby. Look how beautiful the leaves of wild grapes are climbing along the walls of the old city. Can you hear the bells? What are they singing or crying about?
What is Hiroshima's gift sadly silent about?
People! Don't allow it! Don't let it happen again!

Travel agencies and companies providing consulting services to tourists annually compile ratings of European cities based on the opinions of people who have visited them. Various European cities are rated according to a variety of parameters, from the quality of hotel service to gastronomic traditions. As a result, ratings of European cities are determined according to various criteria from the point of view of tourists. Which city in Europe is considered the most expensive for travelers, and which city is the most romantic or the best for families with children? You will learn about this by reading this article.

The most expensive cities in Europe

Paris is considered the most expensive European city for tourists. This opinion is based on a comparison of prices for services that almost every tourist requires - accommodation in a four-star hotel, a glass of martini, pizza and an eight-kilometer taxi ride. It is according to these criteria, developed by the largest travel portal TripAdvisor, that Paris has become the most expensive city Europe, where a traveler will have to fork out more than 300 euros per day. However, this title did not prevent Paris from becoming one of the most attractive cities in the world for tourists. Suffice it to say that every year the Paris region is visited by about 45 million tourists, most of which are foreigners.

In order to somehow save on your tourist trip to Paris, experts recommend choosing a hotel outside the city center, where you can find budget and good-quality accommodation options. Thrifty tourists should avoid hotels located near the Champs Elysees and Eiffel Tower. Also in Paris it is worth taking the metro rather than using a taxi. To see the main attractions French capital To save money, you can use a regular tourist bus.

London and Geneva were also among the most expensive European cities. The British capital is recognized as the city with the most expensive parking. It is noteworthy that Moscow occupies one of the first places in terms of the high cost of hotels. This is explained by the fact that the Russian capital ranks last in terms of the number of hotel rooms per capita, although it is among the most promising places for hotel construction.

The most economical tourist city Europe

The most economical European city from a tourist point of view is Sofia. For a tourist trip to the capital of Bulgaria, the traveler only needs to have with him the amount of approximately 16 euros per day, 7 euros for accommodation in a cheap but good hostel, 5 euros for food, not including breakfast, 1 euro for transport and 2.5 euros for additional costs. This cost-effectiveness of holidays makes Sofia a popular place to visit. At the same time, Sofia has quite a lot of tourist attractions, and here you can relax comfortably at a reasonable price, for example, in the modern center of the Bulgarian capital with a large number of street cafes, interesting restaurants and clubs.

Among the best cities in Europe in terms of cost-effectiveness of vacation are Budapest, Polish Krakow and Bucharest. These cities traditionally have many decent hotels at reasonable prices, as well as famous restaurants and cafes where you can have a good rest, despite the size of your wallet. In general, when determining the most economical European cities, parameters such as the cost of living, the price of visiting the main attraction, and the cost of a taxi or express train from the airport to the center were taken into account.

City with the best hotel service

Tourists recognized Berlin as the European city with the best hotel service. According to studies, 90% of visitors are satisfied with the level of service in five-star hotels in Berlin, and 79.5% of guests in three-star hotels. In the capital of Germany, the level of hotel service is rated as the highest, regardless of the star rating of the hotels. Berlin hotels with the lowest category (one star) also turned out to be the best in terms of quality and level of service, on a par with hotels of the same type in Madrid.

According to experts, such a high rating is explained, first of all, by the successful and acceptable for clients ratio of the price category and quality of service in Berlin. Interestingly, Berlin was recently recognized as the most environmentally friendly city in Europe. In addition to the capital of Germany, one of the European cities with the most high level hotel service included Lisbon and Vienna.

Gastronomic capital of Europe

The capital of the Tuscany region, Florence has long been known as a city of art, home to paintings, frescoes and sculptures created during the greatest cultural flowering that European civilization has ever known. Florence has always been romantic place holidays for newlyweds. But today it has also become the gastronomic capital of Europe. Tourists chose this Italian city as the place where they pay the most attention to the quality of dishes. In the fight for the title of gastronomic capital, Florence has overtaken such strong competitors as Paris and Rome.

The culinary masterpieces of the Tuscan capital attract gourmets from all over the world - in Florence you can taste excellent game, amazing cheeses, traditional Florentine steak and famous Tuscan wines. Almost no dish in local restaurants Not complete without delicious Tuscan olive oil. It is interesting that tourists included five cities from Italy in the list of European cities with the best cuisine - in addition to Florence, Rome, Sorrento, Siena and Bologna appear in this ranking. Therefore, for those tourists who love gastronomic delights, a trip to Italy should give an unforgettable experience.

Florence took first place not only in the ranking of cities with the best cuisine. The capital of Tuscany was recognized by tourists as the most best place For family vacation with children. In this Italian city of art, children love the "David" statue. There is also a Children's Museum in Florence, which invites young travelers to see the collection of rare and valuable things of Francesco I de' Medici, as well as to experience the festive atmosphere of ancient feasts. In addition, in this museum, children can become apprentices and try their hand at painting a fresco.

The most romantic city in Europe

The most romantic city in Europe from the point of view of tourists is Venice. In this unusual Italian city, the role of roads and highways is played by canals, and instead of cars, special boats - gondolas - ply along them. They are an integral symbol of Venice, part of the culture and lifestyle of the townspeople.

The most romantic place Venice, of course, is St. Mark's Square, where a huge number of newlyweds and lovers from all over the world flock every year. For a long time, feeding pigeons was part of wedding rituals, and the absence of pigeons in St. Mark's Square today does not stop true romantics. The majestic Doge's Palace, a rare example of secular Gothic architecture, as well as other palaces, ancient houses and graceful bridges of Venice create an incredible atmosphere of love and romance. For the title of the most romantic city in Europe, Venice has been vying with the French capital for many years.

Best city for shopping

London is rightfully considered the European capital of shopping. It must be said that tourist trips for the purpose of shopping are becoming increasingly popular in the world. The British capital is ahead of such largest cities(Madrid, Barcelona, ​​Paris and Rome) on such indicators as the variety of stores, the quality of service offered in them, the affordability of the goods offered, the presence of famous brands in stores, the attractiveness of seasonal sales at reduced prices.

Tourists also assessed the quality of services, in particular, the extent to which salespeople speak foreign languages. Plus, the accompanying services needed by those who come to big cities specifically for shopping were also taken into account - the availability of comfortable hotels and convenience transport system. As a result, tourists chose London as the optimal place for shopping. This city is characterized by a large volume of trade turnover, number of shops and high quality the goods presented therein.

In the British capital, entire blocks are filled with shops, shopping centers, cafes and restaurants and other entertainment for shopaholics. Moreover, London looks preferable in terms of shopping not only among European, but also American and Asian cities. According to studies, the majority of tourists, for whom the main purpose of traveling abroad is shopping, prefer to go to European countries, and, in particular, to London. By the way, the capital of Great Britain was awarded the status of the most convenient and comfortable city, which is the easiest for travelers to move around.

The most beautiful, most fun and most boring city in Europe

Travelers recognized Barcelona as the most beautiful city in Europe. The capital of Catalonia is ahead of cities such as Madrid, Paris and Rome. Barcelona is inextricably linked with the name of the outstanding architect Gaudi. Tourists from all over the world come here to look at the streamlined shapes and curved lines of his architectural creations. In addition to its magnificent historical and cultural attractions, Barcelona stands out from other European capitals due to its proximity to Mediterranean Sea and relatively southern location. Here even in winter time The thermometer does not fall below ten degrees Celsius.

But the capital of Italy leads in the tourist rankings based on such a criterion as the attractiveness of the townspeople. Travelers are literally fascinated by the beauty and fashionable style of clothing that is characteristic of the inhabitants of Rome.

According to tourists, the most fun European city is London. About nightlife The capital of Great Britain is legendary, and the local parties are considered the most fashionable and crazy in all of Europe. Paris took second place in this category, and the Italian capital took third place.

In turn, tourists voted Brussels the most boring city in Europe. This is probably due to the fact that Brussels has a serious political reputation as the capital of the European Union. However, this opinion of tourists may be very superficial, because it is in Belgium, and not in France or Italy, that the largest number of Michelin star restaurants per capita is found.

You can eat very tasty food in Brussels, and the city's gastronomic scene is very diverse. Tourists also unfairly offended Zurich, which was also ranked among the most boring European cities. However, this particular city ranks first on the European continent in terms of cleanliness and amenities.

Blogger Petr Lovygin writes:

Today I am reviewing the most boring cities in the world that I have visited in my centuries-long tourism career. Cities where nothing happens. Cities that in their charisma are inferior even to a dish called “jellied meat”. The percentage of dullness of life is especially visible if you find yourself alone in them. Places where the most important thing, as my friend Nikitka says, is not to sober up. Otherwise there is no salvation. Let me clarify that in this case we are talking about boring cities, and not the so-called “assholes of the world.”

For the sake of patriotism and diplomacy, I excluded Russian cities from the list, although there were already 4 applicants! Because even in the most boring cities I have friends (even if I don’t even know about it), and spreading provocative dirt is not my method.

I don’t even have anything to say about some cities. And sometimes I couldn’t even find photos, so soulless Google maps will represent this or that city. But it is very important that you read this post to the end, because the last paragraph is the whole point.

So, let's go...

Bandar Seri Begawan (Brunei)

The capital of the Sultanate of Brunei - Bandar Seri Begawan - retained the first place and forever the leading position.

Finished place. When you walk through Bandar Seri Begawan, it seems that there were more people in Chernobyl at its peak.

Well, it’s not that there are no people at all, but there are precisely no pedestrians! Everyone, absolutely everyone, drives cars. During our three-hour walk, we met 3(!) people walking. By Brunei standards, you could say they came in droves! Oh yes, another Chinese guy blew his nose near his store. Okay, that's a total of 3.5 people!!

Visiting this, one of the most developed countries in Asia, was the most absurd travel investment I have made in the last few years. Even a day to visit it is a lot. During my two days in Brunei, I envied the citizens of Israel - they are not allowed here under any circumstances. There is nothing else in this city.

Kulyab (Tajikistan)

Kulyab is the last stronghold before the Afghan border and the road to the Pamirs. One hotel, opposite the market, between them there is a road. All. This is Kulyab. A! The only salvation in this city is the bus station. You can leave from here.

The entrance to the city is marked by the inscription “Do not leave children unattended” installed on the house.

For $70 at the Khatlon Hotel you will get a non-working air conditioner, a torn cornice, turned out light bulbs, mosquito corpses smeared on the curtains and a refrigerator (and there was one!) with a “minibar” in the form of an unfinished bottle of Cola left by the previous residents.

The hands of guests from the lower floors could easily be sticking through the holes in the shower stall. It's good that the light in the bathroom didn't turn off at all - the switch was broken. Because the entire fauna of Kulyab that lived there still needed it for reproduction. At night, mosquitoes paid us a return visit from there.

As always, the shining light is the locals. Kulyab is exactly the case when the phrase “But we have good people!” quite appropriate as a salvation. There is nothing else in this city.

Kuching (Borneo, Malaysia)

If there weren't an orangutan hospital nearby (and there isn't), a trip to rainy Kuching would be pointless. And for the sake of a couple of orangutans, there is no point in flying to Borneo. There is nothing else in this city.

Dakar (Senegal)

oh, no... Dakar is still on the list of “The most evil cities in the world.” The most intense city I have ever seen.

Tegucigalpa (Honduras)

After 8 pm it is strongly advised not to leave the hotel, and it would be worth it! But you listen to advice and as a result you feel like a diplomat in a besieged embassy on the territory of another country. An extremely littered city with a dominance of McDonald's, guarded by men with double-barreled shotguns. This entire endless landfill is crowned by a lonely tree with a flock of mangy vultures guarding it. In the cartoon “Treasure Island,” the same vultures followed each passing pirate with their gaze. And in their eyes, Blind Pew was reflected there. There is nothing else in this city.

P.S. Although Honduran women are very beautiful, in my opinion. And you can trust him. I couldn’t even find a photo from Honduras, so I’m attaching a photo from. One horseradish.

Bagan (Myanmar)

If you are not a fan of archaeological stupas, do not read any guidebooks and avoid Bagan. Even from a hot air balloon, at sunrises, sunsets, from underground - from everywhere, Bagan has already been photographed three thousand times. Stupas sticking out every ten meters in the heat of 40 degrees provide little visual pleasure. There is nothing else in this city.

Kunming (China)

Kunming is a large, spacious city. But in a series of other Chinese cities that I met on my way, there was nothing to catch the eye in Kunming. There is a cool place called red soil near Kunming, but not a single taxi driver agreed to take me there when I handed over the hieroglyphs describing the desired direction and price. Which lowered Kunming even more in my eyes. And there is nothing else in this city.

Cali (Colombia)

We will talk about cities where nothing happens. Cities that in their charisma are inferior even to a dish called “jellied meat”. The percentage of dullness of life is especially visible if you find yourself alone in them. Places where the most important thing, as my friend says, is not to get sober. Otherwise there is no salvation. Let me explain that in this case it is boring cities that are being considered, and not the so-called “assholes of the world.” I’ll do a review on greenery and city extreme next time.

For the sake of patriotism and diplomacy, I excluded Russian cities from the list, although there were already 4 applicants! Because even in the most boring cities I have friends (even if I don’t even know about it), and spreading provocative dirt is not my method.

I don’t even have anything to say about some cities. And sometimes I couldn’t even find photos, so soulless Google maps will represent this or that city. But it is very important that you read this article to the end, because the last paragraph is the whole point. So, let's go...

1. Bandar Seri Begawan (Brunei)

The capital of the Sultanate of Brunei - Bandar Seri Begawan - retained the first place and forever the leading position.

Finished place. Walking along Bandar Seri Begawan, it seems that there were more people in Chernobyl at its peak. Well, it’s not that there are no people at all, but there are precisely no pedestrians! Everyone, absolutely everyone, drives cars. During our three-hour walk, we met 3 (!) people walking. By Brunei standards, you could say they came in droves! Oh yes, another Chinese guy blew his nose near his store. Okay, that's a total of 3.5 people!

Visiting this, one of the most developed countries in Asia, was the most absurd travel investment I have made in the last few years. Even a day to visit it is a lot. During my two days in Brunei, I envied the citizens of Israel - they are not allowed here under any circumstances. There is nothing else in this city.

2. Kulyab (Tajikistan)

Kulyab is the last stronghold before the Afghan border and the road to the Pamirs. One hotel, opposite the market, between them there is a road. All. This is Kulyab. Oh, and the only salvation in this city is the bus station. You can leave from here. The entrance to the city is marked by the inscription “Do not leave children unattended” installed on the house.

For $70 at the Khatlon Hotel you will get a non-working air conditioner, a torn cornice, turned out light bulbs, mosquito corpses smeared on the curtains and a refrigerator (and there was one!) with a “minibar” in the form of an unfinished bottle of Cola left by the previous residents.

The hands of guests from the lower floors could easily have stuck through the holes in the shower stall. It’s good that the light in the bathroom didn’t turn off at all - the switch was broken. Because the entire fauna of Kulyab that lived there still needed it for reproduction. At night, mosquitoes returned a visit from there.

As usual, the shining light is the locals. Kulyab is exactly the case when the phrase “But we have good people!” quite appropriate as a salvation. There is nothing else in this city.

3. Kuchin (Borneo, Malaysia)

If there weren’t an orangutan hospital nearby (and there isn’t), a trip to rainy Kuchin would be pointless. And for the sake of a couple of orangutans, there is no point in flying to Borneo. There is nothing else in this city.

4. Dakar (Senegal)

Oh, no... Dakar is still on the list of “The most evil cities in the world.” The most intense city I have ever seen.

5. Tegucigalpa (Honduras)

After 8 pm they strongly advise not to leave the hotel, and that would be a good idea! But you listen to advice and as a result you feel like a diplomat in a besieged embassy on the territory of another country. An extremely littered city with a dominance of McDonald's, guarded by men with double-barreled shotguns. This entire endless landfill is crowned by a lonely tree with a flock of mangy vultures guarding it. In the cartoon “Treasure Island,” the same vultures followed each passing pirate with their gaze. And in their eyes, Blind Pew was reflected there. There is nothing else in this city.

p.s. Although Honduran women are very beautiful, in my opinion. And you can trust him. I couldn’t even find a photo from Honduras, so I’m attaching a photo from Nicaragua. One horseradish.

6. Bagan (Myanmar)

If you are not a fan of archaeological stupas, do not read any guidebooks and avoid Bagan. Even from a hot air balloon, at sunrises, sunsets, from underground - from everywhere, Bagan has already been photographed three thousand times. Stupas sticking out every ten meters in the heat of 40 degrees provide little visual pleasure. There is nothing else in this city.

7. Kunming (China)

Kunming is a large, spacious city. But in a series of other Chinese cities that I met on my way, there was nothing to catch the eye in Kunming. There is a cool place called red soil near Kunming, but not a single taxi driver agreed to take me there in response to the hieroglyphs I offered describing the desired direction and price, which lowered Kunming even more in my eyes. And there is nothing else in this city.

8. Cali (Colombia)

In Cali there is a garbage street - dirty people sit there and recycle garbage. A beggar came up to me near it and told me not to go there because “surely” they would rob me. Perhaps if not for this advice, Cali would have migrated to the list of hot cities before Bogota and Medellin later got there. But I listened to that beggar and did not go to that area. And there is nothing else in this city.

9. Skopje (Macedonia)

I went to Macedonia with high expectations of something ethnically cool. But the capital disappointed with its ordinariness. An incredible number of statues (it seems that the Macedonians erected monuments to everyone they could) in the midst of unremarkable architecture. The brightest flash was the “Chichko Stoylko” stall selling some kind of shawarma. And there is nothing else in this city.

10. Guayaquil (Ecuador)

In Guayaquil we lived on the outskirts of the city. But one day I got out into the center, walked around and yawned until I came across a fire in one of the shopping centers. And there is nothing else in this city.

11. Medan (Indonesia)

A grey, unremarkable city in northern Sumatra. In principle, Sumatra is not at all distinguished by any charisma of its cities. That’s why you meet the first tourist here on the fourth day of your stay on the island. But this is the closest Indonesian point to talented Singapore. And there is nothing else in this city.

12. Sancti Spiritus (Cuba)

Sancti Spiritus is still not entirely deserved to be here. “Not a city, but an almshouse.” Among the attractions are a mobile beer hall, which has a constant crowd of local drunks, and, it seems, the Conrado Benitez cinema, which has never worked, is just opposite my window. I lived in the central square. And housing...I've dreamed of something like this all my life. A huge hall with such sunlight that it fills it with its fiery hues from 2 to 6 pm. But the euphoria from it quickly gives way to melancholy. The city itself is boring. Typical Latin American yawning province. At the beginning of the third day, a biplane flies over the city. This is the most significant event of the day. On Tuesday they laid asphalt on all the streets at once. You should have seen the bewilderment of the Cubans, unable to cross the street from one sidewalk to another. Well, there is nothing else in this city.

13. Vientiane (Laos)

The city consists of a waterfront. She doesn't even need a river. Moreover, neither one nor the other saves the situation. With the same success, Laos could place its capital in any other city on its territory. I didn't notice that they were any different. An embankment, a couple of prostitutes, ... well, that’s probably all. There is nothing more to it.

By the way, tell us which cities in your life made you yawn and mope. Help others avoid them!

In general, a strange warning: “Not recommended for visiting...” You still have to manage to get into such cities. But, in fairness, it should be noted that the impression of a particular city is formed by a lot of circumstances, from the weather, to the company, the amount of drink and simply luck and coincidence. And then the most depressing outback will sparkle with the bright colors of adventure. Always remember this!


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