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Often, a landlord or lessor, when renting out an apartment (office), does not want to burden himself with worries related to receiving rent, monitoring the condition of the premises, paying for utilities and other hassles. What if not one, but several apartments are rented, and the landlord himself lives in another city or even country? Is it really possible for him to come every month and enter into contacts with employers, with whom he sometimes does not immediately manage to meet, and if he does, the meeting can turn out to be nervous and empty? Contacts with tenants are the most unpleasant moment for any landlord, who dreams of just a calm stream of money flowing from somewhere, without the need to run up the riverbed every time to sort out the blockages, if suddenly, God forbid, the stream becomes clogged.

Earning money from rent without direct contact with the tenant - this desire can be fully realized by renting out the apartment in trust. Tenancy trust management - what is it and how is a property rental management agreement concluded?

There are a lot of realtors on the rental market, but they all provide a limited range of services:

  • searching for an employer;
  • calling potential clients;
  • organizing a showing of the premises together with its owner;
  • conclusion of a rental agreement.

Under an exclusive agreement, the realtor bears a slightly greater responsibility and only in the event of unilateral termination of the lease agreement by the tenant: if the tenant moves out ahead of time, realtors must find a new client.

You shouldn’t run to the realtor after the key has already been given to the residents and whine that they turned out to be this and that, and where were you looking, and what to do now.

Ordinary realtors do not bear any responsibility for the selection of “bad” tenants and for any consequences at all, such as:

  • damaged property;
  • flooding of neighbors;
  • late payment or refusal to pay;
  • refusal to move out, etc.

It is a completely different matter if the owner enters into a rental agreement with trust management.

Transactions involving rental housing under trust management abroad account for 90% of total number rental operations. Our share of such transactions so far is only 10% of all annual rental contracts. The majority of landlords still do not trust trust management due to the following concerns:

  • Trusted rental management is too expensive a service;
  • the realtor will definitely do something wrong;
  • the lack of constant control on the part of the owner can lead to the danger of losing real estate or losing the opportunity to dispose of it for a long time.

But this opinion is completely erroneous, and this can be proven at least by the example of the activities of the Akrus real estate agency.

Real estate agency Akrus

The Akrus real estate agency has been involved in real estate rental transactions since 1998. During this time, more than 2,000 apartments have been taken into trust for management in Moscow. Most clients, as Akrus admits, come to them on the advice of friends who have worked with the agency for many years - this is the result of an almost complete lack of advertising.

It is very important for the renter to know the following:

When concluding an agreement with an agency on a trust management service, the owner is not deprived of the right to control the entire rental process from the very beginning, and even more so is not deprived of the right of the owner either in the present or in the future.

Trust management of an apartment rental is not at all similar to the transfer of a car into the ownership of a new owner under a general power of attorney.

It is designed to help the property owner exercise full control of the lease through another person, while responsibility at all stages, from the conclusion of the contract until the moment the tenant moves out, lies with the trustee. This is a significant advantage of trust management over other types of mediation - services under a standard and exclusive agreement.

You can find out about the full range of services of the Akrus real estate agency.

Functions of a realtor with trust management

When renting out real estate under trust management, the owner may never even see the tenant in person. As soon as the contract is concluded, the agency begins an advertising campaign for renting out the apartment and preparing necessary documents. Of course, the lessor, if desired, can take part in the selection potential client, in negotiations and showing housing, sometimes visit personally to make sure that everything is in order with the apartment. But usually all the owner’s worries, as well as the desire to personally control the condition of the apartment, disappear within a month, when the person is convinced that things are going even better without him:

  1. For those who rent an apartment, it is easier to work with an outsider - a professional realtor - than with a nervous, overly anxious owner.
  2. Realtors control the tenant in culturally unobtrusive ways, but escaping such an “eye” is not easy. Responsibility for compliance with the terms of the contract and for the safety of the apartment’s property forces the agency to work closely with neighbors, so realtors immediately become aware of residents’ non-compliance with the order and rules of residence, or unauthorized persons moving into the housing.
  3. The realtor not only monitors the condition of the apartment, but also eliminates the damage caused, having first made an inventory of the property, so the owner will not see a cluttered and neglected home at the end of the lease.
  4. It is much easier to find justice for a negligent employer and force him to pay for the damage caused to a realtor with trust management than to the owner himself, since he cooperates with both the police and the judiciary.
  5. For failure to comply with the terms of the contract, the realtor evicts the unscrupulous guest.
  6. If a guest leaves early, the campaign finds another tenant.
  7. Utility payments, stipulated in the lease agreement as mandatory for the owner, are also paid by the agency (they are withheld from the rent). Payment of utility bills due to tenants, electricity, Internet, international telephone calls is controlled by the agency. Controlling payments is a simple task for the agency, since it is in contact with all utility and city services, and it does not need to check receipt stubs.
  8. Cooperation with utility services also allows you to quickly eliminate damage to communications and equipment in the apartment.
  9. The realtor regularly transfers the rent to the owner and, as a legal entity, can do this by bank transfer, which is convenient for the employer (both private and company employees).
  10. Insurance of the apartment and its repairs are carried out at the expense of the real estate agency - this service is included in the standard package of the agreement on the provision of trust management services.

Thus, the agency can take control of absolutely any apartment, even a “killed” one, put it in order, and then find a tenant.

Renting out neglected, unsuitable housing is an impossible task for the owner, but by concluding a rental agreement with a trust management, he pays only the cost of the management service, and the agency pays for repairs and insurance. Why are the conditions unsightly?

The agency usually carries out cosmetic repairs at its own expense. If the owner of the property agrees to more labor-intensive work (redevelopment, refurbishment of the kitchen, bathroom), then the missing funds can be taken out on credit, payments for which will be deducted from the rent.

The trust management agreement is concluded in accordance with Chapter 53 of the Civil Code of the Polar Law “On Trust Management of Property”.

According to the normative act ch. 53 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, the founder of the management (the owner of the property) transfers the property into trust management for a period specifically specified in the agreement to the second party (real estate agent), and he undertakes to manage the property in the interests of the owner or another person specified by him. In this case, ownership rights do not pass from the founder to the trustee.

After concluding a trust management agreement with the property owner, the real estate company has the right to independently search for a tenant, arrange showings of the apartment and enter into rental agreements. The owner's participation in all these steps is optional.

The trust agreement is not an intermediary agreement, but rather a service agreement. It is subject to state registration, which often deters apartment owners: after all, under such an agreement they will be required to pay taxes. However, more and more owners want to legalize rentals and pay taxes on income as required.

However, sometimes agencies enter into so-called commission agreements:

  • The agency (commission agent) undertakes an obligation to the owner of the property (committent) for a fee (commission) to carry out transactions on its behalf in the interests of the owner and at his expense.
  • Such an agreement does not require mandatory registration, and whether or not to pay taxes is decided by the client himself.
  • The commission agreement gives the client the right to hand over even a state or municipal apartment for trust management.

How much does the trust management service cost?

.Compared with the many benefits and services provided by trustees, the cost of services is ridiculous - one month's rent per year or 8.3% of monthly rental income.

Delicate order

Renting out an apartment and not thinking about anything else is the dream of every owner of “extra” apartments. But it’s impossible not to think: either the tenants will flood the neighbors downstairs, or they will stop paying rent on time, or they will suddenly move out, taking the owner’s TV or refrigerator as a souvenir.

All worries associated with renting out housing can be transferred to the shoulders of realtors, sharing with them the income that the apartment brings. We need to meet less often According to Kirsanova Realty, in the USA, 90% of those who want to rent out their property turn to “As our American colleagues reported, such companies are called Real Estate Management Companies, the cost of their services is 10% of the annual rental contract,” says Svetlana Skotnikova, head of the foreign real estate department at Kirsanova Realty. “Under the contract, the management company is responsible for renting out the apartment, looking for tenants, and also monitoring the condition of the property.”

According to the capital's realtors, in Moscow no more than 10% of rented apartments fall into trust management. But the demand for this service will grow. Tenants and apartment owners have already appreciated one of the main advantages of the service, namely the absence of direct contacts between owners and residents. Many tenants find it much more pleasant to communicate with a company representative than with the owner himself. The fact is that the owners are so sensitive to their apartment that they visit it too often, disturbing the peace and limiting the tenant’s freedom of action. But a company employee will not allow himself to do this.

If the tenant himself allows himself to do too much, for example, he lets friends from the mountains live in the apartment or generally begins to use it for other purposes, the realtor himself will deal with the guests. The apartment trust management company tries to get in touch with the neighbors, and it is aware of what is happening in the apartment , After all, according to the contract, if the owner of the apartment suffers any damage due to the actions of the tenants, the company is obliged to compensate it.

There were cases when only thanks to our neighbors we were able to return to the owners a set of upholstered furniture, a weekend suit and an expensive TV that the tenants had grabbed for the last time." If everything goes well, neither the tenants nor the apartment owners have to meet with realtors once again. Since the real estate company is the face legal, the tenant can pay it by bank transfer, which is especially important if the apartment is rented by a company for an employee, and the owner can receive the rent, minus commissions, to his bank account or at the realtor’s cash desk on the agreed day.

Since it is mainly those who travel abroad for a long time who entrust their apartments to realtors to manage, their rent is transferred abroad.

Apartment of exemplary content

To rent out an apartment at a market price, firstly, you need to put it in order - make repairs, equip the kitchen and bathroom, and secondly, find a respectable and tidy tenant. These problems are precisely solved by the realtor, whom you entrust to manage the apartment. If repairs are needed, but there is no money for them, the agency will do it at its own expense or on credit. If necessary, it will also equip the kitchen, change the plumbing and install a metal door. Loan payments are usually deducted from the rent. The realtor also takes full responsibility for the search for a tenant. Immediately after concluding an agreement with the apartment owner, an advertising campaign begins, showings are organized, and preparations are made. Required documents for both sides,” says Gulnara Rakhmangulova. - If a tenant suddenly decides to move out of the apartment for some reason, our specialists promptly resume the search for the next tenant. In case of violation of the contract by the tenant, damage to property, delay in rent payment, etc. We will terminate the rental contract early and help you obtain compensation for damages."

The realtor also takes on all relationships with operating organizations. This includes not only paying for utilities, but also other burdensome responsibilities. The service administrator monthly checks the payment of bills for long-distance calls, electricity, etc. It often happens that it is necessary to obtain new receipts from the EIRC, clarify the payment of bills at the subscriber site, and verify previously paid receipts. This work is undertaken by the apartment trust management agency. ,

The price of trust ,

In the capital market, the cost of trust management services is calculated differently, but is approximately 10-15% of the rent. At the Apartment Trust Management Agency, the apartment owner will be charged half the rent for the first month, and then every month they will withhold 10% of the cost rent. In some other management companies, the landlord pays an amount equivalent to one month's rent per year for this service, and receives insurance and repairs as a gift. Often, the cost of trust management of an apartment depends on the range of services. For a basic package, the client pays the company the cost of a month's rent per year, and for a full package, in addition, half the rent per month. ,

Despite the fact that the price of the apartment trust management service is quite reasonable and interest in it is growing, few owners are ready to take advantage of this service. There are several reasons, and one of them is the need to sign an official agreement, which involves paying taxes. Although it is worth noting that the number of those who do not want to pay taxes is decreasing every day, especially when it comes to expensive apartments." In some other management companies, the question of whether the client pays or does not pay tax on income from renting out an apartment is left to his conscience. The management company enters into a commission agreement with the client; unlike a trust agreement, it is not subject to mandatory registration, so the client resolves all problems with the tax authorities himself.

Almost all management companies offer commission agreements to clients, otherwise clients whose apartments are municipally owned would not be able to use the trust management service. Let us remind you that, in accordance with the Housing Code, such apartments are sublet only with the permission of the landlord, that is, the local authorities. For obvious reasons, people do not want to apply for such permission. Most real estate companies are also not yet ready to provide trust management services to apartment owners, and one of the reasons is the vulnerability of realtors themselves to clients. We enter into an agreement with the client, renovate his apartment at our own expense, and then the client terminates the agreement. And although the contract provides for penalties in such a case, the money has to be returned through the court.

If the Tenant complies with the terms of the Hire Agreement, then By renting an apartment that is in trust management of AKRUS-City LLC, the Tenant receives several advantages:

Possibility to pay rent, security deposit, operating payments (if any), agency commission by bank transfer. Very relevant for legal entities, as well as tenants who do not want to spend their time monthly meeting with the owner of the apartment and transferring funds to him.

Receiving documents confirming the fact of payment, both for non-cash and cash forms of payment, which is very convenient for those people whose apartment rent is paid by their employer.

Refund of the deposit within three days upon fulfillment of the terms of the rental agreement. Some Tenants were faced with the fact that at the end of the apartment rental period they could not receive their deposit. The owner motivated the refusal by the lack of the required amount and promised to return the money as soon as he rented out his apartment.

Inspections of the apartment at a pre-agreed time with the frequency specified in the rental agreement. Each owner periodically inspects his apartment, only one does it once every six months, and another once, or even twice a month, looking for different excuses to visit the apartment. By renting an apartment under trust management, the Tenant is protected from unauthorized visits by the Owner.

Stable rent during the term of the contract. This condition is very important advantage of trust management of the apartment.

Even neat people sometimes have things happen, like spilling coffee on the sofa. When eliminating damage, all work is priced according to the Price List posted on the AKRUS-City website, and a work completion certificate is drawn up, to which receipts for the materials used are attached. When work is performed by third parties, copies of documents confirming the fact of the work are issued.

Any equipment or piece of furniture has its own service life and there comes a time when it (or it, in the sense of an object) breaks down for reasons beyond the control of the Tenant. The elimination of this damage is agreed in writing with the Owner of the apartment, and, if necessary, with the Tenant, and is carried out by AKRUS-City.

Call the AKRUS-City service technician, who will arrive at a time previously agreed upon with the Tenant. At the same time, the Tenant does not need to go to stores and look for the necessary materials or spare parts.

However, for Tenants who carelessly use the rented property, delay payment of rent or violate other terms of the rental agreement, there are a number of “inconveniences”:

Constant control over the timeliness of payments and restriction of access to the apartment in case of delay in payment. If payment is delayed, a telegram is sent to the Tenant asking him to pay the debt. Situations are different and do not always depend on us; sometimes they depend on employers who delay payment of wages. We try to resolve such situations and if the Tenant has not violated payment deadlines during the term of the contract, then he is allowed to pay in two installments.

Elimination of damage to property at the expense of the Tenant. What is a plus for some may be a minus for others. Tenants who are careless about the apartment and property under the trust management of AKRUS-City will repair the damage at their own expense. You may think: “both the neat people and the slobs are eliminated at their own expense...What’s the difference?” The difference is that a neat person will eliminate the damage even without the Landlord’s instructions, but with trust management he will not have to waste time shopping and waiting for the repairman.

Repair of damage due to normal wear and tear will be at the expense of the Owner. I see your bewilderment on your face: “What is the inconvenience here?” It’s simple: in order to agree on the conditions for eliminating the damage, it is necessary to sign an additional agreement with the owner of the apartment, and this takes time and delays the completion of the work. Moreover, the timing of signing the agreement completely depends on the capabilities of the Host and the availability of the Internet. However, in emergency situations that threaten to cause damage to the property of the owner, tenant or third parties, AKRUS City carries out work without prior approval.

Return of the deposit can also be both a plus and a minus. For those who do not comply with the terms of the contract, this is far from the most best condition: when returning the apartment, all debts under the contract, including rent debts, are deducted from the deposit.

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September is considered one of the most profitable months on the rental market. The business season is resuming, and at the same time the demand for rental housing is growing. The real estate market is booming and promises new opportunities for owners of square meters.

The most common way to make money on real estate is by renting it out. It would seem that you can’t come up with anything new here. But there are companies that are ready to do this for the owner. And not only to hand over, but also to regularly pay for utilities, check the safety of property, and carry out routine repairs. The owner simply transfers the apartment to trust management and receives money for it.

The owner's two main concerns: the apartment will be hopelessly damaged or simply not rented out. Both of them are removed by a well-drafted contract. Firstly, a good trustee insures the apartment, often at his own expense. Secondly, the contract stipulates that if the period of idleness of the apartment exceeds two weeks, the manager begins to pay the owner from his own pocket. Companies involved in trust management assure that the amount of rent and the candidacy of tenants are agreed upon with the owner each time an apartment is rented out.

In Moscow, the owner of a one-room apartment can earn from 19 to 130 thousand rubles per month, depending on the condition of the housing and the area. For a two-room apartment - from 28 to 184 thousand rubles. The most affordable offer for a three-room apartment is 50 thousand rubles. A good apartment can be rented out for 80 thousand rubles. Well, with expensive furniture, renovations and in a prestigious area, they will rent for 300 thousand rubles. In other regions the income is not so great. For example, in Krasnodar the owner will receive from 18 to 45 thousand per month for a one-room apartment, in Sochi - from 18 to 40 thousand. In non-resort cities that are not over a million people, rental yields are low. In Irkutsk, you can get from 10 to 20 thousand rubles for a one-room apartment.

The manager's income is a percentage of the apartment's rental rate. According to the apartment rental department INCOM-Real Estate, the cost of its services can vary from 5 to 30% of the transaction amount. The most expensive thing for an apartment owner is to transfer the property to trust management without repairs, subject to the condition that they are completed. Payment schemes may vary. “With us, the owner pays one monthly fee per year. That is, the first rent that the employer transfers goes to the agency. This works out to 8.3% per month. If the client trusts us to pay utility bills, then they are also deducted from the rent, but We don’t charge money for the service of paying utility bills,” says Svetlana Kos, general director of AKRUS-City.

Trust management is beneficial to those people who have real estate in one region, but live in another or even in another country. Moreover, transferring the apartment to management can provide “lifting funds” for moving. Thus, many companies are ready to pay the owner rent for several months at once.

However, trust management in our country is developing poorly so far. There are many reasons for this. Owners want to receive maximum income from real estate. They are afraid to transfer the apartment into the wrong hands. The guarantees offered by the trustee do not seem convincing enough to them. Most owners do not pay taxes on rental income - by renting out apartments to tenants themselves, they hide this fact.

The manager's income is a percentage of the apartment's rental rate. The cost of his services can vary from 5 to 30 percent of the transaction amount

There is one more drawback. Apartments located in different areas are difficult to manage. It is much easier to do this if the rental stock is located in the same building. Some developers are now trying to implement this idea with apartments. The developer offers not just to invest money in such real estate and transfer it to management, but develops profitability programs for investors. For example, regardless of the load, the owner receives an annual income of 5% of the cost of the apartment. Or, instead of rent payments for two years, the owner becomes the owner of a renovation created by a designer. To attract tenants, such complexes provide hotel-level service. “The income from transferring apartments to management is a guaranteed 8-9% of their cost. Or 10% if the owner is engaged in renting out independently. At the same time, many apartment owners in Moscow receive a lower return - 4-7% per year of the cost of the apartment. This is because the apartments are 15-35% cheaper than apartments, and the rental price does not differ,” says Alexander Samodurov, head of NAI Becar Apartments.

If in Russia residential complexes with a management company that can rent out the owner’s meters are only just appearing, they have existed abroad for a long time. Investors who expect to not just own, but also make money on their real estate, choose them. This allows them to receive maximum service while staying in their foreign apartment or villa and not have to worry about maintaining the property while they are away. “It is now popular to purchase apartments managed by a hotel operator. The advantage of this format is that the owner is not concerned about maintaining his property in a condition that is always suitable for occupancy. This is done by the management company, and it will also rent out the property. If the owner of his villa or does not come to the apartment, it is transferred to the rental pool. But at the same time, the apartment is in full private property owner," says Elena Yurgeneva, director of the luxury residential real estate department at Knight Frank Russia & CIS. The profitability from such a transfer of an object to a rental pool is low - from 4% per annum. But most owners do not pursue the high profitability of such objects, but consider them as a way savings of accumulated funds.In addition, for elite expensive properties, this management option is good because it relieves the owner of the burden of utility costs.

However, now similar complexes with the possibility of renting out apartments or apartments during periods of downtime abound in the economy and comfort class segment. There are many of them in Bulgaria and Montenegro. In Bulgaria, the cost of apartments starts from 21,000 euros, and management companies promise a profitability of 10% of the cost of housing per year. But this is if the property is located in a place where there is demand for it all year round. For example, in cities such as Varna, Sofia, Burgas. Condominiums are common in Thailand - complexes of apartments or townhouses with hotel-type services. The cost of such real estate starts from 1.5 million rubles. If the object is located in close proximity to the beach - from 4 million rubles. The managers also promise a return of 10% per annum. Moreover, in Thailand there is no clear seasonality, as in Europe. During the rainy season, tourists continue to relax and swim, and accordingly, rent housing.

Over the past few years, investors have been debating the return on investment in real estate. But this is all in theory. In practice, the real estate market in Russia is always active. The economy is growing - it’s time to buy an apartment; the economy is in decline - even more so. Here it is now. “Some depositors, frightened by the liquidation of banks by the Central Bank, decided to transfer their funds from virtual savings to real ones - to real estate. Liquid one-room apartments became more expensive the most - investors began to buy them to protect their ruble savings from currency fluctuations,” explains Mikhail Popov , founder of the personal finance management system Having protected your finances, you want to increase them, which means that soon a lot more rental housing will appear on the market.

Trust management of an apartment in Moscow is a division of rights to property. The owner of the property transfers part of his rights to other entities for use, for example, to an agency. Thus, he will receive income from the rental of his home and retain control over all powers.

Renting an apartment in Moscow is a difficult and troublesome task. It is not always possible to cope with this on your own. Often there is no time, there are risks in choosing unscrupulous tenants. That is why a great alternative would be to contact the MSKSERVICE company! You can save time on searching, go about your business with peace of mind and receive good income monthly or once a year.

Additional services for you

The service is provided on the basis of concluded agreements. If necessary, we:

  • We will provide video surveillance and install a security alarm.
  • We will take care of your property (cleanliness and order).
  • We will provide a detailed report of all expenses.

Renting an apartment to trust management is great opportunity receive income and not worry about the safety of your home. Our company approaches all issues at a professional level. Please note that you can order related services from us. In particular, we provide general or regular cleaning services. The cost of comprehensive home maintenance is agreed upon individually with the owner. We are always happy to help you!


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