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The island is famous for its appearance resembling a large turtle. The guide said that large turtles come to this island to lay eggs. So, it turns out that it was not only by looking like a turtle that it received this name. As for the second name, it came from the past. In those days, a woman caught being unfaithful to her husband climbed with her husband to the highest point of this island, and her husband threw her off the cliff. This is where the name comes from, the island of unfaithful wives.

Turtle Island

Dalyan Island and its surroundings will not leave any of the tourists who visit it indifferent. The magnificent nature and wonderful seascapes literally make you fall in love. This is famous and unique place, which is the second habitat in the world for giant Mediterranean tortoises of the unique and, unfortunately, endangered species "Caretta". These turtles traditionally live here and lay their eggs in the sand, digging holes up to 80 centimeters deep.

On the island you can not only relax, sunbathe and swim. Guests of the island can see with their own eyes how tiny turtles hatch from eggs and rush to the sea. And some lucky ones may even be lucky enough to swim with the “armored” giants of the sea.

Coordinates: 36.79657100,28.59696000

In Turkey, not far from Antalya, there is one small island that has three names: Island of Unfaithful Wives, Mouse Island and Turtle Island. And every name has an explanation...

Turtle Island is a landmark of Turkey that attracts the attention of tourists coming to the country not only a beautiful legend, but also beautiful scenery and diving opportunities.

Island of Cheating Wives

All covered with greenery, absolutely all, there is an island of bad luck in the ocean...

These lines from the song we know can also be applied to the Island of Unfaithful Wives. Why? Yes, because in ancient times it really became an island to which married women who cheated on their husbands were exiled. And for them it became an island of bad luck.

In my opinion, for Turkish men this was a very convenient way to get rid of a boring wife. I took her to the island and that was the end of it. They understood perfectly well that the women were unlikely to be able to get back. Although the husbands justified their actions by saying that their faithful wives would not be harmed and would be able to get from the island to the shore.

Even in this I see a contradiction. Since men accepted the possibility that a woman could return and thereby prove her innocence, it means that they were not at all sure of their wife’s betrayal.

There are other circumstances that indicate the impossibility of returning the exiled wife. Firstly, Turkish women of that time did not know how to swim. It would be good if a young unmarried girl went against tradition and, loving the water, still learned to swim, but this was extremely rare. Therefore, the percentage of returning women was extremely low.

Secondly, Turkish men, before sending their other half to the Island of Unfaithful Wives, they dressed them with all the gold in the house, with which the wife was supposed to return back if she was innocent. It is clear that the little gold pulled the woman to the bottom, greatly reducing her chances of returning. It seems that for such an occasion, men were ready to first buy their wife a lot of jewelry, and only then “convict” her of treason.

Why were such difficulties necessary? The fact is that in Turkey at that time divorces were prohibited, and men from time to time wanted a new wife. So they sent the “old” one to the Island of Unfaithful Wives and, if she did not return, they were considered divorced bachelors. Very comfortably!

Turtle Island

This name was given to the island because of its resemblance to a huge turtle with its head, paws and tail protruding from its shell.

Mouse Island

In ancient times, the beautiful island attracted the attention of sailors from passing ships. They wanted to land on a green island, ran into underwater rocks and reefs and sank their ships. As you know, rats and mice are the first to leave a sinking ship, and these cases were no exception. The mice swam to the island, and the sailors, seeing this, swam after the rodents. I must say that on Mouse Island there were indeed quite a few rodents.

Now the Island of Unfaithful Wives attracts many tourists with its dense and very diverse greenery, mountainous landscape, excellent beaches and diving opportunities.

The plants on the island are very lush and green, among them there are a lot of flowering ones that cover this island with their aroma. And lovers of deep “walks” with scuba diving will not leave indifferent the beautiful undersea world, hidden under a layer of clear water.

Every tourist who comes to Antalya will definitely be interested in a small island that can be seen from any beach of the resort. This is very Mysterious Island, which has its own history. Those who like to see the seabed often come to it. You can even see such a small miracle of nature from a hotel room or car window, because the island is located just one kilometer from the coast. In addition, travelers, and residents of the city, simply love to go on boats and yachts, skirting steep rock overhangs. It is worth noting that this rocky island is completely deserted, there is only charming nature and large bushes. Even though it is small in size, local residents They came up with several names for it. This:

1. Island of unfaithful wives.

2. Turtle Island.

3.​ Mouse plot of land.

Some residents, relying on the fact that the island resembles a large turtle, gave it the appropriate name. In addition, the most unique and endangered species of giant turtles, the Carriage, lives off its shores. They come to this place to lay eggs, and there passes warm current, which has a beneficial effect on animal reproduction. Turtles bury their eggs in warm sand, and the depth of the eggs reaches 80–100 cm.
If you are very lucky, when you arrive on the island, you can see the miracle of the birth of small turtles, which, immediately after hatching, crawl along the sand into the warm waters of the sea.

Tourists can go to the beach, swim near its shores, sunbathe in the sun and walk along rocky paths, observing amazingly beautiful landscapes. Some may be lucky enough to swim with a giant turtle and take an unforgettable photo.

Also, it is worth saying that the island has its own tragic legend, from which it received its name - the island of unfaithful wives. This story stretches back to the reign of the Sultan. When he suspected one of his wives of cheating, he became very angry. He ordered that all the gold jewelry be collected and dressed for his wife all together. After that, he took her to the island and offered to swim to the shore in such attire. It turned out to be very difficult. After all, at that time, women did not know how to swim, they were not taught this. And the situation was aggravated by the heavy gold jewelry that was dragging it to the bottom. If a woman swam, the Sultan gave her forgiveness, but if she refused the test, she could remain on the island for the rest of her life.
Much later, deceived men climbed with their wives to the very top high point and mercilessly threw her into the cliff. Like this sad story, which gave its name to this piece of land.

And the sailors call it in their own way. They often saw that when a ship sank, all the mice swam to the shore to avoid death. Yes, and from a certain point, the island looks like a big piece of cheese.

resort village in the Sudak region of Crimea. New World located 7 km from Sudak. The nature of the New World is unique. A semicircle of mountains protects the New World on three sides. In the north are the ledges of Mount Sokol, behind them is Mount Perchem (“mane”), in the west is Mount Syndyk with the bizarre cape Karaul-Oba (Watch Mountain), in the southwest is the pointed Koba-Kaya.

The “New World” landscape reserve was created to preserve unique groves of relict pike-perch pine and a natural park of tree-like juniper. The Golitsyn trail leads through the entire reserve from the village to Cape Kapchik.

The village arose through the efforts of one of the founders of Russian winemaking, Prince Lev Sergeevich Golitsyn, at the end of the 19th century. The prince founded here, on his estate, factory for the production of champagne wines. Since the local nature was favorable to winemaking, and through the efforts of the prince, the plant supported traditional champagne production technology, the wine came out of exceptional quality. At first the village was called Paradise (paradise), but after Nicholas II visited the estate of Prince Golitsyn in 1912, Paradise was renamed New World. Status of the town since 1978
In the New World, two palaces of Lev Golitsyn have been preserved, one of which now houses a museum, and the other is notable for its Moorish architecture (depicted on the coat of arms of the village). The champagne wine factory continues to operate.
The surrounding area of ​​the village has the status of a botanical reserve thanks to relict groves of tree-like juniper and Stankevich pine, endemic to these places, as well as picturesque bays with grottoes.
The Golitsyn Trail is one of the main attractions of the New World. The trail starts on the southwestern shore of Green Bay and passes by amazing natural grottoes.
The Golitsyn Trail (Falcon Trail) is a mountain trail carved on the slope of Koba-Kaya, located southwest of the village of Novy Svet (Crimea). Built in 1912 for the arrival of Tsar Nicholas II by order of Prince Lev Sergeevich Golitsyn.
It is believed that it was after the tsar’s visit to Paradise (that was the name of the village where the prince bought land to engage in winemaking) that the village received its current name - New World: Nicholas II, having walked along the path built by Golitsyn, was invited to the table where he was treated champagne wine, which was produced in the village. Afterwards he stated that he saw life in a new light. And the path along which he walked was called the Golitsyn path.
Currently, there are daily excursions along it.

The legend “On the trail of unfaithful wives.” There is a legend about a nest of pirates who lived here during the time of the Tauri and the ancient Greeks. The robbers went to sea to collect the spoils, and left their wives to wait. Afterwards, the loyalty of the latter was checked in a rather original way.
The woman had to carry a clay pot of water on her head along steep paths to the market, without spilling or, especially, dropping the vessel. If this suddenly happened, the unfortunate woman was thrown from the rock into the sea.
Therefore, the passage was called the Path of Unfaithful Wives. It’s good that this is only a legend, otherwise a whole cemetery would have formed here. And it’s good that the path was equipped with hanging handrails and stairs.
The path of unfaithful wives leads to a through cave at Cape Kapchik. Many seriously consider it a lair for pirates - as if they were hiding in it and attacking ships that passed nearby. It's not hard to believe. By the way, it was here, on Cape Kapchik, that the legendary Soviet action movie “Pirates of the 20th Century” was filmed.

Excursions: Champagne wine factory, Mount Eagle (Koba-Kaya), Mount Falcon, Chaliapin's Grotto, Blue Bay (another name is Razboinichya), Blue Bay, also known as Tsarskaya, Juniper Grove, Golitsyn Trail (5470 m long).

Films shot in the New World:“Treasure Island” (1982), “Othello” (1955), “Pirates of the 20th Century” (1979), “Three Plus Two” (1963), “Sportloto - 82” (1982).

How to get to the New World: There are several ways to get to the New World. The first way is that there are direct minibuses from the station in Simferopol to the New World. Or you can get from Simferopol to Sudak, and there are many minibuses from Sudak to the New World. The third way is from Feodosia from the bus station to minibus you can get to Sudak, and from there to the New World on local minibuses.


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