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Air travel is the fastest, most convenient and reliable way of travel and transportation, allowing a passenger and his luggage to move from one place to another in just a few hours, despite the great distance of these places from each other. However, the specific nature of air travel allows the transportation of people only to those airlines and airports that fully comply with generally accepted international standards of safety measures.

In order for the passenger to be given boarding pass, he must strictly comply with the strictest flight rules, which also include the carriage of baggage on board the aircraft. This is done for the general safety of all passengers and the aircraft.

The presented rules are mandatory for all passengers, regardless of the purpose, nature of the trip or the prestige of the cabin class in which you are flying.

In other words, this is a complex of organizational issues aimed at ensuring comfort and speed of flight. And baggage transportation is one of the most important organizational issues, which must be treated especially responsibly in order to eliminate the occurrence of possible problems.

Airplane baggage allowance for 2019

As for the transportation of baggage, it is worth immediately noting the following: the rules providing for this process do not have a single global standard, so there are variations of them, which are influenced by a number of factors.

First- the country you are flying to, since each state has its own rules and standards. For example, when going to Dubai, under no circumstances should you carry with you (not only in your luggage, but also in your hand luggage and in your pockets) objects and literature of a religious nature that are not related to Islam.

Second— Baggage allowance is affected by the choice of airline. In addition, to the permitted permissible weight baggage is affected by the class of ticket purchased (for example, economy or business class) and the type of aircraft.

In order to avoid unnecessary complications and problems when checking in luggage, it is necessary to clarify all of the above points during the process of purchasing tickets. If you have non-standard luggage, you should find out the rules for its transportation in advance.

The first thing you need to do is find out which items and things that you want to take with you can be transported by plane, and which are prohibited.

However, despite differences in some baggage rules, all airlines have general rules for baggage transportation, used all over the world.

General baggage allowances on board the aircraft

1 - first you need to make sure that the suitcases or bags that you will check into separate places are in good condition and integrity (the absence of various kinds of cuts and cracks) in order to prevent damage to the items contained in them and adjacent luggage during their transportation.

To be safe, you can wrap your luggage yourself in cellophane film. The same procedure can be performed directly at the airport for a small fee. We recommend doing this! By doing this, you will definitely not stain or tear your suitcase or bag.

2 - each airline has its own rules that set the weight and size of checked baggage and unchecked baggage ( hand luggage). If you exceed any of the parameters, you will have to pay extra.

3 - you should remember the list of things that are strictly prohibited from being carried on board the aircraft. Neither in checked luggage nor in hand luggage!

What not to pack in your luggage and hand luggage

  • Caustic and corrosive. These include: all types of alkalis, acids; mercury and devices containing it; rechargeable batteries with liquid cells;

  • All types and types of gases: flammable and non-flammable, compressed, liquefied, poisonous;

  • Objects, solids and liquids that have the ability to ignite, which include: matches, lighters and liquids for refilling them; solvents, paints and other paints and varnishes; substances capable of spontaneous combustion or which emit any gases upon contact with water, as well as other substances and objects prone to combustion;

  • Substances that tend to oxidize, such as peroxides and bleach powder;

  • Any types of explosives, items and products made from them, as well as weapons: pistols, shotguns, machine guns and other types of small arms, firearms and ammunition, including empty cartridges and detonators; fireworks, flares and similar products;

  • Radioactive substances and objects emitting radiation;

  • Toxic, poisonous and infectious substances, which include: herbicides, pesticides, insecticides; laboratory materials and samples containing live viruses; subjects of etiology;

  • Suitcases and briefcases equipped with alarm devices.
  • precious metals;
  • jewelry;
  • securities;
  • money;
  • keys;
  • glasses;
  • fragile things;
  • perishable products.

Leave them at home or take them with you in your hand luggage!

Total baggage weight and hand luggage

Things and objects permitted for transportation directly in the passenger cabin of an aircraft are called hand luggage, which is often transported in small bags.

Naturally, the purpose of these restrictive measures is to ensure an adequate level of safety for the aircraft and its passengers throughout the entire flight.

For this reason, most airlines prohibit the carriage of such items in hand luggage as:
  • Knives and long scissors (and sometimes even nail scissors);
  • Corkscrews;
  • Knitting needles;
  • Needles for injections, including hypodermic ones, excluding prescribed cases;
  • Razors, blades and other piercing and cutting instruments and objects.
In addition, there are some restrictions on carrying liquids in hand luggage, such as:
  • Shampoo;
  • Gel;
  • Perfume;
  • Spray;
  • Mascara;
  • Cream;
  • Water and soft drinks.

According to the rules, it is allowed to transport the listed liquids and substances in hand luggage only in small quantities (up to 100 ml) and exclusively in sealed packages (more accurate data is provided by the specific airline that provides you with services). Exceptions include baby food and liquid medications that will be consumed during the flight. Exemptions also include liquids and goods purchased in duty-free shops ( "Duty Free").

As for the weight of luggage and hand luggage, certain limits also apply here. For hand luggage, the weight range ranges from 7 to 15 kg for 1 piece. For luggage, the permissible weight is on average 20–30 kg.

There is also a list of items and things that a passenger has the right to carry with him free of charge in the aircraft cabin, even if they exceed the permissible weight limits (20 kg) for unpaid baggage allowance:

  • Briefcase or handbag;
  • Umbrella;
  • Paper folder;
  • Cane;
  • Bouquet of flowers;
  • Crutches and wheelchair for transporting a passenger with limited mobility;
  • Mobile phone;
  • Outerwear and suit in a suitcase;
  • Printed publications for in-flight reading;
  • Video camera and photo camera;
  • Laptop;
  • Baby cradle for transporting a child.

Items from the list are not marked, weighed or presented for registration.
Regarding the transportation of non-standard and oversized items, such as musical instruments, sports equipment and others not included in any of the lists, you must contact airline representatives in advance.

As can be seen from everything written, carrying luggage is a rather complicated process, and in order to avoid problems, it is better to take care in advance to comply with all measures and requirements.

If you have any questions, you can ask them in the comments. Please check the details about your flight and luggage: flight direction, amount of luggage, etc. We, in turn, will try to answer everyone as soon as possible.

Dear passengers, the rules of transportation were written not to limit your rights, but to ensure that your flight is safe. Don't ignore them!

And finally. It should be remembered that it is better to arrive at check-in 2 hours before departure in order to ensure a good mood and prevent possible difficulties.

Issues related to baggage acceptable for air transportation are quite worrying for many. After all, the rules are constantly changing, some of them becoming stricter. And for many passengers, the size of luggage on an airplane is of fundamental importance. Therefore, it is worth studying the issue in advance so that later, when checking bags into luggage and when weighing hand luggage, no serious problems arise.

Today, carriers use two systems, accepted as the main ones, which allow final calculations for the transportation of bags and suitcases. This:

  1. Weight system
  2. By number of seats

The first option is often used on flights departing to CIS countries and Asia.

An important point in the measurement system is the permissible weight, i.e. the one that is carried free of charge. The gradation of the number of kilograms directly depends on the class of ticket. The following rules apply today:

  • 20 kg per 1 passenger in economy class
  • 30 kg – in business
  • 10 kg per child under 2 years old

In the first system for calculating how much luggage you can take on board, the following principle works: a passenger can take as many bags as he wants, but their weight should not exceed the permissible standard. You will have to pay for all the extra kilos.

The second system implies that the minimum free kilograms must be packed in only one bag or two, if this is provided for by the class of the ticket. That is, if a suitcase is filled by 10 kg, it will already take up the allowable number of seats, and for a second suitcase or travel bag that is not hand luggage, even if it is filled by 5 kilograms, you will still have to pay. This calculation option is used mostly in America. Among Russian companies, Aeroflot introduced a similar scheme most recently. In such a payment system, a bonus is the fact that the free baggage allowance is slightly higher:

  • For economy – 23 kg
  • For business – 32 kg

It is important to understand here that if passengers go on a trip together, their luggage cannot be added up. Everyone is responsible for themselves. As a result, if the bottom one has an advantage, and the other one has a shortage of kilograms in his suitcase, the first one will have to pay extra for the excess.

There is also a bonus for regular customers of the airline - they are provided with benefits on membership cards and for miles in the form of providing an additional number of seats on board the aircraft, or the option of adding a kilogram to total number luggage weight.

Luggage dimensions

The dimensions of luggage, even for transportation in a special compartment of the aircraft, must be taken into account. Thus, a suitcase whose total width, length and height is equal to 1.58 m is considered standard and acceptable for transportation without any additional procedures other than weighing. This measure is valid for a system that takes into account the number of seats. In the weight system, this indicator should be equal to 2.03 m.

If your luggage is beyond the scope, for example, you are taking skis, a bicycle and other oversized items with you, you will have to check them in at a separate counter, and in some cases you will even have to pay extra. Baggage on an airplane has the same parameters in terms of size and weight in 2018, but it is worth remembering that the situation may change.

After all, the principles for determining the luggage allowed on board are determined by the carrier himself. And it’s worth regularly checking the corresponding section on the airline’s website or calling the hotline to avoid getting into trouble.

Excess baggage

Baggage that exceeds the limits stipulated by the ticket in terms of weight or number of pieces is called excess baggage. And in most cases you will have to pay extra for it. There are, of course, carriers who allow a slight excess - a kilogram or two - without additional payment. But for the most part, you will have to pay money for every kilogram in excess. The cost of excess baggage varies from carrier to carrier. It is worth clarifying in advance how much money you will have to pay for an excess of things if there is no opportunity or desire to shell out the excess.

Heavy luggage

Special attention is paid to luggage that weighs over 30-32 kg. This one is called heavyweight. This also includes those options that go beyond the permissible dimensions:

  • Skis and sports equipment
  • Musical instruments such as guitar or double bass
  • Household appliances, such as an oven or refrigerator

Such cargo can only be transported by agreement with the carrier - he must be notified in advance. On the day of departure, you must arrive early, because... Checking in such luggage takes some additional time. It is worth understanding that the air carrier may refuse to carry luggage, for example, if the luggage compartments are small or there is no space in them.

Fragile luggage

There may be a need to carry fragile luggage - glass, decorative elements, paintings, etc. In this case, you will also have to register it separately and put a corresponding mark on the cargo. If your luggage fits the dimensions of hand luggage, the optimal solution would be to carry it with you into the cabin - this will ensure the integrity of your items.

The issue of carrying hand luggage in 2018 does not lose its relevance. Moreover, the data on it is constantly changing. Changes made to the law are now in effect. Previously, hand luggage included up to 10 kg of free weight, now from 5. But at the same time, air carriers independently determine how much weight they allow to be carried on board. So, major airlines countries have announced that they will remain at 10 for now - both for regular tickets and for non-refundable ones.

In general, on average, the following options for carrying hand luggage apply:

  • In business class – 1 piece weighing 15 kg
  • Economy – 1 piece 10 kg

It is important to consider the dimensions of the bag so that it fits all restrictions. So, hand luggage must be packed in a bag 55 cm high, 40 cm wide, 20 cm thick. Some carriers, such as Aeroflot, plan to check compliance with dimensions using special limiting frames, which will allow you to immediately determine all the necessary parameters.

We take you to the salon without registration

Carry-on and other baggage options include the following items:

  • Costume
  • Laptop
  • Video and photo cameras
  • Mobile phone
  • Books, newspapers and magazines
  • Outerwear
  • Ladies handbag
  • Briefcase
  • Cane and crutches
  • Umbrella

You can also take baby food and a baby carrier with you to the salon without any registration.

Packing hand luggage

The following are checked in as carry-on baggage in the aircraft cabin:

  • Glasses repair tools
  • Pacemaker
  • Pharmaceutical devices that you can only keep on your person
  • Robot toys
  • Razors
  • Eyelash curler
  • Oxygen cylinders for medical purposes, etc.

Carefully study the baggage allowance to avoid any troubles with their transportation. And if you have any doubts about a particular baggage item, it is better to arrive at the airport in advance to arrange everything correctly, pay for it, or set aside any excess.

Luggage parameters, its weight and size are a headache for any novice tourist. A travel suitcase costs a lot of money. What if you didn’t guess its size?! So much so that I couldn’t take it on a trip due to reasons of inconsistency! Agree, this is offensive and unpleasant. Not to mention a hefty surcharge for overweight, if the situation with the permissible weight norm is not completely clear. The temptation to buy extra gifts and souvenirs for the family on a business trip abroad or on vacation is too great.

Passengers should understand that each company announces its criteria for accepting passenger baggage for a reason. The key role in this decision is played by the aircraft fleet: its technical condition, modernization, actual size and carrying capacity of the aircraft, etc.

It is important for specialists to correctly distribute the volume and weight of permitted baggage among all flight participants. And this is not a matter of the whim of the airline, but of safety, which is worth a serious investment.

Therefore, it turns out that economy class passengers with low prices tickets do not have the same “baggage” benefits as passengers in business class. Processing of each excess piece of luggage, its control, placement of oversized cargo both on regular and on charter flight takes up the airline's time and money. Also keep in mind that long-haul transatlantic international flights often have different rules than fast short-haul flights.

Acceptable dimensions (dimensions) of luggage on an airplane in 2019

First, let's figure it out By what criteria can airlines characterize passenger baggage? First of all, they divide your bags and suitcases into hand luggage, personal items and luggage itself.

We will talk about the latter in detail. The second stage of assessment takes place according to the following criteria:

  1. Number of seats (how many bags, backpacks or suitcases the passenger plans to carry).
  2. Dimensions of the space (width, depth and height of each piece of luggage).
  3. Weight of one piece (how many kilograms each piece of luggage weighs, a separate bag, backpack or suitcase).

All three criteria are prescribed for each air carrier fare separately. The fare depends on the carrier category, the class of ticket purchased and, in some cases, the flight distance. But in general, focus on the rule - than more expensive ticket, the more suitcases a passenger has the right to take with him on a flight.

Allowed baggage dimensions are always indicated on the official websites of a particular carrier. Eg, " Ural Airlines» announce a clear limit on the maximum overall size bags, backpacks and suitcases in the designated standard size 50x50x100 cm, British Airways– 90×75×43 cm. But Aeroflot simply writes – 158 cm in total measurements.

It’s easy enough to understand that the sum of the three dimensions of luggage (length, height and width) is the very parameter that the airline indicated in its rules for accepting passenger luggage, understanding that travel suitcases cannot be of exactly the same shape and design.

Although manufacturers try to adhere to the average recommendations of airlines regarding the volume of these products. And when we see that there are no clear parameters for the width, height and depth of the suitcase, we understand that adding up the necessary sentiments, neither you nor the inspector should see a figure exceeding the specified acceptable limit.

Non-standard does not mean oversized

Remember that there is an additional charge for oversized luggage on any airline. By the way, the passenger needs to separate the concept of oversized luggage from non-standard luggage. For example, the following are often classified as non-standard:

  • skis,
  • snowboards,
  • diving equipment,
  • musical instruments, etc.

Many carriers set a fixed price for transporting such items. And sometimes they are even allowed to transport them absolutely free of charge (like skis in winter, to stimulate tourism and the purchase of air tickets).

As for domestic low-cost airlines that specialize in flights within Russia, be vigilant, since Pobeda Airlines LLC has its own conditions and tariffs for the carriage of checked baggage, which change periodically.

Information about the new rules of this airline should be regularly checked before each flight, so as not to end up paying more at the airport than you expected.

Allowable weight of luggage on an airplane: how many kilograms are allowed?

Not everyone is lucky enough to travel light. Tourist trips, especially long ones and with children, mean large suitcases with things, additional bags with souvenirs and gifts for relatives on the way back. They are the ones who travel not in the cabin of the plane, but in the luggage compartment. Therefore, when choosing a class of air ticket, Please pay attention to your airline's baggage allowance information for your specific fare.

Generally speaking, the economy class standard on most airlines means that according to the norms for one person, you can carry from 18 to 23 kilograms of baggage free of charge (each company sets its own exact permitted weight). More precisely, this weight is already included in the ticket price. Such floating figures depend on:

  1. The carrying capacity of a particular aircraft.
  2. Carrier's baggage policy.

Travel agents say that first-time travelers often make mistakes. In particular, they do not understand whether it is allowed to take one suitcase between two people and load it with things based on the free weight for two tickets.

Unfortunately, the maximum permitted weight of baggage on a plane for one seat (read: one suitcase or bag) is 32 kg if it is combined baggage for a family. That is, even if, according to the airline’s tariff, a couple of newlyweds can carry 44 kg of luggage (22 kg + 22 kg), their bag weighing even 40 kg will most likely not be accepted at the airport.

This is due not only to the strict observance of the airline’s rules, but also to the law that regulates the work of the loaders’ union. The guys in the cargo compartment can simply refuse to shift such a weight and will have every legal right to do so.

Experienced tourists convince us that a slight excess with combined luggage is still allowed. But it’s better not to go beyond 32 kg.

By the way, it should be noted that even small passengers with a ticket without a seat (usually children under 2 years old fly in the same seat with one of their parents) have the right to their own demon paid luggage. In this case “Children’s” luggage on the plane should weigh no more than 10 kg.

Baggage bonuses for expensive tickets

Holders of first or business class tickets from many airlines enjoy a special luggage preference: according to the tariff, they are entitled to take as many as 2 pieces of luggage per person. This can significantly reduce the cost of a trip if you are planning a large number of things, and the carrier’s tariff for excess in economy class is not cheap. By the way, Aeroflot, as the main carrier in Russia, also adheres to this rule. So business class (for all fare groups) and economy class(premium-Economy, Premium-Comfort fare group) can count on two pieces of luggage for one person (maximum 32 kg and 23 kg, respectively).

Experienced travelers are always prepared for airline baggage restrictions on weight and volume. They try to calculate the weight of a suitcase at the stage of compacting things at home. And always taking into account possible additional luggage upon returning from a trip. Their advice is very simple. When flying on vacation, for example, to France, take a couple of three kilograms less things than is indicated in the permissible weight on the official information page of the carrier. Then there is a chance to buy a couple of liters of original Chanel and not overpay for excess weight.

Perhaps one of the most important reasons for concern for tourists is, of course, luggage. Passengers have heard stories of suitcases being lost or missing after a long delay, or, in the worst case, being lost.

Many have repeatedly witnessed when, during check-in, many passengers were forced to pay extra for the excess of their luggage. Therefore, this article will discuss what rules apply when flying with luggage.

General points about transporting luggage on an airplane

We must admit that flying with no luggage at all is often a rarity. At a minimum, the passenger always has hand luggage, a handbag or a laptop with him. The bulk of things during the flight are, of course, checked in as luggage. Do not forget about the standard free baggage allowance accepted by the airline. At the same time, each company sets its own individual rules; if some air carriers allow cargo up to 30 kilograms in luggage free of charge, then in others you will have to pay extra for such weight.

All companies, with the exception of low-cost airlines, allow free transportation of one piece for economy class clients, but its maximum weight varies and often ranges from 20 to 23 kilograms, and the excess is paid separately.

It should be noted that for every child under two years of age who does not have his own seat, about 10 kilograms of free luggage are allocated.

Weight of one piece of luggage, based on the rules international airports, should not exceed, as is customary, 32 kilograms, so if the total weight of a passenger’s belongings exceeds the specified norm, then you will need to buy a ticket for second place, spending a decent amount of money. True, this mainly applies only to economy class clients, since most airlines automatically provide tickets for first and business class passengers with two pieces of luggage.

In order to avoid unpleasant situations, additional coordination with company employees is required, for example, by telephone.

When traveling as a couple, many passengers try to use the following trick: instead of carrying all their belongings in two bags, they put everything in one. It is clear that the weight of luggage exceeds the norm for one piece, but does not exceed the total permitted weight for two.

But if you read the airline rules, this combination of baggage is prohibited by the companies.

On the other hand, it often happens that for one piece of luggage that weighs more than the free allowance, but less than the ceiling of 32 kilograms, no additional payment is required. This depends directly on the employees of the aviation company whose services you use, as well as the strictness of compliance with the established rules and do not forget about the loaders' union, which dictate their terms on the maximum weight of the suitcase.

Rules for transporting hand luggage

Hand luggage is personal items, the size and weight of which do not exceed the established airline standards and are placed on board the aircraft without posing a threat to passengers.

Regarding the weight of hand luggage, it often differs for most airlines - for some it is 5-10 kilograms, for others it is 15.

The carry-on baggage allowance depends directly on the specific class:

    one seat in business class, “President”, “Premier”. Weight is up to 15 kilograms, the sum of three geometric dimensions is 115 centimeters.

    One seat in economy class. The weight of hand luggage should not exceed 10 kilograms, and the sum of the measurements is 115 centimeters.

Regardless of this, additional items such as coats, handbags, a bag with a camera or laptop, a blanket and orthopedic devices may also be included in carry-on luggage.

Accordingly, these items are not weighed during registration, are not marked with tags, and accordingly are not registered.

A separate point is also that many passengers buy tickets for flights at once on several airlines that have a code-sharing agreement. It is worth understanding that a code share does not mean that the rules for transporting baggage will be identical. In this case, it is better to familiarize yourself with the baggage transportation standards of both airlines so as not to accidentally overdo the weight.

Baggage transportation standards for airlines popular among Russian passengers.


Economy class

One piece up to 23 kilograms and dimensions of all three geometric dimensions up to 158 centimeters is provided free of charge. As for the size of hand luggage, it must be up to 115 centimeters and weigh up to 10 kg.

In business class, two seats up to 32 kilograms and dimensions of 158 centimeters are provided free of charge. For hand luggage, passengers are allowed baggage up to 15 kilograms and the sum of geometric measurements up to 115 kilograms. Heavy luggage, the weight of which is more than 32 kilograms, but within 50 kilograms, as well as oversized luggage, the sum of the dimensions of which is more than 203 centimeters, is carried only with prior agreement with the carrier.


Economy Class Standards

The company provides free space weighing up to 23 kilograms and dimensions in all dimensions no more than 158 centimeters. At the same time, hand luggage is within the limits of 55x40x23 cm and weighing up to 8 kg.

In business class, a passenger receives 2 pieces of luggage up to 32 kilograms and dimensions of 158 centimeters free of charge. For hand luggage, luggage up to 8 kilograms and dimensions up to 55x40x23 cm is allowed.


In economy class, the client receives free 1 piece of luggage weighing up to 30 kilograms in the “low” season and up to 20 kilograms in the “high” season. As for hand luggage, its weight should be within 7 kilograms and dimensions up to 55x38x20 centimeters.

Business class standards include 1 free seat up to 40 kilograms. For hand luggage, the company provides two pieces weighing up to 12 kilograms. To calculate excess baggage, you need to go to the company’s official website.

Turkish Airlines

Economy class standards are that one seat up to 25 kilograms is provided free of charge on international flights and 20 kilograms on domestic flights. Carry-on baggage allowance – one item measuring 23x40x55 centimeters and weighing up to 8 kilograms

In business class, passengers can use one baggage item weighing up to 30 kilograms free of charge. As for hand luggage, its weight should be within 8 kilograms and the sum of its dimensions should be up to 23x40x55 centimeters. On the official website you can see the tariffs that apply when the established standards are exceeded.

Czech Airlines

In economy class you are provided with one free seat, the weight of which can be up to 15 or 23 kg, depending on the distance of Area 1 and 2. The luggage size is 203 cm. The passenger also has the right to take hand luggage on board. Its dimensions should be up to 25x45x55 cm and weigh up to 8 kg.

Business class norms are 2 free pieces up to 32 kilograms, each piece of baggage up to 203 centimeters in size. For hand luggage - two pieces, the total weight of which is 12 kilograms.

S7 Airlines

The following standards apply in economy class:

"Economy Basic"

Paid baggage applies, 1 piece of luggage up to 23 kilograms is provided.

“Economy Flexible”: the passenger has one free seat weighing up to 23 kilograms, the sum of 3 geometric dimensions is up to 203 centimeters. Hand luggage is normal - weighing up to 10 kg and dimensions up to 55x40x20 cm.

In business class there is 1 free seat weighing up to 32 kg. Hand luggage is limited to dimensions of no more than 55x40x20 centimeters for each of two pieces and a total weight of up to 15 kilograms.

Ural Airlines

On promotional rates, paid luggage remains; only hand luggage weighing 10 kilograms remains free.

Economy class norms: 1 free seat up to 23 kilograms. The passenger has the opportunity to take hand luggage with him weighing up to 5 kg and dimensions of about 55x40x20 centimeters.

In business class, they guarantee one free seat on Business Light and Comfort Light fares weighing up to 32 kilograms, as well as two seats on the Business Comfort fare weighing 32 kilograms. Carry-on baggage is limited to two pieces measuring no more than 55x40x20 centimeters each and weighing up to 15 kg. With the Economy fare, the weight of hand luggage on partner routes is reduced to 5 kg.


Paid carriage is valid at the “Light” tariff.

Norms in economy class

One seat is provided free of charge in economy class for those weighing up to 23 kilograms. Hand luggage – up to 55x40x20 cm and weighing up to 10 kg.

In business class, 2 seats up to 32 kilograms are provided free of charge. The company provides 2 pieces of carry-on luggage with dimensions of no more than 55x40x20 cm each and a total weight of up to 10 kilograms.


The company operates a “Light” tariff - no luggage. The passenger has the right to take only hand luggage up to 8 kg.

In economy class the following rules apply: one free seat measuring up to 158 centimeters and weighing up to 23 kilograms. Hand luggage dimensions are 55x35x25 cm, weighing up to 8 kilograms. There are also overpayments for excess or excess size (up to 203 cm).

Business class standards include 2 free seats measuring up to 158 centimeters and weighing up to 32 kilograms. The size of hand luggage is limited to 55x35x25 cm and weighing up to 8 kilograms.


The client is provided with one piece of luggage weighing up to 23 kilograms and baggage dimensions of 158 centimeters free of charge. The dimensions of hand luggage on these airlines will be no more than 55x35x25 cm and weighing up to 12 kg. One accessory is allowed (briefcase or laptop case or handbag).

In business class, a passenger has 2 free seats up to 32 kilograms and dimensions of 158 centimeters. Carry-on baggage allowance is 2 pieces weighing up to 18 kilograms and dimensions up to 55x35x25 cm. One accessory is also allowed.

British Airways

The company has a baggage-free rate.

Economy class standards – one free 90x75x43 cm and a total weight of no more than 23 kg. Hand luggage dimensions (1 piece) no more than 56x45x25 cm, weighing up to 23 kg.

In business class, two pieces weighing no more than 32 kg each and measuring up to 90x75x43 cm are provided free of charge. Hand luggage - 1 piece measuring no more than 56x45x25 cm and weighing up to 23 kg.

What can you carry in hand luggage?

According to airline rules, when transporting hand luggage, the carriage of various liquids, creams, toothpastes, deodorants, aerosols, and gels is limited.

Subject to certain conditions, you are allowed to take a certain amount of the following substances in your hand luggage:

    the liquid or other substance must be packaged in a container with a volume of no more than 100 milliliters;

    all funds must be placed in a plastic bag with a volume of no more than 1 liter;

    one passenger has the right to have only one given package among his hand luggage;

    The bags must be transparent and closed with a zipper.

The only exceptions in this case are baby food, which is practically constantly needed for feeding during the flight, and medications, which cannot be avoided during the flight. All companies allow their carriage in sufficient quantities, which is provided for by airline rules. At the same time, they must be opened and carefully checked by employees at the control point.

To avoid unpleasant situations, it is better to take care in advance and familiarize yourself with the list of prohibited items for transportation in hand luggage. It is better to leave these items in the storage room or check them in as luggage.

It is allowed to purchase various drinks, perfumes or other liquids after passing the baggage check. But it is worth remembering that they must, if necessary, be packed and sealed on board the aircraft or in a DutyFree store.

How not to overpay for luggage

No matter how ironic it may sound, but the most The best way- This is not taking too many things. But, as you know, this does not always work out. Extra kilos in your luggage can sometimes be quite a significant loss for your budget. Can this be avoided?

There are several actions that will help save your budget:

1. When purchasing tickets, always check the established free baggage allowances and try to take this into account when packing your suitcase.

2. It is best to weigh your luggage at home. You can do this even on ordinary floor scales and calculate the difference between your total weight with luggage and the weight, respectively, without luggage. This will avoid hassle at the airport.

3. If you still find that your weight is not normal, take out things that you can put on yourself. Of course, not by much, but your suitcase will become lighter. Pockets can also help out; you can simply put small but heavy objects in them. Don't forget that many things that are quite heavy, such as phones, cameras and related accessories, can be taken in hand luggage. It should be noted that small but heavy items can be placed in a laptop bag.

4. First, check the weight of your luggage, only then pack it in a plastic bag. This is necessary in order to save time on repackaging.

5. Sometimes it is much cheaper to buy the necessary shampoos, toothpastes, gels, sunscreens right on the spot than to overpay for them in the form of excess weight in your luggage.

6. To save on luggage, you can use a good service - buy food, drinks, and souvenirs at DutyFree.

7. Try to limit yourself to a travel bag or suitcase, which in terms of size and weight fits the definition of “carry-on luggage”. This will allow you to avoid many procedures, for example, checking in luggage or waiting when receiving it. In this case, your luggage will definitely not be lost.

8. Experienced travelers claim that about 50% of things do not return home.

9. Light luggage, in fact, is not only money saved, but also an excellent opportunity to travel in comfort.

Luggage and low-cost airlines

Budget airlines sometimes have not only the lowest fares, but also rather tricky baggage allowances. The bottom line is that the passenger will have to pay for a unit of goods, regardless of how many kilograms it weighs. Also, various budget airlines show a lot of imagination when it comes to baggage fees.


Free transportation in economy class: one piece of hand luggage weighing about 7 kilograms and dimensions up to 56*45*25 centimeters, as well as a handbag or bag with a laptop, a DutyFree bag or a business briefcase. Total weight – up to 10 kilograms.

Hand luggage allowance for business class: 2 pieces of luggage with the same dimensions and weight up to 15 kilograms each. In economy class, paid carriage is paid slightly in advance, this applies to baggage weighing up to 20 kilograms. To transport excess baggage weighing up to approximately 40 kilograms, all issues must be resolved in advance with the carrier. A piece of baggage must not be larger than 75x55x35 centimeters and weigh more than 32 kg. You can check in up to three pieces of baggage within the paid weight limits for the desired flight.


AirBerlin is not a pure low-cost airline: they provide the opportunity to pay for baggage in advance, as well as at the airport (JustFly). There is also a free baggage allowance option - one piece up to 23 kilograms in economy class (FlyClassic and FlyDeal) and 32 kilograms in business class. FlyFlex+ entitles passengers to carry two pieces of baggage free of charge. Fee for excess weight from 23 to 32 kilograms: 50 euros one way (FlyDeal, FlyClassic and FlyFlex+) or from 65 euros (JustFly).


EasyJet has the following baggage rules: only 1 piece of hand luggage with dimensions of 56x45x25 centimeters is allowed in the cabin. Additionally, you can take a bag with a laptop or a handbag with you, free of charge. This service can be used by participants of affiliate programs. The passenger pays for regular baggage when purchasing his ticket, but the weight of the baggage should not exceed 20 kilograms and the sum of all three dimensions - up to 275 centimeters. It is possible to pay for additional kilograms of transportation; the maximum weight of luggage should then be 32 kilograms. When paying online for excess weight, you pay a small amount per kilogram (on the website the weight is in “steps” of up to 3 kilograms), it will be more at the airport. When traveling as a couple, for example, the total weight of up to 40 kg can be divided into 18 and 22 kilograms.

Lost luggage

Sometimes an extremely unpleasant situation occurs that involves the loss of things. If your suitcase goes missing at the airport, you should notify representatives of the baggage tracing service without leaving the arrival area. Often a written request is made to search for luggage; for this you need to have a baggage pass and a flight ticket, as well as an identification document. After this, the passenger is given a special report, which indicates the case number, which can be followed by tracking the progress of the search for items on airline websites.

Baggage search, according to the legislation of the Russian Federation, is carried out within 21 days, after which the airline client can demand compensation for missing luggage. Compensation, according to international treaties, is about 20 dollars, and the calculation is for 1 kilogram of luggage. But it’s better to check the amount and conditions directly with airline employees. When contacting air carriers directly, you can expect to receive payments of about 600 rubles per kilogram of luggage; according to the rules of some international airlines, the amount of compensation increases.

If your baggage is damaged or certain items are missing, you must immediately contact airline employees, having a ticket with a baggage pass with you. It should be noted that the deadline for filing a report of theft or damage to items is 7 days. Passengers are required to provide an accurate description of the items they have caught; compensation, as before, is the aforementioned amount of $20 per kilogram. If all the receipts for the lost items have been preserved, you can count on a full or partial refund of their value.

At the end of last year, amendments were made to the general rules air transport luggage

According to the law, everything Russian airlines must obey the same standards.

What baggage rules are relevant in 2019?

New baggage rules allow a bag/suitcase up to 30 kg for one passenger seat on an airplane. Each passenger, according to the rules, is issued individual luggage.

Russian and international airlines generally divide baggage into the following weight categories:

For a child under 2 years old, you can check in separate luggage up to 10 kg.

The allowed baggage weight depends on the ticket category:

  • In economy class – 20 kg per passenger.
  • In business class – up to 30 kg.
  • In first class - up to 30 kg.

If the weight of baggage exceeds the permissible limits, it is called excess baggage; luggage over 30 kg is heavy.

Most carriers allow a slight excess of luggage of 1-2 kg. If the excess weight is more than 2 kg, you will have to pay extra.

In case of excess baggage, the passenger pays extra for each extra kilogram. There are no uniform tariffs: each airline sets its own price.

Depending on the airline's policy and the specific flight, the excess charge can be calculated as follows:

  • Based on the cost of the maximum economy class fare. With this approach, 1 kg of excess weight costs 1.5% of the ticket price.
  • Based on the fixed amount established by the air carrier. This amount may differ on different flights and ranges from 5-15 € per kg.

In addition to weight, luggage may exceed the standard dimensions, including the sum of 3 dimensions (length + height + width). Such baggage includes:

  • Sports Equipment;
  • some musical instruments (double bass, guitar);
  • large household appliances.

The maximum dimensions of checked baggage for all classes must be 158 cm.

To transport large cargo, a preliminary agreement with the airline is required. On the day of departure, it is recommended to arrive at the airport in advance, since such cargo takes longer to register.

The company may refuse to transport oversized cargo if there is not enough space in the luggage compartment.

How much does luggage cost on a plane if the ticket does not include luggage?

Many airlines provide a baggage-free travel service, according to which passengers fly only with hand luggage.

The advantages of this service include the reduced cost of the flight. The downside is the fact that the tickets are non-refundable.

You are allowed to carry any items in your luggage, except those that are classified as dangerous in international practice. A list of them is provided on the air ticket.

It is also important to understand that there is no single global standard for baggage transportation for all airlines. You need to focus on the country to which the passenger is flying.

For example, when flying to Dubai, it is prohibited to take on board items and books of a religious nature other than Islam.

According to the rules, most airlines prohibit transporting in the luggage compartment of an aircraft:

Most airlines do not allow you to take a mercury thermometer into the cabin. It must be checked in as luggage, packed in a plastic case, and placed so that it is not damaged under any circumstances.

Most airlines prohibit the carriage of all types of knives, from pocket knives to kitchen and hunting knives. But there are also airports that allow the carriage of penknives and folding knives without fixation up to 6 cm in length.

To transport knives longer than 10 cm (household, hunting, etc.) in luggage, you must first obtain special permission. If a knife is carried in luggage as a bladed weapon, then it must also be in a case.

It is also permitted to transport in checked baggage, subject to the required conditions, such sharp objects as:

  • scissors;
  • razors;
  • swords and checkers;
  • bayonets and swords;
  • scimitars;
  • crossbows;
  • simulators of any type of weapon.

According to the transportation rules, it is not advisable to put in luggage:

Important! Take these items with you in your hand luggage or leave them at home.

Airplane baggage restrictions

Liquids include:

You are allowed to carry any of these liquids in your luggage. There are no restrictions on volume, however, general permissible weight standards must be observed (see above).

You can carry medicines in your luggage that are not prohibited by customs regulations and are freely available, i.e. sold without a prescription.

Customs regulations prohibit the carriage of narcotic and psychotropic substances on planes. A prescription from a doctor indicating the dose is required for the following products:

Official bans in many countries include potent substances that may be contained in some medications, for example, such as:

  • codeine;
  • phenobarbital, ;
  • pseudoephedrine;
  • chlorphenamine maleate;
  • diazepam.

The permitted amount of medications on an airplane is very conditional: for your own use during the trip. If more than 5 packs of medicines are found in luggage, then customs services will most likely have questions for the passenger.

To avoid fines and confiscations, obtain documents proving the need to transport medications in these quantities.

All medications transported on an airplane must be in their original packaging and comply with the expiration date stated on the packaging.

Note! To ensure smooth transportation of insulin, you should apply for a diabetic passport before your trip.

You can place food in airplane luggage provided that:

  • This product is not included in the customs prohibited list (for international flights).
  • This product is not on the airline's list of restrictions.
  • The liquid product is unopened and hermetically sealed.

If a flight is made between countries, then the transported items and products are subject to customs requirements for individuals. They are set by the host countries, and these requirements must be taken into account.

As for domestic flights, customs regulations Such baggage does not apply.

Before traveling, it is necessary to find out the requirements of the customs of the country of destination, as well as the country where the transfer is made.

Customs bans often concern epidemiologically hazardous products without original packaging. For example, it is prohibited to import meat and dairy products into EU countries; This measure was introduced to prevent the spread of infections.

US Customs does not allow a number of products from other countries to pass through, including:

  • meat;
  • eggs;
  • fish;
  • dairy products;
  • many types of vegetables and fruits.

For carrying exotic fruits from southern countries You will need a special container so that they are not damaged during the flight.

On domestic Russian flights, you can carry an unlimited amount of alcoholic beverages with a strength of up to 24° in your baggage (but no more than the general weight standards for baggage allow).

Strong drinks (24–70°) - up to 5 liters, with:

  • up to 3 liters of alcoholic beverages – duty free;
  • over 3 and up to 5 liters - with additional payment at customs.

The uniform vehicle rate for exceeding the norm by 3 liters is 10 € for each liter in excess of the norm.

These rules for individuals apply to any imported alcohol in luggage, including:

  • beer;
  • vodka;
  • champagne;
  • wine, etc.

Alcohol can only be transported on an airplane in its original packaging.. Homemade wines and moonshine will be confiscated at customs.

In some countries, restrictions on the export of alcoholic beverages are even stricter. For example, from Hungary you can export no more than 1 liter of strong alcohol (from 22%), and up to 2 liters of less strong alcoholic beverages.

An exception is made only for grape wine and beer: here the restrictions are less strict - you can take out up to 4 liters of wine and 16 liters of beer.

Alcohol with an alcohol content of 24–70% is only allowed in checked baggage, and this must be taken into account when traveling on Russian air carriers.

There is no limit on the number of cigarettes you can carry in checked baggage. The basic rule is not to exceed the limits of the customs service of the destination country.

One passenger is prohibited from bringing into the territory of the Russian Federation more than:

  • 200 cigarettes (one block);
  • 50 cigars;
  • 250 grams of tobacco.

Important! Minors are strictly prohibited from carrying cigarettes.

These restrictions apply in all EU countries. In the USA, the limits are as follows: a passenger 21 years of age or older can carry up to 2 kg of tobacco (leaf).

As for electronic cigarettes, there are no restrictions on their transportation. Such a cigarette is equivalent to electronic devices such as a laptop or telephone.

Lighters are strictly prohibited on most airlines. The following cannot be carried in luggage:

  • zippo brand lighters;
  • souvenir lighters, even if they do not contain a single gram of gasoline;
  • other types of “personalized” lighters.

You can take a regular lighter filled with liquefied gas on board an airplane.

So, when planning a flight on domestic and international flights, be sure to study what and in what quantities you can carry in your luggage. The information presented above in the article will help in this matter.

Video: New rules for baggage and hand luggage on airplanes have come into force


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