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The ferry stopped running between the villages of Chingis and Spirino: hundreds of residents of the right bank of the Ob were cut off from the regional center - the village of Ordynskoye.

The ferry service opened later than usual this year - in mid-June instead of early May. At the same time, the ferry operates intermittently, Nadezhda Igoshina, head of the Chingis village council, told an NGS correspondent.

“I didn’t go for a week, I left for four days, and again the same song,” Nadezhda Igoshina described the work of the ferry, clarifying that the crossing has not been operating since August 7.

According to the head of the village council, 625 residents are registered in Chinggis and the neighboring village of Milovanovo alone. They regularly have to travel to the regional center on the left bank, since that is where all government agencies are located. Without a ferry, the villagers have a difficult time.

“They don’t transport it on boats, because the shaft is large, not everyone [will take on such responsibility]. Even if we don’t have ferries, there are ferries when there’s a big surge, and boats even more so,” said Nadezhda Igoshina.

She explained that local residents they get by as best they can. The day before, for example, a “Gazelle” was running from the Chingis village council, on which you could drive 36 kilometers to Nizhnekamenka, and then from there take a ferry to the regional center. But this is not a solution, says the head of the village council. According to her, people incur additional travel costs, including because a ticket for the Nizhnekamenka - Ordynskoye ferry is more expensive. In addition, on weekends there are large queues of summer residents who want to cross.

First Deputy Head of the Ordynsky District Administration Yuri Kraus explained that ferries between the villages of Chingis and Spirino are not currently operating due to the fact that the fleet of the carrier, the Nord-West company, was not ready.

“Now they have completed their next inspection of the barge on which they transport transport, and in order to provide it to the [Russian] river register, they need to bring it to Berdsk. And there, as far as I understand, they lift it with some kind of inflatable chambers, so that you can see from below, evaluate the thickness of the iron, that is, the quality of the body. This Passenger Transportation, and no one will allow this fleet to sail with violations. In any case, they will continue to work, but when the examination is completed, the documents will be drawn up. That is, when everything is in order,” Yuri Kraus emphasized.

SK Nord-West LLC explained that this year they did not plan to work at all on the Spirino-Chingis ferry crossing. But in May 2018, it became clear that there was no one to service this direction, and the administration of the Ordynsky district asked Nord-West to take over transportation. It turned out to be difficult to quickly prepare equipment and find workers.

In its official letter to the editor of the NGS, the carrier did not give specific dates for when ferries between Chinggis and Spirino will begin operating again. But the company noted that today, August 10, the vessel was inspected by an inspector from the Russian River Register. “To resume operation of the vessel, it is necessary to carry out minor repairs to part of the hull - the bow, which, due to operation and constant approach to the unequipped shore, becomes unusable,” reported Nord-West.

In the Novosibirsk region, the ferry between the villages of Chingis and Spirino stopped running: hundreds of residents of the right bank of the Ob were cut off from the regional center - the village of Ordynskoye.

The ferry service opened later than usual this year - in mid-June instead of early May. At the same time, the ferry operates intermittently, Nadezhda Igoshina, head of the Chingis village council, told an NGS correspondent.

“I didn’t go for a week, I left for four days, and again the same song,” Nadezhda Igoshina described the work of the ferry, clarifying that the crossing has not been operating since August 7.

According to the head of the village council, 625 residents are registered in Chinggis and the neighboring village of Milovanovo alone. They regularly have to travel to the regional center on the left bank, since that is where all government agencies are located. Without a ferry, the villagers have a difficult time.

“They don’t transport it on boats, because the shaft is large, not everyone [will take on such responsibility].<…>Even if we don’t have ferries, there are ferries when there’s a big surge, and boats even more so,” said Nadezhda Igoshina.

She explained that local residents are getting by as best they can. The day before, for example, a “Gazelle” was running from the Chingis village council, on which you could drive 36 kilometers to Nizhnekamenka, and then from there take a ferry to the regional center. But this is not a solution, says the head of the village council. According to her, people incur additional travel costs, including because a ticket for the Nizhnekamenka - Ordynskoye ferry is more expensive. In addition, on weekends there are large queues of summer residents who want to cross.

First Deputy Head of the Ordynsky District Administration Yuri Kraus explained that ferries between the villages of Chingis and Spirino are not currently operating due to the fact that the fleet of the carrier, the Nord-West company, was not ready.

“Now they have completed their next inspection of the barge on which they transport transport, and in order to provide it to the [Russian] river register, they need to bring it to Berdsk. And there, as far as I understand, they lift it with some kind of inflatable chambers, so that you can see from below, evaluate the thickness of the iron, that is, the quality of the body.<…>This is passenger transportation, and no one will allow this fleet to operate with violations.<…>In any case, they will continue to work, but when the examination is completed, the documents will be drawn up. That is, when everything is in order,” Yuri Kraus emphasized.

SK Nord-West LLC explained that this year they did not plan to work at all on the Spirino-Chingis ferry crossing. But in May 2018, it turned out that there was no one to service this direction, and the administration of the Ordynsky district. It turned out to be difficult to quickly prepare equipment and find workers.

In its official letter to the editor of the NGS, the carrier did not give specific dates for when ferries between Chinggis and Spirino will begin operating again. But the company noted that today, August 10, the vessel was inspected by an inspector from the Russian River Register. “To resume operation of the vessel, it is necessary to carry out minor repairs to part of the hull - the bow, which, due to operation and constant approach to the unequipped shore, becomes unusable,” Nord-West reported.


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