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Where is Vietnam located on the world map? The Socialist Republic of Vietnam is a state located in South-East Asia on the Indochina Peninsula. Vietnam borders Laos and Cambodia to the west and China to the north. Many tourists and travelers are puzzled by the question of choosing a country for their holidays. Where is it better to go to Thailand or Vietnam?

If your choice is the resorts of Vietnam, then most likely you may be interested in information about how long the flight will take. When asking this question, parents think more about their children and their fatigue.

On a detailed coastal map of Vietnam, we can see that the state is washed on the eastern and southern sides by the waters of the South China Sea. More than 80% of Vietnam's area is occupied by low mountains. In the northern part of the country, blocky-folded ridges stretch parallel to each other from the very high point country by Mount Fansipan. The Annam Mountains stretch along the western border of the country. In the center of the country and in the southern part there are basement and basalt plateaus that make up the Taing Guen plateau. The largest and deepest rivers in Vietnam and all of Southeast Asia, the Hong Ha and Mekong, end their course in the country and then flow into the South China Sea.

In Vietnam, tourism is an important part of the state's economy. A map of Vietnam with resorts - the main resorts of the country - Nha Trang, Danang, Mui Ne, Dalat, Hanoi, Hue, Ho Chi Minh City in Russian will help you get a closer look at the location of these cities. In recent years, Vietnam has begun to rapidly develop the tourism sector and therefore the level of the country's economy has also grown significantly.

Vietnam is a country in South Asia. The Vietian people live there, which is what gave it its name. “Nam” in Vietnamese means southern. Maybe there are northern ones somewhere, but to the north there is only China, which ignores this hint. During colonial times, Vietnam was a French colony. But after fighting against the colonialists for some time, he won and decolonized. Not without the help of the omnipresent USSR in those days. The United States did not like this very much, since the east quickly socialized and began to go straight towards communism.

Vietnam. Satellite map
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The reaction was predictable - the deployment of troops and a long, difficult war. The Vietnamese side was mainly partisan, with widespread support from the Soviet Union. Officially, the USSR did not participate, of course, but military specialists were involved in more than just simple training of Vietnamese soldiers. Soviet pilots flew combat missions under Vietnamese names, and downed planes were registered as Vietnamese. A well-known bard song, popular in those days, is about a captured American pilot who was shot down by the “Vietnamese” Li-si-ching.

American pilots, during some aerial maneuvers, tracked who was in the MiG cockpit; if the wingtips trembled during overloads, the Americans knew there was a Vietnamese who had lost consciousness for a couple of seconds from the overload. You can shoot down freely - it’s unlikely to be able to resist the aces. If the maneuvers went freely, the Americans preferred to shout into the pressure helmet “Vaniya, he’s gone!” and it happened that they were released in peace. Air battles in the Vietnam War were very different from ground battles - they were more gentlemanly. The pilots did not fire at the ejected pilots, and when they shot down an enemy plane, they stopped shooting.

It is an attractive tourist country. There is also a coastline, with resorts that allow you to enjoy warm sea waves and good weather almost throughout the year, and many attractions that allow you to create an exciting excursion program.

Where is it located and what sea is it washed by?

Geographically Vietnam applies to Southeast Asia and is located on the Indochina Peninsula. In the West the country borders with Cambodia and Laos, in the North with China.

The Vietnamese coast stretches along the eastern and southern parts of the country and is washed by the South China Sea, the Gulf of Thailand and the Gulf of Tonkin.

Phan Thiet and Mui Ne

These resorts are located in the south of the country and specialize in beach holidays. At the same time, in Mui Ne, Russian-speaking tourists, as a rule, feel more comfortable, since the Russian diaspora has settled there, many representatives of the Russian-speaking population have their own businesses, and there are many signs in Russian on the streets.

Nha Trang

This resort is one of most popular and at the same time, like Mui Ne, it is filled with a significant amount of Russian-language service. Many Russians have their own restaurants, excursion bureaus and other companies that work in the field of tourism and recreation.

Nha Trang offers opportunities for a wide variety of recreation. Wellness services are developed here, but there is also a lot of entertainment, including the famous Vietnamese diving.


Is high mountain resort, which is located in the central part of Vietnam. Both Vietnamese and foreigners relax here. Moreover, the resort has a certain claim to elitism:

  • many golf courses;
  • cozy parks and forests;
  • boat trips.

Dalat has magnificent nature, many waterfalls and coniferous forests. Excellent conditions for a relaxing holiday.

Phu Quoc and other islands

Phu Quoc- a magnificent resort island, where a large safari park was recently created. In addition, there is a lot of entertainment and great beach holiday.

Con Dao Island– relatively new tourist destination, but worthy of attention. There's great ecotourism there. In addition to its magnificent beaches, Con Dao offers:

  • reserve;
  • fishing;
  • observation of exotic animals.

If you find yourself near Halong Bay, you can treat yourself to island visits Cat Ba and Tuan Chau. They offer wellness services and entertainment combined with a beach holiday.

Mountain resorts

These resorts should be noted because of the presence of mineral springs there.

There are many useful sources in Vietnam mineral water, but there are relatively few resorts nearby.

Of course, the weather there is not ideal for holidays all year round, but here are the conditions for have a good rest quite optimal.

Located near Hanoi Ba Vi– a resort with a national park. There you can enjoy:

  • mud baths;
  • bathing in hot water;
  • healing sessions of traditional medicine.

Not far from Ho Chi Minh City is the city of Vung Tau, whose territory includes Binh Chau resort. The resort is actively developing, offering hot mineral springs and quality service.

Beaches and coast

Beaches in the south The countries are suitable for resort holidays almost throughout the whole year. In autumn the rainy season begins there, but warm days are still observed.

Most resorts have access to the sea with a water temperature of at least twenty degrees, meaning you can always swim.

North less favorable weather conditions in winter. It really gets cold there (by Vietnamese standards) and swimming in winter is not possible.

Sights of the country

The authentic Vietnam is not only resort holiday, but also abundance.

This country has many territories where buildings of ancient civilizations and many natural beauties remain.

Besides It should be noted Remnants of the colonial era, many of the houses in Vietnam remain from the era when the French ruled the country.

For people from northern countries have attractiveness exotic entertainment:

  1. reserves with crocodiles and other rare animals;
  2. elephant riding;
  3. National parks;
  4. fishing;
  5. snake restaurants.

There are absolutely original excursion options such as visiting guerrilla tunnels left over from the Vietnam War. Ha Long Bay is considered one of the the most beautiful spaces on the planet.

Hanoi abounds architectural structures of different times: from the era of the development of Buddhism to the grandiose buildings of the times of communism. Da Nang attracts Marble mountains and pagodas. Famous statue Tourists can see the reclining Buddha watch in Phan Thiet.

In general, a lot of attractions are concentrated in the relatively small territory of Vietnam.

Regardless of which part of the country you go to, you can do something interesting for yourself cultural program.

International airports

Now the territory of the country includes nine international airports , but only until four are there regular flights from Russia. The largest is Tan Son Nhat, which is located in Ho Chi Minh City. Not far from the capital(45 kilometers from Hanoi) is Noi Bai Airport, which attracts tourists with its architecture in the style of a classic Vietnamese pagoda.

If you need to fly to Dalang, then there is own airport three kilometers from the city. Khanh Hoa Province uses Cam Ranh, which is located in Nha Trang.

Tourists who are interested in resort holidays most often used Tan Son Nhat Airport, which is closest to others popular resorts. In the future, this airport will be used for domestic flights, and “resort tourists” will be served by Long Thanh Airport.

Three points on the map of Vietnam (Nha Trang-Dalat-Mui Ne) that will be of interest to any tourist and traveler:

Vietnam is considered an interesting place for curious tourists. It has everything a traveler needs - a coast with an alluring blue sea, world-famous attractions, stunning resorts, hot weather throughout almost the entire year.

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Location on the map and washing by seas

If you look at the world map, you can see that it is located on the Indochina Peninsula, which is located in Southeast Asia. The coast is washed by the South China Sea.

Now let's consider the most interesting places for tourist holidays.

On the Internet you can easily find a map of Vietnam in Russian with resorts.

The main concentration of attractions is in the south of Vietnam, which is influenced by the weather conditions of the country. In the north, bad weather prevails and it often rains. At that time, it also rains in the south, but with much less frequency and the temperature is much higher.

You can find it on the Internet detailed map Vietnam in Russian. It represents all the cities (and smaller settlements) of the country.

The most popular and visited resorts in Vietnam:

  1. Mui Ne and Phan Thiet.
  2. Dalat.
  3. Nha Trang.
  4. Phu Quoc and Con Dao Islands.


Resorts Mui Ne and Phan Thiet

Both of these resorts designed for beach holidays. But Mui Ne will best place for Russian-speaking tourists, since this part of the population predominates there. At almost every step you can find signs in Russian, Russian owners of various taverns, hotels and shops. Phan Thiet has a lot of infrastructure, especially well-developed services water transport. There are quite a few attractions in Phan Thiet itself, but the ones that are available immediately have an Asian flavor. Phan Thiet is worth a visit for those who want to unwind by relaxing on the beach.

Dalat Resort

The resort is intended more for wealthier people. It is located in the central part of Vietnam, and either the Vietnamese themselves or Europeans, who prefer solitude with nature, relax there. The city can provide boat trips on local reservoirs, majestic waterfalls, quiet and peaceful walks among the coniferous forest, cozy and small hotels. Golf lovers will be able to find a huge number of courses to practice their favorite activity.

Nha Trang Resort

Here, as in Mui Ne, there are a large number of Russian people, they own shops, cafes, hotels and other entertainment establishments in the tourism sector. The city of Nha Trang is ready to provide tourists with different types of recreation. Both health services and diving, famous in Vietnam, have been developed. Everyone will find something to their liking.

It is the capital of beach holidays in all of Vietnam. There are three best beaches countries that are always ready to receive tourists. The sea in the Nha Trang area is quite deep; an adult, entering two or three meters into it, will be completely hidden under water. The beaches of the city of Nha Trang are municipal, but this does not prevent it from developing in terms of entertainment. Also in Nha Trang you can find stunning mud springs and healing tinctures on snakes.

Phu Quoc and Con Dao Islands

Phu Quoc Island can be described in one sentence - paradise for animal lovers. Not long ago, a safari park was opened there, which is very popular among visiting people. In addition, beach recreation and other types of entertainment are widely developed on the island. Hotels are at a decent level.

The destination of Con Dao Island is new to many tourists. Ecotourism, which Con Dao offers, is undeservedly forgotten and relegated to the background. But you can have a great time there by going fishing, visiting large nature reserves, and watching exotic animals.

Now more about the work of airports.

There are only nine international airports in Vietnam, while there are about twenty intercity airports. Cam Ranh Airport accepts most Russian tourists. And the main airport of the country is Ho Chi Minh City, and it is located in the center of the state.

Sights of Vietnam

What sockets are in Vietnam? Vietnam is a large state, divided into South and North. In South Vietnam, the familiar type C socket (Euro socket) is common, into which you can insert a plug with two round pins. The mains voltage is 220 V. In Northern Vietnam, most sockets belong to the so-called “American” type A. In such a socket you can insert a plug that

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Phan Thiet and Mui Ne are famous for their sand dunes. Pink (aka Red) dunes are located a couple of minutes drive from Mui Ne Beach. The dunes received this name for the specific color of the sand. If the Red Dunes aren't your thing, there are also Pink and White ones. The main entertainment here is to sit on a plastic ice boat and slide down the dune as if from a snowy mountain. Red Dunes. Mui Ne, Vietnam. Find out prices


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