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Two hundred and sixty-three million kilometers from Earth, a region of the solar system known as the Asteroid Belt. Until recently, this area of ​​space was considered uninhabited. However, the images taken by NASA's Dawn probe shocked earthly astronomers.

The photo clearly shows giant structures on the surface of Ceres. What it is? The object corresponds in all respects to a pyramid. But who could build it? How did such a structure appear on a dwarf planet?

Not so long ago, similar objects were discovered on another planet in the solar system - Mars. In the area called Sidonia by astronomers, there are about 25 pyramids. Based on these facts, scientists put forward a sensational hypothesis - in unimaginable antiquity, there lived a civilization in the solar system that flew into space and built pyramids on neighboring planets. Where was her homeland and what were these structures intended for?

The most famous and well-studied pyramids on Earth are Egyptian. According to the official version, they are 4.5 thousand years old. But Sergei Baideryakov, an expert in the field of military equipment control systems, conducted his own calculations. He claims that in fact the pyramids of Egypt are 8 thousand years older. He came to a sensational conclusion. It turned out that objects are influenced by the very place in which they are located. If a building is built in a geopathogenic zone, it ages much faster.

Sergei Baideryakov believes that it was no coincidence that the builders of the pyramids chose the Giza Valley. This is precisely the geomantic, favorable zone.

The creators of the ancient pyramids, according to Sergei Baideryakov, had not only knowledge of geology. They were well versed in astronomy. The Giza Valley Plan is a heliocentric map that records the exact positions of the planets relative to the Sun. But, again, not today, but in ancient times. Our Solar System is captured on the Giza Plateau. And this hypothesis is supported today by many Western and Russian scientists. The pyramids of Cheops, Khafre and Mikerin are the planets Venus, Earth and Mars, respectively.

The hypothesis, which a couple of years ago was classified as science fiction, is receiving more and more scientific confirmation. The President of the Russian Physical Society, Vladimir Rodionov, like the entire global scientific community, is now closely following the latest news from NASA. In 2015, the American probe Dawn approached the dwarf planet Ceres. For the first time, photographs and video images of the surface of a celestial body were obtained. And the world saw the giant pyramid with its own eyes.

One hundred and fifty years ago, scientists classified Ceres as an asteroid. Only in 2006 did “planet hunters” prove that this was not an asteroid at all, but a dwarf planet. Huge glowing spots are the first thing that attracted the attention of scientists in photographs from the surface of Ceres. The diameter of the largest sunspot discovered is about nine kilometers. Astrophysicists and astronomers first suggested that it was a reflection of sunlight and salt. But how can we explain that mysterious formations begin to glow in the evening and go out by morning?

Ceres is located in the Asteroid Belt between Mars and Jupiter. Many astronomers support the hypothesis that the Asteroid Belt was formed as a result of the death of the planet Phaeton. The celestial body exploded and scattered into many asteroid fragments.

Ceres was probably part of or a satellite of the lost planet. Maybe the pyramid discovered by the Rassvet probe was once created by the inhabitants of Phaeton? The pyramid has four sides. It reaches a height of 6 kilometers and a width of 18 kilometers. Moreover, the radius of the dwarf planet itself is only 445 kilometers.

How could a pyramid appear literally out of the blue? And was it really possible that only smaller copies of such alien giants were built on Earth?

Geonomics places Kailash among the highest mountain peaks The Tibetan Plateau and the planet as a whole. Scientists have no doubt that this is a natural formation. Part Himalayan mountains. But those who have visited Kailash at least once claim that it has surprisingly much in common with the pyramid.

The best view of Kailash is from the ancient Dirapuk Monastery. This is the northern slope of Kailash. The top of the mountain remains unconquered to this day. Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences Sergei Balalaev visited the Himalayas 16 times. During recent expeditions, he took with him special equipment, including a magnetometer. The vast area on top of Kailash is never covered with snow. Moreover, in winter, even during snowfall, air rises to the surface from the internal cavity of the mountain. Pictures taken from Earth orbit did not clarify the situation. Although they clearly show an elliptical spot in the western part of the peak. On one of the slopes he discovered a mysterious tunnel leading straight into Kailash.

The Droma La pass or “cemetery of karma”, according to many beliefs, allows you to cleanse yourself of sins, get rid of serious illnesses, and difficult life problems. People leave some of their clothes or at least a piece of their hair here. It may seem incredible, but modern quantum physics has provided an explanation for the ancient ritual.

A visit to the Drolma La pass is preceded by a nine-hour climb to Kailash. According to this hypothesis, during this time the biorhythms of man and Kailash are harmonized.

Ancient texts say that the Kailasa region is an 8-petalled lotus with a sacred pyramid mountain in the center. Surprisingly, photographs from the Earth's satellite confirmed that Kailash is indeed adjacent to eight mountain ridges that form eight valleys.

Around Kailash, researchers discovered many other mysterious objects. One of them is the Stone Mirror of the Valley of Life and Death. This is a surprisingly symmetrical formation. It consists of two triangular pyramids connected by a concave bridge. The length of the Stone Mirror Valley is about three kilometers. Scientists cannot explain how such a symmetrical formation could arise in nature. As well as why in this part of the Himalayan mountains there are concentrated about 30 mountains with a clearly pyramidal shape.

Mount Iremel has the shape of a pyramid, and its edges are clearly oriented to the cardinal points. The peoples living in the Southern Urals have treated Mount Iremel as sacred for many centuries in a row. It was believed that there was a gate to afterworld. Traveler and documentary filmmaker Denis Myachenkov believes that the reason is that in the territory modern Russia The giant pyramid mountain has lost its clear outline with age.

On the slopes of Mount Iremel, expedition members discovered stones whose surface seemed to be artificially processed. And their edges turned out to be incredibly smooth. Similar finds were made during previous expeditions of Myachenkov’s group. In the Southern Urals they have already explored the Itsil and Zyuratkul mountains.

It is too early to draw conclusions. However, there is a version that the pyramids Southern Urals were built long before the Egyptian ones. Myachenkov found proof of this bold hypothesis by resorting to linguistics. It turned out that three hundred years ago the Belaya River was known as Ra. But after the general cartization, the old names were changed.

What secrets are hidden by the oldest on Earth - Ural Mountains? Could other peaks of the ridge really be pyramids?

There are giant pyramids on all continents of our planet. In the Himalayas, Kailash is considered sacred, in the Urals - Iremel, in Siberia - Belukha. North American Indians worship Mount Shasta in the Grand Canyon region. Did someone really give all these peaks the shape of pyramids?

The excavations of the pyramid complex in Bosnia and Herzegovina were led by archaeologist Semir Osmanagic. Before this, the scientist spent fifteen years exploring the pyramids of Central and South America. When Osmanagic returned to his homeland, he saw the familiar pyramidal silhouette here, in the Visoko Valley. But how did an archaeologist manage to recognize an ancient pyramid in these forested hills?

Could Mount Visocica be the oldest pyramid on Earth? Semir Osmanagic’s assumption was initially met with hostility by “armchair” archaeologists. This hypothesis is too divergent from official version history of our civilization. There was simply no one to build pyramids on this territory of Europe.

However, the Institute of Geodesy of Bosnia and Herzegovina made a loud statement in favor of Osmanagic’s theory. Measurements were taken of the orientation of the faces of the hypothetical pyramid of the Sun along the cardinal directions. It turned out that the discrepancy between the face of the pyramid and the north is negligible - it is 0 degrees, 0 minutes and 12 seconds.

Having carefully studied the topographic and satellite map area, Semir Osmanagich came to the conclusion that the Pyramid of the Sun is not alone. The archaeologist is convinced that in Bosnia and Herzegovina, scientists will have to explore not just one megalithic structure, but an entire valley of pyramids.

Archaeologist Semir Osmanagic found that the pyramid he discovered in the Balkans still emits a powerful flow of energy today. During excavations of the tunnels of the Bosnian pyramids, archaeologists were surprised by the absence of remains of insects or rodents in them. Why did animals seem to avoid this place for thousands of years? Measuring instruments showed that megaliths produce two types of electromagnetic radiation - with a frequency of 28 kilohertz and 7.83 hertz. And in ancient times, radiation was enhanced by the action of quartz crystals. The electromagnetic field quickly moved through the tunnels of the pyramid.

According to one of the boldest hypotheses, the Earth's pyramids could be part of a space navigation system. After the pyramids were discovered on Mars and Ceres, this version no longer seems incredible. It is possible that one of the routes ran to the lost planet Phaeton.

The radiation frequency recorded inside the Bosnian pyramid, amounting to 7.83 hertz, is called the Schumann resonance in the scientific world. Standing electromagnetic waves of low and ultra-low frequencies are formed between the Earth's surface and the ionosphere. Not only our planet resonates, but also all living things: rocks, animals, humans. The Bosnian pyramid, according to Osmanagic, was a powerful energy installation - a source of harmonizing energy. Moreover, measurements showed that as it approaches the ionosphere, the intensity of the radiation only increases. Contrary to the laws of physics known to us.

Scientists believe that so far only a space probe can reach other planets of the solar system, and even more so deep space. A person cannot see the pyramids of Ceres or Mars. And the point is not at all in the absence of ultra-high-speed flying spacecraft.

In space, the vital activity of the human body ceases. Proponents of this hypothesis argue that a living organism is literally tied to planet Earth. It, like a huge generator, determines with its spectrum the biorhythms of all warm-blooded animals. A frequency of 10-15 hertz makes the brain and all human organs work. Outside the boundaries of the earth's electromagnetic fields and the biorhythms of the planet, a person will not live long.

Modern astronauts fly around the Earth at a distance of 200-300 kilometers. There is no gravity, but the planet's magnetic fields act. At the same time, the astronaut cannot even see the entire Earth, but only part of it.

The landing of American astronaut Neil Armstrong on the surface of the Moon remained a counter-argument to this hypothesis for a long time. However, a detailed study of the famous video today has given rise to a strong opinion that it was staged filming. The most amazing thing is that the Americans claimed that the priceless film of the supposedly historic flight was unexpectedly lost. And today explore the recording using latest technologies impossible.

The sacred texts of Ancient India say that we are far from alone in the Universe. Powerful personalities control planets, galaxies, universes. And they constantly visit our planet. Moreover, in ancient times people met these visitors precisely near the pyramid mountains.

In the east, practices have been widespread for several millennia, during which a person assumes the lotus position. It is believed that in this state the mind calms down and all processes in the human body are normalized. The body rejuvenates! The effectiveness of the practice made it popular in the West. And her secret turned out to be simple. The lotus position is still the same pyramid. In this position, all human energy centers are strengthened.

The outstanding Russian physicist Mikhail Lobanovsky was one of the first to declare that the shape of an object determines its properties. He became the founder of geometric physics or physics of bodies.

Based on Lobanovsky's theory, modern scientists have come to the conclusion that any pyramid can serve as an excellent radio beacon of a certain range. It is capable of transmitting information over vast distances.

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Astronaut Terry Wertz took a stunning photo of the Egyptian Pyramids of Giza on his last day aboard the International Space Station. The photo was taken on June 11, just before the Soyuz transport spacecraft detached from the ISS, the astronaut managed to capture a stunning sunrise:

The astronaut himself is very proud that he managed to take such a unique photo. During his six months in orbit, he was never able to obtain such a clear and at the same time complete photograph of this piece of Earth. The astronaut published his creation on Twitter. There he also posted photographs he took directly during the flight in the Soyuz TMA-15M space capsule together with Samantha Cristoforetti and Anton Shkaplerov:

The last photo turned out especially well for the astronaut. The sight of the partially consecrated Earth and the bright sun shining its rays on the space station's solar panels and robotic arm is reminiscent of an image from a science fiction film. Without a doubt, this photo will find its niche in thematic images for creating a desktop background on the computers of space-themed lovers.

Translated & edited by Kolupaev D./Translated and edited by Kolupaev D.V.

Infrared photographs taken from satellite by a group of American scientists helped discover 17 previously unknown Egyptian pyramids.

This is what a piece of a satellite image with the found pyramid looks like.

Infrared imaging technology from space is notable for its ability to identify objects hidden underground.

As a result of such photographing of the territory of Egypt from space, scientists were able to find more than a thousand tombs and three thousand ancient settlements.

Archaeologists have already begun work at the site of the “space finds”, and, according to preliminary data, they have confirmed the discovery of two previously unknown pyramids.

"Unearthing a new pyramid is every archaeologist's dream," says study author Sarah Parcak of the University of Birmingham, Alabama. The scientist admits that she was very surprised by the rich results that were obtained using infrared photography.

“We carried out very intensive research throughout the year. Of course, I constantly monitored the flow of information, but the moment came when I suddenly realized how much we had managed to discover. I simply could not believe that so many new objects had been found in Egypt ", admits the archaeologist.

American experts studied images taken by satellite from a 700-kilometer altitude. The cameras used in this case are so powerful that they can identify objects on the earth's surface with a diameter of less than a meter.

In this case, infrared photography was used to distinguish between various materials located underground.

"Lost Cities of Egypt"

The thing is that the ancient Egyptians built their houses and other structures from adobe bricks, the density of which is much higher than that of ordinary soil. Therefore, in the photographs one can discern the outlines of residential buildings, temples and tombs.

"This demonstrates how easy it is to underestimate both the size and scale of ancient settlements," says Parcak.

In her opinion, scientists expect many other discoveries. “These are only objects located close to the surface of the earth. But there are many thousands of others that the Nile covered with silt. Our work is just beginning,” says the archaeologist.

BBC journalists traveled with Parcak to Egypt to check whether the excavations would confirm the data obtained through filming from space.

The documentary film "Lost Cities of Egypt" tells about her trip to one of the areas in the Egyptian village of Saqqara, where the necropolis of the capital of the Egyptian Ancient Kingdom is located.

At first, Egyptian authorities were extremely skeptical of Parcak's research. But when an archaeologist said that she may have discovered two new pyramids, the Egyptians began excavations and now consider them extremely promising.

However, according to the American archaeologist, the most exciting thing was the beginning of work in the city of Tanis.

“They excavated a house built three thousand years ago that was visible on satellite images,” says the scientist. “And the photographs matched its outline almost perfectly. This was real proof of the effectiveness of the technology.”

Tombs of Egyptian Pharaohs in Giza

Egyptian pyramids - unique architectural monument Ancient Egypt. These are huge stone burial structures with a pyramidal shape. The ancient Egyptians believed that after death a person ascends to heaven via a ladder. The pharaohs of Ancient Egypt erected pyramid tombs that symbolized the ascent up the heavenly ladder.

Great Pyramids of Giza

The most famous among the Egyptian pyramids are the so-called “Great Pyramids”. The map shows that the Great Pyramids of Egypt are located in Giza, near Cairo.

The Great Pyramids are the pyramids of the pharaohs Khafre, Cheops and Mikerin. These pyramids are distinguished by their strict pyramidal shape, in contrast to the first stepped tombs of the pharaohs. The elevation angle of the walls of the Great Pyramids is from 51 to 53 ° relative to the horizon. Interestingly, the edges of the Great Pyramids are precisely oriented to the sides of the sun.

Pyramid of Cheops (Khufu)

The only surviving one of the “seven wonders of the world” is the Pyramid of Cheops, built around 2589-2566 BC. Today, this pyramid is the largest of all Egyptian pyramids: the length of the base is 230 m, and original height– 146.6 m. Today, due to the lack of cladding, the Cheops pyramid has decreased to 138.8 m in height.

More than 2.3 million stone blocks were used to build Khufu's pyramid. The average weight of a stone block is 2.5 tons, and the largest block weighs more than 15 tons. The pyramid is built from granite, limestone and basalt blocks.

The entrance to the Cheops pyramid is located on the north side, at an altitude of 15.63 m. Now tourists enter the pyramid through a 17-meter gap, which was made in 820. Inside the pyramid there are 3 burial chambers, one above the other. The lower burial chamber was not completed, the middle chamber is called the “Queen’s Chamber”, and the upper one is called the “King’s Chamber”.

Near the pyramid, 7 pits were found in which the “solar boats of the pharaoh” were placed.

Scheme of the Cheops pyramid

Pyramid of Khafre (Khafre)

The Pyramid of Khafre (Khafre) is the second largest among the Great Pyramids. The map of the Egyptian pyramids shows that the Pyramid of Khafre is located next to the Great Sphinx. It is believed that the tomb was built around 2558-2532 BC. The length of the base of the Pyramid of Khafre is 215.3 m, and the height is 143.5 m.

Inside the pyramid there are 2 tombs, one of which was turned into a treasury. Next to the pyramid of Khafre, a whole funeral complex was built: a companion pyramid for the pharaoh’s wife, a temple, a port, a temple in the valley and an enclosure wall.

Khafre's pyramid diagram

Pyramid of Mikerin (Menkaure)

The lowest of the Great Pyramids at Giza is the Pyramid of Mikerinus, which is 66 m high and has a base length of 108.4 m. The pyramid was built around 2532-2504 BC. It is believed that, unlike the other Great Pyramids, the Pyramid of Menkaure has no unity in terms of construction. There is an assumption that the pyramid was first built for the heir to the throne, and after his accession it was enlarged.

The Pyramid of Mykerinus is considered a kind of completion of the era of the Great Pyramids of the IV dynasty of the pharaohs.

In December 2009, a giant UFO in the form of a pyramid hovered in the sky above the Moscow Kremlin... Each face was about one and a half kilometers. It was in the air for several hours, and eyewitnesses even managed to film it. Military space experts could not explain WHAT IT WAS. Exactly a year later, the same pyramid was observed in China. 3 months later, a similar object was recorded by television cameras above South America, then - in England, France, Spain and Japan...

The first mentions of pyramid-shaped aircraft are found in the chronicles of the ancient Sumerians. This civilization lived 6 thousand years ago on the territory of modern Iraq. Sumerian gods flew pyramidal ships into space. The junior gods of the Sumerians were called Anunnaki, the supreme gods were called Nifers. It is written that they all came from the planet Nibiru...

The biography of the Sumerian ruler Gilgamesh mentions that he was also 2/3 god, 1/3 human. The ancient texts say that the Anunaki, together with people, built the first “ziggurats” on Earth - step pyramids... ancient Egypt they also worshiped the BEN-BEN stone, pyramidal in shape...

Modern Moscow is a city living in a crazy rhythm. Such energy is created by buildings in the shape of pyramids. After the Great Patriotic War, architects Dmitry Chechulin and Alexey Shchusev had to build 7 giant pyramid houses in Moscow; the capital of the Soviet Empire needed a new magical power. The construction of the “Stalinist high-rise buildings” was completed in record time. 7 ziggurats - step pyramids - were erected on the site of ancient Slavic temples. They were placed in sacred places. To crown this architectural ensemble a huge step pyramid was being prepared - the Palace of the Soviets - a rotating statue of Lenin at the top would generate some kind of force fields. Soviet leaders believed in the mystical power of ancient knowledge, and built receiving and transmitting devices to influence the masses of people. Thank God it didn’t happen...

Video on the topic:

If the pyramid is built correctly - from the point of view of geometry, and it is installed in the “right” place - from the point of view of geology and energy flows that our planet emits and which the pyramid is capable of enhancing, then the person located in the pyramid receives very interesting and completely unusual possibilities.

After the Great October Revolution in Russia, people came to power, among whom were adherents of a secret occult order. This brotherhood was led by the mystic Gurdjieff. His best students are Blavatsky, Uspensky, Mikoyan and Stalin. In the depths of both the Soviet government itself, and even such a closed organization as the Cheka, there were occult and mystical circles (such as Masonic lodges), one of which was headed by Gleb Bukiy, the deputy of Dzerzhinsky himself...

Immediately after Lenin's death, a pyramid - a mausoleum - was erected in the heart of Moscow. At first it was wooden; a stone version was made years later. The architect Shchusev, who, by the way, belonged to secret societies, made the mausoleum following the example of the Sumerian stepped ziggurats. The brotherhood knew: the pyramid would preserve the spirit of the leader and give him immortality. For the same reason, they created a magic spell: “Lenin lived, Lenin is alive, Lenin will live!” This is what allows the mummy to still survive - and not just physically, but spiritually.

Remark from the Cardinal: So Mother Russia will live as it lives in the last historical era - every day it becomes more complex and confusing. And this will continue until right on the heart of Russia - Red Square - there is a burial stone, and even in the form of a magic pyramid, and even with the mummy of the destroyer of millions of innocent people... If we remove the mausoleum, it will happen as in China, economic explosion. And only then will we be able to “catch up and overtake America.” The Chinese have already been able to catch up? That's right, because they have no stone in their hearts...

Science has only just begun to unravel how the geometry of objects affects space. The answers were provided by the concept of torsion fields. This area of ​​physics is considered “non-academic” in Russia, and secret in the world. Torsion fields are vortices of ultra-small particles; they were discovered while studying vacuum.

The pyramid polarizes the space around itself according to torsion fields, with left torsion fields inside the pyramid and right ones above its top. It’s these right and left torsion fields that act on objects, including living ones. Moreover, in different ways.

Everything in the universe has the shape of a vortex - a galaxy, for example, or the eye of a typhoon. Human DNA has a right-handed positive torsion field. It is no coincidence that a counterclockwise spiral is a symbol of life in the most ancient cultures. Infinite energy can be extracted from a vacuum, and fundamentally new engines can be created on its basis. A transport device using rotation vortices is a breakthrough in aviation and astronautics...

The most famous pyramids on Earth are the Egyptian complex at Giza: the great pyramid of Cheops, the second of Khafre, and the third of Mikerin. As written in the Egyptian Book of the Dead, all the pyramids of Egypt are a reflection of the heavenly Duat, the kingdom of the god Osiris. And indeed there are pyramids in the sky, on the planet Mars...
Geologist Vladimir Avinsky has been studying photographs of the Martian surface for more than 20 years - he knows how to distinguish natural formations from buildings. Here's what he says:

“There are pyramids on Mars. And these are ruins, fragments of some ancient Martian civilizations. The pyramids of the Martian region of Cydonia are similar to the terrestrial ones, the Egyptian ones in Giza. However, their size is simply amazing. Height - 500m, base length - 2km. They are 5 times larger than Egyptian ones! In total, more than 10 such structures of different shapes are already known: ordinary, stepped, with curved edges, pentagonal and hexagonal. And they, naturally, are much more ancient than those on earth. Probably, the Martian pyramids are the “original version” of the structures, and ours are greatly reduced copies.

Not far from the complex Martian pyramids The famous sculpture of the Sphinx is located - a mysterious face one and a half kilometers in size. In another part of the planet, astronomers saw ruins in photographs similar to the ruins of the Peruvian city of the ancient Incas. These kind of “oblique” blocks of a linear order - they were called that way: “Inco-city” - “the city of the Incas” on Mars.

All these objects clearly could not have been created by nature. Geologists are still scratching their heads about the structures known as “Martian glass worms.” These are tubular tunnels hundreds of meters in diameter. They dive deep into the “red planet”, bend under the landscape, and join at perfectly right angles. And all this “extraterrestrial reality” is carefully “overwritten” by our governments - it is not beneficial to allow extraterrestrial reality, let alone into our lives - even into our consciousness. Then we will have to look at the world in a new way: if there was a civilization on Mars and it died, does that mean the same thing awaits us? But now we are destroying our planet with our own hands, because who hasn’t heard about the greenhouse effect from the hydrocarbons we burn - oil and coal..."

There are many pyramids in Egypt, and they are better preserved than others on our planet. The chronicles tell: each great pharaoh built an individual structure for himself. It is indicated that this was usually done for the purpose of communicating with the gods, or so that the spirit of the king remained in the pyramid. No ancient Egyptian king intended to be buried in it. For this purpose, there was the City of the Dead - underground tombs on the western bank of the Nile. Upon careful examination, it was discovered that the age of the Egyptian pyramids is very different. At the base of some structures lie perfectly polished multi-ton blocks - on top of them are piled rough stones with hieroglyphs of a later time. It is possible to clearly distinguish the pyramids that were built by a much more ancient civilization, probably preceding ours - about 10-12 thousand years ago. And there is what the pharaohs built. Absolutely different technologies, different approaches to construction - and ultimately the safety is different. There are pyramids below - a work ancient civilization, and from above - the pharaoh was already completing something, a kind of “remake” tycoon. Moreover, what is older is much better preserved...

Artist Nikas Safronov felt the power of these ancient structures from his own experience. At that time, he found himself in Egypt at the invitation of the country's authorities. Taking advantage of the privileges of an honored guest, Nikas asked to be taken to one of the pyramids of Giza, closed to tourists... and almost stayed there forever. Here's what he says himself:

“Those responsible for this event probably got something mixed up: one accompanying person brought me, and another was supposed to pick me up after a while - but he was sick. And I was simply forgotten in this pyramid. And they were supposed to pick it up literally in 3-4 hours...”

Inexplicably, the artist could not find a way out of the labyrinth of the pyramid - the black corridors diverged, ended in dead ends, or led back again. Tired, Nikas lay down and dozed off... He woke up from an incomprehensible noise: the hall where he was was illuminated with lamps. In the center stood a sarcophagus, and in it lay a living person. The others around him were casting spells. And strange shadows of people with animal heads crawled along the walls.

“I saw some sphinxes moving, while some kind of sound, ritual initiations were taking place, apparently of some student into the category of “initiates,” into the college of priests. All this was very mysterious and, one might say, not real. But at the same time, all this happened around me, and very realistically, right down to the smell of incense. Around me, between me and this, I would say, parallel world, there was some kind of invisible protection - something like a dome of trembling, slightly hazy glass ... "

The ancient ceremony amazed Nikas Safronov. For some time, he stood frozen and watched what was happening, but in the depths of his soul a vague anxiety grew. Finally, the artist clearly felt: it was time for him to return.

“...There was no fear, there was no feeling of any danger - that something terrible was waiting for me. At the beginning, when I first got into these visions, I had a small, slight “tremor.” But then somehow everything calmed down, and what was happening began to be perceived as a kind of holographic image with sound that moves around you - seemingly alive, but at the same time - as I said - as if fenced off by some kind of glass. I was a little scared “for my attic” - was it really demolishing? And I slowly began to understand that somehow I had to get out of here and try again...”

As soon as he thought about returning, a slight rustling and scratching was heard in the corner. Something was getting closer. He vaguely made out a small bright spot in the twilight. It turned out to be a small kitten - and quite real. When Nikas took him in his arms, the picture of the life of ancient Egypt began to dissolve, fade away and disappeared completely. The artist lowered the kitten to the floor and followed him.

“...He stopped, and I stopped. He sat and I sat. Then he walked - and I followed him. In the end, I saw a ray of light - I took the cat in my arms and walked into this light, I saw a huge number of people, very frightened, concerned about my fate ... "

Nikas took the cat with him to Moscow as a talisman. Today, the Don Sphynx—that’s the name of this breed—lives in the artist’s office. The tailed maze expert is terribly picky and picky about his diet. That's why he got the nickname "Delicious". Upon his return, the inspired master created an Egyptian series of paintings. But Nikas Safronov, on principle, does not undertake to portray his cat.

“...He doesn’t need to be portrayed - I feel it! I have a strong feeling that something good will certainly leave my life with this image...”

Andrey Sklyarov and a group of fellow scientists have been studying megalithic structures antiquities. He builds his conclusions by analyzing finishing and construction methods. Researchers have found thousands of artifacts that indicate that such monuments could not have been built by people with primitive technologies - all this was available only to a highly developed civilization. For example, it is unclear what tools were used to carve multi-ton stone blocks for pyramids and temples. This cannot be done, as archaeologists assure us, with a copper chisel and wooden rods. There are some finds that, let's say, put researchers at an absolute dead end. The closest analogy that just begs to be spoken is: the stone was processed when it was soft.

The stone for the pyramids of Giza was mined in the Aswan quarries. In the photo you can see strange grooves from the excavated rock:

None of the existing technologies, even modern ones, allow working with granite in this way. This is an unknown wave effect on the crystal lattice of a substance. The traces are very strange, one gets the strong impression that the stone was really softened - and it just seemed to be taken out of a monolith of granite rock with a large spoon.

Christopher Dun, an engineer at the American Aerospace Agency NASA, has been researching the pyramids for 20 years. He believes that he has come close to the solution to how they were built. Dan researched the technology of making a sarcophagus in the Cheops pyramid. Judging by the traces that remained on its inner surface, the Egyptians drilled holes to join the individual parts. And their drilling speed should have been about half a centimeter per second. And we are talking about GRANITE! However, the best modern equipment is capable of drilling holes in granite at a speed that is 10 times slower! There is only one way to repeat what the ancient architects did - and that is to drill using ultrasound. It seems that this technology was already in use 4 thousand years ago. Christopher Dun could not decide for quite a long time to publish the results of his tests - after all, he could have been considered a simple madman - these results were too much at odds with modern historical chronology.

Another question that occupied Christopher Dun was how did the Egyptians lift multi-ton blocks to a height of hundreds of meters and install them with an accuracy of a tenth of a millimeter? With the help of experiments in leading laboratories, he proved: acoustic or electromagnetic LEVITATION was used in construction. Here's what Christopher Dun himself says:

“...As it seems to me, this is generally impossible, unless you make the stone lighter and reduce the effect of gravity on it. This can be done in 2 ways. Since the ancient builders owned technologies for using ultrasound, they knew what ultrasound does to the structure of matter. In the same way, they knew that a wave arises between the sound emitter and the reflector, in which the object loses its weight. Another question is what kind of emitters they were, and where they went. But I’m almost sure that they were used...”

Physicist Andrei Verzhbitsky understood why the pyramids were built when he saw a detailed diagram of the Cheops pyramid. A drawing of a modern satellite dish looks almost the same. Calculations have confirmed: the ancient pyramids are a complex of interplanetary communication systems. Modern high-frequency technology and the pyramidal technology of the ancients are structurally the same. But as an antenna, the pyramid is designed even more competently than a satellite dish: a pyramidal antenna works taking into account the earth’s magnetic field. This is especially important for deep space communications. The focal point is inside and coincides with the place in the “burial” chamber where the granite sarcophagus stands. The Cheops pyramid has 3 chambers: the top one works at long distances, the middle one works at even more distant ones, the bottom one works at intergalactic distances. From great pyramid Cheops could be talked to either Mars or the constellation Orion...

And someone has built a single communications complex on our planet! Basically, the pyramids of planet Earth are located along the northern tropic - 30° north latitude. And, which cannot be a mere coincidence, exactly in increments of 18°. As the planet rotates, the pyramids seem to hand each other a “relay baton” for continuously receiving a signal from space. Scientists have not yet figured out how to send a message from humanity to our older brothers in mind through the pyramids. But some of them are absolutely sure that these antennas - pyramids - still work “for reception”. It’s just that no one on Earth has been waiting for a communication session for a long time...

In all likelihood, the pyramids can also receive a video signal - perhaps repeated encounters with strange creatures in the pyramids are holographic messages from distant worlds. Who did the people who lived during the era of the pyramids communicate with?

So who did the people who lived in the era of the pyramids and who knew how to use these ideal antennas communicate with in space? It is logical to assume that there should also be pyramidal antennas at the reverse end of the communication. The pictures show that there are pyramids on the Moon and Mars. In addition, the exits of the shafts of the Cheops pyramid are precisely directed towards the constellations Orion, Sirius, Ursa Major and Ursa Minor. Who were the Gods who, according to ancient myths, flew from heaven?

Our ancestors called representatives of highly developed civilizations gods. And they lived - side by side, and not only coexisted side by side - they interacted. If we again turn to Sumerian mythology (which I already mentioned in the first part of the article, and which covers in most detail the earliest stages of cooperation between people and aliens), then there was not an entire alien civilization on Earth. There was only a relatively small group of “political refugees” who staged a coup at home - first came to power, and then were overthrown. So they escaped... to our planet.

According to Sumerian clay tablets, man was created by the gods to work. These texts amazed modern geneticists: they describe in detail the emergence of humans as a species. The god Enki placed the DNA of the gods in the egg of an African monkey. This is how a man appeared. And old Darwin didn’t read the Sumerian clay tablets, which is why there are so many holes in his theory of human evolution... In fact, we are some kind of hybrid. The way the emergence of man is described in the Sumerian texts evokes very strong parallels with modern genetic engineering, with what we call today genetic modification.

It is known about 2 highly developed civilizations of antiquity. This is Atlantis and Hyperborea. According to medieval maps, Atlantis was located on several islands in Atlantic Ocean. And Hyperborea is a continent that in ancient times was at the north pole. Most of The continent sank as a result of a planetary catastrophe. Most likely, it was a great flood that began after the fall of a huge asteroid 13,664 years ago. Chronicles describe Hyperborea as an island of immortals, where there is always summer and happiness. In its center was the huge pyramid of Meru - the main one on the planet. It was called the axis of the world. All pyramids on Earth are also oriented towards it.

In ancient Egypt there was a word for the pyramid, which sounded like this - Meru. In China, the pyramid has its own word: chin-ji-ta, which consists of 3 hieroglyphs. These are the hieroglyphs “gold”, “symbol”, “tower” - literally translated “tower with golden symbols”.

In all Eastern religions, Meru is the center of the universe. Every Buddhist or Hindu monastery has a model of it - a round step pyramid with a strange apparatus on top. Indian legends tell: at the top the Gods prepared a drink of immortality, churning the waves of the ocean of energy.

When Hyperborea went under water, its inhabitants moved to the Eurasian mainland and founded new civilizations. In the sacred books, Hyperborea is called the homeland of the Aryans. The ideologists of Nazi Germany considered themselves real Aryans. The Germans believed that the legacy of Hyperborea, the powerful technologies of alien colonizers, had been preserved. The construction of the occult “building” of the Nazi elite was entrusted to Otto Rahn and Heinrich Wirth. These were 2 fairly serious mystics who created in 1935. society "Ahnenerbe" (literally - "Heritage of the Ancestors"), and it was they who laid the basis for Nazism the doctrine of "blond beasts", about the Aryans who should rule this world. Nowadays it is almost never said, it is almost forgotten: by Aryans they meant Germans and Slavs. Ahnenerbe agents also searched for Hyperborea in the Russian north. Before World War II, a secret intelligence war unfolded: the occult department of the Cheka knew well what the Germans were looking for. And they wanted to be the first to acquire the knowledge of ancient civilization.

This circle of “initiates” included, for example, professors Barchenko and Uspensky, who were intensively engaged in mystical research on the Kola Peninsula, Solovki and the polar Urals. There is information that the research of our north by the team of the occult department of the Cheka was very intensive. The so-called “Battle of Shambhala” also refers to this confrontation with the Germans. Now it is no longer a secret that the famous Nicholas Roerich was also an agent of the Cheka. So he deliberately led German intelligence there, deeper into Tibet, away from the Russian north...

Some of the high technology still ended up with the Germans. Historian Sergei Trifonov devoted many years to solving the mystery of the Königsberg pyramid. Mysterious structure - a copy reduced 100 times Egyptian pyramid Cheops. Officially, this is a monument to German soldiers who died in the First World War. And it was built by German architects when Königsberg was the center of East Prussia. The pyramid has non-random parameters: 13 tiers, 666 blocks. Don't these numbers tell you anything?

Why 666 blocks? Because although the pyramid was built in 1923, underneath it there was a capsule with some valuables. And this capsule was laid precisely in 1921, precisely when Königsberg turned 666 years old. But 666 is the notorious “number of the beast”... And in self-respecting hotels there are no rooms under No. 13, or even floors under No. 13... That is, these numbers are clearly magical. And then - generally mysticism...

In August 1914, 3 armies met near the city: 2 Russian and 1 German. The Tsarist General Rennenkampf, a completely successful and authoritative warrior, was already ready to take the Prussian Koenigsberg, which was not properly protected. Suddenly, without explanation, he abandoned command, forgetting about honor and oath, and shamefully fled from the front. According to historian Sergei Trifonov, he was subject to some kind of hypnotic, mystical influence. He was just very scared of something. I was so scared that I left the army and didn’t give a damn about a successful career. It was a tragedy. The tragedy of the individual, and the beginning of the tragedy of the entire state.

After Rennenkampf fled, the Germans attacked the second Russian army - General Samsonov. The forces were now completely unequal. 135 thousand Russian soldiers died near Königsberg... 113 thousand were taken prisoner... Rennenkampf was sent to prison. And after the revolution, he was found and shot by agents of the Cheka for betraying Russia (by the way, this happened here, in Taganrog). The Königsberg Pyramid was erected in the center of the square where German troops were marching. Around the barracks and training ground, the place for her was chosen by Hans Kschur, later a famous sorcerer and soothsayer in Hitler’s Germany. The Pyramid of Koenigsberg, in fact, is a monument to the first successful use of psychotronic weapons, or unknown magic, in war. Subsequently, secret night rituals were carried out around the pyramid - the SS sheep walked to the roar of shod boots, with lit torches at night...

When the city was transferred to the Soviet Union, the new government ordered the pyramid to be blown up. But this order was never carried out. The bas-relief figurine of a German soldier was only beheaded... The head of the military unit, which was stationed in the city at that time, ordered only to damage the monument - to beat off the head of the soldier on the bas-relief. But he did not dare touch the pyramid itself: he was not afraid of the opinion of the local Germans, he was not even afraid of the anger of his superiors - he was much more afraid of the pyramid itself, its mystical properties...

But let's return once again to the Sumerians. The chronicles of the Sumerian king Gilgamesh, who lived 5 thousand years ago, are recognized as a description of real events. However, these descriptions raise very inconvenient questions for science.

One day Gilgamesh, a half-god-half-man by origin, wondered: is he immortal? His ancestors, known as the Anunnaki from the planet Nibiru, lived forever. The Sumerian ruler went to ask them about his fate. On Earth, the Anunnaki lived on distant island Dilmun, in architecture they preferred pyramids, people were not allowed in - with rare exceptions. For example, the honor of living on the island of immortals was given to Gilgamesh’s ancestor, Utnapishtim, who built the ark many thousands of years before Gilgamesh and survived the flood. (This is where, it turns out, the biblical legend about Noah and his ark originates!) ... Gilgamesh did not achieve immortality, because only the Gods knew how to live forever, and half-man no longer did. Perhaps they knew how to stop biological time...

Time anomalies are observed near the Tibetan Mount Kailash - the largest land pyramid on our planet. The mountain really has the shape of a regular pyramid. Each side of this pyramid (or as they say in Tibet, “each face” of the pyramid) has its own patron Buddha. “Each face” has its own unique color, its own energy, and is located in a certain direction, focusing on parts of the world. And now - ATTENTION! The height of Kailash above sea level is 6666 meters. It still has the same 13 tiers... Isn’t it true - we’ve already seen similar numbers somewhere?... There are smaller pyramids around Kailash. Millions of pilgrims of various faiths flock to the foot of the mountain. Absolutely extraordinary events constantly occur around this mountain and in its environs - all this together, the entire area adjacent to Kailash is called Mandala Kailash. It is believed that this is a projection of the well-known Shambhala onto Earth. That is, this is a projection of the heavenly country of teachers onto our planet.

Ancient manuscripts say: from Kailash, another invisible pyramid is directed deep into the earth - this is how a structure in the shape of an octahedron is formed. Streams of time pass through it: Kailash is surrounded by rings of compressed and discharged time. Once in these rings, a person can immediately grow old, or vice versa - extend his life. There is a hypothesis that the lower (underground) part of this octahedron collects “spent”, so to speak, “lived” energy from the planet. And gives it back into space. And the upper part - accepts something new - what comes from above from the Creator, from the Creator - these information and energy flows are captured by Kailash. And these energy flows are so powerful that Time plays pranks around Kailash (past time can at some point pretend to be future time, and vice versa). It is believed that Kailash “wakes up” once every 60 years.

Researcher and professional traveler Alexander Redko specially organized an expedition at this moment. The researchers headed to one of the seven secret valleys. It leads to a crack that cuts the southern slope of Kailash in half. Few people managed to get there. In order not to burn in the streams of time, pilgrims must walk around the pyramid 13 times. And if Kailash accepts their energy, the mountain will let them come closer. That is, you need to sincerely believe in all this - only then will there be some kind of resonance between you and this mysterious colossus - Kailash. Only then will she give you what you want. If you are closed, Kailash is even more closed.

Tibetan lamas warned the Russians: you will pay with part of your life for entering sacred place. The scientists placed control chronometers and JPS navigators around the perimeter and went. Alexander Redko says:

“The expedition was very difficult. It lasted approximately 24-26 hours - this is according to our wristwatches, and according to the chronometer watches that we took with us and placed around the perimeter. But in fact, our biological time - well, it showed, or rather - gave a real feeling of a two-week hike, because the facial hair grew corresponding to the period, the nails grew noticeably ... "

Only a day had passed on the travelers’ wristwatches and on the control watches, and they themselves felt immense fatigue and wear and tear - as if they had not eaten or slept for half a month.

“...And the feeling of simply tiredness, the feeling of having lived “suddenly and a lot,” the feeling of the swiftness of life that was happening at that time - everyone in our group had it, and it was practically the same. We were all squeezed like lemons during these 24 hours, and yet in the group there were people very seriously prepared for any extreme. When we went downstairs, we couldn’t even breathe for several hours, except by standing on all fours. This is the situation in which we came to our senses...” (Alexander Redko)

Buddhists believe that next to the Kailash pyramid is Shambhala, the legendary abode of the Gods. In the photo below you see 2 amazing mountains: Astapad and Nandi:

They look like giant sargophagi. Lamas say: this is Shambhala. There, as they believe in the east, all the prophets and teachers of mankind go. There are representatives of past civilizations. They have been in a state of “samadhi” for thousands of years. It is believed that compressed time, which maintains the bodies of teachers in a state of self-preservation, will certainly KILL an ordinary mortal. In addition, Shambhala is protected by an ancient secret order - the Shaberons. Its adherents own secret knowledge previous civilizations. But they are in no hurry to reveal them.

“...Man is like God. He is like God not only in appearance. He is like God also INTERNALLY, he just has these capabilities hidden for now. And in addition, we also managed to lose a lot, probably due to our laziness. Forgot how to use them. And in Tibet - many ordinary mortals still use them, they remember this - their genetic memory simply manifests itself more powerfully, although any of us has it...” (Alexander Redko)

There, in the Himalayas, almost on the border of India and China, there is a mysterious “White Pyramid”. It was first described by US Air Force pilot James Kausman. During one of his flights, he flew over the “valley of death.” One of the engines almost stalled - the fuel began to freeze, and the pilot had to descend. Suddenly, right below, the crew saw a giant pyramid made of white shiny material. At its top there was a huge crystal. The plane was unable to land near the structure and only flew around three times. For half a century, no official data about this pyramid has appeared. Only a couple of photographs from military satellites made it to the press. Now there are a lot of rumors circulating about this pyramid; whoever built it: aliens, Atlanteans, and Lemurians... Why was it built? Maybe it's a huge battery? Or - a beacon for UFOs?... A lot of all kinds of guesses and theories swirl around this White Pyramid...

The White Pyramid is located almost at the same latitude as the Cheops Pyramid. But 72° east (again, a multiple of 18°, which I already mentioned). Its location fits well into the grid of geomagnetic energy channels of the Earth, which has long been known to scientists. But it turned out to be impossible to get close to her. Chinese troops protect the White Pyramid even from the views of foreign guests.

Maxim Yakovenko, a historian from Vladivostok, explored Chinese pyramids. In the vicinity of Xi'an there is huge complex of 300 buildings. This is the burial place of Chinese emperors, because Xian was once the capital of China - for as many as 13 dynasties (that damn dozen again! Is it a coincidence?). The rulers of the Celestial Empire thought that, being placed in the pyramids after death, they could be resurrected and live forever. After all, this is exactly what the forefather of the Chinese people bequeathed. Maxim Yakovenko says:

“... All Chinese rulers of the past really wanted to be like the legendary Yellow Emperor - the founder of the all-Chinese nation, who descended from heaven on a fiery chariot, who gave the Chinese people writing, a common Chinese language, the first laws and the general structure of life...”

The first emperor of united China, Qin Shi Huang, was especially obsessed with the idea of ​​eternal reign - he has the largest burial complex in Xi'an, which is guarded by the famous terracotta army. 8 thousand statues of warriors - each with their own face and individual armor... According to legend, this army, copied from the emperor’s real subjects, should serve him even after death...

All the pyramids of our planet were oriented towards each other, and at the same time towards main pyramid Meru, in Hyperborea. If you draw vectors from the pyramids to the north (according to their orientation), they will still point the way there today. Let's mentally imagine something: the first vector will be drawn from Mount Kailash - a giant pyramid in Tibet. But this vector does not point to the current north pole at all, but 15° to the west. This is the island of Greenland. Now we need one more vector - from the Western Hemisphere. The best preserved pyramids here are the Teotihuacan complex in Mexico. The central road from the entrance to the main pyramid of the Moon, called by the natives the road of the “Dead,” points almost to the north: 15° east of the pole. You probably already guessed: both of our vectors converge on the island of Greenland. Here it is - the unsunken part of Hyperborea! This is confirmed by a map of 1595, copied by Gerhard Mercator from even more ancient sources. Take a look at the picture below, this is what Hyperborea looked like in its entirety: ancient map superimposed on the modern one, and one can see how well the outlines of present-day Greenland fit into this ancient map.

Scientists have already practically proven that some contact with highly developed civilization(with a VERY!!! highly developed civilization - even by our current, modern standards!) began approximately 18 thousand years ago. And this alien landing took place at the then North Pole. That is, now this is Greenland, because during this time the pole has just shifted by the same 15° discussed above. And that’s when the “civilization” of our planet began. Of course, at first it is not global, not universal. But a start has been made...

Antennas for long-distance space communications, a portal to a parallel world, a means of controlling biological time, a battery and a converter of various types of energies, often still unknown to us, even a stabilizer of seismic activity - all this is contained in one single structure, which is pyramidal in shape. And all the methods of using this structure were described long ago in the texts of ancient peoples. Just like those who taught people to build pyramids. Those who brought us this knowledge did not come from some distant part of the galaxy. Those who came to Earth were those who lived in our solar system back then. On Mars and Phaeton. At that time, the solar system had a slightly different geometry and geography. It was they who passed on knowledge to us. All the embryonic civilizations that lived on earth during that period communicated with a single source. That is why initially, uniform knowledge was given. And only then was it transformed and interpreted by every culture on Earth - a little differently.

Any information related to the pyramids leads to questions about the origins of human civilization. This area of ​​knowledge is denied by official science and hidden by world governments. Perhaps the truth will be unpleasant for most people. But it is impossible to hide it forever. The architecture of the universe has been left to us as a legacy; the pyramids not only remind us of our past, but can also become the gateway to the future!


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