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Celebrations of Navy Day will take place throughout Russia all day. The holiday will end with a fireworks display on the beach. Peter and Paul Fortress In Petersburg. Festive fireworks will take place in many other cities of Russia. In only three cities of the Southern Military District - Astrakhan, Novorossiysk and Sevastopol - more than 300 charges of fireworks of various calibers will be fired.

Gazeta.Ru has prepared a photo report of today's parade.

The Kremlin's official website published the text of the Russian president's statement during the parade in St. Petersburg. “Thank you for your service, for holding high the title of the fearless and indestructible Russian fleet. Happy holiday! Hooray!" - Putin said at the parade in honor of Navy Day. The head of state noted that Russia has a special attitude towards military sailors. “Because service at sea is only suitable for brave and persistent people, those who know the value of well-honed training, strict discipline, cohesion and nobility,” the president added.

Meanwhile, the press service of the Western Military District reported on the parade in St. Petersburg. “There were no incidents during the parade of ships along the Neva River on July 29 during the main naval parade,” the statement says.

Ships pass under the opened Palace Bridge at the main naval parade in St. Petersburg in honor of Russian Navy Day. Right: large landing ship "Minsk"

Alexey Danichev/

By the way, the parade in Sevastopol was not without high-ranking officials. On this day, Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev visited Sevastopol. The prime minister watched the celebration from the grandstand overlooking Sevastopol Bay.

And in Sevastopol the parade is still going on. Right now, the hero city is hosting the air part of the parade, in which more than 20 aircraft and helicopters are taking part: Su-24M and Su-24MR front-line bombers, Su-30 fighters, Su-25 attack aircraft and An-26 military transport aircraft, and also Mi-28, Mi-35, Ka-52, Mi-8 and Ka-27 helicopters, Be-12 anti-submarine amphibious aircraft. At the same time, marines land on the shore.

Soon the bridges will be closed again and parade guests will be able to cross them to Palace Square, where a big concert will begin at 2 p.m. and will last until the evening.

The concert will be attended by artists of the Mariinsky Theater accompanied by a symphony orchestra, as well as Alexander Rosenbaum and Evgeny Dyatlov. Then there will be a show of military bands from Russia, India, Vietnam and China. Alexander F. Sklyar and the group “Va-Bank” will perform front-line songs and famous compositions from Russian films. Oleg Gazmanov and the Eskadron group will also perform in front of the audience with their famous “sea” hits, and the big concert will end with a performance by the Turetsky Choir and the Turetsky Soprano Ensemble.

The main naval parade is over. Long live the Russian Navy! The President, accompanied by Shoigu and Korolev, returns to the boat on which they sailed to the Admiralty Embankment.

Alexey Danichev/RIA Novosti

The aviation parade is completed by a group of Su-25 attack aircraft, which paint the sky over St. Petersburg with the colors of the Russian tricolor.

The legends of naval aviation fly in the sky - the Il 38n Novella. Behind him is the Su-24M.

The aerial part of the parade begins! The air column is led by helicopters K-31 and K-27.

The reconnaissance ship Ivan Khurs is sailing, which was transferred to the Russian Navy quite recently - on Shipbuilders Day on June 29.

A tactical group of landing ships is sailing, which includes the large landing ships Ivan Gren and Korolev.

And here is a multi-purpose ship strike group. This group includes the large anti-submarine ship Severomorsk, the corvette Boykiy, and the very latest frigate Admiral Gorshkov, equipped with the most modern types weapons.

Next come the small anti-submarine ships of Project 133.1 - Urengoy and Zelenodolsk.

In Kronstadt the parade continues with ships of the ocean zone, which due to their size cannot enter the Neva. This part of the parade is opened by the missile boat of the Chuvashia project, followed by the Geyser missile ship. The procession is completed by the Serpukhov ship, equipped with Caliber installations.

Next come the rocket ships. This procession is completed by the small rocket ship Uragan. It is named after the lead patrol ship of the project of the same name, the first surface combat ship designed and built by Soviet shipbuilders after the October Revolution.

Russian minesweepers are moving along the Neva. The lead ship is “Alexander Obukhov”.

Patrol boats of the Raptor project are sailing - a series of high-speed patrol boats of the coastal zone. The boats are designed to operate in the coastal zone of seas, straits and river mouths during daylight and dark hours at a maximum distance of up to 100 miles from the base point (place of refuge). They can also be part of a large landing ship or a universal landing ship, located in the docking chamber or on board.

Here's a historical perspective - the legendary dagger of Peter the Great is on board the boat.

They are followed by the newest anti-sabotage boats “Yunarmeets of the Arctic” and “Yunarmeets of the North Sea”.

The naval part of the parade begins. The cruiser Marshal Ustinov was appointed the flagship of the parade. It is followed by the anti-sabotage boat "Nakhimovets"

The President concludes his congratulatory speech and the Russian anthem plays. The sailors fire a ceremonial salvo from all guns.

Mikhail Klimentyev/RIA Novosti

“I congratulate everyone who stands guard over our Motherland, everyone who serves for the glory of the Russian fleet,” says the Supreme Commander-in-Chief.

The flag rises over St. Petersburg. The President of Russia begins his speech.

A historical relic of the Russian fleet is being brought into Senate Square - the stern St. George flag of the battleship Azov. "Azov", which received its name in honor of the victory of Peter I over the Turks in 1696, became part of the Baltic Fleet of the Russian Empire and over the five years of its existence became one of the most famous ships of the Russian fleet. Glory and the St. George's flag were brought to him and his crew by participating in the Battle of Navarino in 1827, in which the Azov won a battle with five Turkish ships.

The boat is moored at the Admiralteyskaya Embankment. The President, accompanied by the Minister of Defense and the Commander of the Fleet, walks past Russian sailors standing in formation.

Now the President's boat is heading to the Admiralty Embankment to continue the parade.

And now - the corvette "Savvy". The Dmitrov submarine, one of the quietest submarines in the world, completes the construction.

The next one is the frigate Admiral Makarov. In response to the president’s congratulations, a loud “Hurray!” is heard three times.

Vladimir Putin sails past the anti-submarine ship Kazanets, which is recognized as one of the best ships in its class in the Baltic Fleet.

Began! A volley from the currency battery of the Peter and Paul Fortress begins the parade. Vladimir Putin, Sergei Shoigu and Vladimir Korolev began moving on the boat.

Supreme Commander-in-Chief Vladimir Putin accepts Korolev’s report on the fleet’s readiness for the country’s main naval parade. The President boards a small boat to begin the parade.

Commander-in-Chief of the Navy Russian Federation Vladimir Korolev receives reports on the readiness of Russian fleet bases throughout the country. Even the command of the fleet based in Syrian Tartus is reporting.

The parade is about to start. All preparatory activities have been completed. Parade participants stand at attention.

Alexey Danichev/RIA Novosti

On the occasion of the celebrations, the relics of the legendary naval commander Admiral Fyodor Ushakov were delivered to Kronstadt on July 25. From there they were transferred to the Kronstadt Cathedral. Ushakov’s relics will remain in St. Petersburg until July 30.

The Il-38N and two Tu-142 long-range anti-submarine aircraft of the naval aviation will be represented at the parade by the Pacific Fleet. At the beginning of July, the planes arrived from Primorye to the Kipelovo airfield in the Vologda region, where they have been conducting training flights since July 9. Five of the latest Su-30SM multirole fighters and the Ka-27 anti-submarine helicopter will be demonstrated at the parade by the Baltic Fleet aviation. The Ka-27PL helicopter arrived in St. Petersburg on the Soobrazitelny corvette.

A holiday wouldn't be complete without an aviation parade. According to Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu, a total of 38 aircraft will take part in the parade in St. Petersburg and Kronstadt. “The modernized Il-38N aircraft with the new Novella search and sighting system, the latest generation Su-30SM and Su-33 fighters with a modified precision bombing system, as well as Ka-27M helicopters with improved Kema radio-hydroacoustic equipment will be shown,” noted Shoigu.

The statistical element of the parade is the warships installed in the roadstead. These are the newest frigate Admiral Makarov, the corvette Soobrazitelny, the diesel-electric submarine Dmitrov, the large landing ship Minsk and the small anti-submarine ship Kazanets.

By the way, in Kronstadt, which is the historical base of the Baltic Fleet and sea ​​gate Petersburg, separate celebrations will take place. There, ships that, due to their size, will not be able to enter the Neva, will take part in the naval parade; the air part of the show will involve fighters, attack aircraft, bombers and naval aviation helicopters.

In addition to the already mentioned new flagship “Admiral Gorshkov”, among the new products of the domestic fleet, parade spectators will also see the small rocket ship “Uragan”, the large landing ship “Ivan Gren”, the reconnaissance ship “Ivan Khurs”, and the small missile ship of the “Karakurt” type. In total, 18 new units of the Russian fleet will be involved in the parade.

More than 30 warships, submarines and boats will be involved in the ceremonial events in Sevastopol. The holiday will begin with the ceremonial raising of St. Andrew's flags and flags of color on the ships of the fleet. Then, in the inner roadstead of Sevastopol Bay, a parade of ships and a military sports festival will take place, during which 18 episodes are planned to be shown demonstrating the capabilities of the fleet forces.

The program for the holiday in St. Petersburg is also impressive. Warships from four Russian fleets - the Baltic, Northern, Black Sea and Pacific, as well as the Caspian Flotilla - will take part in the parade. In addition, naval aviation will take part in the parade.

In the first historical part of the parade, artillery boats of the Caspian Flotilla will pass along the Neva, carrying the flags of the formations that defended maritime borders during the Great Patriotic War. In the second part of the parade, modern ships of the Russian Navy will demonstrate their combat power.

While St. Petersburg is just preparing for the start of the grandiose parade, in the East of the country the main part of the holiday has already died down. The naval parade in Vladivostok took place in the waters of the Amur Bay.

The parade formation was led by the flagship of the Pacific Fleet of the Order of Nakhimov, the guards missile cruiser "Varyag". Behind it are the large anti-submarine ship "Admiral Panteleev", the destroyer "Bystry", the hospital ship "Irtysh", the training ship of the Baltic Fleet "Perekop" from Sevastopol, the border ship "Commander". The submarine “Komsomolsk-on-Amur” closed the parade line.

In total, almost 40 ships, boats and submarines, about 1.5 thousand military personnel and more than 20 units of military equipment of coastal troops were involved.

Vitaly Ankov/RIA Novosti

One of the “newcomers” of the Russian fleet, the frigate Admiral Gorshkov, entered the fleet the day before, on July 28. The raising of the St. Andrew's flag on the ship took place at the Severnaya Verf enterprise.

“Carry this flag with dignity and honor,” Deputy Head of the Russian Navy Viktor Bursuk said during the ceremony.

Good afternoon, dear readers of Gazeta.Ru! Russia celebrates the main holiday of sailors - Navy Day. Celebrations take place in almost all port cities - from Kaliningrad to Vladivostok, but the main parade will traditionally take place in St. Petersburg.

Gazeta.Ru is monitoring the progress of the holiday online - stay with us!

At the end of July, the country will celebrate one of the main summer holidays.

Russia is rightfully considered a great maritime power. The history of the Navy is inseparable from the history of the state. The rise and fall of a country has always been associated with successes and failures in battles on the water, with periods of strengthening or weakening of sea power. Today, the Russian Navy includes the following associations: 4 fleets - the Baltic Fleet, the Black Sea Fleet, the Northern Fleet and the Pacific Fleet, as well as the Caspian Flotilla.

Navy Day 2018: what date?

Navy Day is traditionally celebrated in Russia on the last weekend of July. This year, sailors and everyone associated with the navy will be congratulated on Sunday, the 29th. The whole country is looking forward to this summer holiday to watch the fireworks and naval parade.

The biggest celebrations take place in seaside towns, where the largest naval forces of the Russian fleet are based: St. Petersburg, Sevastopol, Novorossiysk, Vladivostok.

Navy Day 2018 in St. Petersburg: where and when will the parade take place, how to watch

The authorities of the Northern capital have prepared a large-scale entertainment program for residents and guests of the city. The naval parade in St. Petersburg starts at 11.00 local time. Ships, aircraft and ground forces will take part in it. The procession was organized in memory of Peter the Great, who not only founded the Russian fleet, but also put forward the idea of ​​a festive review of ships.

Those who cannot attend the event in person will be able to enjoy the spectacle without leaving home. Naval parade will be shown on all federal channels in the country.

Petersburg residents will be able to watch the broadcast on Palace Square, where a large screen will be installed for this purpose. Afterwards there will be a concert there, dedicated to the Day Navy. Singer Oleg Gazmanov, the Eskadron group, Alexander Rosenbaum, and the Turetsky Choir will take part in it.

Kronstadt will partially host the parade: large ships simply cannot enter the Northern capital.

Navy Day 2018 in St. Petersburg: program

9:30 - grand opening of the holiday on the famous cruiser Aurora.

11:00 - ship parade.

14:00-20:00 - opportunity to visit the ships that participated in the parade for free.

15:00 - start of the festive show on Palace Square

22:00 - end of the festive concert

23:00 - festive fireworks at the Peter and Paul Fortress.

Published 07.29.18 07:33

On July 29, 2018, a parade of ships will take place in St. Petersburg as part of the celebration of Russian Navy Day.

In St. Petersburg, on July 29, 2018, Russian Navy Day will be celebrated on a grand scale. We present to you the program of events planned for the holiday.

Channel One will broadcast the parade live. The broadcast starts at 11:00 Moscow time.

Russian Navy Day in St. Petersburg: holiday program, parade

At 10.00 the parade of warships will begin in the waters of the Neva, near the Blagoveshchensky Bridge.

At 11.00 there will be a march of military personnel along the city embankments, aviation will appear in the sky, and the movement of ships will continue.

Best places to observe intkbbach behind the parade will be the University and Palace embankments, as well as the Lieutenant Schmidt embankment.

At 11.00 a video broadcast of the parade will be organized on Palace Embankment.

At 14.00 on Palace Square there will be a video tour about the history of the Russian Navy.

15:00 - Festive concert (Palace Square). Performance by Alexander Rosembaum, Alexander Trofimov, Natalia Pavlova, Vadim Kravets, Vladimir Tselebrovsky, Grigory Chernetsov and Evgeny Dyatlov, musical military bands of India, Vietnam and China, orchestra named after. ON THE. Rimsky-Korsakov of the Russian Navy.

At 18.00 Oleg Gazmanov and the group “Squadron” will perform on Palace Square.

At 20.00 on Palace Square there will be a performance by the “Turetsky Choir” and “Turetsky SOPRANO”.

The celebration of Navy Day in the Northern capital will end with a festive fireworks display, which will be given at 22-00 at the walls of the Peter and Paul Fortress.

Navy Day 2018 in Kronstadt, program of events

The main naval parade is an exhibition of historical and modern weapons and military equipment of the Navy; overflight of naval aviation aircraft of the Baltic Fleet; passing in parade formation of ships of the Baltic, Northern and Black Sea fleets along the Kronstadt naval fairway; artillery salute.

It will be possible to get into the front row of the parade spectators only by invitation, so the parade of warships will be broadcast in Petrovsky Park in Kronstadt.

9:30 - like last year, in the morning the grand opening of the holiday will take place on the cruiser Aurora,

10:00 — the officers will bring their congratulations to all those who guard the Navy and their families. At the same time, the parade will begin on the Neva River near the Blagoveshchensky Bridge,

11:00 - the passage of ships will begin, which will be accompanied by an air procession.

From 14:00 to 18:00, residents and guests of St. Petersburg will have the opportunity to look around the ships that took part in the process.

22:00 - at this time there will be a ceremonial fire show from the Peter and Paul Fortress.

Almost all residents and guests of St. Petersburg are looking forward to July 29, because on this day a large-scale event will take place in the city, for which the organizers have been preparing for many weeks. The main parade of the Russian Navy will take place on the territory of the Northern capital. Many residents of the country will have a unique opportunity to get acquainted with the ships that are in service with the Russian Navy.

What events will take place on this day in St. Petersburg

The artillery of the Caspian flotilla will pass through the Neva waters. In order to emphasize the patriotism of the event, the flags of the country will be installed on the ships. To view all the watercraft owned by the Russian Navy, spectators will be able to go up to a special platform. This is only possible if the person has certain invitations. But even if there is no special document, the organizers have prepared many other places from where they can fully inspect the parade.

Residents and guests of St. Petersburg can get to the corner of the embankment near the Palace Bridge. From this place there will be a magnificent view of the Neva, along which warships will pass. A very good view opens up on the descent located in the Rumyantsev Garden. Residents of the city who are partial to various air vehicles, may hit the arrow Vasilyevsky Island and enjoy the turns in the sky.

Where will the parade be broadcast and what time?

Organizers say that the main part of the celebration will begin at 9:30 a.m. on July 29. Traditionally, the parade will begin with the legendary cruiser Aurora. In order to emphasize the significance of the actions of the military members of the Navy, the officers will make a solemn speech at 10 o’clock. Special monitors have been installed on Palace Square, which will allow the parade to be broadcast as early as 11 o’clock in the afternoon. Residents and guests of the city who will not be able to enter the territory from best view on the Neva, will be able to take advantage of this opportunity and see the process of the parade in great detail.

After the broadcast, a concert is planned, which will begin at 2 pm. This is very convenient, since you do not need to leave Palace Square in order to then participate in the continuation of the holiday. People who are unable to get to the square can not despair and switch their TVs to Channel One - it is the one that has the right to broadcast the Main Navy Parade, which will begin at 11 o'clock.

07/29/2018 Russia will celebrate Navy Day. Large-scale parades, theatrical performances, concerts, and demonstration performances by units will become an integral part of the holiday. On this day, ships, submarines, military boats, ground services, naval aviation

Where to go on Navy Day in St. Petersburg

The central points of the festivities will be the cities where the flotillas of the Baltic, Black Sea, Northern and Pacific fleets are located. It became known that Russian President V. Putin will take part in events for Navy Day in St. Petersburg on July 29. 2018. It is here that the central parade of ships of the Russian Navy will take place along the Neva. A large-scale program has been prepared for residents and guests of the northern capital. You will be able to see a parade of ships and a theatrical performance about the history of the Russian fleet.

Those who wish will be able to visit real ships and see marine life from the inside. Museums will present thematic exhibitions. The parade will be broadcast on a huge screen. The concert program will begin in the afternoon. Military bands, the Symphony Orchestra, soloists of the Mariinsky Theater, and pop stars will give you a lot of emotions. The center of the events will be Palace Square. Entry will be free everywhere.

What time does the Navy Day parade in St. Petersburg start?

The main event is holiday– The parade of ships will begin at 10 o’clock in the morning. At 9:30 a.m., the official part will traditionally begin on the cruiser “Aurora”. The top leadership of the Russian Federation and officers will congratulate the naval personnel and their families on Russian Fleet Day.

At eleven o'clock the ships will begin their ceremonial march along the Kronstadt fairway. Ships of all fleets, the Baltic, Black Sea, Northern, Pacific, and Caspian, will take part in it. For those who cannot attend the parade by invitation, a broadcast will be broadcast on the screen in Petrovsky Park in Kronstadt.

Poster of events for Navy Day in St. Petersburg on July 29, 2018

9.30 – ceremonial start of the parade on the cruiser Aurora

10.00 – parade of ships in the Neva water area

From 11.00 the broadcast of the parade and demonstration performances will begin on the screens of Palace Square. At this time, viewers will observe the actions of ships in combat missions, the detection of a submarine, and the work of military aviation

At 14.00, videos about the history of the Russian Navy will be shown on the screens; actors Anna Geller and Nikolai Burov will read the voice-over text.

15.00 – the concert program begins on Palace Square. It will begin with the soloists of the Mariinsky Theater, who will perform dedications to the glory of the Russian fleet. These will be famous performers - Alexander Trofimov, Vadim Kravets, Vladimir Tselebrovsky, Natalya Pavlova and Grigory Chernetsov. The Tauride Symphony Orchestra and the Soglasie choir will add a new touch to the performance. The performance of artists of the Russian Armed Forces will not leave the audience without interest.

The program will be continued by People's Artist A. Rosembaum and Honored Artist E. Dyatlov.


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