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The location of the Chkalovsky airfield, or military unit 15650-16, is the village. Shchelkovo-10, Moscow region. The military complex is part of the 929th State Flight Test Center. The airfield accepts all types of helicopters, as well as light aircraft. It is home to the 223rd Flight Detachment airline, which provides military commercial transportation.


The airfield was relocated from the Central Airfield to Shchelkovo in 1932. At the same time, Chkalovsky became a member of the Research Institute.
Various military units were based on the territory of the airfield. In particular, the 8th Aviation Division, which is currently part of the 800th Air Base. In addition to it - the 70th separate test and training regiment for special purposes, reorganized in 2010 into the Scientific Research Institute of the Central Training Center named after. Yu. Gagarin.

Air Force general sleeve patch

The helicopter unit, which, in essence, is military unit 15650-16, was formed in 2015. In addition to it, 4 service and security battalions, as well as the 800th aviation base, are based on the territory of the Chkalovsky airfield.

Eyewitness impressions

Recruits are reported to take the oath of office two weeks after arrival. The fighter reports the exact date and time of the event by phone. They say that there is no hazing or hazing, and commanders strictly monitor the slightest violation of discipline.
The food is good according to reviews, but sometimes the food can be too salty or overcooked. There are desserts occasionally, fish every day.
Contract workers who have families are provided with housing on the territory of Star City. Medical care for soldiers of military unit 15650-16 is provided at the Air Force military hospital on the territory of Shchelkovo-10.

Military unit banner

It is better to check with the soldier about the leave regulations. All mobile operators operate in Shchelkovo-10.
Military unit 15650-16 pays salaries to employees using a VTB-24 card. The ATMs closest to the unit are Sberbank of Russia. Money is withdrawn accompanied by officers. They advise you to open a Sberbank Momentum card, give it to the fighter, and make transfers to the card. You can also financially support a soldier through postal orders. Russian Post has two services: “CyberMoney” and “Forsazh”. In addition to them, they recommend the Zolotaya Korona system and the QIWI wallet.
The presence of a chip on the territory of military unit 15650-16 is unknown. Not far from the unit there is a supermarket “Pyaterochka”.

Information for mom

Parcels and letters

The Chkalovsky airfield (Moscow region) is a strategically important military complex. It was founded at the beginning of the 20th century. Chkalovsky airfield (address: microdistrict, located north-east of the capital. Further in the article we will learn about what this complex is like today. The material will tell you what departments the Chkalovsky airfield has, how to get to the complex.

General information about the object

The Chkalovsky airfield belongs to the first class. The complex can accommodate helicopters of all types, as well as light aircraft. For example, Tu-154, Il-62, An-124 and the like. The State Airlines "223rd Flight Detachment" is based there. This organization is an enterprise that provides commercial transportation using military aircraft. In addition to aircraft of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, the complex has every reason to receive aircraft from Roscosmos, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, as well as civilian ones. The latter are exclusively by prior agreement. The complex is a joint distribution airfield. It hosts a base that includes special forces units: 206, 353 and 354.

History of Chkalovsky airfield

In the past, there was a separate test and training facility on the territory of the complex aviation regiment special purpose No. 70. This formation named after V. S. Seregin was included in the RGNII TsPK. The military unit was armed with such models as L-39, Tu-154, Il-76MDK and Tu-134. The Yu. A. Gagarin Research Institute of Cosmetic Training was founded several years ago. It was created on the basis of the 70th air unit. At her disposal were flight technical elements and aircraft of the former regiment. The territory was also previously home to the 8th Special Purpose Pilot Division, which was disbanded in 2010. The units that today receive Chkalovsky airfield 42829 and other military formations) include four security and service battalions.

Development and functioning

V.S. Chernomyrdin approved a special Government Order. From that moment on, the Chkalovsky airfield, the address of which is indicated above, became open for military aircraft flights. The object received international status. Cargo air transportation and charter civil passenger flights passed through it on one-time orders. At the end of the 20th century, JSC Chkalovsky Airport was organized. It was also planned to open a special passenger terminal.

Unrealized plans

According to the preliminary plan, in the summer of 2010, regular passenger flights to Abkhazia were to be carried out from this air complex. It was assumed that Russian Air Force aircraft would make two flights per week. However, a prohibiting order was issued by the relevant authorities. This was a refusal to issue a license for this type of activity aviation security Chkalovsky airport. The official reason was that the applicant did not meet the necessary conditions and requirements.


The aviation complex is one of the contenders for the fourth place international airport capital Cities. However, the Chkalovsky airfield has a big disadvantage in the fight for this important status in the capital's air hub. Transport accessibility makes it less competitive. This year a final decision was made on this issue. To eliminate this shortcoming, official permission was received from the Ministry natural resources. To be able to build a double of the six-lane Shchelkovo highway, more than forty hectares of forest will have to be cut down. Also among such objects will be Losiny Island, which is part of national park. The length of the new road will be more than twenty kilometers. The route is planned to bypass populated areas. The journey by car will take less than fifteen minutes (from the Moscow Ring Road to the Chkalovsky airfield). How to get to the site will be clear upon completion of construction work. Now you can get to the site by public transport. The route to the sign "Chkalovsky Airfield" is as follows: from the bus station of the capital (Central) (metro station "Shchelkovskaya") by minibus or bus under numbers 375, 321, 380, 320, 378. By car the route runs along Shchelkovskoye Highway.

Innovative offer

In 2012, in the competitive conditions for developing the concept of the metropolitan agglomeration, recommendations were received for the creation of a double electrical infrastructure network. The idea belongs to Reinier de Graaf, an architect from Holland. It was assumed that one of the networks was for electric public transport, and the other for high-speed railway. They were supposed to connect the periphery around the Vnukovo, Domodedovo, Sheremetyevo and Chkalovsky complexes. The latter, according to the Dutchman’s point of view, needs to be reorganized into a cargo air port. Thus, it has every chance of becoming one of the largest in the whole world.

Reconstruction options

At the beginning of last year (2013) the third international conference “Russian Aviation Fuel Market” took place. One of the most significant speeches at it was the speech. In his speech, the vice-president of Transnefteproduct stated that in given time Negotiations with another leading enterprise are in full swing. If they are successful, the Chkalovsky military airfield will be connected to the branch of the ring main oil pipeline. This element has been around for quite some time. However, the last pumping through it from the KNPP to the aviation complex took place a long time ago. The Moscow ring oil pipeline is a structural connection that consists of three looped pipeline threads. They transport diesel fuel, gasoline and kerosene. In this case, the substances do not mix with each other. KNPP is connected to the Sheremetyevo, Domodedovo and Vnukovo air complexes. There are also special supplies from the Ryazan oil refinery and the capital's oil refinery.

An-26RT crash

This event occurred in 1988. The plane was making a training flight, the purpose of which was to exercise takeoff and landing in night conditions without the use of headlights and searchlights. After a successful landing, the crew members decided to perform an unscheduled takeoff from the assembly line. To carry out their plan, they had to make a sharp movement of the engine control knob along the fuel handle position indicator. Immediately before takeoff, the propeller blades of the right engine were rotated to a position in which the influence of this element on the drag of the aircraft becomes minimal. However, the plane's crew was unable to notice this in time and continued to take off. On enough high altitude At a speed of about 200 km/h the engine stopped. Personnel attempted to launch. Unfortunately, all three attempts were completed incorrectly. The crew did not follow the instructions and started the right engine at an unauthorized low speed and altitude. The device switched to stall mode. As a result, the plane fell into a small pond, hitting the roof of a country house in the process of falling. After which it collapsed and burned. The tragedy occurred in the village of Kudinovo, fifteen kilometers from the Chkalovsky air complex. Six people died - all crew members (ship commander, flight mechanic, flight technician, assistant commander, flight radio operator and navigator).

Il-75DT crash

In the summer of 2001, this cargo plane, owned by Rus Airlines, flew to the city of Norilsk. The takeoff was made at a speed that significantly exceeded the permissible limit. The commander of the ship, at an altitude of about ten meters, began to perform a right turn with a list of several degrees, in order to compensate for the slope to the left of the take-off course. Having gained altitude during these actions, the crew shifted the stabilizer in the absence of compensating deviation of the altitude lever. The sequence of these manipulations is a violation of the standards and recommendations of the flight manual. The cause of loss of control of the stabilizer is likely to be due to setting it in a position that does not actually match the alignment and weight.

A special commission carried out a detailed investigation into the accident. As a result, it was established that control of the stabilizer during takeoff is a regular and characteristic violation of the ship’s commander. In addition, it turned out that the crew themselves often performed similar actions when the plane was lifted off. A few seconds before the collision with an obstacle, which was a tree along the take-off course, an attempt was made to deflect the elevator. Unfortunately, there was not enough time to complete the maneuver, and a collision was inevitable. At a height of twenty-two meters the ship collided with trees. As a result of the incident, the third and fourth engines failed, and the landing gear was also severely damaged. As a result, the aircraft crashed into the ground and collapsed. Before the plane was sent, a loading plan was not drawn up. During the investigation, the commission was able to establish that the take-off weight of the vessel exceeded the maximum permissible norm by several tons. After the crash, the tanks caught fire. To prevent the fire from growing, all the forces of the region's Emergency Situations Ministry were used. The fact that the board fell in the forest, and not on one of the many nearby settlements, can be considered a happy coincidence. All people on the plane died. Among them were two passengers and eight crew members.

Preventing a Tu-154 accident

Three years ago, a plane crash was prevented in the Moscow region. This is a merit of the professionalism and skill of military pilots. This one was parked for more than ten years. It was decided to move it from the airfield for major repairs. During takeoff, the ship's control system completely failed. The crew managed to keep the plane in a horizontal position using the engines. The personnel alternately changed the position of their ailerons and thrust. Despite all efforts, the ship was losing altitude and listing heavily. During the second attempt, the pilots managed to land the plane safely on the runway. Chkalovsky airfield. Thanks to the skillful actions of the crew members, it was possible to prevent a crash and avoid casualties. A special inspection established the cause of the incident. It was the incorrect connection of a structural element of the automatic on-board control system to the power system. A notice was made to eliminate the violations.

Airfield "Chkalovsky". Kaliningrad

This object is the best on the Chkalovsky territory; it is sixty meters wide and three thousand meters long. In addition, the runway has no restrictions on the weight of aircraft. Its territory exceeds the mark of seven hundred hectares. The complex can be used by absolutely all types of currently existing aircraft. It has no equal in the number of dispersal areas, zones for group and individual parking. At the end of the last century, Chkalovsk was a base airfield for two naval aviation formations. However, this did not influence the decision to stop using the complex. The units located there were disbanded, and the equipment was transported to Chernyakhovsk.

The only airport in Russia serving business aviation. Despite the fact that the airport is actually subordinate to the Ministry of Defense and is a military airfield, the second co-owner is Gazprom's subsidiary, GazpromAvia.

Official website of the airport:

History of the airport

It was built in 1934 as a departmental institution under the NKVD. Subsequently (before the war) the airport was transferred to the disposal of the USSR Ministry of Defense.

Despite the status of a military facility, in the post-war years, civilian cargo and passenger flights were formed from the airport to almost all corners of the Union.

At this time, OJSC Gazprom became a co-owner of Ostafyevo Airport. Over the course of 3 years, with the support of the company, large-scale reconstructions were carried out and in 2000 the airport was reopened to passenger transportation.

Ostafyevo is the main air port of Gazprom, and the hub of the subsidiary GazpromAvia.

Attempts to close the airport

At the end of the 90s, the Moscow government tried to close the airport, since the construction of another microdistrict of Yuzhny Butovo was planned in its place. And already built areas are located in the noise pressure zone. However, Gazprom “won” it from officials.

What will happen to the airport?

Today Ostafyevo Airport has a low daily throughput. In this regard, a set of measures has been developed to improve the quality of service and expand the airport’s material and technical base.

Thus, a project to modernize the main runway has already been adopted. The length will be increased to 2.5 km, and the surface will be changed to a more modern one.

In addition to the main strip, taxiways and parking areas will be updated. There will be an increase in parking spaces and boarding and disembarking aprons.

As has already been said, a new hangar for aircraft will be put into operation in the near future, infrastructure and HMS warehouses will be updated.

A new project is being considered passenger terminal with a capacity of 100 passengers/hour.

Airport structure

According to its characteristics, Ostafyevo belongs to class B according to the NGEA classification, and according to International standards civil aviation The air hub has been assigned the code value 4D. It can receive and service BC middle-class aircraft, as well as third- and fourth-class ships, around the clock. In May 2009, the complex was issued a certificate allowing it to receive Boeing 737-700 aircraft.

In addition, the airfield is equipped with Helipad to receive all types of helicopters, including civil and military vessels.

For reception air boards the complex is equipped two runways:

  • main— asphalt concrete — 2 km long;
  • spare, 1.6 km long, with a dirt surface.

There are 26 parking spaces on site for parking and servicing aircraft. In addition, there are 2 equipped, insulated hangars. The capacity of each hangar is up to 4 medium-class aircraft. The 3rd hangar with a capacity of up to 5 aircraft is being completed. The loading and passenger apron can simultaneously serve up to 12 aircraft of various classes and is located in close proximity to the airport’s terminal complexes.

Passenger terminal

Thanks to the fact that in 2007 a decree was issued on the organization of a checkpoint on the state border of the Russian Federation on the territory of the Ostafyevo air terminal, it became possible to carry out international flights. Passengers on international flights are provided with all the necessary services for registration of crossing the state border.

Passenger capacity:

  • international flights are up to 40 people per hour;
  • up to 70 people for domestic flights.

List of services provided to passengers:

  • 24-hour comfortable waiting room;
  • hall for VIP clients;
  • bars, restaurants;
  • ATMs;
  • car parking;
  • ordering a car of any class and transfer services;
  • hotels with 24-hour catering;
  • a full range of border and customs services (including visa support).

For airlines:

  • navigational support services for flights over the territory of the Russian Federation;
  • celestial navigation information;
  • a full range of aircraft parking services (parking, refueling, washing, repairs, sanitary services).

Cargo terminal

A separate list of services is provided by the cargo terminal of the airport:

  • Reception and dispatch of cargo of various categories.
  • Customs and border clearance of goods.
  • Storage and sorting.

The cargo terminal has its own insulated warehouse premises with a total area of ​​480 m2. Cargo marked “valuable” can be placed in a separate guarded safe room with an area of ​​35 m2.

Airlines and flight destinations

The airport serves flights of the following airlines:

  • Lufthansa;
  • UTair;
  • Siberia.


Apr 27, 2019 - Sat

Ostafyevo Russia

Day Conditional Pace. Wind Humidity Pressure Press.
Sat Apr 27 22°C / 15°C 3 m/s, WSW 46% 755.91 mmHg Art.
Sun Apr 28 10°C / 4°C 6 m/s, NE 76% 757.35 mm Hg. Art.
Mon Apr 29 9°C / 3°C 3 m/s, NE 58% 768.07 mm Hg. Art.
Tue Apr 30 11°C / 1°C 2 m/s, ESE 61% 767.87 mm Hg. Art.
Wed May 1 14°C / 4°C 1 m/s, SSE 58% 764.18 mmHg Art.

How to get there

By car:

From Moscow, take the Warsaw Highway to Shcherbinka. Further right towards the airport. The total travel time is about 1.5 hours.

Public transport:

  • Train from Kursky station (directions Tula, Chekhov, Serpukhov) to Shcherbinka station.
  • Train: from station. Metro Tekstilshchiki or Tsaritsyno to Shcherbinka station.

Airport on the map

Address: Russian Federation, 108824, Moscow, Ryazanovskoye settlement, Ostafyevo airport.

Being the only one in its service sector, and despite attempts to close it, Ostafyevo Airport is dynamically developing and improving.
Watch the video of the plane landing at Ostafyevo airport:

What is Kubinka Air Base like? What are its activities? You will find answers to these and other questions in the article. Kubinka is a military airfield in the Moscow region, located five kilometers northwest of the city of the same name.


Kubinka airfield until 2009 (until July) was a joint air hub. In 2012, occasional reception of civil aviation aircraft (Bombardier Global 5000, Tu-134, Bombardier BD 100, Bombardier GE XRS, Challenger-300, Learjet-60) during the day with a landing course of 200° (with a meteorological minimum of 240 X 4,500) became possible here. m) according to one-time permits from the Federal Air Transport Agency.

Since 2012, the territory of the air base has been part of the military-patriotic park of the Russian Armed Forces “Patriot”. It is known that the following are located at the Kubinka airfield:

  • JSC "121 Aircraft Repair Plant".
  • 237th Proskurov Guards Red Banner Order of Alexander Nevsky and Kutuzov Aircraft Demonstration Center (TsPAT) named after I. N. Kozhedub (MiG-29, An-30, Su-27). The structure of the 237th TsPAT includes the Russian Knights and Swifts aerobatic teams.
  • Cuban ATSC ROSTO. In 2009, it was proposed to move it to another air gate.

The air hub is equipped with one runway, which is covered with concrete and has parameters of 2,500 X 79.

How to get there?

Solving the problem of how to get to the Kubinka airfield is simple. You can get here by minibus No. 28, 69, 28A or 29. You need to go to the “First Checkpoint” stop (today the checkpoint is not functioning).


What is the history of the Kubinka airfield? This air hub was founded in 1932. During Soviet times, the following formations were stationed here:

  • 24th Fighter Wing (1938-1941);
  • 11th Air Regiment (1939-1941);
  • 196th and 29th Guards Fighter Aviation Regiments (1945-1950);
  • headquarters of the 9th Air Division (1950-1991);
  • 32nd Guards Aviation Regiment (1950-1967);
  • 274th Fighter-Bomber Wing (1951-1974);
  • 234th Fighter Guards Aviation Regiment, on the basis of which the 237th Aviation Equipment Demonstration Center was created in 1991 (1952-1991).

Some media reported in 2009 that it was possible to transfer the airport to a private investor to create a commercial aviation terminal on its basis. However, subsequent events developed differently.

Two-thirds of the air gate lands in 2010, in April, were sold at auction to the Kubinka Airport CJSC, which is owned by the Nafta-Moscow holding (owner Suleiman Kerimov). And in 2011, in December, the media reported that the government opened the Kubinka airfield for transnational flights. However, the current air navigation documents of the Russian Federation do not confirm this.

Display center

At the Kubinka airfield (Moscow region) there is an aircraft demonstration center, as we discussed above. CPAT performs the following tasks:

  • Preparation of equipment and personnel for combat missions.
  • Development and conservation historical values Russian Air Force.
  • Display on the lands of the Russian Federation and abroad of aircraft, equipment, weapons, as well as flying skills, in the interests of increasing and promoting the authority of the Russian Air Force, increasing the profitability of weapons and military aircraft of the Russian Federation on the world market.


At the Kubinka airfield (Moscow region) the Cuban Aviation Technical Sports Club ROSTO (DOSAAF) operates, as we discussed above. It was created in 2004 by a group of pilots led by Colonel Alexander Gornov, who is a distinguished army pilot. In 2006, on March 18, the parachute detachment performed its first jumps under the leadership of the first commander of this detachment, Vladimir Osovik.

Today this brigade is headed by Vyacheslav Evgenievich Valyunas (Honored Trainer of the Russian Federation, Honored Master of Sports of the Russian Federation, three-time world champion in classical parachuting). The Kubinka air hub offers:

  • Master class on the RW scheme.
  • Courses for training and approval to fly in a WINGSUITE suit.
  • Jumping from a height of 4,000 m with a parachute, from the L-410.
  • Training of parachutists according to the AFF scheme, which makes it possible to perform independent jumps with a “Wing” type canopy and allows the student to reach the level of an athlete in a short time.
  • Courses in parachute canopy acrobatics for amateur athletes.
  • Equipment rental.
  • Canopy jumps D-1-5U from a height of 600 m from the An-2.

During the period of preparation, takeoff, free fall and landing, parachutists can be accompanied by a videographer who will film this amazing adventure. Future professionals are trained by international masters of sports and honored masters of sports. Also here you can simply ride on board and have a great rest in nature in the company of friendly parachutists.


Everyone enjoys parachute jumping at the Kubinka airfield. This air hub is now open for international flights of civil aircraft. This is a segment of S. Kerimov’s project for the construction of a commercial terminal on the site of the former co-location air gate. By 2018, military aviation battalions will be withdrawn from the airport.

The Kubinka air harbor was opened by the government for international flights of civil aircraft. Since 1938, only military aircraft took off from this airfield on transnational routes.

The initiator of the denationalization of air hubs is the Federal Property Management Agency. The government's decision was made within the framework of the privatization program. A couple of years ago, the Federal Property Management Agency proposed leasing air hubs. And the Ministry of Economic Development stated that it is necessary to lift the ban on the sale of air harbors.

Back in 2009, the Kubinka air hub was excluded from the list of co-location airfields by Vladimir Putin (then he was prime minister). By 2018, it is planned to transform Kubinka into a civilian terminal. The project is being implemented by the structures of businessman Suleiman Kerimov. The plot of land that they bought is 2/3 of all the lands of the military air hub, as we have already written about. It is expected that in 2018, “Russian Knights” and “Swifts” will be deployed in the Lipetsk area.

The construction of an international commercial terminal on the territory of the air base is planned to be carried out in several stages. The first stage (construction of the airport complex) will cost 6.5 billion rubles. The total investment is estimated at $1 billion. Experts are thinking of starting construction on an area of ​​46 hectares. Today it houses 24 real estate objects created during the Soviet era. runway and the accompanying infrastructure at the transition stage will be used for flights by both Ministry of Defense aircraft and civilian aircraft.

Previously, the Nafta-Moscow enterprise announced that it would build the first commercial terminal for international flights at the air gate. This function is now performed by Vnukovo-3. Vladimir Dorogov (Alfa Bank analyst) argues that the air hub needs to find a base client. The planned expansion of Moscow can help Kubinka with this issue.

Mikhail Ganelin (an expert from Troika Dialogue) is confident that Kerimov can create a productive business only by providing services small aviation. After all, Vnukovo and Sheremetyevo have their own commercial terminals, and it will be difficult for Kerimov to compete with them. In general, there is a lot of competition at the Moscow air hub. And owners of small sports aircraft, helicopters, and gliders who want to fly around Russia on weekends, but service at state air hubs is too expensive for them, may show interest in the project.

Patriot Park

A technical and military forum is held annually at the Patriot Park in Kubinka. Patriot Park is the largest platform in the Russian Federation for displaying military and special equipment, and modern weapons models. The event is attended by large foreign and domestic defense enterprises, research institutes and leading design bureaus.

It is known that last year’s Army 2016 forum was attended by more than 500 thousand people. Representatives of more than 800 states worked on the sidelines of the forum, 35 of which were represented by official delegations. You can get here from the Belorussky railway station to the Kubinka-1 or Golitsyno railway stations. Free buses run from the stations to the park during the forum.


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