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Modern Ukrainians include seven anthropological types:

1) Danube (Norik) type - descendants of the carriers of the Corded Ceramic cultures of Western Ukraine, Podolia and Southern Poland. Archaeological finds indicate that Danube Ukrainians are genetically related to Illyrian, Thracian, and Celtic ethnic components. Now the Danube anthropological type predominates in flat Galicia and Western Podolia (with the exception of the extreme northern regions of Lviv and Ternopil regions). On the territory of Poland these are Kholmshchyna and Tomasziv.

Features of the Danube type are found in the most Caucasoid characteristics: a long, relatively narrow face with a long, straight and thin nose. This type makes up more than 10% of the total population of Ukraine.

2) Polesie type - descendants of the Late Neolithic carriers of the Dnieper-Donetsk culture, who migrated to the right bank of Polesie. The Ukrainian Zhytomyr and Rivne Polesie includes an old Cro-Magnon Paleo-European component. These are carriers of the archaeological culture of comb ceramics, which have a genetic connection with even more ancient Pisno-Mesolithic cultures.

Features of the Polesie type; very low and wide face (facial index - 85.5), maximally developed eyebrows, massive forehead. This type has not been recorded in one area of ​​Europe, except Ukraine. Poleschukov's height is average, their eyes are somewhat darker than in other regions, and their hair color is light.

This type is common in the Zhytomyr region, Rivne region, Volyn (Volyn version of the Polesie type). The Volyn variant includes the northern regions of Lviv and Ternopil regions, as well as the Ukrainians of Beresteyshchyna. The Polesie type makes up about 10% of all Ukrainian ones.

3) Upper Dnieper type - descendants of the ancient Paleo-European population, but without Cro-Magnon rice.

Features of this type: very light pigmentation of the eyes (60%) and the lowest main index in Ukraine - 80. This type is recorded only in the Ripkinsky district of the Chernigov region. It makes up 0.5% of all Ukrainians.

4) Central Ukrainian type - descendants of the local Old Ukrainian population of the 12th-13th centuries, who have a Slavic basis (slightly modified Danube, Polesie, as well as southern elements of Indo-Iranian, Illyro-Thracian and late Turkic origin). Turkic anthropological features are revealed during a comparative analysis in individual villages of the Poltava region and Western Ukraine, but they do not appear clearly - only a slight flattening of the face and a special fold of the upper eyelid.

Ukrainians of the Kiev region are genetic heirs of the aboriginal population and retain expressive Caucasian features. The Mongol-Tatar invasion had almost no effect on Ukrainian anthropology.

Features of this type: high growth, average index of the head, face, pigmentation of hair and eyes, average height of the bridge of the nose. It makes up 60% of all Ukrainians.

5) Lower Dnieper-Prut type - descendants of the Indo-Aryan PALEOANTHROPOLOGICAL population. There is a noticeable Indo-Iranian and even ancient Indian component (especially in the village of Kamenny, Lebedinsky district), which is expressed in the dark pigmentation of the eyes and hair, and significant development of the hairline.

This type is characterized by a long head, slight protrusion of the lower part of the face, and an unusual combination of a sharply profiled face with a low simotic nasal index. These are tall, relatively darkly pigmented people with a low head index.

There are two variants of its type: the Lower Dnieper (originating from the population of the south of Kievan Rus) and the Prut type (the Ukrainian population of the north of Moldova, as well as the Khotyn region).

6) Dinaric type - descendants of the ancient population of Ukraine, which have significant Illyrian, Thracian, Celtic and Indian components. The Dinaric anthropological type is widespread in the eastern part of the Carpathians, in Bukovina and partly in the Hutsul region (except for the western Hutsuls, who belong to the Carpathian type), in the Eastern Carpathian region.

This type is characterized by the same number of light- and dark-eyed people, but in terms of hair color they are predominantly dark (70%), only 2% are fair-haired, the rest are mixed colors. This type makes up 4-5% of all Ukrainians.

7) Carpathian (criminal to-Alpine) type - descendants of the Kushtanovic culture of the VI -III century. BC h. The area of ​​their distribution coincides with the area of ​​the Sub-Carpathian Kurgan culture, the carriers of which were carp. According to anthropological characteristics, similar dinarciv. Hematological characteristics, in particular Rh negativity, indicate their genetic connection with the peoples of the Balkan Peninsula. Caucasus, Northern India. This type is close to Dinaric (both have many mutual transitions). The Carpathian type makes up 7-8% of all Ukrainian ones.

Both Slavic and non-Slavic tribes took part in Ukrainian ethnogenesis. Among the Slavic tribes one can name the White Croats, Poles, Slovaks, Czechs, Serbs, Russians and Belarusians. Because intimacy geographical location Slavic lands contributed to close contacts, then, of course, this also affected ethnic ties. Among the non-Slavic tribes, anthropologists call Iranian and Dacothracian. Baltic, Turkic, North Caucasian. All these ethnic admixtures were insignificant and did not leave a trace in Ukrainian anthropology. As for the Finno-Ugric tribes, almost no influences were found on the territory of Ukraine, only in the northeast from the Dnieper to the Volga a minor Mordovian ethnic component appears.

The concept of the Ukrainian race (S. Latin. Gatga - breed) was clearly formulated by Yuri Lipa in the book “The Purpose of Ukraine”. In his opinion, race is not so much the proportions of the skull, the width of the face or the color of the eyes, but rather ethnopsychology, genetics, and the spirit of the nation. Although, of course, the genetic code also predetermines a certain anthropological fence, which is reflected in appearance.

According to ancient historians, every Scythian had to know his ancestry up to the seventh generation. Anyone who did not know his origin could not be considered a full-fledged person, he was outside the clan, outside the tribe, it was difficult for him to survive, he was shunned.

And if now among us, civilized people, not everyone can name the names of their grandfathers and great-grandfathers, then perhaps we should think about this Scythian ethics. After all, through the knowledge and honor of our blood ancestors, we recognize the genetic roots of our people and respect their shrines.

April 14th, 2013 , 07:53 pm

We continue our selection of old photographs of the fleet.

Motor ship "Dunaysky-31" (project 112).

Built in 1963 in Hungary. In November 1994, Danube-31 was loading a train of barges into the upper chamber of a six-chamber lock in Perm when one of the gates spontaneously opened. As a result, barges rammed all the gates of the lock, putting one of the lines out of service. Until now, only one line of the Perm Lock is in use. In 2008, when leaving the pier in Novocheboksarsk, the ship damaged its hull. Since then it has not been used.

#1. "Danube-31" on the Kuibyshev reservoir (2006).

Motor ship "Danube" (project 305).

Built in 1959. "Danube" is the lead ship of the entire numerous project built in Budapest. In 1974, the film crew of the film “They Fought for the Motherland” lived on the ship. At the same time, Vasily Shukshin died on board the ship. From 1996 to 1999, the ship was located on the Voronezh Reservoir, where it was used as a floating hotel. Then he was bought out and transferred to the Volga to Kimry. A variety of ideas for his future fate were discussed, including the creation of the Shukshin Museum. Ideas remained ideas. In 2006-2007, the ship was converted into a banquet ship, first in Tverskaya, and then in Rostov regions. In 2011, it was moved to the Chkalov shipyard, and finally, in 2012, a new floating restaurant appeared in Moscow on Krasnopresnenskaya embankment near the Expocenter, where it used to stand - this is the “Danube”.

#2. "Danube" in Kimry (2005).

Motor ship "Yesk" (project 21-88).
Built in 1968. The vessel is in operation.

#3. "Yesk" on the Volga near Saratov (2006).

Motor ship "Ekaterina the Great" (project 26-37).
Built in 1961. Repeatedly changed home ports - until 1997 Astrakhan, then Nizhny Novgorod, then Perm. The names changed no less often: at first the ship was called “Klement Gottwald”, then “Professor Lukachev”, then “Catherine the Great”, now “Native Rus'”. I found both “Ekaterina” and “Professor”.

#4. “Catherine the Great” on the Volga near Saratov (2006).

#5. “Catherine the Great” on the Kuibyshev Reservoir (2006).

#6. “Professor Lukachev” on the Volga in the Samara region (2005).

Motor ship "Zagorsk" (project 576).
Built in 1967 in Romania. He managed to work at the Ob-Irtysh Shipping Company, after which he was transferred to the Volga. The vessel is in operation.

#7. "Zagorsk" on the Kuibyshev reservoir (2006).

#8. "Zagorsk" on Svir (2008).

Motor ship "I.S. Turgenev" (project 588).
Built in 1959. He worked as part of the Volga River Shipping Company. The motor ship was re-equipped (the overall width was reduced) to pass through the locks of the White Sea-Baltic Canal. It has not been in operation since 2006, it is undergoing a very protracted re-equipment at the Zhukovsk fleet base in Nizhny Novgorod region.

#9. Motor ship "I.S. Turgenev" in the village of Memory of the Paris Commune (2006).

Motor ship "Ivan Kulibin" (project 26-37).
Built in 1960. The original name was “Andrey Zhdanov”, and was renamed “Kulibina” in 1989. He worked as part of the Volga River Shipping Company on the Moscow – Astrakhan – Moscow transport line. Since 2006, the operator of the ship is “Gama”. Repainted white and green.

#10. “Ivan Kulibin” on the Volga near Balakhna (2006).

#eleven. “Ivan Kulibin” on the Moscow Channel (2008).

#12. “Ivan Kulibin” on the Moscow Channel (2008).

Motor ship "Izhevsk" (project 576).

Motor ship "Nizhny Novgorod" (project 21-88).
Built in 1968. The vessel is in operation. Now called "Pavel Lebedev". Before Nizhny Novgorod it was called Gorky.
Motor ship "Belgorod" (project 576).
Built in 1957. The vessel is in operation.

#13. “Izhevsk”, “Nizhny Novgorod” and “Belgorod” on the roadstead near Balakhna (2006).

Motor ship "Ilyich" (project 588).
Built in 1956 (first series of the project). He worked as part of the Volga Shipping Company. The last years of work in the Vodokhod rental company. Decommissioned after navigation in 2005. In 2006, he was in Kineshma as a floating hotel. Since the fall of 2006, it has been undergoing a protracted reconstruction in the backwater of the Zhukovskaya BTOF together with the motor ship I.S. Turgenev.

#14. "Ilyich" on the roads between the Gorodetsky locks (2005).

Motor ship "Ilya Muromets" (project 588).
Built in 1958. He worked as part of the Volga Shipping Company until 2005. In 2005, it was purchased by the Caesar Travel company along with the motor ship Ernst Thälmann and was refurbished with a reduction in passenger capacity. I never changed my name in my biography.

#15. "Ilya Muromets" on the roadstead of the Pestovsky reservoir (2008).

Motor ship "Ilya Repin" (project Q-040).
Built in 1975 in Austria. He worked his entire career in Moscow river shipping company. I wrote about Volga Dream in the first part.

#16. “Ilya Repin” and “Volga Dream” in the Khlebnikovsky Zaton (2008).

Motor ship "Engineer Ptashnikov" (project 588).
Built in 1958. He worked as part of the Volga River Shipping Company, his home port was first Astrakhan, then Nizhny Novgorod. Until 1961 it was called “Ural”. In 2002, the shipping company sold the ship to the Astrakhan company Strelets. In 2007, he began working for the Perm company “Ural” with a new name “Taras Bulba”. They are trying to implement an all-inclusive program on the ship, but things did not go very well. After navigation in 2010, the ship has not been in operation.

#17. "Engineer Ptashnikov" in the port of Kazan (2006).

#18. "Engineer Ptashnikov" in Nizhny Novgorod (2006).

Motor ship "Captain Petrov" (project 911B).
Built in 1982. Currently in use. Home port Uglich. Previously called "RT-343".

#19. “Captain Petrov” on the Volga near Myshkin (2008).

Diesel-electric ship "Karelia" (project 785).
Built in 1954. It was operated as part of the Volga River Shipping Company. In 1986-1989 he participated in the liquidation of the consequences of the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant. Subsequently returned to service. After navigation in 2006 it does not work. A ship of the same type as the lost "Bulgaria" is unlikely to ever be used.

#20. "Karelia" and "Aldan" at the pier of Samara (2006).

Motor ship "Kerch" (project 576).
Built in 1957. Until 1997 it was called “Maikop” and worked as part of the Volga River Shipping Company. In August 2010, on the Kama River, the ship collided with a cargo attachment and sank. Decommissioned in 2010.

#21. "Kerch" at the berth of the cargo port of Nizhny Novgorod (2006).

Motor ship "Kizhi" (project 1665A).
Built in 1986. Until 1993 it was called "Volgo-Don 5093". He worked as part of the White Sea-Onega Shipping Company. The vessel is in operation.

#22. "Kizhi" on the Volga near Balakhna (2006).

Motor ship "Kozma Minin" (project 588).
Built in 1960. Another one of the 588 who never changed his name. Until 2001 he worked at the Volga Shipping Company. Since 2002 he has been registered in Perm.

#23. "Kozma Minin" on the Volga near Ulyanovsk (2006).

Motor ship "Kologriv" (project 576).
Built in 1960 in Romania. Home port Perm. Currently in use.

#24. "Kologriv" in the port of Togliatti (2006).

Motor ship "Kometa-6" (project 342MT).
Built in 1974 in Feodosia. At first he worked at the North-Western Shipping Company of St. Petersburg. In 1993 it was transferred to the White Sea-Onega Shipping Company. He worked on high-speed routes from Petrozavodsk. In 2010, the ship was sold to Bangladesh, where it now operates under the name "Delphinius".

#25. "Comet-6" on the island of Kizhi (2007).

Motor ship "Kometa-5" (project 342MT).
Built in 1973 in Feodosia. At first he worked at the North-Western Shipping Company of St. Petersburg. In 1993 it was transferred to the White Sea-Onega Shipping Company. Operates on high-speed routes from Petrozavodsk. The vessel is in operation.

#26. "Comet-5" on the island of Kizhi (2007).

Motor ship "Komi" (project 868).
Built in 1961. The vessel is in operation.

#27. "Komi" in the upper approach channel of the Uglich lock (2008).

Motor ship "Constructor Alekseev" (project 342E).
Built in 1980. Previous name - "Meteor-161". He worked as part of the Volga River Shipping Company. In 2011, sold to St. Petersburg. The vessel is in operation.

#28. "Constructor Alekseev" on the Volga near Gorodets (2006).

Motor ship "Krasnovishersk" (project 576).
Built in 1957. The vessel is in operation.

#29. "Krasnovishersk" on the roads near Yaroslavl (2008).

Motor ship "Kriushi" (project 576).
Built in 1960. The vessel is in operation.

#thirty. "Kriushi" on the Volga near Kozlovka (2006).

Motor ship "Kronstadt" (project 301).
Built in 1979. The ship's first name was "Alexander Ulyanov" and was renamed "Kronstadt" in 1992. Initially he worked at the North-Western Shipping Company. Since 2012, in the signature white and red colors of Vodokhod.

#31. "Kronstadt" on the island of Kizhi (2007).

Motor ship "Lenin" (project 302).
Built in 1987. Operates as part of the Volga River Shipping Company, home port - Nizhny Novgorod. In 1991-1992, it was located in the Spanish port of Seville, as a floating hotel at the world exhibition "Expo-92". The operator of the ship is Vodohod.

#32. "Lenin" on Lake Onega (2007).

Motor ship "Lesya Ukrainka" (project 301).
Built in 1977. Until 2005, it belonged to the Kyiv port and worked on the Dnieper and the Black Sea. In 2001, the ship was transported to Russia, where it operated under lease until 2004. Since 2005, the ship changed its registration to Moscow. He changed several names: until 1992 it was called “XXV Congress of the CPSU”, then until 2005 “Lesya Ukrainka”, until 2007 in a more convenient version for the Russian eye “Lesya Ukrainka”. In 2007, it was purchased by the Orthodox company. Since 2007, the ship has been called Pyotr Tchaikovsky.

#33. "Lesya Ukrainka" on the Moscow Channel (2006).

Motor ship "M-250" (project 544).
Built in 1957. Belongs to the Tver port. Works in Kalyazin, delivers excursion groups to the Kalyazin bell tower.

#34. "M-250" at the Kalyazin pier (2008).

Motor ship "Maxim Litvinov" (project 302M).
Built in 1991. Built by order of the Soviet Sudoimport, the ship initially turned out to be unclaimed. Until 1994, the ship managed to be a hotel in Scotland, and then in Germany. In 1994, the ship finally arrived in Russia. He worked as part of the Volga-Don Shipping Company. Now owned by the Orthodox company.
Motor ship "N.A. Nekrasov" (project 26-37).
Built in 1961. Originally called "Sergo Ordzhonikidze" (until 1963). Work as part of the Volga River Shipping Company on the transport line Moscow - Astrakhan - Moscow. In 2004-2005, it was completely re-equipped at the Zhukovskaya BTOF in the Nizhny Novgorod region with a complete refurbishment of cabins and passenger premises. Today the operator of the motor ship "Infoflot" has a branded livery.

#35. "Maxim Litvinov" and "N.A. Nekrasov" at the berths of the Northern river station(2008).

Motor ship "Maxim Rylsky" (project 301).
Built in 1979. He went to work at the Dnieper Shipping Company. The first name is “V.I. Lenin”. Renamed "Maxim Rilsky" in 1998. By 2002, the ship was transported to Russia, the ship was once again renamed into a more convenient version for Russian reading, “Maxim Rylsky”. It was leased from the Russian Shipping Company on shares. Since 2010, owner of Mosturflot. Renamed to "Mikhail Bulgakov".

#36. "Maxim Rylsky" at the Goritsa pier (2006).

#37. "Maxim Rylsky" at the Myshkin pier (2006).

#38. "Maxim Rylsky" on the island of Kizhi (2007).

#39. "Maxim Rylsky" on the Neva (2007).

Motor ship "Mars" (project 354K).
Built in 1981 at the shipyard in Gorodets. Until 1998 he worked at the Northern River Shipping Company (Kotlas). Now in the Northern Port of Moscow. The vessel is in operation.

#40. "Mars" on the Moscow Channel (2006).

Motor ship "Makhachkala-3" (project 10802E).
The sea railway ferry "Makhachkala-3" was built in Croatia in 2006. Home port - Baku.

#41. "Makhachkala-3" on the Volga near Volgograd, transfer to the Caspian Sea (2006).

Motor ship "Meteor-176" (project 342E).
Built in 1982. The vessel is in operation.

#42. "Meteor-176" on the Neva (2007).

Motor ship "Mechanic Kargin" (project 342E).
Built in 1987. The first name is "Meteor-215". Renamed in 2000. Home port Kazan. Not in use since 2010.

#43. "Mechanic Kargin" on the Volga near Kazan (2005).

Motor ship "Mikhail Kalinin" (project 92-016).
Built in 1981. He worked as part of the Volga River Shipping Company, then Vodokhod. In 2007, a fire occurred on board the ship, which was parked in the backwater, as a result of which the ship was severely damaged. Between 2008 and 2011, the ship was restored and completely refurbished with a reduction in passenger capacity, the cabins are equipped with balconies. The updated ship was renamed "Mstislav Rostropovich".

#44. "Mikhail Kalinin" on the Volga at the Sosenki pier (2006).

Motor ship "Mikhail Kutuzov" (project 588).
Built in 1957. Never changed the name. Until 2006, as part of the Volga River Shipping Company. Since 2006 assigned to Perm. In use.

#45. "Mikhail Kutuzov" on the Volga near Astrakhan (2005).

Motor ship "Mikhail Lomonosov" (project 301).
Built in 1979. He worked at the White Sea-Onega Shipping Company, then on lease with the American company "Viking River Cruises". At the end of 2008, Viking bought the ship. In 2008, a transfer to the Dnieper was carried out. Since 2009, "Mikhail Lomonosov" has been operating on the Kyiv-Odessa route.

#46. "Mikhail Lomonosov" on the island of Kizhi (2007).

Motor ship "Mikhail Frunze" (project 92-016).
Built in 1980. He worked as part of the Volga River Shipping Company. Since 2012, the operator is Vodohod. Repainted in red and white corporate colors.

#47. "Mikhail Frunze" on the Volga near Balakhna (2005).

Motor ship "Mikhail Sholokhov" (project 302).
Built in 1985. Worked at the Volga-Don River Shipping Company. Operator "Orthodox". Home port - Rostov-on-Don.

#48. "Mikhail Sholokhov" on the Volga in the Priluki area (2008).

Motor ship "MO-97" (project 839).
Built in 1964. Home port - Kostroma. The vessel is in operation.

#49. "MO-97" on the Volga in Kozlovka (2005).

Motor ship "Mozdok" (project 576).
Built in 1964. The vessel is in operation.

#50. "Mozdok" on the Volga near Volgograd (2005).

  • A cozy banquet hall that can comfortably accommodate 50-60 guests in banquet seating and up to 70-80 in a buffet style. The hall is decorated with cork material in warm golden-chocolate shades. The windows are small, but the light colors of the interior create a feeling of comfort and coziness. The paintings on the walls organically complement the holiday atmosphere. The interior is unobtrusive, which allows you to decorate the ship for any event and in any style.
  • The bow of the vessel is a separate isolated area with a bar counter, soft sofas and stationary amateur karaoke. Can be used for a welcome cocktail, as a relaxation area or a children's room.
  • The open, unglazed deck under the awning is located on the same level as the banquet hall. Rattan furniture: sofas, armchairs with side tables and soft pillows. At the client's request, a welcome table is set with champagne, fruit, and canapés. You can install a hookah and outdoor karaoke. Railings along the perimeter of the deck create additional safety for children and adults.
  • 3 cabins. One VIP class cabin 16 sq.m. with a large double bed, shower and toilet. And two standard cabins (8 sq. m.) with a double bed and a bathroom.
  • WC: comfortable, spacious, bright, with mirrors and European-quality renovation
  • Wardrobe
  • Galley

Material from Wikipedia - the free encyclopedia

The term is also used by R. McCulloch; it was not distinguished by other anthropologists. The famous Polish anthropologist Czekanovsky called this type pre-Slavic, and in Soviet anthropology its closest analogue is the Central-Eastern European race.

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  • Kuhn K.S. Races of Europe. Per. from English - M.: AST: Astrel. - 720 s.

An excerpt characterizing the Neodanubian type

Alpatych looked carefully at Dron and frowned. Just as Dron was an exemplary peasant headman, it was not for nothing that Alpatych managed the prince’s estates for twenty years and was an exemplary manager. He was eminently able to understand instinctively the needs and instincts of the people with whom he dealt, and therefore he was an excellent manager. Looking at Dron, he immediately realized that Dron’s answers were not an expression of Dron’s thoughts, but an expression of the general mood of the Bogucharov world, which the headman was already captured by. But at the same time, he knew that Dron, who had profited and was hated by the world, had to oscillate between two camps - the master's and the peasant's. He noticed this hesitation in his gaze, and therefore Alpatych, frowning, moved closer to Dron.
- You, Dronushka, listen! - he said. - Don't tell me nothing. His Excellency Prince Andrei Nikolaich themselves ordered me to send all the people and not stay with the enemy, and there is a royal order for this. And whoever remains is a traitor to the king. Do you hear?

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    Today we will look at Ancient Rome through the eyes of a little girl. Here she is, painting her self-portrait on one of the columns of the atrium, in her father’s huge house. Her name is Domitia and she is only 5 years old. She has an older brother who is 14 years old. He was named Lucius Domitius Ahenobarbus, after his father. Girls are not given such long names as boys. Worst of all, their father insisted that all his daughters be named Domitia. "Domitia!" He calls the one he paints on the column Domitius III. Her older sister, who is 7 years old, is named Domitia II. And the one who is 10 years old is Domitia I. There could also be Domitia IV, but their mother died during childbirth, 3 years ago. It's hard to figure it out, isn't it? It was difficult for the Romans too. They could easily calculate the pedigree in the male line, because men had triple names, like Lucius Domitius Ahenobarbus. But terrible confusion began when they tried to figure out which of the Domitias married whom, who was their aunt or stepmother, and to whom specifically. Domitia III not only paints the column, but also observes what is happening in the house. It's morning now. During these hours, her father receives friends and clients who came to pay their respects to him. Among them is Lucius Popidius Secundus. He is 17, and in 5-7 years he plans to marry Domitia II. However, he is seeking the favor not of the future bride, but of her father. Poor Lucius, he has no idea that even though his family is rich, Domitia’s father considers them scumbags from Subura. After all, this area of ​​Rome is full of barbers and prostitutes. Suddenly, all the men, including her father, leave. The second hour of the day begins, and he must speak in court, in front of a large audience of clients who will applaud his speeches and boo his opponents. Now the house is quieter. The men will return only for dinner, that is, after 7 hours. But what happens in the house during these hours? What do Domitia, Domitia and Domitia do all day? Not an easy question! All Roman documents that have survived to this day were written by men. Therefore, we know little about the lives of Roman women. However, we can’t talk only about men, so let’s try to figure it out. Let's start, perhaps, with the atrium. There is a large loom here that their mother used to weave the material for the toga. Domitia, Domitia and Domitia, had to spin woolen threads, which would then go into a huge canvas, oval in shape, and more than 10 meters long. The Romans considered yarn and weaving, good job for their wives. We know this from many inscriptions on the tombstones of Roman women. Unlike Greek women, Roman women could leave the house and walk around the city. They visited public baths in the mornings when there were no men there, or they went to separate baths intended only for women. In the 70s AD. they could even, if they wished, bathe naked with men. But there were places intended only for men: the Forum, the Courtroom, or the Senate building. For women, public spaces were porticoes, with gardens, sculptures, and walking paths. When Domitia, Domitia and Domitia wanted to go out for a walk, such as the portico of Livia, they had to prepare. Domitia II and Domitia III are already ready, but Domitia I, who is engaged and will marry dear Filat in 2 years, is not ready yet. She's not busy, she just has more to do. Since she is engaged, she must wear the appropriate signs: an engagement ring and everything that Filat gave her: jewelry, earrings, necklaces and pendants. She may even adorn herself with a myrtle tiara. All this seems to say: “I’m soon going to marry the guy who gave me all this!” Meanwhile, Domitia II and Domitia III play with dolls, depicting their sister dressed in a wedding dress. The day will come when the girls will get married and the dolls will be offered as gifts to the household gods. So, everyone is ready. The girls sit in palanquins, which are carried by strong slaves. An escort is with them, and they move to the portico of Livia to meet their aunt there. Slaves carry palanquins on their shoulders. Girls peek out from behind the curtains to watch the crowd on the street. They will cross the city, pass the Colosseum, and then turn towards the hill on which the Portico of Libya is located. It was built by order of Livia, the wife of Emperor Augustus, next to the estate of Vedia Polion. It's not like he was an exceptionally good guy. He once tried to feed his slave to eels from his own fish pond, simply because he knocked over a dish. Fortunately, the emperor, who was present at the dinner, moderated his ardor. The palanquins stopped and the girls got out. Holding hands, in pairs they climb the steps leading to an enclosed garden surrounded by a colonnade. Domitia III separates and goes to paint on the column. Domitia II follows her, but her gaze is attracted by the graffiti that is painted on the column. She notices a drawing of gladiators and imagines them fighting. She cannot watch gladiator fights, except with one eye, from the extreme back rows of the Colosseum. From there she will have a good view of the 50,000 spectators, but is unlikely to see the bloody battle in the arena. If she wants to get a good place, she can become a priestess of Vesta, and then she will get the best place in the stalls. But the career of a Vestal Virgin is not to everyone's taste. Meanwhile, Domitia I met a future bride just like her, who is 10 years old. Time to go home. They return after an 8-hour walk, but something is happening in the house. There is a broken dish on the floor. All the slaves have gathered in the atrium and are waiting for the owner to arrive. He will be beside himself with rage. He does not lay a hand on children, but like most Romans, he believes that slaves should be punished. The whip is already prepared and waiting for him. No one knows who broke the dish, but if necessary, the owner will order to torture them all. The butler opens the front door. Worried whispers are heard among the slaves. But it is not the owner who enters the house, but a pregnant teenage girl. This is the eldest daughter of the family - she is 15 years old, and she is already a veteran of marriage and childbearing. Guess what her name is. She has a 5-10% chance of not surviving the upcoming birth, but now she is here to have dinner with her family. Although she is still a teenager, she has already shown herself to be a good wife, having given birth to her husband’s children who will bear his name and in the future will become his heirs. The family moves into the dining room, where dinner is already served. It seems that the father of the family was invited to dinner at someone's house. After dinner, the girls return to the atrium, where they see off their older sister. She will go home in a palanquin, accompanied by her father's bodyguards. After seeing off, the sisters return to the atrium. All slaves, young and old, men and women, anxiously await the arrival of their master. When he returns, each of these slaves may fall victim to his anger and desire to restore order and submission through intimidation and beatings. And the girls go upstairs to their bedrooms and get ready for bed.

Description, history

Medium linear pusher tugs of the BTO type (lake pusher tug) are a continuation of the series of vessels of the Volgar type (project R-45), and due to the original name of the lead vessel of the series - Volgar-40 - they are sometimes mistakenly classified as this type .The author of the project is TsTKB MRF RSFSR, Leningrad (now JSC "ITsS"), chief designer project - S. B. Shur (1984), construction plant - SSRZ named after. Butyakova, Zvenigovo, Mari Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic.

BTO tugs were released in a series of 9 vessels. Construction of the series lasted from 1985 to 1991. The first vessel of the series was named “Volgar” with the next number - 40 (later this name was replaced by the proper name “Nikolai Ilyin”), the remaining vessels received serial numbers from 601 and their own names. The numbers “600” in the numbers indicated the engine power - 600 hp. With.

The purpose of the vessel is to push dry cargo and oil tankers and barges with a total carrying capacity of up to 8000 tons along inland waterways on local and transit lines, as well as in roadsteads and locks; navigation area - rivers and reservoirs of the "O" category, ensuring operation in broken ice with a compactness of 8 points, up to 30 cm thick (class * "O" (ice) according to the classification of the River Register of the RSFSR (now the Russian River Register)).

Structurally, the vessel is an all-metal twin-screw motor ship with a developed tank and a four-tier superstructure. A feature of the vessels of this project is the presence of a rotary thrust device (PUD), that is, the bow stops for pushing and the O-150T-8 automatic coupler are located on a special spatial structure connected to the bow end of the hull by a vertical hinge and having the ability to rotate relative to the longitudinal axis of the hull by 20 degrees in each direction with hydraulic cylinders with an internal diameter of 320 mm and a rod stroke of 2240 mm. (2 per side, one above the other) with control from the wheelhouse.

The vessel has the following characteristics: - overall length - 31.4 m; - overall width - 10.2 m; -side height at midship - 3.7 m; -draft: with reserves for 12 days (with a displacement of 410.2 tons) - 2.37 m; with full stores and ballast 37t. (with a displacement of 453.4 tons) - 2.53 m; - overall height from the waterline with the mast collapsed - 13.2 m; - traction force in quiet deep water: 62 kN (6.32 tf) at a speed of 10 km/h; 31 kN (3.16 tf) at a speed of 13 km/h; - speed without train - 18.2 km/h; -crew - 10 people (including 4 command personnel); -living cabins in the superstructure: single blocks with individual bathrooms - 2; single cabins - 4; double cabins - 3; - main engines (2 pcs) - 6NVD26A3, 272 kW (370 hp) at 950 rpm; -reverse gearboxes (2 pcs.) - MS-400, gear ratio - 3.42 (forward) / 2.75 (backward); power at the output flange - 224.3 kW (305 hp) at 208 rpm; - propellers - 2 pcs., in rotating (35 degrees in each direction, both synchronously and independently of each other) guide nozzles; diameter - 1.8 m; step - 1.05; 1.10; 1.15; 1.9 m (versions); number of blades - 5; - steering machine (for turning the guide nozzles) - 2РГ4.0, hydraulic, torque on each stock 40 kN*m (4 tf*m); -diesel generators - DGA 50M1-9, 50 kW (2 pcs.); -diesel hydraulic pump (for operation of the control unit and towing winch) - 2G13-36A, 50 kW; - towing winch - 1GLB6/12, hydraulic, traction force 60 kN (6.12 tf.); - towing hook - 3TA for 100 kN (10.2 tf.) with the possibility of recoil from the wheelhouse; - anchors: Hall, bow - K300 (2 pcs.), stern - K1000; -bow spiers: left - YASH2R, right - YASH2RD with the possibility of remote release of the right anchor from the wheelhouse; (the stern anchor is lowered and raised by a towing winch); -life-saving equipment - lifeboat SShPV-7, life rafts PSP-10 (2 pcs.), life buoys (2 pcs.);

The vessel has fuel, oil and cooling systems for main and auxiliary diesel engines, power supply with alternating current 220 V and direct current 24 V, hot and cold water supply, wastewater with collection in a fecal tank, water heating, general ship and engine room ventilation, fire extinguishing , ballast-drainage, hydraulics.

The vessel is equipped with a short-wave radio station "Angara-RB", an ultra-short wave "Kama-R", a radar station "Pechora-1R", a recording echo sounder "NEL-M4", magnetic compass KM 100-1, radio broadcast communication system "Ryabina", emergency, fire alarms and internal telephone communication with switch KATS-20.

BTO tugs were supplied to the Volga and Moscow Shipping Companies. They worked on the Upper Volga and on the Moscow-Volga canal. It is possible that in the 1990s, due to lack of work, some ships were mothballed.

The PPU on the ships of this project was practically not used in operation, and on the motor ship No. 9 ("Pavel Pyankin"), rigid box-section beams were installed instead of hydraulic cylinders from construction.

During operation, a significant drawback of the project was revealed - low specific power for a vessel of such dimensions and weight with a relatively large sail area. To improve the operational parameters of some of the ships (in particular, line No. 2 “Igor Aseev”, 5 “Boris Safonov”, 7 “Engineer Smirnov”), comprehensive modernization work was carried out, which consisted of replacing the main diesel engines built in the GDR with domestic, more powerful 211D (6ChN21/21) of the Balakovo plant with a power of 585 hp each with a corresponding replacement of reverse gearboxes and propellers. Thanks to this, as well as a number of other measures, the class of ships was increased from * "O" (ice) to M-PR (for BTO "Igor Aseev", in addition, the nasal tip was changed to a conventional design instead of the PUU).


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