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Yellow sand dunes stretch to infinity, while the scorching sun from above burns the tourist’s unprotected head. You are very tired, incredibly thirsty, in the desert the most important thing is to find water.

This list is 18 of the most incredible desert oases, but it will take time before they are covered by a meter of desert sand and become just a lonely mirage in the horizon.

Umm al-maa, that is, the mother of water resources, is one of the largest lakes in the oasis; unfortunately, like all lakes, groundwater in the area is limited, so over time it dries up.

The water in some places is very dirty and salty, very similar to the water Dead Sea. The abandoned city of Gebraoun, also located relatively close to its impressive ruins, is an excellent testament to the dependence of life on lakes for sustenance.

1. Lake Ubari is part of the Erg Awbari Oasis in the Sahara Desert. Located near Fezzan and 30 km north of Germa in Libya, these lakes salt water which is the main selling point for many local residents who gather at the edge of the lake to actively sell souvenirs and other interesting goods.

2. Huacachina is a small oasis town in the Ica region of southwestern Peru. This oasis, called 'Oasis of America', is popular resort with local families and tourist places. Legend has it that the lagoon was created when an inquisitive young hunter became infected by the beauty of a princess bathing. She ran away, leaving the pool of water behind.

3. Turpan, or Tulufan as it is also known, is an oasis city in the Xinjiang Uyghur region of China. It is only 8 km west of the ruined city of Jiaohe, a border garrison town destroyed by Genghis Khan during the Han Dynasty.

4. We're not entirely sure where this desert oasis is, but we have to include it because of course it's what most people perceive as a typical 'oasis mirage'.

5. This wonderful lake in the desert, located in national park Lencois Maranhenses, Maranhao in Brazil. It is part of a fresh water lagoon system, during the rainy seasons the lagoon is filled with rainwater during the first six months of the year, and then the water gradually evaporates to be filled the following year. Some of the lakes within the national park are dotted with beautiful palm trees.

6. Crescent Lake in the Gobi Desert in China is located on the outskirts of an ancient city where traders once began their famous journey along the Silk Road to the West. Today, the drying process has lowered the water level by more than 25 feet over the past 30 years, partly due to water being diverted to local farmers and a doubling of the population, causing the lake to slowly disappear that had existed for millennia.

7. The beautiful oasis of Kairouan in Tunisia is probably the most beautiful. This is where the film was filmed Star wars Episode IV: A New Hope. It is said that the oasis was named after one of the characters, Chewbacca.

8. This stunning image shows three men quenching their thirst at a small waterfall in the Saharan oasis of Timia, in Niger. This is a depiction of daily life in an oasis for the desert locals.

9. Small enclaves or villages are always located near bodies of water. Even in desert areas, entire farms can coexist.

10. This remote desert lake, fringed by sand dunes, is located in Khara-Nur, Mongolia. It is a refreshing place for travelers to step into one of the desert world's vast plains.

11. Nahal David is a quiet oasis found near Bethlehem, in Israel's Palestinian West Bank. This is, of course, a far cry from the image of constant war that is often associated with that part of the world.

12. Oasis Sprawling Tinerhir, located at the foot of the Atlas Mountains in Morocco.

13. Ghardaia is the main town in the Mzab oasis in northern Algeria. Founded in the 11th century, the city was built near a cave that was reputedly inhabited by Saint Daia, and is still revered by M'zabite women today. The oasis offers some fine examples of original medieval Arabic architecture and is now a protected site world heritage UNESCO.

14. This castle is part of an oasis on the western shore of the Persian Gulf in Saudi Arabia, called Katifa. The city dates back to 3500 BC. and for many years main city and a port in the western part of the bay, which was popular place and take over the ruling powers for centuries. This has led to an eclectic mix of architecture in this area and now boasts some of the best archaeological sites in the Arab kingdom.

15. This oasis is hidden in the depths of the Omani desert, where the number of green oases is only a small dot of the landscape. Across several oases in the tiny sultanate, on a corner of the Arabian Peninsula, are hot spots for botanical research and bio-diversity, where many of the ancient oases are in decline; researchers want to find out why.

16. Nakhl Fort overlooks the lush green date palm oasis of Oman. These impressive forts were strategically located throughout much of the Omani desert, like many other places, this place protected the villagers from invasion.

17. This beautiful oasis is located in Niger. If you have any information about this place, I'd love to hear about it. Considering the recent unrest in the country, it's surprising to find places like this.

18. A lush green carpet of trees, shrubs and fields sit in complete contrast to the barren sand hills in the background, this is a quintessential village oasis.

No, it's not a mirage! The tropical village of Huacachina, Peru, is located in the center of one of the most barren places on earth.

Mystical oasis city declared a national site cultural heritage

The town is home to 200 residents and has hotels, shops and even a library. In the center of a part of the land with one of the driest climates in the world sits an oasis city with lush palm trees, foliage and a beautiful lagoon that is said to have healing properties.

A magical city located in the barren Sechura Desert of Peru is called Huacachina.

Unfortunately, the water level in the lagoon has dropped over the past few years. This mystical oasis city has been declared a national cultural heritage site and it is hoped that it will never become a mirage in the desert.

The oasis is located several kilometers west of the city of Ica. It is home to about 200 people.

The oasis is shown in back side 50 new soles banknotes.

Huacachina is a tiny resort town in the Peruvian department of Ica, with only about 100 permanent residents. It is located in the Sechura Desert, near small lake, and the place itself is known as the “Oasis of America.”

There are many hotels and even a library in the town. Particular pleasure can be gained by watching the sunset over the beautiful dunes, and for lovers active recreation- going down on sandboards to the oasis. If you just want to explore the surroundings, you can ride a buggy.

The oasis has been declared a national cultural heritage.

Located in one of the driest places on earth, Huacachina is a city with its own park, comfortable hotels, shops and even a library.

This town is located in the barren desert in Peru

Aerial photo of Huacachina, an oasis in Ica, Peru, 300 km south of Lima. The village is home to 96 residents who live around the lagoon

Night town in the desert, thriving among the sands

The lake's water is credited with healing properties, and in the 1940s many wealthy Peruvians came here to swim

Huacachina at night, view from one of the nearby dunes

It is unknown whether the lake water is truly healing, but the beauty of this place is very difficult to dispute

High season is between May and August

Sunset over Huacachina

There are many stories about how the town came to be, but the most popular legend is about a young hunter who caught a princess swimming in the pool. The princess, seeing him, ran away, the pool became a lake, and the dunes were the folds of her robe.

Sandboarding near the oasis

View from one of the banks

You can always take a boat ride on the lake and enjoy the view of the town from the water

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Finding yourself in this magnificent oasis located in the middle of the barren Atacama sand dunes in ( Latin America), you involuntarily stop believing your eyes and begin to listen to the creeping suspicions - is it all a mirage?

In fact, in the reality of this wonderful city with an abundance of green vegetation, lush palm trees and beautiful lake, who have received the glory of healing, there is no doubt. It's called Huacachina, and only 96 people live in it. However, despite such a small population, there are not only shops and hotels, but even a library.

This wonderful place, whose horizon is littered on all sides with lifeless sand, also has another name - “Oasis of America”. As a rule, residents of the nearby city of Ica, fans of sandboarding and buggy racing, come here to relax.

Like everyone else amazing places, this settlement has its own wonderful legend. It says that the lake was once an ordinary swimming pool. But one day a beautiful princess came here to swim. A young hunter passing by caught the naked girl by surprise. She escaped, after which the pool turned into a lake, and the folds of her abandoned mantle into sand dunes. According to legend, the princess soon returned to the oasis and still lives there as a mermaid.

Unfortunately, recently private landowners have begun to dig wells around the oasis, which is why the water level in the lake has noticeably decreased. To prevent it from becoming even smaller, people began to pump water into the reservoir artificially.

The desert is not just endless expanses of sand, but also unbearable heat, where, despite all the difficult conditions, life also exists. And this life is an oasis, which is a small part of vegetation in the desert, with a source of water in the form of a lake or river. For desert dwellers and inhabitants, oases are a real lifesaver. In addition, they are also important for traders who make their way through the desert. It is difficult to imagine what it would be like if there were no oases in the desert. Would a person then be able to conquer sand dunes?

We present to your attention the most beautiful desert oases from around the world.

This is a small village in southwestern Peru that was built around a natural lake in the desert. This place serves as a resort for local families from the neighboring town and also attracts many tourists.

Oasis Umm Al-Maa, which means “Mother of Water”

This is one of the largest lakes in the desert, which is hidden in the Libyan part of the Sahara. Not far from it there are 16 more small lakes, which, depending on the temperature, either appear or disappear.

A pretty lake in Lencois Maranhenses National Park, Brazil, which was formed from fresh water thanks to the rainy season. The first six months there are heavy rains, and in the next six months the water simply evaporates under the influence of high temperatures.

Crescent Lake oasis in the Gobi Desert, China

The lake of the oasis is very pretty; it was formed many thousands of years ago due to winds and groundwater. Water from the oasis local residents used for farming purposes, and tourists come here to admire the local landscapes around.

This oasis is the widest in the world and belongs to some of the most beautiful oases in northern Tunisia mountain range. Water flowing along the mountain canyon forms a small waterfall below, under the streams of which tourists simply love to swim. The water is warm +23 -+25 degrees Celsius.

30 km long and several kilometers wide – these are the dimensions of the huge Tinghir oasis. People do not live in this area and come here only for a while to grow crops. This is facilitated by an extensive system of irrigation canals.

Small but so picturesque green oasis, which hides in the depths of the Omani desert. There is no life as such here, and scientists mainly conduct their botanical research.

Looking at all this beauty, you gradually begin to understand that life is possible in the desert, that paradises for relaxation are lost somewhere in the drifts of sand.


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