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In the very core of the mountains of the Northern Urals there is mysterious place- Manpupuner plateau. " Malaya Gora“idols” is called by the reindeer herders of the local Mansi people. And this name is not accidental. Seven bizarre stone figures rise like frozen giants. An ancient Mansi legend says that once upon a time the stone pillars were seven Samoyed giants who walked through the mountains to Siberia to destroy the Vogul people. But when they climbed Manpupuner, their leader-shaman saw Yalpingner, the sacred mountain of the Voguls, in front of him. In horror, he threw his drum, which fell on high peak Koip, rising south of Manpupuner, and all his companions were petrified with fear.

Scary idol

But there is another legend, which, however, is less often heard from the Mansi, who every summer drive herds of deer along the Ural ridge. If you look at Mount Koip from a small nameless hill located to the west of the Ural Range, you can clearly see a woman lying on her back with sharp, frightening facial features.

According to the legend that I heard from reindeer herders, this is a petrified shaman, punished for trying to insult one of the most ancient idols, once revered by all the peoples of the North - the Golden Woman. When the idol crossed the Stone Belt - Ural Mountains, a shaman who considered herself the mistress of the mountains, tried to detain the Golden Woman. The idol screamed in a terrible voice, and from the sound of this voice every living thing died for many miles around, and the shaman fell backward and turned to stone.

The screams that the Golden Woman made are evidenced not only by Mansi legends, but also by the memories of foreigners who visited Rus'. Thus, the Italian Alexander Guagnini wrote in 1578: “They even said that in the mountains next to this idol they heard a sound and a loud roar like a trumpet.”

What is this mysterious idol that led to local residents fear with a terrible roar? Where did he come from and where did he disappear to?

Deity of Perm the Great

In Russia, the oldest written mention of the Golden Woman is the Novgorod Chronicle of 1538. The chronicle talks about the missionary activities of Stephen of Perm. He walked around the Perm land and erected temples on the site of ancient sanctuaries. The chronicle records that Stephen sowed the faith of Christ on those lands where animals, trees, water, fire and... the Golden Woman were previously worshiped.

Legends about the Golden Woman, hiding somewhere in the North, appeared a long time ago. They are associated with the legendary vast country, spread in the 9th-12th centuries in the forests covering the valleys of the Northern Dvina, Vychegda and the upper reaches of the Kama. In Rus', these lands were called Perm the Great, and in the Scandinavian countries - the powerful state of Biarmia or Bjarmaland. The peoples inhabiting this territory worshiped a huge idol - the Golden Woman. Her sanctuary, located, according to the Scandinavian sagas, somewhere at the mouth of the Northern Dvina, was guarded day and night by six shamans. Many treasures were accumulated by the servants of the idol, which bore the name Yumala in the sagas. Perm the Great was rich in the skins of valuable fur-bearing animals. Merchants from Khazaria, which lay in the lower reaches of the Volga, and Vikings from distant Scandinavia paid for them generously.

However, time passed. The strengthened neighbors of Perm the Great extended their tenacious hands to this rich but sparsely populated region. At first it was the Novgorod ushkuiniki, then the squads of the Moscow Grand Duke. Fleeing from Christianity, worshipers of the idol hid the Golden Woman either in the Ural caves, or in impenetrable forests along the banks of the Ob, or in the inaccessible gorges of the Putoran mountains on Taimyr.

In search of a shrine

Where did such a strange deity come from among the Mansi people? Most scientists believe that the Golden Woman is the Mansi goddess Sorni-ekva. This name is translated into Russian as “golden woman.”

Opinions differ regarding the origin of the idol itself. Biarmia history researcher Leonid Teplov suggests that the golden statue could have been taken from the sack of Rome in 410 during the attack of the Ugrians and Goths. Some of them returned to their homeland to the Arctic Ocean, and the ancient statue became a symbol of the northern people.

Other scientists follow the path of a mysterious goddess from China, believing that this is a statue of Buddha, who in the Celestial Empire merges with the image of the goddess Guanyin. There are also supporters of the Christian origin of the Golden Woman. They suggest that this is a statue of the Madonna, which was stolen during a raid on one of the Christian churches.

They tried to take possession of the Golden Woman for a long time. During their campaigns in Ugra, the Novgorodians willingly plundered pagan sanctuaries. They tried to get to the golden idol hiding in the dense forests, but in vain. Ermak’s daring troops were also interested in the statue. They heard about the Golden Woman from a Chuvash who fled to their camp during the siege of a Tatar settlement. The Chuvash said that in the besieged settlement the Ostyaks prayed to “the golden god who sits in the bowl.” Hearing about the gold, the Cossacks rushed to attack the settlement with renewed vigor. After a bloody battle, they took the walls, but did not find the precious idol. On the eve of the assault he was succeeded by secret underground passages remove from the besieged settlement.

The second time the Cossacks heard about the Golden Woman was when they reached Belgorod on the Ob. Here was the most revered temple by the Ostyaks. It was here, according to rumors, that the shrine of the Siberian peoples was brought. But this time Ermak failed to reach the Golden Woman. When his troops approached, the residents managed to hide the idol. The Cossacks asked the Ostyaks about the Golden Woman, and they confirmed that indeed “they had a great prayer service to the ancient goddess.”

Robot worship?

The researchers of our time have not neglected the Golden Woman. Ufologists showed great interest in the idol. Ufologists say that this deity is not at all like other shrines of the northern peoples; it seems to have fallen from the sky.

It was this version of the origin of the golden idol that was once put forward by ufologist Stanislav Ermakov. He believes that the Golden Woman is an alien robot, which for some reason, perhaps due to a partial malfunction, was left on Earth by its owners. For some time, the Golden Woman could move, and it is with this that the Mansi legends about the “living” idol are connected. Then, according to Ermakov, the robot gradually began to fail. At first he could still make some sounds, and then he finally turned into a golden statue.

I had the opportunity to work for several years in the Northern Urals, in places through which, according to researchers, the golden idol passed, hiding from persecuting Christians. In the Urals, I heard several stories from Mansi reindeer herders related to the Golden Woman.

In the Northern Urals there is a dome-shaped mountain, Manya-Tump, covered with dense forest. Until very recently, reindeer herders, driving their herds along the Ural ridge in the summer, did not even come close to the mountain. “It’s been a long time since you walked the mountain. Whoever walks will get sick for a long time and die. Old people say - there stood the navels, Sonya Equa, the Golden Woman. It was scary to walk close. Baba shouted widely. People speak in a scary voice."

A little north of Manya-Tump rises another mountain, with which the legends about the terrible cry of the Golden Woman are also associated - Koyp. The surroundings of this mountain are surprisingly suitable for the birth of the legend about the temple of the idol. At the foot of the mountain lies almost round lake. On its shore you can see blocks covered with lichen, in which, with a little imagination, you can guess the remains of an ancient sanctuary.

Mansi herds driving in the summer always come to this sanctuary to leave their gifts on a quadrangular granite slab, as if carved by people.

Between the Manya-Tump and Koyp mountains there is another place that may also be associated with the terrible screams of the Golden Woman. This is Mount Otorten, the most high point Ural. In the winter of 1959, a well-trained group of skiers from the Ural Polytechnic Institute died here. Rescuers who went in search of tourists found a tent with a cut-out back wall and bodies lying in deep snow. The expression of mortal horror was frozen on the faces of all the dead.

Some members of the commission that investigated the causes of the tragedy believed that the cause that led to such a terrible death could be exposure to high-intensity infrasound.

What could make such murderous sounds? Let's return to Stanislav Ermakov's version of the extraterrestrial origin of the Golden Woman. Why did the space robot, created by a civilization far ahead of the earthly one, suddenly partially fail?

One episode in the description of the Viking Thorir Hund’s campaign to Biarmia can help answer this question: “The Vikings happily sailed to the mouth of the Dvina trading city in Biarmia... The temple of the highest deity of the Biarmians, as the Vikings reliably knew, was located in a dense forest, not far from the mouth of the Vin (Dvina) River. That’s where they planned to get through...

Thorir Hund, thrusting his ax into the gate, climbed over it with his help. Carly did the same, and they let their comrades inside the fenced-in space. Approaching the mound, the Vikings collected as much money as they could carry...

They reached the very image of Yumala, which towered among the sacred fence. A precious chain hung around the neck of the Burmese god. Carly was seduced by the chain and cut the idol’s neck so hard with an ax that the head fell off his shoulders with a terrifying crack.”

A Viking would hardly be able to cut off the head of a cast statue. It would be another matter if in front of him stood a robot consisting of a metal frame coated with a thin layer of gold. The guards of the sanctuary arrived in time and drove the Vikings away. They miraculously managed to get to the ships, abandoning the collected treasures.

Where is the golden idol now? Three inaccessible corners of Russia are called the final refuge of the Golden Woman: the lower reaches of the Ob, the upper reaches of the Irtysh in the Kalbinsky ridge and the impassable gorges of the Putorana plateau.

Now the word "sissy" is mostly derogatory, but this was not always the case. And even now this is not everywhere))) In the east, “baba” is a respectful addition to a name, for example, Ali Baba. Come on, East, in other places Babai is “father, grandfather.” Male woman. A stone woman is an idol, a statue, or something heavy, like the woman with whom piles are driven into the ground. Previously, in Slavic, “baba” meant “a woman who gave birth,” and the “Golden Woman” is mentioned in most sources as the goddess of female fertility. From here you can decipher “Golden Baba” as “Golden Idol” or even “Golden Goddess”.

“They pray to the Russian God, and that Russian God made of cast gold sits in a thicket.”

The Golden Baba was drawn on maps by quite ordinary travelers and cartographers, and in a variety of places: from Europe to Siberia, from the southern steppes to Lukomorye.

In these same places, the Golden Baba was worshiped, and maybe still is. In these same places, treasure hunters hunted for her. Especially on Siberian soil: according to information, it was not just an idol with a golden crown and valuable sacrifices, but made entirely of gold. Therefore, the main searches were carried out beyond the Urals, especially since on various maps the location of the Golden Woman was marked on the Ob River. According to some sources, in the 14th century, part of the Komi peoples, who did not want to be baptized by Muscovy, again took the golden idol to Siberia, to the Ob region. However, we are simply talking about the “Goddess of the North”, and the Vikings were looking for her there.

Already in the 20th century, many novels and film scripts were written specifically dedicated to the search for the Golden Woman in Siberia. It’s not clear which one exactly. Because, according to some information, this is a golden idol, which, under the pressure of Christianity, left Europe further and further to the east and remained behind the Urals. According to others, these are many different statues, from Indian Buddhas to Egyptian goddesses. There are analogies of this idol with the Mistress of the Copper Mountain and even with Baba Yaga, who, by the way, is also a “woman”. A lot of stories can be written about her search, and each will be true in its own way. There are legends about a variety of real cities that, before being captured by their warlike neighbors, hid a golden statue in the ground or caves. So you can look for the Golden Woman - everywhere.

To the question of who was looking for her, the answer is also the same: almost everyone. From Ermak (with the goal of ruling the world), the Vikings, the clergy with the goal of destroying it, and right up to the NKVD expedition in the 1930s. But there is no information about what anyone found.

Usage: in the alcoholic beverage industry. The essence of the invention: the composition contains calamus (root), bergenia (root), bergenia (leaves), birch buds, dried lingonberry leaves, oregano (tops of flowering stems), cloves (unblown flower buds), elecampane (root) , St. John's wort (flowers and leaves), Leuzea safflower (root), Leuzea safflower (aerial part), pine cones with nuts, cedar (bark), maple (buds), mint (leaves), peony (root), Rhodiola pink - golden root (root), chamomile (flower baskets), yarrow (tops of flowering stems), black currants (branches with leaves), apples, sea buckthorn, chokeberry, bird cherry (dried), honey, vanillin, color in the following ratio of ingredients, kg/1000 dal: calamus (root) 2 - 2.4, bergenia (root) 1.9 - 2.1, bergenia (leaves) 1.9 - 2.1, birch buds 0.1 - 0.3, dried lingonberry leaf 2.9 - 3.1, oregano (tops of flowering stems) 4.9 - 5.1, cloves (unopened flower buds) 1.5 - 1.7, elecampane (root) 1 .9 - 2.1, St. John's wort (flowers and leaves) 4.9 - 5.1, Leuzea safflower (root) 0.9 - 1.1, Leuzea safflower (aerial part) 0.9 - 1.1, cedar cones with nuts 5 - 5.5, cedar (bark) 0.3 - 0.6, maple (buds) 0.1 - 0.3, mint (leaves) 3.9 - 4.1, peony (root ) 3 - 3.6, rhodiola rosea - golden root (root) 2 - 2.6, chamomile (flower baskets) 0.9 - 2.1, yarrow (tops of flowering stems) 2.7 - 2.9, black currant (branches with leaves) 0.9 - 2.1, apples 600 - 655, sea buckthorn 380 - 390, chokeberry 260 - 265, bird cherry (dried) 75 - 79, honey 290 - 310, sugar 2300 - 2330, color 740 - 760, vanillin 0.7 - 0.85, orange oil 0.1 - 0.16, aqueous-alcoholic liquid the rest. 2 tables

The invention relates to the alcoholic beverage industry. A known composition of ingredients for a balm includes calamus, birch buds, angelica, sweet clover, St. John's wort, bison, oregano, mint, marjoram, rhodiola rosea, chamomile, pine buds, thyme, pine nut, sage, wormwood, yarrow, vanillin , color, sugar and aqueous-alcoholic liquid The closest to the proposed one is the composition of ingredients containing calamus (root), bergenia (leaves), birch buds, lingonberry leaves, oregano, cloves (unblown flower buds), elecampane (root) , St. John's wort (flowers and leaves), Leuzea safflower (roots), Leuzea safflower (underground part), spearmint (leaves), peony (root), pine nut, Rhodiola rosea (root), chamomile, yarrow, black currant (branches and leaves), sea buckthorn, apples, bird cherry, chokeberry, vanillin 1:10, orange oil, honey, sugar, color and aqueous-alcoholic liquid. The disadvantage of this composition is that the balm prepared on its basis has insufficiently high tonic and nutritional properties, since it contains little tannins, tannins, fats, resins, purines and glycosides, which reduces the quality of the finished product and its stability during storage. A balm composition containing calamus (root), basan (leaves), birch buds, dried lingonberry leaves, oregano (tops of flowering stems), cloves (unblown flower buds), elecampane (root), St. John's wort (flowers and leaves) ), Leuzea safflower (root), Leuzea safflower (aerial part), pine nuts, mint (leaves), peony (root), Rhodiola rosea golden root (root), chamomile, yarrow, black currant (branches with leaves) , sea buckthorn, apples, chokeberry, bird cherry, vanillin 1:10, orange oil 1:10, natural honey, sugar syrup, color and aqueous-alcoholic liquid, to achieve the technical result of enriching the finished product with tannins, purines, resins , tannins, fats, glycosides and thus increasing the nutritional and tonic properties of the finished product, as well as its stability during storage, additionally contains bergenia (root), cedar (bark), maple (buds), and pine nuts are used together with pine cones with the following ratio of ingredients: kg/100 dal: Calamus (root) 2-2.4 Bergenia thick-leaved (root) 1.9-2.1 Bergenia thick-leaved (leaves) 1.9-2.1 Birch buds 0.1- 0.3 Dried lingonberry leaf 2.9-3.1 Oregano (tops of flowering stems) 4.9-5.1 Cloves (unopened flower buds) 1.5-1.7 Elecampane (root) 1.9-2 .1 St. John's wort (flowers and leaves) 4.9-5.1 Leuzea safflower (root) 0.9-1.1 Leuzea safflower (aerial part) 0.9-1.1 Pine cones with nuts 5-5.5 Cedar (bark) 0.3-0.6 Maple (buds) 0.1-0.3 Mint (leaves) 3-3.6 Peony (root) 3.9-4.1 Rhodiola rosea golden root (root ) 2-2.6 Chamomile (flower baskets) 1.9-2.1 Yarrow (tops of flowering stems) 2.7-2.9 Black currant (branches with leaves) 0.9-2.1 Apples 600- 655 Sea buckthorn 380-390 Chokeberry 260-265 Dried bird cherry 75-79 Honey 290-310 Sugar 2300-2330 Color 740-760 Vanillin 0.7-0.85 Orange oil 0.1-0.16 Aqueous-alcoholic liquid Rest It should be noted that bergenia root contains a large amount (up to 20%) of tannins and the glycoside arbutin (10-20%). Cedar bark is also very rich in tannins, tannins, and resins, and maple buds contain essential oil, resins, and tannins. Cedar cones are also rich in tannins, glycosides, and fats. Thus, use along with spicy aromatic raw materials (calamus, bergenia, lingonberry leaf, oregano, cloves, elecampane, St. John's wort, leuzea, mint, peony, rhodiola, chamomile, yarrow, black currant), containing a total of 0.413 liters of essential oil, raw materials rich in tannins, tannins, resins, fats, glycosides (cedar bark, bergenia root, maple buds and pine cones with nuts), enrich the finished product with a complex of these substances, increases its nutritional value and tonic properties, as well as stability during storage through the use of a combination of bark, buds and roots, which have tonic and antibacterial properties. The use in the proposed composition of new ingredients that have not previously been used in the practice of distillery production (bergenia root, cedar cones with nuts, cedar bark and maple buds) in combination with spicy and aromatic raw materials ensures an increase in the physiological value of products of this group, since the proposed combination of ingredients determines the presence of a set of substances that help improve basic metabolic processes in the body (glycosides, tannins), stimulating the activity of the olfactory, gustatory and digestive organs. It should be noted that the ingredients included in the composition not only transfer their inherent properties into the finished product, but also provide a synergistic effect, i.e. the introduction of tannins, resins, tannins and glycosides not only increases the stability of the product during storage, but also enhances the digestibility of essential oils introduced with aromatic raw materials. Thus, these essential features influence the technical result of enriching the balsam with valuable tannins, tannins, resins and glycosides, preserving the aromatics of the aromatic raw materials in the finished product and thus improving the quality of the latter. The balm is prepared as follows. The herbal ingredients included in the composition for the balm are calamus, bergenia (leaves), bergenia (root), birch buds, lingonberry leaves, oregano, cloves, elecampane, leuzea, pine cones with nuts, cedar (bark), maple (buds), mint, Peony, Rhodiola rosea golden root, chamomile, yarrow and black currant (branches with leaves) are poured twice with aqueous-alcoholic liquid: 60% strength for the first fill and 75% for the second fill. The resulting infusions of plums I and II are combined, mixed and subsequently used for blending. Alcoholized apple juice, sea buckthorn, chokeberry and wild garlic fruit drinks are added to the blending container, and then the resulting mixture of infusions, orange oil and vanillin diluted in alcohol, sugar syrup, dissolved honey, coloring and aqueous-alcoholic liquid. The blend is stirred periodically after adding each component for 3-5 minutes, and then after blending is completed for 15-20 minutes. The blend is filtered, kept for 40 hours and sent for bottling. Example 1. To prepare 1000 dal of “Golden Idol” balm, plant materials are infused with aqueous-alcoholic liquid. Infusion modes are given in table. 1. The ratio of ingredients in the composition is as follows, kg/1000 dal: Calamus (root) 2.3 Bergenia (root) 2 Bergenia (leaves) 2 Birch buds 0.2 Dried lingonberry leaf 3 Oregano (tops of flowering stems) 5 Cloves (unopened flower buds) 1.6 Elecampane (root) 2 St. John's wort (flowers and leaves) 5 Leuzea safflower (root) 1 Leuzea safflower (aerial part) 1 Pine cones with nuts 5.4 Cedar (bark) 0 .5 Maple (buds) 0.2 Mint (leaves) 4 Peony (root) 3.5 Rhodiola rosea golden root (root) 2.5 Chamomile (flower heads) 2 Yarrow (tops of flowering stems) 2.8 Blackcurrant (branches with leaves) 23 Apples 653 Sea buckthorn 388 Chokeberry 261 Bird cherry (dried) 78 Vanillin 0.8 Orange oil 0.15 Natural honey 300 Sugar 2320 Color 750 Aqueous-alcoholic liquid Rest Fruit drinks from sea buckthorn, rowan and bird cherry are obtained according to table 2. Alcoholized apple juice is obtained from 653 kg of apples by alcoholizing freshly squeezed juice. In addition to the infusion for blending the balm, they use: rectified ethyl alcohol of the highest purity in accordance with GOST 5962, drinking water in accordance with GOST 2874 with a hardness of up to 0.36 mol/m 3 for softened water, as well as honey 290 kg, sugar 2300 kg, color 740 kg, vanillin 1:10 0.7 kg, orange oil 0.1 kg. Add apple juice, fruit drinks, balsam infusion, orange oil and vanillin diluted in alcohol, rectified alcohol, part of the water, then sugar syrup, dissolved honey, coloring and water to finally bring the blend to the specified volume into the blending container. The blend is stirred after adding each component for 3 minutes, and then finally for 15 minutes. The blend is filtered, aged and sent for bottling. The blend contains, l/1000 dal: Balsam infusion of I and II drains 1080 Sea buckthorn juice of I and II drains 800 Alcoholized apple juice 600 Chokeberry juice of I and II drains 600 Bird cherry juice of I and II drains 300 Vanillin 1:10 8 Orange oil - lo 1:10 1.5 Natural honey, kg 290 Sugar syrup 65.8% 2669 Color, kg 740 Aqueous-alcoholic liquid The rest is based on the strength of the blend 34%
PRI me R 2. The entire process of preparing fruit drinks, infusion and blending was carried out according to example 1, only the composition of the ingredients has the following state, kg/1000 dal: Calamus 2.4 Badan (root) 2.1 Badan (leaves) 2, 1 Birch buds 0.3 Lingonberry leaf 3.1 Oregano 5.1 Cloves 1.7 Elecampane 2.1 St. John's wort 5.1 Leuzea (root and aerial part) 2.2 Pine cones with nuts 5.5 Pine bark 0. 6 Maple buds 0.3 Mint 4.1 Peony (root) 3.6 Rhodiola rosea (root) 2.6 Chamomile 2.1 Yarrow 2.9 Black currant (branches with leaves) 2.1 Apples 655 Sea buckthorn 390 Rowan chokeberry 265 Bird cherry (dried) 79 Honey 310 Sugar 2330 Color 760 Vanillin 0.85 Orange oil 0.16 Aqueous-alcoholic liquid Rest
Example 3. The process of infusion and preparation of fruit drinks was carried out according to example 1, only the ratio of ingredients in the composition is as follows, kg/1000 dal: Calamus (root) 2 Bergenia thick-leaved (root) 1.9 Bergenia thick-leaved (leaves) 1 .9 Birch buds 0.1 Dried lingonberry leaf 2.9 Oregano (tops of flowering stems) 4.9 Cloves (unopened flower buds) 1.5 Elecampane (root) 1.9 St. John's wort (flowers and leaves ) 4.9 Leuzea safflower (root) 0.9 Leuzea safflower (aerial part) 0.9 Pine cones with nuts 5 Cedar (bark) 0.3 Maple (buds) 0.1 Curly mint (leaves) 3.9 Peony (root) 3 Rhodiola rosea golden root (root) 2 Chamomile (flower heads) 1.9 Yarrow (tops of flowering stems) 2.7 Black currant (branches with leaves) 0.9 Color 740 Apples 600 Sea buckthorn 380 Rowan chokeberry 260 Dried bird cherry 75 Honey 290 Vanillin 0.7 Sugar 2300 Orange oil 0.1 Aqueous-alcoholic liquid Rest
In all examples, the balm has a strength of 34%, the total extract is 32.0 g/100 cm 3, the color is dark brown, the aroma is spicy, complex, without isolating individual ingredients, the taste is spicy. The proposed composition of ingredients makes it possible to increase the tonic and nutritional properties of the finished product and expand the range of balms through the use of a combination of ingredients of spicy aromatic raw materials, roots and buds, which have tonic antibacterial properties.


Composition of ingredients for a balm containing calamus, bergenia (leaves), birch buds, dried lingonberry leaves, oregano (tops of flowering stems), cloves (unblown flower buds), elecampane (root), St. John's wort (flowers and leaves) , Leuzea safflower (root), Leuzea safflower (aerial part), pine nuts, mint (leaves), peony (root), Rhodiola rosea golden root (root), chamomile (flower heads), yarrow (tops of flowering stems ), black currants (branches and leaves), apples, sea buckthorn, chokeberry, dried bird cherry, vanillin 1 10, orange oil, honey, sugar, color and aqueous-alcoholic liquid, characterized in that pine nuts are used together with cones, and bergenia (root), cedar (bark) and maple (buds) are additionally introduced into the composition at the following ratio of ingredients, kg/1000 dal:
Calamus (root) 2.0 2.4
Bergenia thick-leaved (root) 1.9 2.1
Bergenia thick-leaved (leaves) 1.9 2.1
Birch buds 0.1 0.3
Dried lingonberry leaf 2.9 3.1
Oregano (tops of flowering stems) 4.9 5.1
Carnation (unopened flower buds) 1.5 1.7
Elecampane officinalis (root) 1.9 2.1
St. John's wort (flowers and leaves) 4.9 5.1
Leuzea safflower (root) 0.9 1.1
Leuzea safflower (aerial part) 0.9 1.1
Pine cones with nuts 5 5.5
Cedar (bark) 0.3 0.6
Maple (buds) 0.1 0.3
Spearmint (leaves) 3.9 4.1
Peony evasive (root) 3.0 3.6
Rhodiola rosea golden root (root) 2.0 2.6
Chamomile (flower baskets) 1.9 2.1
Common yarrow (tops of flowering stems) 2.7 2.9
Black currant (branches and leaves) 0.9 2.1
Apples 600 655
Sea buckthorn 380 390
Chokeberry 260 265
Dried bird cherry 75 79
Honey 290 310
Sugar 2300 2330
Kohler 740 760
Vanillin 1 10 0.7 0.85
Orange oil 0.1 0.16
Aqueous-alcoholic liquid Rest

The Golden Baba today appears only in myths and legends. Presumably, it was she who was the main idol worshiped in ancient times by the peoples of North-Eastern Europe and North-West Siberia.

Myths about the golden idol

The earliest mention of a golden idol is found in the 13th century in the Scandinavian “Saga of Saint Olaf,” part of Snorri Sturluson’s “Earthly Circle.” The saga tells that around 1023, the Norwegian Vikings, led by the famous Thorir the Dog, went on a campaign to Biarmia (Bjarmaland) - that was the name of the legendary state, which spread in the 9th-12th centuries in the region of the Northern Dvina, Vychegda and the upper reaches of the Kama. In Rus' it was called Perm the Great. They managed to secretly penetrate the Bjarm sanctuary - Yomali, guarded by six shamans. There they saw many treasures and a large gilded statue. The idol had a precious chain around its neck and a golden crown decorated with twelve different images on its head. On her lap lay a bowl filled with silver coins mixed with soil. The Vikings took with them as much money and treasure as they could carry. Finally, one of them, Carly, cut off the head of the idol, seduced by the chain. But on the way back, the Vikings were met by the guardians of the sanctuary, and they had to flee, leaving behind all the loot.

We also find information about the cult of worship of the Golden Woman in the Sofia Chronicle for 1398 in connection with the death of Bishop Stefan of Perm. It says that Stephen sowed the faith of Christ on those lands where they had previously worshiped animals, trees, water, fire and... the Golden Woman.

In the 15th century, the Novgorod Ushkuiniki, having visited the Ural lands with goods, brought news of "unknown people in Eastern country, growing small, eating each other and praying to the golden idol".

A lot of legends about the Golden Woman circulate among the Komi, Khanty and Mansi. So, Mansi reindeer herders tell this legend. The golden woman was alive and could walk on her own. When she was crossing the Stone Belt, as the Ural Mountains were called in ancient times, a local shaman tried to detain her, since she considered herself the local mistress. Then the idol screamed in a terrible voice, and from its screams every living thing for many miles died. The daring shaman fell backward and turned to stone.

The Yakut epic describes a copper statue standing in the middle of impassable swamps. When enemies approached, she allegedly began to make a sound reminiscent of the chirping of many crickets, and also emitted a blue glow into the sky.

The Nenets have a myth that once a year, when the Great Sun appears in the sky, the Solar Woman rises from under the frozen ground, carrying a baby in her womb.

The cult of the “golden goddess” among the Slavs

It seems that the Golden Woman was worshiped in Ancient Rus'. In the pagan legends of the Slavs, the Temple of the Golden Baba is mentioned, located “in the country of Obdorsk, at the mouth of the Obigo River”(probably referring to the Ob River). She was considered the patroness of pregnant women and midwives. Gold, silver and furs were sacrificed to her. Even foreigners came to worship the idol. Researchers of ancient Slavism believe that the Golden Baba was the main one among the Rozhanitsa - goddesses responsible for human destiny.

According to most researchers, we were talking about the Mansi goddess Sorni-ekva, whose name translated means “Golden Woman”. Prince N.S. Trubetskoy, who was engaged in ethnography, believed that this was Kaltash-Ekva, the wife of the supreme Khanty-Mansi god Numi-Tarum, who patronizes all living things and determines the fate of every person.

Where to look for the Golden Woman?

It is assumed that with the advent of Christianity, the pagans began to hide the statue so that it would not be destroyed. Enough detailed information You can read about this in books about Rus' by European travelers of the 16th century. True, information about the location of the sanctuary of the Golden Baba is quite contradictory. For example, M. Mekhovsky in his “Essay on Two Sarmatias” (1517) writes that the idol is located beyond Vyatka "on penetration into Scythia". But S. Herberstein in 1549, A. Guagnini in 1578 and D. Fletcher in 1591 indicate that it is hidden near the mouth of the Ob.

In his notes made during a trip to Russia, the Roman envoy Sigismund Herberstein reports: “They say, or, to put it more accurately, they fable, that the idol of the Golden Old Woman is a statue in the form of an old woman holding her son on her lap, and there again another child is visible, about whom they say that this is her grandson. Moreover, it was as if she had placed some instruments there that produced a constant sound, like trumpets. If this is so, then I believe that it comes from the strong and constant wind blowing on these instruments.".

On one of the maps of the medieval cartographer G. Mercator, published in 1595, near the mouth of the Ob River, a statue is depicted with a child in her arms and the signature “Golden Woman” (Slata baba).

In Uvatsky local history museum"Legends of the gray Irtysh", located in Tyumen region, you can see an exhibition dedicated to the Golden Woman. The exhibits include the Kungur Chronicle, according to which 400 years ago the idol was in the Demyansky town in the Uvat region, but after the town was captured by Ermakov Cossacks led by Ataman Bryazga, the statue mysteriously disappeared. In the center of the museum hall there is a reconstruction of the altar with a gilded figure of the goddess, reproduced from the drawings of the chronicler S.U. Remezova.

In 1961, the statue was allegedly discovered in the vicinity of the village of Yuilsk in the upper reaches of the Kazym River, approximately 270 kilometers north of Khanty-Mansiysk. But it turned out to be not gold, but wooden, covered with silver on top. Therefore, there were rumors about a substitution. However, everyone who dealt with the idol died one after another. Although it is clear that the information is completely unverified... Moreover, the “Idol of Yule” soon disappeared.

Where the mysterious Golden Woman is now, if she really exists, is unknown. Maybe the idol is hidden in one of the hidden Ural caves, waiting in the wings...

Golden Idol

Golden Idol is one of the most desirable types that can be found in any standard zone of the game. Idol looks like a huge face made of gold. Its high cost has ruined many greedy people, since this item is carefully guarded by dangerous ones, because the richest treasures are always fraught with risk.

Also, you can simply bomb the ice platform with Idol and then pick it up. But doing this is risky, due to the unpredictability of the explosion and the presence of a huge level below. Alternatively, you can build a ladder from and safely remove Idol, going down or going up one. It is worth considering that this is an extremely slippery place, so it can be dangerous to run thoughtlessly... Especially on such a narrow platform as the trap of this Golden Idol.

Idol in

Golden Idol can be found in two completely different variations of traps. Usually, it is located in a small room that looks empty. As soon as you pick it up, the exit doors from this room will close and the ceiling will begin to slowly descend. You can escape from such a trap only with the help of or (by destroying any adjacent wall). If you make a hole in the floor, there is still a danger of being crushed, since the ceiling will continue to fall until it crashes into a heavy object. There is one trick: you can place it in the door opening to prevent the room from completely closing and then you can easily get out on the way back, since the door will jam. It is worth considering that the hero is immediately killed when approaching, even if you just fly into them.

An alternative version of the trap with Golden Idol- sacrificial pit. A huge depression as high as the level itself is generated at the level. There are built-in walls inside it, and seething at the bottom. As soon as you lift Idol, the floor will immediately crumble, throwing off

Idol in

Golden Idol You can find dangerous ones under guard, somewhere in the middle of the level. To steal a jewel, you will have to very carefully get into the epicenter of the trap, which is in constant motion. After lifting Idol nothing will happen, but it will be extremely difficult to get out of there, since you will have to perform the same actions as when entering, only in reverse. Often, this confuses and leads to stupid death. Stupid, because it doesn’t happen ( I don't know if this is true) and it will not be possible to use the money. Therefore, there is no really clear reason to steal it, risking your life. Moreover, if you provoke an explosion next to these, you will activate an unpredictable domino effect, since each of the balls is a mini version. What makes the situation even worse is that such traps can simply be located in different parts of the levels. If one ball catches others, they too will begin to move, turning into a deadly tsunami.


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