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Without exaggeration, we can say that the entire Crimean peninsula is one big nature reserve, every corner of which must not only be visited, but also felt its beauty and mood. The Grand Canyon was no exception. Just looking at it takes your breath away and you just want to silently look around and listen to the breath of nature.

This huge fault in the Crimean mountains stretches for many kilometers. The canyon is located in the south of the peninsula, not far from Yalta and Alupka. It is located on the northern slope of the main ridge of the Crimean Mountains, in the Bakhchisarai region and runs between the two massifs Ai-Petrinsky and Boyka.

Nearest locality to the big canyon - the village of Sokolinoe, which is located 5 km from it.

Baths of the Grand Canyon of Crimea


  • To date it length is 3.5 km;
  • depth on average 320 m, but in some places reaches 600 meters;
  • width just as the depth ranges from 3 to 187 meters, sometimes narrowing and sometimes expanding throughout.

The river adds beauty to the canyon Auzun-Uzen flowing along its bottom. It is thanks to the water that has worked to create the landscape for many millennia that there are many rapids, waterfalls, boilers and baths. There are more than 150 of them here. There are many more attractions on the peninsula, and one of them is the Jur Jur waterfall, but this information will help you understand how to get to it by car.

How to get there

There are several ways to get to the reserve:

By car

If you drive from Yalta or its suburbs, then it is best to choose the highway leading to Bakhchisarai. At the Ai-Petri pass you will have to overcome the mountain serpentine. There is a sign on the route " Grand Canyon", leading to the desired location.

If you move from the direction of Simferopol, you need to choose the Sevastopol highway and move along it to Bakhchisarai, then turn onto the road that leads to the Ai-Petri pass, you need to pass the village of Sokolinoe, 3 km from it, there will be the “entrance gate to the Grand Canyon”.

On the video - how to get there by car:

Near the entrance to the reserve there is a guarded parking lot, where you need to leave your car and continue on foot. It will also be interesting to know where the Marsian Lake is located, and how you can get there by car and on foot

Public transport

All public transport goes only to the village of Sokolinoe, since buses and minibus taxis prohibited, so you will have to walk to your destination or use the services of a private cab. There will definitely not be any problems with this, since in Sokolin there are always enough people willing to take tourists to the famous Crimean landmark, for a small fee.

Excursion tour

The most profitable and convenient way to visit a nature reserve is to purchase sightseeing tour. Today, in every resort town, many shops offer a wide range of excursion programs, including a visit to the Great Crimean Canyon. In addition, in our age of electronic technology, excursion tours can also be purchased via the Internet. It is also worth learning more about what kind of excursions there are from Yevpatoria to Yalta.

On the video - how to get to the Grand Canyon of Crimea:

This excursion includes not only a hike through the most beautiful and largest canyon of Crimea, with a visit to its natural attractions such as:

  • Blue Lakes;
  • Pania Spring;
  • Apple Ford;
  • Yew Falls;
  • The bath of youth and the Silver Streams waterfall, but also lunch in a cafe of Tatar cuisine. Every traveler will be interested to learn about how to get to the Taigan safari park in Crimea, as well as see photos.

To the starting point of the excursion tourists are transported by buses that follow very picturesque roads, however, all buses stop at a parking lot and you must explore the canyon on foot. Experienced guides lead groups along the most interesting impassable stone paths that will not leave anyone indifferent; you will have to walk a lot along rocky paths, so comfortable shoes are a must.

Video: walking tour:

In addition to the stunning nature and views, there are many places in the canyon where you can swim, so be sure to take swimsuits with you.

No matter how difficult it is to get to the Great Crimean Canyon, it is a must-visit. This unique place, in which they meet rare species plants and animals, besides, it’s just very beautiful here. Everyone knows that the nature of the Crimean peninsula is unique and its natural attractions are in no way inferior to architectural ones. Any tourist will also be interested to know about such a wonderful place as New World, as well as what beaches there are.

Grand Canyon of Crimea: among the enchanting natural beauties

The Grand Canyon of Crimea is not only the most beautiful and fascinating place, but also in many ways a rather mysterious and enigmatic corner, surrounded by many legends and tales. When you see this gigantic rock formation, like a giant scar stretching for kilometers in the body of the Crimean Mountains, you involuntarily take your breath away and there is a feeling of respectful awe before its silent, calm grandeur.

All the beauty of this place, as well as the feelings and emotions that it generates when contemplating, is difficult to describe in words. On the one hand, it is quite multifaceted, nature has done its best in this, enriching its flora and aesthetic world, but on the other hand, the breathtaking spectacle simply leaves one’s mouth numb. It is completely different from the gloomy, dark crevices that appear in the imagination when you hear the word “canyon”. On the contrary, it is filled with unimaginable colors, charm, the spirit of ancient legends, as if hovering in space, and life seething literally under every stone.

Where is the canyon located in Crimea?

It is located at the southern tip of the Crimean Mountains, in the Bakhchisarai region. It lies between two mountain ranges - Ai-Petri and Boyka, at approximately equal distances, 5 km from the village of Sokolinoe.

Gorge on the map of Crimea

What is a landmark?

Of course, the Great Crimean Canyon cannot be compared with the fault of the same name in the American state of Arizona, but its parameters are also impressive. It stretches 3.5 km in length, has an average depth of 320 m, but in some places reaches 600 m,
with a width ranging from 3 to 187 m, sometimes narrowing and sometimes widening throughout. The Auzun-Uzen River flows along the bottom, fed by many streams and springs, turning into beautiful, sonorous waterfalls, cascading from a small height. The mouth of the river is replete with depressions or cauldrons filled with water, forming small but rather deep lakes, called “baths”.

Nature of the Great Crimean Canyon

Due to its depth and narrow spaces, where the sun’s rays rarely penetrate, a unique microclimate is formed in the canyon, making it cool and damp on the hottest days. The air temperature rarely exceeds +18 degrees, and the water temperature remains at +11, so it is not possible to soak in one of the famous “baths”. Vegetable world in the confined space of a giant fault is very rich and varied.

The Grand Canyon of Crimea is represented by hundreds of species of trees, shrubs and flowers, many of them are endemic and have survived to this day only due to the peculiarities of the formation itself. Particularly noteworthy in this regard are orchids; most of their species (about 70%) grow only here, as well as relict plants, such as yews, hyoid brooms, saxifrage, etc., are not found anywhere else on the peninsula.

Routes and excursions to the Grand Canyon

The excursion, introducing its unforgettable beauty, takes place in two directions - along the fault, along its right edge, and along the bottom. Both options are good in their own way, and in both cases you will get wonderful photos, but they are very different from each other. The route along the upper “side” is not so picturesque, but it is completely safe –
You can walk along it at any time of the year and also on your own. Along the way, stunning views of forested mountain slopes and shady valleys open up, but the main impressions still lie deep below - where you can only look from a dizzying height, standing on a ledge.

The route along the bottom is more interesting, truly exciting and picturesque, but it is extremely difficult, and sometimes poses considerable danger - during rainy periods, for example, a natural attraction turns into a death trap. As a result, you should avoid such a trip at least until mid-July, and going on it yourself involves a huge risk - the map will not let you get lost, but ignorance of the area can lead to undesirable consequences. It is better to go here on a tour or with an experienced guide, have rock climbing skills and good, comfortable shoes.

How to get there (get there)?

You can use public transport, take the “Bakhchisaray – Yalta” bus, get to the “Grand Canyon of Crimea” stop and walk another 5 km or hitch a ride. Often, tourists also ask, wanting to visit the Grand Canyon of Crimea, how to get there by car, which indicates a desire to look into it on their own. It is best to focus on the route from Bakhchisarai, from where you need to drive along the T0117 highway 32 km to south direction to Sokolinoe village and further another 3-5 km to the southeast.

Are you better at navigating with a map? Look at it to see how you can get to the desired object:

Note to tourists

  • Address: pos. Sokolinoe, Bakhchisarai district, Crimea, Russia.
  • GPS coordinates: 44.528127, 34.019346.

Speaking about the Grand Canyon, one thing is for sure - you won’t find a more amazing and beautiful place in Crimea! Thanks to such objects as the Blue Lake, the Bath of Youth or the Pania Spring, it has become widely known far beyond the peninsula. But here everyone finds a reason to visit it. Some are attracted by extreme sports, others by the inimitable beauty and rare species of flora, and others come even attracted by the terrible Tatar legends. One way or another, everyone finds here what they came for, what they were looking for, and even though everyone’s reasons for visiting are different, the bright ones remain common, unforgettable experience and delight that remains for a long time, if not for a lifetime, then for many years. Watch the video about this enchanting place in conclusion.

About Crimea

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Grand Canyon of Crimea

Among the natural attractions of Crimea, the Grand Canyon occupies a very special place. This large canyon was formed about 1.5 - 2 million years ago, at the site of a huge tectonic fault.

At its deepest point, the depth of the canyon exceeds 320 m, and it itself stretches for 3.5 km. Perfect place trekking and hiking. But you shouldn’t go to the canyon alone or on your own; it’s better to go as part of a tourist group or take a tour from a specialized agency.

The Grand Canyon of Crimea is one of many similar places in the world. There are stunning mountains, gorges and canyons, for example in Iceland. Norway is incredibly rich in such natural attractions. And if you want to get closer, there are plenty mountain routes There are different levels of difficulty in Georgia. Look interesting routes You can go to the mountains on the page of the tourist club

The Grand Canyon of Crimea was formed over millions of years. Today it is a deep channel, sometimes wider, sometimes narrower. Along the riverbed there are about 150 erosion cauldrons with waterfalls, the so-called baths. Some are very tiny, and some reach a depth of about 2.5 m and a length of up to 10 m. The Blue Lake - this is the largest cauldron, the bath of youth - is also a similar formation.

The canyon is fed by a huge number of streams, springs, and mountain rivers that emerge from the gorge and flow into the Azun-Uzen River. This is a clean, cold river. Throughout its entire length, even in the baths, the water temperature does not exceed 11 degrees.

When can you go to the Grand Canyon?

It is safe enough to be in the canyon only from the second half of summer to the beginning of autumn. During this period, when it rarely rains, the canyon is drained. And routes for trekking and hiking become available.

During the rainy season, the canyon is dangerous. Not only is there a mountain stream with mud and stones rushing along the riverbed. Because of the rains, the slopes of the canyon become less stable and rock falls occur more often. By the way, even during the dry season, due to the danger of falling stones, you should not go close to the slopes.

Keep in mind that the canyon has developed its own microclimate. It's always a few degrees cooler here than outside. And at the same time, quite humid.

How to get to the Grand Canyon of Crimea

The Grand Canyon begins 5 km away. from the village of Sokoliny. If you are going on a hike on your own, you will have to take a taxi from Sokolinoe or walk; there is no public transport to the canyon. You can get to the village of Sokolinoe by bus from Simferopol, Sevastopol and Bakhchisarai.

If you are going on a hike with tourist group, such a tour usually includes a transfer to the canyon.

If you are traveling by car, you need to go through Ai-Petri. On the way to the plateau, about halfway along the path there will be a sign “Grand Canyon”.

What to take on a hike

The minimum duration of a walk through the Grand Canyon is 2.5-3 hours. Therefore, be sure to take enough water with you and, if necessary, a light snack.

Comfortable shoes are a must. The route itself is not too difficult, but you will need to jump somewhere, cross streams, puddles, and stones.

There is an entrance fee to the Grand Canyon because it is a nature reserve. So, you need to take money with you. In the 2017 season admission ticket costs 100 rubles.

How to get there

The Grand Canyon of Crimea can be reached both from Yalta and from Bakhchisarai.

1. From Bakhchisarai

Bakhchisaray is located on the highway between Simferopol and Sevastopol. Getting there by public transport is not difficult - buses and trains run frequently.

On your own

From Bakhchisarai you need to get to Sokolinoe. Buses depart from the Bakhchisarai bus station every hour. The last one is around 6 pm. A taxi from Sokolinoe to Bakhchisarai will cost 800 rubles. Then you can walk along the highway (about 5 km), or take a taxi (300 rubles).

You can also take a walk along the Yusupov trail, which runs from Sokolinoe through a picturesque forest along the slope of Mount Boyko. It is also about 5 km to the canyon.

By car

From Bakhchisaray along the old Yalta-Bakhchisaray highway, you need to get to 6 km of the highway, a little further than Sokolinoe.

2. From Yalta

On your own

There is no public transport from Yalta towards the Grand Canyon. But you can try to catch a ride to the canyon near the turn to Ai-Petri to the ski lift.

Road Yalta-Bakhchisarai

By car

You need to take the Bakhchisarai highway - the turn to it will be near the Uzbekistan sanatorium. Drive along it through the pass up to 6 km of the Yalta-Bakhchisarai highway. This road has not been repaired for a long time, plus a serpentine road. If you are an inexperienced driver, then this trip may take you more than 2 hours.

It is impossible to appreciate beauty Crimean peninsula, unravel its secrets and comprehend the harmony of living nature. But this is what will captivate us, this small world in the arms of the vast universe. Considered a young island, Crimea has absorbed everything amazing that nature is famous for. This is a world of wild winds of the vast steppe, the unattainable beauty of the Crimean mountains, and the enchanting expanse of the Black Sea. But among all the variety of natural areas that glorify it, there are places where time stands still, where trees live an amazingly long life, where nature itself comes to the fore, taking on the form of a living entity, living in eternal simultaneity. We are, of course, talking about the Grand Canyon of Crimea.

Situated between two mountain ranges and Boyka, the canyon is a unique natural formation. The Grand Canyon of Crimea is an amazing area, enchanting with its colors and extraordinary liveliness. It is a perennial home to unique plants and animals. Here, every grain of sand, every sprout, every stream remembers the days when nature lived in harmony with man.

What does the Grand Canyon of Crimea represent?

The Great Crimean Canyon is a unique geological phenomenon. The process of majestic changes in the natural environment. It was formed more than two million years ago, during the process of displacement of lithospheric plates. The process of vibration of the earth's rocks split the land area into two parts. Under heavy rainfall, the mouth quickly filled with water, and over the years, the water washed away the earth's rock, widening and deepening the canyon, creating ideal conditions for the life of many species of plants and animals.

Nature of the Great Crimean Canyon

The Grand Canyon on the map of Crimea is located in the southern part of the peninsula. It is an isolated area. Its impressive size allowed nature to create favorable conditions for the life of rare plants. The canyon is more than 3 kilometers long; its width, in the largest sections, can reach 185 meters, but for the most part does not exceed 50 meters. But the most important thing is the height of the canyon, which ranges from 350 to 600 meters. As a result of the gorges, the sun weakly penetrates deep into the canyon, creating a favorable climate. Even on the hottest days, the thermometer does not exceed + 18 degrees. Consequently most time, in the depths of the canyon it is cool and humid, which makes it possible for many plants to exist comfortably here. Among the many plants there are very rare ones that are almost impossible to find anywhere in the world, these include:

  • centipede foliage
  • the only yew grove in Crimea
  • butcher's broom
  • orchid lady's slipper

The tourist route of the Grand Canyon of Crimea runs in two planes. You can travel along the top of the Grand Canyon, appreciating all the beauty and grandeur from the height of a swallow's flight natural monument, or go through the wilds to the very heart of the reserve. One way or another, the impressions received from two different excursions are indescribable. The upper route is quite safe and suitable for travel at any time of the year; it offers a beautiful panorama of the beauty of the Crimean peninsula and the majesty of its mountains. But the lower route is a truly unforgettable tourist trip. The route is a bit difficult, especially during the heavy rainy season when the river fills up. But it’s worth it, when visiting the canyon for the first time, it’s better to carefully listen to the forester’s instructions, the Grand Canyon is still wild place, fraught with many mysteries.

Where is the Grand Canyon of Crimea

Where is the Grand Canyon? Everything is quite simple, it is located in the southern part of the Crimean peninsula, where two huge mountain ranges touch: Ai-Petri and Boyko. The nearest settlement is the village of Sokolinoe. When setting out on your journey, remember that the last store you will see is located in this village. Therefore, buy water and food here.

Grand Canyon of Crimea how to get there

How to get to the Grand Canyon of Crimea? The main landmark for you will be Mount Ai-Petri. Moving from Yalta, head towards the top of Ai-Petri, once you cross the plateau and go down, you will see a large number of signs pointing in the direction of the Grand Canyon. Attention! The path through Yalta is the most dangerous, and sometimes the road is completely blocked due to landslides.

Through Bakhchisarai follow the signs towards the village of Sokolinoe. From Sokolinoe the road goes to Ai-Petri. In the Grand Canyon parking lot, there is parking and a cafe. You can walk through the canyon from below, or from above. As for public transport, there is a bus from Bakhchisarai to Sokolinoe regular bus. From Sokolinoe to the canyon may take a little time, take all the necessary products from the nearest village store.

Having reached the beginning of the path, there will be a forester’s ticket office, where the forester collects a symbolic fee for entering the reserve and conducts detailed instructions, about behavior on the highway tourist route. In winter and early spring, the forester's booth is often empty; you can visit the reserve absolutely free.


The path from the forester's point goes down and leads to the Sary-Uzen river, in summer time You can easily cross it along the stone ledges, then the road leads to a bridge over the Kokkozka River. The two rivers will then merge into a pit, the road will lead to a beech forest, and you will meet the first attraction of the route - the “Post Oak”.

Post oak

The Great Crimean Canyon in the photo is dotted with picturesque forests along the rivers. The most famous of the many plants is the ancient oak. The plant is over 350 years old. In the past, people put notes with wishes in it and the oak tree fulfilled them. Now there is only a small trunk left of the tree; the tree has burned down. To a greater extent, it serves as a pointer to further attractions

Blue Lake

Further along the route the road leads you to blue lake. The bluish tint of the lake appears as a result of the reflection of the sun. The water in the lake is very clean and cool. In summer, the pond warms up enough to swim in.

Pania Source

As the large canyon of Crimea was formed, river flows began to wash out small pits. One of them is the Pania Source. In the Middle Ages, there was a chapel next to the source. It had the name “Mother of God”, which translated from Greek meant “Panagia”. The water in the source is cool, bathing in it is good for your body, as it stimulates the circulatory system. Every second, more than 300 liters of water are washed out of the karst spring; this is the largest spring in Crimea.

Bath of youth

From the Pania source, the river of the Grand Canyon of Crimea will lead you to the final point of our tourist route - the Bath of Youth. The water in the natural pool is very clean and cool. This reservoir is unique in nature; it has cool water with high mineralization. Since ancient times, people have noticed the healing properties of water; swimming in it will allow you to significantly improve your health and allow you to recharge yourself with life-giving energy, which will be enough for you for the entire return journey.

On note tourist

It should be remembered that when going to the Grand Canyon of Crimea by car, you should stock up on drinking water and food for the entire route in the nearest store in the village of Sokolinoe. But if suddenly you were not able to do this, in the parking lot there is a cafe “Three Peskarya”, with a wide variety of delicious dishes, it is advisable to refresh yourself while going on your route. Go on the route in comfortable shoes, the path is not easy, with frequent rocky changes, and although the roads are well trampled and the routes are marked, there are difficult sections wildlife. When walking along the trail, strictly follow the signs and follow all safety requirements.

Great Crimean Canyon, amazing place, amazing with the beauty of living colors. This is a small planet where time is subject to the weather. This is a small oasis in the heart of the Crimean Mountains, captivating with its beauty and uniqueness.

The Grand Canyon of Crimea is not only the most beautiful and fascinating place, but also in many ways a rather mysterious and enigmatic corner, surrounded by many legends and tales. When you see this gigantic rock formation, like a giant scar stretching for kilometers in the body of the Crimean Mountains, you involuntarily take your breath away and there is a feeling of respectful awe before its silent, calm grandeur.

All the beauty of this place, as well as the feelings and emotions that it generates when contemplating, is difficult to describe in words. On the one hand, it is quite multifaceted, nature has done its best in this, enriching its flora and aesthetic world, but on the other hand, the breathtaking spectacle simply leaves one’s mouth numb. It is completely different from the gloomy, dark crevices that appear in the imagination when you hear the word “canyon”. On the contrary, it is filled with unimaginable colors, charm, the spirit of ancient legends, as if hovering in space, and life seething literally under every stone.

Where is the canyon located in Crimea?

It is located at the southern tip of the Crimean Mountains, in the Bakhchisarai region. It lies between two mountain ranges - and, at approximately equal distances, 5 km from the village of Sokolinoe.

Gorge on the map of Crimea

What is a landmark?

The Grand Canyon of Crimea is a geological fault formed as a result of high tectonic activity, accompanied by catastrophic earthquakes and plate shifts approximately 2,000,000 years ago. His education seems quite logical. Having soft rocky outcroppings with a predominance of limestone rocks, it actually divided two powerful mountain ranges - the Main Range and the Sredinny Range. Over the course of many thousands of years, it deepened and expanded under the influence environment, landslides, weathering and water erosion. This process continues today.

Of course, the Great Crimean Canyon cannot be compared with the fault of the same name in the American state of Arizona, but its parameters are also impressive. It stretches 3.5 km in length, has an average depth of 320 m, but in some places reaches 600 m, with a width ranging from 3 to 187 m, sometimes narrowing and sometimes widening along its entire length. The Auzun-Uzen River flows along the bottom, fed by many streams and springs, turning into beautiful, sonorous waterfalls, cascading from a small height. The mouth is replete with depressions or cauldrons filled with water, forming small but rather deep lakes, called “baths”.

Nature of the Great Crimean Canyon

Due to its depth and narrow spaces, where the sun’s rays rarely penetrate, a unique microclimate is formed in the canyon, making it cool and damp on the hottest days. The air temperature rarely exceeds +18 degrees, and the water temperature remains at +11, so it is not possible to soak in one of the famous “baths”. The flora in the enclosed space of the giant fault is very rich and diverse.

The Grand Canyon of Crimea is represented by hundreds of species of trees, shrubs and flowers, many of them are endemic and have survived to this day only due to the peculiarities of the formation itself. Particularly noteworthy in this regard are orchids; most of their species (about 70%) grow only here, as well as relict plants, such as yews, hyoid brooms, saxifrage, etc., are not found anywhere else on the peninsula.

Routes and excursions to the Grand Canyon

The excursion, introducing its unforgettable beauty, takes place in two directions - along the fault, along its right edge, and along the bottom. Both options are good in their own way, and in both cases you will get wonderful photos, but they are very different from each other. The route along the upper “side” is not so picturesque, but it is completely safe –
You can walk along it at any time of the year and also on your own. Along the way, stunning views of forested mountain slopes and shady valleys open up, but the main impressions still lie deep below - where you can only look from a dizzying height, standing on a ledge.

The route along the bottom is more interesting, truly exciting and picturesque, but it is extremely difficult, and sometimes poses considerable danger - during rainy periods, for example, it turns into a death trap. As a result, you should avoid such a trip at least until mid-July, and going on it yourself involves a huge risk - the map will not let you get lost, but ignorance of the area can lead to undesirable consequences. It is better to go here on a tour or with an experienced guide, have the skills and good, comfortable shoes.

How to get there (get there)?

You can use public transport, take the Bakhchisaray-Yalta bus, get to the “Grand Canyon of Crimea” stop and walk another 5 km or hitch a ride. Often, tourists also ask, wanting to visit the Grand Canyon of Crimea, how to get there by car, which indicates a desire to look into it on their own. It is best to focus on the route from the side, from where you need to drive along the “T0117” highway 32 km in a southerly direction to and then another 3-5 km to the southeast.

Are you better at navigating with a map? Follow it to see how you can get (walk) to the desired object from Sokolinoe:

Note to tourists

  • Address: pos. Sokolinoe, Bakhchisarai district, Crimea, Russia.
  • GPS coordinates: 44.528127, 34.019346.

Speaking about the Grand Canyon, one thing is for sure - you won’t find a more amazing and beautiful place in Crimea! Thanks to such objects as, or the source of Pania, it became widely known far beyond the borders of the peninsula. But here everyone finds a reason to visit it. Some are attracted by extreme sports, others by the inimitable beauty and rare species of flora, and others come even attracted by the terrible Tatar legends. One way or another, everyone finds here what they came for, what they were looking for, and even though everyone has different reasons for visiting, what remains common are bright, unforgettable impressions and delight that remain for a long time, if not for a lifetime, then for many years. Watch the video about this enchanting place in conclusion.


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