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The water of a mesmerizing azure color, with a visibility of several tens of meters - some water bodies of the planet are still distinguished by incredible ecological indicators. They miraculously managed to avoid the pernicious influence of civilization, for thousands and millions of years the water in them remains crystal clear. Some of the cleanest lakes and rivers on the planet are located in incredibly inaccessible places.To see them, tourists need to overcome a difficult path. Others, on the contrary, have long been centers of tourist life, which does not prevent them from maintaining their unique environmental indicators. All the cleanest bodies of water on the planet are incredibly beautiful and certainly deserve the attention of the most sophisticated travelers.

Crater Lake, USA

In the United States, the state of Oregon is incredibly beautiful lake Kreiter, it formed in the crater of an extinct volcano. This lake has become famous throughout the world for its unique deep blue water, which is considered one of the cleanest in the world. According to scientists, this lake was formed more than 7.5 thousand years ago, its average depth is about 350 meters. The dimensions of the lake are also very impressive, its length is about 9.6 km, and its width is about 8 km.

This lake is one of the deepest not only in the United States, but also in North America. Several years ago, a national park, on the territory of which today interesting excursions... The main event for travelers is the ascent to the crater of an extinct volcano; this is the only way to see the beautiful lake with your own eyes. In recent years, about 400,000 tourists from all over the world visit this amazing nature reserve.

The crystal clear lake attracts not only curious travelers, but also ecologists and researchers. Several years ago a group of scientists conducted an interesting experiment here. The fact is that initially there were no species of fish in Lake Crater, ecologists decided to add some species of trout and salmon here. Their experiment was completely successful, today the lake is inhabited by fish. Tourists are even allowed to fish here, subject to the only condition - they must use artificial bait.

Lake Zyuratkul, Russia

In Russia, among the Ural mountains, there is an amazing lake Zyuratkul, it is located at an altitude of 724 meters above sea level and is the highest mountain lake in the Urals. The maximum depth of this lake is relatively small and is about 12 meters, and the area of \u200b\u200bthe reservoir is 13.5 square meters. km. Today, the amazing lake is considered one of the cleanest in the world, despite the fact that the water in it is by no means transparent. It has an unclear tea hue, which is explained by the fact that many streams flowing into the lake originate in swamps.

The area next to the lake is famous not only for its natural beauty, but also for its historical sites. In the course of the study, scientists discovered several important archaeological sites, here they raised the tools of labor of primitive people and found a giant geoglyph. For local residents, Lake Zyuratkul has been a sacred landmark for hundreds of years; many interesting legends and beliefs are associated with it.

In the forests along the shores of the lake, hundreds of years ago Old Believers performed their rituals; while walking along them, you can still see unusual monuments carved from wood. Excellent conditions for recreation have been created on the territory of the Zyuratkul National Park. There are several equipped camping areas, so in the warm season, travelers can stay in these picturesque places for several days. Hundreds of different excursions are held here, during which you can see the most significant natural attractions, as well as unique historical areas.

Piccaninnie Ponds, Australia

In Australia, on the territory of the Piccaninni Nature Reserve, there is a system of ponds of the same name, which have recently been considered a favorite resting place for divers. There are three ponds in the system, all of which are distinguished by crystal clear water. However, each of these ponds has its own unique features. "The first pond" is the smallest, its depth is only 10 meters. The Abyss pond is much deeper; its maximum depth is 100 meters. The water in this pond is crystal clear, the visibility in it can reach 40 meters.

The most unusual and interesting of the three ponds is "Cathedral", its depth is 35 meters. This pond was formed in a grotto of limestone formation and is most popular with divers. The system of ponds is located in a special swampy zone, which is remarkable not only for its water bodies, but also for its unique vegetation and fauna. This swampy area is home to several rare bird species, the observation of which attracts not only bird watchers, but also tourists.

There are many hiking trails for tourists in the Piccaninni Park, as well as some excellent viewing platformsfrom which you can admire the beautiful ponds and the surrounding landscapes. Piccaninni National Park was formed in 1969, its area is about 8.6 square meters. km. Since a few years ago the ponds were open to snorkelers and divers, today environmentalists monitor their cleanliness with particular care. Those who want to swim in these cleanest ponds will need to follow some formalities.

Lake Masyuko, Japan

In Japan, on the territory of the island of Hokkaido, there is another crystal clear lake - Masyuko. It is located in the Akan nature reserve, from all sides the lake is surrounded by incredibly beautiful mountain ranges covered with dense vegetation. This crystal clear lake was formed in the caldera of an active volcano, and the water in it has a deep blue color due to its special mineral composition. Hundreds of tourists visit this beautiful lake every day as part of organized excursions to the national reserve.

While walking through the mountainous areas, they will have the opportunity to see many rare plants, animals and birds, the most interesting thing is to walk through these colorful places in the summer. However, visiting the reserve also has its own charms in winter. On the territory of the national park there is another crater lake - Kussyaro, which also has its own unique features. The thing is that several hot springs flow into it, which do not allow some areas of the lake to freeze even in winter. This feature attracts many heat-loving birds to the reservoir; whooper swans always winter here.

The main feature of Lake Masyuko is that not a single stream flows into it, and neither does it flow out. Researchers believe that it is precisely this feature of the lake that allows it to maintain its crystal clearness for hundreds of years. It is also worth noting that there are several interesting miniature villages on the territory of the reserve, where you can get acquainted with the life of local residents and buy interesting souvenirs.

Lake Bowman, USA

In the United States, there is the amazing Bowman Lake, which is also known for its purest water. It is located in the state of Montana, on the territory of the Glacier National Reserve. Despite the fact that the reserve is rich in a variety of natural attractions, it is still visited by a very small number of tourists. This largely contributes to the preservation of the unique ecosystem here. Lake Bowman is notable for its impressive scale, its length is about 11 km, and its width is about 1.5 km.

This fabulously beautiful lake is considered one of the most transparent in the world.Today, tourists are provided with all the conditions for organizing an interesting vacation. They can not only walk around the reserve, but also spend several days in a tent camp. The lake is home to a lot of fish, which tourists are allowed to catch, and in some areas of the lake you can swim.

Located by the lake camping works only in the warm season, it is well equipped. On its territory, toilets and even showers are equipped; here they take all measures to preserve the ecology of these places. Today, the main guests of this "resort" are localsalthough, in recent years, Bowman Lake has attracted a sufficient number of foreign travelers. It is not difficult to get to this wonderful lake, as a road passes through the reserve.

Lake Sheosar, Pakistan

In the northern part of Pakistan, in the Deosai National Park, there is the fabulously beautiful Lake Sheosar. It gained popularity among tourists precisely because of its crystal clear water.For hundreds of years, this lake has remained one of the cleanest bodies of water on the planet. The maximum depth of this lake is 40 meters, its length reaches 2.3 km, and its width is 1.8 km. This lake is located in a very inaccessible mountainous area, at an altitude of 4,142 meters above sea level.

For travelers, both car and walking tours of the nature reserve are organized. By jeep, you can get to the remote mountainous area in just a few hours, while the trek usually takes at least two days. For nature lovers, it is best to walk through the reserve on foot; there are several specially designated areas on its territory where you can equip a tent camp.

The best time the period from the beginning of June to the end of September is considered for visiting the beautiful lake and walking in the reserve, at this time the plateaus surrounding the lake are covered with carpets of bright colors. One of the main inhabitants of these picturesque places are butterflies, there are several dozen of them here. Already in November, a beautiful valley and a lake are hidden under its thickness by snow, it completely melts only by May. There are no excursions around the reserve during the cold season.

Lake Peyto, Canada

In Canada, one of the cleanest lakes is worth looking for in the Banff National Park, here is the world-famous Peyto Lake. This lake is located in an incredibly beautiful foothill area, its area is about 5.3 square meters. km. The lake stretches for 2.8 km in length, and its average width is only 800 meters. The first to discover this amazing lake was the traveler Bill Peyto, in honor of its discoverer the lake got its name.

One of the main features of the lake is its unusual shape, if you look at it from a bird's eye view, it resembles a huge wolf head. The lake water has a rich turquoise hue, which also attracts attention. Every year the lake is replenished with water from nearby glaciers. Mountain streams bring the smallest particles of minerals into the lake, which make the color of the water so unusual. Now, on the shore of the lake, several comfortable recreation centers are equipped for tourists, here you can perfectly relax for a few days and enjoy the natural splendor.

Fishing lovers are especially attracted to these places; rainbow trout, salmon, pike and other species of noble fish are found in the lake. Those who want to fish in this wonderful place should take care of purchasing a license in advance. The guests of the reserve can diversify their rest with exciting walks; vast forests are located along the shores of the lake. Here you can see many rare animals and birds, and in the summer, rare species of flowers bloom in the reserve.

Lake Baikal, Russia

In the south of Eastern Siberia there is a world famous landmark - Lake Baikal. It is the world's largest freshwater reservoir and the deepest lake on the planet, with a maximum depth of 1,642 meters. The lake area is 31.7 sq. km. The lake is interesting not only in itself, it is surrounded by unique natural landscapes. Many unique endemic animals live here, and you can also see a lot of rare plants.

Lake Baikal is of tectonic origin, its water is considered one of the cleanest in the world and is home to valuable species of fish. One of the main features of the water is its high oxygen content, while the amount of minerals is very small. Lake Baikal is also one of the coldest in the world, the water temperature in it, even in the summer months, does not rise above +8 degrees Celsius.

One of the main unresolved issues related to the lake is the theory of its origin. According to scientists, its formation was provoked by tectonic activity, the age of the lake is at least 25 million years. The inhabitants of the lake are of great interest to researchers; there are more than 2,600 species of them. More than half of the aquatic life is endemic and cannot be found in any other body of water in the world. Wastewater is one of the most important environmental problems of Lake Baikal. Many rivers flow into the lake, the water in some of them is polluted with industrial waste.

Moraine Lake, Canada

In Canada, there is the famous Moraine glacial lake, it is located in the Banff National Park. This lake is quite small, its area is only 500 sq. meters, and the maximum depth reaches 14 meters. At the same time, the beauty of this lake is difficult to find equal. The discoverer of this unique natural landmark was the explorer Walter Wilcox. When he discovered this lake, then uninterruptedly admire it for half an hour. Later, in his manuscripts, the scientist noted that these were the happiest half an hour in his life.

This lake is located in a very inaccessible mountainous region, so no one knew about its existence for a long time. The water in the lake, which fills it from year to year during the melting of glaciers, has a rich sapphire hue. Against the background of the surrounding mountain ranges, the lake looks fantastic. The best time to visit the lake is considered June, at this time the peak of glaciers melting occurs, the lake reaches its maximum size.

Travelers can visit Lake Moraine only from May to September; the rest of the year the mountain road is closed for safety reasons. You can easily get to the lake by car, the closest large locality is the city of Calgary. In recent years, organized excursions have been conducted to the lake, tourist route a bus runs. A half-hour drive from the lake is a small mountain village, which will also be very interesting to visit as part of the excursion.

Jenny Lake, USA

Lake Jenny is located in the northwestern part of Wyoming; today it is part of the Grand Triton National Park. This lake also has a glacial origin, it is located at an altitude of more than 2,000 meters above sea level. According to researchers, the lake was formed about 12,000 years ago, its maximum depth reaches 129 meters, and the area is about 482 square meters. km. Despite the fact that this lake is one of the cleanest in the world, motor boats are allowed on it, which is actively used not only by researchers, but also by tourists.

The main route, formed along the shores of the lake, is called Jenny Lake Trail; excursions here are conducted not only during the day, but also at night. Nearby is the beautiful Cascade Canyon, which is also an important attraction of these places. The name of the lake has a very interesting story... In 1872, one of the first large expeditionary groups worked on the lake, led by the Englishman Richard Lee. This beautiful lake was later named after his wife Jenny.

Another attractive feature of the reservoir is the variety of fish species; fishing was allowed here a few years ago. Trout is the most cherished catch of fishermen; in order to go fishing here, you need to obtain a special license. Tourists are allowed to travel to these places only when accompanied by guides; there are many predatory animals among the inhabitants of nearby forests, and bears are also found here. Like many years ago, today the national park attracts hunters, and climbers also like to rest here.

Lake Pukaki, New Zealand

New Zealand also has many wonderful lakes worthy of tourist attention. One of them is worth looking for on the Yuzhny Island, where the beautiful Pukaki Lake is located. This glacial lake has become known all over the world due to the rich blue color of the water, which, among other things, is also incredibly clear. The lake area is 178.7 sq. km, it is located at an altitude of more than 500 meters above sea level. This fabulously beautiful body of water stretches for 15 km in length, and its width is about 8 km.

Several years ago, Lake Pukaki became part of a large hydropower system; experts made sure that such use of the reservoir did not in any way affect its environmental performance. For local residents, the emergence of a hydrotechnical unit was a real breakthrough, it was thanks to the lake that they finally received stable electricity.

Not everyone knows that the original glacial lake was very small, its maximum depth was no more than 25 meters. When in the 40s of the last century they began to build a hydrotechnical station, the volume of the lake was significantly increased. Initially, there was a small island in the center of the lake, which was flooded as a result of the expansion of the reservoir. Water in glacial lake always very cold, so not everyone dares to swim in its crystal clear azure water. Even at the height of summer, its temperature is no more than + 7 degrees Celsius. The locals have many beautiful legends associated with the lake; it got its name in honor of one of the mythical warriors.

Lake Tahoe, USA

In California, there is an amazing freshwater Lake Tahoe located in the picturesque foothill region of the Sierra Nevada. This lake is well known to tourists; in the immediate vicinity there are several popular ski resorts... Lake Tahoe is the second deepest lake in the United States, with an average depth of 305 meters and an area of \u200b\u200babout 495 square kilometers. km. Of the most beautiful lakes in the world, Tahoe is considered one of the most easily accessible; large highways run along the entire perimeter of the reservoir.

A lake was formed at the site of a geological fault in the earth's crust about 3 million years ago. Today, not only the lake itself with fantastic sky-colored water is of great interest, but also the coniferous forests surrounding it. Here you can see many rare species of pine and fir, as well as rare species of shrubs and grasses. The lake was discovered relatively recently, in 1844, its discoverer is Lieutenant John Fremont.

He explored these mountainous regions in search of a river, and discovered an incredibly beautiful lake, which scientists from all over the world were exploring in a few years. Most of the tourists began to visit these places after 1960, when the Winter Olympic Games were held at one of the local resorts. Since then, an excellent tourist infrastructure has remained here, today there are comfortable hotels near the lake, and there are also many ski slopes of various levels of difficulty. It will be interesting for hikers to have a rest here, fascinating excursions are held next to the lake at any time of the year.

Blue Lake, New Zealand

One of the cleanest and unusual lakes on the planet with a complex name Rotomairewhenua is located in New Zealand, translated from the Maori language its name means "Blue Lake". This miniature freshwater lake is located in the Nelson National Reserve, it is part of a complex lake system. Ecologists began to study the reservoir in detail only since 2011, they accidentally discovered that the water in the lake is extremely clean.

The visibility in it can reach 80 meters. From year to year, the lake is fed by water from nearby glaciers. Flowing with mountain peaks, it passes through many natural rocks that act as a natural filter. Largely due to its purity, the lake water has an amazing hue, which varies from deep blue to light purple during the day.

One of the first specialists to show interest in the lake was the hydrologist Rob Mirriles. Having admired the crystal clear water, travelers should definitely take a walk through the forests and mountain ranges surrounding the reservoir. There are no tourist bases near the lake; travelers are extremely rare here. The main visitors to these picturesque places are researchers and ecologists, not so long ago, as a result of a large study, the water in the Blue Lake was equated in properties and quality to distilled water.

Petermann River, Greenland

Some rivers are amazingly clear. An excellent example is the Petermann River, located in Greenland, known to a wide range of travelers under the unofficial name of the Blue River. The location of the river is the glacier of the same name, which melts in the summer and forms many small streams. They all converge into a single river, the water in which has a deep blue hue.

The incredibly beautiful and clean river poses a huge threat to the global ecology. In recent years, the Petermann Glacier has begun to melt four times faster, which contributes to a significant increase in the water level of the world's oceans. According to researchers' forecasts, in the coming years the glacier will melt even more intensively, which could lead to serious environmental disasters. In the meantime, the crystal clear river is of great interest to scientists. They can estimate the composition of glacial waters that have been frozen for millions of years.

It is very difficult for ordinary travelers to get to this remote corner of the world with an incredibly harsh climate; this can be done only together with organized expedition groups. Now ecologists are trying to take all possible measures to minimize the influx of glacier melt water into the world ocean. In the coming years, he may lose up to 100 sq. kilometers of ice, so much melt water would be enough to provide a large metropolis for 10 years.

Weddell Sea, Antarctica

Off the coast of West Antarctica lies the beautiful Weddell Lake, which is also one of the cleanest bodies of water on the planet. It bears its name in honor of the discoverer J. Weddell, who made an expedition to these places in 1832. The sea area is 2,900,000 sq. km, and its maximum depth reaches 6 800 meters. In addition to the incredibly beautiful sky-colored water, the sea is distinguished by a huge number of ice floes that float in it all year round.

This beautiful clear sea has become home to thousands of aquatic inhabitants, huge populations of whales, seals and fish live here, and penguins are also typical inhabitants of these places. Today, the Weddell Sea is considered the cleanest in the world. The last major study of its water took place in 1986, the average visibility was estimated at 79 meters, which corresponds to that of distilled water.

Not all research groups decide to sail on this sea, not to mention ordinary tourists, drifting ice poses a huge threat to ships. Many natural and physical phenomena are associated with the North Sea. Its water never freezes, despite the fact that its temperature can reach -25 degrees Celsius. The Weddell Sea is the coldest and cleanest sea on the planet. To see it with their own eyes, travelers need to be part of one of the research expeditions, but they rarely go to this harsh sea.

We present to your attention a selection of 10 places with the cleanest and clearest water.

1. Maldives.
The Maldives is a favorite destination for tourists from all over the world. There are a lot of reasons for this: the sun, the sea, and the beautiful islands. The water here is so clear that while in the boat, you can see your shadow at the bottom of the sea.

2. Australia.
The water in this red stone cave is surprisingly clear. The only thing that distorts the view of the bottom is a slight ripple formed by a nearby waterfall.

3. Lake of Five Colors, China.
This lake is located in the Jiuzhaigou Valley in the northern Chinese province of Sichuan. The lake of five colors is famous for its bottom, covered with a carpet of ancient trees, covered with a layer of transparent water.

4. Sardinia.
Another popular place among tourists, you don't even need to describe anything here, just look at the photo. The second largest island in the Mediterranean, Sardinia is home to some of the rarest species of animals and fish.

5. Lake Crater.
Located in Oregon, Crater Lake was formed by the explosion of an ancient volcano about 7 thousand years ago.

6. Piccaninnie Ponds, Australia.
These ponds are a true nature reserve located in South Australia. You can dive here only after obtaining a special permit, but it's worth it.

7. Lake Mashu.
Officially, this is one of the most transparent lakes in the world, which got its name from the mountain of the same name, at the foot of which it is located. The transparency of the water here reaches 41.6 meters.

8. Lake Sheosar, Pakistan.
Located in the northern part of Pakistan, this natural lake is so perfect that one would think it is the work of man. Surrounded by mountains, with animals walking along its shores, Lake Sheosar is deservedly considered one of the most picturesque places on the planet.

9. Lake Peyto.
The attractive turquoise of Lake Peyto is a local glacier.

Measurement of water transparency

It is customary to determine the transparency of water using a simple device - the Seki disk. It is a white disc with a diameter of 30 centimeters, which is lowered into the water in a horizontal position. The observer notes to what depth the white spot of the disk remains visible under water - this will be the result of measuring the transparency. The disk can be replaced with a light bulb, but then the correction must be taken into account, having previously carried out a calibration measurement.

Today, in most of our seas, water does not differ in transparency, to put it mildly. Here are some recorded results of water transparency measurements: Sargasso Sea - 66 m, Mediterranean Sea (off the coast of Syria) - 60 m, Black Sea - 77 m, North Sea - 22 m.

The ten places on the planet with the most transparent water looks like this:

Places on the planet with the clearest water

  • Maldives... The water here is so clear that from the boat you can see your shadow at the bottom of the sea.
  • "Lake of Five Colors", China, Jiuzhaigou Valley. The bottom of the lake is covered with a kind of carpet formed from the trunks of ancient trees, which are covered with a layer of transparent water.
  • Sardinia, the second largest island in the Mediterranean. A popular holiday destination for tourists, as well as a habitat for many rare fish species.
  • Crater Lake, Oregon. Formed about 7 millennia ago as a result of the explosion of a volcano.
  • Piccaninnie Ponds, Australia. The territory of the reserve, for immersion in the water you need to obtain a special permit.
  • Lake Mashu, Japan. It is located at the foot of the mountain of the same name, from which it got its name. The transparency of the water in the lake is 41.6 meters.
  • Lake Sheosar, Pakistan Surrounded by mountains, this picturesque lake is so perfect in shape that it can be mistaken for the creation of human hands.
  • Lake Peyto, Canada. Located in Banff National Park at an altitude of 1860 meters, it is fed by the waters of a glacier. The lake is named after the researcher who discovered it, Bill Peyto.
  • Lake Baikal, Russia. The deepest lake in the world. In spring, the transparency of the lake water is 40 meters.

Weddell Sea

And now - the record holder. The clearest water in the world is in the Weddell Sea, which is located off the coast of Antarctica. The measurements were carried out by the members of the West German expedition from the vessel "Polyarshtern" at the point with coordinates 7 ° 23.6´ S. 15 ° 2.5'W A standard white disk dropped into the water remained visible up to an all-time high mark - 79 meters! For comparison, in distilled water this value is 80 meters.

Consequently, the sea water in this place was perfectly clean. It is worth noting that this measurement was carried out in October, when it is spring in Antarctica, and the water during this period is the cleanest. In the summer, algae breed in the water and small animals appear, and the transparency of the water decreases.

Ecology of life: Most people try to spend their holidays where it is warm, where there is no cold and snow. There is nothing more refreshing than swimming in clear cool water, be it the sea, lake or river. Luckily for us, we live on a beautiful planet with amazing crystal clear bodies of water. So why not take a trip to one of the clearest waters?

Most people try to spend their holidays where it is warm, where there is no cold and snow. There is nothing more refreshing than swimming in clear cool water, be it the sea, lake or river. Luckily for us, we live on a beautiful planet with amazing crystal clear bodies of water. So why not take a trip to one of the clearest waters?

Linapakan Island

Palawan Province is renowned for some of the most wonderful beaches not only in the Philippines, but throughout the world. Palawan consists of many small islands, one of which is Linapakan. This island has a beautiful beach with clear water and white sand, untouched nature and approximately 14,000 inhabitants.

Clean sea in the Maldives

There is a reason why the Maldives has become one of the most romantic destinations in the world - its beaches. Located in the Indian Ocean, a group of islands offers guests the cleanest waters and the most colorful, diverse ecosystems on the planet. Not surprisingly, tourism is the main source of income in the Maldives. In recent years, the number of resorts has increased significantly, so everyone who wants to experience a piece of paradise will find a place for themselves here. The clear sea and many resorts in the Maldives will gladly welcome all guests.

Lake Peyto waters

You will not find warm beaches here, as Peyto Lake is located in the Rocky Mountains of Canada - some of the most impressive in the world. Peyto Lake is fed by glacial melt water and is located in Banff National Park, which is best visited in summer. During the warm months, glacial mountain streams flow into the Peyto, giving the lake its distinctive turquoise color. Because of its beauty, this place is especially popular with photographers and tourists.

Cleanliness of Crater Lake

Nearly all of the crater lakes are of the purest clear water, and the lake in Crater National Park is no exception. The lake was formed when the Mazama volcano collapsed thousands of years ago. The deepest lake in the United States, Crater Lake is also known as the “old man” because of a huge tree that has stood vertically in the middle of the lake for over 100 years.

Holbox Island

Known as the party and vacation spot of Hollywood stars, Holbox Island in Mexico boasts the cleanest sea in the world (at least the locals are sure of it). Isla Holbox is located on the Yucatan Peninsula and is popular destination for kiteboarding because of its ideal conditions: shallow waters, wide sea space, and suitable winds.

Sea at Kayos Cochinos

For tourists looking to escape the commercialized attractions, Cayos Cochinos in Honduras is a great vacation destination. A group of islands in the Caribbean Sea is virtually untouched by man and devoid of roads. There are hiking trails that connect one beach to another. The waters in this area are distinguished by the purest marine life and flora, making Kayos Kachinos ideal for swimming and diving.

The purest waters of Rio Azul

One of the proofs of how clean the water in Rio Azul is, is its second name - "blue river". The water here is so clean that you can drink it. This is due to the fact that the river located in Argentina receives its perfectly clear water from glaciers and snowy plains in the Andes. Safe to drink, Rio Azul's water is crystal clear and blue.

Colombian Playa Blanca

Playa Blanca, which means "white beach", really lives up to its name. This is a very clean remote beach located 45 minutes by boat from Cartagena. Here you can wander through the powdery white sand and swim in its crystal clear waters in complete seclusion. You will not for a second doubt that the trip was worth it. In addition, you can taste fresh ceviche here, which is sold right on the beach.

Sea in Bodrum

Turkey is very rich in history and the port city of Bodrum stands out in this regard. The legendary Mausoleum in Halicarnassus was once built here - one of the Seven Wonders Ancient World... Bodrum is also famous for its amazingly clear waters. Many divers say the water is so clear that the boats seem to be floating in the air!

Italian Sardinia

A beautiful Mediterranean island off the west coast of Italy, Sardinia is known for its breathtaking beaches and stunning mountain and sea views. A visit to Sardinia allows you to kill two birds with one stone. You can comprehend history by looking at the ancient sights of Sardinia, or you can swim in the perfectly clear sea. The islands have remained untouched by commercial tourism and are considered a jewel of the Mediterranean.

The waters of the Verzasca river

In southern Switzerland, flows the 30-kilometer mountain river Verzasca, which flows into the famous Lake Maggiore. In addition to crystal clear turquoise waters and exotic-colored rocks, the river also has a very strong and dangerous current. Despite all the factors, it is a renowned snorkeling spot and the valley is often used for bungee jumping.

The purest source of Pupu

The beauty of New Zealand cannot be any films or photographs, even if it is The Lord of the Rings. The beauty of the country is best appreciated physically by traveling here. One of the most beautiful places countries - Source Pupu, located on the South Island of the country. The source is believed by the Maori to have spiritually healing powers. This is most likely due to the absolute purity of the water and its powerful streams, releasing 14,000 liters per second!

The beauty of Wineglass Bay

Australia's gold coast is known worldwide for its beautiful beaches and excellent surfing conditions. But many do not know about Wineglass Bay, located in the Tasmanian National Park Freysinet. The bay has a crescent shape, white sand beaches and clear sea water. All this is complemented by a picturesque backdrop of pink and gray granite peaks. Read more about Wineglass Bay in a separate article on LifeGlobe.

Pure waters of Belo Sur Mer

On the shore Indian Ocean the coastal town of Belo Sur Mer is located in Madagascar. The waters here are among the cleanest in the world. 80 kilometers from the coast is the chain of the Virgin Islands, where the water is even cleaner, and the beaches are completely deserted. Scuba diving is the most exciting activity on these islands, which are filled with amazing marine life. Here you can meet the brightest and rarest representatives of the underwater world.

Egyptian Marsa Matruh

Egypt is known for its Red Sea, pyramids and deserts, but not so many people know that there is also a Mediterranean resort with some of the cleanest waters in the world. Marsa Matruh, located west of ancient city Alexandria, very beautiful beaches with clear water and soft white sand. Its relatively calm sea is the result of the protection of the island by a number of mountain formations, making Marsa Matruh a calm and serene destination for beach lovers.

The lakes were formed as a result of glacial and rainwater runoff into fractures of the crust and lowlands. So why do some of them remain clean to this day, when thousands of years have passed since their formation?

Clean and deep lake Baikal

If you ask any Russian person to name a lake, be sure that first of all he will remember Baikal. And it is not surprising, because this is indeed one of the most famous lakes not only in Russia, but in the whole world. Songs and legends have been composed about Baikal, many works of art have been written, and everyone who had a rest on its shores can tell something interesting.

Baikal is located in the very center of Asia and is surrounded by mountain slopes on all sides. Unique nature, unique views, clear water - this is what invariably attracts numerous tourists to these places. The curious traveler will find here picturesque waterfalls, snow-capped ridges, and a mirror-like calm surface of the water.

Baikal is one of the most ancient lakes on our planet. Its age is estimated at a couple of tens of millions of years. Scientists suggest that in the distant future, this lake may become an ocean. This theory is supported by the fact that the lake is expanding by about two centimeters per year.

Due to the fact that the Baikal water is surprisingly clean and saturated with oxygen, amazingly transparent ice forms on the lake in winter. So, Baikal is no less interesting in winter than in summer. By the way, despite the fact that the lake is located in a rather harsh climatic zone, the weather near it is milder. Winters are not so cold here, and in summer you won't get tired of the sweltering heat. But the water remains quite cold - even on the surface it is + 7- + 9 degrees Celsius.

There is a hypothesis that Baikal does not lose its purity thanks to the smallest crustacean living in its waters. Its name is Epishura Baikal. Being a kind of natural filter, this crustacean passes all the polluted water through itself. But some scientists oppose this statement, explaining the mystery of the Baikal waters by the fact that numerous mountain streams enter the lake. The composition of the Baikal water is very close to distilled water due to its low mineralization.

Baikal is also the deepest lake in Russia. ...

The cleanest and most transparent lakes in Russia

But there are many other lakes in our country, known for their purity. For example, only in the Chelyabinsk region there are more than three thousand lakes that attract tourists and fishermen almost all year round. Most of them are located in the north and east of the region. Sanatoriums and recreation centers are built next to many of them. In some reservoirs, the water is mineralized, but there are also those in which you can find healing mud.

The highest mountain lake in the Urals, Zyuratkul, is located in one of the most environmentally friendly places in the Chelyabinsk region. It lies on the territory of the reserve, so you just can't get there, a fee is charged for visiting these places. But the extremely clear water and amazing landscapes are more than worth all the costs.

And next to the village of Turgoyak there is a lake of the same name, which is considered one of the cleanest in Russia. It deserves the title of a natural monument and is the deepest lake in the Southern Urals. By the way, the water quality in it is very high and is close to the quality of the Baikal.

We can talk about Russian lakes for a very long time, because each of them deserves a separate story. The purest lake Nuzh-Yar in Mari El, numerous lakes in Altai and Karelia, the most famous holiday destination Seliger, all this is only a small part of the immense wealth of our country.

Clean lakes in Canada

Other countries are also fortunate enough to have clean and beautiful lakes. Canada's Great Lakes System is the largest freshwater reservoir in the world. Five lakes, the largest in the world, are connected by lake paths. The beginning of this system goes from Lake Superior, then Lake Huron, Michigan, and beyond them - Erie and Ontario. The latter is the smallest, but even it exceeds in area the largest lake in Europe, Ladoga.

In the north of the country there are two more large lakes, Big Bear and Slave. It is also in Canada that one of the most beautiful lakes, Moraine, is located, filled with glacial water of a deep blue color. The total area of \u200b\u200blakes in Canada is approximately equal to that of Great Britain. And this state is rightfully considered one of the largest lake countries in the world.

Canada is one of the first places in terms of environmental friendliness. The inhabitants of the country are very attentive to the safety natural resources and take great care not to squander this important wealth.

The cleanest lake in the world

Until recently, our famous Baikal was considered the cleanest lake in the world. But New Zealand's Blue Lake, discovered not so long ago, surpassed even it in terms of water purity. Scientists believe that it was formed 7,500 years ago. And since then it has kept its original purity. The structure of its water has practically not changed over the years.

Feeding on crystal water, the lake is independently maintained in this state. Scientists claim that it can remain unchanged for hundreds of years. The blue lake is so pure that even in the deepest place, through the water column, you can see its bottom in the smallest detail. For its uniqueness, the lake received the unofficial name "God's Bath".

Access to this lake is limited, and only once, with permission from the New Zealand Department of Conservation, a photographer-diver was allowed to dive into its waters. It is also sacred to the Maori tribes living in these areas. It is strictly forbidden to enter the lake and swim in it.

It should be remembered that it is human activity that causes the greatest harm, polluting lakes and their coastal areas. If a person cares about environment, then nature will respond with gratitude. And we will be able to enjoy the beauty of the lakes and the tranquility that reigns on their shores for many more years.
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