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Armenia is a state with an ancient history, located in a very picturesque area. There are a lot of places left here that have retained their unique flavor.

Ancient is the word that best characterizes Armenia. Indeed, this country was the first to adopt Christianity, which is why there are many ancient temples here, and the great culture of the state of Urartu still remains a mystery and awes scientists. Millennium Observatory, mountain villages, where houses were built a couple of hundred years ago, the ruins of fortresses - all this can be seen in Armenia.

And very hospitable people live here, tourist tours very cheap, accommodation for the night too. We advise travelers to completely switch to local cuisine during their holidays in Armenia. Believe me, you have never eaten such delicious kebab anywhere! And here you can also find freshly baked lavash, duduk, famous cognac, churchkhela and wine.

Visit Lake Sevan and the Tatev Monastery, wander through the mountains, get acquainted with the unimaginably ancient history of Armenia, and for modern entertainment, head to Yerevan, a city that successfully combines innovation with ancient traditions.

The best hotels and inns at affordable prices.

from 500 rubles/day

What to see in Armenia?

The most interesting and beautiful places, photographs and brief description.

The pearl of Armenia, located at an altitude of 1916 meters above sea level. With its clear water and green shores surrounded by mountain peaks, Sevan is called one of the most beautiful mountain lakes in the world. The ancient Armenians believed that the Gods drank from Sevan, and therefore treated it with great trepidation. Now over 250 thousand people live on the shores of the lake, excellent conditions have been created for recreation, and the area is simply created to admire nature.

At first glance, this is not an observatory at all, but blocks of stones that someone placed in an incomprehensible modern people, but in a clearly traceable order. Scientists have recognized that Zorats-Karer is indeed an observatory. It is located on a mountain plateau near the city of Sisian. The complex includes many standing stones, some with holes. Archaeologists found burials here, a cattle pen, and a special arrangement of stones that made it possible to observe the Sun and Moon.

Ararat is the pride of Armenia, its most famous peak, which it shares with Turkey. Small and Big Ararat are separated, but both peaks are considered sacred. Local residents believed that climbing Ararat, where, according to legend, Noah’s ark stopped after the global flood, was an ungodly thing to do. Today, anyone who is confident in their abilities and preparation can climb Ararat, they just need to buy the appropriate ticket and obtain permission from the authorities.

The most famous and ancient monastic complex in Armenia, located 20 kilometers from the city of Goris. Today it is tourist complex, which attracts thousands of travelers. Tatev is famous not only for its history (it was built in the 9th century), but also for the “Wings of Tatev” cable car, as well as the natural bridge of Satani Kamurj and the cave of the same name. In Tatev you can see several ancient temples and a lot of other attractions.

This is another famous monastery complex, built in the 10th century. Included in the UNESCO list. Sanahin is famous for its original architecture and rich history. In a harmoniously formed architectural ensemble Sanahina included cathedral with the remains of paintings, several groups of sculptures, chapels, churches, a tomb, as well as an original arched bridge decorated with figures of wild cats.

They differ from their “brother” in the Greater Caucasus by the smaller height of their peaks, but this does not make them any less attractive for tourists and climbers. The most high peak The Lesser Caucasus - Mount Aragats with a height of 4090 meters - is located precisely in Armenia. The Lesser Caucasus includes seven ridges, between the peaks of which there are cozy green valleys and untouched forests. The nature here is amazingly beautiful, so not visiting this place would be a big mistake.

Built in the 17th century, the church in the city of Vagharshapat still attracts tourists with its unusual architecture. The Church of St. Hripsime looks both powerful and graceful, majestic and calm. The construction of the church is associated with a legend about Christian girls who fled from Rome to Armenia, but were killed here by the local king, who then repented, was baptized and built this unusual church, named after one of the girls.

In Yerevan there is a unique repository of ancient manuscripts - Matenadaran. To see this building and its exhibits, you should climb up the mountain along Mashtots Avenue. Near the entrance you will be greeted by sculptures depicting Mesrop Mashtots, the creator of Armenian writing and his student. Today, the Matenadaran is the largest repository of ancient Armenian manuscripts on the planet, although the collection was previously looted several times.

The main temple of the Armenian Apostolic Church. Etchmiadzin Cathedral is located in the city of Vagharshapat, included in the UNESCO list. This is one of the most ancient Christian churches on the planet, built back in the 4th century! The cathedral, of course, has undergone many reconstructions over the years, the last one in the 20th century. The temple is distinguished by its lush decoration, strict lines and special architecture, complemented by pointed bell towers.

This unusual temple is called the “Armenian Parthenon”. The Temple of Mihra in Garni really looks antique, it seems that by some miracle it was transferred to Armenia from Ancient Greece. Slender columns, porticoes, luxurious mosaics - the Armenian kings gladly used the Mihra Temple as a summer residence. It was carefully restored after the earthquake and now regularly hosts historical performances.

If you want to see what the capital of Armenia looked like 2.7 thousand years ago, be sure to take time to visit the Erebuni fortress, which became the first serious defensive structure in the country. Erebuni still holds a lot of mysteries; archaeologists continue to find unique artifacts here. And the fortress itself, located in the Ararat valley, looks very beautiful.

The cascade occupies the status of the main attraction of Yerevan, therefore, visiting the capital of Armenia and not seeing this man-made miracle would be a big miss. The cascade consists of artistically designed and ordered sculptures, stairs, fountains and flower beds, picturesquely located on the slopes of the Kanaker Hills. This is truly the main decoration of the city, and from the top of the Yerevan Cascade you will have a wonderful view of the entire city and the peaks of Ararat.

Khor Virap is located at the foot of the famous mountain Armenia - Ararat, above an underground prison that was used back in the 4th century. The views from the monastery are truly amazing, but its buildings themselves are interesting for their history and interior decoration. We recommend visiting the cells of the underground prison, which have survived to this day, and the Church of Our Lady.

The architecture of Republic Square was created before 1958; it is formed by five buildings located here: the Central Post Office building, the National historical museum Armenia, the Ministry of Energy of the country, the Government of Armenia and the Marriott Armenia hotel. It is noteworthy that all the buildings are made of pouf and represent a single architectural ensemble. We recommend visiting the square in the evening, when the singing fountain turns on and changes the lighting.

This is a memorial complex erected on the hill of the same name and dedicated to the Armenian genocide at the beginning of the twentieth century. Tsitsernakaberd includes a 44-meter stele, a cone-shaped pedestal with a burning eternal flame, a wall of mourning and the Armenian Genocide Museum. The stele is split, which symbolizes the separation of the Armenian people, most who lives in the diaspora precisely because of the genocide. The place is beautiful, memorable and a little sad.

Geghard is one of the most favorite places in Armenia for tourists because of its ancient history, unique architecture and proximity to the capital of the country. Geghard is located 40 kilometers from Yerevan, in the picturesque gorge of the mountain river Goght. The monastery is built on rocks, many rooms are simply hollowed out inside the cliffs, and the stone walls are decorated with steles with crosses.

“Bring me cognac” - this is probably how your friends will see you off to Armenia ;-) Yes, they are right - this country is famous for cognacs, but is rich in more than just them. What to bring from Armenia as a gift for family and friends? Today we will answer this question. We walked around the markets and figured out what souvenirs we could buy. They took some of it themselves, of course.

Bring a piece of this hospitable country home. Here we won’t talk about magnets and T-shirts with the inscription “I love Armenia” ;-)

What to bring from Armenia?

1. Cognac and wine

Armenian cognac is famous all over the world, and this is the main thing you can bring from a trip to Armenia. Grapes are specially grown in the country for the production of cognac, and the best brands are considered to be “Ararat”, “Noy”, “Shustov”.

In Yerevan, be sure to visit the cognac factory, you will be given a tour with a tasting of the best samples, and there you can also buy the best souvenir from Armenia.

In any supermarket you will also find cognac, but there is a risk of running into a fake, in this case choose branded stores.

Areni wine, also a very good gift, is made from certain grapes that grow only in the valley near the village of the same name. Very tasty!

2. Gold and silver

Since ancient times, Armenian craftsmen have been famous for their art of making silver jewelry and other items made of silver and gold. In souvenir shops and markets you can find earrings, rings, chains and much more. Moreover, prices for silver and gold in Armenia are low, and it is customary to bargain in the market.

In addition to silver, you can find precious stones in the markets: obsidian, agate, jasper….

3. Carpets

Carpets are very popular not only in Armenia, but also neighboring countries: Turkey, Iran, Azerbaijan. Wool thread is dyed with natural dyes, and the main difference between Armenian carpets is the images of animals and people on the pattern.

Carpet weaving has developed in Armenia since ancient times; almost every family practiced it, and carpets decorated floors, walls, and chests. A real large carpet may well cost 2-3 thousand dollars, but you can buy a small one at a more reasonable price.

Selling carpets at Vernissage

4. Duduk

Who hasn’t had goosebumps while listening to music played by Jivan Gasparyan, a famous master of playing the duduk? This is a national Armenian instrument, slightly similar in appearance to a flute, but with a mouthpiece on top. Please note that playing the duduk is very difficult; it requires some skill and training.

This instrument is made from apricot wood, and if you bring it home, you can say that you have brought the soul of Armenia. Of course, the market sells not professional tools, but ordinary ones, but the price is low.

5. Handbags, wallets, tablecloths in national style

Weaving is another traditional craft in Armenia. You can bring home wallets, bags, tablecloths and even bottle cases, embroidered in the national Armenian style, brightly decorated with angular ornaments.

6. Antiques - books, coins, cameras and more

If you have friends who are interested in books, coins, stamps, then there is something for them to choose from. There are several antique stores in Yerevan: here you can find anything you want. Everyone asked us to buy old Soviet camera lenses (they are of very good quality) and you won’t find them in our city. But we don’t understand what goes with what, so we abandoned the matter….


7. Handmade chess and backgammon

The art of wood carving has been developing in Armenia for a long time, and the masters are famous for their work. The most striking example of their skill is carved chess and backgammon, this is a piece of “goods”, a work of art. The carvings are made in the national style with patterns, even temples are sometimes carved.

8. Goodies

Oh, the choice here is simply huge! Be sure to take home Armenian sweets: baklava (Armenian analogue of baklava), sujukh (Armenian Snickers), homemade halva, boiled fruit juice - doshab.

Buy home spices and dried herbs, such as basil. Closer to departure, take Armenian cheese, for example “Lori” or “Chanakh” in a braid, they have a very unusual taste.

Be sure to bring dried fruits and vegetables from Armenia if you come during the season.

Sweet gata, sujukh, jam

What other souvenirs to buy from Armenia? Pewter utensils, leather goods, ceramics (glasses, jugs, teapots) and much more that can be found.

Yerevan - capital and the largest city by population on the map of Armenia. Yerevan is ancient, rich in its historical value and the beauty of the city.

Also the city is rich in ancient architectural monuments, huge long beautiful streets, majestic cathedrals and temples, and much more.

Having a choice of where to go on vacation on your next holiday or vacation, be sure to visit Yerevan. Discover this mysterious, beautiful and simply soulful city.

The people in Yerevan, like no other in the world, are distinguished by their cordiality and hospitality. Everything in this country is warm and soulful., starting from the air temperature, which drops to low levels only in winter, and ending with the mood of the local inhabitants.

When you get there, you never cease to be amazed at the kindness and cheerfulness local residents.

For many of us, it may seem strange when you walk down the street and people come towards you who smile at you and give you a huge charge of positivity and positive energy.

It’s so easy to give a good mood by giving someone your smile, and it doesn’t matter whether it’s a person close to you or just a passerby.

When going on a trip, each of us asks the question: what to bring for yourself, your loved ones, friends and acquaintances as a gift?.

After all, you really want not to make a mistake and leave memories of a wonderful trip not only in your heart, but also in its original material manifestation.

What to bring from Armenia (joint purchases)?

What can you buy and bring from Armenia (Yerevan)?

Cosmetics, perfumes

What to bring from Yerevan as a gift? If you are an admirer of female beauty and want to bring a piece of beauty with you from Yerevan, we advise you to go to plant of natural oils of Armenia of the company “VakiPharm”.

The cosmetics of this company are intended not only to care for all parts of our body, from the head to the feet, but also have a general healing effect for the entire body.

Natural oils from “VakiPharm” nourish your skin and stimulate the vital forces of the body.

Products, spices

What can a tourist buy in Yerevan (Armenia)? Like any other eastern country, Armenia is famous for its huge markets, which are replete with various kinds of products. Here you will find everything! Therefore, take larger bags and go to the nearest bazaar.

The most popular delicacies here are, of course, nuts stuffed in honey with fruit. It's incredibly tasty and healthy. By appearance resembles churchkhela, but is very different in taste.

Homemade cheese. The cheese here varies in characteristics such as saltiness and what kind of milk it is made from. But all the cheeses here are fresh and incredibly tasty.

The only thing you need to take into account is that Armenian cheeses are not intended for long-term storage and begin to dry on the 3rd day.

Tea. The most popular type of tea here is Urts (thyme). We advise you to buy it in Armenia, because you will not taste such a real, rich, rich taste of tea in any other country.

And of course fruits! The fruits here are juicy, sweet and very tasty. Therefore many experienced tourists when going to Yerevan, they take spare suitcases with them so that they can take everything with them. Of the best and most popular, we give preference to peaches and pomegranate.


What else can you bring from Armenia as a gift? Probably every person in our world, even those who do not drink alcohol at all, knows that Armenian cognac is recognized as the best cognac in the world.

The culture of winemaking in Armenia appeared more than 1000 years ago and since then, experienced winegrowers, true masters of their craft, have been trying to preserve and cherish the traditions of growing grapes on the territory of modern Armenia.

In order to obtain the best cognac in the world, 6 varieties of grapes are grown in Armenian vineyards. Five of them are native to Armenian origin, namely: Garandmak, Voskehat, Mskhali, Kangun and Chilar, as well as the Georgian grape variety – Rkatsiteli.

Armenian cognacs have many varieties and characteristics. Depending on the aging period, they can be vintage, ordinary or collectible.

The best cognacs in Armenia are rightfully recognized:

  • "Shustov". Most often, Armenian cognacs receive names from famous historical figures and places. Nikolai Shustov was the first person who bought an Armenian cognac factory, after which, according to the Armenians, the “golden age” of Armenian cognacs began;
  • "Ararat"(famous mountain range Armenia);
  • "Noah"(according to famous legend, Noah was the first to taste the first grapevine at the foot of Mount Ararat).

Other well-known brands are: "Arame", "Legend of Armenia" and "Sargis".

In order not to make a mistake and buy a truly worthwhile cognac, we advise you to go to the cognac factory in Yerevan, which is called Ararat.

There you can taste cognacs, and then choose the ones you like best in the company store, so you will protect yourself from purchasing a fake.

Manufactured goods

Clothes are not something you should pay attention to in Yerevan. It is practically no different from the one that is produced and sold in our country. The prices are the same here, the brands are the same.

Here's what you should pay close attention to:

  1. Silver. To do this, you should go to the Yerevan antique market, which is open daily, but it is better to get there on the weekends. Since on weekdays, you will not find anything for yourself except antiquarian books. Armenian silver of excellent quality. And most importantly, it is sold here at a very low price.
  2. Ceramics. Armenians are famous for their very beautiful ceramic dishes. Don't skimp and buy yourself some kitchen utensils. Here you will be offered very beautiful ceramic tableware sets, as well as teapots, cups, sugar bowls and much more. Again, the big advantage is the relatively low cost.
  3. Corals. Corals are sold here in different colors and different forms. Everything is very beautiful and stylish. And, yes, also a budget option.

In our opinion, these are three pillars that are worth paying attention to when going to the manufactured goods market.

Of course, we should not forget about such mandatory and banal attributes as magnets, postcards and plates with images famous places Armenia, in particular Yerevan.

Souvenirs from Armenia: what to bring?

To a man

For a man, of course, the best gift would be real Armenian cognac. Yes, the gift is not cheap, but very high quality.

Especially if you are not greedy and buy it in the company store of the Ararat Cognac Factory. Any man to whom it will be addressed this gift, will be delighted. You can rest assured!

To the child

It will be a great souvenir for a child various kinds of sweets, which abound in Yerevan markets. Among the popular ones it should be noted:

  • baklava. Same thing as praise. A sweet made from thin puff pastry with the addition of raisins, honey, nuts and spices;
  • Burmese. One of the varieties of baklava, which is slightly different from the first in its shape;
  • Alani. Dried peaches with a sugar filling instead of a pit.

To the girl

The best gift for a woman would be silverware, as well as ceramic kitchen utensils.

Also, if the woman you are bringing the gift to loves wine, then it would also be a wonderful gift. a bottle of Armenian apricot or pomegranate wine “Areni”. Having a rich taste in which the bitterness of alcohol is practically not felt.

All in all, you can buy a lot of things in Yerevan and at a fairly low price. Armenia is a budget tourist country.

Everything here has a relatively low cost, and sellers do not try to deceive you, having recognized you as naive tourists. The people here are very nice, welcoming, with a kind soul and heart.

Having visited Yerevan once, you will be amazed at the vital energy, warmth and positivity that is inherent in the local residents.

You will love this southern country, rich in ancient architectural monuments and other attractions, from your first visit, you will love it with all your heart and will return here again and again!

Armenia is a country of ancient monuments, exclusive handicrafts, high mountains And deep gorges. A country where people carefully preserve customs, traditions, history, and culture. Armenians are famous for their hospitality, cordiality, and culinary skills. It is simply impossible to return without gifts and souvenirs.

1. Cognac and wine

Historical sources indicate that winemaking in the country was developed two thousand years ago. Due to the high sugar content in grapes, Armenian wine has a special taste and strength.

Famous wines:

  • red dry “Areni”;
  • vintage dessert “Getashen”;
  • white semi-sweet “Muscat”.

Armenian cognac is the main drink that you can bring back from traveling around the country. The most recognized:

  • ArArAt;
  • Armenian;
  • Legend of Armenia;
  • Treasured Mountain.

It is better to purchase alcohol in company stores or at manufacturing plants: Yerevan Cognac factory or Winery "Armeni".

2. Sweets

Armenian sweets will not leave any sweet tooth indifferent. Here's what you should definitely bring from Armenia for yourself and your family as a sweet gift:

1) Baklava. A delicious dessert consisting of puff pastry, honey, and nuts. The delicacy (baklava) is popular in many Eastern countries. Armenian baklava is distinguished by the presence of cinnamon, cloves, and other spices.

2) Sujukh. A delicacy that is present on any holiday table. Its ingredients are walnuts, thick grape or apricot juice, flour, spices. It looks like the Georgian churchkhela, which is just as popular as its brother in Yerevan.

3) Doshab. Concentrated juice (apricot, grape or mulberry) without sugar. Mulberry doshab is considered an excellent remedy for coughs and colds.A high-quality product has a thick consistency and dark color. Do not buy liquid doshab: most likely, it was diluted with water.

4) Halva. A healthy delicacy that is prepared not from seeds, but with the addition of fried flour, honey, and butter.

Any sweets can be purchased at the local food market.

3. Dried fruits

Armenian dried fruits have a special taste soaked in the hot sun. The markets sell both classic sun-dried fruit slices and candied or dried fruits, which are stuffed with nuts and various delicacies.

You can buy dried fruits at the local market. Before purchasing, be sure to try the product: this is not only not prohibited, but even encouraged.

4. Cheese in a braid

Chechil is the Armenian national cheese. It consists of fibrous balls or braided braids. This product is made only by hand. This Caucasian cheese is a dietary product and has beneficial properties.

You only need to go to the market for cheeses in the morning.

5. Spices and dried herbs

You can also buy spices at home. But such an abundance of trade by weight cannot be found in any place in our temperate latitudes. Suneli hops, rosemary, coriander, red and black pepper, and various mixtures are offered at affordable prices.

Many sellers go to the mountains to buy herbs almost every day. Armenians use about 300 types of wild herbs for their dishes. The markets also sell medicinal herbs: thyme, mint, St. John's wort.

6. Pomegranate

In Armenian mythology, the fruit symbolizes good luck, prosperity, and fertility. Many beliefs and traditions are associated with this fruit.

Souvenir shops sell images of pomegranates from:

  • ceramics;
  • textiles;
  • metal

Jewelry in the shape of a fruit is very beautiful.

7. Gold and silver

Armenia has always been famous for its jewelry craftsmanship.

The purchase price of gold and the cost of work here are somewhat lower than in Russia and Europe.

Exclusive products are offered by Artyom’s and De Laur boutiques. Simpler products at affordable prices are available at the World of Gold jewelry market.

Silver items with traditional motifs are sold in small jewelry and souvenir shops, and in Vernissage, a large souvenir market in the center of Yerevan. The products of the PreGomesh brand are popular.

The best days to visit Vernissage are weekends; on weekdays, many stalls are empty.

8. Coral jewelry

Since ancient times, it was believed that coral protects against troubles and diseases. Coral beads were used as a talisman against the “evil eye.”

In Armenia, very beautiful unusual jewelry is made from corals: earrings, rings, bracelets, beads, hairpins. Corals are a very fragile material, all products are made only by hand.

Vernissage is a place where you can buy products of various colors and shades.

9. Ceramics

The fame of Armenian ceramics spread throughout the world back in the Middle Ages. Modern masters continue to carefully preserve ancient traditions.

Local markets offer a wide variety of handmade ceramic products. Here you can find a teapot, a plate for cheese, a salt shaker, and a container for spices. Bright colorful products will be a wonderful gift for loved ones.

10. Duduk

A national musical instrument slightly reminiscent of a flute. It is made from apricot wood. Bringing a duduk home means taking with you a piece of the soul of Armenia.

Inexpensive non-professional tools are sold in markets. But it is very difficult to play on it; intensive training will be required.

11. Carpets

Carpet making has been developed in Armenia since ancient times. Wool thread is used to make carpets. And for coloring - natural dyes. Carpets made from natural materials are not cheap. If you are offered a cheap product, it means it is made of synthetics.

True connoisseurs go to the Megeryan Carpet carpet factory. Here you can not only buy a natural product, but also visit free excursion according to the plant. For a reasonable fee, you are offered to take a master class and bring home a mini-carpet of your own making.

12. Antiques

In Yerevan there are several ruins with antiques. Those who are interested in antiquity can visit Vernissage. They sell ancient icons, national costumes, daggers, and rare books here. The authorities monitor the trading process, so in most cases you can be sure of the authenticity of things.

Souvenirs from Armenia, even the smallest and inexpensive ones, retain the warmth of the southern sun and impressions of a hospitable country.

Since ancient times, the Caucasus has been attractive to travelers. Climbers strived for high mountain peaks, and skiers plowed the snow-covered winding trails. Ubiquitous tourists scattered along the paths, trying to visit not only the most famous memorable places, but also to remain alone with nature, becoming familiar with the secrets of the unexplored corners of ancient Armenia.

This country will not leave anyone indifferent; it is a real paradise for travel lovers. Everyone will remember something special. For some it is the sun and ripe aromatic fruits, others will remember the cordiality and traditional hospitality of the local residents, others will love the unique Armenian cognac and delicious national cuisine.

In this article we will not write about banal souvenirs such as magnets and I Armenia T-shirts, but we will tell you about really worthwhile things that can and should be brought from this country.


Armenia is a fertile country for lovers of gastronomic shopping. Here you can find anything, taking into account your taste and budget. Sweets and local delicacies will surprise you with their variety and special taste.

“Nur” in Armenian means pomegranate. But for Armenians it is not just an ordinary plant, but a national symbol of the state. Since ancient times, this fruit has been considered a royal berry due to the shape of the top of the fruit, which is similar to a crown. For Armenians, pomegranate is a sign of prosperity, fertility, freedom and sun. Its veneration can be judged from Armenian manuscripts and stone carvings, where the image of the plant was used as a popular ornament. Until now, pomegranate is popular in the culture and art of Armenia, essentially turning into a folk cliche.

By the way, if local sellers tell you that there are exactly 365 seeds in an Armenian pomegranate, then don’t believe them. Host of the program “Heads and Tails. Shopping” Egor Kaleinikov, being at one of the Yerevan markets, and there were many more of them.


Almost everywhere in Armenia this tasty delicacy is called sweet sudzhuk, or sharots, in some border areas - churchkhel. Outwardly, it looks like sausages of different colors, but it does not consist of meat, but of fruit, usually grape, juice and nuts. Unlike the Georgian churchkhela, cinnamon, cardamom and cloves are added to the Armenian counterpart, and its shell is more tasty and tender.

Dried fruits

Armenia - southern country, and here nature has created many favorable conditions for growing fruits and vegetables. Abundant sunshine, many rivers and good climate Ideal for growing plums, pears, apples, peaches and apricots. Armenian fruits are in many ways more attractive in appearance and tastier than those grown in other countries. The production of dried fruits has traditionally been carried out here for many centuries, and these products have long earned trust due to their best quality. The demand for dried fruits is high both in the country itself and far beyond its borders.


Fresh berries, vegetables and fruits are grown in abundance in Armenia. Armenians can make amazingly tasty jams from almost everything that grows here. These are quince, plum and dogwood jams that are popular everywhere, more outlandish ones made from figs, rose petals, white mulberries, pumpkins, walnuts and, which is completely impossible to imagine, eggplants. For this sample, young vegetables are selected; when cooked, they become hard like marshmallow on the outside and soft, tender, like jelly, oozing with sweet syrup from the inside.


Produced at an altitude of more than 2000 meters above sea level, in ecologically clean grassy and flower-bearing meadows and clearings, thick Armenian honey surpasses the Argentine and Chinese types of beekeeping products that are considered the best in terms of the content of vitamins and biologically active substances beneficial to the body. More than two hundred thousand hives produce about 17 tons of honey per year.

All over the world, “elven honey” is recognized as the most valuable, mined in a cave at a depth of about 1900 meters, which is very expensive - about 5000 €. According to buyers of this product, it is no better than the Armenian one, the price of which is $8-10 per kilogram.

Spices and herbs

Many tourists try to bring Armenian aromatic seasonings for cooking fish and meat. Applicable in local national cuisine, they are very diverse. But the main ones: fresh and allspice, ground black or peas, hot capsicum and hot red - create the unsurpassed taste inherent in Armenian dishes. Cumin and tarragon, saffron and rosemary, chaman, mint and many other spices are offered in city markets and stalls along the roads.

Spicy herbs are widely used in Armenian cuisine, sometimes they are simply sorted, washed and served, but often processed in various ways and added to soups, salads, sauces and pies fillings. Cilantro, watercress, savory, cherry, tarragon, alayazi, okra - a small list of plants that can be brought from Armenia.

Herbal tea

If you stay with an Armenian family during your vacation, you will definitely be offered herbal tea. The country is located simultaneously in three climatic zones. Thanks to geographical location, natural features And mountainous terrain, the flora of Armenia is incredibly rich, numbering about 4,000 plant species, 120 of which are unique, growing only in this country. More than 1,400 species are considered medicinal and are used as remedies for diseases of various body systems.


The national product, without which every feast in Armenia cannot but begin and end, is cheese. The simplest one is zhazhik, with the addition of herbs and spices, prepared from fermented milk matsun, which is hung in a cloth bag to drain excess moisture. Goat and sheep - wineskin cheeses - are ripened in wineskins - bags made of animal skins. Armenians are not just cheese lovers, but also some of the best producers. By correctly selecting bacterial starters, these cooks obtain a product with a pronounced smell and taste.

Since ancient times, the most popular in Armenia and throughout the Caucasus has been the pickled cheese Chanakh; it is made from cow's milk in special devices called chanakh. This is where its name came from. Often the brine is supplemented with honey, white wine or syrup. The product is aged for about 2 months.

Lori is a cheese made from a mixture of cow and buffalo milk. The name comes from the area where it was first prepared; ripening occurs for one and a half months in cling film. This cheese has a more delicate and brittle structure than other types. It has a salty and pungent taste; when cut, holes of various shapes and sizes are visible.

Armenian Chechil cheese is made from milk with the addition of rennet. When boiling it, the resulting clots are stretched and woven into braids. Thanks to this, the product can retain its properties for a long time and remain fresh without adding preservatives. It was invented by Armenian shepherds who made the cheese to preserve milk for the winter.


Basturma is recognized as one of the famous signature Armenian dishes - incredibly tasty, tender, aromatic dried meat using a variety of seasonings and spices. This is a great appetizer for any occasion, including holiday banquets. Basturma is considered a delicacy and has a fairly high cost.

Alcoholic drinks

Armenia is considered an open-air museum. The country has several thousand cultural and natural monuments. To enjoy and see all this beauty, you need to visit this magnificent region yourself. In addition to historical sites, the country also has historical drinks.

For more than 200 years, Armenian cognac has been considered the most popular strong drink, occupying top positions among the best alcoholic potions in the world. Vintage, collectible and ordinary cognacs are successfully sold in all countries. Now it is produced using French technology, using traditional grape varieties with a chocolate-vanilla taste that grow only in the Ararat River valley. For better fermentation of the wort, the berries are collected unripe and unsweetened.

After tasting this drink on the spot, you can take with you a couple of bottles of “Ararat”, “Noah”, “Nairi”, “Armenika” or “Akhtamar” - this will be a good memory of the trip and an excellent gift for friends.

Chacha and vodka

Chacha with a strength of 50°, and ideally 60°, is prepared from grape marc, using unvarietal grapes in whole bunches through single or double distillation. Essentially this is pure grape moonshine. It is consumed in its pure form, and by lovers of refined tastes - as part of cocktails with the addition of fruit juice and ice.

The pride of Armenians is mulberry vodka. The drink is prepared from mulberries or mulberries by fermentation and distillation in 3 steps, resulting in a product with a strength of about 80°. The history of preparation goes back more than a thousand years; each master has his own unique recipe for making mulberries.


According to archaeological excavations, people learned to produce grape drinks on the territory of Armenia back in the XIX-X centuries B.C. The country has a museum located in a carved gorge with a collection of more than 3,000 types of centuries-old wines.

Climatic conditions contribute to the development of viticulture, thanks to which many outside the country are known for exceptional dessert and unique sherry wines.
The main pride of local producers of these drinks are fruit wines. The most famous of them is the crystal clear quince with a straw tint. No less revered, with its bright plum tone and pit aroma, is prune wine.

From a rare variety of pomegranate “aspet”, collected in certain time, produces a semi-sweet wine that has been admired by many generations. A unique feature of this type is a long nutty aftertaste with subtle subtle tobacco and cherry notes.

    Other varieties are no less worthy of praise:
  • dark red blackberry wine with the taste and smell of wild berries
  • deep burgundy semi-sweet cherry with a hint of toasted almonds
  • pink raspberry wine with violet tint
  • the best of semi-sweet - white “Muscat”
  • the most popular semi-sweet white wine “Etchmiadzin” with a hint of citrus and berries
  • dark cherry thick, Cahors-like wine “Getashen”
  • the famous red wine “Areni”, obtained from the grape variety of the same name, with woody notes thanks to three years of aging in oak barrels.

You can buy wine in any of the supermarkets, shops or markets at a price of 1300Դ or 150₽.


If you are not a fan of strong alcoholic drinks, then you can also bring beer from Armenia. The most famous local brands are Kilikia, Gyumri, Kotayk, Erebuni, Ararat, etc. But, unfortunately, all varieties are quite monotonous and even somewhat similar to each other.

The only Armenian beer that I would like to mention is Kellers; it was tried by the author of the article in one of the cafes near Lake Sevan. Actually, in those parts there is a factory where it is brewed.

Mineral water


Mineral water with natural carbonation, which is produced in the resort town of the same name Jermuk. Water is the calling card of Armenia, just like Borjomi is for Georgia. Delivered to more than 40 countries around the world.


Bjni is a settlement in the Kotayk region of Armenia. It is here that this delicious medicinal table mineral water is extracted from a depth of two hundred meters from well No. 2 EK.

This musical instrument is one of the oldest in Armenia, its age goes back thousands of years. During the production process, craftsmen tried many types of trees, but throughout all this time it was discovered that the best is duduk, made from apricot growing in the country.
The sound comes from the vibration of two plates under the air flow. The tonality of the instrument is distinguished by lyricism, and according to many, it expresses the difficult history of the Armenian nation.

A duduk or reed flute will be a great purchase, reminiscent of the days spent in this beautiful mountainous country.

Chess and backgammon

Chess owes its origins to Ancient India, which existed 1.5 millennia ago. The name comes from the Persian “Shah” meaning king, and the Arabic “checkmate” meaning dead.

The oldest backgammon board was found during excavations in Iran; its age is established at more than 5 thousand years. An analogue was found in Egypt - in the tomb of Tutankhamun (XIV century BC).

These two board games are the most popular among Armenians. In the center of Yerevan there is the Vernissage market, which occupies an entire block. The abundance of products made by local artisans is mesmerizing. Here you can buy carved backgammon and chess, which are very popular in the world.

Of course, thanks to the Internet, many people now play while sitting in front of a monitor, but how can this compare with the feeling of touching objects made by the caring hands of a master?

Other wood products

For Armenian craftsmen, wood is an obedient tool in the hands of professionals. All kinds of products are made from it, including plates, vases for fruits and flowers, original figurines, hair ornaments, wall and grandfather clocks, wine stands and wooden mini-models of temples and churches. All this can be bought in souvenir shops and local markets, taking into account your aesthetic preferences and financial capabilities.

Religious paraphernalia

Armenians are very religious people. Christianity came here in 301, but the first temples were erected here 200 years before this event. The deep reverence for religion is evidenced by the many items related to this theme. You can bring with you as a souvenir, for example, a khachkar made of stone or wood.

Wine horn

Not a single celebration in Armenia is complete without wine. A horn is a traditional metal or wooden vessel that is filled with wine for a guest and left as a gift after drinking. You can buy a product of any color and shape from local craftsmen and give it to a friend or work colleague.


Armenia is known for its craftsmen who make highly artistic edged weapons. Its production has flourished in the Caucasus since ancient times. Sabers, swords and daggers decorated with stones are sold almost everywhere, but certified products with expensive inlay, where it is clear that a piece of soul has been put into each, can only be found at crafts fairs and markets.

Ceramic products

Many guests of the country will be attracted by ceramic products. Pots, jugs and other utensils are usually made of red clay. During the production process, the item is covered with glaze and decorated with an ornament made in the national style.

Paintings by local artists

The most ancient genre in which Armenian masters of fine art worked was church painting. Today's modern artists create in many directions, but the ancient and great culture is still superimposed on their canvases. Like the country itself, Armenian painting is bright and original. Armenian painters put their works on display and for sale in public gardens. Here you can admire the paintings, meet and communicate with the artists, purchase a landscape, still life or portrait that you like, or order a new piece.


As in many Caucasian states, carpet weaving is considered a traditional art in Armenia. A handmade carpet will be an excellent purchase and an opportunity to invest your money profitably, because the price of the product is rising. And having an exclusive item in your home, moreover, a real work of art from the hands of Caucasian masters, becomes especially valuable and prestigious.

Local carpets are decorated with rich, complex floral or geometric patterns, some with symbolic images of birds and animals popular in Armenian folklore. The products are made only using natural materials and dyes, which means that over time the item will not fade, but will become softer in color.


Gold and silver products are very popular in Armenia and are affordable. From ancient times to the present day, the most famous are Armenian jewelers. You can buy jewelry at a low price at the World of Gold market, in small souvenir and jewelry stores; the choice in the country is huge. For lovers of unique, exquisite designer models, there are elite brand boutiques where you can choose rare jewelry that emphasizes the flavor of the ancient people.

The Markosyan spouses, who returned to their homeland after twenty years of living in America, decided to create a unique cosmetic complex thanks to scientific research and natural ingredients. Serums and body creams contain only natural products and herbs growing in Armenia. For short term this series received the love of the female population not only in the country, but also abroad. Therefore, feel free to bring something from their rich assortment as a gift for your woman.


Armenia is very ancient, beautiful, rich and colorful country. It is impossible to list everything that can be brought in memory of your stay in this region. If you have the opportunity to visit this fertile corner of the Caucasus, you will be able to appreciate all the local wonders yourself in order to choose a truly memorable souvenir for yourself and your loved ones.


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