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I hereby, being the Customer of tourist services included in the tourism product, and the authorized representative of the persons (tourists) specified in the Application, give consent to the Agent and his authorized representatives to process my data and the data of persons (tourists) contained in the Application: last name, name, patronymic, date and place of birth, gender, citizenship, series, passport number, other passport data indicated in the passport; residence and registration address; home and mobile phone; E-mail address; as well as any other data relating to my identity and the identity of the persons specified in the Application, to the extent necessary for the implementation and provision of tourism services, including those included in the tourism product generated by the Tour Operator, for any action (operation) or set of actions ( operations) performed with my personal data and the data of the persons specified in the Application, including (without limitation) collection, recording, systematization, accumulation, storage, clarification (updating, changing), extraction, use, transfer (distribution, provision, access), depersonalization, blocking, deletion, destruction of personal data, as well as carrying out any other actions provided for by current legislation Russian Federation, using automation tools, including in information and telecommunication networks, or without the use of such tools, if the processing of personal data without the use of such tools corresponds to the nature of the actions (operations) performed with personal data using automation tools, that is, it allows for in accordance with a given algorithm, searching for personal data recorded on a tangible medium and contained in file cabinets or other systematized collections of personal data, and/or access to such personal data, as well as transfer (including cross-border) of this personal data to the Tour Operator and third parties - partners of the Agent and Tour Operator.

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Text of the agreement

I hereby provide my consent to the processing of Media Travel Advertising LLC (TIN 7705523242, OGRN 1127747058450, legal address: 115093, Moscow, 1st Shchipkovsky lane, 1) of my personal data and confirm that by giving such consent, I act of my own will and in my own interest. In accordance with the Federal Law of July 27, 2006 No. 152-FZ “On Personal Data,” I agree to provide information related to my personality: my last name, first name, patronymic, residential address, position, contact phone number, email address. Or, if I am a legal representative legal entity, I agree to provide information related to the details of a legal entity: name, legal address, types of activities, name and full name of the executive body. In the case of providing personal data of third parties, I confirm that I have received the consent of third parties, in whose interests I act, to process their personal data, including: collection, systematization, accumulation, storage, clarification (updating or changing), use , distribution (including transfer), depersonalization, blocking, destruction, as well as carrying out any other actions with personal data in accordance with current legislation.

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What is personal data

Personal Information - Contact Information, as well as identifying information individual, left by the user on the project.

Why is consent required for the processing of personal data required?

152-FZ “On Personal Data” in Article 9, paragraph 4 indicates the need to obtain “the written consent of the subject of personal data to process his personal data.” The same law clarifies that the information provided is confidential. The activities of organizations that register users without obtaining such consent are illegal.

Read the law on the official website of the President of the Russian Federation As they say at school: 3 - satisfactory.
A three-star hotel, which, in my opinion, cannot be given a higher rating. Despite the pleasant first impression, living there opens up a number of disadvantages. Having relatively little experience of foreign beach holidays, and not being particularly picky, in this case I really find it difficult to come to a specific decision - to recommend the hotel or not. Let everyone, after reading this, decide for themselves how significant these shortcomings are. Of course, a number of the problems described in one form or another occur in other hotels, so this does not mean that the Tropicana is bad and all the others are good.

ACCOMMODATION. For me, the main problem was the soundproofing in the room, which was less than completely absent. After all, you come to relax, so the appropriate conditions must be provided. It is clear that there should be entertainment so that guests do not get bored, but there should also be an opportunity to go to their own corner where they can spend quiet time. Those who built this hotel clearly did not think about this. The doors and walls look like they are made of cardboard - you can hear almost everything through them! They are watching TV in the next room - I can hear it. There is also an air conditioner there - I can hear its hum. People speak in an average voice - you can hear it, damn it. You could even hear them making love a couple of times (not a joke!). The entrance doors of the rooms slam due to drafts if they are not held. Each such clap is scattered throughout the entire floor, so be sure that you will hear every coming and going of other guests on the floor (in fact, few people try not to make noise out of respect for others, which is a pity). Finally, noise from the street is also guaranteed - constantly screaming music near the pool, animation there (it all stops only somewhere from 13 to 15), as well as evening dances and performances in the amphitheater (almost always lasts until 23, sometimes even later ). The windows and doors are plastic, but it’s either in them or in the walls - the difference between audibility when they are open and when they are closed is very small. In the second case, you will listen to endless music. Even earplugs couldn’t save me from all this - so what kind of vacation are we talking about? The only thing left to do is either attend these events, even if you don’t want to or aren’t interested, or spend time in the lobby or bar. Note: about animation noise is only relevant for rooms Sea View(even numbers), on the other hand it should be quite quiet. The view of the sea and the hotel territory, of course, is actually very good, but this is a double-edged sword ( good view and noise, or a view of the courtyard and the highway, but silence). To be honest, at times I even had thoughts of asking to be moved to the other side, but the paid Sea View and the beauty outside the window still overpowered me. By the way, on the fourth floor, local music also merges with music from neighboring hotel(it's probably better on the lower floors) - cacophony emerges. Only one question arises - adults, okay, but how do children tolerate all this and fall asleep to it? At the same time, I’m sure that the animation could have been twice as quiet, and no one would have lost anything from this - “on the spot” everything can be heard perfectly well.
In general, there are no complaints about the number itself. They clean well, everything works (TV - 10-15 channels, 2 Russian). Only the drain in the sink and bathroom is barely possible - either it was clogged in my room, or it was specially done so that less water was used. Well, a consequence of 3*: they don’t bring bottled water to the room, there is no refrigerator, there are no shampoos and other things (only liquid soap). The cleaning ladies pretend that they know English, but in reality, other than “Hello, how r U?” Can't say or understand anything :)

NUTRITION. Personally, I don’t need sophistication, I need simple and ordinary edible food, but at least with a minimum choice (I refuse to try dishes that look incomprehensible). Are you saying everything is included? Not everything... Let's start with something simple - water. As I already wrote, they don’t give you room service; you have to dial it in the cooler in a restaurant or in a snack bar (although there is a piece of paper with a crossed out bottle hanging there). Well, or buy it at the bar, of course (advice: when leaving, take the bottle with you or hide it in your bag - during the next cleaning of my room, they threw out an empty bottle, and there was nothing left to do but buy a new one at the bar! Business...). For breakfast, they fry one thing - either fried eggs, or an omelet (one name from it is a scrambled egg with two pieces of sausage and something else can hardly be called a normal omelet), or pancakes. So you have to eat what they make, or limit yourself to cold cuts, salads, fried donuts and pastries, porridge (everything is quite edible, but boring). There is only one soup for lunch. More precisely, it’s a potato-flavored broth into which you can add tomatoes, onions, peppers, herbs and pieces of bread as you wish. After three days you'll get tired of it. Salads for lunch and dinner are average; I didn’t notice anything particularly outstanding. Perhaps a strange salad of chopped sausage, cheese and something else, obviously left over from breakfast... Mayonnaise, ketchup, mustard - everything is there, but for some reason there is not always butter. Fried, stewed meat, fish, chicken, all sorts of vegetables are available. There in the restaurant they bake pretty good pizza. There are fruits, but always one thing - either only watermelons, only melons, plums, apricots, grapes. I wanted bananas and oranges, but for some reason they weren’t there. Ice cream does happen, but rarely; in 10 days I only saw it 3 times (or does it appear and is immediately taken away?). Regarding drinks - complete nonsense with tea, coffee and juices, which are only for breakfast in the restaurant! For lunch and dinner, we put the cakes on a plate and go to the snack bar, or to the main bar, and drink there. There are several types of coffee in the coffee machines, but sometimes there was no black coffee (green and fruit ones are there, which few people drink, and black coffee is not always delivered on time). There is no lemon for tea at all. I don’t drink alcohol, so I can’t say anything. There are no problems with soda. Concentrated juices.
Between main meals, there is fruit in the snack bar, as well as some leftovers from breakfast or lunch. There, a friend makes pizza after lunch, but unlike the one in the restaurant, it is very simple and gets boring after a couple of times. Unfortunately, I couldn’t find French fries, sandwiches or anything similar for a snack.

BEACH. Everything here seems simple and clear. There are no problems with sunbeds and accommodation in the shade if you arrive no later than 10 am. There are more people at the pool, and there is more competition for the same amenities. Mattresses are paid, security guards check using coupons. The sea is shallow up to the buoys, the depth begins only behind them. The water in general was quite clean, but after the storm it was filled with algae and, in some places, some debris such as bags. The sand on the beach is quite clean. I almost didn’t see the jellyfish that everyone cares about so much, except that after the storm they were here and there, but then they disappeared. Apparently it depends on the period. It's a stone's throw from the hotel to the beach.

ANIMATION. Again, not for everyone. During the day, various competitions and other entertainment are held by the pool, and sports games are offered. Evening performances are performed by the animators themselves, i.e. while in other hotels guest artists often perform (Chinese acrobats, fire shows, etc.), here everything is done entirely on their own. The supply of these performances is approximately 7-8 days, then they begin to repeat themselves, and exactly the same - even the songs are the same. Personally, all this bothered me for one simple reason: the presenters not only repeat the same thing, trying to fill the pauses, but also do it in several languages ​​(French, English and Russian). And also the music they play is kind of stupid - just a club-style beat (do they live up to the name of the hotel?) instead of something more pleasant and relaxing. In short, between 5 minutes of performance there are 15 minutes of outright nonsense. All this begins to either quickly become boring or infuriating (especially when you listen to all this from the room - God, it would soon be over...). Thus, there is animation, but it’s not for everyone. The amphitheater, which is usually only a third full, confirms my thought.

OTHER. Someone will say that the Internet is not needed on vacation, but I disagree. Nowadays, this is as necessary a service as anything else. Let everyone decide for themselves how much time to devote to the network. Wi-Fi is only available in the lobby and bar and is of poor quality. I didn’t think it could be so bad - it turns out it can happen. In half the cases it is impossible to connect to it at all, and when it is possible, the speed is such that even text messages can barely be sent. There can be no question of normally sending a couple of photos or scrolling through Instagram. Moreover, all this does not depend on the number of users. Yes, the more people are sitting, the more difficult it is to get through even with text, but sometimes 2-3 people are sitting, and still everything is muffled. At the reception, in response to a question about the poor quality of communication, they just smile sweetly and say: “Well, it’s not working now, try it in an hour - maybe it will work.” Tip: on the beach of the neighboring Sahara Beach hotel there is excellent Wi-Fi and, moreover, without a password. There are no fences or other barriers between the beaches. They carefully stepped aside, used it and came back. In the evening there is no one at all, you can sit quietly on the sun loungers and surf the net. A huge thank you to Sahara and a huge thank you to Tropicana, shame!
Among other things, there is a nice indoor pool, where there is usually no one. Of course, it’s not as warm indoors as in the sun, but otherwise it’s a pleasure to swim calmly! There are usually a lot of children in both the main pool and the small one. And in general there are a lot of them in the hotel, and they are quite young. If you manage to eat in a restaurant without listening to someone's child squeal, consider yourself lucky. There are significantly fewer children on the beach than at the pool.
And they don’t wear bracelets here... They probably themselves understand that no outsider will interfere with this trio :)
There is nothing outside the hotel gates. No shops, excursions - nothing. I went to Monastir by taxi - I liked the embankment and the Ribat fortress!

CONCLUSION. In general, the review turned out to be quite negative, as I warned about at the beginning. Despite this, no one will stop you from sunbathing, swimming in the sea and pools, and drinking without restrictions. And if you love animation and parties, then time will fly by. For me personally, the hotel's rating (which largely influenced his choice) is too high. 3 out of 5 - it is 3 out of 5, no more.

As they say at school: 3 - satisfactory.
A three-star hotel, which, in my opinion, cannot be given a higher rating. Despite the pleasant first impression, living there opens up a number of disadvantages. Having relatively little experience of foreign beach holidays, and not being particularly picky, in this case I really find it difficult to come to a specific decision - to recommend the hotel or not. Let everyone, after reading this, decide for themselves how significant these shortcomings are. Of course, a number of the problems described in one form or another occur in other hotels, so this does not mean that the Tropicana is bad and all the others are good.

ACCOMMODATION. For me, the main problem was the soundproofing in the room, which was less than completely absent. After all, you come to relax, so the appropriate conditions must be provided. It is clear that there should be entertainment so that guests do not get bored, but there should also be an opportunity to go to their own corner where they can spend quiet time. Those who built this hotel clearly did not think about this. The doors and walls look like they are made of cardboard - you can hear almost everything through them! They are watching TV in the next room - I can hear it. There is also an air conditioner there - I can hear its hum. People speak in an average voice - you can hear it, damn it. You could even hear them making love a couple of times (not a joke!). The entrance doors of the rooms slam due to drafts if they are not held. Each such clap is scattered throughout the entire floor, so be sure that you will hear every coming and going of other guests on the floor (in fact, few people try not to make noise out of respect for others, which is a pity). Finally, noise from the street is also guaranteed - constantly screaming music near the pool, animation there (it all stops only somewhere from 13 to 15), as well as evening dances and performances in the amphitheater (almost always lasts until 23, sometimes even later ). The windows and doors are plastic, but it’s either in them or in the walls - the difference between audibility when they are open and when they are closed is very small. In the second case, you will listen to endless music. Even earplugs couldn’t save me from all this - so what kind of vacation are we talking about? The only thing left to do is either attend these events, even if you don’t want to or aren’t interested, or spend time in the lobby or bar. Note: about animation noise is only relevant for Sea View rooms (even numbers), on the other hand it should be quite quiet. The view of the sea and the hotel grounds, of course, is actually very good, but this is a double-edged sword (good view and noise, or view of the courtyard and the highway, but silence). To be honest, at times I even had thoughts of asking to be moved to the other side, but the paid Sea View and the beauty outside the window still overpowered me. By the way, on the fourth floor the local music also merges with the music from the neighboring hotel (on the lower floors it is probably better) - the result is a cacophony. Only one question arises - adults, okay, but how do children tolerate all this and fall asleep to it? At the same time, I’m sure that the animation could have been twice as quiet, and no one would have lost anything from this - “on the spot” everything can be heard perfectly well.
In general, there are no complaints about the number itself. They clean well, everything works (TV - 10-15 channels, 2 Russian). Only the drain in the sink and bathroom is barely possible - either it was clogged in my room, or it was specially done so that less water was used. Well, a consequence of 3*: they don’t bring bottled water to the room, there is no refrigerator, there are no shampoos and other things (only liquid soap). The cleaning ladies pretend that they know English, but in reality, other than “Hello, how r U?” Can't say or understand anything :)

NUTRITION. Personally, I don’t need sophistication, I need simple and ordinary edible food, but at least with a minimum choice (I refuse to try dishes that look incomprehensible). Are you saying everything is included? Not everything... Let's start with something simple - water. As I already wrote, they don’t give you room service; you have to dial it in the cooler in a restaurant or in a snack bar (although there is a piece of paper with a crossed out bottle hanging there). Well, or buy it at the bar, of course (advice: when leaving, take the bottle with you or hide it in your bag - during the next cleaning of my room, they threw out an empty bottle, and there was nothing left to do but buy a new one at the bar! Business...). For breakfast, they fry one thing - either fried eggs, or an omelet (one name from it is a scrambled egg with two pieces of sausage and something else can hardly be called a normal omelet), or pancakes. So you have to eat what they make, or limit yourself to cold cuts, salads, fried donuts and pastries, porridge (everything is quite edible, but boring). There is only one soup for lunch. More precisely, it’s a potato-flavored broth into which you can add tomatoes, onions, peppers, herbs and pieces of bread as you wish. After three days you'll get tired of it. Salads for lunch and dinner are average; I didn’t notice anything particularly outstanding. Perhaps a strange salad of chopped sausage, cheese and something else, obviously left over from breakfast... Mayonnaise, ketchup, mustard - everything is there, but for some reason there is not always butter. Fried, stewed meat, fish, chicken, all sorts of vegetables are available. There in the restaurant they bake pretty good pizza. There are fruits, but always one thing - either only watermelons, only melons, plums, apricots, grapes. I wanted bananas and oranges, but for some reason they weren’t there. Ice cream does happen, but rarely; in 10 days I only saw it 3 times (or does it appear and is immediately taken away?). Regarding drinks - complete nonsense with tea, coffee and juices, which are only for breakfast in the restaurant! For lunch and dinner, we put the cakes on a plate and go to the snack bar, or to the main bar, and drink there. There are several types of coffee in the coffee machines, but sometimes there was no black coffee (green and fruit ones are there, which few people drink, and black coffee is not always delivered on time). There is no lemon for tea at all. I don’t drink alcohol, so I can’t say anything. There are no problems with soda. Concentrated juices.
Between main meals, there is fruit in the snack bar, as well as some leftovers from breakfast or lunch. There, a friend makes pizza after lunch, but unlike the one in the restaurant, it is very simple and gets boring after a couple of times. Unfortunately, I couldn’t find French fries, sandwiches or anything similar for a snack.

BEACH. Everything here seems simple and clear. There are no problems with sunbeds and accommodation in the shade if you arrive no later than 10 am. There are more people at the pool, and there is more competition for the same amenities. Mattresses are paid, security guards check using coupons. The sea is shallow up to the buoys, the depth begins only behind them. The water in general was quite clean, but after the storm it was filled with algae and, in some places, some debris such as bags. The sand on the beach is quite clean. I almost didn’t see the jellyfish that everyone cares about so much, except that after the storm they were here and there, but then they disappeared. Apparently it depends on the period. It's a stone's throw from the hotel to the beach.

ANIMATION. Again, not for everyone. During the day, various competitions and other entertainment are held by the pool, and sports games are offered. Evening performances are performed by the animators themselves, i.e. while in other hotels guest artists often perform (Chinese acrobats, fire shows, etc.), here everything is done entirely on their own. The supply of these performances is approximately 7-8 days, then they begin to repeat themselves, and exactly the same - even the songs are the same. Personally, all this bothered me for one simple reason: the presenters not only repeat the same thing, trying to fill the pauses, but also do it in several languages ​​(French, English and Russian). And also the music they play is kind of stupid - just a club-style beat (do they live up to the name of the hotel?) instead of something more pleasant and relaxing. In short, between 5 minutes of performance there are 15 minutes of outright nonsense. All this begins to either quickly become boring or infuriating (especially when you listen to all this from the room - God, it would soon be over...). Thus, there is animation, but it’s not for everyone. The amphitheater, which is usually only a third full, confirms my thought.

OTHER. Someone will say that the Internet is not needed on vacation, but I disagree. Nowadays, this is as necessary a service as anything else. Let everyone decide for themselves how much time to devote to the network. Wi-Fi is only available in the lobby and bar and is of poor quality. I didn’t think it could be so bad - it turns out it can happen. In half the cases it is impossible to connect to it at all, and when it is possible, the speed is such that even text messages can barely be sent. There can be no question of normally sending a couple of photos or scrolling through Instagram. Moreover, all this does not depend on the number of users. Yes, the more people are sitting, the more difficult it is to get through even with text, but sometimes 2-3 people are sitting, and still everything is muffled. At the reception, in response to a question about the poor quality of communication, they just smile sweetly and say: “Well, it’s not working now, try it in an hour - maybe it will work.” Tip: on the beach of the neighboring Sahara Beach hotel there is excellent Wi-Fi and, moreover, without a password. There are no fences or other barriers between the beaches. They carefully stepped aside, used it and came back. In the evening there is no one at all, you can sit quietly on the sun loungers and surf the net. A huge thank you to Sahara and a huge thank you to Tropicana, shame!
Among other things, there is a nice indoor pool, where there is usually no one. Of course, it’s not as warm indoors as in the sun, but otherwise it’s a pleasure to swim calmly! There are usually a lot of children in both the main pool and the small one. And in general there are a lot of them in the hotel, and they are quite young. If you manage to eat in a restaurant without listening to someone's child squeal, consider yourself lucky. There are significantly fewer children on the beach than at the pool.
And they don’t wear bracelets here... They probably themselves understand that no outsider will interfere with this trio :)
There is nothing outside the hotel gates. No shops, excursions - nothing. I went to Monastir by taxi - I liked the embankment and the Ribat fortress!

CONCLUSION. In general, the review turned out to be quite negative, as I warned about at the beginning. Despite this, no one will stop you from sunbathing, swimming in the sea and pools, and drinking without restrictions. And if you love animation and parties, then time will fly by. For me personally, the hotel's rating (which largely influenced his choice) is too high. 3 out of 5 - it is 3 out of 5, no more.

This year we vacationed at Tropicana for the third time. I read the reviews before leaving and was saddened. The lack of hot water and the construction nearby were somehow not encouraging. There was nothing to do, we had to go anywhere. What changes awaited us? They gave us the same number as the first time. How we returned home. Same walls, same toilet :) Everything in the room works, everything is in decent condition. Tamara works at the reception. The first two days, with an air temperature of 27 degrees, it was cool, especially in the morning due to the strong cold wind (I would never have believed it if I had not seen it myself). The water temperature in the shower was barely warm. Most likely heated by the sun. For the same reason, the water in the pool was also not fresh milk. In the sea, by the way, too. As soon as it got warmer, life got better. hotThe water in the shower became hot, the pool warmed up, and so did the sea. Regarding the construction site next to the hotel. The construction is going on from the second street next to the Discovery Hotel, across the fence from the Kaban building. Since we lived in the main wing building, we didn’t hear the construction at all. I specifically asked the “Kabanovo members”, they said that they didn’t feel any concern, because... During the day they are not in the hotel, but in the morning, evening and night the construction site is quiet. From the entrance to the hotel, a large area previously housed a bus stop, cafes and a mini market. Now the area is empty, surrounded by a fence. The hotel is maintained in decent condition. Cleaning is good. We purchased new fluffy towels during our stay. The territory is still green and well-groomed, the birds still sing. The hotel was very calm this time, despite being full. There is no escape from Chinese tourists, they exist, but they have become somewhat quiet. There was no group swimming in the laundry pool. There were no Hindus at all this year. There are more Russian tourists over the years. The food, as always, is excellent. We tried to diversify it periodically. If this is not necessary, then it is better to go after 8.30. Chinese tourists They will have breakfast and new dishes will be added. The hotel staff is very responsive. Requests are responded to immediately. We return here with pleasure. The staff has not changed in three years. It's nice to see familiar faces at the reception, in the dining room, the pool employee, and the maids. This means that not only vacationers have a good time here, but also employees. If you do not make any claims to a three-star hotel as to a five-star one, then you will definitely like the Tropicana. Hotel advantages: + location relative to the city; + presence of green territory; + large balconies with furniture; + presence of a large swimming pool; + good breakfasts; + good mattresses, pillows, bed linen, towels; + friendly staff + disposable slippers available. I wish Tropicana further development and good guests. Well done! And we'll be back.


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