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The sources of the river are located on the southeastern slope of the town of Saryanova (568.9 m), located 2 km south of the GKH. The length of the river is about 27 km, it flows into Dzhubga Bay. The resort village of Dzhubga, the lighthouse located in this village, and Mount Dzhubga (248 m), as well as the Dzhubginsky pass (127 m) on the Goryachiy Klyuch - Dzhubga highway between Dzhubga and the village bear the same name. Defanovka. Adyghe name Dzhubgi is referred to as, meaning, according to another assumption, the toponym is translated as, or. According to other versions, the name means or, which is unproven. The indigenous population also explains the origin of the name as a derivative of the word containing Adyghe, where - , - , . There is an assumption that as part of a hydronym, its second part is understood as a word; according to another version, the second part of the term contains the Adyghe element, translated as. There is an assumption that the toponym came from, i.e. . Apparently, those authors who see in the etymology of the word the meaning: wide, smooth, wind, walk - are right, because in the lower reaches of the Dzhubga River valley widens and is open to winds from the sea, i.e. The area gave its name to the river.

Koveshnikov V.N. Essays on toponymy of Kuban

It is possible, and even certain, that there are typos and inaccuracies caused by both scanning and subsequent processing. There is not enough strength to “catch” them all alone, but you can - I will correct it. Also, due to the fact that this collection of dictionary entries contains books by several authors, different interpretations of the same name are possible - this is normal - the truth is born in a dispute. I would be grateful for the additions, clarifications and other works on toponymy sent


Message from: my name

Message from: madin
place of gusty wind

Message from: Ramzia
Muslims passing through Dzhubga for the first time hear the word “djomgA” in this name - the emphasis on “a”, soft “zh”, as in the French “zhe” (ya), I transcribed: “j”. And “jomga” for many Turkic-speaking peoples means “Friday” - the same important day for Muslims as “Sunday” for Christians.
Thank you!
My email: [email protected]

The section is very easy to use. Just enter the desired word in the field provided, and we will give you a list of its meanings. I would like to note that our site provides data from various sources - encyclopedic, explanatory, word-formation dictionaries. Here you can also see examples of the use of the word you entered.

The meaning of the word dzhubga


an urban-type settlement in the Tuapse district of the Krasnodar Territory of the RSFSR. Port point on the Black Sea. Located 57 km to the north-west. from Tuapse, on the Tuapse - Novorossiysk highway. Fruit and vegetable farm. Rest house, car boarding house.



Dzhubga- an urban-type settlement in the Tuapse district of the Krasnodar Territory.

The administrative center of the Dzhubga urban settlement.

Dzhubga (river)

Dzhubga (Colonel's gap) - a river located in the west of the Tuapse region. The source is located on the southern slope of the Greater Caucasus Range, two kilometers southwest of the Dzhubga Pass. It flows into the Black Sea near the village of Dzhubga.

The length of the river is 21 km. The catchment area is 100 km². The average annual water flow is 9.2 m/s.

The Dzhubga River has several tributaries: the Stinov Gap originates at Svistunova Mountain. The Kamenistaya gap flows among rocks and cliffs for 4 km. The rocks are located three kilometers from the Polkovnichye farm.

2.5 km from the village of Gorskoye, the Dzhubga River flows among the rocks called “Wolf Gate”.

The river's landform consists of expanded valleys with reduced watersheds. The river regime is flood, and floods can occur at any time. The height of the watershed varies from 30 to 250 meters.

The river valley begins at the confluence of the Polkovnichya and Mankina gullies. The bottom is flat and even. The width at the mouth is 670-750 meters, in the upper reaches - 250-300 meters. The slopes of the river are lightly forested and have a significant steepness. Lots of cliffs and rocks. In the lower reaches, the river has a wide floodplain, and the flow speed is significantly reduced. The width of the river in the floodplain is up to 60 meters. There is a boat station here.

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Not all of us have heard of such an amazing settlement as Dzhubga. The sights of this city, unfortunately, are not included in the list of the most visited places in our country.

And, it must be said, it’s completely in vain, because this resort, in addition to a unique and healing climate, can actually also boast a fascinating history of its origins, mysterious legends and unusual objects that attract the attention of travelers not only in our country, but also abroad.

This article will tell you in detail about the village of Dzhubga, the attractions and entertainment of which cannot but become the object of close attention from future travelers. In addition, the reader will receive valuable information about geography, climate, history, legends and interesting places resort.

general information

It is the one that is generally modest and, at first glance, inconspicuous, that first meets guests on the Moscow highway on the way to the main resorts of the Krasnodar Territory.

The village is located in the Tuapse region, approximately 60 km from Tuapse and 110 km from Krasnodar. The urban settlement, which is part of the recreation area, is the closest resort village on the coast to the regional center.

People love to spend their weekends here local residents and townspeople, as well as many tourists who are attracted by the natural landscapes of Dzhubga, mild climate, warm sea and spacious beaches.

Geography and climate

The universal map of Dzhubga (with attractions and access roads) shows that locality is located at the mouth of the river of the same name on the shore of a Black Sea bay, surrounded by mixed forests.

From Krasnodar to the village there are highways (M4 and M27), both with a length of about 110 km each. The path passes through Adygeisk, Goryachiy Klyuch and the Caucasian passes.

It should be noted that the beaches at the resort are sandy and sandy-pebble. All of them are quite wide, so it is convenient to relax on them even in large groups.

The climate is subtropical, Mediterranean type. Summers are dry and hot, and winters are warm and humid.

As a rule, motor tourists going on vacation to the village of Dzhubga are no more interested in the sights than in the presence of car campsites and car camps.

The ideal accommodation location, according to many travelers, is the Zarya tourist center for motorists, offering summer houses and buildings with 700 seats (in winter - 425).

Here, on the coast, there is also the Dzhubga boarding house, which has its own equipped beach.

How to get to the resort

There is no railway connection in Dzhubga, and the nearest airport is located in Krasnodar. From the Krasnodar-1 bus station, located next to the railway station, there are buses to the village Shuttle Buses. The journey takes about 2.5 hours. The ticket price depends on the route (100-150 rubles).

From other cities Rostov, Sochi, etc.) there are direct bus routes. From and Hot Keys are also sent minibuses(tariffs are practically no different from bus routes).

The best way to get to Dzhubga is by personal transport, which is convenient for traveling to beaches and bays. The quality of the roads is good, and the highway is easy to navigate. Only during the season you should check in advance the availability of parking near your accommodation, since at this time there are a lot of cars at the resort.

History of the village

When talking about interesting places in Russia, one cannot fail to mention the village of Dzhubga. Sights, excursions and trips around this city are in one way or another connected with its history.

And the very name of the settlement comes from antiquity; translated from the Adyghe language it means “valley of the winds.” Although there are other translations: “flat place”, “place where the fog spreads” and even “night beauty”.

The village of Dzhubga was founded at the mouth of the river in 1864, after the eviction of the indigenous inhabitants - the Shapsugs. The village was the headquarters of the Shapsug coastal battalion.

Initially, about 360 people (65 families) lived here. Nowadays the Stanichka microdistrict is located in these places. After the liquidation of the battalion in 1870, the settlement was renamed the village of Dzhubga, which later became a village.

By 1905, the village consisted of 74 households of Russian peasants. The main impetus for the development of the village was the construction of a steamship company. Customs, post office, telegraph and visiting summer residents appeared in the settlement.

In 1935, a holiday home was opened in Dzhubga. At the same time, a park was founded, which adorns the village to this day. And in 1966, the settlement was given the status of a resort village.

The coast of Dzhubga is located between Cape Shapsho and the town of Hedgehog, which, according to the plan, actually looks like a prickly animal.

She herself received her name in honor of the first Christian preacher, who appeared in the 5th century. Little is known about his fate.

Features of local hotels

The choice of housing to accommodate vacationers is quite diverse: from the private sector to regular hotels and guest houses. The difference in price depends, first of all, on the level of service provided and equipment.

The private sector and hotels can be located at a distance of 300 m to 3 km from the sea. Accommodation near the sea should be booked in advance.

When choosing a place to stay, do not rush to pay. It is better to inspect the rooms or read reviews and photographs. Inexpensive options housing can be found away from the coast. But there are advantages here too: silence, fresh air and low prices.

What to see in Dzhubga? The city's attractions

It should be noted that the settlement is famous more for its natural beauty than for its architecture, monuments and museums. Numerous travelers come here precisely to enjoy the silence, birdsong and deserted coastline.

True, the resort has its own water park with many different water attractions for adults and children. The entertainment complex of the same name with an area of ​​20 hectares is located in the open air. The water park is open from 10 am to midnight, and youth foam discos are often held here in the evening. Due to the heat during the day, the price of tickets from 14.00 to 19.00 is slightly cheaper than in the morning. However, one cannot help but pay attention to the fact that the water park is not open during the cold season.

In the summer local beaches Youth entertainment events take place at night.

In the vicinity of the village you can see an ancient dolmen, about which many legends and mystical stories have long been circulating.

It is recommended for active travelers to take an excursion to the Colonel's Waterfalls, to the dry ravine, or to the dry ravine. However, the organizers warn that comfortable shoes and sportswear should be taken care of in advance.

From the top of Mount Hedgehog a picturesque panorama of the coast opens. Here, at any time of the year, you can see romantic tourists and photographers hunting for stunning photos overlooking the sunset or sunrise.

In addition, the sights of Dzhubga, photos of which can be found in guidebooks of the region, cannot be imagined without the Museum of Wooden Sculpture, where carvings made from natural materials by local master A. M. Gzhelyaka are collected. The exhibition is called “Whims of the Forest.”

The beautiful legend of Dzhubga

There is a sad legend about the name of the Dzhubga River. In ancient times, a noble Shapsug lived in these parts, who had a beautiful daughter, Dzhubga. The father allowed the girl to walk in the garden only at night, so that no man could see her dazzling beauty. Many wooed her, but her father refused all the suitors. One day a young man snuck into the garden and kidnapped the beauty. The loving couple disappeared into the mountains. But her father tracked them down and killed her husband, and forcibly took Dzhubga away. Heartbroken, the “night beauty” threw herself from a cliff into the river, which began to be called by her name.

According to an old legend, the village of Dzhubga, the sights of which are now known far beyond the borders of the region, arose after a truce between warring Adyghe tribes. In honor of this, a feast was held at which the elder broke a jug for good luck. By his decree, a village named Bzhid (“broken vessel”) appeared in this place.

Dzhubga- resort village in the Gelendzhik region of the Krasnodar Territory; located at the mouth of the river of the same name on the shores of the Black Sea. In the 19th century, the village was one of the centers of Malaya Shapsugia. Among the coastal Shapsugs, the toponym was pronounced as – Zhyubgu. There is no unambiguous interpretation of the translation of this toponym. Some researchers associate the name with the modern Adyghe zhybge, zhybga - “breeze”. It is no less likely that the toponym contains the Adyghe element bgyu - “shore”. Sometimes the second part of this form ubgyu is understood as “wide”. Compare the Kabardian toponymic term “sch1eubgue”, meaning “wide lowland”. The variant “lunar meadow” mentioned in local history literature is not linguistically substantiated. Dubois de Monpere points out that in the wide and convenient valley of this river “there should be one of the burgs, if not the capital, of the country of the Zikhs.” Further, Monperet tries to establish continuity between the Drenecherkess ethnonym Zikhi and its contemporary toponym: “This name (Zega and Alba Zicchia - “White Zikhia”) seems to have found an extension in the name Djuvga (Dzhuvga), which is used along with Diouhoubou (Dzhukhubu)” . However, such an assumption seems very far-fetched.

This dictionary entry tells how you can explain or translate into Russian the origin of the name Dzhubga. This decoding (explanation) of this toponym is given according to the book by A.V. Tverdy "Toponymic Dictionary of the Caucasus".

It is possible, and even certain, that there are typos and inaccuracies caused by both scanning and subsequent processing. There is not enough strength to “catch” them all alone, but you can - I will correct it. Also, due to the fact that this collection of dictionary entries contains books by several authors, different interpretations of the same name are possible - this is normal - the truth is born in a dispute. I would be grateful for the additions, clarifications and other works on toponymy sent


Message from: Spsi Is Hs all us Amen
Spsi Gdi. Amen.

Message from: Wishes Krasnodar region from me
I wish for the Krasnodar region that the ninetieth, fiftieth, twenty-sixth Psalms, the Lord’s Prayer, the Holy Office, the Liturgy and righteousness will always call for the sanctification of generations and the blessing of these places to be the beautiful Russian southern land for salvation in eternity Amen. I wish you regular confession and Holy Communion in the Most Holy Catholic Apostolic Russian Orthodox Church. Amen.

Message from: Blessing wishes to all Krasnodar Krai residents
Holy Council of the Apostles of the Russian Orthodox Church. Amen.


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