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No one knows why one of the most developed Mayan cities, Chichen Itza, was deserted in the twelfth century: the policy of the Spanish conquistadors was aimed at the complete destruction of paganism, providing for the burning of manuscripts and the murder of priests who might have been able to tell something about the mysterious past of their people. So the memory of this amazing city Mexico has reached us only in stones.

Chichen Itza on the map is located in Mexico, 120 km southeast of Merida, the capital of the Yucatan Peninsula, and is currently not only one of the most famous cities of the Mayan period, but also, not without reason, it is considered a new wonder of the world.

Previously, this settlement was called differently - “Uukil-abnal” (“Seven Bushes”). Chichen Itza received its current name a little later, when the fame of the well in which sacrifices were carried out spread throughout the surrounding areas, as a result of which the city was renamed “Well of the Itza Tribe”: “chi” meant “mouth”, “chen” - “well” " and "itsa" - this was the name of one of the Mayan tribes that founded the settlement.

The city of Chichen Itza was quite large at that time: its area was about 10 square meters. km. Despite the fact that only ruins remain of most of the buildings, some structures (mostly of a religious nature) have been preserved well and are of great interest not only to scientists and researchers, but also to many inhabitants of our planet.

Researchers divide the life of this amazing wonder of the world in Mexico into two stages.

Mayan culture period (VI-VII centuries)

Uukil-abnal was founded by representatives of the Mayan tribe, who arrived on the peninsula from the south of the continent, according to one version in the middle of the 5th century, according to another - two centuries later. Since the Mayans were very well versed in astronomy, Chichen Itza was built taking into account the position of various astronomical bodies in the sky, which played an important role in their beliefs and traditions (and for this purpose they even built an observatory in the city).

Residents of the city were considered excellent craftsmen and skilled artists (as evidenced by the found sculptures of gods, various crafts, as well as bas-reliefs with floral and geometric patterns).

Toltec period (X-XI centuries)

In the tenth century, Chichen Itza came under the rule of the Toltecs (one of the tribes of the Uto-Aztecan linguistic group), as a result of which the number of inhabitants increased sharply, presumably to 20-30 thousand people.

The culture of this people could not but influence both the architecture of the city and its religion: the Toltecs practiced frequent human sacrifices, an example of which is the well, at the bottom of which a huge number of human remains were found, mainly men and children.

However, the Toltecs did not stay here long: they left the city after the defeat of their army in 1178. And fourteen years later, Chichen Itza was completely abandoned by the inhabitants, began to collapse, and by the time the Spaniards appeared in Mexico, only ruins remained from it.

Acoustics of Chichen Itza

All buildings in Chichen Itza are located in such a way that they create an amazing acoustic effect, amplifying the sound many times over. This is especially noticeable in the stadium of the ancient Toltecs: if people who were in temples located on opposite sides of the field wanted to talk to each other, they could calmly do so without fear that anyone would hear them (of course, if they were not standing next to )!

This “telephone” effect was discovered by chance and what knowledge should have been possessed local residents To achieve it, scientists are not yet able to explain.

The most remarkable Mayan buildings

All the main buildings of Chichen Itza are located on the largest square, in the center of which the temple of the main deity of the city, Kukulcan, was erected.


The most notable building of Chichen Itza is famous pyramid Kukulkan, the feathered serpent, the supreme god of winds and rains. It was erected on the foundation of an earlier structure. The height of the pyramid is 30 meters, the length of each side is 55 m. Each side of the pyramid is oriented towards one of the cardinal directions.

The pyramid has nine tiers. At the top there is a temple 6 meters high - sacrifices were made on it. You can climb to the temple by one of four staircases, each of which widens upward, creating the optical illusion of a completely flat staircase.

These stairs divide each side of the pyramid in two - thus, the number of tiers on each side is eighteen in total (that is how many months the Mayan calendar year has). Each staircase has 91 steps. Scientists have noticed: if their number is multiplied by the number of stairs and the top floor is added, it turns out 365 - that’s exactly how many days a calendar year has.

This pyramid is notable for the fact that during the spring and autumn equinoxes, the god himself, Kukulkan, crawls along it, thereby showing people a real miracle.

The rays of the sun fall on one of the sides of the Kukulkan temple so that, thanks to the play of light and shadow, seven equilateral triangles appear on it. These figures form the body of a huge snake 37 m long, which, as the sun moves, crawls down the pyramid to its head, located at the base of the stairs. You can watch the movement of this wonder of the world for 3 hours and 22 minutes.

Inside the pyramid, archaeologists found several secret rooms, one of which contained a throne carved from stone in the shape of a jaguar, painted orange (Jaguar Mat).

The eyes and spots of the beast are made of jade, and the claws of the ancient craftsmen were carved from volcanic stone. Here a figure was discovered, which archaeologists later named Chak Mool.

It depicts a man holding a dish with gifts intended for the gods, and is located opposite the door leading to the Temple of the Warriors and, judging by the deciphered records, was a symbol of Chichen Itza.

Temple of Warriors

The Temple of the Warriors is located on the western side of the central square and was built on a low four-tiered pyramid, the base of which was 40 x 40 m. On the walls of the temple you can see images of sacred animals carved from stone, and it is crowned by the figure of the main god of the city, Kukulkan.

Inside the structure there are several spacious halls, and the entrance is decorated with massive columns in the shape of snakes, the heads of which are located below and the tails point to the sky. Behind the snakes are four giants (Atlas), holding a stone altar.


Near the Temple of Warriors you can see a platform with four rows of columns, each of which is three meters long. Each column is decorated with carved images of Indian warriors (because of this, the nearby temple got its name). According to some scientists, in earlier times a reed roof was installed on these pillars, under which the city's bazaar was located.

Karakol Observatory

Chichen Itza had its own observatory - a round building rising on a double stone platform with small windows through which the priests had the opportunity to observe the starry sky. Inside the observatory there is a spiral staircase resembling a shell, which is why the building got its name (“Karakol” means “snail”).

Ball courts

In the ancient city there were about 12 courts intended for playing ball (pot-ta-pok). The largest of them was built no later than 864 AD, was 135 m long, 68 m wide, and the height of its walls was 12 meters (while the rings where the Mayans had to throw the ball were fixed at a level of eight meters).

On each side of the stadium there were four temples, each of which was oriented towards a certain side of the world.

The Indians played with a rubber ball weighing about four kilograms - they could hit it with a stone bat, and touch it with any part of the body except arms and legs. This game was hard, cruel, lasted several hours (the rings were located high enough to be easily hit) and ended with sacrifices: the captain of the losing team was beheaded right in the stadium, sacrificing to the Sun God.

How the entire process of the game took place can be judged by the scenes carved into the bas-reliefs of the stadium (for example, here you can see a beheaded player, near whom his executioner raises his severed head).


Another attraction for which Chichen Itza became famous and in honor of which the city received its name is a natural well about 50 meters deep that was used for sacrifices. You can get to it along a three-hundred-meter paved road, the width of which is ten meters.

The well is amazing in its size:

  • The diameter of the well is 60 meters;
  • Depth - 82 meters;
  • The water begins at a depth of 20 meters from the edge.

This well was sacred: people were thrown into it. Despite the fact that in earlier times it was believed that this fate befell the young beautiful girls, divers, having descended to the bottom, refuted this hypothesis, lifting from the bottom about 50 skeletons, belonging mainly to men and children. Why exactly they were sacrificed - Chichen Itza still reliably keeps this secret.

Kukulkan: the right part of the pyramid has been restored, the left has not been restored Caracol - ancient Observatory

Chichen Itza is a city of the Mayan civilization, well preserved from antiquity, built in accordance with the religious beliefs of this people. We can immediately say that all Mayan cities were built taking into account the positions of the heavenly bodies and stars.

Once upon a time, the city of Chichen Itza was the center of culture of several Indian peoples. Its name is translated as “place at the well of the Itza tribe.” Peoples such as the Mayans, Toltecs, and Itzas left their mark on the city of Chichen Itza.

Now this city in Mexico is the object of the world cultural heritage UNESCO.

Where is Chichen Itza located?

This seventh wonder of the world is located in the north of the Yucatan Peninsula in Mexico. The ancient city of Chichen Itza is 205 kilometers away from famous resort Cancun and 120 kilometers from Merida. Very close to it (1.5 kilometers) is the small town of Piste.

Popularity of the ancient city

Chichen Itza is one of the most popular places in Yucatan and Mexico in general. It is in second place in terms of attendance among ancient cities, ahead of only Teotihuacan ().

It is estimated that the number of tourists who visit this archaeological complex exceeds a million per year. A huge influx was observed here in December 2012, because it was at this time that the Mayan calendar was supposed to end. Many people wanted to spend the end of the world in the archaeological complex of Chichen Itza.

Currently, you can come to Chichen Itza on a 1-day excursion from both Cancun and Merida.

City `s history

The beginning of the city's history dates back to the 6th century AD. Then it was one of largest cities Mayan civilization. South part The ancient city was built in accordance with the traditions of the Mayan people.

In the 10th century, the city was dominated after its capture by the Toltecs, who arrived here from Central Mexico. Subsequently, from about half of the 11th century, Chichen Itza became the capital and center of the Toltec state.

Blood sacrifices began here precisely because of these people. The entire northern part of the city bears witness to their presence. A century later, the city was defeated by a huge army, which included warriors from three states - Uxmal, Mayapan, Itzmal.

Chichen Itza was defeated by the ruler Hunak Keel. Subsequently, the city was deserted and turned into ruins (this is how Europeans discovered it).

Many treasures were stolen by the Spaniards and the manuscripts were destroyed.

Therefore, very little can be said about history, but it is assumed that if not for the actions of Europeans, archaeologists could have discovered many unique finds. Archaeological excavations began in Mexico in 1923, and now about 6 square kilometers the ancient city is on the surface.

Pyramid of Kukulcan in Chichen Itza

The very first structure that stands out is the huge Pyramid of Kukulkan. It is the center of the city of Chichen Itza. In Spanish it is called El Castillo, that is, “the castle.”

The total height of the Kukulkan pyramid is 24 meters. The pyramid has nine tiers, and at the very top there is a temple.

Kukulkan, like any pyramid, has 4 faces, which are directed to the 4 cardinal directions. And on each side there is a wide staircase, which is decorated with snake heads at the bottom.

The path leads to the main northern staircase of the pyramid. To get to the top you must overcome a certain number of steps - there are 91 of them.

What's interesting is that total There are 365 steps on the pyramid, including the upper platform, that is, the exact number of days in a year.

This coincidence suggests that this pyramid may have some relation to the calendar or may have astronomical significance.

At the very top there is a temple where sacrifices were made in ancient times.

As studies have shown, great pyramid was built on top of even more ancient pyramid, into which a hole in the floor of the sanctuary leads.

In the hidden chambers of the Kukulkan pyramid, archaeologists discovered two main antiquities: the “Jaguar Mat” and the figure of Chaak Mool, the god of rain.

  • "Jaguar Mat"- is a stone throne in the shape of a jaguar, the paint on it is fiery red, this is a symbol of the power of the ruler of the city. According to legend, the very first owner of this throne was Quetzalcoatl. The spots on the animal's body and the animal's eyes are made of jade. The fangs are carved from volcanic stone.
  • - made for ritual purposes. On her stomach there is a flat bowl on which the victim's heart was placed for subsequent burning.

The second name of the Kukulkan structure is the Pyramid of the Feathered Serpent (the most correct translation: feathered serpent). Firstly, this pyramid and temple are dedicated to this deity. Secondly, the name is associated with a specific phenomenon.

Light illusion of Kukulcan - the play of shadows on the edges of the pyramid

Every year around the time of the equinox there is an event that attracts people to Mexico. At 3 o'clock in the afternoon, the pyramid is illuminated so that the stairs cast a shadow - a series of triangles, which together resemble a snake's tail.

As the star moves in the sky, the triangles fade out one by one, thus creating the feeling that it is the tail of a huge snake, 37 meters long, moving down.

Now this phenomenon can be seen not only on certain days, there is a light show every evening.

Kukulkan: the right part of the pyramid has been restored, the left has not been restored

Find out more about the Pyramid of Kukulkan on our website -

Temples of the ancient city of Chichen Itza

The Temple of the Warriors and the Temple of the Jaguars are important buildings in the city of Chichen Itza. Both stand on small pyramids with 4 steps. Both have many paintings.

Temple of Warriors

The Temple of the Warriors is located on the western side of the Kikulkan Pyramid. It has four platforms, and on three sides around it you can see rows of three-meter stone columns. They are called the "Group of a Thousand Columns".

The pillars are skillfully carved from stone, and represent Toltec warriors, as if standing in formation. Once upon a time they supported the roof.

On the south side of the temple there is a small building called “Market”.

The upper sanctuary also once had a roof, but now it is gone, and at the top there are two “snakes” that guarded the passage to the temple.

On the platform there is also a statue of a man in a reclining position. This is Chaak Mool - the god of rain.

The Temple of the Jaguar has two sanctuaries: an upper and a lower one. At the top, the elite watched the game on the field.

At the entrance to the lower sanctuary you can see the figure of a jaguar, thanks to which the temple received its name.

Another structure is called the Temple or tomb of the great priest. During Mayan times it played an important role.

Externally, the structure is similar to other temples with pyramids. But its difference is that inside there is a passage to a cave underground. Ancient burials of noble people were discovered there.

The second name of this structure is Osuari, in other words a crypt.

Other attractions

In addition to the temples, the city of Chichen Itza has other interesting places.

The Sacred Cenote is a huge well. Its diameter is approximately 60 meters, and the depth of the well is 50 meters. There is water in it, from the edge to its surface about 20 meters.

The well served as the place where young girls were thrown for sacrifice. Therefore, the second name of this object is the Well of Death.

Ball fields

On the territory of the archaeological complex there are 9 ball fields. This game was somewhat similar to modern basketball, only it was played with a heavy rubber ball, which could only be hit with the hip. Instead of ordinary baskets, stone rings are attached to the walls.

The sites found are quite large, the largest is located in the northern part of the complex. Its dimensions are: length - 160 meters, width - 70. The entire field is surrounded by eight-meter walls, they depict scenes of torment of losing players and many skulls.

Karakol Tower - ancient Observatory

Another ancient building- Karakol. This is a tower on two platforms, it was used for observing celestial astronomical objects. It is often called the Observatory.

Karakol - Ancient Observatory

Chichen Itza undoubtedly contains remarkable ruins that hardly anyone has ever seen before.

The most important treasures of the most famous and most magnificent of the Mayan cities await their explorers: Indian pyramids, palaces, an observatory, a ball court and others most interesting monuments architecture generously offers Chichen Itza to the inquisitive visitor. The ancient city is incredibly popular among tourists as a world cultural heritage site and as one of the new wonders of the world.


The city was named Chichen Itza, which literally means “At the Well (of the Itza Tribe). The name “Itza” was given to the Mayan tribe, who found a life-giving cenote in 455 and built a city next to it. In 692, the Indians, for a reason unknown to us, left the city, which was beautiful and majestic, and there was always plenty of drinking water here. From the end of the 7th century, the darkness of oblivion fell like a heavy blanket over Chichen Itza, and the buildings and temples that grew up around the cenote Stolok began to fall into disrepair. But in the 11th century, the Toltecs came to the city from central Mexico - Chichen Itza found a new lease of life, becoming the capital of the Toltec state. The noisy wars “bleded” the city, the Toltecs had already lost their power in these unfriendly places, and the 14th century brought a bitter taste of decline to the streets of Chichen Itza. The city was depopulated majestic buildings, shrouded only in the noise of the nearby jungle, ceased to resist the crushing pressure of time, and the Spanish conquerors found only ruins here.

Chichen Itza emerged from its long sleep only in 1843, when it was rediscovered for human history by the American John Stevens.

The most popular architectural monuments of Chichen Itza

Pyramid of Kukulcan

El Castillo or the Pyramid of Kukulcan was undoubtedly the heart of the Mayan and Toltec capital. This structure with a square base has nine steps. Four staircases bordered by a balustrade lead to its top, which begin on the first floor in the form of a slightly raised, beautifully executed snake head and continue its path like a snake body to the upper floor. Each staircase consists of 91 steps, and if the number of steps is multiplied by the number of stairs, the result is 364 steps and the 365th step at the top of the pyramid symbolizes the last day of the past year. At the top there is a temple, the entrance to which, decorated with columns in the form of snake bodies, is located on the north side. On the days when the equinox arrives, you can see a stunning spectacle: the play of light and shadow on the balustrade of the main staircase creates the impression of a giant snake crawling from the top of the pyramid - this is the appearance of Kukulkan, the feathered serpent.

Temple of Warriors

About the Temple of Warriors modern world I found out only in 1925, when a French Mayaitologist cut off a century-old layer of clay from a four-level pyramid with a base of forty by forty meters. In front of the temple there is a platform with a dozen rows of three-meter columns, decorated with a frieze depicting a Toltec warrior in parade. Here the military leaders ended their earthly journey, in whose honor this temple was erected. At the top of the temple there is a large stone sculpture, the symbol of Chichen Itza - the reclining god Chac-Mool.


With the new rulers of the city - the Toltecs - new Mexican gods and new orders came to Chichen Itza. The monument to the “feathered serpent” is not at all Mayan, and what it was originally called is unknown; the Spaniards called it “Caracol”, which means “snail”. The building is located half a kilometer from the majestic Pyramid of Kukulkan and is already striking from afar. This is a structure with a circular horizontal projection, and in Mexico only the sanctuaries of the “feathered serpent” have a cylindrical shape. Later, the building was surrounded by a terrace, a second floor, also round in shape, but smaller in size, was erected and four square holes were made in its walls. Holes made in the walls were designed according to the trajectory of celestial bodies and allowed ancient astronomers to study astronomical phenomena, monitor the movement of the sun and the equinoxes. The rear opening allowed ancient astrologers to observe the autumn and spring equinoxes; the sun on September 21 and March 21 stood opposite the astrologer's eyes. One way or another, Caracol turned into a real observatory of the Indians, and the Mayans managed to remain faithful to the thirst for knowledge of the universe and connected Caracol not only with formidable gods, but also with the calendar.

Venus platform

Together with the Toltecs, Venus entered the pantheon of gods of Chichen Itza. The monument dedicated to this goddess, called the Platform of Venus, is decorated with the most terrifying faces of the “Morning Star”. A low, square-shaped pyramid framed with four sides wide stairs, crowned with a platform, and it was here that the ruthless Toltec priests made human sacrifices to the gods. True, in the month of Shul, which was the sixth month in the Mayan calendar, cheerful festivities took place on this site, and theatrical performances dedicated to Kukulkan were given.

Cenote Shtolok

In the summer, residents of the Mayan capital, tormented by the heat, quenched their thirst here, at a natural reservoir in a karst fissure, dedicated to the god Shtolok. Cenotes have always played an important role in Mayan religion, but this well was a simple urban water storage, and in its wall there is a hewn staircase along which women once descended to the dark water to fill their clay vessels with life-giving moisture.

Well of Death or Sacred Cenote

The diameter of this well is 60 meters and this place has a frightening modern people history: priests threw young girls into this well to a depth of fifty meters, sacrificing them to the Mexican gods.


The building has elements of a distinct Puuk style: the huge, magnificent façade of the building is decorated with a three-part entablature. There is only one entrance to the building - a small doorway, which is practically invisible under the weight of the triple entablature. The main theme of the rich façade is the nosed Chuck masks, between which you can see the figures of an armadillo, a crab, a turtle and a sea mollusk in a large shell.

Temple of Skulls, Tzompantli

The “Wall of Skulls” is a reflection of the cruel Mexican cult, which demanded human sacrifices during religious rites. This is a kind of “warehouse of the dead”, the walls of which depict terrifying reliefs arranged in three rows above each other, which depict hundreds of skulls impaled on poles. The blood of human victims undoubtedly once flowed along the stairs of Tsompatli, and it is “decorated” by images of warriors carrying the severed heads of enemies in their hands.

Ball field

This field is equal to a modern stadium, its width is 68 meters, and its length is about 166 meters. The field is surrounded by twelve-meter walls. On the side walls of this grandiose playground fixed at an eight-meter height, richly decorated rings. The field is the largest in Mesoamerica, and at the site, guides always demonstrate to tourists the excellent acoustics of this place.

Helpful information

The archaeological zone is open from 8 am to 5 pm. Unfortunately, in Chichen Itza it is forbidden to climb the pyramids, enter the temples and touch the ancient stones; you are only allowed to admire the amazing architecture of the Mayan city. Admission ticket entrance to the complex costs 204 pesos, that is, 59 pesos is the cost of the ticket itself, but 145 pesos is paid as a tax imposed on visiting the ruins.

Near Chichen Itza there is Piste - locality where souvenirs are sold, cafes and restaurants, as well as hotels have been built. But mostly tourists rent rooms in Piste from local residents.

You can get to Chichen Itza from the city of Valladolid by minibus or from the ADO bus station by bus. For a bus you will need to pay 26 pesos, and for a minibus 25 pesos. You can also get to the attraction from Merida by bus, and a ticket will cost 125 pesos. But it’s best to go to Chichen Itza with excursion group, from tour operators the excursion costs about $120.

Ancient city of Chichen Itza- Mayan heritage; most ancient city on the Yucatan Peninsula. Located 120 km from the regional capital - the city of Merida, and 205 km from popular resort Cancun. Probably everyone who has ever been to Mexico wanted to see the remains of this ancient settlement, which is ranked among the new wonders of the world. Chichen Itza is included in the version of our site.

This is a special place where the Mayan Indians once lived and worshiped their gods. For unknown reasons, they were forced to leave the city, which later became the prey of conquerors: first the Toltecs, and then the Spaniards. In the Mayan language, the sonorous name of the settlement was translated as “The mouth of the well of the Itza tribe.” It is no coincidence that the word “well” appears in this phrase, because 13 cenotes, so-called natural wells, were dug on the territory of the city.

By the way, one of these wells, the “Sacred Cenote,” served for sacrifices to the God of Water. On the territory of the deserted settlement, the famous Temple of Kukulkan, with which much symbolism is associated, has also been preserved. This is a pyramidal structure, on top of which stands a temple for sacrifices. Visitors are prohibited from going up to the temple. There are 4 wide staircases leading up, each of which consists of 91 steps.

If you multiply the number of stairs by the number of steps and add one to the resulting number, you get the number 365, that is, exactly the number of days in a year. In addition, every year on the days of the spring and autumn equinox, an unforgettable show takes place on the stairs of the pyramid. At about 3 p.m., the sun illuminates the main staircase so that shadows appear in the form of triangles, folding into the tail of a snake. Because of this, Kukulcan is sometimes called the Pyramid of the Feathered Serpent. In the evenings in Chichen Itza you can see the same artificially created light show.

Many tourists linger on the huge court, created for brutal ball games. The ancient Mayan ball was so heavy that it could only be hit with the thigh. Well, as expected, every game ended with a sacrifice. According to chronology, the city was founded perhaps in the 7th century AD. as a religious center for a Mexican tribe. Today, the remains of the buildings are conventionally divided into two parts: old and new. The most significant buildings are located in the new central part. At the entrance to the complex there are souvenir shops and cafes.

The most convenient way to get to the ruins is by bus from Merida or Cancun. You can also drive to Chichen Itza with a rental car. The route runs along both a toll (shorter) and free road.


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