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"Wonders of Baikal"

Absentee trip to Lake Baikal

1 word Hello guys! Today we will start our lesson with a riddle:

2 words His family is ancient in nature,

People call it the lake,

The waves of the sea splash in it,

What should we call it?

3 words Of course, Baikal. This is the deepest, the purest, the most ancient, mysterious, enigmatic, beautiful lake all over the planet. The lake is located 60 km from Irkutsk.

Have you ever been to Lake Baikal? Share your impressions.

4 words Let's remember (Watch video)

Everyone says that our lake is the most wonderful in the world. And what wonders does Baikal conceal? The book “The Amazing Journey of a Siberian across Lake Baikal” will help us learn about these wonders.

So, we open the book... And before us is a riddle:

And what is it?

So blue

Cold as ice

Transparent like glass?

Maybe this is the sky

Caught on the pine trees

Rolled over the rocks

And glass on the ground? (p. 13)

5 words First miracle - age of Baikal (p. 12-13)

How old do you think Baikal is? Let's remember what Baikal is called in legends and songs? (father, elder). Indeed, this is one of the oldest lakes on the planet.

About 20-25 million years ago there was a strong earthquake that broke the earth. Everything around shook and rumbled, collapsed, moved apart, fell through or was squeezed up. As a result, a crevasse was formed, and rainfall and rivers quickly filled it with water. From the numerous streams, the animals that lived in them rolled into this abyss - proto-fish, living small fry...

Despite such a significant age (25 million years), Baikal is young.

Why do you think?

Baikal is young, because it grows, its banks diverge at a rate of 2 cm per year. That is why earthquakes are frequent there - evidence that Earth's crust moves. Scientists note up to 2,000 earthquakes every year.

6 words Another miracle - dimensions of Baikal:

7 words Average depth ~ 730 m.

Deepest depression ~1637 m.

Width - from 21 to 80 km

Length - 636 km

The entire country of Belgium or the African country of Lesotho would fit on the area of ​​Baikal.

8 words Third miracle - transparency and purity of water.

While sailing on a boat, you can see a pebble at a depth of 30-40 meters.

How do experts determine water transparency? Do not know? The miracle book will tell us (p. 17 - using a white disk)

Tell me, why do we need water? pure water?

Listen to the Sibiryachka's tale about how the Bator Mountains wanted to drink the cup of Baikal.

(p. 18)

9 words . -And now I suggest you solve another riddle:

Prowls across the field,

Sings and whistles

Breaks trees

It raises dust.

Rushing to the village

There's a knock on the window

The gate opens

Nobody will catch him.

Can you hear him

Don't you see him? (wind)

10 words

Is there wind on Baikal?

How many types of wind do you think there are on the entire known lake?

There are many of them - and this toomiracle !

It turns out that the Baikal winds are so famous that each of them has its own name. (p.28-29)

Barguzin is glorified in legends and songs, has a cool character;

Angara brings cold and precipitation;

Verkhovik - powerful, long, dry wind

Mountain - falls from the mountains, gusty

Sarma is the strongest and most terrible wind of Lake Baikal

Shelonnik - warm;

Breezes-onshore winds;

Frolikha-north wind.

There are also stormy winds on Lake Baikal.

11 words But notmiracle Is it the fact that so many rivers flow into Baikal that it’s impossible to remember them all?336.

The largest tributary is the Selenga. Kichera, Barguzin, Snezhnaya, Tyya, Anga...

But only one comes out!


12 words Of course, Angara. Flowing from Lake Baikal, it maintains the purity and transparency of the water. Probably many of you know the legend about the Angara. Let's remember her.

We keep talking and talking about Baikal, but what do you think this name means?

“Baikal” is a rich lake (Buryat)

What is it rich in?

13 words Of course, by its inhabitants. Its flora and fauna are incredibly diverse.

14 words It is home to 1,550 species of animals, 1,085 species of plant organisms and algae. Of many endemics.This is the 6th miracle .

Do you know what this word means? (these are species characteristic only of this lake)

The most ancient inhabitants are sponges, many mollusks, worms, gobies, and crustaceans.

There are 52 species of fish in the lake.

Golomyanka - the mystery of Baikal (p. 68-69) - translucent, 40% consists of fat, melts in the sun, at a temperature of +12º - dies, they are called invisible.

Let's check how well you know the inhabitants of Baikal.(15-18 lines)

2) Among the Baikal fish

He is a proven giant

He has a river brother

Lives in the bottom part,

But he doesn't get into the network.

It is included in the list of rare fish,

Saved from destruction...


1)Laid eggs in the sand

Rivers mountain corner

The red tail bent in an arc.

You kids raise it yourself,

Your huge mother has no time for you.

There are no faster fish in Baikal,

More patient and wiser.

On the hunt all day long

Ancient fish...

Walks in the lake, walks along the bays,


With a soft pink tint.

Epishura, golomyanka, amphipod

Grateful for food and fame.

Stroganina is good!

The splitting is good!

The soul enjoys!



3. What kind of small fish is this?

Smaller than your mitten

Pale pink, tender

When it's cold, you need water.

And in the sun the fish melts,

Fish oil is running out.

What kind of foreign fish is this?

This is a fish...


What other Baikal fish do you know? (whitefish, pike, catfish, grayling)

Pike (p.76)

19 words And here's another onemiracle of miracles: Mammal, seal, Baikal seal (p.82-85)

Quiz - seals(20-31 lines)

Yes, guys, our Baikal is unique, inimitable and rich, but more and more often people began to violate the laws of nature and harm the flora and fauna of the sacred lake.

What needs to be done to protect the nature of Lake Baikal?

32 words (Reserves, wildlife sanctuaries, and national parks are being created where they do not cut down forests, do not pollute water and air, do not hunt, do not burn grass. Flowers, insects, birds, and animals are studied there)


33 words Barguzinsky Reserve (sable, deer, musk deer)

34 words .Baikal Nature Reserve (taiga deer)

35 words Baikal-Lensky (coast of brown bears)

36 pages 3 reserves:

Source of the Angara



37 words. National parks:

Zabaikalsky (protection of seals)

Pribaikalsky (red deer)

We must understand that we have only one Baikal. He has no price. And it is in our power to preserve this miracle of miracles, so that after many, many years our children can admire this beauty.

At home, draw posters or make emblems, badges, mini-books in defense of Lake Baikal for exhibition in the library.

38 lyrics. Song about protecting nature (S. Fokina. “Let's save nature”)

39 words. Protect the environment!

40. next. References :

1. The amazing journey of a Siberian across Lake Baikal. Little Siberian Encyclopedia / comp. S.N. Aslamova, art. design by A.M. Muravyov. Irkutsk: editorial office. “Sibiryachok”, 2002.-96 p.

2.g. “Sibiryachok”, 2005, No. 1, p.20

41 words Avdokhina Inna Sergeevna, librarian of Municipal Budgetary Educational Institution “Secondary School No. 12”,



  • introduce you to Lake Baikal, to the unusual and mysterious phenomena of the life of the lake, to the only river flowing from Lake Baikal. Angara and rivers flowing into Baikal, with inhabitants (seal and fish);
  • teach to understand beauty, cultivate an ecological culture, a sense of responsibility for the fate of the lake, and a humane attitude towards animals;



Extracurricular event "Baikal - the pearl of Siberia"


  • introduce Lake Baikal, the unusual and mysterious phenomena of the life of the lake, the only river flowing from Lake Baikal - the Angara and the rivers flowing into Baikal, with its inhabitants (seal and fish);
  • teach to understand beauty, cultivate an ecological culture, a sense of responsibility for the fate of the lake, and a humane attitude towards animals;


  • geographical map of Lake Baikal;
  • toy - boat, audio recording of the sound of waves;
  • student work;
  • exhibition of books about Baikal

Progress of the lesson

Dear guys, today we are going on a trip by ship.

(Children sit on a carpet around a geographical map of Lake Baikal.)

Working with the map: To begin with, let's look at geographical map. On the map, Baikal has the shape of a young moon. This is how it is seen from space. The lake is located in Russia, on the territory of the Irkutsk region and the Buryat Republic. Today, the Republic of Buryatia is located on the southeastern and northern shores of Lake Baikal. The Irkutsk region occupies its western part.

Teacher: The waves of the sacred sea and the mountains bordering its shores adorn the state emblem of the Republic of Buryatia. At the top of the coat of arms there is a golden soyombo (sun, moon and hearth) - a symbol of eternity. The lower part of the coat of arms is framed by a blue “khadag” ribbon - a sign of hospitality, cordiality and goodwill of the Baikal land.

Student: Baikal is the most deep lake in the world, this is the planet's well with clean drinking water. If all sources of drinking water on earth suddenly disappeared and only Lake Baikal remained, then all people globe, using its water, they could live for almost half a century.


Baikal! I miss you,

I often see you in my dreams.

I want to drink your water

And run along the wave.

Easily touching the crest of a wave,

Rush across and along.

I believe in fairy tales - like Greene's

You have your own Assol.

Student: Why is Baikal called Baikal? Where did this name come from in the Russian language?

Teacher: All the peoples who inhabited the shores of Baikal - Buryats, Kyrgyz, Mongols, Evenks, Russians - called the lake in their own way. They probably translated this name from some other language. But from which one? Scientists suggest that the name of the lake was given by Turkic-speaking peoples - the Kurykans. Baikal is a Turkic word from baykul, which means rich lake.


Baikal is called Baikul, Baigul and Beihai:

He has been given many Mysterious names.

But we always recognize it on the world map,

We’ll look at the silhouette and say: “That’s him!”

In traditions and legends, Baikal is a stern old man.

And he is actually a perky, young man.

It's not without reason that he's noisy, impetuous, cheerful -

After all, it is filled with life, and not with simple water!

Tsydemzhap Zhimbiev

Student: Baikal is amazing and beautiful. He is unique in everything. This is not only the deepest lake in the world (1736 m), but one of the oldest (25 million years old) and at the same time young. Many scientists consider Baikal to be an emerging ocean. Look, Baikal is surrounded on all sides by mountains and highlands, sometimes they approach the water itself, sometimes they move 10-20 km away from the shores.

Working with the map:

The Primorsky Ridge stretches along the western shore of the southern part of Lake Baikal. Further to the north it gives way to the Baikal ridge. The Barguzinsky ridge stretches from the northeastern tip of Lake Baikal, the Ulan-Burgas ridge stretches along the eastern shore, and the Ikatsky ridge to the north of it. Along the eastern shore is the Khamar-Daban mountain range.

Teacher: Who knows what the only river flows from Baikal?

Children: Angara.

Pupil: The Angara originates in the southwestern part of Baikal, cutting through the low Primorsky ridge. The total length of the Angara is 1826 km. The Angara has a fast current and clear water. It freezes late and opens early.


Angara River,

The waters are clean,

The islands along it are all wooded,

The islands along it are all covered in currants,

There is no more beautiful country than my homeland.

Scarlet dawns are burning above you,

Angara River is the daughter of Baikalov.

M. Trofimov

Working with the map: Look, you can see a huge rock not far away!

Teacher: I'll tell you an old legend about how this rock came to be here.

In the old days, mighty Baikal was cheerful and kind. He deeply loved his only daughter Angara. There was no more beautiful woman on earth.

During the day it is bright - brighter than the sky, at night - darker than a cloud. And no matter who drove past the Angara, everyone admired it, everyone praised it. Even migratory birds - geese, swans, cranes - descended low, but the Angaras rarely landed on the water. They said: “Is it possible to blacken something light?”

Old man Baikal took care of his daughter more than his heart.

One day, when Baikal fell asleep, Angara rushed to run to her lover, the handsome Yenisei.

The father woke up and splashed his waves angrily. A terrible storm arose, the mountains began to weep, forests fell, the sky turned black from grief, animals scattered in fear all over the earth, fish dived to the very bottom, birds flew away to the sun. Only the wind howled and the lake-hero raged. The mighty Baikal hit the gray mountain, broke off a rock from it and threw it after the fleeing daughter.

The rock fell on the very throat of the beauty. Blue-eyed Angara begged, gasping and sobbing, and began to ask: “Father, I’m dying of thirst, forgive me and give me at least one drop of water...”

Baikal shouted angrily: “I can only give you my tears!”

For hundreds of years, the Angara has been flowing like water into the Yenisei, and gray, lonely Baikal has become gloomy and scary. People called the rock that Baikal threw after his daughter the Shaman Stone. Rich sacrifices were made there to Baikal. People said: “Baikal will be angry, it will tear off the Shaman’s stone, the water will gush and flood the whole earth.”

Only it was a long time ago, now people are brave and are not afraid of Lake Baikal...

Working with the map: There are about 30 rocky islands on Baikal. Most small island called Modota. Olkhon is the most big island. Locals They call him Oikhon. Translated from Buryat, this word sounds like “little forest” or “a little wooded.”

Olkhon Island is the heart of Baikal. It is located in the middle of Lake Baikal and even in its shape resembles the outlines of Lake Baikal. The island is 72 km long and 15 km wide. Near the island is the deepest part of Baikal (1637 m).

Olkhon Island is one of the most beautiful places on Baikal.

Pupil: Yes, Baikal can be different - harsh and inhospitable, when stormy winds carry cold and large amounts of precipitation in the form of rain and snow, calm and majestic, when in calm weather the sun plays in the Baikal wave.

Student: Baikal is beautiful at any time of the year, especially in summer. Summer on Baikal - best time when the water heats up; and the hills are raging with colorful flowers, when fish play generously near the shore to the cries of seagulls, and at every step along the road you encounter either raspberries or honeysuckle. Summer on Baikal is joy! We are glad that we live in such a wonderful place!

Teacher: What a wonderful day today! Everything around is flooded with sunlight. Clouds slowly float across the blue sky.


Get up! Feet shoulder-width apart, arms down. Inhale - exhale, inhale - exhale, inhale - exhale. As you inhale, slowly raise your arms up, gradually “stretching” your entire body, starting with your fingers, then stretch with your wrists, elbows, shoulders, chest, lower back and legs, but without tension and without lifting your heels from the floor, with your fingertips, reach for the sun .

An audio recording of the sound of waves sounds.

Teacher: Baikal is unique; it is not for nothing that Siberians call it not a lake, but a sea.

Working with the map:

What large rivers flow into Baikal? (Selenga, Upper Angara, Barguzin, Turka, Snezhnaya.) Well done!

336 rivers flow into Baikal, but only one flows out - the Angara.

What river flows in our area? (Khilok). Khilok flows into the Chikoy River, and Chikoy into the Selenga. And Selenga? To Lake Baikal. This means that our small rivers carry their waters into a huge lake. Therefore, they should not be clogged.

Teacher: Baikal is home to about 2,635 species of animals and plants, 2/3 of which are endemic and not found anywhere in the world.

Pupil: Guys, I want to ask you a riddle:

Neither a fish nor a whale.

Who is she - go and find out!

He catches fish and is silent.

Did you guess it?

This is... (nerpa).

Student: The seal lives in the waters of Lake Baikal. The seal is closest to the terrestrial predators of the bear family, but is adapted to water. The seal belongs to the order of pinnipeds. And she is named so because her forelimbs have transformed into flippers, which serve her for movement. The seal's tail is short and there are no ears at all. In mid-March, a seal calf, a squirrel, is born on the ice in a snowy lair. The squirrel is 60-80 cm long and weighs 3-3.5 kg, its fur is white. The cub is so white that only two large black eyes stand out against the background of snow. The seal feeds on fish that it catches in the water. A seal can stay under water for 20-25 minutes. In calm weather, the seal swims around Lake Baikal and sleeps with its muzzle out of the water and its flippers spread to the sides. In winter, the seal does not come to the surface of the ice; it breathes through a hole that it makes in the thin ice. The Baikal seal is listed in the Red Book.

Teacher: Answer the questions:

How many eyes does a seal have? How many front flippers? Do seals have ears? What kind of tail does she have? What is a baby seal called? Where does the seal winter? What does the seal eat? Is the seal listed in the Red Book?

Well done! You answered all the questions correctly.

Seals are trainable. They obey the trainer, for which they receive a treat - a long-winged bull. They know how to breakdance, sing funny and blow their mustaches noisily.

Pupil: Baikal is rich in fish; currently there are 54 species of fish in the lake. The Red Book of Buryatia includes fish - Baikal sturgeon, taimen, white Baikal grayling, tench. In addition to them, Baikal is inhabited by omul, whitefish, black Baikal grayling, sorog, ide, crucian carp, pike, perch, burbot and others. Catfish, Amur carp and bream were artificially bred. Golomyanka is a unique fish that is found only on Lake Baikal. Golomyanka is the most numerous fish in Lake Baikal.

Large Herring Gulls are the noisiest neighbors of seals on rocky shores. The inhabitants of forests near the shores of Lake Baikal are brown bears, wapiti, squirrels, chipmunks, ground squirrels, marmots, foxes, wolves, hares.

Teacher: In the twentieth century, sacred Baikal suffered a fate: to become a martyr lake. Baikal got more than enough from pulp and paper enterprises, from air emissions from the industry of the Angara region, densely planted like carrots in a garden bed, from “logging plans” and forest fires, from the toxic slurry brought by the Selenga, from chemical fertilizers flowing from the fields, from the neighborhood with BAM and from human indifference. In order to preserve the beauty and purity of the lake, first of all it is necessary to completely stop dumping any wastewater into it, which, with the modern development of science and technology, is a completely solvable task.

How you want to be sure that in a hundred or two hundred years a person, approaching Baikal, will freeze, contemplating the pristine beauty of its pure depths; and in a hundred and two hundred years, Siberia will remain Siberia - a populated, well-maintained and protected region, and not a torn apart lunar landscape with the remains of petrified trees. The younger generation must take over from their ancestors the call: the holy land is indestructible!

What can you and I do to preserve Baikal?

Those present are divided into teams and offer their solutions for saving unique lake(slogans, posters - warnings, sketches of garbage cans and trash cans in recreation areas of city residents on the shores of Lake Baikal). Protecting your projects. Summing up.


Baikal is the eighth wonder of the world,

They always say that about him.

Baikal is beautiful in winter and summer,

And every single day in a row.

In winter it is covered with thick ice,

He appeared to us in a different form,

When spring suddenly came to us.

Baikal has a different character:

Now he gets angry, now he coos,

Now there is calm, now there is a storm,

Oh, how wonderful

What is he in this world!

And the rivers in our Baikal are deep

They will not stop flowing quickly.

Come on guys, let's get together

Take care of our handsome man!

Leading: In order to preserve the beauty and purity of the lake, it is first of all necessary to completely stop dumping any wastewater into it, which, with the modern development of science and technology, is a completely solvable task.

Show presentation


In order to develop an ecological culture and a sense of responsibility for the fate of Lake Baikal, the teacher holds a drawing and essay competition on the topic “Baikal needs to protect children!”

Lake Baikal Day in 2017 is celebrated on September 3 (the first Sunday in September). For this date, specialists from the Irkutsk Regional Children's Library named after Mark Sergeev have prepared various interesting events for children: environmental educational hours with a demonstration of photos and videos about Lake Baikal, an environmental quiz “The Kingdom of Glorious Baikal”, a literary trip “News from the Shores of Baikal” with a display of fragments domestic films. In addition, book exhibitions “Baikal Mysterious and Many-Faced” and “Baikal – the Pearl of Siberia” have been launched.

On September 6, an ecological educational hour “Baikal - a miracle of nature” was held in the library’s reading room, which was attended by second-grade students of the Orthodox Women’s Gymnasium in the city of Irkutsk.

The event opened with an expressive reading of a poem about Lake Baikal by Mark Sergeev, “What is this?” Showing slides with picturesque views lake, the librarian told the audience what makes it unique, emphasized that Baikal is the record holder among all the lakes on the planet, brought Interesting Facts and numbers.

Having examined the geographical location of Lake Baikal on the map, the schoolgirls looked with interest at the slides about the endemics of the lake, its flora and fauna, and reinforced these concepts with examples. With great attention, the children listened to the legend about the old man Baikal, his daughter Angara, the young man Yenisei and the Shaman Stone, and then played, vying with each other to answer riddles about the fish of the lake.

The children were also told about the problem of the disappearance of many rare species animal and flora Baikal region, about the importance of caring for nature. Young readers were keenly interested in the causes of environmental disasters and discussed options for solving some problems for the protection of Lake Baikal and the environment.

At the end of the event, the children shared their impressions of trips to Lake Baikal, where they were able to see birds and representatives of the lake’s fauna in natural conditions: gulls, eagles, seals, crustaceans and others. The children were once again reminded of the need to preserve this unique monument nature, about the importance of caring for Lake Baikal, especially while on vacation on the shores of the lake.

After the event, schoolgirls were able to get acquainted with the thematic book exhibition displayed in the reading room.

For reference:
In 1996, Baikal was included in the List of objects World Heritage UNESCO. Baikal is translated from Turkic as “rich lake”. This is the deepest lake in the world. Its average depth is about 730 meters. The greatest known depth of Lake Baikal is 1637 meters.

The teacher gives the students a task in advance - to read books about Baikal.

Teacher. Baikal is a unique phenomenon on our planet. Its fauna represents almost all the main types of freshwater animals in the world. This is a gigantic, unique natural laboratory and speciation center that is attracting increasing interest not only from specialists, but also from nature lovers. Baikal is also remarkable because it is the largest storage facility and factory for clean fresh water. And finally, Baikal is one of the oldest lakes in the world.

During the quiz, the teacher asks questions and gives several answer options. The student who knows the answer to the question raises his hand and answers, receiving a certain number of points. Each question has its own value: the more difficult the question, the more points you can earn.

Quiz questions:

1. What does the word “Baikal” mean? (10 points.)
— Rich lake;
— Blue Lake;
- Deep lake.
“Baikal” is a word of Turkic origin, meaning a rich lake.

2. Which lake is Baikal’s twin? (7 points.)
— Ladoga;
- Tanganyika;
- Victoria.
After Lake Baikal, Tanganyika is the second deepest lake on Earth.

3. What is the age of Lake Baikal? (5 points.)
- 500 thousand years;
- a million years;
- 25 million years.
According to geological studies, 20 - 25 million years is the time that has passed since the beginning of the filling of the Baikal basin with water.

4. How many chemical elements are contained in Baikal water? (5 points.)
— more than 40 elements;
— 155 elements;
— 12 elements.
An exact count has not yet been carried out, but more than 40 elements are known. Probably, Baikal water contains almost all the elements of Mendeleev’s periodic table, only many of them in very small quantities.

5. How many species of animals do you think live in Baikal at present? (7 points.)
— 100 types;
— 1550 species;
— 5000 species.
The fauna of Baikal is unusually rich: according to scientists, over 1,550 species of animals currently live in Baikal.

6. Are there pearl mussels in Baikal? (5 points.)
- Yes;
- No.
Pearl mussels are marine and freshwater bivalves whose mantle can produce pearls. Such pearl mussels do not live in Baikal: they are common in the temperate climate zone.

7. Name the most ancient inhabitants of Baikal? (3 points.)
- oligochaetes;
- sponges;
- gastropods.
These simple multicellular animal organisms are found in fossil form in sedimentary rocks. Throughout their long history, they have undergone almost no changes.

8. At what depths is there life in Baikal? (3 points.)
- at the bottom;
- on a surface;
- everywhere.
From the very surface to the maximum depths and even in the thickness of bottom sediments in the most deep depressions A variety of aquatic organisms live, including fish.

9. When does Lake Baikal freeze? (3 points.)
- early autumn;
- December;
- never.
On average, the freezing of Lake Baikal begins on December 21 and ends on January 16, that is, it takes about a month to completely freeze. However, there are large fluctuations in the timing of freezing of Lake Baikal from year to year.

16. Are there corals in Baikal? (7 points.)
- Yes;
- No.
Corals, or coral polyps, live only in warm, salty waters. Coral polyps can build their structures - coral reefs - only in tropical waters.

Summing up the quiz.

Teacher. Baikal is unique in its natural features. The popularity of the lake has long crossed the borders of our country. You can talk about it and talk about it, study and learn about it. This quiz is just a small part of this knowledge.

Galaziy G.I. Baikal in questions and answers. – Irkutsk: East Siberian Publishing House, 1984.

Scenario Glorious Sea - sacred Baikal

Everyone knows about Lake Baikal. And it is this lake that our script for children is dedicated to. preparatory group and their parents. An interesting scenario with tasks about Lake Baikal and nature.

Program content:

Continue to introduce children to Lake Baikal with its inhabitants, give some historical knowledge about Lake Baikal; Expand words knowledge; cultivate a caring attitude towards natural heritage Siberia.

Educational: Consolidate knowledge about the native land and its attractions Lake Baikal; continue to introduce the diversity of our native nature; to form the idea of ​​children that man is part of nature and that he must preserve and protect it; familiarization with new musical material “Song about the lake of our region” - listening.

Educational: Develop the ability to establish simple cause-and-effect relationships and make generalizations; arouse interest in knowledge of flora and fauna native land; develop aesthetic perception, creative imagination, the ability to work together, assist each other in making a collage; develop logical thinking and speech of children through explanation and justification of their answer.

Educational: To cultivate love for your Motherland, for your Siberian region; develop a reverent attitude and pride in one’s small homeland; develop the ability to work in a group.

Vocabulary work: Shaman-stone, Siberians, collage
Material: Illustrations and photographs about Baikal (plant and animal world); video about Baikal; recording of the song “Glorious Sea - Sacred Baikal”; whatman paper, glue, cut out drawings; napkins; brushes; jug with Baikal water.

Preliminary work: View the presentation "Baikal"; acquaintance with the legends of Lake Baikal; memorizing poems about Baikal with children, learning games,
Presenter, Baikal, Angara, children

Progress of entertainment(while I’m reading the legend, a slide of the Angara, Baikal, Yenisei, Shaman Stone is shown on the screen)
The song “Glorious Sea - Sacred Baikal” sounds

Educator: Baikal is stern and majestic. He keeps many secrets and mysteries. Not everyone opens them. You need to be well acquainted with him, have a clear head and a pure heart for him to reveal his secrets. And this lake is also the dearest and most beautiful for us Siberians. In the old days, mighty Baikal was cheerful and kind. He deeply loved his only daughter Angara.
There was no more beautiful woman on earth.
During the day it is light - brighter than the sky, at night it is dark - darker than a cloud. And no matter who drove past the Angara, everyone admired it, everyone praised it. Even migratory birds - geese, swans, and cranes - descended low, but rarely landed on the water. They spoke:
- Is it possible to blacken something light?
Old man Baikal took care of his daughter more than his heart. One day, when Baikal fell asleep, Angara rushed to run to the young man Yenisei.
The father woke up and splashed his waves angrily. A fierce storm arose, the mountains began to weep, forests fell, the sky turned black from grief, animals scattered in fear throughout the earth, fish dived to the very bottom, birds flew away to the sun. Only the wind howled and the heroic sea raged.
The mighty Baikal hit the gray mountain, broke off a rock from it and threw it after the fleeing daughter.
The rock fell right on the beauty's throat. The blue-eyed Angara begged, gasping and sobbing, and began to ask:
- Father, I’m dying of thirst, forgive me and give me at least one drop of water...
Baikal shouted angrily:
- I can only give you my tears!..
For hundreds of years, the Angara has been flowing into the Yenisei like tear-water, and gray-haired and lonely Baikal has become gloomy and scary. The rock that he threw after his daughter was called the Shaman's Stone. Rich sacrifices were made there to Baikal. People said: “Baikal will be angry, it will tear off the Shaman’s stone, the water will rush in and flood the whole earth.”
Only it was a long time ago, now people are brave and are not afraid of Lake Baikal... Educator: The Angara River - the waters are clean,
The islands along it are all wooded,
The islands along it are all covered in currants,
there is nothing more beautiful than my Motherland.
Scarlet dawns are burning above you,
The Angara River is Baikalov’s daughter!

Music is playing. Angara enters. He walks through the hall, shows himself, his beauty.

Angara: I am the queen of sparkling waters,
I am the beauty of the wild land;
My waters rush forward,
Swiftly to the north, shining proudly.
Between the hills and rocky cliffs,
Sometimes shining, sometimes darkening menacingly,
I'm rushing from where Baikal beats,
To the wide wave of the Yenisei.

Alarming music sounds, Baikal enters.

Baikal: I am the gray-haired old man Baikal,
I saw you right away
If you came with goodness,
We found friends here.
If you want to offend the water,
You won't be able to see its beauty.
Why did you come to us?

Children: Congratulations! Congratulations!

Educator: And now Father Baikal, listen to our poems. (Children read poetry)

1 .There are so many lakes in the world,
Baikal is the most beautiful of all of them!
The water is clean and your wind is fresh.
There is a whisper of centuries-old pines... (Elya)

2 . What kind of beauty has Siberia hidden?
She gave us a fresh lake!
Glorious Baikal - it is huge, like the sea,
How much is hidden in the vast expanse! (Sasha Sh)
Baikal: I also know a lot about you. And today, with my daughter Angara, we invited you to visit us
Angara: We have prepared many interesting and difficult tasks for you. If you complete them all, then prove that you are real Siberians. But first you need to warm up.

Mass dance "Opanki"

Baikal: And so off we go!
1st task.
Educator: Guys, look at the screen, there are 4 different lakes, one of them is Baikal, let's find it among the others. “Find Lake Baikal among other lakes along the contour” (several contours are offered on the screen. I call the children.

Educator: The guys did a great job with the first task. Task 2 Guys! Baikal gave us its pebble! Let's play a game with him. We will pass it around and say any word about Baikal.
The game “Chain of Words” (with a pebble) is played.
Children, standing in a circle, pass a pebble from hand to hand and name a word that refers to Baikal - omul, cedar, pine, golomyanka, taiga, seal, Angara, taimen, wild rosemary, etc.

Educator: Well done, they played great. Now let's take a little rest.


Task 3.
Educator: Guys, do you know your region well? So here's the next task. Baikal has prepared questions for you and we will now play a mini-quiz. Your task is to answer the questions. To do this, we need to divide into two teams. (At this time, Baikal and Angara take turns handing out tokens to the children for correct answers)
1.What is the name of the river that flows from Lake Baikal? (Angara).
2.What edible berries grow on Baikal? (Lingonberries, blueberries, blueberries, raspberries, strawberries, cloudberries, honeysuckle, cranberries, stone fruits.)
3.What poisonous mushrooms do you know? (Fly agaric, pale toadstool, false honey fungus.) old is Baikal? (35 million)

5.What does the word “Baikal” mean? (Rich Lake)

6.Name the main mineral resource of the lake (water)

7. . What large mammals are found in Baikal? (Seal)

8. At what depths is there life in Baikal? (everywhere)

Educator: Dear Baikal, the guys know ditties about you, do you want to listen?

Baikal: Of course, I’ll be happy to listen with my daughter Angara.

1. We live on Olkhon (Everyone)
We chew dried biscuits and gingerbread.
And ditties about Baikal
We will sing for you now.
2. We live on Lake Baikal (Sema)
We sing songs together.
Join us in a circle
And sing ditties.
3. They invited me to visit you beyond Baikal, (Olesya.)
It’s a shame I didn’t go!
Now it would be far
Transbaikal bride..
4. We are swimming in Lake Baikal. (Elya.)
Here we drink holy water.
We will always be healthy -
We will bring joy to people.

Teacher: Task 4 Well done boys.
There are no less beautiful and amazing plants on Baikal. Nowhere on Earth are there such beautiful birds and animals as on Baikal. Birds surprise us with their singing, animals with their majesty, now we will remember them. Now pictures of plants and animals will appear on the screen, and your task is to recognize and name them. (An image appears on the screen with a fish unfamiliar to the children, the teacher introduces the children to it.)

Presentation on the screen of plants, birds and animals of Lake Baikal (background music)

Educator: Well done, you know the flora and fauna of Lake Baikal well.

An outdoor game related to animals or plants

Teacher: Task 5 Guys, I’ll read you a poem now and you listen to it carefully and then answer me a few questions.

I love Russian nature.
I want to save it from everyone
Her creations are wonderful
Givers of success.

My friends, comrades,
I want to tell you:
"Let's become friends
Protect nature!
Let's not litter anymore. Always keep an eye on her.
And she will be grateful
Our mother earth!
And we will punish
Such pests...
Protect nature
We will teach them.
And she will be magnificent
Bloom, smell.
Our Russian nature
The age will prosper.

Educator: Did you guys like the poem? (children’s answers) What does it say? (children’s answers)

And now we will remember the rules of behavior in nature. Let’s play a game with you, the game is called “yes-no.” I read the questions to you, if you agree with me, then clap your hands, if not, stomp your feet. (I invite the children to stand up)

Educator: Guys, why and why do you think it is necessary to protect nature? Who needs nature? (children's answers) Let's give a beautiful song to Baikal and Angara, called “Colorful Planet”.

Song "Colorful Planet"

Educator: Well, now you have definitely proven that you are real Siberians.
(children come out and recite poems)

1 child: Nikita B.
What is this, so blue?
Cold as ice, transparent as glass?
Perhaps the sky is caught in the pine trees,
Did glass roll over the rocks and onto the ground?
2nd child: Vlad
And what is this, so golden,
Shiny like a mirror, blinding your eyes?
Perhaps this sun went to sleep under the rocks,
Does it lie tiredly, closing its eyes?
3rd child: Pauline.
And what is it, not at peace all the time,
Perhaps it was a cloud stuck among the rocks?
And this is not a cloud, and this is not the sky,
And this is not the sun, but Lake Baikal! (all together)

Baikal: Yes, you have pleased me with your knowledge, I see that you love and know your native land.

Educator: Yes, children love and respect the nature of their native land, they are friends with animals, birds and insects.

Dance "Friendship"

Educator: Task 6 And we at Baikal won’t just let you go empty-handed, we will prepare a gift for you. Guys, let's make a collage for Baikal. I have a Sheet on it depicting Lake Baikal forest, but something is missing here. What do you think? (children's answers) I invite the children to make a collage.

Educator: Baikal, look at the gift we gave you.

Angara: And you, father, haven’t forgotten anything? How can you send such good kids home without gifts?
Baikal: Oh yes, I completely forgot! And as a farewell gift, I give all the guys my clean Baikal water. Drink it, it is very tasty and healthy.

Angara brings out a transparent jug with clean Baikal water. Baikal and Angara treat children with water. Children try Baikal water and say thank you.

Baikal: And now it's time to say goodbye.
Return to your waters,
You love your planet!
And do good only on it!

The song sounds "Glorious Sea - Sacred Baikal"
Baikal and Angara say goodbye and leave


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