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Atlas, mountains - Mountain chain all in. zap. Africa, in present-day Barbary, was known in ancient times under the same name, but is still very little explored at the present time. A. stretches for approximately 2300 km in a direction from W.S.W. to E.N.E. through… … Encyclopedic Dictionary F.A. Brockhaus and I.A. Ephron

ATLAS (Atlas Mountains)- ATLAS (Atlas Mountains), in northwest Africa, within Morocco, Algeria and Tunisia. Length about 2000 km. Consists of the Tel Atlas, High Atlas, Middle Atlas, Saharan Atlas ranges, internal plateaus (High Plateaus, Moroccan Meseta) and... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

ATLAS Modern encyclopedia

ATLAS- (Atlas Mountains) in northwest Africa, within Morocco, Algeria and Tunisia. Length approx. 2000 km. Consists of hr. Tel Atlas, High Atlas, Wed. Atlas, Saharan Atlas, inland plateaus (High Plateaus, Moroccan Meseta) and plains. Height up to 4165... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

Atlas- (Atlas Mountains), in northwest Africa (Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia). Length about 2000 km. height up to 4165 m (Mount Toubkal). Consists of ridges (Tel Atlas, High Atlas, Middle Atlas, Saharan Atlas), an internal plateau (High Plateau, Moroccan ... Illustrated Encyclopedic Dictionary

Atlas- mountain range in the north. zap. Africa, in present-day Barbary, was known in ancient times under the same name, but is still very little explored. A. stretches for approximately 230 km. in a direction from the WSW. on ENE. via Morocco,... ... Encyclopedia of Brockhaus and Efron

Atlas of Canada- (English Atlas of Canada) Internet atlas, which is published by the Ministry of Natural Resources Canada (English Natural Resources Canada) and contains information about each locality Canada. Initially, the atlas was published in print... ... Wikipedia

Atlas- I. ATLAS a; m. [German] Atlas from Greek. Atlas (Atlantos)]. what and with def. 1. Collection of geographical, astronomical, etc. kart. A. peace. A. highways. Geographic a. Zvezdny a. ● According to the image of the mythological titan Atlas on the first... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

MOUNTAINS- 1. in Greek mythology ora, in Greek mythology, the goddess of nature and the seasons. There were usually three of them, and they represented spring, summer and winter. They were depicted as young and beautiful maidens, accompanied by nymphs and graces (charites). According to… … Collier's Encyclopedia


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  • My first illustrated geographical atlas. A unique atlas with bright illustrations briefly, accessible and understandable for children tells about the Earth, its continents, flora and fauna, weather and time. Looking at him, the child...
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Map showing the location of the Atlas Mountains in northern Africa (in red)
Coordinates: 31.061667 , -7.915833  /  (G) (O)
highest peak
Category on Wikimedia Commons

Coordinates: 31°03′42″ n. w. 7°54′57″ W d. /  31.061667° s. w. 7.915833° W d.(G) (O) (I)31.061667 , -7.915833

Atlas Mountains(Arabic: جبال الأطلس ‎‎; the name comes from the Greek. Ἄτλας - named after the Greek Atlas) is a large mountain system in northwest Africa, stretching from the Atlantic coast of Morocco through Algeria to the coast of Tunisia; later the entire mountain system from Cape Cotey (modern Cape Spartel near Tangier) to Sirtes (Little Sirtes). The length of the ridges is 2,400 km. The highest point is Mount Toubkal (4,167 m), located in the southwest of Morocco.

History of the Jewish Community

In the Middle Ages and in modern times

According to Arabic literary sources, some Berber tribes living in the Atlas Mountains adhered to Judaism.

Their conversion to Islam probably occurred in the 9th century. The Almohads failed to subdue the Jewish-Berber tribes of the Atlas, and many Jews took refuge among them.

Large numbers of Jews in the Central Atlas and Sousse Valley were converted, often by force, to Islam in the 16th century.

By the 19th century the Jewish communities of Atlas on the Atlantic coast completely disappeared.

in the 20th century

In 1948, there were about ten thousand Jews in the Moroccan part of the Atlas, living mainly in special Jewish quarters - mellah. About half of them were engaged in small trade and crafts, some in agriculture. Most Jews were illiterate.

Repatriation to Israel

A number of Jewish settlements were so isolated from the outside world by mountains that their existence was not suspected until the 1950s, when a massive massacre began.

The Atlas Mountains in Africa are home to some of the continent's rarest plants and animals, and one of the few places on the planet where snowy ridges are surrounded by hot, arid desert. In antiquity, these were the mysterious western lands, where, according to myths, the Titan lived, supporting the firmament. Where are the Atlas Mountains? Why are they interesting?

Northernmost peaks

The Atlas Mountains are a range of several ridges located between the Mediterranean Sea and the world's largest desert, the Sahara. It extends 2092 kilometers in length and almost 1020 kilometers in width, covering an area of ​​776 thousand km2.

The Atlas Mountains are located in the extreme northwest of the African continent. They occupy the territory of several countries at once and stretch from the Atlantic coast of Morocco through Algeria to east coasts Tunisia. Conventionally, they are divided into four regions:

  • High Atlas.
  • Tell-Atlas.
  • Middle Atlas.
  • Saharan Atlas.

The height of the mountains often reaches 2-4 thousand meters above sea level. Between their ridges there are numerous internal plateaus and plains. Mountains act as a natural barrier to air masses and participate in shaping the climate not only of Africa, but also of Europe. They protect Eurasia from the destructive influence of the Sahara, but at the same time contribute to the formation of deserts, preventing moist air from the seas from penetrating deep into the continent.

Legend of the Titan

The edge of the world - this is how the ancient Greeks imagined the area where the Atlas Mountains are located. This was the land of the stern African king Atlas (Atlas), brother of the titan Prometheus, who for centuries held the entire vault of heaven on his strong shoulders.

According to legend, the titan was predicted that the son of Zeus would deceive him. The talk was about Hercules, but Atlas did not know about this and, fearing to be made a fool, refused hospitality to Perseus. Then the embittered hero took out the severed head of the Gorgon and turned the mighty titan into huge mountain ranges.

High Atlas

The mountains and ridges of this region stretch for 700 kilometers in length. They are located on the territory of Morocco - from Cape Gir to the border with Algeria. The High Atlas consists of limestone ridges and plateaus, separated by relief depressions and deep valleys formed due to erosion.

Many large rivers begin here, which do not dry out even in the hot season, flowing into the seas in the north. Watercourses flowing in a southern and eastern direction are less intense and are subject to greater evaporation. Some of them end in desert areas and appear only during the rainy seasons. In the central part of the ranges there are high mountain plains, as well as deep picturesque canyons and gorges carved by rivers.

In the western part of the Atlas there is the most high point all mountain system and Morocco - the top of Jebel Toubkal. It reaches 4165 meters and in winter time covered with a thick layer of snow. The mountain is popular place for training climbers, as well as a ski center in Africa.

Middle Atlas

In the central part of Morocco stretches the Middle Atlas. It consists of numerous limestone peaks up to three thousand meters high, which in the west turn into a plateau of mesas with a maximum height of 1000 meters. Even further to the west, the coastal plains begin, on which the big cities- Fes, Casablanca, Rabat.

The largest Moroccan rivers flow in the Middle Atlas, most of which flow into Atlantic Ocean. They are real sources of life - river water is used to irrigate crops, and in their valleys there are numerous settlements of mountain peoples. At altitudes above 1300 meters there are many closed lakes, or agelmams. The most famous of them are Aziza, Abahan, Sidi Ali.

Tell Atlas

The Tell Atlas ridge seems to continue the Middle Atlas and runs along the Mediterranean coast from the east of Morocco to Tunisia itself. It stretches 1,500 kilometers in length and reaches approximately 100 kilometers in width.

At the foot of its ridges are the largest Algerian cities with a population of more than 300 thousand inhabitants. Among them are the capital of the country - Algeria, as well as the cities of Oran, Constantine, Annaba. In the mountains near the sea coast there is the most deep cave in Africa - Anu Ifflis, or “hyena cave”. It goes 1170 meters deep, and the entrance to it is located at an altitude of more than 2000 meters above sea level.

Saharan Atlas

This ridge is located in Morocco and Tunisia. It runs almost parallel to the Tell Atlas Mountains. They are separated from each other by a vast plateau, which, in fact, is the valley of the Sheliff River and other tiny rivers. During rainy periods, water accumulates here, forming many small salt lakes.

The Cheliffe is Algeria's longest watercourse - from the Saharan Atlas Mountains to Mediterranean Sea it stretches for 720 kilometers. Most of the other rivers within the ridge appear only during periods of heavy rainfall; in other periods they quickly disappear, leaving behind only dry wadi beds.

Climate and natural areas

The Atlas Mountains have very different natural conditions. On both sides they are sandwiched between sea waters and the world's largest desert, which shape their climate. The southern slopes are represented by hot tropics with little precipitation and high temperatures. From the Sahara, hot, suffocating sirocco winds often blow, as well as destructive dust storms.

In the interior, a dry continental climate with hot summers and cold winters has developed. In high mountain areas, snow lingers for 4-5 months a year. The main plants here are semi-empty and steppe species, such as grasses and low-growing shrubs.

Where the Atlas Mountains are close to the sea, the climate is Mediterranean. The northern slopes receive more than 1000 mm of precipitation per year, are characterized by warm winters and relatively cool summer, especially on the Atlantic coast. Low shrubs, mixed and even evergreen forests are common here.

There are not too many natural landscapes left in the mountains. The region has been used for agriculture perhaps since before the Common Era, and its primary vegetation has been greatly modified. In past centuries, forests occupied almost a third of the Atlas, but today their places are occupied by semi-deserts and agricultural lands. Locals Grapes, citrus fruits, olives, figs, apricots, date palms and cereals are grown on the slopes of the ridges. Areas covered with grasses and shrubs are used as pastures.

Flora and fauna

In the Atlas Mountains it is as if two different worlds. The local nature has both African and typically European features. In the northern regions there are maples, cork and Lusitanian oaks, Lebanese cedars, and laurels. At altitudes of 1300 meters, local endemics are found - Atlas cedars, and at altitudes of 1800 meters, Numidian firs grow, which are found only in Algeria.

An interesting feature of the Atlas is the complete absence of beech, which is so abundant in European landscapes. But here there is a different juniper, Barbary thuja, Aleppo pine and holm oak.

The mountains are home to a large number of lizards, snakes, insects and small rodents such as hares, mice and hyraxes. Within their borders live jackals, panthers, cheetahs, mongooses, caracals, wild boars, and ferrets. Migratory birds often stop in areas of oases rich in diverse vegetation and moisture.

In the past, the Atlas Mountains were the only place in Africa where they lived brown bears. Today, along with the large Barbary lions, they are considered extinct. A rare and valuable species for the continent are Maghreb macaques, or magots. These are the only macaques on the planet that do not live in Asia. Rare and vulnerable animals of this mountainous country also include maned sheep and mouflons.

Peoples of Atlas

The main population of the Atlas Mountains are the ancient North African Berber peoples. These include a large number of ethnic groups (Amatsirg, Shillu, Kabyle, Shauya, etc.) with different ways of life. In the Middle Ages, the Berbers were influenced by Muslims, thanks to whom many of them converted to Islam. This state of affairs continues today, but some tribes still adhere to traditional beliefs.

On the southern ridges of Morocco live the semi-nomadic Shillu. During the rainy seasons they engage in agriculture, and during dry periods they roam with herds of sheep and other domestic animals.

The Zayan tribes live in the center of the Middle Atlas and own their own ancestral lands. Due to the harsh climate, they are forced to migrate twice a year to areas with milder conditions, but then return back.

In the Ores Mountains in Algeria live the Shawi people, who are engaged in agriculture and cattle breeding. Tribes in southern parts The countries lead a semi-nomadic lifestyle that is highly dependent on local weather conditions. Like other Berbers, the Shawiyas are Muslims, but at the same time they practice pagan magical cults along with Islam.

In addition to them, settled Kabyle tribes live in Algeria, who are actively fighting for their political rights, as well as the preservation of culture and language. Their main occupation is gardening and agriculture, but many representatives of the people work as statesmen, traders, etc. The Kabyles inhabit mainly the northern regions of the country. They live close to the tops of the mountains, with vineyards, groves of figs and olive trees around their houses.


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