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The main attractions of the Principality of Monaco are concentrated in historical center principalities in the Monaco-Ville region ( Old town): Prince's Palace, Cathedral Monaco, Oceanographic Museum. You can spend the whole day here and still feel like you didn’t have enough time to enjoy the beauty of these attractions.

To have time to explore interesting places in all areas, check out brief description sights of Monaco, study the map with the sights of the Principality of Monaco. If you plan to spend very little time in the principality, look at photos of Monaco sights, choose the most interesting ones for you and go get to know this beautiful country!

Princely Palace

In the medieval district of Monaco-Ville is the residence of the ruling Grimaldi dynasty - the Prince's Palace.

On the palace square, visitors are greeted by the figure of a monk - a monument to the first of the Grimaldi family, and the majestic staircase in the main courtyard, witness to all the most important ceremonies of the principality, invites them to enter the Princely Palace. Opens from the palace square scenic view to the principality.

It is best to arrive at the palace square at 11:55. It is at this time that every day the guard of honor of the Carabinieri of the Prince of Monaco's Guard changes, and tourists gather here to see this fascinating solemn spectacle.

The Prince's Palace is a melting pot architectural styles, since over the course of many centuries the ruling princes changed and improved appearance palace at his own request.

Frescoes depicting various mythological scenes decorate the walls of the gallery of the Prince's Palace (Gallery of Hercules, or Italian Gallery). The history of the principality is presented in the frescoes on the left side of the chapel, and on the facade you can see the image of Saint Virgin, the patroness of the Principality of Monaco.

The interior of the Princely Palace is also open to curious tourists, but photography is prohibited here.

The cathedral in Monaco was built in 1875 on the site of a 13th-century church that was destroyed during the French Revolution. The cathedral is located on a hill, as if it monitors everything that happens in the Principality of Monaco.

Step inside the cathedral to pay tribute to the buried princes of Monaco and admire the masterpieces of the artist Louis Breat that decorate the walls of the cathedral.

If you come to Monaco during the summer, you may be lucky enough to attend the International Organ Festival, which is held at the Monaco Cathedral.

The enchanting sounds of the organ can be heard every Sunday, on church holidays and on Monegasque National Day (November 19).

For more than a hundred years, Monaco has been operating, which also includes the Institute of Oceanography of Paris. The initiator of the founding of the museum was Prince Albert I, who was fond of sailing (a monument was erected to him in Monaco - a prince with a steering wheel in his hands).

When you come to the museum, also pay attention to the building itself. Prince Albert I wanted the museum's architecture to reflect its purpose, as it is a palace dedicated to art and science.

The Oceanographic Museum is built on a rock and seems as if it emerged from the depths of the seas. The museum is truly so majestic that it becomes clear why it is also called the Temple of the Sea.

Head down to the lower level of the museum, where models of sea and ocean life are kept. The 90 aquariums located here also house a variety of fish and coral species, and rock-cut aquariums have become habitats sea ​​urchins, crabs, octopuses and other representatives of the underwater kingdom.

Be sure to visit the Shark Lagoon, which is home to more than 2,000 species of exotic fish and, of course, sharks. To change your mind about the feared predators of the deep sea, take the risk of petting sharks.

Even if after such an experiment you fail to learn to love sharks, you will no longer be able to be indifferent to the seas and oceans.

Perhaps Monaco is the only country in the world whose attractions include a casino.

This building in Monte Carlo has become a symbol of Monaco. Since 1865, when the casino was opened, millionaires from all over the world have come here to try their luck.

You can just come to the casino and “cheer” on the active players. By the way, unlike the well-known rule that states that a casino should have neither clocks nor windows, the Monte Carlo casino has both, and the profits from the casino are an important part of the income of the principality.

If you win a million or two in the casino, do not rush to buy a house in the principality and become a citizen of Monaco, because only foreigners are allowed to gamble in Monte Carlo.

If you are still afraid to cross the threshold of gambling establishments, admire the architectural masterpiece of Charles Garnier from afar, take a walk in the square near the Monte Carlo casino and walk along the beautiful terraces.

Want to enrich your stay in Monaco with a cultural event? Go to the Monte Carlo Opera. The hall has a capacity of 500 seats, but you need to worry about tickets in advance.

Architect Charles Garnier designed a copy of the Grand Opera in Paris in Monte Carlo in the 19th century. The entrance to the opera hall through the casino is one of the differences from opera halls in the world.

Another feature of the Monte Carlo Opera is the presence of windows in the hall. Before the performance starts, you can admire the beautiful view of the sea.

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The most interesting and main attractions of Monaco: photos and descriptions, location. What to see in the Principality of Monaco in 1 day.

The oldest part of Monaco is Monaco-Ville. This place is located main cathedral Principality (also one of the most important attractions of the Principality of Monaco) - the Cathedral, built of white stone in 1875, the architecture of which is made in the neo-Romanesque style. In the interior of the cathedral you can enjoy authentic masterpieces of painting by Louis Brea. The cathedral is also the venue for festive and ritual events of the ruling family.

The princely palace, which was built on the site of a Genoese fortress dating back to 1215, is located on the top of a cliff. This palace is the residence of the ruling dynasty - the Grimaldi. Adjacent to the palace is a magnificent square where the changing of the guard of honor takes place. Next door is an open-air theater (in the Fort Antoine fortress).

We are moving to City Hall Square. The chapel of “Divine Mercy” (1865) is located on it. Inside the chapel there is a wooden statue of Christ.

Another popular place among tourists is the Gardens of St. Martin, which will be pleasant to stroll at any time of the year.

Museum lovers also have a place to go. To the most interesting museums include the Museum of Old Monaco, the Wax Museum, the Historical Archives of the Prince's Palace, and located on the shore Mediterranean Sea Oceanographic Museum.

Monte Carlo

Few people in the world do not know about this magnificent city, the European capital of gambling, where the luxury of the casino dazzles those many who come to this city to test their fortune. This city is home to the oldest casino in Europe - the Casino Monte Carlo. The current building was built in 1910. The atrium of the building is lined with white marble and decorated with 28 onyx columns. The internal layout of the casino is a gallery of halls, decorated in various styles - the American Games hall, the European hall, the White hall, the Renaissance-style hall, the Salon of Graces and two VIP halls. The casino also has an Opera House (Granier Hall) and a Cabaret.

When visiting Monte Carlo, pay attention to the Church of St. Charles (1883), richly decorated with stained glass windows.

One of the most beautiful natural oases is the Japanese Garden, whose area exceeds 7,000 square meters. Be sure to visit it, because staying in this place will take you to Japan with all its features. One more thing.

The port of Monaco is located here. The main attraction of the area is the Church of St. Devota (patron of the principality), which was built back in the 11th century. If you find yourself here on January 26, you will witness the annual ceremony - the burning of a model of the ship that sank off the coast of Malta and on which Devota was on board.

If you have time, visit the Museum of Prehistoric Anthropology.


An area that was created by human hands by draining part of the sea area. Here are the Commercial Center with the Museum of Antique Cars of Prince Rainier III, the Rose Garden of Princess Grace (wife of Rainier III), Landscape Park, Maritime Museum and the Prince Louis II Stadium.

Telling you about sights of Monaco We couldn’t convey to you the whole majestic atmosphere of this beautiful country, because no one can feel it except you yourself.

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The Principality of Monaco is one of the smallest states in the world, located in the south of Europe, on the shores of the Mediterranean Sea, near the border of France and Italy. The territory of Monaco consists of the merged city-districts of Monaco, Monte Carlo, La Condamine and Fontvieille.

Monaco is on an elevated seashore, formed by limestone mountains that represent the southern extension of the Maritime Alps. Cape Monaco is rocky and protrudes far into the sea, La Condamine is a small open bay. The surface relief is hilly, rugged, rocky.

Sights of Monaco

1. Port of Fontvieille

The Port of Fontvieille is a haven for the very rich and famous, a true showcase of yacht building achievements. Here you can see the yacht of Bill Gates and Roman Abramovich, Sylvester Stallone and Richard Gere. The Port of Fontvieille can accommodate approximately 275 vessels of various sizes. Fifty years ago, on the site of the port there was an ordinary piece of sand; Porte de Fontvieille began to be built in 1966 and now this place has an amazing view of the picturesque marina in the cliffs of Monaco.

2. St. Nicholas Cathedral (Monaco St Nicholas Cathedral)

Each Catholic country has its own national cathedral, in Monaco, this is St. Nicholas Cathedral. The cathedral is named after the first catholic church 13th century, which was destroyed in the 19th century. The cathedral is the tomb for representatives of the family of the Prince of Monaco.

3. Oceanographic Museum

The Oceanographic Museum is housed in a Baroque building overlooking the Mediterranean Sea. The museum in Monaco was opened in 1910 by Prince Albert. The great oceanographer and popularizer of marine science Jacques-Yves Cousteau was director of the museum from 1957 to 1988. The museum celebrated its centenary in March 2010, after extensive renovation work. The Oceanographic Museum has a rich collection of marine life such as sharks, turtles and shellfish, as well as ship models and skeletons of sea animals. The aquarium in the basement of the Oceanographic Museum is home to 4,000 various types fish The Oceanographic Museum is a real landmark of Monaco.

4. Larvotto Beach

Larvotto beach in Monaco is the most popular beach and this is despite the fact that the beach is more pebbly than sandy and you will need to wear shoes when walking along it. The beach is just a few minutes' walk from Monte Carlo Avenue. The beach is famous for its perfect cleanliness and order; there are many restaurants and bars near the beach.

5. Botanical Garden (Jardin Exotique)

This botanical garden, built and planted on the side of a cliff, houses more than 1,000 succulents, an incredible collection of Latin American and African cacti, giant cacti and aloes, some plants over 100 years old. On the territory of the garden there is a deep grotto where excursions are organized. The garden is great place to take a panoramic photo of Monaco overlooking the harbor. The Botanical Garden is a wonderful natural attraction of Monaco.

6. Monaco Grand Prix

The Monaco Grand Prix is ​​one of the most prestigious automobile races in the world. All racers in the world consider it an honor to win this Grand Prix, since in Monaco the track is laid right along the narrow streets of the city and has many sharp turns. This race is one of the most demanding in Formula 1 for drivers. This Grand Prix has been held in Formula 1 since 1955. The Monaco Grand Prix is ​​Monaco's main sporting attraction.

7. Monte Carlo Harbor

Monte Carlo Harbor is the ideal base for exploring all that Monaco has to offer. It is in this harbor that the yacht belonging to the Prince of Monaco and others stands richest people planets. The port can accommodate up to 500 ships in this picturesque location. Travelers can relax on the waterfront where there are many open-air cafes and restaurants, and where they can enjoy beautiful scenery and luxury yachts in a glamorous setting.

8. Monaco-Ville

Monaco-Ville is the real medieval heart of the city, as well as one of the administrative districts. It is believed that it was here that the Greeks created their colony in the 6th century and that the Principality of Monaco was founded from here. It is in this area that the Oceanographic Museum and St. Nicholas Cathedral, the Prince's Palace and the Martin Gardens are located.

9. Monte Carlo Casino

The Casino of Monte Carlo was created in the 19th century to save the Grimaldi family from bankruptcy. This plan worked and the Monte Carlo casino is now world famous, here you can spin roulette, play baccarat, craps and slot machines, even James Bond tried his hand here. The casino has a dress code and foreign visitors must show identification.

10. K Prince's Palace of Monaco

The Prince's Palace of Monaco is the official residence of the country's rulers, the Grimaldi family, currently headed by Prince Albert II, son of Grace Kelly and Prince Rainier. The history of the palace has been written since the 12th century, when a fortress was founded on this site. The palace is open to the public every year from June to October. Once inside, travelers will find a courtyard made of 3 million pebbles that form a geometric pattern. Every day at 11:55 am, in front of the palace, tourists can watch the changing of the guard ceremony performed by the “Carabiniers”.

Video about Monaco bus tour

The territory of Monaco is so small that in one day you can see all the main attractions and even have time to fall in love with this strange piece of land sandwiched between French villages.

People have settled in a sheltered bay on the sunny coast since time immemorial. However, the history of the Principality of Monaco is connected with the reign of the Grimaldi dynasty. It all started in the 13th century, when the resourceful ancestor of the current prince, disguised as a monk, tricked his way into a Genoese fortress that was considered impregnable.

Since then, the power in the country has not changed - only members of this family remain on the throne. If one day the branch of the Grimaldi family is interrupted, the territory of the principality will go to France. Therefore, it is not surprising that many world celebrities who have settled in this tax paradise are looking forward to Prince Albert’s young wife, former swimming champion Charlene Wittstock, giving birth to an heir.

But let’s not waste any more time on gossip about the princely family, but let’s begin our mini-trip. A train departing from Nice, passing a small village on the Mediterranean coast, dives into a tunnel and finds itself at a giant station flooded with golden light.

Having left the station building, you realize that in a couple of minutes you have been transported from the rural outback to the center of a city built up with skyscrapers.

First of all, you should go to the one standing on a high hill royal palace. The reigning dynasty kindly allows guests into part of their chambers and even provides audio guides in different languages. But you can’t take pictures inside, so you’ll have to go and look at the luxurious suite of rooms yourself, which remembers several generations of the Grimaldi family.

Try to finish the tour before 11.55 am - at this time, every day, year after year, the changing of the guard ceremony takes place in front of the palace.

The next item on the program is the Oceanographic Museum. You can walk to it from the palace along small street with probably a hundred souvenir shops. At the entrance we are greeted by a strange sculpture.

On several floors of the museum there is a gigantic collection of stuffed animals and skeletons of sea creatures. For several decades, since 1951, the meeting was headed by Jacques-Yves Cousteau. After his expeditions, new exhibits always appeared in the halls. Most people are usually interested in an aquarium located in the basement with living inhabitants of the depths.

Don't forget to go up to the roof: there you will find an inexpensive restaurant, a children's playground and, most importantly,... unique look for most of the principality.

We go down to the foot of the hill and find ourselves at the port. The most luxurious yachts in the world stop in this spacious bay. If you look closely, you can see huge swimming pools and Jacuzzis on their decks, and in the holds opened by the vain owners there is a whole fleet of a dozen luxury cars.

Near the port there is sacred place For any Formula 1 fan: the race track in Monaco runs through the streets of the city, and therefore, during free time from competitions, the most ordinary cars cross the starting line.

Bypassing the port you will arrive in Monte Carlo. Yes, this is not the name of a country, and not the name of a city, as some people think, but just the name of one area, known primarily for the oldest casino in Europe. Even if you are not interested in gambling, be sure to go inside and admire the luxurious interiors.

By the way, if you cross this wonderful green park located opposite the casino, you will find yourself at the Monaco tourism office (if you don’t know, it’s a little difficult to find it the first time). There you can buy tickets for a sightseeing bus, and generally get a lot of useful information.

Not everyone in Monaco drives a Lamborghini or a Maserati; there is also regular city transport in this city-state. But if you only have one day, you don’t want to waste time and figure out routes. For tourists, a hop-on hop-off excursion bus, making 12 stops in the most interesting places of the principality, is an ideal option.

For lovers of the East, it is better not to linger long in this park, but to walk a little forward so that in about 10 minutes you will find yourself in the Japanese Garden.

In the city center among skyscrapers, the last thing you would expect is to see a small piece of Japan.

Just a few hours - and you already have a great sense of direction and seem to have seen everything in this country? This is not entirely true! Ahead of you " deep dive": thorough research of the best gastronomic restaurants, testing nightclubs, shopping, relaxing on the beach. Looks like it's worth getting a room in one of the local hotels and stay here for a week or two!

Monaco is a tiny state where people are used to living luxuriously. Only wealthy tourists go there, because even a cup of coffee costs 50 US dollars. The sights of Monaco are scattered throughout the country, each deserves attention. It is important to know that significant cultural monuments are located quite far from each other. Knowing in advance what to see in Monaco will make it easier for you to organize your trip.

What to see first in Monaco?

First of all, I would like to present you with a rating of the sights of Monaco that you need to see first of all. A trip to this country cannot but be memorable, because it is literally overflowing with historical and cultural monuments.

1. Museum of Old Monaco

Main entrance to the Museum of Old Monaco

As the name suggests, this is a place where tourists and local residents entire collections of antique objects, ceramics, and paintings are presented. The furnishings are made from preserved furniture from past centuries. National costumes are also of interest to tourists, because they seem to take them back to the old days. The museum is free to visit and open on certain days of the week from June to September. By visiting it, you can get an idea of ​​who the Monegasques are.

2. Botanical Garden of Monaco

Flora botanical garden Monaco

It has several names, but one thing is for sure: this attraction should be one of the first to see. There are unique collections of cacti, succulents, and what is the view from the top, which opens from the slide! You will have the entire principality at your fingertips. In describing the garden, I would like to note that it specializes mainly in plants that have special tissues where water is stored. They were messing around with different corners planets. The garden area reaches 1 hectare, and there are specimens that have managed to take root in the local climate.

3. Larvotto Beach

Snow-white artificial sand on Larvotto beach

This Monaco landmark is a must for those who want a glamorous beach holiday, because the beach is one of the most expensive in the world. It is possible to sunbathe topless, but keep in mind that the absence of jewelry on the body may be considered bad manners. As for the prices for drinks and beach equipment, they are simply off the charts, but the service of the staff in restaurants and on the seashore is worth it. Especially mothers with children like the jellyfish net, which stretches along the entire coast.

4. Monaco Ville

Panorama of Monaco Ville

For those who are not in the know, the state described does not have a capital; it only has districts, one of which is Monaco-Ville. It is laced with picturesque walking paths that lead to Palace Square, where the official residence of the princely family is located. Many tourists strive to get here to see how the guard, consisting of 12 perfectly selected soldiers, changes. The area is located on a cliff 60 m high above the water level, just a stone's throw from the sea.

5. Japanese garden

Corner of the Japanese Garden

This landmark of Monaco is considered a real miracle, and it is located on Princess Grace Avenue, as close as possible to the beach. Looking at the photo of the garden, you understand that it deservedly ranks among the best in the world. It is known that its creation was commissioned from the architect and part-time landscape painter Jassy Beppyu. For 17 months, a whole team of designers worked painstakingly to solve complex technical problems, and it was worth it. It turned out a real masterpiece, which to this day is one of the best attractions not only in the country, but also in the world. Plants were selected and arranged in accordance with such concepts as 4 seasons (a symbol of the cyclical nature of human life) and 5 cardinal directions.

Be sure to watch this beautiful video oh Monaco!

6. Antique Car Museum

Museum collection of vintage cars Victor Grigas

When traveling around Monaco, it would not hurt to visit an exhibition of car collections belonging to the prince. The collection contains only rarities, everything is located on the Fontvieille Terrace. Quantity vehicles reaches hundreds, among them European and American models, from very different eras. Of interest are the carriages that once belonged to Prince Rainier III.

7. St. Nicholas Cathedral

Majestic building St. Nicholas Cathedral

9. Prince's Palace

Prince's Palace at night

While exploring the main attractions of the country, do not neglect the official residence of its rulers. This is the place with interesting story cannot help but amaze with the grandeur of its appearance; it is located in the already mentioned area of ​​Monaco-Ville. It is interesting to know that if a flag flutters over the roof of a large public building, it means that the prince is within his chambers. A special feature of the palace is the presence inside it of an Italian gallery, a hall in which there is a throne, the Salon of Louis XV and Mazarin. In summer, concerts are often held in the courtyard. The palace is not completely open to tourists; Grimaldi's chambers are located in the southwest wing.

10. Casino Monte Carlo

Casino Monte Carlo is the oldest gambling establishment in Europe

Interesting places in Monaco are not limited to gardens and cathedrals. The country's calling card is its casinos, and Monte Carlo is one of the most respectable gambling houses in the world. It appeared after Prince Charles III sold 2 cities to Napoleon III. He decided to spend the proceeds on creating an aristocratic resort. The French financier was invited to open a casino in Monaco, and the result was a very beautiful building. Before lunch, you can visit it like a regular museum; you just need to buy a ticket to enter; no dress code is required. By the way, only guests of Monaco have the right to play in the casino; citizens are prohibited from doing so.

11. Monte Carlo Opera House

Entrance to the Monte Carlo Opera House

17. Country Club Monte Carlo

Professional tennis tournament at the Monte Carlo Country Club Ghaly

What to visit in Monaco for entertainment? This unique place, entirely dedicated to achieving high results. Here tourists are offered tennis courts with a magnificent view of the sea, they are open all year round. To describe the Country Club more precisely, I would like to say that it accommodates 21 clay courts with a beautiful view of the sea coast, 2 with hard surfaces and the same number for squash. For entertainment, tourists are offered individual/collective courses, various competitions among juniors and adults, as well as tournaments are organized.

18. Cafe de Paris

View from Casino Square to the Café de Paris tiger rus

Another attraction of Monaco is located in the busiest place in Monte Carlo, namely the famous Casino Square. The cafe is very popular among tourists because there you can see wax figures of the autochthonous subjects of the Principality. What to visit in Monaco, namely the Café de Paris? Here, in addition to the main hall, there is a brasserie (an elongated hall decorated with stained glass windows in the Belle Epoque style) and several terraces. The cuisine in this establishment is not only high-quality, but also varied; the chef manages to create the most original dishes with an unforgettable taste. The cafe would not be complete without a seafood stall.

19. Chapel of Divine Mercy

Chapel of Mercy (left) in Baroque style M.Strīķis

Thinking about what to see in Monaco from the ancient times? Pay attention to the Chapelle de la Misericorde, a small building with icons built in 1639, it is decorated in the Baroque style. During the French Revolution it suffered serious damage, but after some time the chapel was restored. The façade was supplemented with pilasters, capitals, and mosaic paintings. The main value of this Monaco landmark is the wooden sculpture of Christ, made by the personal sculptor of Emperor Napoleon I. Of particular value are donations from parishioners and gifts from those who repent.

20. La Mayenne Corniche

The highway runs along the sea, rising serpentine to the Valdiney Pimenta mountains

Another attraction of Monaco is highway, connecting the small state with the unofficial capital of the French Riviera, Nice. The uniqueness of the highway is that it runs along the sea coast, attention, at an altitude of 200 m above sea level. Just imagine what a person feels when he finds himself in these parts. Indeed, what is worth seeing in Monaco is the village of Eze, located on a cliff not far from medieval castle. This place attracts with a panoramic view from the mountain to famous resort Saint-Jean-Cap-Ferrat.

The sights in Monaco cannot but delight with their splendor. The country, although small, can surprise. There are hotels in Monaco to suit every taste and budget; you won’t have any problems choosing, the main thing is to plan everything in advance. There are many special services with which you can book a room.


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