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Metechko Temehea Tohua is located on the island of Nuku Hiva, the largest atoll in the Marquesas archipelago in French Polynesia.

This unique island is home to some of the most outlandish statues ever seen by man. Some ancient sculptures depict creatures that appear to be aliens. And everyone who comes to this land wants to solve the riddle: who are they - the fruit of the sculptor's wild imagination or something that really descended from the distant space wastelands to this island?

The island of Nuku Hiva is part of the Northern group of the Marquesas Islands. Area - approximately 365 sq. kilometers, it is the second largest of the islands of French Polynesia. Its name can be translated as "The Majestic Island". Indeed, its appearance justifies this name, since the basis of the island is two old volcanoes, among which a plateau has formed. On the plateau is the city of Taiohoae, the capital of the island, the former volcano crater formed a deep bay in this place, and around it there is a wall of mountain peaks. The highest point of the island is Mount Tekao, which reaches 1224 meters. Just over 2,600 people live on the island in three main settlements.

At first glance, they seem to be just "big statues", but upon closer inspection, you notice more and more interesting features: unusually large eyes, massive oblong heads, puny / huge bodies and other attributes, the presence of which causes confusion about the origin of the "models" that inspired the creator of these statues.

Previously, the atoll was known as Madison Island.

As a result of archaeological excavations carried out by an American expedition in the 60s of the last century, it was established that people appeared on the island in 150 AD. They were engaged in the processing of stone, from which they built housing, pottery. Beginning in 1100, many stone structures were built over three centuries. The famous tiki stone sculptures also date from this time. In 1913 there was unsuccessful attempt the annexation of the island by the Americans. The appearance of the first Catholic missionaries on the island dates back to 1839, and already in 1842 the island passed into the possession of France.

A decade later, a Catholic cathedral was laid in the capital of the island, but Christianity spread hard, interrupted by the incessant inter-tribal wars. In addition to the wars, the population of the island began to die out due to diseases that the Europeans brought with them. Previously, such diseases were not known on the island, the inhabitants did not have immunity against them. The decline in the population was facilitated by the slave traders who also visited Nuku Khiva. As a result, the number of inhabitants in 1934 was only 634 people, although in 1842 about 12 thousand people lived on the island.

Herman Melville wrote "Typee" based on his experiences in the Taipeiwai Valley in the eastern part of Nuku Hiva Island. The first landfall of Robert Louis Stevenson during his Casco expedition in 1888 took place in the Hatihoi area, located in the northern part of Nuku Hiva. Also, Nuku Hiva became the next stage for filming the 4th season of the American reality show "Survivors", which took place throughout the entire archipelago of the Marquesas Islands.

Warrior of the island of Nuku Hiva, 1813

In ancient times, Nuku Hiva was divided into two areas: more than 2/3 of the island was occupied by the province of Te Lii, and the rest of the territory belonged to the Tai Pi community.

Recent studies show that the first settlers arrived here 2,000 years ago from Samoa and then colonized Tahiti in Hawaii, the Cook Islands and New Zealand. Legends say that the all-creating deity Ono promised a wife to the one who would build a house in a day, and having gathered together the earth, he created the islands, calling them parts of the house.

So, the island of Nuku-Hiva is considered a "roof". And all that remained unused, he dumped in a heap, forming the hill of Wa Huka. Over the centuries, the population of this island has increased, and at such a rate that by the time the first European arrived on this land, it ranged from 50 to 100 thousand inhabitants on this small piece of land in the middle of the ocean.
Of course, food was of prime importance here. The basis of the diet was made up of breadfruit, as well as taro, bananas and cassava. As for protein products, fish predominated here, although its quantity was limited, given the number of people that it needed to feed. Pigs, chickens, dogs were also the object of culinary tastes of the inhabitants of the island.


There is still a scientific debate about why so many Polynesian tribes practiced cannibalism. According to one theory, eating their own kind was more likely to compensate for the lack of protein in the diet, rather than serve for ritual ceremonies. However, cannibalism played a large role for ritual purposes. Thus, the sacrifice brought to the sea deity Ica was "caught" in the same way as a fish, and was suspended by a hook above the altar like an underwater inhabitant.

Anyone who was supposed to become a victim of a sacred ritual was tied up and hung from a tree for a certain time, after which his brains were blown out with a baton. It is believed that women and children were engaged in cannibalism only for the sake of food, while male warriors sacrificed to deities and ate opponents defeated in battle in order to gain their power. For the same purpose, they kept the skulls of the defeated enemies.

Now the island of Nuku Hiva is visited mainly by tourists as part of sea cruises, combining exploring the island with other travels. However, there are tourists who prefer to be alone with nature, to feel like Robinsons, pioneers. For such people, the island of Nuku Hiva is a real paradise. You can get to it by plane from Haiti, or by water. Such a journey, although it will take more time, will allow you to enjoy the magnificent ocean views on the way.

Although the island's population is small, the island itself is quite large, it takes two hours to get to the hotel from the airport, and the trip around the island takes a whole day.

You can stay at the hotel, which is a complex of twenty bungalows located on a hill that stretches over the sandy beach. The bungalows offer stunning views of the bay. All bungalows are designed by different designers, so the look of each is unique. All the necessary modern amenities, restaurant, bar and swimming pool make a stay in this hotel complex very comfortable.

There is no clearly expressed rainy season, there are no such natural disasters as tsunamis and typhoons. The average air temperature on the island is 26 degrees Celsius, which makes the rest very pleasant. For tourists there is everything for active rest - you can ride a horse, take a walk on a motor boat, diving and deep-sea fishing are possible.

In addition, every traveler who arrives on the island of Nuku Hiva should definitely get acquainted with the local attractions. Among them is the Cathedral of Our Lady, which is built of stones of different colors of various shapes. The cathedral features statues that were made by sculptors living on different islands of Marquesia. During a tour of the island, you will be shown the smallest Catholic church in the town of Anaho, taken to the beautiful Anaho valley, where there is a waterfall 350 meters high. And from the top of the Muake hill you can see at once the entire island of Nuku Hiva and the statue of the Virgin Mary, standing at the top of the peak that rises above the Hatiheu Bay.

Such an excursion simply cannot leave any of the tourists indifferent to this exotic island.

Here is what the captain of the Russian military ship "Nadezhda" Ivan Kruzenshtern wrote about this island in his diary:

“In times of famine, a husband kills his wife, a father of children, an adult son of his aged parents; they bake and fry their meat and devour it with great pleasure. Even the most nukaghivs, in whose eyes lust flames, even they take part in these terrible feasts! .. Only their fear keeps them from killing and devouring the sailors who come to them. "

True, a year ago the world community had a reason to doubt that the ugly diet was abandoned by local residents forever. A tourist from Germany mysteriously disappeared, and the newspapers immediately wrote that his own guide had eaten him.

By polling the Nukahiva population without using special methods of inquiry, I was able to establish: complete nonsense. Nobody ate a German. The Polynesian shot him while hunting goats, buried his body, and, according to the girlfriend of the murdered man, tried to abuse her, to which the gendarmes did not find any evidence. For two months the adversary hid in the woods, but then his dad told him: “Son, this is not good. Go and surrender to the gendarmes. " Which he immediately did, proceeding after that to the prison in Tahiti.

The fact that you and I are indirectly related to the goats who played a tragic role in this story gives a special piquancy to what happened. The descendants of the cannibals are convinced that the very first goats on Nuka-Khiva were Russians! That they were supposedly left here as a gift by Ivan Fyodorovich Kruzenshtern, one of the first Europeans to visit the island. And then the goats multiplied to such an extent that now they have to hunt with the help of the Germans.

I report: these are conjectures that are insulting to every Russian patriot. On the ninth month of the voyage, the crews of the ships "Neva" and "Nadezhda" experienced an acute need for meat, and would never have given scarce goats to some cannibals there. Moreover, precisely because of the lack of meat, Russian sailors quarreled with a civilian "jacket" - chamberlain Nikolai Rezanov, known to everyone from the opera "Juno" and "Perhaps", who turned out to be not a hero-lover, but a licentious narcissist. But that is another story.

Nuku Hiva Island - the largest atoll of the Marquesas archipelago in French Polynesia, formerly known as Madison.

On the territory of this unique island, there is Temehea Tohua with some of the most outlandish statues that man has ever seen. Some of the ancient sculptures are sculptures of creatures that resemble alien aliens. Many researchers have wondered whether they are the fruit of the wild imagination of their creators or mysterious creatures from distant space actually visited this island.

At first glance, these are just "big statues", but on closer examination, more and more interesting features begin to appear, causing bewilderment about the "models" that served as inspiration for the sculptors. Among them are massive and oblong heads, large eyes, huge and frail bodies.

The experience of staying on the territory of the Taipiwai Valley in the eastern region of the island of Nuku Hiva can be found in the book "Ture", written by Herman Melville. In 1888, during an expedition to Casco, the atoll was visited by Robert Louis Stevenson, who landed in the northern region of the island called Hatihoy. Also on Nuku Hiva filmed the 4th season of the American reality show "Survivors".

In ancient times, the island of Nuku-Hiva was divided into two regions: the province of Te Lii (more than 2/3 of the territory) and Tai Pi.

Legends mention the creator god Ono, who promised his wife that he would build a house in one day. To do this, he gathered together the land and created the islands that became parts of it - Nuku Hiva was the roof, and the island of Wa-Huka was created from the unused land.

The first settlers arrived in Nuku Hiva from Samoa about 2000 years ago. Later they colonized New Zealand, the Cook Islands and Tahiti in Hawaii.

By the time the Europeans arrived on the island, its population, according to various estimates, ranged from 50 to 100 thousand people. Most of the diet included breadfruit, bananas, taro and cassava. There was not enough protein for everyone, mainly fish, although the inhabitants of the island also ate pigs, dogs and chickens.

There is still debate in the scientific community regarding the origin of cannibalism, which was practiced by many Polynesian tribes. There is a theory that in this way the protein deficiency was compensated, although mainly eating people was of a ritual nature. For example, a sacrifice for the sea deity Ica was "caught" in the same way as a fish, and then hung over the altar on a hook.

The victim of the sacred ritual was hung on a tree for a while, and then her brains were knocked out with a club. It is believed that for women and children, cannibalism served only as food, while male warriors ate defeated opponents in order to gain their strength. For this, they also preserved their skulls.


Some places on our planet keep the secrets of ancient civilizations that amaze scientists from all over the world. For example, on the island of Nuku-Hiva there is an inexplicable riddle - the oldest statues of certain creatures, which ufologists compare with reptilians. No analogues of these statues could be found anywhere else. In appearance, they resemble some creatures that vaguely resemble an alien, or a person in a spacesuit.

A bit of background

The island has the shape of a quadrangle with an area of \u200b\u200b330 sq. kilometers. Its length is equal to 30 kilometers, and its width is 15 kilometers. This island was recognized as the largest in the entire Marquesas archipelago of French Polynesia. It was formerly called Madison Island.

If you translate the current name of the island, you get "Great Island". Perhaps this name is really justified, since this corner of the planet may contain clues to the universal secrets that have been of interest to scientists for many decades. The island itself is very picturesque: it is overflowing with lush greenery, among which one can see heights in the form of rocks and mountains. It is washed by warm ocean waters rich in fish. In addition, there are two main natural attractions on the island of Nuku Hiva - extinct volcanoes surrounded by sharp rocks. The crater of one of the volcanoes was flooded with water in time immemorial. Such a phenomenon is rarely found anywhere, so tourists often come to Nuku Hiva. Despite the island's profitability, it remains sparsely populated. The number of its permanent residents has never exceeded 2 thousand.

Nuku Hiva interest of archaeologists

In the middle of the twentieth century, massive archaeological excavations were carried out on the territory of Nuku Hiva. The results of these excavations helped determine that the indigenous people had lived there since 150 BC. The first people to settle there were the inhabitants of the neighboring island of Samoa. In the future, the population of Nuku-Khiva developed and increased. His main activity was pottery and stone processing.

The first stone houses appeared on Nuku Hiva quite early - in 1100 AD. Besides them, there were stone statues and sculptures. The Americans periodically tried to seize the island, but they did not succeed, since the inhabitants of Nuku-Hiva had excellent military skills.

Since 1842, Nuku Hiva has been owned by France. This year, the French tried to build a Catholic cathedral there and introduce their religion into the settlements there. They did not succeed in doing this: Catholics took root very badly, they were constantly expelled by local residents. Since then, the island's population began to decline until it reached its current size.

Legends about the origin of Nuku Hiva

Locals often told those interested in an interesting legend about the origin of their island. The legend said that the main god Ono once boasted to his wife that he would be able to build an excellent house in just a day. For this, Ono collected the necessary amount of earth and stone, from which he built the islands. Each island corresponded for its intended purpose to a certain room in the house. The island of Nuku Hiva was supposed to serve as the roof of the house of the god Ono.

Where did the reptilian statues come from on the island?

On the territory of Nuku Hiva there is a small settlement Temehea Tohua, near which scientists once found unique statues. The researchers suggested that these statues were images of the deities of Nuku Hiva. They were built in the 11-14 centuries, but, despite this, they have been preserved in excellent condition.

The creatures depicted in the form of statues on the island of Nuku Hiva have a very unusual appearance: a humanoid silhouette, a large head with huge eyes, short limbs, and a disproportionate body. When looking at them, one gets the impression that their creators were looking at extraterrestrial beings during their work. Almost all idols were portrayed in the same clothing, similar to modern astronaut suits. Scientists are still puzzling over who created these statues and what he wanted to show. It is only known that there is nothing human in these statues of idols.

Ufologists have compared the statues of the island of Nuku Hiva with reptilians - mythical aliens

Some researchers have stated that the statues of Nuku Hiva Island depict reptilian aliens, which are often spoken of by lovers of UFOs and the paranormal. Perhaps the first inhabitants of the aforementioned island really met with aliens who could be considered gods, which is why they wished to immortalize in stone.

The height of the largest masterpiece, Nuku Hiva, is equal to two and a half meters. Each statue is unique - each depicts a separate creature, different in appearance from others. The general external features of all statues are the same. Locals call these creatures "tikami", worship them and believe that they can fulfill desires if they are treated with respect. Each idol has its own purpose. Some help in love affairs, the other heals the sick, the third helps to fight with enemy tribes, and so on.

Ufologists believe that on the island of Nuku Hiva there are images of various types of alien deities. For example, some of the statues represent reptilians - the domineering, ancient, sinister creatures in the universe. They allegedly at one time preferred to control people, considered them an underdeveloped race and forced them to worship themselves.

Another type of idols, according to ufologists, depicts "gray aliens" - the most famous, which are distinguished by a large head and eyes, as well as small limbs and a short body.

Thus, it can be assumed that alien creatures that were seen by the locals once really flew to the island of Nuku Hiva. Perhaps they taught the wild aborigines the basics of survival, which is why they became gods. It should be noted in advance that all these are just the assumptions of the researchers. It is very difficult to say if a person will ever be able to unravel the secrets of the island of Nuku Hiva.

Specifications Area387 km² Highest point1224 m Population2660 people (2007) Population density6.87 people / km² Location 8 ° 52 ′ S sh. 140 ° 06 ′ W etc. HGIO Water areaPacific Ocean A country RegionMarquesas islands Areanuku Khiva commune Audio, photo and video at Wikimedia Commons


Highest point - mount Tekao (1224 m). Nuku Hiva is shaped like a quadrangle, 30 km long and 15 km wide. The administrative center of the Marquesas Islands, the city of Taioahae ( Taiohae), situated on south bank an island near the bay of the same name.

Space shot of the island


The main archaeological work on the island was carried out in the 1960s by an American expedition near the settlements of Waa ( Uaa) and Taipivai... As a result, it was established that the first people sailed to the island in 150 AD. e. One of the main occupations local residents At that time, pottery was also practiced in the islands of Samoa and Tonga. The period of development on Nuku-Khiva lasted until 1100 AD. e. During this time, residents were able to fine-tune the stone processing technique that was used in the construction of housing. A large number of stone structures were built on the island between AD 1400 and AD. e. , including famous sculptures tics.

The first Westerner, the American explorer Joseph Ingram, landed on Nuku Khiva in April 1791. Subsequently, many other ships sailed to the island, replenishing their ship supplies to Nuku-Khiva. The first European to land on the island was the Frenchman Etienne Marchand (July 1791). In 1804, a Russian traveler, Admiral Ivan Fyodorovich Kruzenshtern, visited Nuku-Khiva. In 1826, when landing on the island from the Russian expeditionary sloop "Krotkiy", the local population killed and eaten midshipman A. L. von Deibner and two unknown sailors.

The island, its indigenous population and their customs were described in his work "Typi" (Turey) by Herman Melville, who escaped from a whaling ship and lived on the island.

Subsequently, many sandalwood traders, whalers and adventurers sailed to the island. In 1813, the Americans, namely David Porter, tried to annex Nuku Hiva, but the attempt failed. In 1839, the first Catholic missionaries appeared on the island, and in 1842 Nuku Hiva was annexed by France, whose authorities immediately built a fort in Taiohae Bay. The Christianization of the inhabitants took place with great difficulties, since local tribes constantly fought on Nuku-Khiva. In 1854, the first Catholic cathedral was laid in Taiohae. The Europeans who appeared on the island brought many diseases to Nuku Khiva, against which the local residents did not have immunity. In 1863, a smallpox epidemic broke out on the island, which killed more than 1,000 people. Part of the island's population during this period was taken away by Peruvian slave traders; in 1883, opium was imported by the Chinese. As a result, by 1934 the population of Nuku Khiva was only 635 people, compared to about 12 thousand in 1842. At the beginning of the 20th century, Czech settlers appeared on the island, who soon moved to the island of Tahiti.

Administrative division

The islands of Nuku Hiva, Motu Iti, Motu One, Hatutu and Eiao form the Nuku Hiva commune, which is part of the administrative division of the Marquesas Islands.

Island or reef Land area,
Lagoon area,
people (2007)
Administrative center
Nuku Hiva 387 - 2660 Hatiheu
Motu Ichi 0,2 - - -
Motu-One 1 - - -
6,4 - - -
Eiao 43,8 - - -
Nuku Hiva commune 438,4 - 2660


The stunningly beautiful mountainous terrain with lush green vegetation, warm ocean waters, a diverse underwater world and comfortable resorts attracts a huge number of tourists and divers from all over the world to the island of Nuku Hiva.

The island has two extinct volcanoes with craters surrounded by sharp cliffs. One crater filled with water over time, forming an amazingly beautiful place.

Now the island of Nuku Hiva is visited mainly by tourists as part of sea cruises, combining exploring the island with other travels. However, there are tourists who prefer to be alone with nature, to feel like Robinsons, pioneers. For such people, the island of Nuku Hiva is a real paradise.

You can stay on the island at the hotel, which is a complex of twenty bungalows located on a hill stretching over the sandy beach. The bungalows offer stunning views of the bay. All bungalows are decorated by different designers, so the look of each is unique. All the necessary modern amenities, a restaurant, a bar and a swimming pool make your stay in this hotel complex very comfortable. There is no clearly expressed rainy season, there are no such natural disasters as tsunamis and typhoons. The average air temperature on the island is 26 degrees Celsius, which makes the rest very pleasant. For tourists, there is everything for active recreation - you can ride a horse, take a walk on a motor boat, diving and deep-sea fishing are possible.

In addition, every traveler who arrives on the island of Nuku Hiva should definitely get acquainted with the local attractions. Among them is the Cathedral of Our Lady, which is built of stones of different colors of various shapes. The cathedral features statues that were made by sculptors living on the different islands of Marquesia. During a tour of the island, you will be shown the smallest Catholic church in the town of Anaho, taken to the beautiful Anaho valley, where there is a waterfall 350 meters high. And from the top of the Muake hill you can see at once the whole island of Nuku Hiva and the statue of the Virgin Mary, standing at the top of the peak, which rises above the Hatiheu Bay.

Such an excursion simply cannot leave any of the tourists indifferent to this exotic island.


The island has 2,100 inhabitants. Some islanders are engaged in socially useful work: they work in state enterprises, they donate their energy and time to the Catholic Church or community, some work in schools; the rest of the population works for themselves - these people cut copra trees high in the mountains, are engaged in fishing, cattle breeding, many are talented artisans. Since ancient times, rituals and various ceremonies have remained an integral part of the life of the island and are worth seeing. Most of the people live in the island's three main settlements: Hatiheu, Taipivai and Taiohae. The island's population density is one of the lowest in French Polynesia.

The Mystery of Nuku Hiva Island

On the territory of this unique island there is Temehea Tohua with some of the most outlandish Tiki statues that man has ever seen. These stone sculptures depict the deities worshiped by the ancient Polynesians. It would seem that nothing special, because stone idols were also found in other places on Earth. But the peculiarity of Tiki idols is their strange appearance. One gets the impression that the sculptors posed alien creatures, such as we imagine aliens, based on individual facts of meetings with guests from distant space, allegedly taking place with our contemporaries. But how did the ancient aborigines of the island of Nuku Hiva know about them?

It is unlikely to assume that this image is the fruit of the sculptor's exuberant imagination. This means that the ancient inhabitants of Nuku-Hiva saw these strange, big-eyed creatures, which, obviously, had some kind of magical power over the inhabitants, since they recognized them as their deities and worshiped them. Most of Tiki's stone idols date back to the 11-14th centuries, at the same time other structures were created on the island. which have survived to this day.

The largest statue is almost 2.5 meters high. Tiki differ from each other, each of them is the personification of a particular deity and, according to the Polynesians, stores the magical power of this god. One idol helps in war, the other protects from troubles and misfortunes, the third gives a big harvest, and so on. The opinions of scientists about the originals from which the statues of Tiki were carved diverged, however, almost everyone agrees that they represent some kind of aliens and there is nothing human in them.

Some researchers believe that Tiki's idols were sculpted from two completely different groups of aliens. According to ufologists, for some sculptures "posed" reptilians - the most ancient nationality in the entire universe. This is a very highly developed civilization with evil inhabitants who can command people. Other statues of Tiki were carved from other aliens - the Gray Aliens. Their appearance is more like a human, however, the body is frail, arms are thin, a large head with a nose, mouth and huge "inhuman" eyes. Moreover, ufologists believe that some of the recurring features found on all Tiki sculptures indicate that the masters saw with their own eyes those from whom the statues were made.

It is believed that the Reptilian race appeared on Nuku-Hiva earlier, conquering the worship of people and becoming deities for them, the humanoids created the Gray aliens - an inferior race of slaves. I don’t know who is right. Let's hope that time will judge and the mystery of Tiki sculptures on Nuku Hiva island will be unraveled.


As a result of archaeological excavations carried out by an American expedition in the 60s of the last century, it was established that people appeared on the island in 150 AD. They were engaged in the processing of stone, from which they built housing, pottery. Beginning in 1100, many stone structures were built over three centuries. The famous tiki stone sculptures also date from this time. In 1913, there was an unsuccessful attempt to annex the island by the Americans. The appearance of the first Catholic missionaries on the island dates back to 1839, and already in 1842 the island passed into the possession of France.

A decade later, a Catholic cathedral was laid in the capital of the island, but Christianity spread hard, interrupted by the incessant inter-tribal wars. In addition to the wars, the population of the island began to die out due to diseases that the Europeans brought with them. Previously, such diseases were not known on the island, the inhabitants did not have immunity against them. The decline in the population was facilitated by the slave traders who also visited Nuku Khiva. As a result, the number of inhabitants in 1934 was only 634 people, although in 1842 about 12 thousand people lived on the island.

Herman Melville wrote the book "Typee" based on his experience in the Taipiwai Valley in the eastern part of Nuku Hiva Island. Robert Louis Stevenson's first landfall during his Casco expedition in 1888 took place in the Hatihoy area, located in the northern part of Nuku Hiva. Also, Nuku Hiva became another site for filming the 4th season of the American reality show "Survivors", which took place throughout the archipelago of the Marquesas Islands.

In ancient times, Nuku Hiva was divided into two areas: more than 2/3 of the island was occupied by the province of Te Lii, and the rest of the territory belonged to the Tai Pi community.

Recent studies show that the first settlers arrived here 2,000 years ago from Samoa and then colonized Tahiti in Hawaii, the Cook Islands and New Zealand. Legends say that the all-creating deity Ono promised a wife to the one who would build a house in a day, and having gathered together the earth, he created the islands, calling them parts of the house.

Thus, the island of Nuku-Hiva is considered a “roof”. And all that remained unused, he piled in a heap, forming the hill of Wa Huka. Over the centuries, the population of this island has increased, and at such a rate that by the time the first European arrived on this land, it ranged from 50 to 100 thousand inhabitants on this small piece of land in the middle of the ocean.

Of course, food was of prime importance here. The basis of the diet was made up of breadfruit, as well as taro, bananas and cassava. As for protein products, fish predominated here, although its quantity was limited, given the number of people that it needed to feed. Pigs, chickens, dogs were also the object of culinary preferences of the inhabitants of the island.

There is still a scientific debate about why so many Polynesian tribes practiced cannibalism. According to one theory, eating their own kind was more likely to compensate for the lack of protein in the diet, rather than serve for ritual ceremonies. However, cannibalism played a large role for ritual purposes. Thus, the sacrifice offered to the sea deity Ica was “caught” in the same way as a fish, and was suspended by a hook above the altar like an underwater inhabitant.

Anyone who was supposed to become a victim of a sacred ritual was tied up and hung from a tree for a certain time, after which his brains were blown out with a baton. It is believed that women and children were engaged in cannibalism only for the sake of food, while male warriors sacrificed to deities and ate opponents defeated in battle in order to gain their power. For the same purpose, they kept the skulls of the defeated enemies.

How to get there

The best way to get to Nuku Hiva is by plane from Tahiti. The cost of a round trip is from 433.00 EURO per person.

The cost of a flight between the islands of Nuku Hiva - Hiva Oa is from $ 100.

The cost of a flight from the Tuamotu islands: Rangiroa - Nuku Hiva from $ 250.


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