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Every avid traveler's dream. The name of this miracle is the island of Java. You can come here at any time of the year, since there is no sudden deterioration in the weather, as in most similar countries. So stock up on information about these lands and hit the road for positive emotions!

Where is the mysterious Java?

Photos of the island of Java, full of volcanoes, are very exotic. This landmass is the largest in the Indonesian archipelago. Its shores are washed by the waters of the inland Java Sea, which communicates with Indian Ocean in the south and Quiet in the north. The island covers an area of ​​132 thousand square meters. km, where the population density is 1000 people per 1 sq. km. According to the 2010 census, 140 million people lived in Java. This narrow and long strip of land, more than 1000 km long, concentrated more than 65% of the country's total population.

The rocks that form the island are half continental and half are of volcanic origin. The island is also unusual because it has 120 extinct volcanoes. 30 of them are active, which does not prevent this region from being very popular among tourists. The most high point islands – (3676 m), which is classified as active.

Climatic conditions of the island of Java

The tropical climate in which Java is located is a consistently high temperature (+26...+33°C) and the same humidity (75-95%) throughout the year. The situation practically does not change with the onset of the rainy season, which runs here from November to February. Typhoons that force you to stay indoors for days are rare here - tourists at this time can expect only short-term downpours, which are quickly replaced by the scorching sun.

What cities are there on the island?

The densely populated island of Java, home to a huge number of people, has many settlements. Let's get acquainted with the most famous of them:

In addition to these resorts, there are no less interesting cities on the island of Java:

  • Semarang;
  • Tangerang;
  • Depok;
  • Cirebon;
  • Serang;
  • Magelang;
  • Madium.

Sights and entertainment in Java

Such amazing country, like Indonesia, has many aces up its sleeve that will take the tourists' breath away. These are both natural complexes and history museums, and the colorful population of Java itself:

Javanese cuisine

  • batik fabric;
  • paintings on batik;
  • national masks;
  • wooden carvings;
  • souvenir surfboard;
  • Javanese sarong;
  • erotic souvenirs and accessories popular on the island;
  • miniature maracas, drums;
  • cosmetic products;
  • coffee;
  • Indonesian silver jewelry.

Transport network of the island of Java

In all major cities There are islands (and there are many of them) that accept regular domestic and international flights, so getting here is not difficult. The second path will take a little longer, because it runs along the water. Ferries to Java go from Sulawesi, Bali.

In terms of the quality of roads, Java is the best area in Indonesia. The most convenient way to get around cities is by bus or rented car. The train is suitable for those planning intercity trips. And if you want to save money, then private taxi-rickshaws with neat and polite drivers are available to tourists.

Sights of Java. The most important and interesting sights of Java - photos and videos, descriptions and reviews, location, websites.

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    The most unesco


    Yogyakarta, Prambanan, Sleman Regency

    A monument of medieval art, amazing in beauty and elegance temple complex on the exotic island of Java in Indonesia, Prambanan is not by chance considered the best attraction in the country. It dates back to the 10th century, although the exact date of construction has not been determined for many years.



    Java, Ujung Kulon National Park

    National Park Ujung Kulon is located at the very southwestern tip of Java, on the Sunda Shelf. Its territory includes the peninsula of the same name and several coastal islands, including nature reserve Krakatoa. Ujung Kulon was the country's first national park.

Even the name of the island of Java sounds somehow magical, just three letters, but how much lies behind them. Just try to quietly, quietly, in a chant, savoring the name of this main Indonesian piece of sushi - Ya-a-a-va-a-a. Can you smell it? That's it, if one exciting hissing excites the blood, then at the sight of smoking volcanoes, gurgling lakes, endless beaches and mysterious temple complexes, Stockholm syndrome is guaranteed. Java will capture, spin, make you fall in love, abuse your will and mind, and you will only mercilessly cry out “more, more”! But these are just words, but these are bare facts.

Java is the main Indonesian island, where all the imaginable and inconceivable capitals of Indonesia are located (past, present, surfing and religious capitals), as well as 120 volcanoes, a lot of cults and religions, a flock of colorful ethnic groups and who knows what else. Of course, a tourist begins his exciting “trip” through the country of a thousand islands from the capital, Jakarta. Quite modern city, which will be interesting to both adults and children. For the first - first-class shopping, worthy museum collections, antiquities at every turn. Little ones will be delighted with amusement parks, water parks and similar entertainment places. Indonesians know how to relax.

After tribute has been paid to the capital of the country, a mandatory program for all travelers to Java without exception will include the grandiose ruins of the Prambanan temple, the majestic Borobudur stupa, amazingly beautiful Royal Palace in Yogyakarta and two or three national parks with volcanoes for a snack. All these names need no introduction - UNESCO and word of mouth have made sure that these Javanese attractions do not go unnoticed.

Prambanan is a complex of Buddhist and Hindu temples from the early Middle Ages. The complex is located in Indonesia, on the island of Java, on the southern slope famous volcano Mareli.

The complex was erected in 856 in honor of the victory of the Hindu king Rakai Pikatan over the last Buddhist king of the Sailendra dynasty. The whole complex is divided into 3 zones. In the outer and middle zones there are many small temples, and in the inner zone there are 8 main temples and 8 small ones.

The most big temple The complex is the Prambanan Temple, dedicated to Shiva. This is a 47-meter structure, which houses a 3-meter statue of Shiva.

Also near the temple you can see statues dedicated to Vishnu and Brahma. The walls of the temples are decorated with bas-reliefs depicting mythical scenes. This complex was recognized by UNESCO as a World Heritage Site in 1991.

Maritime Museum

One of Jakarta's popular attractions is the Maritime Museum, or Bahri, located in the quiet harbor of the northern part of the city. It opened in 1977 on the site of an old Dutch East India Company warehouse used to store spices.

The museum contains collections telling about maritime history, maritime traditions and the importance of the sea in the economy of modern Indonesia. The hall dedicated to maritime history displays models of ships and cannons, as well as a model of Onrust Island, which housed a former shipyard for the repair of ships of the Dutch East India Company. In the exhibition dedicated to sailing ships, collected models of the Indonesian archipelago. Here is a rare collection of Pinisi schooners, which are still very popular in the world.

In the field of modern shipping, Bahri presents various navigational aids, Indonesian naval charts, lighthouse information, valuable photographs and maritime folklore. A separate room is occupied by a collection dedicated to biological oceanography, which presents the entire diversity of flora and fauna of the coastal region of Indonesia.

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Volcano Merapi

A formidable and dangerous volcano on the most densely populated island on the planet is located near the economically significant city of Yogyakarta for the island of Java. This is one of the many active volcanoes The islands, it would seem, do not frighten the locals at all. The volcano has small eruptions twice a year, seriously erupts once every 7 years, and the volcano smokes constantly.

One of the eruptions of Merapi, which took place in 1673, wiped out several cities and villages from the face of the earth and completely changed the landscape of a large area - even the rivers then changed their courses. Even earlier, in 1006, when the volcano awakened, a crack formed in it, and the eruption was so terrible and large-scale that it destroyed the entire kingdom of Mataram. Today Merapi is considered one of the most dangerous volcanoes planet, and within a radius of many kilometers from its foot, all activities are prohibited, including tourist passages and ascents.

Mount Bromo is an active volcano, one of the main tourist attractions of the island of Java, in Indonesia. Vulcan is part of national park Bromo Tengger Semeru National Park, its height is 2329 meters.

Volcano Bromo has been surrounded by superstitions since ancient times and is the central location for numerous rituals of local residents. In particular, there is Yadnya Kasada - a festival to calm the volcano. This action lasts about a month, and on the fourteenth day it is customary to make a procession to the volcano to bring it your gifts. Indonesians symbolically donate food, fruit or animals to the volcano, and after the sacrifice they pray, hoping to appease the gods.

The Yadnya Kasada ritual is very ancient, it originated in the east of Java back in the fifteenth century, drawing its mythology from local legends, which the island's residents willingly treat all tourists who want to join the volcano appeasement ceremony.

The ceremony itself is extremely bright and colorful, but it cannot be called safe - the climb to Bromo is associated with a whole series of dangers, and only the most desperate daredevils even dare to go down to the crater. Nevertheless, the ritual of climbing the volcano regularly attracts many lovers of exotic and extreme entertainment.


Merapi is the largest active volcano in Indonesia, located in the center of the island. Java, a few kilometers from the city of Yogyakarta. The height of the volcano is 2914 meters.

Almost every day you can see the volcano smoking, and eruptions occur approximately once every 7 years, smaller explosions occur twice a year. At this time, a plume of gas and ash rises above the peak to a height of 10 km. Over the entire history of the island, many settlements at the foot of the volcano, located tens of kilometers from the peak, were destroyed, and more than one thousand people died.

From April to November, this is the time of the “dry” season, the volcano is visible at a distance of fifty kilometers.

For 17 centuries, this volcano has been considered the most dangerous on the planet.

Palace of Independence

Independence Palace in the center of Jakarta is the official residence of the President of the Republic of Indonesia. It is located opposite Merdeka Square and is a national historical monument. This building was built in 1873 in neoclassical style. The residence of the Governor General of the Dutch East Indies was located here. In 1949, the palace received its current name "Merdeka", which means "independence" in Indonesian.

Together with neighboring government buildings, it constitutes the presidential complex, the center of the Indonesian executive power. The Independence Palace is the official venue for state events such as Independence Day ceremonies, welcoming dignitaries, receiving credentials from foreign ambassadors, inaugurations of national and international congresses and official state banquets.

On the lawn in front of the palace there is a luxurious fountain and a flagpole 17 meters high. The annual flag raising ceremony takes place during Indonesian independence celebrations on 17 August.

Cathedral of the Blessed Virgin Mary

The Church of the Blessed Virgin Mary is a Catholic church in the north of the island of Java, as well as the cathedral of the archdiocese of Semarang. It is located next to Tugu Muda Square, which has been included in the Indonesian Cultural Heritage List.

The Catholic community acquired the land on which today's church is located back in 1926. Until 1930, it was just a small parish church, which 5 years later was demolished and a modern church was built.

On June 25, 1940, the Apostolic Vicariate of Semarang was established and the church became cathedral this new Catholic structure. Due to the Indonesian War of Independence, the department was moved to the city of Bintaran. However, in 1949 she was returned to Semarang again.

Currently, the Cathedral of the Blessed Virgin Mary complex also houses a conference hall and a school. In 2012, the official residence of the bishop was organized here, which consists of a chapel, an archive, a secretariat, a garden, and six living rooms.

The cathedral itself was built on a stone foundation, the roofs and arches were decorated with parapets, and the doors faced three cardinal directions at once: north, west and south.

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Cathedral of the Blessed Virgin Mary

The plot of land on which the temple is located was acquired at the end of the 19th century by the Dutch bishop Adam Claessens. Within a few years, an inn for pilgrims visiting Bogor and a house for the abbot were built on it. His nephew became the first local priest, whose home chapel also became the first place for Catholic worship in the history of Bogor.

In 1896, construction began on the temple in the neo-Gothic style typical of Catholic churches, which was completed in 1905. In 1961 it became the cathedral of the Diocese of Bogor.

Its facade is decorated with an image of the Madonna and Child, installed in a niche above the main entrance. On the right side of the building there is a tower part. The entire building, except for the azure niche for the Madonna statue, is painted white and the roof is covered with brown tiles.

On the territory of this temple complex, one of the largest in the city, there is a Catholic seminary, high school and several offices of various Catholic community organizations.

The most popular attractions in Java with descriptions and photographs for every taste. Choose best places to visit famous places in Java on our website.

More attractions of Java

A country of a thousand islands, with the largest Muslim population in the world, where real dragons and ancient demons live. All this is about Indonesia.

Today the story will be about the island with the highest population density on earth - Java, located between Sumatra and Bali. It is a great starting point for a trip to Indonesia. Magnificent nature, delicious food, and, of course, low prices together with friendly local residents They won't let you get bored.

The journey of most tourists begins from the capital - Jakarta, because it is from here that trains, buses and planes start to anywhere in the country at very affordable prices. Although the city is not spoiled with attractions, there is a lot to see here: the magnificent Merdeka Square, Old city, port. And if it doesn’t seem like enough, then feel free to dive into one of the many shopping centers for ultra-cheap shopping. And with a sense of accomplishment, it’s time to go to one of the stations, from where trains go to the pearl of the island of Java - Yogyakarta.

Eight o'clock and you're there!

The main goals of any tourist in this city are the Prambanan and Borobudur temple complexes. The most ancient sanctuaries are endlessly fascinating! If the purpose of your trip is architecture, take the time to go to Bali to see the Pura Tanah Lot temple - it's worth it.

From Jogya, feel free to go to perhaps the main attraction of Java - Mount Bromo. Drive along roads strewn with ash, meet a breathtaking sunrise against its backdrop, and look into its mouth. Most importantly, do not forget to take warm clothes with you, because it is very fresh on the slopes in the morning.

Well, in conclusion, after admiring the volcanic landscapes, along the picturesque road along the rice and tea terraces, go to the city of Surabaya to look at the magnificent zoo and the life of the real province.

Don't forget about the excellent Indonesian cuisine. Its main ingredients include rice, noodles, vegetables, fruits, fish, and chicken. But remember that if you are a big fan of pork, then, unfortunately, you will not find it here, because the country is, after all, Muslim.

Traveling in Indonesia is not limited to Java. Mysterious Bali, unexplored Borneo, vibrant Lombok. Look into any corner of this beautiful country and believe that it will never cease to amaze you.

How to get there?

By plane From Dubai, Abu Dhabi, Doha, Istanbul, Manila, Hong Kong, Ho Chi Minh City, Bangkok, Kuala Lumpur, Singapore. Unfortunately, there are no direct flights from Russia to Jakarta, so you first need to fly to the above cities.

The island of Java is part of the Greater Sunda Islands and is located near Sumatra. Scientists to this day cannot understand why it received such a name. There are several theories. According to one of them, the word “Java” is of Protonesian origin and is translated as “home.” Some scholars believe that the name comes from Sanskrit and means either “barley” or “lying on the other side.”

basic information

Experts classify “Java” as both mainland and volcanic islands. This is due to the fact that at its base lies a long Mountain chain, stretching across the central part of the island.

The highest point is the Semeru volcano, which has remained active to this day. In general, more than 120 volcanoes can be counted throughout the entire area of ​​the ridge. The central part of the island has a mountainous landscape, but as soon as you go down to the coast, you find yourself in a swamp.

There are a lot of rivers and lakes here, among which Jangari, Jatiluhur, and Sungai deserve special attention.

The first man appeared on the island, presumably, in the second millennium BC. e. Scientists suggest that he most likely came from the island of Sumatra. Around the 3rd century AD, cities arose on the island and the first state formations were formed. One of the very first was Sakalanagara, which gave rise to Tarum, Sundu and Matar. The latter has a rich past and a long history of rule. Over time, it fell into decay and broke up into several small state entities.

At the end of the 13th century, an expedition was assembled to Java led by the Mongol Khan Kublai Khan, famous for his conquest of China. The empire he created on the island extended its influence to almost everything. Sunda Islands. After a couple of centuries, it weakened greatly and broke up into a number of Muslim states.

In the 17th century, European invaders began to enter Java. They created a huge number of colonies and trading posts on the coast. The Dutch showed great activity in conquest. Step by step, they subjugated all the islands of the Sunda archipelago, founding the trading post of Batavia, which is known to contemporaries as Jakarta, the capital. Immediately after the end of World War II, Indonesia became independent and annexed Java.

Time has passed and today the island of Java is the largest cultural, historical and political center of Indonesia with a well-developed infrastructure.

Population of Java

According to recent estimates, the island's population has long exceeded the number of 140 million people. Thus, Java is recognized as the most densely populated island in the world. National composition is diverse, but the majority of residents are Indonesian-Japanese. In addition, in the composition you can find Sundanese, Madurese and those who came to different time people from . State language Malay is the language spoken throughout the island. It is not uncommon to hear Chinese and Javanese dialects.

The main occupation of the local population is agriculture. Villagers grow rice and other cereals. The cities have developed industries: textiles, electronics, mining and processing.

The largest city on the island is Jakarta, the capital of Indonesia. It is home to more than 9 million people. Next in size and number of inhabitants are Semarang, Serang, Bandung and others.

Weather on the island of Java

The island's climate is determined by its location relative to the equator. It is always warm and very humid here. There are no sudden changes in temperature, even despite the pronounced seasonality. The average air temperature remains at 24 degrees.

Showers and hurricanes here are always short-lived.

Flora and fauna

The flora is not particularly exotic and unique. Lianas, bamboo, and huge ficus trees grow in tropical forests. Just above sea level, the diversity of vegetation becomes richer. You can find oaks, chestnuts and some types of conifers.

The fauna of the island is much more interesting and diverse. Java is home to more than 150 species of animals. Among which there are many endemics.

The island's cuisine is considered the most non-exotic. The main components of the dishes are rice, vegetables, and beef. Local fruits, of which there are a lot in Java, are very popular. If you really want to try real traditional food, you should go to small cafes where the local population eats. They are always delicious and very cheap, unlike restaurants where guides constantly lead you. However, even here you can find exotic things.

In the village of Tuban, earth pies are popular. They are made from silty soil from rice fields. According to local residents, this dish is considered nutritious and very healthy. The village population tries not to talk about the taste of the pies.

The Javanese drink cane juice, ginger tea, local beer “tuak” and palm vodka.

In Indonesia, the islands of Bali are the most famous and beloved by tourists, but Java also has a lot of interesting things to offer. The beaches on the island are covered with white, coarse sand, and the sea is always clean. In addition to this, in local cities There are many attractions that can surprise any tourist. Let's meet the most popular places on the island of Java.

Bromo Tengger Semeru National Park

Bromo National Park is located near the city of Surabaya. This is one of the most amazing attractions in Indonesia, which attracts hundreds of thousands of tourists every year. The park covers an area of ​​more than 800 square meters. meters. Its territory contains a huge number of dense forests, waterfalls and several active volcanoes. Thanks to them most of National Park is covered with black, volcanic sand, creating a special alien effect. The park got its name from the local tribe - the Tenggers and the two mountains.

The park is unique thanks to its five volcanoes, which, according to legend, lead to underworld. You can climb to the top on foot or by jeep. This place is wildly popular among tourists and is rightfully considered the highlight of the island.

Borobudur Temple Complex

The temple complex is located 40 kilometers from Jakarta. This place is not only considered the highlight of the city, but is also known throughout the world. It was erected around the 8th-9th century. For a long time, the temple complex was hidden from human eyes in the shadow of a dense jungle, covered with tons of volcanic dust. The ancient structure still remains a mystery to scientists. No one can give an exact answer when and by whom Borobudur was built. Also, no one can understand why it was abandoned after the eruption of one of the five volcanoes.

If you look from the outside, the entire temple complex resembles a huge 34-meter bell. In its structure, it is a pyramid, the base of which is made up of several large concrete slabs. They have carved stupas in the shape of bells. Inside each stupa there are Buddha statues.

Prambanan Temple Complex

This is an amazing landmark dating back to the 9th century. The temple complex is located a few kilometers from Jakarta. Prambanan is considered the largest in Indonesia. There is a huge statue of Shiva inside the temple. Prambanan is often called the Lara Jonggrang Shiva Temple. On the sides of the main temple there are small structures that represent the sacred animals of Indonesia. Also on the territory of Prambanan there are numerous tombs and premises for sacrifices. Recently the temple complex was recognized world heritage UNESCO.

This ancient building has been destroyed more than once. This was due to numerous earthquakes, as well as the volcanic activity of Merapi. For more than a hundred years, restoration work has been underway to restore Prambanan.

Mount Merapi

Mount Merapi is the most active volcano in Indonesia. He smokes constantly. Small eruptions occur every two years, but large ones occur every 15 years. The last time strong volcanic activity was observed was in 2006. Thanks to this, Merapi is one of the ten most active volcanoes in the world.

Such fame does not prevent the local population from living at the very foot, and tourists from climbing to the very top. The beauties revealed from high altitude, surprise and amaze.

Old city

The Old Town is located in Jakarta and covers an area of ​​about 1.5 square meters. kilometers. This place is cultural center, which has collected the largest number of ancient monuments. First locality on this territory was created in the 14th century. Then the port was built. Over time, more and more new objects appeared in the city. The Dutch made a great contribution to the development of the Old City, building amazingly beautiful temples. The site is currently listed as a World Heritage Site.

The Old Town is home to many different cultures. That is why this place has a special atmosphere that attracts thousands of tourists.

Taman Sari Water Palace

The palace was founded in the 18th century by the ruler of Jakarta. The complex included leisure rooms, a main palace, a lake, and a swimming pool. The building took several years to build with money allocated from the state treasury. Taman Sari was a real work of art at that time. The palace had its own individual sewer system. The castle was separated from the outside world by a huge dug canal. The water supply came from the lake. Some rooms had warm, heated floors.

In addition, a large network was dug under the palace underground passages, which connected some rooms to each other. There have always been legends about the magnificent garden of the palace complex. That is why the castle is called Taman Sari, which translates as “blooming garden”. Today, ruins remain of the once majestic structure. Some part of the territory is inhabited by local residents. In recent years, restoration of the palace complex has been carried out. The swimming pool and several rooms have been restored and are open to the public.

Bogor Botanical Garden

This is one of the most famous places on the island. The garden is located near Jakarta in the province of West Java. It is otherwise called “Kebun Raya”. The entire territory of the botanical garden has a huge area of ​​87 hectares. In addition, there are 4 branches of Kebun Raya scattered around the island of Java. The garden's collection includes more than 15 thousand of a wide variety of plants, comprising 6,000 species. In this place you can still see the plants planted at the founding of Kebun Raya. In addition to endemic plants, there are many specimens brought from other countries, as well as rare species.

The Bogor Garden is also called a center for nature studies. And for good reason, since scientists from all over the world constantly come here. The gates of Kebun Raya are constantly open to numerous visitors. Here you can not only take a break from the bustle of the city, but also learn a lot of new things by visiting the zoological and botanical museum. One of the main exhibits of the Bogor Garden is the collection of orchids. Some species of this amazing flower are found in indoor greenhouses, while others grow on open-air lawns.

Sea of ​​Sands

The sea of ​​sand is a unique sight and is located in a large caldera with a diameter of 10 kilometers. Majestic volcanoes have erupted tons of lava rock for many millennia, which over time turned into large volcanoes. Once here, you plunge into a special atmosphere.

The landscape that reveals itself is very reminiscent of the surface of the moon. A special effect is added by the foggy haze over the crater, which constantly hangs over the volcano.

thousand islands

U north coast In Java you can see a huge number of small islands. From a great height it seems as if there are more than a thousand of them. However, calculations have shown that there are about 115 continental formations in this area. Their number may vary depending on the tides. So Jakarta is the only place with more than a hundred islands.


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