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Screenshot from the website, press service of the datsan "Rinpoche Bagsha"

Thousands of believers presented offerings to the Great Teacher [photo, video]

On Saturday, September 10, Venerable Yeshe Lodoy Rinpoche performed a ritual to consecrate the 33-meter-high image of Buddha Shakyamuni, carved on the Bayan Khongor rock. Last year, a statue of Buddha, custom-made in India, was erected on a hill near the village of Bayangol, and three stupas of reconciliation were consecrated. The following year, the people of Bayangol asked for help in building 8 stupas around Lake Mogoi. It is planned to place 4 thousand figurines of various Buddhist deities in the suburgans.

Buddha Shakyamuni on Mount Bayan-Khongor near the village of Bayangol is a unique creation. It will be awarded the title of the largest Buddha image in Russia and will be included in the list of the largest Buddha images in the world.
Idea, build giant buddha, residents of Bayangol said at a village meeting. With this initiative they approached the datsan on Bald Mountain in Ulan-Ude by Yeshe Lodoy Rinpoche. The rector supported the people's proposal. Moreover, as it turned out, this was his long-time dream.

Big Buddha is a great benefit for all of Russia

“About 15-16 years ago we first visited the “heart” of Lake Baikal - Olkhon Island, and went on a boat along the Irkutsk shore,” recalls Rinpoche’s closest student Geshe Lharamba Tenzin Lama, “ Majestic rocks, growing out of the water surface and rushing into the sky, impressed Bagsha with their beauty and power. And then he had an idea - to make a large statue of the World Precious Teacher Buddha Shakyamuni in the rock. In Asian countries this is an ancient tradition, but in Russia there was nothing like it.”

Help website: The world's largest and oldest Buddha carved into a rock is located in the Chinese province of Sichuan. Its height is 71 meters, age is about 1200 years. It took almost 90 years to build. The largest statue in the world is also of Buddha. And it is also located in China, in Henan province. The 128-meter monument depicts Buddha Vairochana, one of the five sacred Buddhas who personify wisdom. The idea to create a grandiose shrine came to the Chinese after the Taliban barbarically destroyed two huge Buddha statues in Afghanistan in 2001. Their age was dated to the 6th century AD.

“Then we began to look for a suitable object. On Baikal it was difficult to do this purely technically. They also searched in other areas. Sometimes there were rocks that were too low, sometimes too high, sometimes too prominent. And last year, when we also installed a statue of Buddha near Bayangol, but a small one, one meter high, made to special order in India from onyx, I noticed the neighboring rock. It was ideal for realizing the Teacher’s idea - smooth, beautiful and quite high, about fifty meters. And most importantly - ideally located!

Usually Buddhist shrines erected “facing” south, be it temples, stupas or statues. We consciously wanted to move a little away from this tradition and make sure that the Buddha’s gaze was directed towards Moscow and other large Russian cities. In such a difficult time, it was simply necessary to do this for the benefit of the entire country and all living beings! At all times, the construction of Buddha statues, stupas, and datsans was considered a very beneficial deed. In the places where they appear, everything comes into harmony. In nature, various kinds of disasters cease, mutual understanding comes into people’s relationships, they get sick less and die from accidents, all living things find peace and tranquility,” says Tenzin Lama.

“But the Teacher then said that the time had not yet come. And now, a year later, the residents of the Khorinsky district themselves came up with this proposal. The Bayan-Khongor rock has long been considered a sacred place among the Khorin Buryats. Here, residents of the village of Bayan-Gol 2 times a year - in the summer and on the second day of Sagaalgan - hold oboo, and throughout the year they often come to worship the shrines. The so-called munkhanas are installed here - small houses in which thangkas and figurines of Buddhist deities are located. Last year a Buddha statue and 3 stupas appeared. Rinpoche thought about it for a long time and finally agreed. Moreover, this is the birthplace of his root Teacher.

Website reference: Venerable Yeshe Lodoy Rinpoche was born in Tibet in 1943. At the age of three he was recognized as the fourth rebirth of Yelo Rinpoche. In Tibet, such people are called tuluku - it is believed that they consciously continue the chain of their rebirths, devoting their lives to helping all living beings.
From the age of seven, Yelo Rinpoche devoted himself to monasticism and the study of Buddhist philosophy. In 1959, due to the occupation of Tibet by China, he left his homeland and moved through the kingdom of Bhutan to India, where he continued his studies.
The root Teacher of Yeshe Lodoya Rinpoche is Lama Dulva-hambo Thubten Choki, a Buryat by nationality. The renowned tantra master taught Yelo Rinpoche a course in vinaya - monastic discipline. Also, under the leadership of a lama from Buryatia, the Venerable Agwan-Nima, in 1979, Yelo Rinpoche defended the title of “geshe-lharamba” - the highest Buddhist academic degree. In 1993, at the request of the Buryat clergy and on behalf of His Holiness, he arrived in Buryatia, in the Ivolginsky datsan to teach at the Tashi Choinohrling Buddhist Institute. Since then, Yeshe Lodoy Rinpoche remained to live and work in Buryatia, for the benefit of all living beings and the prosperity of the Dharma.

In 1999, at an audience with the Dalai Lama, Yelo Rinpoche conveyed the requests of believers from Buryatia to open a Buddhist center and received His Holiness’s blessing to begin construction. 5 years later, in 2004, the opening of the Rinpoche Bagsha datsan took place on Bald Mountain in Ulan-Ude.

The plan was implemented quite quickly. All necessary approvals have been passed. Sponsors, craftsmen, and artists were found. Local residents actively helped during construction. The image of Shakyamuni Buddha was made as majestic as possible, but with minimal impact on nature. They did not carve a full-fledged statue or bas-relief. They just removed the top layer of the rock, drew the outlines of the World Teacher seated in the lotus position and painted it with paint.

The height of the image is exactly 33 meters. In Buddhism, this number also has its own sacred meaning. It is believed that there is the most high world on Earth, the so-called Trayastrimsha - “World of 33 Gods” or “Collection of 33 Gods”, which is located on the top of Mount Sumeru. Trayastrimsha is often mentioned in Buddhist texts when the Buddha ascends to the Thirty-three Gods, or the gods of this world themselves descend to earth to meet the Buddha.

“The creation of the statue of Shakyamuni Buddha is not accidental. Buddha Shakyamuni, the highest nirmanakaya, was born in our world, performed twelve feats, including turning the Wheel of the Teaching. All the time that the Buddha’s Teaching remains in the world, it is an incomparable, limitless cure for the diseases of our obscurations and suffering. Let the statue of Buddha Shakyamuni become a symbol of the unification of our pure intentions in the implementation of the teachings and a symbol of the fact that the Buddhist teachings - the dharma that the Buddha gave 2500 years ago, and now resides in our world,” says the teacher.

About 4 thousand people attended the Ramney ritual. 80 buses transported pilgrims from the Square of Soviets free of charge. After the consecration ritual, a festive concert and sports competitions took place.

Interview with Venerable Yeshe Loda Rinpoche:

- At the end of the ritual, a symbolic million flowers were offered to the image of Buddha? Is this some kind of tradition?

When a Buddha statue is created, the image of Buddha is a great virtue. And when an image of such a gigantic size is created, it is also a huge, incomparable virtue! Accordingly, the larger, richer and more beautiful the offerings, the more good merit we accumulate. And flowers in Buddhism are a traditional type of offering, along with white food, sweets and fruits.

- Why is the height of the Buddha image exactly 33 meters?

In the Buddhist tradition there is such a good attitude towards the number “33”, there is even an abode of the gods of 33 deities. Initially, it was not planned to make the image so large, but when they measured the rock, it turned out that it was about 55 meters high. Then they decided to make it exactly 33 meters. It fits in very harmoniously. This is also a kind of sign.

Golden Buddha Mountain - Wat Khao Chi Chan, is located in the suburbs of Pattaya, about 15 km from the city center.
The largest rock image of Buddha, lined with gold plates, is one of the top 20 attractions in Pattaya, so it’s definitely worth a look.

Golden Buddha Mountain Khao Chi Chan – History of Creation

A huge image of Buddha who achieved nirvana, lined with plates of real gold, appeared in the vicinity of Pattaya in 1996.
The son of King Rama the ninth, (Rama 10th is the current king of Thailand), dedicated this gift to his father, in honor of the 50th anniversary of his reign.

For Thais, Mount Khao Chi Chan is a religious place of pilgrimage, not a tourist attraction. On its territory there are places for prayers, offerings and meditation.

The story of the creation of the golden rock Buddha united the country. Before the start of work, the king's son announced a collection of donations and part of the gold used in the work was collected among ordinary citizens, who brought their jewelry, bracelets, rings to be melted down, as a sign of respect and love for their king.

The image of Buddha was applied to the rock using a laser, and then, for several months, the plates were laid by hand.

The Golden Buddha on Mount Khao Chi Chan can be seen from the southern part of the city, in the Jomtien and Na Jomtien areas. In the evening, the lights and laser show turn on.

How to get there, how much does it cost?

You can get to Mount Khao Chi Chan either independently or with a guided tour.

If you are on your own, here is a point on the map:

You need to turn right from the Sukhumvit highway at the traffic light opposite the Mini (BMW) salon and go straight.

If you don’t plan to rent a car or bike, check out these Beautiful places, where Mount Khao Chi Chan is located, can be part of the 7 Wonders of Pattaya excursion.

The location for such an installation was amazing.

Every year some new attraction appears in the surrounding area and they are all worthy of attention.
The “7 Wonders” tour includes - the village of long-necked women, Wat Yang Temple (where they make wishes and clear karma), an inverted house, Mount Khao Chi Chan, a Chinese temple, Mondop - a chapel with the footprint of Buddha.

In addition, near Mount Khao Chi Chan are worthy of attention and visit:

A good time to explore local attractions in those parts is early morning (right from 7 am) and before sunset. This is when the most beautiful photos are taken.

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30 km from Pattaya there is a large temple complex Wat Yan or Wat Yansangwararam, as well as the Mount of the Golden Buddha. These two attractions are very popular in Pattaya and are definitely worth a visit. The distance between Wat Yan Temple and Golden Buddha Mountain is only a couple of kilometers, so it is convenient to visit them together. I will tell you why these two attractions are interesting in this article.

The area of ​​Wat Yan is quite large and covers 145 hectares. It contains approximately a dozen religious buildings made in a variety of architectural styles. Here you will find traditional Thai style, as well as Chinese, Indian and Singaporean. The main temple of this complex is Wat Yan.

You should definitely climb the mountain to the footprint of Buddha. A staircase consisting of 300 steps leads to it. This shrine is significant in this temple complex and deeply revered local residents. Also opens from the mountain beautiful view.

In the Wat Yang temple complex there is a meditation center that anyone can visit. The center offers meditation classes and workshops based on the teachings of the Buddha. Also in the center you can find out when the next classes are held.

Monks live in separate houses. They are trained in Buddhism and take care of the cleanliness of the temple complex.

The grounds of Wat Yan are well maintained and beautiful. Lots of flowers, trimmed bushes, two beautiful lakes, fountains, comfortable gazebos and benches. Near the lake there are trading tents where you can buy fish food and feed the inhabitants of the lake. They also sell birds, turtles and fish, which should be released into the wild after purchase. Thais believe that in this way a person is cleansed of sins.

The territory of the Wat Yan temple complex is almost always quiet and calm, with very few people. It’s nice to walk along the temples and picturesque nature, sit on the shore of the lake and enjoy all this beauty.

Golden Buddha Mountain

Not far from Wat Yan is the Golden Buddha Mountain. On this mountain, an image of Buddha sitting in the lotus position is laid out in golden slabs. The height of the image is about 160 m. At the foot of the mountain there is a pond.

The area near the Golden Buddha Mountain is well-groomed and well-equipped. There are gazebos where you can sit in silence while enjoying the magnificent views.

It is not possible to stay overnight near the Wat Yan temple and the Golden Buddha Mountain, since these attractions are surrounded by the jungle and there are no hotels or any residential buildings near them.

Working hours

Wat Yan is open to the public every day from 8am to 4pm. Free admission. However, we must not forget about proper appearance. When visiting religious places, you must wear clothing that covers your shoulders, stomach, chest and knees.

Best time to visit these two attractions, it is in the morning before 10:00, since during these hours there are practically no tourists and there is no unbearable heat.

How to get there?

The easiest way to get to Wat Yan and Golden Buddha Mountain is with a guided tour, which can be purchased at any travel agency.

If you decide to go on your own, you won’t be able to use public tuk-tuks, they don’t come here. The only one accessible transport- this is a taxi.

For those who decide to go to own car or by bike, you should move south from Pattaya along the Sukhumvit Highway. First you will pass, and after a 15-minute drive there will be a sign for Wat Yansangwararam. Following the sign, you turn left and go straight to the fork. Then there are two options:

  1. Drive straight to Wat Yan temple.
  2. Turn right and go to Golden Buddha Mountain.

It is difficult to get lost on this road because there are signs everywhere.


On this map I have marked the location of the Wat Yan temple complex and the Golden Buddha Mountain.

Khao Chi Chan or Golden Buddha Mountain is one of the most famous attractions in Pattaya. It looks like an outline image of Buddha, laid out in gold plates on the hewn surface of a limestone hill rising above the flat terrain. And the temple is located below at the foot of the mountain.

During the US war with Vietnam, building material was extracted from the mountain for the American military base. In 1996, in honor of the fiftieth anniversary of the reign of King Rama IX, so beloved and revered by the Thais, it was decided to create the world's largest rock image of Buddha, lined with gold, on the northern slope of the hill; which, by the way, required about one and a half tons to complete the project.

Part of the money for gold for the drawing was donated simple people, parishioners of Buddhist temples. The image was applied to the surface of the mountain with a laser, according to a previously calculated computer program. The laser work took two days, and then over several months the outline was hand-finished with large gold plates. The image is more than 100 meters high and about 70 meters wide. Buddha is depicted at the moment of enlightenment and symbolizes peace and tranquility.

An important point - do not confuse the Golden Buddha and, which is located in the center of Pattaya on a hill and is a large statue of a seated Buddha, and not an image on a rock. It’s just that sometimes the image of the Golden Buddha is also called the Big Buddha, since the image is huge.

For Thais, it is primarily a religious place where they make pilgrimages to pray and offer gifts. At the foot of the mountain there is a temple where you can meet monks in orange robes. Therefore, you should behave here respectfully.

True, along with religious Thais near the mountain you can often find crowds of noisy Chinese tourists. But if you are lucky and there are few people, you will see a quiet and pleasant place, conducive to contemplation and thoughts about the eternal.

In front of the mountain with the image of Buddha there is a small park with paths and a lawn. Spacious gazebos with benches are scattered throughout the park, and around the lawn there are flower beds, decorative stones, rope swings on a tree and binoculars through which you can take a closer look at the image. You can't get close to him.

The mountain is located quite far outside the city, about 20 km south of the city center. In the same area, one might say next to the mountain, there are several more interesting places, which can be viewed at the same time as visiting Khao Chi Chan. These are the Silver Lake Vineyards and the large temple complex of Wat Yan. On the way to the mountain, you can still stop by to see the “Inverted House” attraction, and a few kilometers further from the mountain there is a large new Ramayana water park.

Exploring the mountain will not take much time, even if you carefully walk around the entire park, so tourists usually combine a visit to this attraction with the Wat Yan complex and/or Silver Lake Vineyards. Khao Chi Chan is included in several sightseeing tours, including free ones, conducted by tour operators in Pattaya.

Visiting information

Cost of visiting: free.

The park is officially open from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., but, of course, the mountain itself with the image can be viewed from the road; it rises high above the surrounding area. E

If you want to do beautiful pictures mountains, it’s better to come in the morning or evening; in the middle of the day the sun will be from the side of the mountain, shining directly into the camera. You'll have to shoot in backlight. In addition, in the middle of the day, walking along open lawns under the scorching sun is very hot and increases the chance of meeting crowds of tourists near the mountain.

In terms of infrastructure, next to the mountain there is a large parking lot for tourist buses, next to which there are shops with all sorts of things, across the road from the park there are several very simple cafes with local food and toilets.

How to get there

You can get to the mountain on your own, by rented transport or taxi. Just keep in mind that it is better for the taxi driver to say “Khao Chi Chan” so that he does not confuse the place you need with the Golden Buddha statue on the mountain in the center of Pattaya.

There is no public transport to the area where the Golden Buddha Mountain is located, but you can take a white tuk-tuk along the Sukhumvit Highway in the direction of Sattahib for 20 baht and get off at about the 160th kilometer of the road, at the turn to Khao Chi Chan. The landmark is the BMW Mini salon to the right of the road. Opposite it, across the road there is a 7-eleven and a small road going to the left, which after 5.5 km will lead to the mountain. Right at the seventeen or a little further you can find a taxi in the form of a motorcycle, tuk-tuk or car that will take you to the mountain for 70 baht. If you take a taxi from the center of Pattaya, it will cost much more, from 300 baht.

Now we can say with full responsibility that we were in Pattaya - we laughed when we arrived at the mountain with the image of the golden Buddha. In Thai, the Golden Buddha Mountain is called Khao Chi Chan.

Khao Chi Chan Pattaya

Golden Buddha Mountain Khao Chi Chan is one of those places where, according to people, you must visit if you come to Pattaya.

About 20 years ago, an image of Buddha was carved in gold on an impressive rock (130 meters high). This idea cost $3 million. Now this place is carefully guarded. I wonder if there are people who want to pick out a piece of gold for themselves as a souvenir of their magical vacation?

Near the rock there is a decorative pond and a small park with gazebos. For 100 baht you can buy a frame with your photo against the backdrop of a golden Buddha on a rock.

Where can I order a transfer from the airport?

We use the service - KiwiTaxi
We ordered a taxi online and paid by card. We were met at the airport with a sign with our name on it. We were taken to the hotel in a comfortable car. You've already talked about your experience In this article.

Reviews about the attraction

There is nothing else to see here except the rock. Therefore, it is not worth coming specifically to Khao Chi Chan. Only if the rock with the golden Buddha is one of the places in your program for exploring the southern outskirts of Pattaya, such as Silverlake Vineyards, a tropical garden or a water park. You can also look here on the way to Military Beach or.

  • 10 minutes is enough for a thoughtful inspection of the rock and photos.
  • Opening hours: from 6 a.m. to 6 p.m.
  • The entrance is free.

Video from quadcopter

Bird's eye view video of the mountain with the rock carving of the Golden Buddha and the surrounding area.

How to get to Khao Chi Chan

You can only get there by bike or car. There is free parking, toilets and a couple of shops near the mountain.

On public transport There’s no way to get there, since tuk-tuks don’t go here. Theoretically, you can try to drive along Sukhumvit to the turn to Silverlake, and there find a taxi or a motorbike, since walking from Sukhumvit is not an option, the distance is about 5 km along a road without a sidewalk.

Mount Khao Chi Chan on the map

Coordinates: 12.766674, 100.956457


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