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The Vistula is the longest and deepest river in Poland, flowing through most major cities of this country. The river is very beautiful, and in addition, it is of great economic importance.

The Vistula has a length of more than a thousand kilometers, and the total area of ​​its basin is almost 200 thousand square kilometers. The river crosses Poland from south to north, originating at Barania Mountain and flowing into the Baltic Sea. On the Vistula there are such big cities, like Krakow, Warsaw, Plock and Gdansk.

The speed of the Vistula current is about 5 kilometers per hour, and the depth varies greatly from mouth to source.

Also on the river is the largest Polish hydroelectric power station - Wrocławek HPP. Overall, Wisła ranks prominently among the largest European rivers, and in addition, is among the significant natural resources Poland.

Jagiellonian University

Founded on May 12, 1364 by Casimir III, the Jagiellonian University is to this day one of the oldest in Europe and the largest higher education institution in Poland.

Today the university has 15 faculties that provide training in 46 areas.

Since the university has a long history, in its lifetime it has seen many students who later became outstanding people. Among them are Pope John Paul II, John III Sobieski - King of Poland and many others.

However, the Jagiellonian University is famous not only for the quality of its education, but also for its stunning architecture. After the rebuilding, the university building received its current red brick Gothic façade, steep roofs and closed crenellated gables. Passing through the courtyard, the visitor finds himself in museum halls that amaze with their wealth and decoration.

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St. Mary's Church

The main shrine of Krakow is St. Mary's Church, or the Church of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary. The temple was built in the 13th century in the Gothic style. In the 18th century, the interior of the church was rebuilt in the Baroque style.

Every hour on a high signal tower, a trumpeter plays an old melody that has become the call sign of Polish radio. The melody sounds to all cardinal directions in turn. This tradition dates back to the 15th century, when a trumpeter, at the cost of his life, warned the city about an enemy approaching the walls.

In 2001, after a long break, the tower opened to the public.

The church has two entrances and two parts: the back part with the entrance through the square is intended for worshipers, and on the right there is a paid entrance for those who come to admire the ancient architecture and decoration. Of particular interest is the three-winged altar of St. Mary's Church. Its height is over 12 meters and its width is about 11 meters. This altar in Poland is the most significant work of wooden sculpture made in the late Gothic style. Behind the altar there are ancient stained glass windows, and the walls of the church are painted by famous Venetian artists.

In the evenings, free organ concerts are held here.

The Town Hall Tower is the only surviving part of the town hall, built in the early 14th century and dismantled in the 19th century.

The town hall building, built of brick and stone, was intended for the work of the Gchoroda Council and included a place for the city treasury, a court and even a prison, which was located in the basements of the building.

After reconstruction in 1960, the tower was transferred to the Historical Museum, the exhibition of which is dedicated to the history of the city authorities.

The entrance staircase is decorated with stone lions brought from the Morstin Palace in Plavovice, and on the second floor there are late Gothic portals and stone mascarons from the 14th century. In addition to the museum tour, you can visit the former treasury of the town hall, the satirical Mascaron theater and cafes located in the ancient cellars.

Czartoryski Museum

The museum was founded in 1878 as a continuation of the first art museum in Poland, established in 1796 by Princess Isabella Czartoryska on the grounds of the Czartoryski residence in Puławy. Relics of patriotic nature occupied the “Temple of the Sibyl” (a small rotunda in the park), which was opened to the public in 1801.

Old Theater

The Old Theater in Krakow lives up to its name. This is one of the first theaters in Poland, which was officially opened in 1781. Today, the Old Theater operates four stages in the city center.

The initiator of the opening of the theater was Matthew Witkowski, to whom the authorities issued an entertainment permit at a price of 50 Polish zlotys per month. Vitkovsky became the first director of the theater. The theater has a very rich history. During the occupation, the Germans completely painted over the beautiful ornaments, changed the color of the walls, and turned the theater into a concert hall. But recently, three halls of the building were restored, and soon the turn of the last hall will come. In 1991, the Old Theater was given national status.

It is very difficult to get tickets here; it even happens that a month before the start of the performance, the seats are already booked. The most famous and professional actors and directors in Poland work here. But the most important thing is that over all these years the quality of the performances has been preserved. Even after one such spectacle, the viewer will have enough emotions and memories for a long time.

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Wawel Castle

Wawel Castle is a symbol of Poland and occupies a special place of honor in the heart of any Polish resident.

The castle is made in the Gothic style and rises at an altitude of 228 meters above sea level. Consists of several cathedral complexes, of which the most famous are the Royal Castle and the Cathedral of Saints Stanislaus and Wenceslas.

The castle has a rich history, which is shared with tourists through exhibitions located inside the castle. The chambers of the Polish kings, the treasury, the Throne Room and the Armory are available for visiting here.

Wawel is especially noteworthy for tourists because there is a tradition of burying Polish monarchs here.

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ex Polish capital and one of the most beautiful cities Europe, which, by the way, is included in the list world heritage UNESCO, the city of Krakow annually receives hundreds of thousands of tourists. Belarusians are also frequent guests of the city. In this article we will talk about the most famous places Krakow, which are a must-see during your trip.

Krakow was once the capital of the Republic of Poland. There is an opinion that it is one of the most beautiful places in Europe. Since it dates back to ancient times, Krakow is famous for its history. Tourists often come to it, because there are many attractions worth seeing.

Picturesque places and ancient architecture fascinate tourists. I want to come here again and again to feel the historical atmosphere.

Market Square

The first place to visit is the market square. Even though sales are in full swing here, there is still something to see. At one time the market area was much smaller. Over time, it was expanded, the population increased, and, accordingly, the number of trading tents increased.

On the market square you can buy any product at your discretion. It is noteworthy in that its size is included in the list of one of the largest squares in Europe. Plus, there are many fascinating buildings and establishments around the market that are worth checking out.

Wawel Castle

It is considered a symbol of Poland. Lock - architectural complex, which is visited by tourists from all over the world. In front of the main entrance stands the Coat of Arms Gate. They are distinguished by their sophistication.

In front of the main entrance to the castle there is a bronze monument dedicated to the national Polish hero. It was he who organized the uprising back in 1794. The hero's name was Tadeusz Kosciuszko.

Wawel Cathedral

In the courtyard there is a temple in memory of the holy martyrs Svyatoslav and Wenceslas. It is periodically restored and today it contains several styles. These are Gothic, Baroque and Renaissance.

In the courtyard you can see many interesting and ancient buildings that have been preserved since 975. As you can see, Wawel Castle must be visited at least once in your life.

The interior of the cathedral is distinguished by sophistication and luxury. There is the Mausoleum of St. Stanislaus and many other wonderful sights to see.

Bishops' Palace

Since 1944, John Paul II lived in this building. He became an archbishop in 1978, when he was elected by the Pope. The building itself looks outdated, although it is periodically restored, and near the entrance there is a monument to John, which is surrounded by bushes of amazing beauty and to this day they do not forget to look after it.

There is a museum in the palace. You can see the legacy of the Pope in it. There are various exhibitions, ancient paintings and several sculptures. All this was once brought as a gift.


There is a wonderful Jewish district in Krakow called Kazimierz. This quarter has its own culture, religion and architecture. Kazemierz is the highlight of Krakow. It turns out to be a different civilization in one city.

When a tourist enters this quarter, a change in religion is immediately felt. There are no longer Catholic cathedrals here, but synagogues. Tourists will be interested to see this unique and original area.


Krakow is famous not only ancient architecture. The city also has many beautiful picturesque parks. There is an opinion that Planty is the most beautiful, vibrant place to relax. When you walk along the path, the aroma is amazing. Birds sing, deciduous trees seem to invite you to listen to the sounds of nature.

Not only friends, but also residents of the country come to Planty on vacation. After all, it’s worth seeing the beautiful landscapes, breathing clean air. You can come here at any time of the year, as it is beautiful here in any weather.

St. Mary's Cathedral

This is the main holy place in Krakow. Back in the XIV century. began to erect. True, its construction was completed only half a century later. There are two on the cathedral big towers that look royal. One of them has a golden crown and a high spire on top. There is a helmet on the other tower.

The interior of the cathedral delights not only tourists, but also residents of the country. After all, the building looks like an ancient castle. Paintings, sculptures and stained glass windows make you visit this attraction again and again.

Town Hall Tower

Every city has a town hall and Krakow is no exception. Once upon a time, it was here that the rulers of the city met. Now the town hall is gone, but only the tower remains, which has become one of the most beautiful landmarks of the city.

Near the entrance to the building sit two huge lions made of stone. If you go to the second floor, then you can see many artifacts. They were the ones that once belonged to the Polish government. Now these are only antiques that are of great value to the citizens of the country.

But in the basement there is a treasury and a theater. Their guides recommend visiting them first. After all, what you saw cannot be described in words, the beauty is so breathtaking.

Bastion Barbican

This is the cultural and historical value of the country. The Bastion is a must-see for every tourist. This building stands in memory of the fortified defensive structure. After all, it was from this point that they shot at the enemy and defended the city. The Barbican is the symbol of Krakow, and it is the one depicted on the coat of arms of the city of Krakow.

Any citizen can visit the Barbican. Inside, tourists will see exhibitions and learn a little history from them. A tourist should visit here, since he will not see such an attraction anywhere else.

Who doesn't love shopping? Of course, tourists will be happy to go shopping and buy a few souvenirs as a souvenir. So, the Krakow Gallery is what visitors need. There are a lot of stores (more than 100) of well-known brands in Europe. Moreover, if you take into account permanent discounts, and not just seasonal ones, you can profitably buy both a souvenir and a more expensive item in the form of clothing.

There are so many cafes and restaurants here that guests of the city never dreamed of. Therefore, while walking around the shops, you can safely go to any cafe you like and have a snack. The prices are quite reasonable. There are also several studios and even a cinema. As you can see, there are a lot of interesting things in one place.

The gallery differs from other well-known stores in that there are many sellers who are fluent in Russian. This is a nice bonus for tourists. Near the gallery there are many public gardens and a central square where you can take a break from shopping and unwind.

What to see in Krakow in one day

It's nice to know that Krakow is quite small town and the main attractions can be seen in one day. Moreover, this applies to those people who are passing through the city.

We need to start from the center of Krakow. The most interesting and fascinating places are collected here. For example, Stare Myasto and the market square. Here you can linger a little and buy yourself something interesting as a souvenir.

There is St. Mary's Church on the square; a trip there will not take much time. Then you can visit the Jagiellonian University. Afterwards you should definitely visit the museum called Czartoryski.

Located a little further from the market square National Museum, which preserves the history of the city. There are 11 halls and almost 1000 antiques and art objects. You can spend a lot of time here, so it's best to see the most famous and fascinating antiquities.

You can also visit the Bishops' Palace and see the beauty of the Florian Gate. Not far from the castle is the Kazemiž district. This is an interesting place because you immediately find yourself in a different religion and culture. It feels like there is a completely different country in this area, not Poland. Moreover, here citizens also lead a different life, which is very different from the Polish one.

Krakow Meadow is a beautiful and large area, and once upon a time there was a very ordinary pasture. Here you can relax after your trip and have a snack. Citizens walk here, especially in the evenings. After all, the air in this place is special and you can feel a friendly, calm atmosphere.

Plus, there are many restaurants in Krakow with reasonable prices. Therefore, after a grueling hard day, you can just go and relax, even if you drink a cup of tea.

What to see in the vicinity of Krakow

If you have seen everything interesting in the city, then you can go to other Beautiful places. For example, in State Museum, which is called Auschwitz-Birkenau. It is located in the western part of Krakow, where the drive is about 60 km.

This museum is also called a death camp. Once upon a time, more than 2 million citizens were killed here. Not every tourist dares to come here. Unless he doesn’t know the true name of the museum.

The Wieliczka Salt Mines are underground corridors, or rather labyrinths, where there are many sculptures, and they are made of rock salt. Tourists can walk no more than 2 km. But this is enough to get tired.

Near Krakow there is an architectural and park area where monasteries and national park. It is very beautiful here and you can just relax and unwind. Because the air and nature are wonderful.

The Niedzica Fortress is another attraction, but it is located a little far from Krakow. Approximately about 100 km. Here you can take wonderful pictures not only against the backdrop of the fortress, but also in nature.

You can also go to a park called Tatransky. It is located in the southern part of Krakow. Here you can see the real mountain peak, caves, glacial lakes birch and fir forests.

The reserve is also located near Krakow. It is also called Babiegursky Park. There are deciduous and coniferous forests, as well as many species of birds (more than 100). Tourists will also be able to see wild animals that do not rush at people, but go about their business. And many species of mammals live in these areas. Citizens who visit the reserve will never forget this amazing and beautiful world.

Any place can be reached either by bus or by train. Difference in ticket prices. Moreover, transport only runs on schedule. If you are late for it, you may have to wait a long time for your transport.

Since bus and railway stations operate 24 hours a day, you can purchase round-trip tickets in advance. Then citizens can have a specific time.

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Holidays in Poland can bring you a lot of bright unforgettable impressions. However, not all of our compatriots know which attractions in Krakow deserve special attention. But this one amazing city is replete with places, the acquaintance with which will become an important event in your life. Moreover, these places are especially interesting for children and young people who are distinguished by curiosity, a lively mind and a developed imagination. Most bus tours to Europe include a visit to Krakow.

Krakow is one of the most visited cities in Poland and is often included in itineraries bus tours, it is located near the Ukrainian border. Many tourists have already visited it, looked at the Market Square, the majestic Wawel and listened to the trumpeter play near the St. Mary's Church. Sometimes they visit the Wieliczka Salt Mine. Most travelers think that this is where the list of things to do in Krakow ends. However, this is not the case! Let us tell you what to see in Krakow, offering the five most striking and unusual attractions of this city.

Stanislaw Lem Experiment Park

The Stanislav Lem Experiment Park is a unique educational facility for children of all ages. Here, on an area of ​​6 hectares, you can see many interesting exhibitions, educational equipment, structures and models that allow you to experimentally study physics and other natural sciences. School-age children simply love this place.

Dinosaur Park "Zatorland"

When listing the main attractions of Krakow and the surrounding area, it is impossible to ignore this park, located on Parkowa Street. The Zatorland dinosaur park is ideal for families with children, as it allows you to travel back hundreds of millions of years and look into the world of giant dinosaurs. In Zatorland Park you can admire exotic relict trees, real skeletons and movable models of dinosaurs, and also visit the Museum of Skeletons and Fossils. A holiday here will be remembered for a long time by all members of your family.

Amusement park "Energy Land"

Don't know where to go in Krakow with children? Then visit the most big park attractions in Poland! The Energy Land amusement park is located in the city of Zator, which is located in close proximity to Krakow. Here, on an area of ​​30 hectares, you can find a wide variety of attractions for adults and children. In addition, the park has many cozy cafes and restaurants, 7D cinema, as well as other interesting entertainment.

Polish Aviation Museum

The Polish Aviation Museum is clear evidence that interesting places in Krakow can be very diverse. By visiting here, you will learn everything about the specifics of the development of aviation technology, and see more than 150 interesting models of gliders, helicopters and airplanes. In addition, this museum contains a unique collection of engines, many of which are found nowhere else in the world.

When you've had enough of the museums and amusement parks in Krakow, be sure to visit the Barbican Fortress, which is located in the city center, north of Rynok Square. This is a defensive structure designed to strengthen the city gates, which was built back in the 16th century. The fortress is very interesting historical monuments, and inside it there is a small museum, which is also worth a visit for tourists.

Of course, this is not the entire list of entertainment. You can also visit the popular water park Park Wodny, the zoo, and the Anikino children's play park.

As you can see, a holiday in Krakow can bring you a lot of positive emotions and new impressions. Poland is generally ideal for tourists traveling with children. You can get here from Ukraine by bus, train or own car. Moreover, the trip will be inexpensive, because prices in Poland are much lower than in Western European countries with the same good quality service.


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