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The design of a summer cottage is of increasing interest to summer residents - this is due to the long summer season and increased interest in a healthy lifestyle. Today we will tell you how to make a cozy relaxation area at your summer cottage.

Most recreation areas are located near the house, but this should not be your rule.

On the other hand, if you plan to use the recreation area as an additional outdoor room, then it is better to place it next to the house or a covered gazebo.

Whether your relaxation area will be simple or grand depends on the elements surrounding it, which will greatly enhance its charm.

By using curved shapes in your garden design, you will create a more harmonious, relaxed atmosphere that will differ from the traditional clear and rigid rectangular structure of your garden beds and home.
This way you will soften the overall style.

Be creative by incorporating elements of a flower garden or pond into the overall design of the recreation area at your summer cottage.

Add some flair to the design of your summer cottage by leaving open ground on your path or patio for gravel and planting small flower beds.
Choose low-maintenance plants that can grow in minimal soil. And at the same time, your relaxation corner will acquire an exclusively decorative appearance.

Try to create several zones on the patio: for private conversations, for quiet contemplation of nature alone with yourself, for more formal and large-scale meetings with guests.

If your sitting area isn't comfortable, you won't use it. Therefore, consider protection from the sun and wind.

If you like to have barbecues often, then place a barbecue in the recreation area - and you will have a lovely summer kitchen.

A recreation area for a small family can be small. But, if you are going to invite guests in the future, then it is better to provide additional space for them.

In order to understand how large your future gazebo should be in the recreation area, place the required number of tables and chairs on the ground, so you will see with your own eyes how much space you need to build a gazebo.

Tile, concrete, brick, and stone are the most popular materials for patio flooring. But when choosing a material, try to focus not only on price. It's good when the style of the recreation area matches the style of your home.

And, if you are going to use the recreation area regularly as a dining room, then it is better to choose the surface for covering the floor that guarantees the most stable position of the table and chairs.

The simplest seating area can be just a piece of paved area in the garden.

But to get more out of your patio, add lighting, flower containers, fountains, and barbecues. Allow your desires to dictate what small but essential details your patio needs.

Building a garden seating area can be quite a challenge for a beginner.

But first, you can try to pave a small area for a recreation area yourself.

For some summer residents, a personal plot of land is almost the only corner on a planet where you can isolate yourself from the bustle of the city and spend a weekend in nature. That is why one of the main objects at the dacha is a recreation area. Even if the plot is small, there is still space allocated for a gazebo or canopy of the simplest design. And on a large area, entire complexes are created, including barbecues, playgrounds and flower arrangements with ponds.

How to choose a place for a recreation area

Where to make a recreation area largely depends on the size and. But there are well-established principles, following which helps to find a suitable place for this.

What to consider when choosing a place to relax, 5 rules:

  1. The distance from the road will protect against the penetration of dust and noise;
  2. The presence of a canopy makes it possible to gray in the fresh air in inclement weather;
  3. Hiddenness from neighboring areas and the street guarantees an atmosphere of confidentiality and trust;
  4. The leeward side provides calm and comfort in windy weather;
  5. Convenient approaches allow you to quickly reach your resting place;
  6. Proximity to the house allows you to quickly move things, dishes or food from the premises.

Analyzing the reviews of experienced summer residents, we can identify three possible options for the location of a recreation area in the country: under a canopy in the yard, in the garden under the trees and, best of all, in the gap between the house and the garden. The convenience of the latter option is that on one side the site is protected by a wall, and on the other by trees. No dust gets in here and no street noise comes through. Decorative vegetation is planted along the fence on the side of the neighboring plot, which will also create a reliable, impenetrable curtain.

Important. It is least suitable for leisure activities, since it borders on the street. If there are no other options, you need to isolate this part of the dacha, fencing it off with a solid fence and tall bushes with a dense crown.

Principles for creating a recreation area

Big land plot provides great opportunities to arrange a recreation area for all occasions. Here you can distribute areas for different purposes throughout the entire territory (relaxation with friends, with family, with children, for privacy). Or you can do the opposite: collect everything in one place, highlighting sub-zones for active recreation, feasts with a noisy company, and children's games.

The site on a small plot of land is equipped with all the attributes necessary for recreation in the same way as on a spacious plot. The only difference is that everything is located very compactly. In a modest area, space for flower beds is being reduced. Of course, you don’t need to completely abandon them, you just need to adjust the type of flower garden. Low borders along paths and fences are suitable. They use low-growing varieties Tagetes, zinnias, Lavaters, gazania. Shrubs with a lush crown are replaced by climbing plants like morning glory, kobei And decorative beans.

The playground for children is located near the rest area for adults, so that the kids are within sight of their parents. A soft base is created on the playground: sand is poured, a grass lawn is arranged or laid artificial turf. Depending on the age of the children, slides, sandboxes, swings, and a small gazebo with benches are installed in the play area.

Types of recreation areas in the country

No one has yet officially classified recreational areas in dacha plots, but a conditional division is quite possible. According to the design method, 5 types of recreation areas can be distinguished: terrace, patio, open gazebo, closed gazebo and green room.


The open terrace is part of the house, and at the same time located outside of it. The air temperature there is almost the same as outside, so there is every reason to consider the terrace a place to relax in the fresh air. Convenience lies in the proximity to the living quarters and kitchen, so that dishes and other necessary items are always at hand.

The effect of being in nature is created by plants in flowerpots and hanging pots placed around the perimeter of the room. To ensure a complete feeling of unity with nature, a garden with flower beds is laid out in the area in front of the house. The composition can include a fountain, waterfall or pond. By equipping a terrace as a dining room, you can enjoy the fresh air several times a day.


In its essence, a patio is a courtyard near a residential building, suitable for relaxing with a cup of coffee or tea. Sometimes a patio is called an open-air room, since it is not in all cases equipped with a canopy.

A small round or rectangular area is laid out with paving slabs or filled with concrete, surrounded by lattice walls entwined with vines, and a classic-type patio is ready.

Inside there is elegant furniture: a table, chairs, a chest of drawers. The walls can be replaced with transparent curtains: light cambric or tulle fabric is hung from the crossbars of the pergola.

To create a slight shading, the material can be pulled in the form of a dome. The diffused shadow cast by the fabric contributes to a pleasant, comfortable environment.

Open gazebo

The rating of the most ordinary gazebo always remains high. This building is a platform fenced around the perimeter with a parapet high about 80 cm, and a roof mounted on vertical posts. The floor is laid slightly above the soil level so that the structure is not flooded with rainwater.

A table, sometimes a stationary type, is installed in the center of the gazebo, and benches are located around it. The beauty of the structure is that it takes up little space and can be installed in any corner of the garden. Gazebos come in different sizes and can accommodate up to 6 or more people.

Closed gazebo

If the summer cottage is used in winter, it is better to build a closed gazebo, which is equipped with an entrance door and windows.

True, glazing should occupy most of walls so that in the summer the doors can be opened and fresh air allowed into the room.

In addition to the grill (barbecue), the closed gazebo is equipped with a fireplace or wood stove to make it comfortable to relax in in winter. Naturally, in this case, good ventilation should be provided in the design.

Green room

An innovation in the landscape design of summer cottages is green rooms. The recreation area is divided into several areas, which are separated from one another by walls of greenery, thin curtains or lattice pergolas entwined with vines.

If you need to create a completely enclosed secluded place, it is fenced with an impenetrable high green fence made of deciduous shrubs (privet, barberry, mock orange) or coniferous trees ( juniper, thuja).

There can be one, two or more rooms (or bosquets), depending on the capabilities of the garden and the needs of its owners. The open-air rooms are furnished with comfortable furniture and decorated with flower beds and garden figurines. If there are several such “offices,” each of them is equipped for its intended purpose: a playroom for children, a family barbecue, a relaxation corner.

How to arrange a recreation area

A comfortable pastime at the dacha depends a lot on how comfortable the garden furniture is. Typically, plastic, rattan, wooden or metal tables and chairs for the garden are used in the design of the recreation area. But there are also other pieces of furniture that give the atmosphere a special chic.

With a hammock

A hammock is a rather exclusive thing, although it is not an innovation in summer cottages. It can be hung on a terrace or in a gazebo and used as a full-fledged piece of furniture along with armchairs and benches.

But the best way to use a hammock is to create a secluded place in a secluded corner of the garden. When used in this way, the hammock does not need a sophisticated setting, since the natural environment is the best environment to create a romantic mood.

With a swing

Swings are used as an additional or main item in the design of a recreation area. For example, when setting up a barbecue area, even the most spacious swing is not enough. Therefore, they are installed as an additional element to create a more relaxed atmosphere.

The swing can be placed on a spacious terrace, under a pergola or in the garden for privacy. Staying in nature will be even more pleasant if you put sofa cushions and bolsters on the seat.

With sunbeds

If the recreation area is more intended for relaxation and recuperation, it will be equipped with furniture for lying down. These are a variety of sun loungers, trestle beds, couches and sofas. They allow you to completely relax, spend time reading or just take a nap, leaning back on soft pillows.

Advice. Plastic and wooden trestle beds and sun loungers are additionally equipped with fluffy blankets or mattresses. Their presence will make your leisure time more comfortable.

With grill and barbecue

It is impossible to be in nature without cooking meat over an open fire. For a barbecue or barbecue, a place is allocated not far from the covered area, so that the “cook” has the opportunity to communicate with the company without stopping from cooking.

Having a specially equipped fireplace on the site, it is not necessary to prepare delicious dishes every time. You can simply fry sausages or boil water for tea.

It is permissible to arrange a place for cooking inside a closed gazebo, and then bad weather will not become an obstacle to relaxation. You just need to provide for the removal of smoke through the exhaust pipe and provide good ventilation.

An interesting idea for a recreation area with a garden stove. Design by appearance resembles a Russian stove and is suitable for creating a rustic style at the dacha. It is laid out from brick or natural stone. In the lower part there is a place for storing firewood, coal, shovels and screws. In the central part there is a fireplace with a chimney, and on the sides there are shelves for storing dishes. The oven can be built in an open area and in a spacious gazebo.

Ideas for decorating a recreation area

The aesthetic side of arranging a place to relax is no less important than the practical one. Design environment should be conducive to calm, evoke a desire to relax and enjoy the pleasant landscape. The terrain and the availability of free space will tell you what to fill the landscape with.

Swimming pools

The pool has a big plus - you can cool off in it in the summer heat. The space near the water and the recreation area are laid out with tiles that are non-slip when wet, and the entire surrounding area is sown with lawn.

A polycarbonate canopy over the water will create a greenhouse effect, and the water will retain heat longer. You can complement the decor with a bar counter and several sun loungers and umbrellas.

Important. For safety reasons, the area around the pool should be well lit in the evening. For this purpose, landscape sealed LED lamps are used.

Creating a recreation area with a swimming pool is a good, but expensive idea, so often an artificial pond is installed instead.


On a hot day, it is much more pleasant to relax on the shore of a reservoir, even if it is not suitable for swimming. Coolness comes from the water, the air becomes fresher, and this is not the only reason to create an artificial pond at the dacha. A landscape with a pond always looks more interesting than without it, and vegetation planted near water looks lush and more attractive due to its special microclimate.

You shouldn’t give up on having a pond in your dacha because of the apparent complexity of creating it. If you don’t have the courage to take on a dynamic hydraulic structure project (stream, waterfall, cascade), you can create a small static pond.

It is easy to build from a suitable container: an old bathtub, a plastic tank, a wide basin. The vessel is dug into the ground, covered with a thick film and filled with water. The edges of the film are masked with stones, pebbles, sand or gravel, and vegetation typical of natural bodies of water is planted around.


A grid filled with stones is not a new, but still rare way to design a garden landscape. Gabions are a solid wall, impenetrable to wind, noise, dust and prying eyes, completely insulating the resting place. As a rule, they are installed in areas with differences in height as retaining walls. But a cozy corner with gabions can also be made on a flat area, by enclosing the resting place with them on one or both sides.

Advice. In a landscape with gabions, flower beds should be used. Otherwise, the composition will turn out somewhat gloomy.

Additional details

Small, sometimes unexpected details add color to the recreation area. They often do not carry a practical load, but help create a picturesque, unique landscape. Flower beds in furniture pieces have become a fashionable element of the landscape.

They look very cute daisies or viola, peeking out of dresser drawers, or petunia planted on a bed as a bedspread.

Old rubber boots, teapots, and chopped cups are used for flowerpots - they are hung on trees, placed on the porch of a gazebo, or simply placed in a flowerbed.

Thematic garden figurines are always in place. For example, on the shore of a pond, frogs, fish, and waterfowl look interesting.

Other animals can also find a place in the garden, near benches, in flower beds.

It is impossible not to mention the garden lanterns on solar powered. They are used where it is not possible to conduct electric light. Lanterns are stuck into the ground along the paths and around the resting place, and illuminate the area as soon as dusk falls. Thanks to them, you can navigate the garden well at night, even if you sit up late talking.

How to do it yourself

Garden furniture made from pallets

After building a country house, there are always materials left over: bricks, building blocks, timber, boards, etc. They can be used to create a relaxation area with a pergola (canopy). Brick is used to create garden paths, retaining walls, raised flower beds, and lumber is useful in the construction of a simple tent.

How to make a canopy:

  • Wooden posts or bars with a section not less than 10 cm dig in at the corners of the marked area;
  • The space between the supports is leveled, filled with crushed stone and filled with concrete. Instead of a concrete base, you can make wooden flooring on joists;
  • The pillars are connected at the top by transverse crossbars, on which the sheathing is mounted;
  • A roof is laid from boards, polycarbonate, or a fabric awning is stretched;
  • To ensure the stability of the canopy, the supports are additionally connected to each other in the middle places, but not on all sides: a passage is left on the side most convenient for using the canopy.

An unassuming building at first glance can easily be turned into a cozy corner. Furniture is installed inside: table, chairs, benches. They can be made from scrap materials, or you can buy ready-made products.

Climbing perennial plants are planted around the perimeter of the hut. Of course you can plant girl's grapes, but it is too often used for landscaping such places, and, moreover, it produces a lot of growth. It's better to use something more exotic, for example, Kampsis, actinidia, evergreen ivy.

To create the simplest cozy seating area in the garden, you don't need much. Use our ideas and you will get an original and cozy relaxation area in the garden - the photos will definitely inspire you!

1. Create a luxurious getaway: add color

Perhaps the most common place to create a cozy corner in the fresh air is the veranda. But often we paint it in dark colors, which is not at all relaxing, looks dull and unattractive. To freshen up your outdoor space and integrate it into your garden, paint the walls a watery blue-green.

Notice that the floor is slightly darker than the walls. This will give the desired volume to the space.

2. Pillows and blankets

Soft pillows on armchairs are always a win-win option for creating a hospitable relaxation area.

3. Wicker chairs

The more places you have to sit, the more options you have for maintaining close conversations. Wicker chairs are convenient because they are resistant to the sun, rain, temperature changes, and are easy to wash. Don’t forget to provide small children with benches or banquettes - then, for sure, the needs of all family members will be met.

4. Old doors

Create a relaxation space using old wooden doors that you no longer need. This screen looks original and creates a secluded space.

5. Chandelier in the garden

A hanging old chandelier will help create your mood. You don't even need to connect it.

6. Create an accent with bright furniture

Who said that a garden seating area should only be relaxing? Cobalt-colored wicker furniture will become the epicenter of energy in your garden.

7. Space zoning

The design laws that apply in houses and apartments also apply outdoors. By laying a carpet on the floor, you zone the spaces of the dining room and living room.

8. Green wall

A hedge of trees or tall shrubs will provide you with privacy. Want faster results? Plant sweet peas, which can cover any metal or bamboo fence in just a month.

9. Curtains

Hang quick-dry curtains to provide shade and privacy. Choose massive pillows to match the color for visual integrity of the picture.

10. Deep blue sky

Not a commonly used technique, but try highlighting your veranda ceiling with a richer, more energetic hue.

11. ART objects

Personalize your vacation spot with items that won't deteriorate due to temperature changes. In this version, the owners hung their collection of straw hats.

12. Vintage

A resting place can be organized far from the everyday hustle and bustle in any secluded place in the garden. You can build it yourself from old beams from a dismantled porch and cornices. Relaxation area in the garden - photo: “This is the kind of gingerbread house we got.”

13. Sun roof

Reduce your costs for arranging a recreation area by using galvanized steel panels for roofing. In this photo we built a roof on old doors that were fastened together. In such a cozy nook you can drink tea both during rain and midday sun.

14. Rest for Maharajas

An old couch or tapchan can be turned into a resting place for real maharajas. Or for those who want to create a royal holiday for themselves.

15. Garden room

Another traditional way to create a relaxation area in the garden is to cover the pergola with climbing plants. recommends using evergreen honeysuckle for this. Caring for it is very simple. It is not whimsical, does not require shelter, the blooming flowers in June exude a pleasant aroma, and green foliage remains in winter. Just two years - and you will have a tightly entwined pergola protecting you from the hot sun.

16. Potted plants

Install potted plants around the resting area. To make caring for them easier, choose ceramic or clay containers. They will prevent the soil from drying out quickly and will retain moisture in the pot longer than plastic ones.

17. Path to the resting place

The walking path invites you and your guests to a place where you can have fun or relax.

In this photo, we made the tiles for the walking path ourselves. The cement mortar was poured into round trays and allowed to adhere well.

18. Garden furniture made from pallets

One of the most popular budget ideas right now is creating garden furniture from pallets. Just make sure that the upholstery is made of weather-resistant material. Otherwise she will quickly grow old.

19. Interior in exterior

Do you want to create a luxurious relaxation area? Then furnish the outdoor room the same way you would in a home.

20. The sound of water

The sounds of a babbling stream create a peaceful atmosphere. Is there a stream nearby? Install an artificial fountain. Now stores offer a huge number of different fountains. When choosing, make sure it matches the style of your home's exterior.

21. Mirror

Hang a mirror on a wall or fence to create the illusion of a window into another room.

22. Relaxation area in the garden - photo

If you like to relax with a cup of tea after hard work in the garden, place a relaxation area near the kitchen. This will reduce the number of steps you have to take the kettle and cups in and out. It is very convenient to have a folding table and chairs that can be hidden in the garage for the winter until the next summer season or moved to any other part of the garden.

23. Everything is at hand

In order not to run to the garden for herbs, plant them in pots and place them near the tea table. You just have to reach out to brew aromatic tea and enjoy a pleasant evening after a hard day.

24. Nice palette

Follow the 60-30-10 rule for choosing colors. In this open space, the house, table and tiles create a neutral backdrop. Red elements make up 30 percent, with live plants providing the remaining color accents.

25. Garden Bar

For energetic people who love active recreation, noisy and large companies, best idea will build an outdoor bar.

26. Fireplace in the yard? Why not

We agree that installing a fireplace is not an easy task. But just imagine what an incredible atmosphere it can create in your garden! An open flame has a calming and mesmerizing effect on people. Sit around the fireplace in the evening with friends and enjoy lively conversation.

27. Natural textures

Baskets and rugs made from natural fibers such as jute and sisal weather well and blend naturally into their surroundings.

28. Wooden fence

Personal space in the garden should not be something monumental. Wooden fencing with gaps adds lightness to the space.

29. Candle lanterns

It also happens that the recreation area is located against the wall of the house. To break up the boring look of the wall, hang ordinary candle lanterns or other accessories.

30. Hanging chairs

Do you want something completely unusual for your garden? Instead of traditional chairs, use hanging chairs by attaching them to the pergola.

31. Intimate atmosphere

Create walls for your seating area using low shrubs and plants. On the one hand, this will protect you from prying eyes, and on the other hand, it will create your own microclimate in the garden.

32. Street cafe

A glass of wine and dinner for two can be arranged every day. Break the routine by moving your folding table into different corners garden

Just remember that wooden furniture requires maintenance. It should be oiled annually with special penetrating oils, such as teak or tung, to maintain the shine and strengthen the wood.

33. Green roof

Place seating or dining areas under a tree in your backyard. The openwork shadow created by the foliage creates coolness and an appropriate atmosphere.

34. Bedroom in the garden

Do you think in the garden you can only stretch out on a sun lounger? This bed is warmed up by the sun in the morning, which prevents it from rotting. The mattress is made of polystyrene foam, which is enclosed in a vinyl cover. This protects it from mold.

35. Canopy

One of the easiest ways to create a cozy space is to use fabric. The uniqueness of the canopy is given by the different colors of artificial silk, through which the light, when refracted, gives mysterious gaps.

The fabric can be hung on a rope tied to the house on one side and to a tree on the other. You can secure the fabric to a fence or roof overhang with strong metal clips.

36. Sail

In this version of the recreation area in the garden, a pergola is installed around the terrace adjacent to the house. Cotton fabric is stretched over the pergola and secured with metal clips. Illusorily, this creates the feeling of a sailboat on the open sea.

37. Tent

Such tents can often be seen in the interior of girls' rooms. But here it was used to create a recreation area. You just want to lie down under such a tent.

We have shared with you 37 ideas for what relaxation areas could be like in the garden. Did the photos inspire you to create a cozy and original corner?

Making a picnic area or area with your own hands is not at all difficult. It is enough to choose a secluded and beautiful corner. Such a vacation spot can not only be attractively decorated, but also equipped with a stove or barbecue.

How to choose a place on a summer cottage to create a recreation area

In a private home it is not always possible to organize a party for a large company. In order to properly design a comfortable and beautiful area in the garden, where you can not only relax, but also have a good time preparing barbecue or barbecue, you need to carefully consider the choice of place. For this purpose, it is necessary to evaluate the area of ​​the site, the presence of a slope for the drainage of rain and melt water, the presence and location of communications and garden plantings.

Important, first of all, focus on the possibilities of the territory and combinations in landscape design. You can set aside a cozy area for improvement in the front part of the local area, but also in its depths, almost in the garden, where you can easily hide from the prying glances of all passers-by. To protect from rain and scorching sun rays, both lightweight buildings and a regular canopy can be used. In small areas, such a recreation area should be more compact. A large garden area allows you to create a multifunctional recreation area from several diverse subzones.

Recreation area at the dacha: arrangement ideas (video)

Relaxation area in the country and in the garden: ideas and options

On a personal plot or summer cottage, a recreation area can be organized for the whole family, children or guests. The playground can be not only open, with a play area, but also closed, for a romantic getaway. New and easy to create ones can be borrowed from famous landscape designers, and then modified a little on your own.

How to create a cozy corner in your country house for a romantic getaway

This version of the site most often represents a kind of “open room” in the fresh air. A variety of decorative curtains made of transparent and translucent fabrics can be used as walls. Lattice walls decorated with a variety of climbing ornamental plants look very original. A curtain made of multi-colored beads is a very simple, but very effective way to fence off a corner for the desired privacy. Lately, more and more often Bamboo screens are used to decorate such areas, which, in combination with a variety of container exotic plants and mini-fountains, allow you to recreate the romantic atmosphere of a Japanese garden.

How to make an indoor play area for children

Most often, such a closed building is designed using the wall of the household, and the entrance to the recreation area is made directly from the living space.

The most convenient option is to locate the playground for children from the backyard. When setting up, sports equipment, houses, slides, and sandboxes are most often used.

Outdoor barbecue area

The open area can only be used in good, not rainy or windless weather, therefore best place to accommodate the barbecue area there is a separately erected small structure with a stone wall near the fire.

If the area of ​​the local area does not allow the construction of a separate structure, then you can place the fireplace on a small terrace or under a regular canopy, which will protect the barbecue or grills from rain, snow masses and gusts of wind. Do not place the fireplace near perennial plants and garden plantings. Also for fire safety reasons, the fireplace should not be located in close proximity to households, wooden buildings and fences.

If the barbecue area is supposed to be located under a canopy, then it is imperative to provide a high-quality hole for the smoke exhaust. Such an area should be divided into a kitchen area and an area for a comfortable stay, equipped with furniture and other interior items. In this case, it is necessary to take care of a convenient supply of main communications.

Recreation area in the country for a noisy company

The open area is most often used by families with children or large groups. To design a recreation area for a large and noisy company, you will need to allocate a sufficient area. Very good option There will be a real patio courtyard, represented by a long concrete bench and a lot of pillows. Sprinkling with crushed stone, planting perennial grasses with soft foliage and arranging a fireplace are also carried out.

Elegant tables and chairs can also be used in decoration, and a large umbrella can be installed as protection from the hot sun. Great for decorating hammocks or hanging sofas. When landscaping, it is advisable to opt for the least demanding varieties and types of flowering or decorative foliage plants. Daylilies do not require constant watering and are most often planted on patio areas.

Recreation area at the dacha: gazebo and terrace (video)

How to make an outdoor recreation area at your dacha with your own hands

An open zone is the fastest and simplest option that does not require large financial investments and is carried out with minimal time and effort. Most often it is possible to place a seating area in the front garden, but in this case, you need to take care of creating high-quality isolation from the street through a hedge. If there are wild trees or any shrubs left on the garden territory, then there is no need to rush to uproot them - such plantings may well serve as the basis for the construction open area rest.

Preparatory work and zoning

When arranging your own outdoor area on a personal plot, it is advisable to place it near the household, on a paved area in slight partial shade. Carrying out preparatory work and zoning activities are carried out in accordance with the following requirements:

  • design is related to soil and natural conditions, a plan of the existing household and communications, taking into account the interaction of all elements of architecture and landscape design;

  • one of the main elements in the design is a lawn covering, which will not only serve as a decorative decoration for a personal plot, but also have a positive effect on the microclimate;
  • It is recommended that the recreation area be located among green spaces, so that vacationers are provided with comfort and relative silence;
  • The marking of the territory into separate functional zones is carried out in accordance with a pre-prepared plan and working drawings.

To zone a personal plot, it is not at all necessary to build high stone walls. It is quite enough to purely symbolically designate the necessary boundaries using paving stones against the background of lawn grass. Green spaces for the design of such a fence should be selected depending on the level of illumination and taking into account the taste preferences of the owner of a country property. Hedges created from coniferous crops deserve special attention. Such plants not only effectively complement the design of the garden area, but also clean the air well, filling it with bactericidal essential oils.

Making the base

For open-air areas, not only lawn grass can be used, but also a more permanent foundation, which must easily withstand the pressure created by the barbecue and pieces of furniture. The most correct and affordable option for such arrangement is to use a traditional concrete pad, which is being built in accordance with the following recommendations:

  • choosing a location and determining the size of the territory;
  • careful leveling of the surface;
  • marking the area for the foundation using signal pegs and rope;
  • removing the top layer of soil to a depth of one bayonet with a garden shovel;
  • installation of formwork around the entire perimeter;
  • pouring concrete mortar.

The process of complete hardening of concrete and gaining sufficient strength takes approximately three weeks. On hot and dry days, you should periodically water the surface of the foundation being built with water and cover it with a polymer film from direct rays of the sun. After the concrete pour has completely dried, the surface is decorated.

For this purpose, a terrace board can be used, but Very affordable decoration with ceramic or paving tiles is especially popular. If you decide to lay out the base using wooden flooring, then you can not fill the area completely with concrete, but instead build a shallow strip foundation. This option allows you to significantly save time, effort and cash.

Placement of garden furniture and decorative elements

When choosing the most practical and easy-to-use garden furniture for a comfortable summer pastime, landscape designers strongly recommend being guided by the principles of lightness and durability. Wicker and wooden furniture can be a very good alternative to traditional upholstered furniture.

Among other things, beautiful and very reliable forged openwork furniture, as well as sets of interior items based on modern durable plastics, have recently become especially popular among owners of country real estate. For decoration and to enhance comfort summer holiday, a variety of high-quality soft flooring and small decorative pillows can be used.

Children's playgrounds in the country (video)

How to beautifully design the area around the recreation area

Most often, a variety of climbing annuals are used for decoration. Ornamental morning glories, nasturtiums, sweet peas and fiery red beans are very suitable; they bloom luxuriantly and for a long time, and are also characterized by rapid growth and development, which allows you to turn trellises into bright flowering “walls”. Even a traditional wattle fence made of willow or bird cherry twigs can become the structural basis of a mini-tent.

Do-it-yourself recreation areas can be varied in size, shape, elements used and purpose. Many owners of country real estate prefer to supplement traditional zoning with artificial ponds and play areas, which significantly increases the comfort of spending time in their countryside.

Any garden, regardless of its size, must have a place where you can rest and relax. The recreation area at the dacha can be anything. A gazebo or patio (patio), a lawn in front of a pond or a modest bench in the depths of the garden. Recreation area at the dacha can be created for privacy or for a magnificent reception of guests. Depending on the role assigned to this zone, it may vary in size, design and arrangement.

Recreation area at the dacha

When choosing recreation areas In the garden it is very important not to make mistakes. To do this, you need to study different parts of your garden several times, get a feel for them, check where it is windier, how long the shadow lingers here, etc. Such calculations will help you choose the right place for privacy or for receiving guests.

If you are a hospitable host and you have frequent feasts, in this case it is advisable to place a patio or “garden living room” next to the house.

Eating in the fresh air always awakens the appetite and promotes pleasant conversation. In order to enjoy the delights of such meals even after sunset, it is necessary to provide various options lighting recreation areas, from electric lanterns to candles that will add a romantic touch to your communication.

If you take away recreation area at the dacha The role of a saving refuge, where you can hide from annoying looks and conversations, will be saved by a secluded corner in the depths of the garden, be it a gazebo or a bench by the pond.

The design of such green rooms depends on their purpose, and, of course, on your stylistic preferences.

What plants will decorate your patio- coniferous, climbing, flowering perennials or annuals, flowers in tubs or hanging baskets - all this is a topic for a separate big conversation. Today we’ll talk about such mandatory objects that complement the style of the garden. We are talking about garden furniture. It, like other architectural structures (trellises, arches, pergolas), plays an important role in the design of garden space.

Sometimes ordinary chairs set the tone for the garden. For example, stone benches and a table are unlikely to be suitable for a group feast. Such objects will look good in a shady corner of the garden, surrounded by ferns and flower beds. A certain touch of antiquity and romance encourages solitude and reflection. Other furniture is good for receiving guests, for example, plastic or wrought iron. When several friends can sit comfortably over a cup of tea and discuss world events or gardening news.

Furniture for relaxing in the garden

Garden furniture has always been an indispensable attribute in the design of a recreation area in the garden. A prerequisite is that garden furniture must emphasize the style of the garden and correspond to its intended purpose. There's nothing easier to ruin beautiful garden scary chairs and tables. At the same time, the right furniture can improve the impression of even a simple garden.

Among the variety of garden furniture, you will certainly find something that matches your ideas about price and quality. But if you are planning a garden in the long term, you should not choose furniture based on price. First of all, decide on the material from which it is made, as well as its style. It is better to buy one expensive quality item than several cheap ones.

At the same time, in some cases, inexpensive furniture, for example, plastic, can perfectly complement the garden recreation area. In addition, it is easy to care for, and if you often have to move it from one place to another, such furniture may be a suitable solution for you.

Wooden furniture has always been in demand, but it is high-quality furniture made from hardwood. However, it is heavy and quite difficult to carry from place to place. Also, it needs to be looked after from time to time to prevent the wood from deteriorating.

Luxurious. It has always been an indicator of the wealth of the owners. Forged chairs, tables, benches can be made in any style. However, it is necessary that this style be uniform. If you have several forged objects in the garden, take care of their uniform design.

Privacy zone

If your site is too small, the role relaxation areas Even a balcony can play. Hanging pots and plants in tubs can turn it into a real outlandish corner of paradise. However, when decorating a balcony, do not forget that the frequent temptation to place as many beautiful flowering plants here as possible can lead to such undesirable phenomena as an abundance of insects. It is unlikely that a swarm of buzzing bees will add calm to your pleasant family meal.

Retiring in a secluded corner of the garden is the dream of many city residents. Everyone has a role to play in this intimate communion with nature. Some people just dream of hiding from the city noise. Someone is looking for inspiration for their future ideas in the harmony of plants. Someone wants to spend the weekend with loved ones.

There are several options to create the perfect place to relax in the garden:

Garden gazebo. A gazebo placed in a shady place is excellent recreation area. It will protect you from rain and scorching sun. Placing an open fireplace nearby will help keep you warm on a cool evening.

Pond in the garden.Recreation area at the dacha small fountains and ponds may become. Water has always had a calming effect and was a source of freshness and coolness.

garden arch. If you have a large plot, you just need to divide it into zones. A garden arch is one of the ways to zoning a garden space. Entwined with clematis, roses or grapes, such an arch can become great place for privacy.

Garden lighting. Lanterns and candles will help create a special atmosphere and mood. Using LED garlands you can decorate any hedge, tree or gazebo in the garden.

Garden lighting options


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