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Not far from the large city of Rostov-on-Don, or rather even in its suburbs, since time immemorial people have discovered strange underground structures: Deep underground tunnels, grottos, caves are clearly of artificial origin.

Underground passages leading to God knows where for many kilometers. According to enthusiasts, the length of the underground passages exceeds a hundred kilometers!!! It is no coincidence that I mentioned enthusiasts. It is only enthusiasts who deal with such anomalies - after all, as always, official science and archeology stubbornly refuses to notice such zones. So, according to the estimates of the same independent experts, these dungeons are at least several thousand years old. Everyone who has ever been there points to their artificial origin. The purpose of creating such a giant underground structure is still unclear. I think the latest knowledge that was described in the book “The Way Home” will help us to reveal the mystery of this miracle at least a little.

Local residents, when it comes to dungeons, strongly advise against going there, even on pain of death. Locals experience panic at the thought of trying to penetrate the underground labyrinth. Many people talk about multiple strange cases of death of people trying to explore the caves. Cattle and other domestic animals have repeatedly disappeared at the entrance to the caves. Often only gnawed bones were found!!!

Several years ago, the military tried to use underground labyrinths for their own purposes. The command of the North Caucasus Military District planned to build a fortified secret control bunker in the catacombs in the event of a nuclear war. We rolled up our sleeves and got to work. Measurements were taken, soil samples were taken, and the area was carefully studied. Several groups were organized to study the extent of the underground passages. Two soldiers with a walkie-talkie and a flashlight in each group walked through cave after cave, labyrinth after labyrinth. Their path was tracked on the surface via radio.

Everything was going as well as possible, but the underground fortified bunker for the control of the North Caucasus Military District near Aksai was still not there. All work was unexpectedly and suddenly stopped. The military retreated from this damned place in panic. The entrance to the dungeon was sealed with a thick layer of reinforced concrete. They did their best - they spent hundreds of tons of selected concrete on this!

An emergency order to stop work came from Moscow after radio contact with one of the groups exploring the dungeons suddenly stopped, and the group did not reach the surface. Rescuers were sent to search. After some time, the rescuers managed to find two soldiers, or rather, what was left of them - only the lower half of the body of each of them!!! From the waist down to the feet in the boots, the rest seemed to have evaporated. The radio was surprisingly cut into two parts. Moreover, further research showed that the cut was so filigree that not even a small crack remained on the electronic boards. Real jewelry work!!! By the way, there was no blood either - the tissues of the soldiers’ bodies were slightly melted at the site of the cut. There is work - laser.

The case was immediately reported to Moscow. An urgent order came from the Ministry of Defense: Stop all work immediately! Remove people and equipment! The entrance to the dungeon is securely sealed with reinforced concrete! The why and wherefore was not explained in the order. Each of you, if you want to explore the dungeon, will now be able to easily detect this reinforced concrete wall with easily visible traces of formwork. The question remains: What so frightened our brave military with their missiles and nuclear power? And why seal the entrance to an ancient dungeon with tons of concrete?
The military classified information on these events so as not to cause panic, but the information surfaced as a result of the death of catacomb researcher Oleg Burlakov. He also died, he was cut in half, but the lower part remained untouched, but only bones remained from the upper part.
Local historians have been mystifying the Aksai catacombs for centuries. A couple of hundred years ago, a strange-looking overseas merchant came to Aksai - who later turned out to be a member of the secret Masonic order of the Jesuits. He spent more than one year in Aksai. During his stay, he spent a lot of money looking for something. What he was looking for, no one could understand. He constantly equipped large groups of diggers and carefully studied the area. It became clear to everyone that the foreigner was not looking for treasure or treasure. The money he spent during this time on diggers and all the work would have been more than enough for several treasure troves.

After all, none of the locals wanted to work near those dungeons for any money. The merchant constantly had to recruit and bring new people - after a while people fled for unknown reasons.

Whether the merchant managed to find what he was looking for remained a secret behind seven seals. It is only known that according to the ancient books of the Jesuit Masons, who, according to some sources, stand at the origins of the birth of the Roman Catholic Church, it is written that the area near Aksai is a holy land, somehow connected with their deity, whose cult they worship - namely reptiles-Lucifer. For them - to God, and for us - to Satan!!!

This information interested visiting diggers, who decided to take a walk through the dungeon, taking a dog just in case. However, they fell into a trap: after going several hundred meters deep, the diggers noticed that behind them, a couple of steps away, the walls came together, and after a few seconds they parted again. Apparently the mechanism was so ancient that it did not work in time, allowing the diggers to escape danger. The dog accompanying the diggers whined and broke off the leash and ran back through the maze... On the way back, the diggers decided to go around the ill-fated place, but this time they fell into a trap, a hole formed behind them, and then the floor returned to its original position. What secrets do Aksai’s dungeons hide? After all, people had to pay for them with their lives, and not a single one was supposed to leave this labyrinth by falling into a trap!

Residents of Aksai say that their ancestors, living in the Kobyakovsky settlement, made human sacrifices to a certain Dragon, who crawled out of the ground and ate people. This image can very often be found in chronicles, folk tales, among architectural and archaeological monuments. However, the legend of the dragon lives to this day, since just a few decades ago, during the collapse of the floor of a local cannery, workers witnessed a terrifying picture: they noticed below the body of what appeared to be a huge snake, quickly appearing and disappearing into the hole, a devilish roar was heard, dogs Those present during the search of the manhole jumped up from their seats and ran headlong away with their tails between their legs, while the workers looked on dumbfounded and could not come to their senses. This passage was walled up, but the dogs decided to return to this place only a week later.
These eyewitness accounts became the basis for the theory that this dragon crawled out not from underground, but from water. After all, according to geological exploration, there is a lake near Aksai at a depth of 40 meters, and a sea at a depth of 250 meters. The underground waters of the Don form another river; in the Don there is a funnel that sucks in any objects caught in the strong current of the river. They still cannot find the trailers and cars that entered the Don from the old Aksai bridge. Divers who examined the bottom of the lake stated that this funnel draws in objects with enormous force, even steel safety cables are stretched to the limit.

According to eyewitnesses, UFOs appear over the city quite often; they seem to emerge from underground, hang in the air and dive underground again. One day a translucent UFO floated over the city and humanoid figures were visible. One UFO blinded the sleeping Aksai with rays of light, when these rays reached the warships on the banks of the Don, the military attempted to attack the night guest and fired at him from guns, but this did not bring any visible results. The UFO disappeared from the spot and dived somewhere underground. Another case was described by many eyewitnesses: three spherical UFOs were spinning in the sky of the old Aksai bridge. The emanating light was so bright that it began to interfere with traffic on the highway; dozens of drivers watched this spectacle in fascination. The arriving police unit was unable to move the drivers from their place; they had to call for help from Aksai.

An underground network of tunnels piercing the Earth

There are many interconnected caves and artificial underground cavities in the Middle East, India, China, Iran, Afghanistan, Europe, the USA, Russia and many countries.
120 km from Saratov, in the area of ​​the Medveditskaya Ridge, the Kosmopoisk expedition led by Vadim Chernobrov, candidate of technical sciences, discovered in 1997 and in subsequent years mapped an extensive system of tunnels, surveyed for tens of kilometers. The tunnels have a round or oval cross-section with a diameter of 7 to 20 m and are located at a depth of 6 to 30 m from the surface. As they approach the Medveditskaya ridge, their diameter increases from 20 to 35 m, then 80 m, and already at the highest elevation the diameter of the cavities reaches 120 m, turning into a huge hall under the mountain.
Judging by numerous publications in newspapers, magazines and the Internet, ball lightning is often observed in the area of ​​the Medveditskaya Ridge (it ranks second in the world in the number of observed ball lightning) and UFOs, which sometimes disappear underground, which has long attracted the attention of ufologists. Members of the Kosmopoisk expedition hypothesized that the ridge is a “crossroads” where underground roads of many directions converge. They can even be used to reach Novaya Zemlya and the North American continent.
In the article “Tunnels of Disappeared Civilizations” E. Vorobyov reported that the Mramornaya cave in the Chatyr-Dag mountain range, located at an altitude of 900 m above sea level, was formed on the site of a tunnel with a diameter of about 20 m with perfectly smooth walls, going deep into the mountain range with a slope towards the sea. The walls of this tunnel are well preserved in places and have no traces of erosion from flowing waters - karst caverns. The author believes that the tunnel existed before the beginning of the Oligocene, that is, its age is at least 34 million years!
The newspaper "Astrakhanskie Izvestia"*** reported the existence in Krasnodar region near Gelendzhik, a straight, arrow-like vertical shaft with a diameter of about 1.5 m and a depth of more than 100 m with smooth, as if melted, walls - stronger than the cast-iron tubes in the metro. Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences Sergei Polyakov from Moscow State University found that the microstructure of the soil in the section of the mine wall was damaged by physical impact by only 1-1.5 mm. Based on his conclusion and direct observations, it was concluded that the high fastening properties of the walls are most likely the result of simultaneous thermal and mechanical effects using some high technology unknown to us.
According to the same E. Vorobyov, in 1950, by a secret resolution of the USSR Council of Ministers, a decision was made to build a tunnel across the Tatar Strait in order to connect the mainland with Sakhalin by rail. Over time, the secrecy was lifted and Doctor of Physical and Mechanical Sciences L. S. Berman, who worked there at that time, said in 1991 in her memoirs addressed to the Voronezh branch of Memorial that the builders were not so much re-building as they were restoring an already existing tunnel, built in ancient times, extremely competently, taking into account the geological features of the bottom of the strait.

Judging by publications, radio and television broadcasts of previous years, the same ancient tunnels were found by the builders of modern metro tunnels and other underground communications in Moscow, Kyiv and other cities. This allows us to believe that, along with metro tunnels, rivers hidden in concrete boxes, sewer and drainage systems and the latest, equipped last word technology, "autonomous underground cities» with power plants, under them there are also numerous underground communications from earlier eras***. They form a multi-level, intricately intertwined system of countless underground passages and chambers, and the most ancient buildings are located deeper than the metro line and probably continue far beyond the city limits. There is information that in the territory Ancient Rus' there were underground galleries hundreds of kilometers long, connecting Largest cities countries. Having entered them, for example, in Kyiv, it was possible to exit in Chernigov (120 km), Lyubech (130 km) and even Smolensk (over 450 km).
And not a single word is said about all these grandiose underground structures in any reference book. There are neither their published maps nor publications dedicated to them. And all because in all countries the location of underground communications is a state secret, and information about them can be obtained mainly only from diggers who study them unofficially.

Of the underground communications found in other countries, noteworthy is the tunnel discovered on Mount Babia (altitude 1725 m) in the Tatra-Beskydy mountain range, located on the border of Poland and Slovakia. Encounters with UFOs also occurred quite often in this place. Studying this anomalous zone Polish ufologist Robert Lesniakiewicz, in search of information about the events that took place here in former times, contacted another Polish specialist on such problems, Dr. Jan Pajonc, a university professor in the New Zealand city of Dunedin.
Professor Payonk wrote to Lesnyakevich that in the mid-1960s, when he was a teenager and a graduating student at the Lyceum, he heard the following story from an elderly man named Vincent:

« Many years ago, my father said that it was time to learn to me the secret that the inhabitants of our region have long passed on from father to son. And this secret is the hidden entrance to the dungeon. And he also told me to remember the road well, because he would only show it to me once.
After that we walked on in silence. When we approached the foot of Babja Gora from the Slovak side, my father stopped again and pointed out to me a small rock protruding from the mountain slope at an altitude of about 600 meters...
When we leaned on the rock together, it suddenly trembled and unexpectedly easily moved to the side. An opening opened into which a cart with a horse harnessed to it could freely enter...
A tunnel opened in front of us, going quite steeply down. My father moved forward, I followed him, stunned by what had happened. The tunnel, similar in cross-section to a slightly flattened circle, was straight as an arrow, and so wide and high that an entire train could easily fit inside it. The smooth and shiny surface of the walls and floor seemed to be covered with glass, but when we walked, our feet did not slip, and the steps were almost inaudible. Taking a closer look, I noticed deep scratches on the floor and walls in many places. It was completely dry inside.
Our long journey along the inclined tunnel continued until it led to a spacious hall that looked like the inside of a huge barrel. Several more tunnels converged in it, some of them were triangular in cross-section, others were round.

...the father spoke again:

- Through the tunnels that diverge from here, you can get to different countries and to different continents. The one on the left leads to Germany, then to England, and further to the American continent. The right tunnel stretches to Russia, the Caucasus, then to China and Japan, and from there to America, where it connects with the left. You can also get to America through other tunnels laid under the Earth's poles - the North and South. Along the path of each tunnel there are “junction stations” similar to the one we are in now. So, without knowing the exact route, it’s easy to get lost in them...
The father's story was interrupted by a distant sound, similar at the same time to a low hum and a metallic clang. This is the sound a heavily loaded train makes when it starts to move or brakes sharply...

“The tunnels that you saw,” the father continued his story, “were built not by people, butpowerful creatures living underground. These are their roads for moving from one end of the underworld to the other. And they move onflying fire cars. If we were in the path of such a machine, we would burn alive. Fortunately, the sound in the tunnel can be heard at a great distance, and we had enough time to avoid such an encounter. Well, besides, these creatures live in another part of their world, and rarely appear in our area...”

One more mysterious place, similar to the Bear Ridge, Mount Babyu, Nevado de Cachi, and, perhaps, Shambhala, is Mount Shasta with a height of 4317 m in the Cascade Mountains in northern California. UFO sightings are quite common in the Shasta area...
English traveler and explorer Percy Fawcett, who worked for many years in South America and repeatedly visited North America, mentioned extensive tunnels located near the Popocatepetl and Inlacuatl volcanoes in Mexico... and in the area of ​​Mount Shasta. From local residents he heard stories about tall, golden-haired people supposedly inhabiting the dungeons. The Indians believed that these were the descendants of people who, in ancient times, descended from heaven, failed to adapt to life on the surface and went into underground caves...

Some people even managed to see the mysterious underground empire.
Andrew Thomas, in his book “Shambhala - Oasis of Light,” also wrote that in the mountains of California there are straight, arrow-like underground passages leading to the state of New Mexico.
Maxim Yablokov in the book “Aliens” They are already here!!!” told about one thing interesting fact. Underground nuclear tests carried out at a test site in Nevada (USA) led to very interesting consequences. After 2 hours, at one of the military bases in Canada, located 2000 km from the test site, a radiation level 20 times higher than normal was recorded. It turned out that next to the Canadian base there was a huge cave, which was part of a huge system of caves and tunnels on the continent...


We have already written about reptoids - a race of intelligent lizards that arose simultaneously, and most likely, before humans. The publication wrote that lizards left the stage, giving way to humans. Let's correct ourselves: there are good reasons to believe that the lizards, leaving the surface of the planet to humans, went deep into the Earth.

Earth unknown to us

Despite all the technical achievements, a person still cannot say that he knows the planet as his own apartment. There are still places where no scientist has gone before. In other corners, if he appeared, it was only to write on a rock “I was here” and leave this area in pristine purity for another 200-300 years.

While studying the World Ocean, man descended to a depth of 11,000 m, but is in complete ignorance of what is deeper than 200-300 m. (To visit does not mean to study) As for the natural voids of the Earth, here a person has gone no further than the “hallway” and has no idea how many rooms there are in the underground “apartment” and what size they are. He only knows “a lot” and “very large”.

Endless underground labyrinths

There are caves in absolutely all parts of the world, on all continents, right down to Antarctica. Underground corridors weave into endless labyrinthine tunnels. Walking and crawling through these galleries for 40-50 km without ever reaching the end of the tunnel is quite a common thing for speleologists, not worth mentioning. There are caves 100, 200, 300 km long! Mamontov – 627 km. And none of the caves are considered to be fully explored.

The scientist Andrei Timoshevsky (better known as Andrew Thomas), who studied Tibet and the Himalayas for a long time, wrote that the monks led him into tunnels of endless length, through which, according to them, it was possible to go to the center of the Earth.

After an underground nuclear explosion at a test site in Nevada, in caves in Canada, located more than 2,000 km away, the level of radiation jumped 20 times. American speleologists are confident that all caves on the North American continent communicate with each other.

Russian researcher Pavel Miroshnichenko believes that there is a network of global underground voids stretching from Crimea through the Caucasus to the Volgograd region.

In fact, we have another continent - underground. Is it really not inhabited by anyone?

Masters of the Underworld

Our ancestors did not think so. They were simply convinced of the exact opposite. The peoples of Australia, the North American Indians, the same Tibetan monks, Hindus, residents of the Urals and Rostov region Southern federal district. Is it really an accident?

Most likely, as a result of climate change, life for lizards on the surface of the Earth has become impossible. If the unreasonable creatures remained on the surface and died, the reptoids went underground, where there is water, there are no deadly temperature changes, and the deeper it is, the higher it is even higher due to volcanic activity.

Having left the surface of the planet to man, they took possession of its underground part. Undoubtedly, someday the long-awaited meeting will take place. And most likely this will happen in South America. It was here that the wall separating the two civilizations thinned to a thin partition.


Jesuit priests also wrote about the presence in South America of a huge amount underground caves, connected together. The Indians called them "chinkanas". The Spaniards believed that the Chincanas were created by the Incas for military purposes: for a quick retreat or a covert attack. The Indians insisted that they had nothing to do with the dungeons; they were created by snake people who lived there and really did not like strangers.

The Europeans did not believe, as they thought, these “horror stories” were intended to prevent the valiant settlers from getting to the gold hidden by the Incas in underground caches. Therefore, there have been many attempts to explore the chincanas of Peru, Bolivia, Chile and Ecuador.

Expeditions do not return

Most adventurers who set off on a risky journey through the underground labyrinths never returned. Rare lucky ones came without gold and talked about meetings with people covered with scales and huge eyes, but no one believed them. The authorities, who had absolutely no need for emergencies with missing “tourists,” blocked and covered all known entrances and exits.

Chinkanas were also studied by scientists. In the 20s of the 20th century, several Peruvian expeditions disappeared in the Peruvian chincanas. In 1952, a joint American-French group went underground. The scientists planned to return in 5 days. The only surviving member of the expedition, Philippe Lamontiere, came to the surface 15 days later, slightly mentally damaged.

It was not possible to establish what in his incoherent stories about endless labyrinths and lizards walking on two legs that killed everyone else was true and what was the fruit of a sick imagination. The Frenchman died a few days later from the bubonic plague. Where did he find the plague in the dungeon?

Reptoids, on their way out?

Who lives there, in the dungeon? Research into caves, including the mysterious Chancanas, continues. Returning members of the expeditions are confident that intelligent creatures live in the depths of the caves. The stairs and steps they found in the dungeons, the halls whose floors are paved with slabs, and kilometer-long gutters carved into the walls leave no other options. And the deeper and further the researchers go, the more often they come across all sorts of “surprises”.

Scientists in France, England, the USA and Russia have repeatedly recorded powerful flows of electromagnetic waves, the source of which is located in the depths of the Earth. Their nature is unclear.


Lacerta: When I talk about our underground home, I'm talking about large cave systems. The caves you discover close to the surface are tiny compared to the real caves and the huge caves deep within the earth (2,000 to 8,000 of your meters, but connected by many hidden tunnels to the surface or to surfaces in the vicinity of the caves). And we live in large and developed cities and colonies inside such caves.

Our main cave sites are Antarctica, Inner Asia, North America and Australia. If I talk about artificial sunlight in our cities, I do not mean the real sun, but various technological light sources that illuminate caves and tunnels.

There are special cave areas and tunnels with strong UV light in every city and we use them to heat up our blood. In addition, we also have some areas of sunny surface spots in remote areas, especially in America and Australia.

Question: Where can we find such surfaces - near the entrance to your world?

Answer: Do you really think that I will tell you their exact location? If you want to find such an entrance, you should look for it (but I would advise you not to do so.) When I arrived on the surface four days ago, I used an entrance about 300 kilometers north of here, close to big lake, but I doubt you could find it (there are only a few occurrences in this part of the world - more - many more in the north and east.)

As a little tip: if you are in a narrow cave or in a tunnel or even something that looks like a man-made mine, and the deeper you go, the smoother the walls become; and if you feel unusual warm air flowing from the depths, or if you hear the sound of flowing air in the ventilation or lift shaft, and find a special kind of artificial things;

else – if you see a wall with a door made of gray metal somewhere in a cave – you might try to open that door (but I doubt it); or, you find yourself underground in an ordinary-looking technical room with ventilation systems and lifts in depth - then this is probably the entrance to our world;

If you have reached this place, you should know that we have now identified your location and are aware of your presence, you are already in big trouble. If you entered a circular room, then you should look for one of two reptilian symbols on the walls. If there are no symbols or there are other symbols, then you are perhaps in even more trouble than you think, because not every underground structure belongs to our species.

Some new tunnel systems are used by alien races (including hostile races). My general advice if you find yourself in an underground structure that seems strange to you: run as fast as you can.

On Sunday, the guys and I went to Dievka, a remote residential area of ​​Dnepropetrovsk, built up with private houses.
This village has been known since Cossack times. Among the local residents there are even legends about underground passages in which ancient treasures are hidden.
So we went to the Dievsky dungeons on Sunday. True, we were not looking for treasure, but for an ice cave, discovered there during one of the night car quests a couple of winters ago.
The entrance to the dungeons is located near the railway embankment, among the trees and bushes growing on the sides of a large vacant lot, used as a football field in the warm months.
A small hole in the ground, lined with granite stones on the sides.

Immediately near the entrance there is a pile of garbage lying below - traces of the life of the Dievsky population. But once you overcome this barricade, you find yourself in an underground passage.

It is also lined with granite stones and slopes downwards.

Back view

Its length is about a hundred meters, and it opens into a large underground room, part of the city's hydraulic communications.
This is where the ice cave with a waterfall is located!

True, despite the severe winter weather that has been in Dnepropetrovsk for the last month, the ice there is very thin and fragile, you can’t stand on it. It’s not deep there, of course, but it still wouldn’t be very pleasant with knee-deep wet feet in mid-February.
So I had to admire the frozen artificial waterfall only from a distance.

However, our friend, who lives not far from these places, suggested approaching it from the other side. He knew the approaches there. So we moved to the other side railway and found themselves on the edge of the beam.

View of Dievka

We went down and found ourselves at the entrance to the tunnel.

The ice on this side was quite thick.

But we managed to walk along it only a hundred meters. It was only a short distance to the waterfall, but it was impossible to go further - the ice had become thin again.

We returned to the air, got up, got into the car and went to McDonald's to warm up.
We will return to Dievka in the spring. There is something to see and show there!

Film: "Underground Silence". Searching for treasure in a cave. What can you find in the cave? Searching with a metal detector in the Okhotnichya Cave, near the village of Goloustnoye, Irkutsk region. What finds were made in the cave. Author Rudolf Kavczyk.

When researching underground labyrinths traces of human presence were found Even at the beginning of the last century, the shores of Lake Baikal were densely populated. Buryat uluses and letniks coexisted with Russian fishing villages. Now all that remains of many of them are the lower crowns and the remains of the cellars. The exploration of these metal detector sites, as a rule, did not lead to significant finds.

Meanwhile, residents of the surrounding villages vying with each other to talk about the exceptional wealth of those who once lived in this territory. Where has the wealth gone? The local population has its own version about this.

The hard times of dispossession of hardworking men have reached the distant Siberian corners on the shores of Lake Baikal. Without waiting for people in leather jackets and with Mausers to take away their hard-earned goods, the man loaded two carts early in the morning and went into the forest. He returned in the evening with empty carts. The neighbors whispered, but could only guess what the neighbor could have taken and where. The further fate of the man is unknown. Where he went is now a legend.

Where can you hide two carts, so that the goods do not disappear in the damp earth? One logical answer suggests itself: in a cave. There are plenty of them along the shores of Lake Baikal. One of these caves is located in the village of Maloye Goloustnoye. According to the stories of local residents, children periodically climbed into it and brought either a saber or a rifle. When they brought a live grenade, they decided to blow up the cave.

Now the entrance to it is closed. In the same area there is a cave in which men dissatisfied with the Soviet regime hid. Only the exact place where it is located has already been forgotten - the last witnesses have died.

The cave that we decided to visit was discovered quite recently, in 2006. Before this, only a limited circle of local hunters knew about it. We decided to explore this cave in search of treasure.

The cave is located between Maly Goloustnoy and Bolshoi Goloustnoye, about 8 kilometers from the highway, three of which you need to walk along a well-trodden path (you cannot drive to the cave by car).

The entrance to the cave is of impressive size - you can even drive there by car. Upon entering the cave you immediately find yourself in a huge hall. The light from the headlamps is not enough to illuminate the vaults of the hall. Only the powerful on-camera light from our movie camera illuminated the cave with an even, everything-filling light. We were amazed by the beauty and grandiose scale of the hall. It is truly large, the size of a basketball court.

The bottom of the cave is covered with a thick layer of fragments of stones. It's difficult to walk on them. What is the depth of the rock deposits and where is the bottom of the cave? Making a hiding place in such a pile of stones is not difficult. You can quickly and without a trace hide anything under them. There is no trace left on bare stones: sprinkle it with pebbles - and the treasure will be completely hidden from strangers. You can walk over it and not even know it exists.

We examine the bottom of the cave with a metal detector, poking the coil into the most accessible places between the stones in the hope that if there is a large volume of metal, we will detect it. In such conditions, it is impossible to find a small box or a handful of coins - the depth between the stones is too great, even for a modern metal detector. From the first large hall two corridors lead deeper into the cave. You feel like you're in a wheel of cheese. Galleries and vertical fireplaces intersect at different levels; it’s easy to get lost here. The moves are beautiful and tempting, but it’s unlikely that anyone would hide in such dangerous place your treasures. You wouldn't get stuck or get lost here.

The stone floor began to alternate with dense clay, on which clear prints of our shoes remained. Amazingly far from the entrance to the cave, a terrible hall opens up - its floor is strewn with animal skeletons. Why did they climb into this cave, into the dark hall of skeletons? Nobody killed these animals. They lie in the same positions in which death found them. The microorganisms of the cave destroyed the flesh alien to the underground world, leaving only bare bones.

Bats sleep peacefully on the high vault of the skeleton hall. They will sleep upside down all winter and wake up only with the appearance of the first insects. The cave has a constant temperature all year round - around zero. So they are not afraid of severe Siberian frosts.

Moving through the cave, I tried to detect at least some human presence: rock paintings, soot from torches on the arches of the corridors. The metal detector was silent. We did not find any rock paintings, except perhaps modern coins in one of the halls, left by visitors to the cave (probably to return to this beauty, or this was an offering to the underground spirit of the cave).

According to the reports of archaeologists conducting excavations in caves, they find convincing evidence of human life in caves: stone tools of labor and everyday life, animal bones. But there is a main difference between the work of archaeologists and treasure hunting. Treasure hunters with a metal detector are not interested in such small household finds, and it is impossible to find such small household items with a metal detector in the centuries-old layers of the cave bottom. But the metal detector does not respond to Stone Age monuments at all, and the treasure hunter will pass by them. This circumstance excludes destruction archaeological sites, and if treasure hunters inform scientists about their random finds, science will be of great benefit.

A narrow hole, through which we squeezed with difficulty, led into a small room that connected to a huge hall. We looked at this hall from the upper gallery. The light from the headlamps was barely enough to illuminate him. Looking at all this splendor, we remembered the heroes of Mark Twain - Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn, who, like us, explored a mysterious cave in search of treasure.

After some time, our path was blocked by a small, 5-meter ledge with a negative angle of inclination, descending into another hall. It was impossible to descend into it without a rope. Having overcome this obstacle and passed into the next room, we heard a long signal from a metal detector, which made everyone flinch in surprise. The signal is long and inconsistent. It looks like there's something long underground. Gun or knife? I can't find the object with the pinpointer. And I can't understand why. The pinpointer sensitivity is not enough. But it can detect a target at a depth of 10-15 centimeters. What is this? I'm at a loss. I hope that this is at least a flintlock rifle left behind by hunters. Unfortunately, we were disappointed: someone had scattered a handful of aluminum rivets in this place, so the signal was unstable and over a large area.

Moving further along underground world, we found ourselves in a small hall, which was given a delicious name - Condensed. It’s no different that milk rivers with jelly banks once flowed here. It’s impossible to resist tasting it and making sure it’s really not condensed milk. Having walked a little further along the high corridor, we found ourselves on the threshold of a huge hall, the size of a small football field. Even a powerful on-camera light could not illuminate this entire hall.

A small lake in the recess of the hall was filled with clean, transparent water. And the water is not icy at all, but quite normal, 25 degrees. So it seemed. While exploring this room with a rocky floor, I didn’t even expect any finds - it was too far from the entrance, at least a 40-minute walk if you knew the way.

The loud sound of a metal detector echoed in this majestic hall. It was curiosity that guided me rather than the hope of finding treasure. Rather, it is a can or batteries left behind by speleologists. But the find amazed not only my companions, but also me. It turned out to be a silver spear the size of a small coffee spoon, on the end of which was attached a silver ten from the 19th century; It was not possible to determine the exact year. How did she get here? Maybe these are the remains of that same man's treasure? Who knows…

Our expedition is coming to an end. What other secrets will the hunting cave reveal to future researchers? Perhaps someone will find the man's treasure in one of the well-disguised secret halls or will open another cave, hitherto hidden from human eyes.

Rudolf Kavchik,

Newspaper "Treasure Hunter. Gold. Treasures. Treasures", November, 2013

E.V. Kovrizhnykh

(work experience of Leningrad speleologists)

Of the 20 expeditions carried out in Arkhangelsk region Leningrad Speleology Section (LSS) from 1966 to 1974, 12 expeditions were search expeditions, i.e. such, the main task of which was to search for previously unknown cavities and plot the discovered entrances to the caves on a topographic map.

Summarizing the experience of LSS search expeditions in the Pinega region, we can draw a number of useful conclusions about the peculiarities of these expeditions, about the most likely locations of the entrances to the Pinega caves, and about signs indicating the possibility of the presence of an entrance to an underground cavity in a given place.

The main karst rocks in the Pinega region are gypsum and anhydrite; they contain all the caves found in this area. Therefore, it is natural that the first condition for planning an active search for underground cavities in a particular area of ​​the surface was the presence in this place of a more or less thick gypsum-anhydrite strata. The greatest probability of penetrating into underground cavities is in those places where the thickness of karst rocks is exposed, comes to the surface, revealing underground passages.

Outcrops of gypsum-anhydrite strata can be found along the banks of the Pinega River and its tributaries (Sotka, Belaya, Siya, Letniy Gbacha, Portyuga). Outcrops of 43% of the caves known on Pinega were found in coastal outcrops. These include the caves of the Pinega rivers (B. Golubinskaya, M. Golubinskaya, 23 caves of the Bereznikovsky district), Sotka (C-1-C-15), the Pinega-Kuloy canal (K-1-K-10), etc.

Very often, karst rocks are exposed in the sides of ravines that go out to the river and interrupt the line of coastal cliffs (Tarakany, Pershkovsky, Karjala, etc.) or in the sides of blind ravines that do not have access directly to the river, located in the interfluve of the Pinega and its tributaries (Gorodishche ravine , Iron Gate, Sukhoi, Holy Brook, etc.), in which 54% of the caves were found.

The coastal cliffs of lakes, scattered in large numbers throughout the region, can also provide a number of outcrops and be the location of entrances to caves. Thus, in the southwestern part of Lake Shchelennoye, at the base of a 20-meter gypsum outcrop, an almost completely filled-up entrance to a cave was found, in which the stream flowing from the lake disappears. Sometimes gypsum outcrops are observed in the sides or at the bottom of numerous karst sinkholes, which in some cases reveal underground cavities (Leningradskaya, Pinezhskaya named after A. Tereshchenko, Gb-2, etc.).

Most often, entrances to underground cavities are located at the base of gypsum outcrops. For flooded caves, the entrance hole is usually the place where the water flow directly goes underground or appears on the surface. Cave entrances, found at the base of gypsum outcrops along river banks and the sides of lairs, are usually covered with screes of gypsum blocks and crushed stone. In such cases, the entrances to the caves (their number is 58%) are located at the contact of the scree and the bedrock wall, as a result of which the entrance opening of the caves has a slit-like shape and is hidden behind a ridge of scree. In such cases, the boundary between the scree and the main wall of the outcrop was examined most carefully, since most often it was there that a passage into the cavity could be found. In the event of a powerful stream flowing out of an underground cavity or the bedrock bank being washed away by a river, the gypsum scree is washed away by water and the entrances open directly at the base of the outcrop. The same arrangement of entrance holes is found in caves formed by flood waters coming from the river (an example of such caves is the 23 underground cavities of the Berezniki outcrop) or when the ravine is flooded with spring waters (the Gorodishche ravine).

Streams flowing in ravines, as shown by a large number of observations (the ravines of the Holy Stream, Gorodishche, Tarakaniy, Golubinsky, etc.), repeatedly change the direction of flow, moving from one wall of the ravine to another, going deep under the outcrop wall and leaving the previous channel, shifting to the side by 10-50 m. Therefore, when observing the bed of a stream passing in the center of a ravine, one must always take into account that in the past the stream could flow at the sides and form underground passages at the base of the outcrops. An example of underground cavities worked by a stream, which subsequently left these passages and moved to another place, are the caves discovered in the ravines listed above.

A whole series of caves were discovered while trying to trace the path of a stream flowing along the bottom of a ravine and either appearing on the surface or disappearing underground. A section of dry channel on the surface leading to the side of a valley or ravine indicates an underground channel developed by water. About 60 caves, which are underground sections of streams or rivers flowing on the surface, were found on Pinega (caves of Karjala, Iron Gate, Holy Stream, etc.). It was possible to penetrate them directly at the point where the stream went underground or when the watercourse emerged from the ground, as well as through holes in the ceiling of the underground channel.

If the entrances to the caves were blocked, covered with sand and clay and were difficult to notice even close up, then a number of additional factors could serve as indirect signs indicating the possible presence of an entrance to an underground cavity.

A large number of cave entrances (35%) were discovered in outcrops that looked like a semicircular fresh “circus”, formed as a result of the collapse of the arches of large entrance halls of the cave and interrupting older coastal cliffs or sides of the ravine overgrown with grass and forest. The lower part of such outcrops is usually covered with a scree of fallen blocks of various shapes and sizes, from the smallest to the largest, reaching 10 m in diameter. At the bases of such circus outcrops there are the entrances of the caves Bolshaya Golubinskaya, Gb-2, Gb-1, Kholodilnik, etc.

Outcrops with watercourses flowing out from under them or disappearing at the base, always leaving hope of penetrating into the underground passage through which the stream flows, deserve special attention from search teams. By the size of the stream and the flow of water in it, one can indirectly, although very approximately, judge the scale of the cavity in which a given stream flows. So, a stream with a flow rate of 0.12 m 3 /sec. (summer 1967) flows out of the largest Pinezhye Leningradskaya cave (3400 m), the flow rates of the streams of the caves Gb-1 and Gb-2, each about 500 m long, are 0.04 m 3 /sec during the low-water period, and the small stream flowing from under an outcrop on the Portyug River, although it indicated the presence of an underground passage, the size of the entrance hole did not allow a person to penetrate it.

In the warm season, when approaching the location of the entrance to the cave, zones of sharp cooling and a strong flow of cold air from the caves were almost always observed. By the size of such a zone and the strength of the air flow, one could judge the size of the cavity. For example, in the Mal cave. Golubinskaya, the total length of which reaches 800 m, wind blows from the entrance hole in summer at a speed of 2 m/sec. and temperature - 2°C; its influence is felt at a distance of up to 50 m. Similar conditions have been recorded at the entrances of many large caves (Leningradskaya, GB-2, Winter Tale, Severyanka, etc.). Often, near the entrance hole and even at some distance from the entrance to the cavity, negative temperatures remain in summer, as evidenced by the presence of ice (Severyanka, Mal. Golubinskaya caves, etc.). Very often, in summer and winter, a slight haze (fog) can be observed in the area of ​​the cave entrance. In addition, the presence of an entrance to the cave in winter is indicated by a frost-covered group of nearby trees and bushes, characterized by an abundance of frost.

The karst nature of the watercourses and the presence of an underground channel is evidenced by the low, even in the hottest time of the year, water temperature in the streams flowing from under the outcrops. For example, the water temperature in the stream of the Leningrad Cave in summer time is 2-3°C, while in the Sotka River, where the stream flows, the water temperature is 10-12°C. The karst feeding of the small rivers in the region is evidenced by the low water temperature in them. Thus, in the summer, at an air temperature of 20-28°C, the water temperature in the river was measured. Belaya - 6°C, Siya - 10°C, Sotka - 12°C. For comparison, we can point out that for p. Pinega is characterized by a water temperature of 16-20°C. Similar data, linking them with the Arctic nature of the relict flora of Pinega, are given by florists Al. and Andr. Fedorov (1929).

IN winter time air flows of underground cavities have a temperature that is much (20-40°C) higher than the outside air temperature. Therefore, coastal polynyas and sections of rivers that do not freeze even in the most severe frosts (near the caves of Leningradskaya, Bol. Golubinskaya, Pekhorovskaya and many others) clearly indicate the location of the entrances to the caves through which powerful underground streams flow.

Speleologists have always, and not without reason, paid attention to places with names that indirectly indicate the presence of gypsum outcrops on the surface or mention caves (“cracks”). In particular, on the river. Belaya (with white gypsum outcrops along the banks) the Severyanka cave was found in the village. Shchelye is a small landslide cave on the lake. Shchelenny - the entrance to the cave, in the Gorodishche ravine - six underground cavities and a large number of grottoes.

When examining karst sinkholes, special attention was paid to sinkholes on the sides of which traces of water and mud flows are clearly visible. This indicates that the funnel served as an absorbing hole through which one could penetrate into the underground cavity (this is how the Gb-5 cave was discovered).

An important search feature in many cases was the detection of “shelopnyak” zones (block karst), fields of karst sinkholes confined to the sides of ravines and coastal outcrops. Chains of karst sinkholes on the surface indicate, as a rule, the probable existence of a large underground cavity, to which these surface karst forms correspond. In particular, many caves of the Golubinsky cave region, the Leningradskaya cave, etc. can be very clearly traced along the chains of funnels above the cave passages.

A number of cavities found in Pinezhye were formed along cracks in the side pressure (for example, many caves in the Kulogorsky and Golubinsky regions). Therefore, when examining coastal outcrops, such cracks and the entire zone along the edge of the outcrops were carefully examined.

The experience of search expeditions shows that the appropriate size of a separately working detachment should not exceed 6 people when conducting route trips in groups of 2-3 people. The expedition is preceded by familiarization with literature, maps, and aerial photographs of the future search area in order to clarify its geological features, the most likely locations of caves and routes to approach the area under study.

It is very important to determine the correct tactics of the group’s actions, depending on the characteristics of the task assigned to it. When examining coastal outcrops along rivers, first of all, the most convenient and shortest route for transporting the group to the farthest point of the route (the upper reaches of the river) is outlined. The transfer is made on foot or by helicopter, then the group goes down the river to inspect outcrops and search for caves. River banks are usually impassable, you have to walk along steep screes or through dense thickets and windfalls, so searching with a backpack on your back is practically impossible. As the group moves along the river, it arranges 2-3 base camps with radial search trips in small groups.

A similar search scheme is also used when examining extensive blind ravines located in the interfluves of the main rivers of the region and not having access to these rivers (Karjala gully, Iron Gate).

If the length of the route along the river is large enough, and the nature of the river allows this, then the most convenient way is to go down on rafts with a visual inspection and a thorough examination of the coastal outcrops in the presence of the indicated search signs. The rivers of the Pinego-Kuloisky region are most often shallow, with a large number of riffles, shoals, and debris, so rafting on them can only be carried out on small rafts designed for 2-3 people with cargo. Often this method of organizing a search is completely justified, since the presence of coastal zones of shelop forest and the sheer nature of coastal outcrops with steep screes plunging straight into the water makes the search option on foot unacceptable. Using rafts from the upper reaches of the river, all the caves on the Sotka and Siya rivers were discovered.

In some cases, boats with an outboard motor turned out to be indispensable transport. They significantly speed up the time it takes to complete the route, but unfortunately, there were not always outcrops where boats could go, and where there were outcrops, most often boats could not go through. Undoubtedly, the use motor boats It is most effective when an expedition of a significant number is working in a vast area with a single main river, as it allows for the coordination of work and the rapid transfer of small groups as work is completed in individual areas.

When inspecting sinkhole fields, it is first necessary to limit the area being surveyed to determine the full extent of the work, and then, if possible, carefully comb the limited area, trying to identify patterns in the location of the sinkholes. Particular attention should be paid to the elongated chains of craters running from the outcrops into the depths of the massif.

Local residents who know the area well can be of great help when searching for caves. Particularly valuable is the information of hunters, foresters, fish conservation workers, who are well aware of the largest outcrops, disappearing rivers and streams, large caves. By local residents, who actively assisted speleologists in searching for caves, indicated the entrances to such cavities as the Golubinsky gap, Mal. Golubinskaya, Pinezhskaya named after. A. Tereshchenko, Ozerkovskaya, Sompolskaya, caves on the Holy Brook, etc.

Of the 12 search expeditions organized by Leningrad speleologists, 6 were carried out in the summer, since summer is the most favorable time of year for searching for caves due to the availability of convenient means of transportation, the most suitable conditions for examining outcrops and highly rugged karst terrain.

Despite the harsh field conditions in winter and the presence of deep snow cover that hides the entrance openings of a number of cavities, in winter the possibility of penetration into caves increases significantly due to a decrease in the water level and freezing of stagnant reservoirs. In addition, in winter it becomes possible to use skis and horse-drawn vehicles when moving along rivers and roads, as well as winter roads that operate only in the cold season.

Chronicle of learning Features of the passage

Journey of gnomes in search of treasures or Sanbolin caves 2011

Dates: from April 28 to May 2, 2011.

The length of the active part is 14 km. forest clearings, 5 caves

Duration of the adventure - 5 days

Driving route: Komsomolsk-on-Amur - Sanboli village - 77 km. - cave “Guarding Spear” - 77 km - Sanboli village - Komsomolsk-on-Amur.

Chief magician of SHIP: Shcheglova Irina Pavlovna.

Tourist club: “Altair”, Komsomolsk-on-Amur.

For the blue mountains, for the white fog

The caravan will go into caves and holes;

We'll cross the fast waters before sunrise

For an ancient treasure from fairy tale lands.

Poems: J.R.R. Tolkien

Cave complex "Guarding Spear" - to the northeast of the city of Khabarovsk in the middle reaches of the Kur River, 80 km, from the Sanboli station the caves "Burmunduk", "Dalgiprotrans", "Kvadrat", "Truba" and " Guarding Spear." The caves are specially protected natural areas of local importance. When visiting these caves, gnomes will be able to admire the valley of the Kur River, the vast expanses of mires on the left bank of this river, valley and mountain taiga vegetation, almost untouched by man. The Kur and Ulsa rivers offer excellent fishing, especially with spinning rods and float rods. The caves are accessible to beginner gnomes without special training.

Middle-earth Dictionary:

Hobbits- people are inconspicuous, but ancient. They have a desire for a peaceful life and a love for a well-groomed land. Their hearing is sensitive, their vision is sharp, and their movements are agile and dexterous, despite the tendency to be overweight and the desire for peace.

Gnomes- fabulous dwarfs from German and Scandinavian folklore. According to legends, they are bearded, live underground and are famous for their wealth and skill.

Trolls(Swedish: Troll, plural Trollen) are creatures from Scandinavian mythology that appear in many fairy tales. Trolls are mountain spirits associated with stone, usually hostile to humans.

Goblins(French goubelin) are supernatural humanoid creatures that, according to Western European mythology, live in underground caves and cannot tolerate sunlight.

Beorn(English Beorn) - human, leader of the northern clan of Beorlings. Beorn was a werewolf and could turn into a bear. He did not eat meat and intelligent animals lived in his house.

Ents(English Ents) - Shepherds of the Trees. Their purpose is to take care of trees. They live in forests and do not interfere with events in the outside world, except in exceptional cases or when the forests are threatened.

Skinner- colloquial a narrow, cramped hole (in a cave, etc.).

Grotto(French grotte from Italian grotta) - a karst landform, a shallow cave with a vaulted ceiling and a wide entrance, or an expansion of the cave after a narrow passage.


Small stature, hairy legs

A curly-haired baby walks along the path.

Leads a spotted pony

He is to the baby what horses are to the knight.

"The Hobbit"

Once upon a time there lived an ordinary hobbit underground. One fine spring day, our hobbit named Leader (although he is small, but he didn’t get his nickname in vain) was visited by his old friend the dwarf Sir Arthur, an acquaintance from his studies at the hobbit school in the Shire. Sir Arthur was a great and powerful teacher of ultra-distance running. He persuaded the hobbit to go on a campaign for the treasures of the gnomes, captured by the dragon Smaug and hidden somewhere in the caves near the village. Sunboli. And since the hobbit is not able to undertake such a risky adventure alone, Sir Arthur called with him 72 dwarves, you never know who can be useful in searching for treasures, and one famous magician SHIP, who gave Sir Arthur a secret treasure map.

As always, before any journey, it was necessary to thoroughly prepare and collect everything necessary, so the magician gave the gnomes a list of things, and also had a conversation with each about behavior in the cave:

1. Each gnome must have two reliable light sources. If a malfunction occurs, you must inform the senior gnome about it.

2. Each dwarf must have a helmet that fits securely and comfortably on his head.

3. Visiting the cave alone or without a senior gnome is prohibited.

4. You cannot violate a certain order of movement in the cave.

5. Care must be taken in the places indicated by the magician.

6. It is unacceptable to lag behind the group. If you still fall behind the group, stay where you are and calmly wait for them to come back for you.

As soon as you open the door, over the threshold

Let your foot step

And hundreds, thousands of roads

They will appear before you.

The long-awaited day came and all the gnomes participating in the search and their relatives seeing off gathered for railway station. At 8:40 they boarded a steel cart that was moving to Khabarovsk. The most important thing for a hobbit, and for a dwarf, of course, is not to miss second breakfast. On the way, many gnomes were doing important things - accumulating energy, but otherwise they were simply sleeping. The rest used cards to find out which of them was smarter. The travel time flew by and was 5 hours.

At 13:40 the cart arrived in the village. Sunboli. Three friendly natives were already waiting for them there on ZIL-type self-propelled cargo carts. All the hobbits loaded their backpacks into the carts and sat there themselves, except for the magician, of course, he rode in the cabin, along with the aborigine.

The logging road passes by a sawmill and a local gas station, and then goes through a swamp. The carts crossed many crystal clear mountain rivers. On the right side of the road there was a wonderful view of the snow-capped peaks of the Dzhaki-Unakhta-Yakbyyan mountain range. A little more and they crossed the river. Kur on the old bridge. Not far from the bridge, goblins were fishing with fishing rods. The gnomes did not bother them, since goblins are not to be trifled with, and continued on their way.

16-00 After 2.5 hours we drove the 70th km. The shoulder bags were unloaded. This is where the active part of the hike begins. After 3 km they came out to Beorn's hut. The owner of the forest was not at home, but Komsomol gnomes on the vells settled in the hut, they also longed to find the treasures of the gnomes, probably one of ours spilled the beans, but they decided to spend the night in the hut, since they were very tired, and in the morning continue their journey. An icy stream ran near the hut. The gnomes took a break and had a little snack with homemade pies.

The road runs between the hills,

Under the forest canopy,

And there will be a ford across the river,

Sometimes the fire is at night.

We continued driving along the logging road. Further at the intersection we turned left from the road and moved down the stream. We crossed a mountain river through a fallen tree. After some time we reached “Brevna”. Then we moved towards the intended goal, guided by the red ties on the trees. The dwarves who were the first to notice huge trees turned out to be sleeping Ents who had not yet woken up after hibernation. The dwarves did not wake them up. Everything has its time. In the forest, huge holes in the soil began to appear - karst sinkholes. It feels like there was a meteor shower in this place.

20-00 Arrived at the base. The senior magicians carried out reconnaissance of the area and did not find anyone suspicious. The magician caused a fire with the help of a magic staff, and the gnomes broke up into four camps, in each of which the eldest gnome was in charge, set up tents and prepared dinner.

Far, far away there is a beautiful forest,

It stands for centuries under the cover of heaven.

Beautiful people lived and live in it,

Everyone lives in it for a long time in the world.

And every resident here is friends with animals,

He communicates with them, lives and does not bother.

But what is the name of this people?

Man will call them elves.

9-00 Breakfast first. This morning, having woken up, the gnomes noticed that hobbits from Amursk and a group of elves from Khabarovsk had camped next to them, and Komsomol gnomes had also arrived on wells. Everyone wanted to find the missing treasures of the dwarves.

Near the camp, in the short grass, you come across small vampires (ticks), who strive to stick to the place where it’s tastier and drink the blood. Therefore, after moving through the forest, you need to periodically look around and check your clothes.

It was decided to start the search for artifacts from the Chipmunk cave. The cave lives up to its name. Its narrow, elongated, inclined passages, with their bends, resemble a chipmunk burrow. At the very bottom of the cave, a large hall awaited us, where we could straighten up to our full height and rest a little, but there was no treasure there. It's a pity. Before descending into this cave, experienced gnomes immediately put on knee pads and elbow pads to protect their legs and arms from the sharp edges of the rock.

Any dwarf who has never been in a cave before must undergo initiation before descending into it. For this purpose, horizontal and vertical railings and a butterfly were stretched, and an artificial skinner was built. After the dedication, the ceremonial part of the event took place, at which all dedicated dwarf speleologists were presented with an irreplaceable thing, namely a map of the “Guarding Spear” cave.

They decided to continue their search for treasures in the Dalgiprotrans cave. It is located on the river bank at the bottom of the river cliff and has several entrances. The entrance to the cave from the river is a grotto. Behind the grotto is a medium-sized hall with a low ceiling. To the left of the hall is a system of short passages. One of these corridors runs next to the second exit. In this area there is a small glacier, with a narrow tongue stretching along an inclined path into a small dead-end grotto. After examining this cave, the gnomes came to the conclusion that there were no treasures here either. We need to continue searching.

After lunch, in order to get to know each other better, in the main clearing the senior gnomes arranged dating games for everyone.

We can cope with any trouble,

After all, we are not afraid of the beast,

And the enemy is running away from you and me,

As soon as we step out the door.

Today, the senior gnomes gave training in rappelling and ascent into the “Square” cave using caving equipment. Sir Arthur was on the belay.

The entrance to the “Square” cave is located 1.5 meters from the cliff. The entire cave is one relatively large hall with a scree of stones and blocks. The floor of the hall is inclined, with a depth of 7 to 13 meters. At the top of the hall there is a rhombic, almost square hole measuring 2 by 4 meters. The exit connects the Square with the entrance part of the Guardian Spear.

The Guarding Spear cave has a passage depth of 32 meters, a total length of passages of 1225 meters, difficulty category 2 B, type G. In this cave we had to explore the following halls: Main, Fairy Tale, Sleeping, Inclined, Steps (Tricky), Second. You can also ride on an ice reel, visit Sanka’s Kondrashka, look at the stone guard, get lost in labyrinths, go through a stone forest, freeze in a freezer and explore the upper galleries. This cave amazes with the variety of interesting and wonderful things: blue frost on the walls, stunning ice and stone stalactites and stalagmites, cute bats, frozen rivers and waterfalls, legs in front of a crawling gnome.

And so the exploration of the largest cave began! The gnomes entered the cave through the Central Entrance. Then we passed the Second Hall. From here there are two ways: to the right, having fun sliding down the ice reel, you can get to the Main Hall, and if you crawl straight along the passage, you will end up in the Fairy Tale Hall. From the Main Hall you can enter the Sleeping Hall, the stone forest and the freezer. From the Fairy Tale, by going down the rope to the lower level (6 meters), you can get to the Phantom Hall. To get to the stone guard, you need to go through a small skinner from the Haunted Hall.

And so the dwarves cautiously approached the place that leads to the stone guard. They decided to send a hobbit on reconnaissance, since they (hobbits) are born scouts, they have fluffy fur on their legs, which allows them to move almost silently. The leader doubted for a long time and did not immediately decide to look into the skinner. But then curiosity and a thirst for treasure won, and he climbed inside. It turned out that the stone guard is the petrified dragon Smaug. This means there must be treasure hidden somewhere nearby. The racing gnomes, pushing each other aside, rushed to the stone guard, since there was no one to fear anymore, and carefully examined the entire territory adjacent to the guard, centimeter by centimeter. But they found nothing. “Cheer up, the dragon probably hid them,” said the cheerful hobbit.

After lights out, the hobbit and company played crocodile (association), mafia, and simply sang songs accompanied by bagpipes around the fire.

This one is for men -

Knives and axes,

And there are no such reasons

To avoid the game.

Today it became known that yesterday a magician, while exploring the caves, accidentally lost a magic ring. In order to find it faster, search work was organized in the form of a fun competition. Four teams of gnomes volunteered to look for the ring. I had to explore all the nearby caves again, since the magician did not remember which cave, he dropped his ring. The first team was the fastest to find the lost ring and return it to its owner for a reward (gingerbread).

The road leads far and far,

Under the sun or under the moon,

And you return home.

You are silent, you look, you look around,

And in the meadow you will see

Father's house familiar from childhood,

Hills, trees and flowers.

We searched all the known caves, climbed all passable passages, passages, dead-end areas, grottoes, halls, skinners, but never found the stolen treasures. One moonlit night, the magician accidentally looked at the map and at that time lunar runes appeared in the corner of the map. The decoding of the runes gave the following: “Warm me with the warmth of a candle, a terrible secret is hidden inside.” We carefully warmed the card with a candle and the inscription “Pipe” appeared on the card. What would that mean?

Well, of course, the treasure must be looked for in the “Trumpet” cave. The cave got its name because of the shape of the entrance. The entrance to the cave is a 37 meter vertical shaft, starting at the bottom of the funnel. It’s not so easy to go down into the “Pipe”, you need to use caving equipment, but the gnomes were ready for such a turn of events.

The bravest gnomes descended into the “Pipe” in anticipation of the long-awaited treasure, but this year the cave was flooded with water and only a small island remained where the search could be carried out. Since the gnomes are poor swimmers, they did not dare to go further.

The secret of the treasure remained unsolved. Maybe next year, the “Trumpet” will make it possible to find stolen treasures. But all the participants in this adventure received a positive charge of vivacity, a lot of impressions and a lot of new experiences, and also met interesting people and just had a great time.


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