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Completed by students of grade 11 “B” Balueva Anastasia and Baraulya Daria


  • This place allows you to combine relaxing beach holiday with the opportunity to see with your own eyes stunning landscapes, unique plants and animals.

Uniqueness natural resources Madagascar is not at all exaggerated: you will not find a significant part of the local flora and fauna anywhere else in the world.

Coat of arms, Flag, Anthem.

  • The anthem of Madagascar was written in 1958 and exists in 2 languages: Malagasy and French
  • Ry Tanindrazanay malala ô Ry Madagasikara soa…

Geography of location

  • Madagascar- an island off the southeast coast of Africa. Its entire territory, 587 thousand square kilometers, occupies the state of the same name with the capital Antananarivo.

Form of government. Head of State.

  • Form of government: parliamentary republic
  • President: Eri Radzaunarimampianina

Natural resources

  • Main minerals and natural resources Madagascar: graphite, chromite, coal, bauxite, salt, quartz, tar sand, gems, mica, fish.

Population (as of 2010)

  • 21281844 people
  • Fertility: 38 births per 1000 inhabitants
  • Urbanization: urban population: 29% of total population (2008)
  • urbanization growth: +3.8% per year
  • Sex ratio 1:1
  • State languages: English, French, Malagasy

Branches of the economy

  • Main agricultural products of Madagascar: coffee, vanillin, cane sugar, cloves, cocoa, raw rice, cassava, legumes, bananas, peanuts.


  • The main types of industry (industry) of Madagascar: meat, soap production, brewing, leather, sugar, textile, glass, cement, car assembly, pulp, oil production, tourism.


  • Tourism in Madagascar is one of the main sources of economic growth for the country.


The island of Madagascar is widely known in the world as a place of huge concentration of endemic species (about 80% of the total species composition) of animals and flora. The exceptionally rich and diverse flora and fauna of the island attract not only numerous scientists, but also tourists from all over the world.

Among the endemics of Madagascar are: lemurs, mungos, civets, nezomiids, fossas, radiated and spider turtles, rakshi, grouse, various lizards, spiders, bats and many other amazing creatures.

Resorts are located throughout greater Madagascar, but in general it is considered better to holiday on the west coast, where there are far fewer sharks than on the east. All the beaches of the country can boast of magnificent landscapes, large light sand, and a beautiful clear ocean.

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State symbols Madagascar is a state in the western part Indian Ocean, on the island of Madagascar and adjacent small islands. Madagascar is the fourth largest island in the world, its flora and fauna contain five percent of the world's animal and plant species, 80% of which exist only in Madagascar. The most famous of them are lemurs. Madagascar and Mauritania are the only countries in the world that do not use decimal currency.

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Geographical position Madagascar is a state on island of the same name off the east coast of Africa. Area - 587 thousand km², population - 18.4 million people. (2005, UN assessment). Capital - Antananarivo

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Antananarivo, “the city of ten thousand warriors,” lies in the sacred hills of the Imerina, the Central Highlands. Between the hills lies a picturesque Lake. The entire population (about 1.5 million inhabitants) lives in one to three-story houses, reminiscent of the buildings of a medieval European city - this is a legacy of French colonization. Antananarivo is a red city. The walls and roofs of the buildings are made of either brick or red clay. The city's paved streets are paved with large cobblestones, and the narrow streets meander subtly.

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The first visit to Madagascar by a European occurred in 1500, when the ship of the Portuguese traveler Diogo Diaz, heading to India, deviated from its course and landed on the island. In light of the important geographical location Madagascar for spice traders who skirted all over Africa; France and Britain tried to establish their outposts on the island. However, the inhospitable climate and even less hospitable natives made this task almost impossible.

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The island's climate is shaped by the southeast trade wind and the South Indian Anticyclone. The island has three climatic zones: tropical monsoon climate east coast, a temperate maritime climate in the central highlands and an arid desert climate at the southern tip of the island. West Coast noticeably drier than the east, as the trade wind loses moisture on the east coast and central highlands. Typical annual precipitation: 350 cm for south coast, 140 cm for the central highlands (in this case, for the capital of the country - Antananarivo), 32 cm in the south of the island, on the border with the desert.

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The Malagasy currency is the Ariary. Main article: Economy of Madagascar Benefits: Diversified agriculture: vanilla, coffee, spicy cloves. Oil and gas. Shrimps. Reading working population. Chromium. Factories. Weaknesses: Chaos in 2002 rocked the economy. Competition with cheaper vanilla exporters. Threat of droughts and tornadoes. He cannot fully provide himself with the main food product – rice.

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The Malagasy are an ethnic group that forms the main population of Madagascar. They speak Malagasy (Malgash), a language belonging to the Indonesian group of the Austronesian language family. The total population is about 20 million people. The self-name goes back to the adjective from the word “Madagascar”, so Malagasy is “Madagascar” in the Malagasy language, which in turn also means “Madagascar”.

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About 45% of the population professes Christianity, Catholicism or Protestantism. Most believers try to combine the cult of ancestors with Christian traditions. For example, not all Christians renounce the practice of famidahan, this is especially true for Catholics. Pastors from catholic church may even come to the ceremony and bless the participants. The Protestant Church has a very negative attitude towards the practice of the cult of ancestors and calls on its flock to abandon “worship of the Devil.” The Christian Church in Madagascar is a fairly influential political institution.

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Madagascar carnivores are an endemic family of mammalian carnivores, closely related to mongooses and numbering 8 species. The family is divided into two subfamilies: mungos (lat. Galidiinae) and Malagasy civets (lat. Euplerinae). Previously, there was an extinct species of giant fossa on the island (lat. Cryptoprocta spelea), which hunted giant lemurs, but due to the extermination of lemurs by humans, the giant fossa also became extinct, having lost its food supply.

General characteristics The Republic of Madagascar is an island state located on southeast Africa. Madagascar is separated from Africa by the Mozambique Channel. The capital of the republic is the city of Antananarivo with a population of about one and a half million people. The territory of the state occupies 596 thousand square kilometers. The Republic of Madagascar is divided into 6 provinces. This country has two official languages ​​- Malagasy and French. The main religions in the republic are Christianity and Islam. Monetary unit in Madagascar the currency is the Malagasy franc. It is worth saying that June 26 is a national holiday in Madagascar, since this day has been Independence Day since 1960. Madagascar has been a member of the United Nations since 1960, a member of the African Union since 2002, a member of the Non-Aligned Movement, a member of the Southern African Development Community, a member of the Indian Ocean Commission, a member of the Indian Ocean Association for Regional Cooperation since 1997, and a member of the Common Market for Eastern Europe. And South Africa since 1994.

Climate One third of the territory of the Republic of Madagascar covers the highlands. Note that there are many extinct volcanoes on the island, and earthquakes often occur. Highest point is Marumukutru Peak and is 2876 meters high. The eastern coast is occupied by coastal lowlands, and the western coast is occupied by low plains. Among the mineral resources of the island you can find bauxite, graphite, iron, gold, limestone, quartz, cobalt, monazite, nickel, niobium, rubies, sapphires, mica, titanium, coal, uranium, chromium. The climate of the Republic of Madagascar is tropical. Average monthly air temperatures in the lowlands range from plus 20 to 30 degrees Celsius, in the highlands the temperature ranges from 13 to 20 degrees Celsius. The amount of precipitation per year ranges from 1000 to 1500 millimeters. Note also that cyclones occur quite often on the east coast. On this island Many rivers flow through, most of which have rapids and waterfalls: Betsibuka, Ikupa, Manguki, Mahavawi, Sufia, Unilahi and many others.

State structure Madagascar is a republic. The constitution in force was adopted in 1992, with amendments in 1998. The head of state and supreme commander is the president, who is elected by universal suffrage for a 5-year term. The bicameral parliament consists of the Senate, elected for 4 years, and the National Assembly. Judicial system based on civil law France using common law. There are the highest constitutional, high, supreme and appellate courts, as well as courts for civil and criminal cases. The armed forces consist of 13.5 thousand people (including the army - 12.5 thousand people, the navy - 500 people and the air force with the same number). There are 7.5 thousand people serving in gendarmerie units.

Economy Madagascar is among the least developed countries in the world. About 75 percent of Madagascar's residents qualify as poor, with a per capita income of approximately $260. The share of agriculture in the Gross Domestic Product is 34.5 percent. The main crops are rice, bananas, corn, cassava and sweet potatoes. Livestock and poultry farming are developed only for domestic consumption. Fishing is of industrial importance. In 2003, the share of industry in GDP was 7.8 percent. The mining industry is poorly developed. The paper, woodworking, leather, furniture, brewing, tobacco and textile industries are expanding. Factories for the production of agricultural machinery, mineral fertilizers and cement, as well as enterprises for the production of medicines, soap and glass, are actively operating. Development transport system complicates the mountainous nature of the area and strong cyclones. Cumulative length railways equal to 893 kilometers, and for automobiles - 49.84 thousand kilometers.

Ethnic composition The Malagasy are an ethnic group that forms the main population of Madagascar. They speak Malagasy (Malgash), a language belonging to the Indonesian group of the Austronesian language family. The total population is about 20 million people. The self-name goes back to the adjective from the word "Madagascar", thus, Malagasy is "Madagascar" in the Malagasy language, which in turn also means "Madagascar".

Tourism Madagascar is often called the “dream island”. Tourists are attracted to the island by the beauty of nature, the splendor and diversity of flora and fauna, as well as the uniqueness of the national culture. In 2007, more than 170 thousand foreign tourists visited Madagascar. Most tourists arrived from France, Mauritius, the USA, Canada, Italy and Germany. Income from tourist visits in 2007 amounted to more than $100 million. Most tourists usually visit the presidential palace, the national music museum, the handicraft market, Portuguese forts, Arab mosques and shopping arcades, national parks. The reserves of Andasibe, Berenti, Isalu, Montagne-d'Ambre, Tsaratanana, Lukube, Tsimbazaza and many others deserve special attention.

Society Education. The first schools were opened by British missionaries in Antananarivo. Compulsory 5-year primary education, which children receive from the ages of 6 to 11 years. Secondary education (7 years) begins at the age of 11 and takes place in two cycles – 4 and 3 years. Healthcare. Yellow fever and malaria are common. Lack of clean drinking water (47% of the population has constant access to it) leads to outbreaks of intestinal infectious diseases, incl. bilharzia. In 2003, there were 140 thousand people with AIDS and HIV-infected people, 7.5 thousand people died. In 2001, 42% of the population had access to health care. 3.5 thousand doctors are registered, of which 2.38 thousand are in the capital and its environs (2005). According to the UN report on the humanitarian development of the planet (2001), Madagascar was in 149th place in the ranking of countries. Architecture, fine arts and crafts. Folk dwellings are rectangular (less often round) in plan, huts under a pointed gable roof, the proportions are elongated upward. Houses in different areas of the island differ only in the building material used. The craftsmen of the Zafimanira people decorate the roofs, doors and shutters of their homes with elaborate carvings of a sculptural and geometric nature. (Based on their carvings, industrial furniture production began on the island in the 19th century). IN modern cities houses are built from brick and reinforced concrete structures. Music. National music has long traditions and was formed under the influence of Arabic (mainly Egyptian), African and European (primarily French) musical cultures. In the 20th century she is influenced by Latin American melodies and modern pop culture.

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State symbols Madagascar is a state in the western Indian Ocean, on the island of Madagascar and adjacent small islands. Madagascar is the fourth largest island in the world, its flora and fauna contain five percent of the world's animal and plant species, 80% of which exist only in Madagascar. The most famous of them are lemurs. Madagascar and Mauritania are the only countries in the world that do not use decimal currency.

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Geographical location Madagascar is a state on the island of the same name off the east coast of Africa. Area - 587 thousand km², population - 18.4 million people. (2005, UN assessment). Capital - Antananarivo

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Antananarivo, “the city of ten thousand warriors,” lies in the sacred hills of the Imerina, the Central Highlands. Between the hills lies a picturesque Lake. The entire population (about 1.5 million inhabitants) lives in one to three-story houses, reminiscent of the buildings of a medieval European city - this is a legacy of French colonization. Antananarivo is a red city. The walls and roofs of the buildings are made of either brick or red clay. The city's paved streets are paved with large cobblestones, and the narrow streets meander subtly.

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The first visit to Madagascar by a European occurred in 1500, when the ship of the Portuguese traveler Diogo Diaz, heading to India, deviated from its course and landed on the island. In light of the important geographical position of Madagascar for spice traders who skirted all over Africa, France and Britain tried to establish their outposts on the island. However, the inhospitable climate and even less hospitable natives made this task almost impossible.

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The island's climate is shaped by the southeast trade wind and the South Indian Anticyclone. The island has three climate zones: a tropical monsoon climate on the east coast, a temperate maritime climate in the central highlands, and an arid desert climate on the southern tip of the island. The west coast is noticeably drier than the east as the trade winds lose moisture to the east coast and central highlands. Typical annual precipitation rates: 350 cm for the southern coast, 140 cm for the central highlands (in this case, for the capital of the country - Antananarivo), 32 cm in the south of the island, on the border with the desert.

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The Malagasy currency is the Ariary. Main article: Economy of Madagascar Benefits: Diversified agriculture: vanilla, coffee, spicy cloves. Oil and gas. Shrimps. Reading working population. Chromium. Factories. Weaknesses: Chaos in 2002 rocked the economy. Competition with cheaper vanilla exporters. Threat of droughts and tornadoes. He cannot fully provide himself with the main food product – rice.

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The Malagasy are an ethnic group that forms the main population of Madagascar. They speak Malagasy (Malgash), a language belonging to the Indonesian group of the Austronesian language family. The total population is about 20 million people. The self-name goes back to the adjective from the word “Madagascar”, so Malagasy is “Madagascar” in the Malagasy language, which in turn also means “Madagascar”.

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About 45% of the population professes Christianity, Catholicism or Protestantism. Most believers try to combine the cult of ancestors with Christian traditions. For example, not all Christians renounce the practice of famidahan, this is especially true for Catholics. Pastors from the Catholic Church may even come to the ceremony and bless the participants. The Protestant Church has a very negative attitude towards the practice of the cult of ancestors and calls on its flock to abandon “worship of the Devil.” The Christian Church in Madagascar is a fairly influential political institution.

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Madagascar carnivores are an endemic family of mammalian carnivores, closely related to mongooses and numbering 8 species. The family is divided into two subfamilies: mungos (lat. Galidiinae) and Malagasy civets (lat. Euplerinae). Previously, there was an extinct species of giant fossa on the island (lat. Cryptoprocta spelea), which hunted giant lemurs, but due to the extermination of lemurs by humans, the giant fossa also became extinct, having lost its food supply.

Madagascar Work completed by: Popp Gabriella 29 gr. General characteristics The Republic of Madagascar is an island state located in southeast Africa. Madagascar is separated from Africa by the Mozambique Channel. The capital of the republic is the city of Antananarivo with a population of about one and a half million people. The territory of the state occupies 596 thousand square kilometers. The Republic of Madagascar is divided into 6 provinces. This country has two official languages: Malagasy and French. The main religions in the republic are Christianity and Islam. The currency in Madagascar is the Malagasy franc. Climate One third of the territory of the Republic of Madagascar covers the highlands. The highest point is Marumukutru Peak and is 2876 meters high. The eastern coast is occupied by coastal lowlands, and the western coast is occupied by low plains. Among the island's minerals one can find bauxite, graphite, iron, gold, limestone, quartz, cobalt, monazite, nickel, niobium, rubies, etc. The climate of the Republic of Madagascar is tropical. Average monthly air temperatures in the lowlands range from plus 20 to 30 degrees Celsius, in the highlands the temperature ranges from 13 to 20 degrees Celsius. The amount of precipitation per year ranges from 1000 to 1500 millimeters. Note also that cyclones occur quite often on the east coast. There are many rivers flowing on this island. Government system Madagascar is a republic. The constitution in force was adopted in 1992, with amendments in 1998. The head of state and supreme commander in chief is the president, who is elected by universal suffrage for a 5-year term. The bicameral parliament consists of the Senate, elected for 4 years, and the National Assembly. . Coat of Arms Flag Current President Economy Madagascar is among the least developed countries in the world. About 75 percent of Madagascar's residents qualify as poor. The share of agriculture in the Gross Domestic Product is 34.5 percent. The main crops are: rice, bananas, corn, cassava and sweet potatoes. Livestock and poultry farming are developed only for domestic consumption. Fishing is of industrial importance. . The mining industry is poorly developed. The paper, woodworking, leather, furniture, brewing, tobacco and textile industries are expanding. Factories for the production of agricultural machinery, mineral fertilizers and cement, as well as enterprises for the production of medicines, soap and glass, are actively operating. The development of the transport system is complicated by the mountainous nature of the area and strong cyclones. The total length of railways is 893 kilometers, and roads - 49.84 thousand kilometers. Ethnic composition The Malagasy are an ethnic group that forms the main population of Madagascar. They speak Malagasy (Malgash), a language belonging to the Indonesian group of the Austronesian language family. The total population is about 20 million people. The self-name goes back to the adjective from the word “Madagascar”, so Malagasy is “Madagascar” in the Malagasy language, which in turn also means “Madagascar”. Tourism In terms of tourism, the western coast of the island is the most developed; on the eastern coast there is a greater likelihood of sharks appearing. The most popular beach resort in Madagascar is the island of Nosy Be. It is located 159 km southwest of the capital. The area of ​​Nosy Be is 321 sq. km. Tourists love this island for its fun atmosphere - there are many restaurants and nightclubs, as well as for its calm coastal waters and clean beaches. The most popular beaches of Nosy Be are Andilana (in the north of the island), the beaches of the nearby coral islands of Tsarabanina, Ankarea, Nosy Koba and Nosy Iranya. The coastal waters of Madagascar are home to coral reefs that are very popular among divers. The best time to dive here is from April to August. Underwater visibility throughout the year is 10-30 m. The most interesting dive sites in Madagascar are located in the vicinity of the island of Nosy Be. The island's main dive centers are located in the Ambatoloaca area. The local Nosi Tanikeli Marine Park is a paradise for diving enthusiasts. The diving depth in the park reaches 18 m; the underwater world is represented by turtles, octopuses, stingrays, parrot fish, clown fish and groupers. Hiking in the country's reserves and parks is very popular in Madagascar. There are many routes of varying difficulty levels created here. The Andringitra National Park in eastern Madagascar is home to the second and third highest peaks of the island, to which hiking trails lead through the forests. National Park The Ambre Mountains have a network of trails with a total length of 20 km. Isalu National Park, with its erosive landforms, is often compared to the Grand Canyon. The central plateau of the island is interestingly long mountain ranges and vast areas of leveled plateaus, wide valleys and an abundance of lakes. The cities of Madagascar are a mixture of African, Asian and European cultures; here you can see buildings made in the French style, colorful noisy markets and centers of folk crafts. The landscapes, flora and fauna of Madagascar are no less interesting, so tourists are offered numerous excursions to the protected areas of the island.


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