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The game begins with our plane suffering a plane crash and falling onto a tropical island in the middle of the ocean. All the initial scenes are performed at the proper level. After our character comes to his senses after the fall, we will have to return to the remains of the plane and look for useful survival items and food. Since supplies do not last forever, and rescuers do not announce themselves, we will have to build ourselves a home, get food in the forest and make a fire. Just like in the Forest, during the day we will get our own food, firewood and arrange housing, and at night we will have to hide from the vile neighbors who just want to eat us. If the enemies destroyed your home, you will have to hide in the darkness of the night and rebuild it during the day.


The game has absolutely no interface. That is, there is no inventory, no goals, no list of tasks, no weapons. Everything we have we see in front of us. For example: we are carrying a log, then naturally we will see it, or if we are cutting down a tree with an ax). We will also make all weapons from improvised materials. You can take an ordinary stick, a sharp stone and make a spear out of the stick, and if you add a rope, you will get a primitive hammer.

In Forest we will have to cut down trees often, so that this process does not get boring, the developers have made it extremely realistic. When the ax hits, leaves from the tree begin to fly, a pleasant crunch of wood is heard, over time the cut deepens and the tree falls to the ground, leaving only one stump. By the way, if you cut down too many trees and eat all the berries in one place, then there will be no animals in this place and in order to get food you will have to go deep into the forest, where you can get lost and not return by night. And the night will be so difficult. By the way, in The Forest we will be able to grow our own berries and we won’t have to go anywhere.


The main character is a dad who survived a plane crash. He was flying in a plane that crashed onto an island in the middle of the ocean. Fortunately, the island was inhabited. True, cannibal savages lived on it. As soon as the hero wakes up, he sees that his son is being carried away by a certain aborigine. At this time, a question flashes through the player’s head: how to find his son? The problem is that besides the father, no one survived. There is no food or water on board. To survive, the hero needs to take action.

The essence of the game is survival. You must hold out as long as possible. To do this, you need to build a house and fight off mutants with a bow or an ax. Once the base is built and you have a place to stay for the night, you can go explore the island: explore underground caves or find camps abandoned by someone.

There are only 2 entertainment options in the game - fishing and hunting. True, you can hunt not only animals, but also mutants. The more days you survive, the more difficult the survival process will become: mutant spiders will begin to crawl to the surface, capable of destroying the walls of your buildings. Therefore, if you want to live, try making a tree house.

How you entertain yourself is purely your decision. You can run around the island and destroy cannibals (their number is limited, so you can kill them all outright), or strengthen your base and wait for the enemies to come. That's what The Forest is all about.

What awaits us on the island?

Over time, we will want to go deep into the forest or climb a mountain, and when we reach the desired point, we will not notice how night will come and the natives will chase us. There is a whole network on the island underground tunnels(in which you can find a lot of interesting things, so say the developers), but we are unlikely to be able to get through them, since they are infested with cannibals. By the way, our neighbors are not as brainless as they seem at first glance. They live with families, they have their own customs and traditions.

How to survive?

Before letting a five-year-old boy out for a walk, his mother instructs him: don’t talk to adults, don’t run across the road, don’t climb trees. You have something more difficult than a walk ahead of you.

Plane crash

After watching the videos, get down to business: search the plane. Inside there are cans of soda and microchips that will be useful in the future. Now - on the way out. Before you go out into the forest, you will have to snatch the ax from the lifeless body of the flight attendant. This weapon is the first and last help from the developers.

The first thing you need to do is explore the crash site. How to survive in The Forest without food? Take as many lizards, rabbits and rocks as you can carry. Gut the passengers' bags - they won't need them anymore. When you fill your inventory to capacity, leave. Mutants could come to see the bird falling from the sky at any second.

Alone in the forest

Now you are faced with the most important task - finding a place to stay for the night. Or maybe for a permanent home.

I recommend camping on the coast. The reason is simple - mutants cannot swim. And you know how. Or rather, you can build a raft or a house on the water. And when the mutants break through the defenses of the house, and this will definitely happen, the last chance for survival will be to escape to the sea.

The first thing you need to know is how to build a house in The Forest. You don't have enough time for a big hut, so make it a hunting shelter. To do this you need 8 logs, 9 sticks and 5 stones. If stones are lying everywhere, then for the sake of logs and sticks you will have to work with an ax. Go to the nearest tree and cut it down. When falling, the tree will break into 4 logs. You can only carry two, so you'll have to go back and forth a lot until all the building materials are ready. I can't imagine how to survive in The Forest without wood. Now open the guide to The Forest (button “B”), select the “Shelters” section and build your new home. A hunting shelter will help you last a couple of nights. But as soon as possible, start building a full-fledged house and walls to protect it.

How to survive in The Forest when attacked by mutants during the day?

Aborigines may appear when you cut down trees, run after rabbits, or fry meat. The main thing in such a situation is not to panic. This means don't attack first. These are the rules of survival in The Forest.

If you've studied the habits of mutants in The Forest, you should know how they behave. The natives may simply look at you with curiosity. And if you attack them, you will only make the situation worse. After all, this is their island, be friendly. But if you are attacked, defend yourself.

Hit the mutant with an ax and step back. Constantly move, block attacks. During the day, the aborigines are timid: they attack one at a time and, seeing their comrade hacked to death with an ax, scatter. Don't forget to dismember the bodies of dead enemies. The hands, feet and heads of the natives will be used as scarecrows, which will scare other natives away from your camp.

Line of defense

Did you think that was all? The most difficult thing is ahead. Prepare camp defenses to comply with The Forest's rules of survival. The natives will not attack on the first night, but then they will visit regularly. It's better to start building your defenses early if you want to know how to survive in The Forest. You will need: stuffed animals, fires and traps.

Stuffed animals are built from the bodies of mutants. The previous paragraph shows how to get them. Open the guide to The Forest on the “Effigies” tab and build a couple around the perimeter of the camp.

You will need 2 types bonfires: Standing Fire to scare away mutants, and Fire Pit to fry food. Build the first one around the perimeter of the camp, place the second one in the center so that you have quick access to it.

What are they for? traps, you can guess for yourself. Drawings on the “Traps” tab of The Forest guide. Place them behind scarecrows and fires. Traps are the penultimate line of defense.

The last one is you!

Further actions

You can’t build all this in the first day. You will need several hours of real time to build a camp that can hold back the onslaught of mutants. Here's what you'll need to do moving forward:

  • Build a raft and then a houseboat. This is the same salvation that I wrote about at the very beginning. If your camp is destroyed by spider mutants, going to sea will help you quickly escape from the crowd of hungry mutants.
  • Find a rocket launcher - one is lying on the lap of the plane pilot, the pilot himself is next to the cockpit.
  • Make bombs and Molotov cocktails. To create an incendiary mixture, all you need is alcohol and a rag. And here explosive device It’s more difficult to create - it requires coins and microcircuits, of which there are only a few in the game. Some are on the plane - the rest are in the cave.
  • Explore the caves. This needs to be done during the day, when the mutants are sleeping. In their tunnels they keep useful things: the mentioned microcircuits, a rocket launcher, coins. Using the forest guide, you will turn these items into deadly weapons.

Now you know how to behave in the first stages of the game. Knowing how to survive in The Forest will help you get comfortable with the game's environment, get used to the mechanics, and develop your strategies for dealing with mutants.

On the peninsula
It is assumed that the peninsula is located in Canada or another similar area located in the north, due to climate, animals, geography and the location of the developers. It includes most of the settings for the forest, and includes both an extensive underground cave system and big mountains, in addition to the main forest. It is assumed that the caves suffer from regular collapses, the sounds of which the player can hear while in the caves. Some bodies (such as the Christian missionaries inside) are in a location accessible only with a rebreather.

Alleged events before the game's plot
Something falls onto an unnamed peninsula, forming a crater. Local cannibals used the artifacts found there and created mutants. Soon missionaries arrive on the peninsula. They try to teach the cannibals Christianity, but the latter release mutants on them, and they, in turn, drive the missionaries into caves, before dying they write a message in Latin (the words are written with errors. The only thing that could be translated is a woman with four legs, some the babies are dead, the crosses don't help, the traps are useless), they leave a sketch of Virginia and a sketch of the crater. A year later, miners, divers (where is the rebreather and flashlight on the island from?) and other normal people arrive on the island to explore the island and mine gold. Among the corpses in the caves there is a magazine, one of the headings on it reads: 7 people went down into the caves. Only one returned. He sailed away on the ship they arrived on, and for some reason the anchor fell off the ship. And this same person tells the public about this, as reported by another magazine with one of the headlines: “Ancient artifacts. Can the device return to death.” After this, scientists from the Sahara corporation arrive on the island and build the well-known laboratory for the purpose of studying artifacts. Realizing that they will need test subjects, they begin to kidnap children. In parallel with this, Matthew Cross divorces his wife with whom their daughter decides to live. Additionally, something causes Matthew to get fired and leave the island. A group also arrives on the island to film a film about missing children. After filming the film, they are going to sail away, but under some circumstances they all die. Their cells are scattered throughout the island, as are the missionary boats. At the same time, Matthew's daughter Megan dies. He steals her body, comes to the laboratory, which by that time was already destroyed, shoots down the plane with our hero, it falls, Matthew turns red, posing as a cannibal and takes our son. And this is where the game begins.

The hero (judging by the list of passengers, Eric Leblanc) and his son are flying somewhere. But suddenly the plane crashes onto the peninsula. The hero and his son survive, but his son is carried away by a certain red man. The hero gets accustomed to the peninsula, finds a passage to the laboratory complex and gets into it after finding the key card. Moving through the laboratory, he learns about the activities of the bunker, the fate of the red man and information about certain artifacts found on the peninsula. During the search, the hero is smeared with red paint. In the end, the hero finds his son. Dead. The hero loses hope, but notices some pipes. He sticks them to his son, and learns that he can be resurrected, but at the cost of another person’s life. Walking through the premises, the hero finds Megan Cross, a girl who was resurrected by her father (judging by all the information found, he is a red man), at the cost of Timmy's life. She considered him a red man, showing on the toy that he shot down a plane, mutates before the hero’s eyes, and he enters into battle with her, eventually winning. He carries her body to the artifact, but it needs a living sample. Having lost hope, the hero walks through the laboratory and finds an artifact that can disable various equipment. We were shot down with this artifact at the beginning of the game. The hero shoots down the plane, thereby falling into the chain of events that Megan's father began. He, apparently, finds a living person in the wreckage of the plane and, with his help, resurrects his son. A year later, when the hero, along with Timmy, get out of the island, and the hero demonstrates his new book about survival on the island, and shows an ax (seemingly gold/modern) that helped him survive. But then Timmy begins to convulse, just like Megan did. The screen goes dark, but after a few seconds they show a shot of Eric holding his son and he opens his eyes. This is where the game ends.

Story items.
In update 0.18, story items were added. Drawings, photographs, scraps of magazines, etc., once found, go into the Notes section of the Survival Guide and are listed in the Notes article. Other items go into inventory. Their list:

Parts of a Timmy toy that can be assembled into a complete one;
Timmy's drawings;
Camera and 6 video cassettes;
Old photographs with designations of caches - 8 pieces in total;
Passenger list;
Key card;

Interesting Facts
Once picked up, story items go into your inventory (with the exception of photographs, which end up in the book).
The only story item that can be interacted with once picked up is the passenger list.
The Bible disappears after being found, possibly a bug.

in the next issue of the forest he will say that mutants were created by miners to protect gold, but something went wrong)

Xomcheek xr

Let's do it Fran Bow
I think there will be a ton of theories

There’s just one thing I don’t understand: a ship with such a large anchor must be quite long. And considering that the anchor is also Admeraltiysky, this means that the ship is from the 90s and even earlier. Such anchors were also used on large ships. therefore, in order to operate the vessel, a crew of at least 10 people is required. And the question is: how could one person leave the whole ship alone, without the necessary qualified personnel. For there are mechanics in the engine room who put the ship’s engines into working condition, and there is a wheelhouse from which control is carried out. It would be physically impossible for one person to sail anywhere independently on a ship of the estimated size, no matter how much he or she wanted to.

Misha Boychuk

damn, the plot is no worse than in resident evil 7, but the horror is the same

Ayan Doshchanov

Let's talk about the second Outlast 2. To the top so I can see it.

Online GAMER

I am also one of the theorists and I discovered an error in your text, I went through The Forest and every time I passed through I found cassettes for a video camera, a video camera can be found in the bunker and after looking at these cassettes you can see that the “red” man or Matthew Cross is on a helicopter which can found in a quarry flew to the island and his daughter was sick with something, she was in a wheelchair and SHE WAS ALIVE and people were still calmly walking around the bunker; on one piece you can see Matthew Cross and his daughter Megan Cross standing and looking at the mutant octopus behind the glass and suddenly he bursts in, throws Matthew aside and runs at Megan, thereby it can be revealed that Megan Killed the Mutant is already on the island and your mistake was that Megan and Matthew were older on the island and he knew that this artifact turns children into freaks and documents about dismissal! They were presented to him because they thought that he had released the mutant into the wild and started this house. Well then the question arises: why did he resurrect her if he knew about it! ? And how that helicopter ended up in the quarry, I can also explain: someone tried to escape from the island, but his attempt failed! When Matthew realized that Megan had died, he was in despair and he knew that if his wife found out about this, he would go to prison and he I decided to resurrect her so as not to serve time in prison. Please like it so he can see it!

Hadi, when I was playing Forest I found a book where it is located main character with his son. I think she's on the plane

MAKE a theory on scp please
khadi / guys go to the top ^_^ !!!

Denis Shevel

I understood that red man wanted to save his. Daughter

Maga Abdulgamidov

I rethought everything and then my brain went crazy! this is a plot idea straight for Hollywood

Make a theory on Bendy and the ink machine

Sasha Belly Cat [Closed for a while]

Creepy Theories, please answer in 2018

I wrote Hadi in the previous video and I want you to make a theory about Alphys and that her head looks like GasterBlaster Sanka!

P.S. Come on Hadi, I'm sure everyone will agree with me that it will be interesting!

Aslan Aubakirov

make creepy theories about the game Don"t starve please

The topic of today's review is The Forest project. The question "How to find my son?" Quite often asked by many gamers who have already experienced the entire intricate plot of the game. Today we will talk to you about what kind of toy this is and how you can answer the question about the search.

Tangled plot

Before talking about The Forest project, how to find your son and where he is hiding, let's see what kind of game this is. The plot begins with the main character (let's call him Ben) flying in a half-empty plane somewhere with his offspring. At the same time, he is watching some horror movie on his laptop. Non-existent film. Suddenly the plane crashes. He is torn to pieces, but Ben and his son manage to escape. The main character sees a native taking his child somewhere.

This is how The Forest begins. "Where can I find my son?" - a question that arises, as we see, from the first minutes. If you look around, you will notice that around “our” wreckage of the plane there are things of other passengers lying around. In total, about 130 people and crew were supposed to be on board. Ben realizes that he is “almost” and has to look for his child. So, the central idea becomes the main question of The Forest: “How to find my son, and what happened to him?” But in reality, not everything is so simple.


Now you have to explore the crash site and look for your child. True, there is still the task of finding all the survivors (the dead are also counted). Places where people have already been are so-called camps. Each time Ben finds them, you will have a "meter" showing the number of survivors.

Upon first appearance in such world The Forest, where it will be very difficult to find your son, you will begin to find tennis balls that will accompany the player throughout the game. After wandering around a little, you will be able to find a special card, thanks to which the secret of the balls will be revealed. In the young part of the island there is the so-called Tennis place (they just took the boy from the plane).

We continue our review of The Forest. How to find my son? What needs to be done? With such questions, the main character rushes to the place Tennis and discovers the answer to the balls found there. Namely, the mutilated bodies of their friends and tennis teammates. Here it becomes clear that the entire team was on the plane and was flying somewhere. For some fees. The plot begins to seem even stranger. Let's see what's going on here.

Where is the boy?

Of course, the central question of The Forest is “Where can I find my son?” After Ben discovers the bodies of his comrades, the plot changes dramatically.

The fact is that the main character always wanted to have a family. However, he devoted quite a lot of time to sports and had practically no time for family matters. So, one day the coach called him to a training camp and competition. Ben fell asleep on the plane - this is where our game presumably begins. Thus, everything that happened before the crash was just a dream. There was no son named Timmy, and the illusions are confirmed by watching a non-existent horror film. That is, the answer to The Forest’s question “How to find my son?” can be expressed in one word - “no way”.

True, this option is just an assumption of some players. The only truth here is that Ben is a tennis player. The rest is hypotheses put forward by fans. The developers did not give any explanations. There is another assumption about what is happening here and how to find the boy.

Is the impossible possible?

All that is known now is that during the entire existence of the game, no one ever found the boy, and also did not see the final credits. It turns out that all this time the players are simply wandering around the world in search of adventure.

If you adhere to the second point of view regarding the plot, then Timmy can be found. True, for this you need to complete a number of tasks. For example, find all passengers on an airliner. However, at the alpha testing stage there is no such possibility yet - the map is too small.

However, there are a number of assumptions about what to do after you have already searched the entire island. According to some players, all passengers need to be found and killed, after which we find our son in The Forest, build a raft and fly away from the cursed island. Thus, the opinions of the players are already divided.

In addition, you can come across statements that say that the game does not and will not have any plot at all. Unless the main character grows old and dies. Well, or the whole point will be the most ordinary survival among the natives and unknown creatures. So the question about The Forest is: "Where is the son?" - still remains open.

Alleged events before the game's plot

Something falls onto an unnamed peninsula, forming a crater. Local cannibals used the artifacts found there and created mutants. Soon missionaries arrive on the peninsula. They are trying to convert the island's aborigines to Christianity, but the latter release mutants on them, and they, in turn, drive the missionaries into caves. Before they die, they write a message in Latin (the words are misspelled. The only thing that could be translated is a woman with four legs , some babies are dead, crosses don't help, traps are useless), leave a sketch of Virginia and a sketch of the crater. Years later, miners, divers (where is the rebreather and flashlight on the island from?) and other normal people arrive on the island to explore the island and mine gold. Among the corpses in the caves there is a magazine, one of the headings on it reads: 7 people went down into the caves. Only one returned. He sailed away on the ship they arrived on, and for some reason the anchor fell off the ship. And this same person tells the public about this, as reported by another magazine with one of the headlines: “Ancient artifacts. Can the device return to death.” After this, scientists from the Sahara corporation arrive on the island and build the well-known laboratory for the purpose of studying artifacts. Realizing that they will need test subjects, they begin to kidnap children. In parallel with this, Matthew Cross divorces his wife with whom their daughter decides to live. Additionally, something causes Matthew to get fired and leave the island. A group also arrives on the island to film a film about missing children. After filming the film, they are going to sail away, but under some circumstances they all die. Their cells are scattered throughout the island, as are the missionary boats. At the same time, Matthew's daughter Megan dies. He steals her body, comes to the laboratory, which by that time was already destroyed, shoots down the plane with our hero, it falls, Matthew turns red, posing as a cannibal and takes our son. And this is where the game begins.

Where does the game take place?

On the peninsula

The peninsula is assumed to be in Canada or another similar area to the north, based on factors such as animals, peninsula geography, and developer locations. It includes extensive timber reserves for buildings, an extensive underground cave system, and large mountains. It is assumed that the caves suffer from regular collapses, the sounds of which the player can hear while inside. Some bodies (for example, Christian missionaries) are in a place accessible only by using a rebreather.

Revealing the whole plot

The hero (judging by the list of passengers, Eric Lk) and his son are flying somewhere. But suddenly the plane crashes onto the peninsula. The hero and his son survive, but his son is carried away by a certain red man. The hero gets accustomed to the peninsula, finds a passage to the laboratory complex and gets into it after finding the key card. Moving through the laboratory, he learns about the activities of the bunker, the fate of the red man and information about certain artifacts found on the peninsula. During the search, the hero is smeared with red paint. In the end, the hero finds his son. Dead. The hero loses hope, but notices some pipes. He sticks them to his son, and learns that he can be resurrected, but at the cost of another person’s life. Walking through the premises, the hero finds Megan Cross, a girl who was resurrected by her father (judging by all the information found, he is a red man), at the cost of Timmy's life. She considered him a red man, showing on the toy that he shot down a plane, mutates before the hero’s eyes, and he enters into battle with her, eventually winning. He carries her body to the artifact, but it needs a living sample. Having lost hope, the hero walks through the laboratory and finds an artifact that can disable various equipment. We were shot down with this artifact at the beginning of the game. The hero shoots down the plane, thereby falling into the chain of events that Megan's father began. He, apparently, finds a living person in the wreckage of the plane and, with his help, resurrects his son. A year later, when the hero, along with Timmy, get out of the island, and the hero demonstrates his new book about survival on the island, and shows an ax (seemingly gold/modern) that helped him survive. But then Timmy begins to convulse, just like Megan did. The screen goes dark, but after a few seconds they show a shot of Eric holding his son and he opens his eyes. This is where the game ends.


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