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A year later, investigators still have not brought charges against Natalya Balandina [video]

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Natalya Balandina. Where is the truth?

Shame on you! Leave Natasha alone, don’t bother her,” Balandina’s father, Valentin Artemyev, reprimands me. - She's doing well. Lives, works, nothing more to add.

- How good is that?- I’m surprised. - She's under investigation.

Yes, everything ended there, everything is fine. There is no need to harp on this topic anymore.

- I don't understand. Do you really care who killed Nastya?

Well, let the investigation find out, and I won’t talk more about this topic.

Now it’s hard to believe, but a year ago Balandina’s father himself sought meetings with journalists. “Save my Natasha,” the grandfather almost knelt in front of the cameras. She and Natasha performed together on a TV show, she knocked tears out of herself and the viewer, he spoke for both.

Balandina returned from Tunisia with a broken arm, but she does not say where exactly she broke it. Later, her dad considered this question to be incorrect.

How can a mother be suspected of killing her own child? - the impressionable audience groaned.

If we omit all emotions, then Natalya still has not explained how it happened that her eight-year-old daughter returned from a resort in Tunisia in a coffin.

Inconsolable mother

This story happened in May last year. 43-year-old Natalya Balandina went with her daughter Anastasia to Tunisia on vacation. On May 13, the day of their flight back, Nastya was found dead in the bathroom of a room at the Mahdia resort. The girl was lying in the water. Local experts found that the death was definitely violent - someone strangled the child. And this was most likely done by an inexperienced person.

The police found Natalya only three hours later on the beach of another hotel. She was with a suitcase, documents, dressed and for some reason with a bottle of untouched vinegar. Clearly not himself. She answered questions about the death of the child in a confused manner. Local investigators arrested her.

When the news reached Russia, a scandal broke out. With shouts of “They’re beating our people!” The online community came to the defense of the inconsolable mother. No one could believe that it was her; it would have been much easier to blame it on one of the hotel staff or some foreigner.

Check to see if the child was also raped before this. “They can do it there,” the “armchair” experts continued.

She's innocent

In her homeland, an urgent collection of material assistance was organized for Natalya. Her eldest daughter Anna turned to everyone who cared for help. The girl posted a video message on the social network, thereby launching donations.

At first, everyone felt sorry for Balandina. People transferred 300-500 rubles to the account of her daughter Anna Mikhalchevskaya. It was believed that the money would go to a lawyer in Tunisia. He allegedly already demanded an advance of 3.5 thousand dollars. As a result, they collected 600 thousand, which St. Petersburg activist Veniamin Dostoevsky gave to her family in Kuban. And whether this money went to a lawyer or somewhere else was of little interest to anyone, because the story was acquiring more and more new details.

The image of Balandina was portrayed as pitiful: an elderly, lonely woman, given over to be torn to pieces by African savages.

She never called Nastenka anything other than “my darling,” said Balandina’s colleagues. Indeed, Natalya took her daughter to dances, signed up for castings for TV series, and dressed her up like a doll. So it seemed that the child doted on the soul.

Balandin is a teacher by education. Originally from the village of Zassovskaya Krasnodar region. Previously, she worked at school as a teacher of Russian language and literature. She rose to the position of head teacher. What-not, but the rural intelligentsia. She had a husband, daughter and son. And after 11 years of marriage they divorced. Soon Natalya met a new man - Sergei Balandin, gave birth to Nastya from him, and then left school altogether and they went to conquer St. Petersburg. True, they say that Balandin was “left” and there were good reasons for that. However, this is a completely different story.

In Kolpino, on the outskirts of St. Petersburg, she opened her own beauty salon in shopping center. There was also a children's hairdressing salon “Fairy Tale”. But life didn’t work out with Balandin either. So Natalya was left alone with the little girl.

She coped poorly on her own. I had health problems and had to undergo surgery. The business also did not bring much profit. She borrowed 80 thousand from a friend with whom she worked in a salon. Moreover, the woman took out a loan for her at exorbitant interest rates. Balandina paid it every other time. He will put in five thousand at the beginning of the month, and by the end of the month he will withdraw 12 thousand.

On top of everything, Balandina’s mother died in Zassovskaya. She was worried. Her friends say that she threatened to commit suicide and take Nastya with her to the next world. And then suddenly she flew to Tunisia.

Take it for yourself

Balandina spent a month under arrest. All the magical power of the Internet. Someone started a rumor that an orphaned mother was facing the death penalty in Tunisia. There was a resonance in the foreign media with the idea that Tunisia was “shielding its murderers and blaming everything on the poor mother.” And it worked. What in Russia is perceived as nothing other than unhealthy activity on social networks, in Tunisia was mistaken for public opinion.

She is good and we are bad? So deal with her yourself, the Tunisian police reasoned and released Balandina to her homeland. Although, as police sources say, they initially had a picture of the crime and Balandina was kept in prison for a reason.

However, on June 16, the authorities of the good Tunisian Republic dropped the charges against her. And on June 3, a criminal case was opened in St. Petersburg under the article “Murder of a minor.” It was easier for Tunisia to get rid of a high-profile case that had already tarnished its reputation sunny resort. Crimes are rarely committed there, and those directed against children are completely nonsense.

They turned a tragedy into a show,” Tatyana Yakhia sighs sadly.

A woman with Russian roots, now lives in Tunisia, takes tourists to the Sahara. When she heard the news about a Russian girl strangled in a hotel, she rushed to the consulate. I was looking for a lawyer for Balandina. But over time I just gave up.

I thought that my mother could not do such a thing. That's why I raised our Russians here. They wanted to help with clothes and food. Almost hired a lawyer. Everything collapsed in one moment when I talked to a woman who was there from the first to the last minute. And then, when I watched this story, I got the impression that they were making money from this. Her dad, after all, has a chain of restaurants in Sochi and a hotel, but for some reason he couldn’t help his daughter.

Valentin Artemyev appeared in this whole story as if out of nowhere. He did not live with Balandina; she was raised by her stepfather. But for some reason, he still went to Tunisia to pick up his granddaughter’s body. Only the trip turned out strange. Arriving at the Borj Sedria resort hotel, the first thing grandfather did was book excursion. And then I was even late for that bus. All because he spent the whole night in the local bar. He washed down his grief, as he later explained to the guides.

“You won’t be able to understand me”

It is difficult to understand the logic of this family. For example, Natalya’s ex-husband Sergei, when he arrived in St. Petersburg, promised to take revenge on his ex for Nastenka.

She ruined my daughter with her show-offs,” the father gritted his teeth. - I would kill her myself if she were here!

And now it turns out that Sergei and Natalya live together. Balandina works with children either as a nanny or in an orphanage. The business lady no longer pretends to be.

He broke her ribs, beat her so badly, but then he still forgave her,” says Balandina’s ex-friend Natalya. This is the one from whom she borrowed 80 thousand. No one returned her money; the beauty salon in Kolpino was closed.

The last time I talked to her was about a year ago,” says Natalya. - She called me from a Kuban number. I still didn’t understand what she wanted, it seems to me that she was not sober. I asked her: “Why did you leave? So, without telling anyone, she took the child and left”? She told me: “Don’t you dare judge me.” That's our whole conversation.

You can’t understand my grief,” Balandina said the same thing on a talk show, where she sat in mourning and rubbed tears over her swollen face.

According to her, on May 13, she and her daughter were supposed to fly to Russia. Together they decided to take a final swim. The girl, having taken a dip, told her mother that the sea was too cold and that she would go to the bathroom in the hotel room to warm up. Balandina let her daughter go, and she stayed on the beach for another half hour. When the mother returned to the room, she found her dead daughter in the bathroom. She tried to lift her, but she failed, then Balandina left the child in the bathroom, and she went back to the sea, as she claims, to drown herself. However, says Balandina, there were too many people at sea. The police detained her when she was allegedly looking for a deserted place.


Nastya was buried in Kuban. Balandina was detained there on June 26. Accompanied by investigators, she was taken to St. Petersburg. And they just interrogated him.

They wanted to lock him up in an isolation ward, but the bet didn’t work out. Now she is under recognizance not to leave, which the court renews for her every ten days.

But without Tunisian documents, the matter reached a dead end. Our detectives were unable to investigate in a foreign republic; they only went to Kuban, conducted an examination of the murdered woman again, and talked to Balandina’s strange relatives. That's all.

Due to international relations, the investigation will be seriously delayed,” Aleksey Panzhev, investigator for particularly important cases, warned back in August last year. - The procedure was coordinated with Moscow. Within a week the transfer was made, then the decision was made through the Prosecutor General's Office. Then this was agreed upon with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. We are waiting for Tunisia to give some kind of response on this matter. Either yes, and they will help us and provide materials, or allow us to go there. Only after they agree on this will it be possible to proceed.

This conversation with the investigator was repeated every month. A year later, things are still there.

Our people blame Tunisia’s sluggishness for everything, and they blame the Russian side for its frenzy.

She would have been sitting with us already,” says a source at the consulate. - They kept the room in that hotel locked for a month, they thought that your detectives would come. And now you won’t find anything. Our people didn’t want to put this on themselves, they were afraid of a scandal. It's a tourist country. I even know that some testimony was “rektana”, if only they could send her to Russia. But the fact that the girl was strangled and placed in a bathtub with water is certain, our expert report showed this. And Nastya had dark hair clutched in her fist, and there was skin and bruises under her nails. The body was found curled up in a fetal position.

Will it be possible to use this now? Big question.

In fact, investigators only have an expert opinion on the violent nature of the death. The rest is emotions, you can’t bring them to the point. Although, it seems like there was a motive. Almost just before leaving, Natalya Balandina insured her daughter’s life for thirty thousand euros. She had debts on loans from 7-8 banks. Therefore, paying out insurance would not be superfluous for her.

And she didn’t stand on ceremony with the girl in Tunisia.

Nastya was afraid of her. She drank so much that it was not only delirium tremens, but the devil himself could be there. Every day from morning to evening it’s a mess,” says one of the hotel’s guests, Pavel Kristya. - The child was alone all the time. She walked with us, my mother just came and picked me up. Balandina always wore glasses. Before the flight, she went out onto the beach and could not stand at all. And the child swam alone in the sea.

She was with some man for a week, Nastya called him uncle. Then he disappeared somewhere and Balandina was left only with her daughter.

The hotel animator, a girl named Sirin, gave the same testimony.

Screams were heard in their room already on the first night after they arrived at the hotel, the girl testified. – There was a quarrel between a woman, her daughter and some man. The next day, two German women who lived in the next room complained about the noise. Afterwards, they heard the child’s screams and cries every day.

Even the sellers of the souvenir shop talk about Balandina’s rampant drunkenness. She even pawned the hotelier’s earrings, she didn’t have enough for drinks.

Instead of an afterword

There is no way to talk to Balandina now. She went on the defensive. Her husband and eldest daughter followed her there.

With the permission of the investigator, she will go to Kuban. A year has already passed, now it is possible to erect a monument on Nastya’s grave.

She is deeply depressed,” says lawyer Mikhail Miretsky for his client. - We are also waiting for documents so that she can be transferred from the accused to the victim. Ten to fifteen examinations were carried out here and all of them were in our favor. These are both linguistic and psychiatric. She even passed a polygraph. They all relate to Balandina’s attitude to this incident. If there were grounds after these examinations to believe that she was involved, she would already be an accused, believe me.

It is quite possible that Balandina is not lying about what she does not remember. But this does not mean that nothing happened.

We reached the consular department in Tunisia. Here they remember about Balandina without additional requests.

We have this issue under control,” says head of the consular department Rashid Atayev. - We received requests from the Investigative Committee and the Prosecutor General’s Office. We sent this to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and from there, respectively, to the Ministry of Internal Affairs. But, according to the Foreign Ministry, there was no reaction from there.

And there is unlikely to be an answer in the future. Obviously, after the information attack from “these Russians,” they decided to simply bury the case along with little Nastenka. That's what we were counting on.


Alexandra YAUROVA, clinical psychologist:

Murder is more of a state of physiological affect. But if this happens, the person usually does not hide any evidence, does not plan anything. These are impulsive actions. And then the person himself finds himself horrified by what he has done. This is determined by forensic psychiatrists.

Impaired consciousness also occurs against the background of severe alcohol intoxication. And, it is possible that at the time of the crime her consciousness was very clouded, then she really does not know anything. But, on the other hand, if she passes the polygraph positively, this is in her favor. To an ordinary person It's hard to fool this device.

But if she really doesn’t remember this, then she will think that she didn’t do it. This is already the work of a psychiatrist. But all this does not pass without a trace. If this happened, then the person most likely had such amnesty moments before.

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The suspect in the murder of her daughter Balandina in Tunisia was released. Shooting - Svyatoslav GOSTYUKHIN, Alexander GLUZ Svyatoslav GOSTYUKHIN

43-year-old St. Petersburg resident Natalya Balandina came with her daughter to the resort to unwind after the death of her mother

St. Petersburg resident Natalya Balandina could not leave her eight-year-old daughter Nastya in a Tunisian hotel room and go to the beach, her family is sure. The woman also did not intend to have affairs with foreigners. All this does not speak in favor of the charges, for which Natalya faces the death penalty.

Natalya’s eldest daughter was the first to learn about the tragedy. Pregnant Anya was waiting for her mother and sister in St. Petersburg. They were supposed to fly out on the night of May 13-14. But half a day passed, and the relatives did not come and did not call.

First, they called me from the travel agency,” Anna Alekseeva said on the air of “Russia-1”. - They said that Nastya was dead. It is unknown what happened to my mother. I didn’t let go of the phone. Then, late in the evening, after the examination, they reported that they suspected my mother.

According to Tunisian investigators, the woman strangled her own daughter and left her in the hotel bathroom, and then went to sunbathe. The mother, seemingly calm, was found on the beach. But Natalya’s eldest daughter is sure that this is a lie.

Yes, my mother often visited hot countries and went on vacation. But she never sunbathed,” Anna explained. - She was covered in spots from the sun. Therefore, I only went to the beach late in the evening or early in the morning. And she didn’t like the sun, even though she was born in the south.

The mother was detained and is not allowed to leave the country even to say goodbye to Nastya, who will be buried in Kuban. Meanwhile, another version is in the air. It is believed that the baby could have been killed by an Italian with whom Natalya began a holiday romance.

Natasha had no time for romances,” Natalia’s father told the channel. “She had just buried her mother and was under a lot of stress. And she and Nastena went on vacation to unwind.

Relatives and the public refuse to believe that a St. Petersburg woman could strangle her beloved youngest daughter with her own hands. Experts suggest that Natalya was deliberately brought under the article. After all, Tunisia, which lives off tourism, has no need for tragic incidents in hotels.

READ ALSO: A St. Petersburg woman strangled her eight-year-old daughter in Tunisia and went to the beach The terrible story that happened at the Mahdia resort in Tunisia almost caused a quarrel between the two countries. On Tuesday afternoon, the Russian Embassy in this country announced the death of an eight-year-old tourist. A schoolgirl was found strangled in the bathroom of the three-star Thapsus hotel Club Hotel. The girl died on May 13, but the fact that the child has Russian citizenship was only confirmed now ()
For the murder of her eight-year-old daughter at a resort in Tunisia, a St. Petersburg woman faces the death penalty At first glance, this terrible murder seems senseless. A mother strangled her eight-year-old daughter in hotel room, drowned the body in the bathtub and calmly went to the beach to sunbathe? And judging by reports from sources in Tunisia, this is exactly how it happened () This material was published on the BezFormata website on January 11, 2019,
Below is the date when the material was published on the original source website!

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The older sister of the girl strangled in Tunisia: “Mom couldn’t sunbathe on the beach for health reasons”

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Today after midnight the body of an 8-year-old girl killed in Tunisia is to be delivered to St. Petersburg. St. Petersburg learned about this tragedy, which happened two weeks ago, only the day before. There are still no details of the crime itself.

It is only known that the girl was strangled, and the suspect - her mother - faces the death penalty. The investigation is being led by local police. Elena Boldysheva tried to find out how the family lived before the terrible holiday.

: “In a few hours, a plane will land here at Pulkovo airport with a terrible cargo - the body of an eight-year-old girl. The plane will arrive from Tunisia. It was to this country that Natalya Balandina and her daughter Nastya went to in early May. Ahead of them was the sea, the sun, the beach. But the vacation ended in tragedy. On the day of departure, May thirteenth, a child with signs of violent death was found in a three-star hotel room.”

The mother of the 8-year-old dead girl will remain in Tunisia during the investigation. She is the one suspected of murdering the child. Our police officers also cannot participate in the investigation - there is no such agreement between states.

Svetlana Savinova, lawyer, president of the St. Petersburg Collegium: “If there is a guilty verdict, our country can ask that the execution of this sentence take place on Russian territory, but only if it is not the death penalty. She can ask for mercy, and so can we, but this is all decided at the diplomatic level.”

Elena Boldysheva, correspondent: “Here, in Kolpino, eight-year-old Nastya, who died in Tunisia, lived with her parents. The child's father was Natalya Balandina's second husband and repaired shoes. Natalya herself went into business in the beauty industry four years ago.”

She also taught her child to be beautiful. Little Nastya was a model in a children's hairdressing salon, and her mother worked there as a master. Colleagues of Natalia, accused of murder, did not want to talk.

Elena Boldysheva, correspondent: “This is the 456th school. Little Nastya studied here. After the tragedy, the school director sent papers to the district education department. In them, both Nastya and her family are characterized positively.”

The parents of Nastya’s classmates also speak well of the girl’s family. They doubt that Natalia could have done what the Tunisian authorities accuse her of.

Mother of classmate Nastya: “I personally don’t believe that Natalia could do this. We didn’t communicate personally, but our children studied in the same class. The girl went to school neat and well dressed. It was obvious that her mother loved her and took care of her.”

On the page of a Russian woman accused of murder most photographs - Nastina. A child at school, a child on vacation. This is her third and youngest daughter. How and why the tragedy occurred is now being investigated by the Office of the Children's Ombudsman of St. Petersburg. In addition, the investigation is under control of the Russian consulate in Tunisia. In the meantime, Natalya Balandina remains in a Tunisian prison. And if her guilt is proven, then according to local laws she could face the death penalty.

Natalya Balandina is hiding from strangers in the Kuban village

Photo: Liana YANKINA

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From the very beginning, the story of Natalya Balandina, whose daughter was found murdered in Tunisia, was full of mysteries. A child strangled in a hotel room with a tuft of his mother's hair clutched in his fist, a mother who for some reason was sunbathing alone on the beach, a woman's arrest and a month in a local prison, then removed - completely! – charges against her, unexpected release.

Now the killer has still not been found, a criminal case has been opened into the death of the child. Natalya herself came to Kuban, where 8-year-old Nastya was buried in the small village of Zassovskaya. The return coincided with the wake - 40 days had passed since the girl’s death.

At home, a woman is surrounded by her family. But before she had time to return to Russia, another misfortune befell her. At the Moscow airport, Natalya had a bad fall and broke her arm. Now her father, eldest daughter and son, and relatives protect her in every possible way and do not allow journalists near her (“my mother is stressed, she cries all the time and cannot speak”). It took Komsomolskaya Pravda correspondents a lot of effort to get a telephone conversation with Balandina.

All charges against me were dropped. The killer will be punished one way or another, but no one will return the child to me,” she said in a calm voice and agreed to the meeting.

However, two hours later, Balandina’s father called us and canceled the meeting, citing his daughter’s blood pressure had risen sharply. But it was too late, the car was already heading for the village of Zassovskaya, Labinsk district of Kuban...

I don’t even know what exactly I expected to see in Balandina’s house. A grief-stricken woman, an ambulance under the windows, women in black scarves... Anything, well, they can’t sing songs with a guitar. It turned out yes.

...In the courtyard, seven or eight people were sitting at a set table. Everything is like in ordinary family gatherings: a glass of vodka on the table and “the bend of a thin guitar...”. Seeing us, fairly tipsy relatives poured out into the street in a crowd. Balandina herself was about to go out, but she was immediately sent into the house, locking the door.

Mom won’t talk to you,” Balandina’s eldest daughter Anna told me.

Is there really something to hide?

She has nothing to hide, and we absolutely don’t care what others think about her. Those who believe - and so believe, and we will not prove anything to the rest. The investigation will sort it out,” with these words Anna closed the gate.

But how can this be? If you have nothing to hide, it is always easy to tell the truth. Moreover, there are thousands of people who sympathized, who collected money for her lawyer, who, by the way, was never needed. Don't they have the right to hear at least some adequate explanation of what happened?

Don’t you understand, she won’t talk to anyone because she drinks,” Sergei Balandin, the father of the murdered Nastenka, grins. He is also from Zassovskaya, although in recent years he has been living in St. Petersburg, and he brought his daughter’s coffin here and decided to stay until the forties. “She doesn’t communicate with anyone, neither with friends, nor with neighbors, she didn’t even bother to explain anything to me. We were sitting at the same table at the wake, I took her hand: “Do you want to tell me anything?” Don't I have a right to the truth? I am the father of the child she killed. Yes, you heard right. I am sure that it was she who killed Nastenka. Open your eyes, stop protecting her! Everything points to her. When I read what her friends were saying about her (St. Petersburg acquaintances told KP correspondents that Balandina had spoken about suicide more than once), I decided not to remain silent. She told me too that she didn’t see the meaning of life. Moreover, this was a month before the trip to Tunisia. Her mother died. I met Natasha at the airport, and then she stunned me. He tried to calm her down, saying that we still had to raise Nastenka. And she so calmly: “She doesn’t need to either, I’ll take her with me!” And even before that, she often declared that I would throw myself out of the window with my daughter. It turns out that she killed her daughter, but didn’t raise her hand against herself?

Or maybe there was a reason to commit suicide? Colleagues say that Balandina is deeply in debt, banks are calling and demanding payments. And Sergei himself was cut off by his ex-wife’s creditors, the conclusion suggests itself. And her plans are strange: she plans to rent another apartment in St. Petersburg and find a new job. It’s as if the old one wasn’t there, where her colleagues are waiting for her, on whom she “hanged” her debts.


The village, located on the border of the Labinsky and Mostovsky districts, was excited to the limit. By the way, this is not such a remote place. By Kuban standards, the village is not small: the population is about 2.5 thousand. That is, this is not the case when the village has one street, three courtyards and everyone is relative to each other. But everyone here knows Natalya Balandina after the recent events. Locals endlessly retell this story, complain that there is little information about what happened, and therefore add details of their own - The case is closed for lack of evidence of a crime, my daughter is not guilty! - said the woman’s father Valentin Artemyev. - She flew from Tunisia and is now next to me at home in St. Petersburg. A week ago he flew to Tunisia, planning to hire a lawyer there and, if possible, meet with his daughter. It turned out more - Natasha left the prison in the city of Sousse with her father. Now she is under terrible stress, she does not want and cannot communicate with anyone except her relatives, say close women. And they add: in a foreign country, none of the representatives of our consulate helped her. And the accusation fell apart due to the lack of any evidence (read more)

Father of a girl killed in Tunisia: “My wife killed my daughter with her show-offs!”

Suspect in daughter's murder in Tunisia released from prison

The case was closed for lack of evidence of a crime, my daughter is not guilty! - said the woman’s father Valentin Artemyev. - She flew from Tunisia and is now next to me at home in St. Petersburg. A week ago he flew to Tunisia, planning to hire a lawyer there and, if possible, meet with his daughter. It turned out more - Natasha left the prison in the city of Sousse with her father. Now she is under terrible stress, she does not want and cannot communicate with anyone except her relatives, say close women. And they add: in a foreign country, none of the representatives of our consulate helped her. And the accusation fell apart due to the lack of any evidence Tunisian hotel animator: “Nastya was terribly afraid of her mother” Guests say that the Russian tourist drank heavily on alcohol and wore glasses all the time, hiding her swollen eyes. It is obvious that Nastya was afraid of her mother. According to Sirin, the girl was hiding behind her back when she saw Natalya. Believe it or not? All this indirectly confirms the case that Balandina’s St. Petersburg colleagues have already told us about. They say that shortly before the tragedy, the girl began to drown in the hotel pool, and Natalya didn’t even move. The animator saved the day, and Balandina scolded him for it (read more)

The case was closed for lack of evidence of a crime, my daughter is not guilty! - said the woman’s father Valentin Artemyev. - She flew from Tunisia and is now next to me at home in St. Petersburg.

A week ago he flew to Tunisia, planning to hire a lawyer there and, if possible, meet with his daughter. It turned out more - Natasha left the prison in the city of Sousse with her father. Now she is under terrible stress, she does not want and cannot communicate with anyone except her relatives, say close women. And they add: in a foreign country, none of the representatives of our consulate helped her. And the accusation fell apart due to the lack of any evidence

Tunisian hotel animator: “Nastya was terribly afraid of her mother”

Guests say that the Russian tourist drank heavily on alcohol and wore glasses all the time, hiding her swollen eyes. It is obvious that Nastya was afraid of her mother. According to Sirin, the girl was hiding behind her back when she saw Natalya.

Believe it or not? All this indirectly confirms the case that Balandina’s St. Petersburg colleagues have already told us about. Like, shortly before the tragedy, the girl began to drown in the hotel pool, and Natalya didn’t even move. The animator saved the day, and Balandina scolded him for it


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