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We decided to go to Mount Beshtau. The weather was great, it would be a shame not to climb the rocks. The route chosen was unknown to us - a pagan labyrinth of the Slavs, a clearing of relict poppies, the Bastion rock.

The top of the Bastion. Let's go there. There is a clearing of poppies on the left, but our path will pass through the rocks on the right.

We come across a labyrinth. ancient sanctuaries. The restored “labyrinth” was a Slavic-pagan community, in the likeness of the Solovetskys. But the most interesting thing is that at the moment when it was folded, a “reflection in the sky” appeared above it in the form of a cloudy spiral. The ancient ritual of “Inviting Spring” takes place here: scaring away “evil spirits,” ritual chants, ditties. This ancient Slavic tradition of seeing off winter has been carried through two millennia.

A reconstruction of the ritual has been organized in Beshtau for several years in a row after the spring equinox, when astronomical spring begins. Ancient customs that existed on our land long before the Baptism of Rus' are of considerable cultural interest.

It is no coincidence that the Beshtaugorskaya meadow was chosen for the reconstruction of the ritual: according to some information, one of the ancient Slavic settlements once stood on this site. Evidence of this has survived to this day: the ruins of a bastion on the “Fox Nose” rock, the ruins of the wall that enclosed the settlement, huge stone blanks - up to 120 cm in diameter, carved millstones. Experts attribute them to the 4th-5th century AD.

The Russian Geographical Society is engaged in the study of Slavic culture, traditions, customs, and historical mysteries of the ancient Slavs. By analogy with the Cretan labyrinth, 5 years ago they built a labyrinth on Beshtau.

Handsome Mashuk in the distance

Rock with eagles. A crow is nestled below and is constantly making sounds of an unusual tonality, it’s not a croak, but something like a call sign =)

The GPS showed that we had arrived at Bardovskaya Polyana. Beshtaulubs gather there to relax, sing songs, and enjoy the clean air.

Barbecue grill

The middle of the road, there is little left to Bastion.

Monastery Lake.

Phew...let's take a break and look to the left)

Glade of poppies. Hurry up, maybe you will still have time to see the flowering of Beshtaugorsk poppies.
We kindly ask you not to pick or trample flowers, as there are very few of them left on our planet. They are listed in the Red Book. We didn’t get to the Pole, we’re going to the right.
Poppies will appear for 2 weeks in June. From 1 to 15 June


an anvil-shaped stone hanging on the rocks

It's better not to look down

And here is the top of the Bastion.

A look at the main peak of Beshtau, full of people as always)

Route on the map.

It has become fashionable for residents of the Stavropol region to travel to the most big mountain Pyatigorye. The temple of sun worshipers, abandoned adits, a monastery - this is not the whole list of attractions for which the unique Beshtau, full of secrets and riddles, is famous.

Recently, residents Stavropol Territory hit by a tourism boom. People spend weekends in the region's scenic corners, looking for the most amazing places. Particularly popular is the largest of the 17 volcanic mountains of Pyatigorsk - Beshtau, which was once active volcano. People are attracted by the abundance of different geomagnetic zones in this mysterious place, rumors about UFOs, the opportunity to get acquainted with temples of various religions and, of course, picturesque slopes.

Beshtau is translated from Karachay as “five mountains”. Indeed, the mountain has five peaks: the highest is Big Tau, 1400 m high; on the eastern slope there is the peak of Kozya Skala (1167 m), on the northern slope - Maly Tau (1254 m), on the western side - Shaggy Kurgan (1080 m), on the southern side - Bald Mountain (1116 m). The names of the peaks are unofficial, so variants of their names are often found. All together, with the center in the Big Tau, they form a kind of cross, called the Beshtaugorsky. And among the fans of this mountain there is honorary title“crusader” is a person who, in one ascent, passed all five peaks of the Beshtaugorsk cross with a kind of pendulum, with a mandatory visit after each to Big Tau.

The fact that Beshtau is called a laccolithic mountain is incorrect. The correct name is volcanic mountain. Moreover, the Beshtau rocks are those places where magma burst out through cracks. Over time, the residual and soft rocks weathered and formed the Eagle and Goat rocks.

In Soviet times, the mountain was actively developed: uranium reserves were found in its depths. A specially formed enterprise "Almaz" worked here in small town Lermontov. In the early 90s of the last century, uranium mining was stopped, the enterprise was repurposed, and the uranium mines on the mountain were closed. But local and visiting diggers continued to descend underground for a long time through cut-out adits, studying the mountain from the inside, until the flood of 2002 destroyed and filled most of the passages with water.

I climbed in the adits... there is not so much radiation there, but all sorts of collapses, ore dumps of 70 meters, various holes, the iron mesh that is on the ceiling, for the prevention of scree, has long since rotted... I tore one with my own hands.
but it's terribly interesting.


Video: virtuoskmv on YouTube

Adits of Mount Beshtau

There are many legends and rumors associated with Beshtau. UFOs and even aliens are especially often seen on the mountain or in its environs. For example, they remember this incident.

At the end of December 2003, on a clear day, Lermontov resident Boris Sinitsin, his wife Tatyana and several friends were relaxing at a hot hydrogen sulfide spring on Mount Beshtau, not far from the Second Athos Monastery. Suddenly they noticed three figures standing about four hundred meters higher up the mountainside. The figures were approximately two meters tall, yellow, silver and blue. They stood motionless, and a barely noticeable glow emanated from them. There are quite a lot of such stories about Beshtau, just like there are a lot of people. Who come to the mountain in the hope of meeting space guests, but experts are skeptical about such stories.

I don't believe in aliens or UFOs on Beshtau. If someone saw something, it was most likely some kind of optical effects or, as they say, you need to drink less strong drinks. As a scientist, I am more than skeptical about such rumors

But if scientists treat aliens and UFOs on Beshtau ironically, then the obvious facts still allow us to classify the mountain as unusual. It was on Beshtau that the Second Athos Assumption Monastery was founded and built, the blessing for the construction of which was given by John of Kronstadt himself. Consecrated in 1904, the monastery burned during the revolution, its monks were subjected to oppression and bullying, by the 40s of the last century it was completely destroyed, but has now been rebuilt and is very popular among residents and guests of the region.

The book about the biography of Elder Hieroschemamonk Stefan tells that the Second Athos Assumption Monastery on Mount Beshtau became in troubled times the only stronghold of Orthodoxy in the outskirts of the Caucasus Mineralnye Vody who unwaveringly held the lamp of true faith. Today it is amazing place, where perhaps some of the most righteous monks in Russia gathered.

In addition to the currently operating monastery, artifacts can also be found on Beshtau.

On the northeastern mountain slope there is a rocky outcrop that juts out sharply. There are the ruins of the Sun Temple from the Scythian times. This temple is a rocky platform on which various boulders are piled. In the middle of the site lies a massive stone standing on three pillars. There is an opinion that if you lie down on the stones in this small domed grotto, you will feel quite strong energy.

They talk about Beshtau and the legends associated with Noah's Ark. True, not much has been written about its remains preserved on the mountain. But there is an interesting mention from the pen of the 17th century Turkish traveler Evliya Celebi.

The name Beshtau is translated from Turkic as “Five Mountains”. This mountain, which has five peaks, is one of the most beautiful and highest in the North Caucasus. Its height is 1400 meters above sea level. It is above it, for some unknown reason, that the appearance of unidentified flying objects (UFOs) is most often observed.

Also in the chronicles of Second Athos monastery the “heavenly lights” and “battles of the heavenly armies” observed by the monks in the Beshtau region were mentioned. With the creation of the Almaz enterprise, which was engaged in uranium mining, in Soviet times near the city of Lermontov, visits of unidentified objects to Mount Beshtau became more frequent. Fighters repeatedly took off from Mozdok to intercept objects, but to no avail.

It still remains a mystery why exactly Beshtau attracts aliens. In addition to the uranium mining enterprise, there are two powerful energy faults in the mountain area. One is a receiving type, and the second is a transmitting type. The receiving rift has a negative effect on people, absorbing energy. Therefore, those who find themselves on the northern slope immediately feel causeless anxiety and a rapid loss of strength. Once on the southwestern slope, in the area where the monastery buildings are located, people feel an extraordinary surge of vital energy.

Despite the fact that the reason for the appearance of objects remains a mystery, they appear in the Beshtau region with enviable regularity.

In August 1992, eyewitnesses observed two unidentified objects near the mountain. They appeared from different directions. One, emitting a bluish light, arrived from the west, and the second, glowing green, appeared from the south. In complete silence, the objects slowly approached each other at an altitude of about four kilometers. And they stopped at a distance of about five kilometers.

One of the UFOs released a red sphere. And this sphere flew towards the second object. Before it had time to fly even a quarter of the distance, a white beam burst out from the second object. When the beam hit the sphere, it sharply increased in size, turning from red to white. A loud bang was heard by the people watching the development of events, and the sphere fell to the ground, almost under the feet of one of the eyewitnesses. Later, at the crash site they found a slag-like mass that had not had time to cool and had a greenish tint. Whether this was an exchange of blows remains unclear, but both objects were not injured.

At the end of December 2003, Boris Sinitsyn, a resident of Lermontov, with his wife and friends, went for a few days to relax at a hydrogen sulfide spring located on Mount Beshtau, located not far from the Second Athos Monastery. Suddenly, the vacationers noticed three figures standing higher up the slope. The figures were about two meters tall and of different colors - yellow, silver and blue. A noticeable glow emanated from them. Frozen motionless about four hundred meters away, they looked at the people. And people, for some reason immediately deciding that they were seeing aliens, watched them. And then the creatures disappeared. Before the eyes of observers, they simply disappeared into thin air.

The case received wide publicity, and Pyatigorsk ufologist Stanislav Donets said that one of the permanent alien bases was located on Mount Beshtau. Whether this is true or not is unclear, but aliens continue to appear.

In January 2012, a guy and a girl, walking in the vicinity of Lermontov, at about nine o’clock in the evening, noticed a large luminous cloud above the mountain, which began to move directly towards them, but then hovered over the left slope of the mountain. The girl felt bad and vomited.

On July 22, 2012, while at home, local resident Claudia and her relatives noticed two UFOs in the sky, which quickly moved away towards Kislovodsk, glowing with red light.

August 10, 2012 resident North Caucasus named Evgeniy, at about 21.40 Moscow time, observed an object flying in the sky over Zheleznovodsk. The UFO had the shape of a ball, glowing dimly in the dark. Flying at a constant speed, the object slowed down and, diving towards the slope of Mount Razvalka, disappeared from sight. The eyewitness got the impression that the UFO flew into the mountain.

Sergei Aleksandrenko, a participant in several expeditions to Beshtau, found out that in addition to the security units of the KGB of the USSR, in Soviet times there were employees of the 18th department of the KGB at the Almaz enterprise. This department was engaged in the study of anomalous phenomena.

During the next expedition, one of its participants suddenly stood up and, being in some kind of trance, walked towards the forest. She confusedly explained to someone who was trying to find out the reason for Aleksandrenko’s departure that they “wanted to take her with them.” The girl was returned to the camp by force, and a few minutes later a spherical UFO, shining with a reddish hue, appeared above the forest.

Taking into account numerous eyewitness accounts, we can conclude that the Beshtau Mountain area really attracts unidentified objects. Thus, this mountain can easily be attributed to the places where frequent UFO sightings are most likely.

This term is usually used to designate massive accumulations of a homogeneous group of rocks directed down the slopes of mountains, in gorges, in valleys, without a clear sign of the presence of forces moving the stones. These clusters are called rivers because of their clear boundary line along the edges, like flowing rivers. In most cases, stone rivers are explained by ordinary rockfalls, characteristic of mountainous areas in Russia. There are, however, places where there have definitely never been mountain rivers of such strength throughout history, and one of these places is Mount Beshtau.

The amazing is nearby. We can pass by flashy evidence of ancient events for decades, not paying attention to obvious inconsistencies and paradoxes. KMV-Tourism will tell you about a short observation of the stone river Beshtau and conclusions based on photographs. The excursion took place in the same part of Lokhmatka, where we had already explored ancient buildings.

Stone rivers and streams of Beshtau. Height Shaggy

So, the southeastern slope, Lokhmatka, (latitude - 44°5′60″N - 44.099955, longitude 43°0′36″E - 43.009977), several groups of rock formations were studied and noticeable traces of strengthening work were discovered, about which we wrote in the material about earlier. To begin with, let’s try to imagine an exceptionally spontaneous rockfall that created the miracle of a stone river. If we imagine that the rock mass higher up the slope was destroyed by erosion, then the question immediately arises about the qualitative identity of the stones in the stream.

Why are they almost the same geometric shape, flat? The stone placers here are dispersed in a strange way precisely according to morphological characteristics. Agree that it is strange to observe two stone rivers 20-30 meters from each other, from the same group of rocks, but with completely different geometric shapes. Relative to the first stream, the second is located slightly lower down the slope.

The stone stream already consists of larger stones, even two or three times larger than those from above, and geometrically they are already radically different. The second group is dominated by cubic and polygonal shapes. Usually, during a rockfall, a pile of round-shaped minerals rolls especially far, but here this is practically impossible. The collapse of the rock due to destruction would carry the stones down the slope evenly.

Particularly large stones, with a sufficiently large base area, could not slide down the slope lower than smaller fragments. But these are only hypotheses, the last word for geologists and the Russian Geographical Society, who will one day create a complete historical picture of the secrets here, most likely, coexisted with no less interesting structures.

The picture, which is as identical as possible to the topography of a natural mountain river, unfolds away from stone stream and piles of flat debris. Here the characteristic pattern of rock distribution under the influence of water is already obvious, when large boulders are carried to the shores, and smaller rocks are concentrated in the middle.

But here, too, there is a paradox: for a mountain stream of such intensity and strength (speed) of the current on Beshtau there are not and never have been suitable conditions. There is no sufficient height, all-season melting of glaciers is impossible, which also does not exist here and has never been observed. One can only guess what nature itself (is it nature?) wanted to say with this riddle.

Another stone river is Beshtau, the southernmost of the Lokhmatka group of streams. Here the outline of a river with gentle banks is already clearly visible, and again there is a mystery: for some reason the stones are concentrated in the stream, although there are no obstacles on the sides that would prevent the pile from scattering in all directions. There are no limiting boulders, no cut of a hypothetical shore that would prevent the flow of stones from rolling in all directions from the center.

And here, as the most striking clue, is a group of stones in the shape of a river bed a little higher up. Pay attention to the dimensions: this is clearly a hand-assembled mass of stones of a certain shape (almost no flat ones). What does this mean: the stones were collected to build some kind of fortification, a wall. It’s not just that they are neither higher nor lower, there are no large or small breeds here, the principled selection and grouping in one place is clearly visible.

Nearby there is a rock 5-8 meters high, at the very base of which there are no such fragments. Thus, we can conclude that this heap was either collected during the preparation of the construction of some object in ancient times, or these are the real ruins of a wall or tower that stood here.

For comparison: at the site of the real rockfall on the side of Mount Ostrenkaya, several kilometers to the north, there is not even an approximate picture of the scree. Despite the fact that there is still the same limestone, all the same small rocks (there are even high sheer walls, a climbing vertical).

Someday, years later, after serious analytical and research work above these objects in the scientific world, we will learn the secret of Mount Beshtau. And now all we can do is admire these evidence of archaism and antiquity, and leave these wonderful photographs as a souvenir.

If an unusual incident happened to you, you saw a strange creature or an incomprehensible phenomenon, you had an unusual dream, you saw a UFO in the sky or became a victim of alien abduction, you can send us your story and it will be published on our website ===> .

There are many places on Earth that are among local residents have a reputation as “unclean”, “prodigal”, and even cursed, demonic.

Nowadays they are usually called “scientifically” - anomalous areas, geoactive or geopathogenic zones. With a positive impact on a person, these are sacred places, with a negative impact, they are geopathogenic zones. But the scientific nature of the names did not make them any less mysterious.

Breath of the Sleeping Lion

Among the sacred ones is Mount Razvalka, located in the North Caucasus near the city of Zheleznovodsk. Due to its modest height - 720 meters above sea level - it is often referred to simply as a “slide”. And for the discordance of the elevation, for the similarity in configuration with the resting king of beasts, it is sometimes called the Sleeping Lion.

In summer, on the slopes of Razvalka it is pleasant to relax from the stuffiness and heat. Even when the heat reaches more than 30 degrees Celsius, the temperature on the mountain surface measures 5-6 degrees. The fact is that the depth of the permafrost layer here reaches 9 meters. On a plot of about a hectare, the soil never thaws even in the hottest season.

This is partly due to the cold air that comes from the depths of the mountain. In severe winter frosts, wind blows from the cracks, the temperature of which is above zero, about 8 degrees. Therefore, the slope of Razvalka in this place is green with grass in winter, and some fruits ripen on it, and cherry plum bushes bear fruit.

Researchers tried to find out the reason for this phenomenon. There are many voids in the depths of Razvalka, and for some reason they are filled with cold air. In summer, it comes out through the cracks, and warm air comes in its place. There is a gradual circulation. But the secret of the Sleeping Lion's breathing remains unrevealed until the end. There are similar natural refrigerators, islands of permafrost - and in other southern regions: in Romania, in Italian Lombardy, Pamir Mountain Badakhshan, in the Chinese province of Liaoning.

There are plenty of remarkable places in the North Caucasus besides Razvalka. But in the last two decades of the 20th century, new reports about mysterious and unknown phenomena often came from here. Not only over the giant Elbrus, but also over smaller mountains - Beshtau, Mashuk, Razvalka, these seemingly already set teeth on edge and yet mysterious and intriguing UFOs began to be observed more and more often.

Path to base

In February 1989, a large number of people observed many luminous objects of various shapes. The flight paths originated from Elbrus. Although thousands of people have visited the peaks of the two-headed giant over half a century, according to the testimony of local mountaineers, there are still many places on it where no human has set foot. “It may not be possible to find a space alien base,” they say, “but you have to look closely...”

Mount Beshtau looks like a complex of huge pyramids

In August, two identical round flat objects were observed in the area of ​​Mount Beshtau. One of them glowed with a blue light and appeared from the west, and the second with a green glow appeared from the south. Both slowly, silently moved towards each other at an altitude of about 4 km. And then something happened...

Both objects, having approached each other at a distance of about five kilometers, stopped. A red ball separated from one and flew towards the second object. But as he approached, less than a quarter of the distance, a thin white beam was directed at him from this second object. Under the influence of the beam, the ball began to increase in size and change its color - from red to white. Then there was a sound like a slap, and the beam disappeared, and the ball fell not far from the eyewitness. Both objects slowly moved away in the same directions from which they came.

On December 16, 2003, a resident of Lermontov and his friends were relaxing at a hot hydrogen sulfide spring, not far from the Second Athos Monastery. Suddenly they noticed three figures standing about 400 meters higher up the mountain slope. The figures were approximately two meters tall and were yellow, silver and blue. They stood motionless, and a barely noticeable glow emanated from them. The observers did not experience either surprise or fear at that moment. Mysterious creatures looked at people from above, as if watching them. Then they didn’t leave, didn’t fly away, but simply disappeared into thin air...

The company witnessed a phenomenon clearly of extraterrestrial origin, Pyatigorsk UFO phenomenon research enthusiast Stanislav Donets is sure. Aliens are a reality, they visit Earth; and one of the permanent “bases” of space guests in the Caucasian Mineral Waters region is Mount Beshtau. And it was no coincidence that the aliens appeared near the monastery: these objects were built in places “open to space and saturated with positive energy.”

But the abbot of the Second Athos Monastery on Mount Beshtau holds the opposite opinion. In the Russian doctrine Orthodox Church there is no place for aliens from other galaxies. The head of the department of physics at Pyatigorsk Technological University, Professor Andrei Chernobabov, also approaches the event with doubts. As a scientist, he trusts only facts established through scientific research. But as a person, as an eyewitness, he unexpectedly admits that he himself once saw something in the sky that looked like a UFO!

Fear and Trembling

The list of mysterious anomalous zones and places, by the way, often associated with mountainous regions and individual altitudes, is extensive. In a section of the Bukantau mountain range in Central Kyzylkum in Uzbekistan, rumors began to circulate about crashed UFOs. The expedition that left in the late 80s of the last century did not find any traces of the disaster.

But in the Sarmysh gorge, ancient rock paintings of people in strange clothes were discovered, which can be interpreted as images of space aliens. Similar cave paintings are known to have been discovered in caves in Spain, China, France and other places. Some of them were made 10-15 thousand years BC.

About one of high points flat Russia in Volgograd region- Mount Sinya has long been rumored to be unusual. Either she attracted thunderclouds and lightning strikes to herself, or they noticed light phenomena above her. In her area, the behavior of animals changed. The engines of cars passing nearby stalled. Helicopters also came under anomalous influence.

With a different shade, Krasnoyarsk Red Comb. But he gained fame not for his colors, but for the manifestation of gravitational influences. Here there were cases of people being lifted off the ground not by tumbling or falling from a slope, but by being lifted in the air mysterious force natural levitation.

"Interesting newspaper. The world of the unknown" No. 3 2013


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