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List of the most major cities Crimea: we briefly tell you what is remarkable about the cities and what sights you can see there.

Now on the Crimean peninsula there are only 18 settlements received city status, the largest of them in terms of area occupied are Sevastopol, Sudak, Yalta, Yevpatoria, Kerch and Simferopol.

Sevastopol is the largest city in Crimea

Large sea and commercial port, the most Big City Crimea, which has a special status and received the rights of a separate subject of the Russian Federation. According to 2015 data, the population was 398.97 thousand people - it is also the largest city in Crimea by population.

A huge number of attractions are concentrated here: the ruins of the ancient Greek settlement of Chersonesos, monuments of military eras (Russian-Turkish War, Great Patriotic War) and museums, a magnificent embankment, an Aquarium. Not far from the city is the cave monastery of Inkerman and Balaklava, the place where submarines were based. Sevastopol has a large number of picturesque bays.

Photo © mr. Wood /

Once upon a time there was the capital of the Scythian state, which was later destroyed by the Goths. Simferopol is located in the central part of the peninsula and has no access to the sea. The Salgir River flows here.

Simferopol is the second largest city in Crimea by population after Sevastopol, with 332.6 thousand people living in it. Tourists in Simferopol are attracted by local attractions: the ancient site of Naples Scythian, Vorontsov Palace, Ethnographic Museum, Central Museum of Taurida, Kebir-Jami Cathedral Mosque, Weeping Rock, Chokurcha Cave, Red Cave (Kizil-Koba).

Third in the list of the largest cities in Crimea and the most eastern city peninsula, located on the shore of Kerch Bay. The local population is about 148 thousand people. Rich history The city dates back more than 2.5 thousand years; there are a huge number of monuments of the Bosporan and Scythian kingdoms, Tmutarakan, and Byzantine villages. Kerch is a great hero city that has perpetuated the memory of the events of the Great Patriotic War in numerous monuments and memorials.

Photo © Alexxx1979 /

An ancient city in the west of Crimea, population - just over 106 thousand. Yevpatoria is one of the large cities of Crimea, stands on the shores of the Kalamitsky Bay, there are wonderful sandy beaches and a warm shallow sea. There are many in Evpatoria entertainment centers, water parks, attractions, Juma-Jami mosque, dervish abode, ancient aqueduct, Turkish baths, ancient temples. Nearby is the city with healing mud Saki, which has a large number of health facilities.

Photo © Yuriy Kuzin /

The most popular South Coast resort with a population of 78.2 thousand people is at the same time the largest big city on this coast of Crimea. The city has many hotels and holiday homes, there is a beautiful embankment, monuments, alleys, a local history museum, the Chekhov House Museum, the Yalta Zoo "Fairy Tale", "Glade of Fairy Tales", the Uchan-Su waterfall, the Massandra Palace, the famous winery "Massandra", not far from Yalta - Livadia Palace and Nikitsky Botanical Garden.

Photo © B. Rad /

Feodosia is an ancient city located in the southeastern part of the peninsula, founded by Greek colonists. Now about 70 thousand people live here, which makes this settlement one of the largest in terms of population in Crimea. There are few ancient buildings here; the excavations that have begun are making residential areas difficult, so the main architectural monuments preserved from the Middle Ages: the remains of the citadel of the Genoese fortress, the walls of Hayots Berd, Armenian temples and the Armenian fountain, the Mufti-Jami mosque. Art connoisseurs will enjoy the Alexander Greene Literary and Memorial Museum and the National Art Gallery of the famous marine painter I.K. Aivazovsky.

Photo © naiv.super1 /


An important railway junction in the northern part of the peninsula. According to the latest data, the population was about 39 thousand people. Shallow rivers flow through Dzhankoy and there is no access to the sea. The city is not rich in attractions: the Kalinovsky landscape park, home to more than 100 species of birds, a mosque, Svyato-Pokrovskaya Orthodox Church and a local history museum.


Well known resort town South Bank Crimea, population is about 30 thousand people, which is much less than in Yalta, but nevertheless Alushta is one of the large cities of Crimea. Alushta has many beaches and attractions, an aquarium, a dolphinarium, a nature museum and an arboretum, not far from the city (near the village of Luchistoye) Mount Demerdzhi and the famous Valley of Ghosts.

Photo © lazy_lizzy /


Former capital of the Crimean Khanate. The city with a population of just over 27 thousand people is located in the steppe zone of Crimea in the foothills. Main attraction – khan's palace Khansaray, no less interesting for tourists is the Fountain of Tears, glorified by A.S. Pushkin, mosques and the cave city of Chufut-Kale.


An industrial city in Crimea (specializing in chemical production), with a population of just over 26 thousand people. Located in the southern part of the Perekop Isthmus, the North Crimean Canal passes nearby.

In the sixth century BC. e. The first settlement of the ancient Greeks was founded on the Crimean peninsula, thus marking the beginning of the Great Greek colonization in the Northern Black Sea region. The ancient Greeks were attracted here by fertile lands, favorable conditions for cattle breeding and trade; they were not afraid of either the cold climate or the hostility of the Scythians and Taurians, who inhabited the territory of Crimea at that time. Today, on the site of some ancient Greek cities there are ruins of fortress walls, remains of residential and utility buildings, museums with antique objects that are carefully preserved and are attractions Crimean peninsula.

Kerkinitida – antiquity under the dome

One of the first ancient Greek cities founded on the western coast of the Crimean Peninsula was. The city was founded on the territory of modern Evpatoria at the turn of the 6th-5th centuries BC and until the end of the fourth century it existed as a separate state that actively traded, was engaged in agriculture, various crafts and minted its own coins. During the period IV-II centuries BC. e. Kerkinitida was part of Chersonesus and was engaged in the supply of grain, after which, as a result of the Greco-Scythian wars, Kerkinitida was destroyed.

The remains of the ancient Greek colony are kept under a glass dome in Evpatoria on Duvanovskaya Street, on Gorky Embankment and in the city's local history museum. Here tourists and residents of Evpatoria can see the foundations of residential buildings of Kerkinitida and household items of the ancient Greeks.

Kalos Limen - a historical landmark of the village of Chernomorskoye

In the 4th century BC, on the territory of the modern village of Chernomorskoye, an ancient greek city. Residents of the city were engaged in agriculture, trade and crafts. Due to favorable geographical location and the convenient bay of Kalos, Limen was often raided by stronger neighbors and by the end of the 4th century it became part of Chersonesos. In the 2nd century BC. e polis was under the rule of the Scythians, but after several decades it again became a Greek city. At the beginning of our era, Kalos Limen was completely destroyed.

Today, on the site of the ancient city there is a historical monument and “Kalos Limen”, where you can see the ruins ancient Greek fortress, residential buildings, remains of the central gate of the city and slabs of the main street, on which traces of chariots are preserved.

Kalos Limen

Chersonese Tauride - a monument of world significance in Simferopol

In the middle of the first century BC. e. was founded on the southwestern coast of the Crimean Peninsula. For about two thousand years, this ancient Greek city was a political and cultural center nearby Greek colonies, he went down in history Ancient Greece, Roman Empire and Byzantium. It was here that Grand Duke Vladimir was baptized; in honor of this event, the Vladimir Cathedral was erected on the former square of Chersonese.

Today the ruins of this ancient city are historical monument of world significance and are under the protection of UNESCO. “Chersonese Tauride” includes several exhibitions and a large research center.

Panticapaeum - archaeological museum in Kerch

In the first half of the 6th century BC, an ancient Greek polis was founded in the eastern part of Crimea on the territory of the city of Kerch. The city developed rapidly and already in the 5th century became the capital of the Bosporan state, uniting the nearby cities. Panticapaeum was the craft, trade and cultural center of the Bosporus; gold, silver and copper coins were minted here, and the total area of ​​the policy was about 100 hectares.

The ruins of Panticapaeum are located in the center of Kerch on the slopes and top of Mount Mithridates; there is also a historical and archaeological museum, the exhibits of which are amphoras, painted ceramics, coins, epigraphic documents and other archaeological finds from the excavations of Panticapaeum.

Kharaks – fortress and palace in Gaspra

In the 1st century AD, after the victory of the Roman army over the Tauro-Scythian army, which kept Chersonesos under siege, the Romans built a fortress-city on Cape Ai-Todor. The fortress was not only a refuge for the Roman garrison, but also a center where the main sea and land routes converged. Today, all that remains of it are ruins of stone and brick and a pond decorated with mosaics.

The remains of the Kharaks fortress are located on the territory of the Dnepr sanatorium, where the famous Kharaks palace, built for Georgy Mikhailovich Romanov at the beginning of the 20th century, is also preserved. Excursions are held on the territory of the sanatorium, and in the palace there is main building for guest accommodation.

Naples Scythian – archaeological reserve in Simferopol

In the 3rd century BC, the city of Naples, the capital of the Late Scythian state, was founded on the southeastern coast of the Crimean Peninsula. Solid structures in the Greek style, stone living and utility rooms, craft workshops, grain pits found by archaeologists make it clear that the late Scythians were no longer a nomadic people, but were actively engaged in agriculture, cattle breeding and crafts.

In the archaeological reserve "" you can see the remains of the city's fortress wall, visit the mausoleums of the ancient Scythian kings and learn about the culture and life of the Scythians.

If you are planning a trip to Crimea, do not forget to take care of booking accommodation in advance, because in tourist season Crimea hotels are very popular, and be sure to include ancient attractions in your route. Here you can not only touch true antiquity, but also listen to interesting stories from the guides and expand your horizons. Travel and discover!

Greek city-states of Crimea:
history of construction, location, public order

The formation of Greek city-states in Crimea is an achievement of the Great Colonization of the Hellenes, which took place on the lands of the peninsula between the 8th and 6th centuries. BC e. It is sometimes believed that the process of development of the Mediterranean coast and the Black Sea region is better described by the term “resettlement”. However, what made the Greeks leave their native places and go to places where they had to start life again?

Firstly, during this period of history there was a population explosion in Greece. The overpopulation of Hellas gave rise to the beginning of migration processes. Secondly, the Greeks were sorely short of agricultural land. In addition, the migration processes were associated with trade expansion, the search for products and sources of raw materials that were scarce or did not exist at all in Greece.

All this is complemented by military, social and ethnic reasons. The Hellenes were threatened by the Lydians and Persians, and there were significant disagreements between the Greeks, generated by belonging to different segments of the population and interethnic tensions.

Pampered under the warm sun, the Hellenes initially did not like the relatively cold local climate, and the inhabitants of Crimea were fearful. They called the Black Sea the phrase “Pont Aksinsky”, which means “inhospitable sea”. However, they soon changed their point of view and the prefix “a” was transformed into “ev”. This is how the Greek toponym Pont Euxine (“hospitable sea”) appeared, and the history of Crimea began to take on a different character.

The Greek city-states of Crimea were built by immigrants from Miletus. Less often - immigrants from Heraclea Pontic. However, scientists managed to find traces of the habitation of Greeks on the peninsula who arrived from Colophon, Ephesus and Teos. The area of ​​the Greek settlers was formed: the South-East of Crimea, the shores of the Kerch Strait and the territory of the Taman Peninsula.

Greek city-states and settlements in the Northern Black Sea region:

The political structure of the Crimean ancient settlements was similar to that in mainland Hellas. The Greek city-states of Crimea were predominantly slave-owning republics with a democratic way of life. The polis model allowed the city and its choir to organically coexist and made such settlements independent and viable units.

The Greek city-states of Crimea had three traditional branches of government today; they could solve all internal problems and independently elect government bodies. Their legislative power was represented by the people's assembly, the executive power by collegiums and magistrates. Adult men were allowed to solve problems of national importance. Slaves, foreigners and females had no rights. The courts in the Greek colonies of Crimea were highly specialized.

The first Greek city grew up in the east of Crimea, its name is Panticapaeum.

Kerch. Ruins of Panticapaeum - the first Greek city-state on the territory of Crimea In the center of the picture is K.F. Bogaevsky “Theodosius” (1930) - Quarantine Hill - the alleged site of the founding of the Greek city-state, traces of which are now hidden by the layers of subsequent civilizations. The Genoese fortress of Kafa is depicted on Quarantine Hill.

Over time, several more large settlements were built on the peninsula: Chersonesos, Kerkinitida, Kalos-Lymen, Nymphaeum, Feodosia.

Greek city-state of Chersonesus: ruins of a residential quarter (Gagarinsky district of Sevastopol) Ruins of the Greek city-state of Kalos-Limen (northwestern coast of Crimea)

The largest Greek state union of the Crimean peninsula of ancient times - the Bosporan kingdom - emerged as a result of constant confrontations with local barbarians; it will be discussed separately.

The Greek city-states on the Crimean peninsula can be divided into two parts - those that at some historical moment came under the influence of Chersonesos and those that found themselves in the sphere of interests of Panticapaeum. The latter, starting as independent city-states, united in a union, or rather, they were forced to do so by necessity - it was necessary to confront local tribes and develop trade with the metropolis. Later, these policies became part of the Bosporan kingdom of the Spartokid dynasty. What cities are these?

Greek city-states under the influence of Panticapaeum

If the capital was founded in the 7th century BC, then Nymphaeum, located a little south, was founded at the beginning of the 6th century. It was one of the largest and most important Greek city-states.

Founded by the Milesians, it soon came under the influence of Athens and, accordingly, entered the Delian symmachy, which was eventually defeated in the fight against Sparta. Nymphaeus broke away from Athens and handed over his fate to the Spartokids and the Bosporan kingdom. The city was destroyed more than once (especially catastrophically by the Goths), artifacts were stolen more than once in our time, so archaeologists did not get much. But what remains allows us to judge the greatness of the city and its architectural splendor.

A little north of Nymphaeum, in the same period as the last one, another policy was founded by the Milesians - Tiritaka. This Greek city-state had an industrial and economic orientation, which is confirmed by excavations. It was surrounded by walls only in the 3rd century AD. It was repeatedly destroyed by both the enemy and earthquakes. Under the Byzantines, during the reign of Justinian I, a basilica was established in Tiritaka, the ruins of which were explored during an archaeological expedition.

Among all the Greek city-states of Crimea, the most attractive is Acre, all because this city almost completely went under water as a result of transgression, a rise in the water level of the Black Sea. This city was not as large as Panticapaeum; its main structure was the port. As a result of underwater archaeological expeditions, walls, towers, building foundations, many small objects and a rich collection of coins were found.

From the west, the port Greek city-states were constantly subject to raids by nomads, especially after the fall of the Pontic kingdom. To protect the policies from these raids, the city of Ilurat was built from the depths of the Kerch Peninsula in the 1st century AD. Active excavations were carried out after the war; massive walls were discovered, which were rebuilt more than once. Underground passages, wells, towers - Ilurat was built using all modern fortification knowledge at that time. However, the fortress did not last long; at the end of the third century AD, the defenders abandoned it.

The history of Crimea in antiquity is a constant search for comrades-in-arms and a regular struggle for survival. Who were the Crimean Greeks afraid of? Their relations with the Tauri who inhabited the peninsula were changeable. At first, the Crimean aborigines were perceived by the Hellenes only as a pirate people, capable of killing a stranger in order to sacrifice him. In the places where the Taurians settled, practically no objects made by the Greeks were found. This means that there were no trade relations between the peoples.

In ancient policies, samples of molded ceramics with black walls were found, which suggests the presence of marital ties between young representatives of the Taurus tribes and the sons of the colonists. A 5th century tombstone was also found in Panticapaeum. BC e., located above the grave of the respected brand. This means that male Tauris sometimes lived in the Greek cities of Crimea. Scholars believe that, as a rule, they had the status of slaves, but there were still exceptions.

The Greek settlers tried to live peacefully with their Scythian neighbors, bringing rich gifts to the barbarian kings, who ceded their territories to them. From time to time, short-term military confrontations arose between them and the frightened Greeks built defensive fortresses. One of these wars marked the end of the Scythian kingdom.

During excavations of some Greek cities, surgical instruments made of bronze and bones were found. These artifacts suggest that in the Crimean ancient settlements of immigrants from Greece there was a fairly developed medicine.

ABOUT high level cultural life In the Greek city-states of Crimea, evidenced by the presence of the same theaters as those that existed in the historical homeland of the Hellenes. In such structures there could be up to 3,000 people at the same time. Scientists also found musical instruments used by the Greeks in Crimea: lyre, trumpet, flute, cithara.

The people who inhabited the Greek city-states of Crimea professed polytheism and polytheism. They worshiped pagan gods who personified the forces of nature. Very soon they began to pay more attention to Apollo, the protector of the settlers.

In Chersonesus, the cult of Artemis, the patron goddess of this polis, was honored. They made sacrifices in the form of fish, domestic animals, and agricultural products. Deities were worshiped in sanctuaries, temples, and home altars. Clay copies of victims were often brought there. In the 3rd century. n. e. paganism in Crimea began to be replaced by Christian teaching.

Let's draw some conclusions. The ancient colonization of Crimea began in the VIII-VII centuries. BC e. and the Greek city-states existed until the invasion of the Huns, which occurred in the 4th century. n. e.

All settlements founded by people from Miletus, Heraclea Pontus, Colophon, Ephesus and Theos were republics with three branches of government. Among them, only one monarchy stands out - the Bosporus Kingdom. The first Greek city in Crimea is Panticapaeum. It appeared in the 7th century. BC e.

A century later the Nymphaeum was built. Then Tiritaka, Acre, Ilurat, Kitey, Cimmeric, Pormfiy, Mirmekiy, Zenon Chersonesos, Theodosius grew up. Soon they all fell under the influence of Panticapaeum and became part of the Bosporan kingdom.

In the VI century. BC e. The Greeks built the Tauride Chersonese, which managed to conquer Kerkinitida and Kalos-Lymen. The Crimean Greeks got along with the Tauri, Scythians, and Sarmatians, who also lived on the peninsula. From the 1st century BC e. the authorities of the Greek city-states of Crimea were forced to submit to Rome. Chersonesus existed longer than all other Greek city-states and became a stronghold of Byzantinism in Crimea.


This is the name given to ancient policies (city-states), whose residents were equal citizens, each of whom had the right to their own land plot and all political rights. Part of the population was not included in the policy and did not have the rights of citizens. From the 6th century BC. such ancient Greek cities began to emerge in the northern Black Sea region. Chersonese Tauride (Sevastopol) was such an ancient city along with Feodosia, Panticapaeum (Kerch), Olbia and others.

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3. ANCIENT CITY-STATES IN THE 1st CENTURY BC - IV Century AD Northern Black Sea region at the end of the 2nd century. BC e. - IV century n. e. The end of the 2nd–1st century. BC e. were for the ancient cities-states of the Northern Black Sea region a time of general socio-economic and political crisis.

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ANCIENT CITY-STATES in the 1st century. BC e. - IV century n. e. NORTHERN BLACK SEA REGION at the end of the 2nd century. BC e. - IV century n. e. The end of the 2nd-1st centuries BC. e. was a time of general crisis for the ancient cities of the states of the Northern Black Sea region. The internal crisis coincided with profound changes in their


From the book Stories on the History of Crimea author Dyulichev Valery Petrovich

CITIES OF CRIMEA Success in the economy contributed to the growth of Crimean cities. By the end of the century, Simferopol was rightfully the administrative, cultural and economic center of the province. All provincial institutions and organizations were located in the city. Simferopol is the first of all

Ancient cities of the Northern Black Sea region

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ABOUT THE CAPTURE OF THE CITY OF THESSALONICA BY THE LATINS. MESSAGE OF EUSTATHIUS, ARCHBISHOP OF THESSALONICIA, ABOUT THE LAST, AS WE HOPE, CONQUEST OF THIS CITY During the ill-fated reign of Emperor Andronikos Komnenos, Thessalonica weakened and reached the point of exhaustion, which

The history of Kerch goes back more than 2.5 thousand years. This city contains a large number of Byzantine villages, monuments Bosporan and Scythian kingdoms, Tmutarakan. In Kerch, even a gravity water supply system, built during the Byzantine Empire, has been preserved.

There is an Orthodox Church in Kerch - ancient functioning temple, built by the Byzantines about 1400 years ago. There is even a version (put forward by the German historian Theodor Mommsen back in the 19th century) that the famous slave leader Spartacus, who led an uprising in the Roman Empire, was born in Kerch.

The Scientific Council of the Institute of Archeology of the Russian Academy of Sciences (RAS) recognized Kerch as the most ancient city in Russia. This was announced by the director of the East Crimean Historical and Cultural Museum-Reserve Tatyana Umrikhina.

“After the report of the head of the Panticapaeum expedition, Vladimir Tolstikov, the scientific council recognized that the city of Panticapaeum (modern Kerch) was founded in 610-590. BC e. The corresponding paper has been received by the East Crimean Nature Reserve, and now we are preparing documents for the Presidium of the Russian Academy of Sciences and the Russian Government so that this date is officially recorded,”- said T. Umrikhina and added: with their decision, the scientists confirmed the status of Kerch as the most ancient city countries.

Tatyana Viktorovna clarified: Kerch is also the capital of the first state on the territory of the country.

“Pantikapaion was the center of the Bosporan kingdom. Therefore, we can talk about the most ancient statehood in territory of Russia», -
she emphasized.

Before the reunification of Crimea with Russia, Dagestan’s Derbent was considered the most ancient city in the country: in September 2015, it solemnly celebrated its 2000th anniversary.


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