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When buying a plane ticket, we often worry about which seats we will get. Of course, if you have the opportunity to fly business class, it makes everything easier. The rest can only hope for the best. We'll show you everything best places in Boeing 777-200.

Boeing 777-200 designed for long-term non-stop flights up to 10,000 kilometers. It has an increased fuel capacity and a maximum capacity of about 400 people. Is not new model. it has been produced since 1995.

  • Wingspan– 60.9 meters.
  • Length– 63.7 meters.
  • Height– 18.3 meters.
  • Cabin width– 5.86 meters.
  • Maximum flight altitude – 13.14 kilometers.

Russian airlines also use these machines. Unfortunately, they are far from new and have flown hundreds of thousands of kilometers. Each air carrier installs seats as it sees fit. We will look at the cabin layout using the examples of two airlines: "Nord Wind" And Emirate s.

"Nord Wind"

This airline expects to accommodate 393 passengers in two classes - economy and business. However, there are only 6 seats in business class. They are located in row 1. The distance from the seat to the partition is 127 cm, the chairs have comfortable headrests, footrests and can be used in a semi-recumbent position.

The remaining seats are included in economy class. The distance between the backs of seats in one row is 74 cm, as stated on the airline’s website. They are located in three rows in the cabin. The central row consists of 4 seats, the side rows - of 3. Most passengers find this arrangement uncomfortable. Great overcrowding, problems with going to the toilet.

The salon has 3 galleys at the front and one at the rear. There are several toilet rooms, mainly in the central and tail sections. There are a total of 8 exits on the plane, 4 on each side.

The most convenient places

There are no good places as such. You can count them as seats in front of the emergency exit or next to the partition in business class. You can sit on them more comfortably and stretch your legs. It will be more convenient for passengers with children. But even here, not everyone will like the proximity to the toilet.

Comfortable for those traveling together will be the seats in the rear of the cabin, where the fuselage narrows. There, three chairs turn into two. But the proximity to the toilet and the constant queue of people wanting to get into it does not add any romanticism to the flight.

It's convenient to sit next to the aisle so you don't have to ask anyone if you suddenly want to stretch your legs. But on the other hand, your neighbors will “walk” through you, and you will have to take time off from your business.

The most uncomfortable places

There are many more of them. The most uncomfortable places are those with their backs to emergency exits. Their backrests do not recline; you will have to spend the entire flight in a 90-degree position. If the flight is long, this can lead to problems with your back and legs. Also, the last seats with their backs to the partitions do not recline.

Passengers flying in other seats are in approximately the same position.


This airline is considered one of the best in the world. She doesn't skimp on her passengers. However, the prices for the flights it operates are quite high. Emirates operates two seating schemes – 2-class and 3-class.

Salon with 2 classes

This includes economy and business class seats. In the bow there are 42 comfortable business-level seats. There is a large distance between them; you can recline the back and raise the footrest. This compartment has its own kitchen and its own toilet rooms. The chairs are in three rows. There are two chairs in the outer ones, and three in the central one. All this allows you to fly in much more pleasant conditions than ordinary passengers. However, a ticket to this part of the cabin costs much more.

The remaining 304 seats are occupied by economy class passengers. They also stand in three rows, but in a 3-4-3 pattern. The backrests here do not recline, but only come to a position of 45-50 degrees. The distance between the seats allows you to stretch your legs.

The layout is similar to the salon "Nord Wind" , but in Emirates there are 50 fewer seats, and this gives another +20-25 centimeters between the seats. There are several kitchens here, mostly in the tail. Toilets are located in the center of the salon.

The most comfortable chairs also located in front of the partitions, there is more legroom and it is possible to place a baby cradle. But some people, on the contrary, like to have a chair in front of them. After all, at the moment of descent it is convenient to hold on to it.

Not comfortable places near the toilets, with their backs to the partitions. The Emirates has a little headroom for reclining, but not as much as the others. Also, this airline does not have seats facing the emergency aisles. They are prohibited from tilting for safety reasons.

Salon with 3 classes

This aircraft has first, business and economy class seats.

In the bow there are 12 elite first class seats. You can't call them armchairs, they are mini-rooms with a bed. More like SV-compartment trains.

The central and rear sections of the cabin are occupied by 176 economy class seats. They are located in three rows. There are 4 chairs in the center, 3 at the portholes. In the middle and at the end of this compartment there are toilets, the kitchen is at the rear. About convenient and uncomfortable places We will not repeat ourselves; they coincide with the conditions of the previous scheme.

Nowadays it’s very easy to choose comfortable seats in the cabin - use online check-in for your flight.

Pleasant flight!

The Boeing 777 is a family of wide-body aircraft designed to transport passengers over long distances. Known in the aviation community as the Boeing Three Seven. The development of the aircraft began in the 90s of the 20th century, the first flight was made in 1994, and serial operation since 1995.

The peculiarity of the Boeing 777 aircraft is a full-fledged development outside of paper drawings: the airliner was completely designed on a computer in the most modern program at that time.

The Boeing 777 family of airliners can accommodate an average of 400 passengers, depending on the configuration presented, with a flight range of 9 to 17 thousand kilometers. The maximum record set was 21 thousand kilometers. The Boeing 777 is today the world's largest twin-engine airliner, with the most powerful jet engines in aviation history and six-wheel landing gear.

"Boeing 777-200"

The 200th modification of the Boeing 777 is the first to be put into serial use. It was this aircraft that made a test flight with a Pratt and Whitney engine in 1994, then modifications with other jet engines were tested for further use in 1995. The liner can accommodate from 305 to 440 passengers, depending on the cabin layout.

When designing the aircraft, the manufacturer paid special attention to the wishes of passengers. The Boeing 777-200 aircraft has such advantages as a smooth takeoff and landing process, almost complete absence of engine noise, business class seats with increased comfort and ergonomics (wide shelves for placing hand luggage). Since the plane is designed for fairly long flights, many airlines build modern multimedia systems into the backs of the seats for in-flight entertainment.

Boeing 777-200ER: features and advantages

What else is different about the plane? Boeing 777-200ER is also a long-haul airliner with a wide fuselage, which is a modification of the 777-200 with a higher take-off weight and flight length.

Boeing 777-200 ER aircraft can accommodate from 314 to 440 passengers and fly a distance of up to 14 thousand kilometers. Main purpose of this aircraft are tedious transatlantic journeys, taking an average of 14 hours.

The first flight of the modification took place in 1996; commercial operation began in early 1997. To this day, the main competitor is A 330-300 produced by the company Airbus with lighter weight, as well as more modern systems for pilots.

Nevertheless, in total more than eight hundred aircraft of the 777-300 version were sold ER . This makes this model the most popular in the 777 family among both foreign and Russian air carriers. For example, the North Wind company.

Cabin diagram of the Boeing 777-200 Nord Wind

Airline Nordwind Airlines(“Nord Wind”, or “ North wind") was registered in May 2008 as a company engaged in international charter passenger and cargo transportation. Route network This company covers almost the whole world, in particular, popular resorts.

The company's fleet consists of 21 aircraft, three of which are Boeing 777-200 modifications " ER": VP - BJF, VP - BJH, VQ - BUD. Modification VP - BJF first took to the air in 1998, airliners VP - BJH and VP - BJF - in 2004. All aircraft were purchased by North Wind from Asian airlines such as " Singapore Airlines", "Vietnamese Airlines" and "China Airlines", which used the 777-200 ER for flights through Pacific Ocean, as well as to Europe.

The best seats on the Boeing 727-200 Nord Wind

Let's focus on seating on the plane. Diagram of the Boeing 777-200 (Nord Wind) aircraft cabin modification VP - BJH and VP - BJF arranged as follows: three-four-three, some rows: two-four-two, and in business class - two seats in each row. The significant difference is that in VP-BJH there are only 30 business class seats, while in the other class there are only 6. The total number of seats according to the Boeing 777-200 (Nord Wind) cabin layout is 285 and 393 seats, respectively. This confirms the fact that the Boeing 777-200 can be used for long-distance flights or on routes with decent passenger traffic.

In VQ -BUD, which was used for flights from Vietnam to Australia, the USA, as well as European countries, with a total of 6 business class seats and 387 economy class seats. This makes the cabin layout of the Boeing 777-200 (Nord Wind) similar to that of a younger aircraft VP-BJF , both in terms of the location of seats in the cabin and their intended purpose. The seating arrangement in business class is similar to its counterparts, however, economy class is arranged in a three-four-three configuration, which is one of the worst cabin configurations on the Boeing 727-200 of Nord Wind airlines due to the fact that passengers may turn out to be quite cramped.

The best seats on the aircraft in all presented configurations are 5-6, 20-21, 45-46 for VP - BJF; 5-6, 12, 14 (A, C, H, K), 15 (C, H), 33-34 for VQ - BUD; 31.46 for VP - BJH - due to the sufficient amount of legroom during a long flight, but with a significant drawback - possible noise and smell from the toilet. All other seats are limited in space, without a reclining back, in the aisle or next to the kitchen.


Summarizing the advantages and disadvantages Boeing 777-200, it is worth coming to the conclusion that the aircraft is quite flexible both to the requirements of the client and to the needs of airlines for any purpose - charter or scheduled.

It should be noted that many companies take these aircraft to meet the needs of their market, but some Russian ones buy them back after operation in other countries. This is evidenced by the layout of the Nord Wind Boeing 777-200 cabin, where the pitch of the economy class seats is within 74 centimeters, and the backrest angle is much less than in similar modifications of other airlines engaged in transportation on a regular basis.

However, despite the disadvantages, the 777-200 remains the most attractive of the Boeing line for long flights, combined with large capacity, the ability to fly autonomously for up to 2 hours with the engine turned off, as well as convenience for passengers of all classes.

On Boeing 777-200ER aircraft of Rossiya Airlines ( tail numbers VP-BLA and VQ-BNU) the cabin is divided into two classes: business and economy.

How to choose the best seats so that the flight is as comfortable as possible?

What are the best seats on the plane? In the aisle, in the middle, at the window? In the bow or tail? in our article.

Scheme Boeing cabin 777-200ER Rossiya Airlines

Business Class

The business class cabin uses a 2x3x2 seat arrangement. Seats in this class are located in rows 1 and 2.
The chairs are designated:

In the 6th row, the seats are arranged as in business class - in a 2x3x2 pattern.

Row 3
The first row of the economy class of suspended comfort has even more increased legroom compared to subsequent rows in this sector. In addition, I would consider the advantages of the absence of seats in front, proximity to business and economy class toilets. The seating arrangement is 3x3x3.

Rows 4 and 5
The seats in these rows have standard legroom for this sector. To the benefits of all economy class rows increased comfort can be attributed to the location relative to the aircraft cabin.

The luxury sector is located in the bow of the Boeing. The number of seats in this sector is much smaller than in “regular” economy class. During the flight, you will be spared people walking around the cabin and queues for the toilets.
Meal distribution starts from the nose and tail of the plane; you will be one of the first among passengers to receive food.

Row 6
The extreme row of this sector has both advantages and disadvantages.
The advantages include the layout of the seats according to the 2x3x2 scheme. For those flying in pairs, the ideal option is to book seats A, C and J, L. Located close to the windows and with good review two seats, like in business class.

The disadvantages include the non-reclining seat backs. The Boeing 777-200 is used mainly for long-distance routes. A seat back fixed in an upright position can create some discomfort during a long flight.

Rows 10 to 43 are given to standard economy class. You will find out which are the best places in this sector and which should be avoided by reading the article to the end.

Row 10
By choosing seats in this row you will get the benefits of premium economy class for less money. Standard ticket economy class costs less, even if the airline asks for an additional payment for seats in the 10th row.

Passengers are provided with additional legroom and no seat in front. During the flight, your personal space will not be violated, because no one will lower the back of the seat in front.

Two steps away are toilets and a kitchen. According to flight practice, the majority of passengers prefer to use the toilets located in the rear of the Boeing 777-200.

The 10th row seats are arranged in a 3x4x3 pattern and have letter designations:


The disadvantages, with a stretch, include placing hand luggage only on the shelf above the seats.
For lovers of landscapes behind the porthole, I do not recommend choosing the block of seats D, E, G, H. It is located in the middle of the cabin far from the portholes.

Rows 11 and 12
These two rows have standard legroom. The seat layout is the same as in the 10th row.
Actually, this scheme is used from 10 to 38 rows.

The view from the window in row 12 is partially obscured by the leading edge of the aircraft wing. Also, some discomfort can be caused by noise from the engines located on the wing.

Rows 13 to 28
The seats in these rows are located above the wing of the aircraft. If you are not bothered by the limited view from the porthole, these places have no other disadvantages.

Row 29
The seats in this row are located on the trailing edge of the wing. The view from the porthole will be limited. The seat pitch is standard.
The disadvantages are additional noise from the engines located on the wing and the seats in this row do not recline. Immediately behind it are the toilet rooms.

They are located in the middle of the cabin. There may be discomfort from passengers who frequently visit toilets and stand in line in front of them.

Freestanding chairs
In the Boeing 777-200ER of Rossiya Airlines, between rows 29 and 30 in the center of the fuselage there is a block of 4 seats located opposite the toilet with all the ensuing consequences. Formally, it belongs to the 30th row.

The seat backs in these seats do not recline, which creates additional inconvenience on long-distance flights. If possible, avoid choosing seats in this block.

Row 30
The central 4 seats have increased legroom and no seats in front. The downside is that the toilet is located nearby.

There is no wall in front of the side blocks of 3 seats, due to the emergency exits located in front of them. Due to this, there is much more legroom than in business class. When exiting, you don’t need to squeeze between your neighbors if your seat is by the window.

One of the disadvantages is the proximity of the central toilet, where economy class passengers from the central and rear sections will flock.

Rows 31 to 38
They have neither advantages nor disadvantages. The standard seating arrangement is 3x4x3, standard distance between rows.

Rows 39 to 41
The layout of the seats in this block is 2x4x2. I recommend choosing seats A, C and J, L. The advantages include a wide passage between blocks of two and four seats. The absence of a third chair and, accordingly, another neighbor.

Keep in mind that the structural narrowing of the aircraft fuselage begins from row 39. In blocks of two seats, the body with portholes will be located at an angle to the seats.

Row 43
The worst uncomfortable row on a plane. Located in the center of the fuselage and has only 4 seats. Opposite, on both sides, there are toilets, the doors of which go directly to seats D and H, there is no exit to the portholes. Behind the backrests, which do not recline, is the kitchen.

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Have a nice flight!

(c) Text Oleg Koloshin.
Photos from the Rossiya Airlines website

The Boeing 777-300ER is one of the largest and most popular wide-body aircraft in the world. The Boeing's wingspan is 61 meters, comparable to the width of a football field.

The length of the aircraft itself is just over 63 meters. The height from the asphalt to the tip of the tail is 18.5 meters.

The Boeing 777-300ER can lift into the air a mass equal to a little more equal to itself.

This modification of the aircraft flies at a higher speed than its smaller relatives; the average cruising speed of the Boeing 777-300ER is 909 km/h, and the maximum is 965 km/h.

For comparison, 20-30 years ago only fighter and bomber combat aircraft flew at such speeds. Also, this modification of the Boeing 777-300ER has a significant flight ceiling; it can rise into the air to a height of 13,100 meters.

The possible maximum flight range of the Boeing 777-300ER (loaded) is: 10,110 kilometers, therefore this type of aircraft makes not only short-haul, but also long-haul flights.

The minimum crew for a Boeing 777-300ER flight is 2 people, a pilot and a co-pilot, which gives us the right to say that this aircraft is quite easy to fly and modern.

To make the maximum flight on a Boeing 777-300ER, the aircraft's tank must be filled with 181 tons of fuel.

All aircraft in the Boeing 777 series, including the Boeing 777-300ER, are equipped with 2 engines; this type of aircraft can operate even without the engines turned on, and continue flying on 1 engine if one of the engines fails.

These aircraft are purchased by well-known airlines, including:

  • Emirates (Emirates);
  • Turkish airlines;
  • North wind;
  • Aeroflot;
  • Nord Wind (Nord Wind).

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Since the Boeing 777-300ER has a fairly large cabin size and can accommodate up to 550 passengers, the aircraft is equipped with many different amenities.

The design of Aeroflot's Boeing 777-300ER is made in the company's style, the greatest sophistication is presented in first class - these are always the best seats, a little worse, so to speak, in business class, the difference between them is not big, except for the size of the seats.

Boeing 777-300ER cabin diagram

Rows 1 – 5 of business class are the most comfortable seats on the plane.

You can not only sit in them, but also lie down, like in a real bed.

All the advantages and delights of these seats can only be checked in flight; their price corresponds to their level, especially on long-haul flights.

Compared to other classes, there is a huge distance between seats of 160 centimeters, fresh press, a huge selection of menus and much more.

When choosing business class, it is better not to choose the DGHK 1st row seats, as they are located next to the toilet, and now you can’t hear any cufflinks, but the sound of soda being flushed is very strong and can wake you up or distract you.

In other airlines there is a thin partition between economy and business class, but this is not about Aeroflot; there is enough distance so that you don’t hear economy class, you can safely choose row 5.

6 – 11 row

This is a new class for flying at Aeroflot called comfort, no longer economy, but not yet business, good row at the service level it can be compared to a business.

The distance between the chairs is slightly smaller compared to a business, the chair can be reclined 120 - 130 degrees, you will also have the latest press at your disposal, each chair in front will have a personal screen where you can listen to music or watch movies.

In the comfort class, the last row is 11, separated from the economy class by a thin partition, so it is also better not to choose this row.

17 – 51 row

Economy class, the largest class on an airplane, has a standard distance of 81 centimeters between rows in most cases.

In economy class, you can recline the backrest to the standard 105-110 degrees; before booking tickets, you can order a special meal from Aeroflot, a very large selection of different meals that differ from the usual, but even if you didn’t order, the food at Aeroflot is good.

Economy Class Inflight Meals

17, 24 and 38 row

Seats in these rows can be classified as privileged, since, firstly, no one will be able to recline the backrests on you, secondly, you will be able to recline the backrests, and thirdly, you will have legroom as in business class.

These rows are the best in economy class– there is a lot of space, but there is a minus: they are located next to the toilets, since economy class is the largest class, there may be a crowd of people near your seats, some people do not like it when people stand over their souls, and the sound of the flushing may wake you up or distract you water from the toilet, due to the vacuum, it turns out to be highly resonant.

But despite all this, these are ideal places to sleep.

On some aircraft, in rows 23, 36, 37, 50, 51, the seat back may be blocked due to the fact that they are located near the toilet.

Also, in these rows people will walk more often because there is a toilet nearby, this is the same as the rows above, only the back of the chair does not recline, but in front of you reclines and besides, you do not have much distance for your legs, so the data It’s better not to choose rows.

Row 23 – similar

Note that the 23A and 23K do not have a full-fledged porthole.

A small window is placed on the emergency door. The display and table are located in the armrest.

It is prohibited to block the access to the emergency hatches with hand luggage.

Also, a certain group of passengers are prohibited from sitting in these seats: with animals, children, elderly people and disabled people.

If not for one significant advantage, one could call the data the most uncomfortable on board. But, due to the placement of the escape hatches, there will be plenty of legroom in front.

This is a significant advantage, especially on long, long-haul flights.

ABHK row 47 seats can also be considered privileged they are located in the rear of the plane, and they have a fairly large distance between the front seats, and their advantage is that they are located near it and they have one of the best views from the window.

All other seats in economy class are no different, but if you choose a seat among them, choose one next to the window if you are not afraid of flying, and if you are afraid, choose a seat right in the very middle, where it is easiest to fall asleep and forget about your fear or his completely lose.

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Where are the best seats on Aeroflot's Boeing 777?

The best seats on an Aeroflot Boeing 77 and any other Boeing 777 are located in business or first class, and more seriously, it primarily depends on what you will do, sleep or do anything.

If you sleep, choose places with plenty of space and away from places where people with small children are usually accommodated.

General tips and tricks for choosing the best seats on the Boeing 777-300ER

On all Aeroflot Boeing 777 aircraft flying on long routes there is an individual 110-volt power outlet, as well as an individual display where you can insert your flash drive with your movie, and everyone also has headphones.

Also in Aeroflot, as in other companies, there is a restful sleep function; they will not wake you up when serving food, newspapers or drinks; for this you need to press a special button in the business class cabin, and in other cabins ask for a do not wake up sticker and stick it on the seat , and you can calmly become.

As for food, in all classes you can choose a special menu in advance (when purchasing a ticket) or choose the food that is already on board.

On such huge planes there is always wide choose food and drinks for all classes, I’m not even talking about business.

When choosing a place, avoid places that are located near technical buildings, toilets, and kitchens.

The location of the seats in the Boeing 777-300ER - their disadvantages and advantages

  1. Most passengers always consider the window seats to be the best seats in any class. In these places there is always good view, it’s comfortable to sleep in them, no one will ask you to go, but if you need to go out often, then it’s better not to choose them.
  2. If you need to get up often your choice is obvious - these are seats located along the aisles. It’s easy to get up, you don’t have to wake up anyone, and it’s just as easy to sit down. A small, but for lovers of sleep, a significant disadvantage of these places is that you may be asked to let you pass, or if you sit wide, passers-by may touch you or, even more unpleasantly, step on you.
  3. Well, if you don't care about the view, you can choose a seat in the middle of the central row, there, just like at the window, no one will disturb you and you will sleep peacefully.

Boeing 777 interior diagram.

Passenger airliners of the Boeing 777 family (Boeing T7, Boeing Triple Seven) are designed to carry cargo and passengers (depending on the model and cabin layout, the Boeing 777 is capable of carrying 300-550 passengers) on long-haul routes. As the largest twin-engine passenger jet, the Boeing 777 holds the ETOPS accident flight record (the Boeing 777-200ER spent 177 minutes in the air with one engine running). Naturally, all routes for flights operated on Boeing 777 aircraft are planned taking into account the requirements of ETOPS (Extended-range Twin-engine Operational Performance Standards), which increases passenger safety. The base model of the family was the Boeing 777-200 airliner, which was completely designed using the CATIA three-dimensional computer system. The Boeing 777-200 airliner made its first flight in 1994 and entered United Airlines for commercial operation in May 1995. The Boeing 777-200 airliner is capable of carrying from 305 (the Boeing 777-200 cabin layout has 3 classes) to 400 (the Boeing 777-200 cabin layout has 2 classes) passengers over a distance of up to 9695 kilometers. The airline became the owner of the first Boeing 777-200ER (Extended Range) airliner on February 6, 1997 British Airways. By increasing the take-off weight (fuel reserves), the Boeing 777-200ER was able to perform direct flights over a much longer range. The ability of the Boeing 777-200ER airliner to carry from 301 (the Boeing 777-200ER cabin layout has 3 classes) to 400 (the Boeing 777-200ER cabin layout has 2 classes) passengers over a distance of up to 14,260 kilometers made it one of the most purchased passenger aircraft in the world. On May 21, 1998, Cathay Pacific became the owner of the first copy of the new Boeing 777 family aircraft - the Boeing 777-300 airliner. Having received a fuselage extended by 10 meters from the base model, the Boeing 777-300 airliner, capable of carrying up to 550 passengers in a single-class configuration over a distance of 11,135 kilometers, thanks to greater efficiency, began to successfully replace the outdated Boeing 747-100 and 747-200. In February 2006, Boeing aircraft manufacturers handed over to an air carrier from Pakistan their next new product - a long-range airliner Boeing 777-200LR (Longer Range), called Worldliner. As of 2006, the Boeing 777-200LR Worldliner was passenger airliner, which could operate direct flights on the longest routes. Despite the fact that the Boeing 777-200LR Worldliner could indeed fly between any two airports in the world, design features(the presence of only two engines) and ETOPS safety requirements did not allow us to fully realize all the capabilities laid down by the manufacturer in the Boeing 777-200LR Worldliner, which is capable of carrying 301 passengers (the Boeing 777-200LR Worldliner cabin layout has 3 classes) over a distance of 17,500 km. ! Boeing 777-300, which received a number of design changes and is the most powerful in the world (among passenger airliners) jet engines GE90-115B, but already under the name Boeing 777-300ER (Extended Range) was transferred to the airline on April 29, 2004 Air France. Thanks to its characteristics, the Boeing 777-300ER in 2010 became the best-selling model produced by Boeing. It should be noted that on this moment, the Boeing 777-300ER airliner, capable of carrying 365 passengers over a distance of 14,685 km, is the best-selling passenger airliner of the Boeing 777 family. On January 29, 2014, Boeing put into operation 1 Boeing 777-300ER airliner to Aeroflot. Due to the widespread use of Boeing 777 airliners in the fleets of various airlines, many airliners of this family constantly operate and.

Passenger modifications of the Boeing 777 airliner:

  • Boeing 777-200 Cabin capacity from 305 (the Boeing 777-200 cabin layout has 3 classes) to 400 (the Boeing 777-200 cabin layout has 2 classes) passengers. The maximum flight range is 9695 km.
  • Boeing 777-200ER Cabin capacity from 301 (the Boeing 777-200ER cabin layout has 3 classes) to 400 (the Boeing 777-200ER cabin layout has 2 classes) passengers. The maximum flight range is 14260 km.
  • Boeing 777-200LR Worldliner Cabin capacity is 301 (the Boeing 777-200LR Worldliner cabin layout has 3 classes) passengers. The maximum flight range is 17,500 km.
  • Boeing 777-300 Cabin capacity 368 (Boeing 777-300 cabin layout has 3 classes), 451 (Boeing 777-300 cabin layout has 2 classes) or 550 passengers (Boeing 777-300 cabin layout has 1 class). The maximum flight range is 11135 km.
  • Boeing 777-300ER Cabin capacity is 365 (the Boeing 777-300ER cabin layout has 3 classes) passengers. The maximum flight range is 14685 km.


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