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/ Interesting Facts O Maldives

Maldives - A small state, located on 1,200 coral islands in the Indian Ocean. Islands form a chain of 26 atolls. Only about 200 islands of the republic are populated, and 44 islands reserved for a private resort holiday. There are no major islands in the Maldives, the biggest of them can cross the car in 1.5 - 2 hours, and some, and at all, walk in 15 minutes. The largest island is Hithadhoo, its length is 8 km.

Missionary activities in the Maldives are under strict ban.

In the Maldives laws, it is forbidden to break live and non-resident corals, and fish near the islands.

From money that brings tourism, the population of the Maldives, almost nothing. Fisheries continues to remain the main source of income of the population.

The first in the Maldives settled Buddhist peoples who have previously inhabited South Asia (presumably, southern India and Sri Lanka ). Legends say that there were no governments on the islands, only peace-loving communities of people who worshiped the sun and water. The first real kingdom, according to the stories, was created by the son of King Kaligni in India. The king was very unhappy with his son, so he exiled him to the Maldives, which were then called Dheeva Maari.

In Maldives, you can try such exotic delicacies like pink and orange milk, Raa palm juice and coffee powder, which local residents love.

In the Maldives there is no river or other source of fresh water. Freshwater in Maldives - by weight of gold. Even in rich houses are not bent, during the rains, make dishes on the street to collect a little clean rainwater.

Maldives Airport built on artificial island In the middle of the ocean. When renting to Maldives, the plane begins to sit on the water, and only closer to the ground it concerns the landing site.

For Maldives, climate change and the rise in the ocean level is a very real threat, while the inhabitants of some islands have already been evacuated, due to the raising of ocean waters, which blown out fresh water access. In order to draw attention to these issues, the President of the Republic - Mohamed Nashid in October 2009 held a meeting of the office at the bottom of the ocean.He and 13 government officials with scablands dropped to the bottom, where the tables for them had previously sunk. This was done in an attempt to increase the degree of awareness of the dangers facing the islands.

To Islam, the residents of Maldives came only in the XII century - before that, Buddhism was confessed here with elements of animal beliefs. Attempts to colonize the islands of the Portuguese in the XVI century led to the bloody uprisings and restoration of the Islamic dynasty of kings. Since then, the first persons of the country are obliged to demonstrate their commitment to Sunni Islam. Police of morals monitors the cleanliness of religious morals and compliance with the norms of Sharia in Maldives. Any propaganda of religion other than Sunni Islam is punishable by several years in prison.

The word "Maldives" means something like, "Palace Islands". "Mahal" is the palace, "Diva" island, everything is logical. Male used to be called "Sultan Island".

The average age of marriage in Maldives is 24 years. Unmarried 25-year-old Girl Wormies of Islamic morality can easily be called "Old Virgin". However, more than 50% of marriages in the Maldives disintegrate, six months later. To the divorce, the attitude is more tolerant than in the rest of the Islamic world, but after termination of the marriage, women are allowed to re-marry only after 3 months.

At the bottom Indian Ocean On the territory of Maldives, you can become a guest room at the Hotel Room in Conrad Hotels.

The length of the Maldives from the West to the East is 130 kilometers, and from the south to the north - 823 km. Maldives are part of a small mining system that is hidden under water.

Laama Atoll is one of the few places where the turtles nest and where you can see how small turtles are hatched from eggs.

Mohammed Amin Didi - First President Maldives, was not only the head of many ministers, but also the chairman of the poetic association and the central attacking of the Maldives National Football team.

Maldives - The most approximate to the ocean state of our planet. The average height above sea level here is 1.5 meters, and the most high Point - 2.4 meters. 99% of the country's territory occupy the blue ocean waters.

One of the national fun of the Maldives is crab run. Swells are regularly satisfied with most hotels. Any tourist can bet, and win, if not a large amount of money, then, at least, a bottle of alcohol.

Maldives - Divechi - National Language, which is a mixture of Singapore, Tamil, Urdu, Persian and Arabic. Maldives, known as "Thaana", is written from left to right. It consists of Thaana from 24 letters, vowel sounds are designated with circles and commas, arranged above or under consonants.

The Maldly Republic includes only one city.

The Maldives are not accustomed to greet each other. In response to "Hello," you can only count on a modest smile or nod. Here, also called each other by last name.

Sophisticated treason in Maldives is a criminal offense. Punishment for the proven fact of Ajulter is 100 public strikes. The overwhelming majority of victims of this punishment are women. Statistics 2006 speak of 184 persons who were sentenced to public spanking due to the extramarital sexual contacts. Only 38 of them were men. In 2009, the 18-year-old mother was sentenced to a hundred shocks, and then sent to the hospital for treatment. She denied accusations, but still, she was convicted, because the girl was pregnant. Two men accused with her were justified.

Maldives - The most popular place to hold a honeymoon in the world.

The import of alcoholic beverages to the territory of the Maldives is not permitted. Alcohol can be abused only in local bars and hotel restaurants.

More than 2,000 species of fish live in Maldives. In coastal waters, the Maldives lives the largest fish on the planet, famous science at the moment - whale sharks reaching 20 meters long. But, these creatures do not bother holidaymakers, since only plankton is included in their diet. No shark, who lives in the waters of the Maldives, has never attacked the tourist. Fish-stone, which can be seen near coral reefs, perhaps the most dangerous inhabitant of local waters.

In 1988, the Government of the Maldives was aimed at the aid of Indian troops to prevent the Pulling attempt organized by Tamil's mercenaries (rebels from Sri Lanka).

The first island hotel in Maldives opened in 1972 and called Kurumba Maldives. Distance from the capital Male is 3.2 km.

The traditional Muslim holiday Kurban-Bayram in Maldives is called Bod Eid. On this day, according to the Qur'an, you need to commit a ritual sacrifice to Allah. True, instead of sheep, the Maldives prefer to challenge a cow or goat.

Each of the 200 populated islands is headed by Katiba (chapter), which every day is the report and transmits it to the central government in Male.

These resort islands are considered one of the safest, for tourists, places on the planet, since
Maldives are largely isolated from other countries.

Communication between the Maldives is provided with wooden boats, better known as Donon.

The Maldives are forbidden to build hotels above the highest palm tree on the island. Artificially built-up territory of the hotel can not occupy more than 20% of the area of \u200b\u200bthe entire land plot. Approximately half of all hotels belong to the Maldives businessmen, another quarter to foreigners, and the remaining joint ventures.

In addition to "unclean", according to the Qur'an, pigs, in the Maldives are a similar attitude towards dogs. The exception was made only for shepherders serving in the police. Tourists are categorically forbidden to bring a pet. The violation of this rule threatens a serious fine and a dog's premises to the airport sanitary zone.

Literacy level in Maldives is 97%, it is one of the highest rates in the world. Sociologists associate this phenomenon with the fact that due to the density of the population on Male, students simply have nowhere to walk the pairs.

In the coastal waters of the Maldives, many turtles inhabited. Their meat and fat were used in food, and shells - for various crafts. Currently, the turtles were on the verge of extinction and are protected by law.

Not all islands are open for tourists. To be on a non-smoke island, open for visits, you need to get a special permit with the name of this place.

In the Maldives it is not customary to celebrate a birthday. According to the established tradition, on this day, the locals are trying to work as much as possible.

In the Maldives, everyone lives under the slogan "No News, No Shoes - Maldives". Local newspapers and national television really do not have.

In the 1960s, UN representatives who visited Maldives, without explaining the reasons stated that these islands were unsuitable for tourism. In the 1970s, tourism here, nevertheless, appeared, called this joker - UN representatives.

The most famous Maldives dance is called "Bod Bay". Under the sounds of chants, the accompaniment of large drums and bamboo "Onuugad" are performed by about 20 people.

Working week in Maldives - from Sunday to Thursday. Friday and Saturday in any month - official weekend, and find a working restaurant on these days will not be easy.

For the storage of any drug in Maldives there is a life imprisonment. For sales and production - mortal execution. The same-sex relationship is a religious and state crime, it can also lead to prison. Freedom of speech is extremely limited, and people expressing against Islam and his beliefs are trying to be in prison, and sometimes executed.The Maldives Constitution was written in 1997. It says that all citizens must be Muslims, that is, to confess the other religion is prohibited. If you are a citizen of Maldives, and decided to go to another religion, you can forget about your citizenship. The Maldives are so strictly respected by religious traditions that to work in tourist destinations Foreign workers are invited, because citizens themselves do not want to contact with dubious objects.

Male refers to those few cities of the world who have no surroundings. Where the city ends, the island with the same name is ends - only 1.7 kilometers long and 900 meters width. And the number of residents of such a small island is more than 130,000 people (!!!). The problem is that the Maldives, with a small area, differ in the rapid increase in the population. In order to free up the area for residence of the population, the authorities had to even restrict tourism, which over the years has become an important source of the country's income. So in 1990, a complex for recreation was closed at the neighboring island of Villingli to build a residential quarter for the residents of overpopped Male. Twelve people who make up the average family in Male seem to be familiar to the flavored.

The most famous group of Maldives - Zero Degree Atoll.

Neither local residents nor tourists are allowed in the territory of the islands to swim naked. This can be done only on the island of Kuramati in a specially reserved area.

Tours to Maldives - Special offers of the day

To determine the word "love" in the Maldives (Language of Divech) there are three words:

  • Looabe - is used in conversations about the beloved, like a person.
  • Ale̒ykhishes - is used only in the dialect of the southern atoll of addu and is used to express love for the child.
  • Hituga Aldo Gabu̒lkuran - is used to express love for God (and as people themselves say, even this expression cannot cover all the depth of love and respect for God).

Holiday hospitality

Most recently, the Maldives existed a holiday, when in the evening, after all the most advanced namazov, which rely on the day, 12 people came to the house and sang songs, mostly texts from the Holy Book Quran. The owner of the house was to invite them, sit at the table with treats and join chants.


At the Maldives 500 years ago there was a Religion Buddhism. And the name of the days of the week, which are now used in the Maldives, carry some Buddhist concepts:

  • Monday - Hoo̒ma (होम "Sacred Ritual", "Sacrificing").
  • Tuesday - Angu̒ra ("Fire inside", "Inner Fire").
  • Wednesday - BUD (बुध "awaken", "wise").
  • Thursday - Buyfa̒ti (बृहस्पति Essence of prayer and dedication).
  • Friday - Hukuru.
  • Saturday - Honichiru̒.
  • Sunday - Adi̒ta (आदिता "The Beginning of Total", "initially". From this word, the word Aditi is formed, denoting in the Vedic tradition, the feminine who gave birth to all the gods, people and the whole world).


This nation has a very interesting and beautiful game called Ovsi̒ganda. On a wooden long aloe resistance, 7 holes are cut against each other against each other (14) and two sides are more launches. In all the wells, except for two large, placed on 8 small, smooth shells. The meaning of the game is to assemble the largest number of shells into one of the large holes. Usually people play this game in the sacred month of Ramazan to distract themselves from thoughts. When I play this game herself, I notice how calming down.

Since the islands are located in the ocean, there are many games on the water. One of them is the FAS "O Bonda. A group of people becomes a circle in the water, before that, we break off the white berry from the bushes that are located on all the beaches of Maldives. The presenter throws the berry and everyone starts to row water to themselves or from themselves - who wants. Then everyone stops and everyone tries to find a berry in a raging water, to see it, but this is not all the task - it needs to be worded. As soon as someone rushes to her, others, seeing it, also rushed there and again criticize water, so The berry is lost again. Forest and grabbed it starts the game from the beginning.

There are no names in the Maldives

In Maldives, people do not wear surnames or patientities. Everyone gives several names, and all the names are Arabic. For instance:
Women's full names - Aminat Aisha, Havva Hassan, Aishat Layyang, Cadda Didi
Male names - Ahmed Mausum, Hussein Maahid, Ibrahim Adam Gafur.

Greetings without words

In the Maldives, there is no word that denotes greetings, by tradition, people welcome each other without words, just looking into each other, they can slightly raise their eyebrows. Sometimes they can also call the name of the person who is welcomed. Previously, I was not very clear - why they have a greeting, but it existed on the islands from the very old antiquity. Now, looking after the transfer "A LIFE" On the channel of Alto TV, it became clear to me that it was natural that the main thing is that the internally put into it, what feelings, because the Spirit welcomes the spirit silently.

Obviously, many legends and traditions take place in the cultures of other peoples. People find opportunities for friendship and unity with the help of games and holidays. The concentration of attention and distraction from bad thoughts during games also has an interesting relationship with other cultures. In the end, you understand that despite the place of residence of people and their nationality, having learned any people deeper - we see a common source, common roots, which are clearly visible in traditions, holidays, words.

Maldives are known as one of the world's best places in the world: tropical islands, playful vigorous blue water, luxurious bungalows on sandy beaches and coral reefs in which Zhill boils. But in addition, there are 9 more unusual facts about this stunning state that you should know.

Maldives were officially established by the expected Indian Prince

The first people came to the islands from India about 269 g BC. And the first actual state was created by the son of the Indian king Kaligni. The king was very dissatisfied with his son and therefore referred it to these islands, which then wore the name of Div Mary.

Maldives consist of more than 1190 coral islands grouped into 26 major atolls

1190 coral islands are 26 atolls (200 inhabited islands and 80 islands with resorts) located along the main sea routes of the Indian Ocean. 99% Maldives are water.

Maldives - the lowest state in the world

The average soil level of the Maldives is 1.5 m, and their highest point is 2.3 m above sea level, which makes this country low on the planet.

Alcohol is prohibited everywhere except resort hotels

Maldives are a Muslim state, which means that alcohol is banned here. But lovers of cocktails are not worth embarrassing: alcohol can be found in all resort hotelsserving tourists. The only condition is not to conceal the alcohol publicly.

Maldives - the smallest Muslim state in the world

Maldives are known for their religious intolerance. The constitution of the state, compiled in 1997, establishes that citizens of the country may be exclusively Muslims, that is, in fact prohibits to follow any other religion.

Each element of the Flag Maldives is symbolized

Crescent means Islam, green symbolizes palm trees, red - blood spilled by Maldives heroes.

Maldives - one of the safest tourist destinations on the planet

These resort islands are considered one of the safest places on the planet for tourists, since the Maldives are largely isolated.

Unlike other countries, weekends in Maldives are Friday and Saturday

While in many countries weekend is considered to be Saturday and Sunday, Maldives, as it should be the Muslim state, made Friday and Saturday with their weekends.

Among adult population Maldives Literacy rate is 98%

Literacy rate among the Maldives - 98%. At the same time, 100% of children receive education in elementary school.

1. Maldives are an island state in the Indian Ocean, located south of India and Sri Lanka.

2. The Maldives fell into the Guinness Book of Records, as a country with the most flatteind relief: there is no hills, no rivers, and none of the islands protrudes from water by more than 2.4 meters.

3. The Maldives consist of 1190 small coral islands and Sushi Square is only 298 km2. Of these, only 200 islands are settled, 44 are adapted exclusively for the resort holiday.

4. The name "Maldives" comes from the Hindu words "Mahal" (Palace) and "Diva" (island).

5. The Maldives are almost at the equator, and therefore the average annual temperature in the Maldives is 25-30 degrees. The night temperature is different from the daily total of 1-2 degrees.

6. Maldives maybe the only country in the world with a 100% population of Muslims.

7. The Maldives of Dhipihi - the National language, which is a mixture of Singapore, Tamil, Urdu, Persian and Arabic. Maldly writing, known as "Thaana", is written from left to right. It consists of Thaana from 24 letters, vowel sounds are designated with circles and commas, arranged above or under consonants.

8. Citizens of Russia and the CIS Visa to the Maldives are not required. The visa is issued on arrival at the Male airport when presenting a passport, a return ticket and the amount of money sufficient to stay in the country.

9. Brief with you alcohol to the Maldives is prohibited. It is possible to drink only in the places specifically allocated for this - in bars and restaurants of hotels, where serve visitors from Sri Lanka and India (citizens of the Maldives sell alcohol prohibited).

10. Maldives are the smallest Muslim country in the world.

11. The Maldives are almost at the equator, and therefore all year round the temperature in the Maldives does not fall below +27 s °.

12. Flight time from Moscow to Male about 8 hours.

13. The Maldives Monetary Unit is Rufia and Laari. 1 Maldives Rufia is 100 Laari. 1 US dollar is approximately 12 Rufiyami.

14. Parandja for Maldives is not mandatory. Rather, even on the contrary - according to the law adopted recently, no one has the right to completely close the face in a public place.

15. 25.7% of the country's population lives in Male.

16. Maldives often instead of the name name each other by last name.

17. Maldives usually do not greet each other. If the tourist tells the Maldha "Good Morning", then in response can only get a smile or nod.

18. Maldives Most Popular Place for Honeymoon in the World.

19. The island of Male is only 2 kilometers long and 1 kilometer width.

20. Main landmark in Male - Mosque "Great Friday", decorated with a golden dome. Islamic center is located on its territory. This is the largest mosque of the Maldives.

21. Alcohol shops in the towns are simply not, and tourists are forbidden to import alcoholic beverages.

22. On one island, one hotel is usually located.

23. The first island hotel opened in 1972 and called Kurumba Maldives. Distance from the capital Male is 3.2 km.

24. The village of Male, the namesake of the capital Maldives, is located in the Republic of Komi, the Russian Federation.

25. Under Maldives, the height of the hotel buildings cannot exceed the highest palm tree on the island.

26. Since the foundation of the first hotel in Maldives, there was not a single case of an attack of sharks on people.

27. English It is the main subject at school.

28. Artificially built-up area of \u200b\u200bthe hotel cannot occupy more than 20% of the area of \u200b\u200bthe entire land plot.

29. Approximately half of all hotels belong to Maldive businessmen, another quarter to foreigners and the remaining joint ventures.

30. Self big Island Maldives has a size of 4500 meters away by 1200 meters and is called Fuvahmulah.

31. "No News, No Shoes - Maldives" - the slogan corresponds to reality. Shoes there - unnecessary excess, and no news and not at all. Neither newspapers or television.

32. The main atolls of the Maldives: Baa and Ari, Niland and Laviani.

33. From 1558 to 1573, the Maldives were ruled by Portugal. Further, in the 17th century, the power over Maldives passed into the hands of Holland. And in 1887, Maldives took control of the United Kingdom. In 1965, Maldives finally gained independence.

34. Despite the fact that the Maldives consist of 1190 islands, the total length of sushi is only 115 square kilometers.

35. Tourism and fisheries are the main income articles in the Maldives.

36. The highest point in the Maldives is located on the island of Winggili and her height is 2, 4 meters!

37. Male is one of the smallest capitals of the world (area of \u200b\u200babout 1.8 square meters. Km) and one of the most densely populated cities of the planet.

38. For religion, Maldives - Muslim Sunni.

39. There are prohibitions that operate on the territory of the whole country even in resort areas. Firstly, tourists and local residents cannot be bought without swimsuits, that is, completely naked, and in the second, the underwater hunt is prohibited. The only place on the archipelago for nudists and sunbathing Topless is the island of Kuramati.

40. Flag Maldives It is a red cloth with a green rectangle in the center. The green and red colors of the Maldives flag express the desire for success and victory, and the crescent - about the state affiliation to Islam.

41. Not all islands are open for tourists. To be on a non-smoke island, open for visits, you need to get a special permit with the name of this place.

42. Queen of the local flora - coconut palm tree.

43. Car and other "steel horses" in the Maldives are practically no, even bicycles are rare, and the highway is laid only in the capital and in the resort of Gan.

44. Families here are large - at 5 - 9 people, men are mostly fishing, and women are managed by the housework.

45. Before Islamization, the Maldives reigned the matriarchy, but now in the family and in society is dominated by a strong half of humanity. Behind men remain all important decisions, as well as the right first to sit at the table.

47. In this country, a tremendous number of divorces occurs - the highest% among the states entering into the UN. The reason is that for the extramarital connections of lovers is punished with sticks, and even if the passion lasts a few months, the relationship is bonded by the union.

48. The interior of the Maldives housing is incredibly simple - only a few hammocks, benches and beds, yes swing in the yard.

49. Every Maldivea can marry a maximum of 4 women. But today, a rare Muslim is able to contain more than 2 wives - after all, each of them will have to build a separate house ..

50. Emergencies of the centuries of the Ostrovytian outfits remain unchanged - a loining bandage in the form of a sharovar and the turban, or a handkerchief. Is that in the capital dressed in European.

51. The most famous Maldives dance is called "Bod Bay". Under the sounds of chants, the accompaniment of large drums and bamboo "Onuugad" are performed by about 20 people.

53. Weekend in the Maldives, when the entire population visits the mosque - Friday. The second official weekend is Saturday.

54. Islamic holidays each year falls out for different dates, because moon calendar It counts only 354 days a year and 12 days shorter than sunny.

55. The main ingredients of the Maldives - rice and gifts of the Indian Ocean, but they prepare here in a special way: fresh fish are in no hurry to send to the kitchen, but pre-dried in the sun until it hardens.

56. In T-joints you can buy exotic treats, such as pink and orange milk, the sweet palm juice "Raa", as well as the coffee powder beloved by the aborigines.

57. The most delicious and popular fish is a Mediterranean tuna, from local treats are good chicken with rice and vegetables, generously arched by spices.

58. All variations of coconuts, as well as local fish, act magically on male strength, turning ordinary lovers in the gurus of sexual pleasures. After the Maldives, you can safely start a harem!

59. The main type of rest in Maldives is diving with mask and diving.

60. Time in Maldives is ahead of Moscow time for one hour.

61. Under the influence of Northeastern Mussers of Clima Dry from November to March and under the action of south-western monsoons rainy from June to August.

62. The Maldives opened a glass room for newlyweds at the bottom of the Indian Ocean. Initially, the room was used as a restaurant with one of the hotels of the Conrad Hotels network, but in honor of the fifth anniversary of the hotel, the restaurant was converted to the room.

63. Going to Maldives, take money, not beer! Alcohol is expensive in hotels and restaurants, and the import of it is prohibited.

64. A strange feeling of phony will visit you when the plane starts to decline with straight into the ocean and only at the last moment runs along the landing strip, the width of the wing wing. Then somehow water immediately.

65. The peak of the tourist season falls on the winter months and August.

66. The Equatorial Sun will not surprise the harness, but rather density - it is decently tanned in the shade of palm trees.

67. For drugs can leave in this warm place for 25 years.

68. In the water it is necessary to enter special slippers. Coral chips are very sharp.

69. From the dangerous marine inhabitants in the Maldives there is a rock-stone. It is considered one of the most poisonous fish in the world.

70. Life in the Maldives is quite expensive, as the production is actually no. Apart from canned fish, clothes and bricks do nothing.

71. A salary of $ 400 (paid in hotels) is considered small, so there are many visitors to Sri Lantseans in the field of tourism. Fishermen earn more.

72. Houses are now built from foam blocks, before coral.

73. Litter gasoline costs 1 dollar.

74. Maldives Rufiy are very cool - with palm trees, boats and shells. Despite its currency everywhere take green.

75. Many "in the garden" grows Papaya.

76. Parks and platforms in front of Maldives hotels are seated with roses, orchids, alteays, hibiscus, white, yellow and pink plumes, the delicate aroma of which is filled with the county.

77. The number of motorcycles in Male amazing imagination. They are everywhere! Some citizens have two or three motorcycles.

78. Tips in the Maldives are not officially accepted. Of course, if you want, no one forbids thank the service personnel - the employee of the hotel is $ 10, the waiter is 5% of the account.

79. The national emblem includes coconut palm, crescent and star.

80. Political system - Democracy, Head of State - President.

81. Any Maldives can cross in 1.5 to 2 hours.

82. The most popular view water transport - Doney boats (speed 7 knots per hour).

83. In the Maldives laws, it is forbidden to break live and non-resident corals, fish near the islands. Penalty - $ 500.

84. Hire a car in order to manage it personally, you can not in the Maldives.

85. There are no dogs in Maldives, because their content is prohibited.

86. In Maldives, there are about 5,000 types of mollusks.

87. Birthdays are usually not celebrated, often do not even remember them.

88. Maldives pray five times a day. During prayer, the broadcast of all television programs is stopped, even the WORLD Air Force and foreign satellite channels.

89. Tourist resort islands are classified as "non-heated" - this is the result of the policy, according to which only truly unanimous islands can be leased to transform into tourist areas.

90. Citizenship is given only to Muslims, and only those who have already lived in Maldives for several years.

91. The Maldives did not adopt the classification of hotels "on the stars".

92. Maldives are considered one of the oldest states of the world. The islands were open already 2,000 years BC. (are the rovels of Egypt).

93. It is in the Maldives that fish for aquariums.

94. For the convenience of tourists who are often hard to pronounce the names of the atolls, the government decided to identify them with letters. These letters you can see on boats following one or another atoll.

95. Do not even know how to swim, you can admire the corals, standing on the belt in the water is so transparent.

96. In I thousand n. e. Maldives inhabited Singals, Indians and Malays who confessed Buddhism. From the XII century. Together with Arab merchants, Islam penetration began.

97. State anthem: "We welcome all of you who is expensive to national unity."

98. The traveler Marco Polo traveler is considered the islands, which gave them the name "Flower of the Indian Ocean".

99. In Maldives, you can visit the underwater restaurant at Hilton Maldives Resort and Spa, which is designed for only 14 visitors. The uniqueness of the restaurant, called "ITHA", which in the local language, Dhipihi means "pearl", is that, being fully made of glass, it is under water: above it is a five-meter water stratum of the Indian Ocean, and around - the colorful world of coral reefs .

100. And finally - take care of coconuts! Do not place sun loungers right under the palm trees, because if the two-kilogram walnut, thickened down from a 15-meter height, landed on the head, at best, only leave will end.

When writing an article used materials from the Internet.


Maldives are a generous sun, glamorous beaches with sifted through the sieve sand, turquoise lagoon in the style of "Bounty" and fantastic diving 365 days a year. And this is a delightful atmosphere of complete relax, respectable laziness and abundance from everyday problems. Whatever economic cataclysms shake out the planet, this Asian resort continues to live in its relaxed and independent big land Rhythm. A classic Islamic state with his traditional taboo on everything that contradicts religious canons, managed to adapt to the free morals of the tourist elite, while absolutely not coming by its own traditions. The Maldives is the same place where the roads of visitors and indigenous inhabitants (unless they are not serving hotels) almost do not intersect, and a bank account, no matter how solid, they are able to reset in a matter of days. It is in Maldives that you can arrange the most romantic wedding, to increase diving qualifications, and finally, just feel like your last person on the planet, removing a secluded bungalow with a personal beach and a stunning ocean view.

History of the Maldives Islands

According to approximate estimates, the History of Maldives began over 2,000 years ago, when the atolls lost in the Indian Ocean settled out of neighboring India and Sri Lanka. It was the first settlers that brought Buddhism to the islands, which in the XII century, Issued Islam, was actively imposed on the Arabs who arrived here.

Since the middle of the XVI century, the Portuguese and the Dutch and the Dutch were applied to the territory of the Maldives. Here are just local inhabitants in no hurry to turn their country into the raw materials appendage of insatiable Europe, actively oppresent to the attacks of alien.

In 1887, England still managed to establish a protectorate over Maldives. But in 1967, the islanders rebelled by demanding complete independence from Britain, which was granted them after a year. The country was immediately declared the republic and chose a new president.

Weather and climate

You can go to the Maldives at any time of the year: thanks to the subeupvatory monsoon climate, it is always warm here. Even in the coldest months (January - February), the thermometer bar never falls below +17 ° C, but the average air temperature varies between +24 ... + 33 ° C. The main climatic differences depend on the two monsoon seasons. Winter Northeast Musson, who blows from January to March, falls on the peak of the season, it brings dry weather and coincides with European winter. Southwest Musson from May to December is the cause of wet weather, but rain rarely lasts for a very long time. The most rainy months in Maldives - May and November, and the most sunny - March, as well as before and after it.


The Maldives is an Asian state in the Equatorial part of the Indian Ocean. Sri Lanka from here 700 km, and to India only 430. By the way, the Maldives are considered the lowest state of the planet: almost all local land plots are just on the meter-two above sea levels, so in the long-lasting future, the fashionable resort risks repeating the fate of Atlantis.

The Maldives in the main mass of small, and the area of \u200b\u200bindividual and tiny. Almost every of these land bits has its own coral "shield", so the main chip of local beaches is that they are almost never a storm, and water off the coast saves amazing transparency.

The main resort area of \u200b\u200bthe country is formed by the northern atolls, guaranteeing their guests service to the highest category and complete privacy. The southern atolls in terms of the development of tourist business are slightly behind, but it is easy to predict that in the foreseeable future they will "catch up", given that in their lagoons are full of suitable diving towns.

But before the distant southern atolls, tour operators recently got relatively, so while these isons continue to populate the Maldives themselves. This, of course, does not mean that the leg of the omgestic Beckpecker did not go here - quite the opposite, given the fact that the long-range atoll is perhaps the only place in the country where the tourist who thirsty the national flavor can be freely in contact with local inhabitants. In other parts of the resort, it will not work so loosely in a rustic street.

Flora and fauna

The natural world of Equatorial Paradise is surprisingly poor. The main inhabitants of the sushi are rainfall, giant ahatines (snails), volatile foxes (relatives of our volatile mice) and gray herons. With vegetation in the Maldives, things are and worse. In the main tourist will have to admire the coconut palms and bananas, which are cultivated on the islands in a huge amount. True, it is worth only to leave the shore and plunge into the azure ocean wavesAs completely different Maldives will appear in front of you - bizarre, full of life and the most incredible paints. More than 1,100 species of fish, 400 species of mollusks, 187 types of corals, 21 species of mammals (whales, dolphins) and 145 types of crabs live in the surrounding resort of reefs.


The classical rule: "The capital is the face of the state" in the Maldives does not work. Male is small but incredibly tight populated city on the southern coast Atoll of the same name. Its area is 5.8 km². It is in Male that the ¼ part of the entire population of the republic lives.

Paradox, but the capital of the elite world resort is not much different from the provincial cities of the same India. Tight streets, high-rise buildings in each other, a littered port and a constricted symbol of any Islamic country - a mosque. There are almost no significant attractions in the city, so tourists arriving in Maldives are not delayed. Is that the local market will come to lay on the abundance of fish rows, or, with acute necessity, stroll to the hospital.

Locals and national traditions

As in any Islamic state, religious traditions are strong in the Maldives. The indigenous people do not use alcohol and never sell it, more precisely, they try to pretend that they do it, and still hide their women under shapeless hoods. We will visit such a way of life, of course, is not imposed. Moreover, many Maldives work Barmen in hotels, masterfully mixing cocktails and filling glasses of guests with drinks that will never try themselves.

The main mass of the country's population is occupied in the tourist business, but those who shine the stars slightly less vividly, have to make money on the life of fishing, repair of boats and other not the highest paid classes.

Since not all of the islands have regular transport links with other parts of the sushi, the main part of the Maldives lives extremely isolated. Simple islanders are monotonous and measured: in the morning the exit to the sea, the day is a lazy swing in the chair-hammock and the idle contemplation of the surrounding reality, and with sunset again fishing.

Norms of etiquette and rules of behavior in the resort

In Maldives there is a lot of restrictions, the non-compliance with which entails serious problems. For example, on the most beautiful planet beaches, it is forbidden to sunbathe topless, and even more so nude. To walk around the cities and villages in ultra-screwed tops and shorts, too, is also not recommended, as to chop up the journey of the sprigs of local corals. Fisteers of fishing near the shore and underwater hunting is better not to apply to their addictions at all: such types of fishing in the Maldives are equal to poaching. And for scattering garbage and drinking alcohol outside the hotel, solid cash fines are relying.

Video: Maldives from height

Beaches of Maldives Islands

List the beaches of the resort, consisting of almost 2000 islands, is an ungrateful occupation, therefore it is easier to name the most popular and well-groomed of them. On the North Male Atoll is Banyan-Three and Flag. They do not suffer from lack of swimming in any way and San belonging to Atoll Ari. You can swim in the company of Maldives, you can on the beaches of the Athlete of Laviani, and the shores of Maafushi are better suitable for observation of Dolphins. The islands of Cunfad and Hadahaa occupied the owners of thick wallets, while in the coast of Vaada, incorrigible romance rushes, dreaming of meeting the dawn in a luminescent beach. Surfers and other wave catcher freeze at Cunchura Island, where their unofficial headquarters are located - the resort of Point Point.

Attractions and entertainment in Maldives

After you get acquainted with the amazing beaches of Maldives and discover all the charms of the system all inclusiveYou hardly want to go somewhere else. Well, if this desire still appears, then ride to the Sultan Park on the island of Male, where it also settled National Museum. In the capital, it is also possible to pamper the presidential palace - a fairly modest structure of modern standards, where all official techniques are held, and on the Mosque of the Great Friday, erected from coral blocks. If it turns out, book a table in the ITHAA underwater restaurant, which is among the top ten most unusual restaurants of the planet. The queue in this pathoral institution is endless, and for exclusive entourage with visitors require an inadequate amount, but if you believe lucky, we have time to evaluate the local service, it is worth it.

Of course, it is difficult to find more comfortable placethan a tropical island with high-class hotels, magnificent food and impeccable, friendly staff. But if you arrived at the Maldives at least for a couple of weeks, then, most likely, you will want to see what the cozy hotel is hiding abroad. Traveling in the Maldives is not so simple, especially if you try to do it yourself, but there is an opportunity to join an organized excursion. It can be both aimless boat riding in search of a suitable angle for selfie against the background of sunset and a visit to the Maldives and an acquaintance with the life of the islanders. You can reset the cargo of concerns (and extra money) by ordering an airbar on the seaplane, or rented a real submarine with the crew to explore the ocean bottom. Well, lovers of picturesque ruins should be rushing to the Ary Atoll, where the ruins of the ancient Buddhist temple are still preserved.

Travel around the neighborhood

Of course, what places you can visit and what trips to do is fully determined by the location of the resort where you are. True, here you will find little diversity, because one island is not much different from the other. Perhaps only a trip to Male will give new impressions. Most resorts located close to the capital can organize a day trip for their guests. And although all the sights of Male are collected in one place and can be examined in just a couple of hours, it is worth staying here for the night to feel the taste of the capital and learn how its inhabitants are having fun after the sun drops behind the horizon and the heat will fall. This can be done by going on a daily boat flight to the capital, pre-ordered a hotel room, and return the next day, too, a day flight. You can also take a boat or hydroplane, which hotels are sent to pick up tourists from the airport.

Trips to boats

Another popular type of dating with the Maldives is boat tours. It can be short trips at sunset around the island, where your hotel is located, or long journeys, when you fregged a boat or go to safari (passengers live on their ship in the open ocean). The travel conditions are completely dependent on the size of your wallet. In most boats, passengers are provided with non-personal cabins, but the coaches separated by the curtains, and the tourists themselves will also be performed by routine daily work.

A higher degree of comfort offers such vessels such as Atoll Explorer, which have cabins equipped with air conditioning and a swimming pool on the upper deck. Private yachts are designed for very rich, well-known and influential people, as well as oligarchs who avoid sharing in resort rooms.

If such prices are slightly embarrassed from your budget, you can charter at the resort along with the team for the day. It will cost no more than 200 dollars. The order for the pier in Male will cost cheaper due to competition. To further reduce the price, you can charter the traditional Maldives of Donon, but then you will not be able to travel for long distances.

If you want to feel the taste of sweet life and ride a luxurious yacht, in a coast on the Athlete Athlete, daytime cruises on yachts are offered, in private, you can order nightlings. The yacht is also in "W Retreat & Spa" on the Ary Atoll.

Uninhabited islands

Paradoxically uninhabited islands may be the most lively after Male. Often, they are "wishes" certain resorts that build various communal amenities there, cafe and send their guests there for a day excursion to arrange a picnic, swim with a mask and a tube and just swim. And since several groups of tourists come ashore at once, calling these islands "uninhabited" would be somewhat incorrect.

There are tourists who want to visit the uninhabited islands Maldives not in such a mass order. Some resorts organize a private dinner on the sand for two and more guests and even provide the opportunity to stay overnight. Visitors are issued a flag to be raised in case of danger.

If money is not a problem for you, you can rent a whole resort: Many small islands can be a reliable shelter for rich people. For example, a part of the Sonya-Gili resort can be rented entirely for boats.

Rustic Islands

In Maldives, tourists are very popular excursions to nearby villages. Some resorts have a close relationship with the islands where the villages are located, and regularly deliver guests back and forth. If there is no such island next to the resort, then, as a rule, a visit to the village is included in the day excursion program, which suggests the departure to a uninhabited island.

Maldives in which you will fall during organized tour, will not give a complete idea of \u200b\u200bthe life of the local population. There you will see wondering around the crowd of tourists and the market, which arose with a special purpose of meeting their needs, and not at all the needs of local residents. But schools, mosques and houses will be the most real, and the natural spontaneous buildings of these villages will allow your eye to relax from the strict correctness of the resorts.

To visit the "real village" in the Maldives somewhere far from beaten routes, you will have to make considerable efforts. First, it will cost it somehow (you must rent a separate boat, because the transport departing on the domestic atoll does not take on board foreigners). Secondly, there will have to overcome many bureaucratic obstacles, for example, to obtain permission to visit the internal atolls from the administration of the Ministry located in Male. And in order to get it, it is necessary to confirm from the face living on the island you are going to visit. All this, of course, deprives acquaintance with the real life of spontaneity archipelago. If your determination is unshakable, the travel agent in Mall will help you overcome the bureaucratic obstacles.


Lords of scubales and action cameras in Maldives are expecting excellent warm water (on average +27 ° C), excellent visibility even at a depth of 40 m and an incredibly rich underwater world. The only danger represent the flows that are gaining valuable outside the reefs, so the beginners are better to face the atolls.

Going to search for the bottom wealth is better from September to May: the sea during this period is calm, there is no abundance of plankton, which happens with the arrival of monsoon. Coral slides, sunken ships (raci), inter-strippers - all these are traditional heroes routes in wetsuits.

Those or another type of diving can be engaged in almost all resorts, but conditions differ significantly. On some islands, scuba diving is not the most important line in the list of suggested sports. This means that both diving sites and scuba training courses will be quite limited, which is more suitable for newcomers or ordinary diving lovers.

However, the true diving fans in the Maldives may claim something more. The resorts most popular among scablast fractions offer a wide range of courses such as Vit, Cmas, SSI, PADI, Naui, Andi and Rab, where you can enhance your qualifications. They also provide additional and guaranteeing safety equipment, such as underwater video cameras. The choice can also affect the presence of nitrox and decompression chamber, as well as the proximity of the resort of places suitable for diving.

Most of the local diving centers are located on the basis of hotels (Sun Diving School Padi Golden Palm 5, Ocean Dive Center, TGI Maldives, Euro Divers, etc.). Well, for the most restless, there is a possibility of dive safaris, to participate in which a group of divers with the same experience is recruited. The advantages of such a cruise are obvious: you can get acquainted with almost all the atolls and look at the uninhabited islands, it is much cheaper than diving with accommodation in the hotel and, finally, the journey on the yacht is a practically guaranteed opportunity to meet with local sharks, which are just chasing coming to Maldives scablasts.

Video: Diving in Maldives

Rating of the best places for diving in Maldives

Atoll Male

  • Banana reef;
  • Lyons-Head;
  • Manta Point;
  • Old Shark Point;
  • wreckage of the ship "Victoria";
  • Pudle Place;
  • Reef Reynboou;
  • Hans-Place.

Atoll South Male

  • cave Vada;
  • strait Gurauda.
  • sunken ship "Fesdu";
  • Maaafushi-Tila;
  • reef fish head.

Northern Atollas

Northern atolls are one of the main territories of Maldives intended for tourism. Now the number of resorts barely translated over a two-digit number, but this figure will steadily increase. It is planned to master the virgin atolls that will provide visitors even more peace and privacy. Since here is much less running ships than on more populated, close to the capital atolls, then the air in the northern resorts is cleaner, and water is more transparent than anywhere in the archipelago.

New tour operators are forced to join hundreds of competitors, so they are trying to stand out, offering more brilliant conditions and interesting entertainment. One of these ideas is embodied on the island called Hydeway. This is a relatively new resort that is proud of the first to the Maldives to the yacht. It is designed to attract as much customers as possible. People who are accustomed to relax on yachts, such as, for example, the Russian billionaire Roman Abramovich, already regularly spend time on the northern atolls. Perhaps they are trying to avoid more busy islands near the capital. In the hotels of the Higher-class guests waiting for the appropriate service: this is the help of the butler, and massage.

Guests who do not have their own yachts can deliver to hotels on northern Islands, on high-speed boats. The road will take just over two hours. It is much more likely to fly on the hydroplane, and the most remote resorts sometimes organize their own commercial flights.


In this part of the country you can see the same fantastic covered with white sand, lit by the golden rays of the sun and washed by the azure beaches, as in other Maldives atolls. But their privacy guarantees you even more purity and untouchability than in the central areas of the archipelago.


The relatively recent development of tourism in the Maldives, which began in the 1990s, as well as a small number of boats and ships, cruising around the atolls, allow to maintain the pristine cleanliness of these places and thereby create excellent conditions for diving. And Kylis (straits, channels between reefs) and Tila (underwater mountain, reef peep, whose vertex is not visible from the surface) offer many possibilities for scuba diving. Diving on the atolls of Raa and Baa, west of the group of the South Islands, includes the guarded water space of Horubadu-Tila, populated with oceanic fish, sometimes gray reef sharks and rope orchairs can swim there. Among other tiles of this area, the most lively Daravanand is allocated, as well as Berian Fari, Cottefar, Where and Vaada, each of whom promises a lot of scuba diving lovers. The South-West Musson blowing from May to June brings to the shores of Mant and China sharks. Strong flows in these places mean that they are mostly designed for experienced divers and only a few zones are suitable for beginners.

East of Raa and Baa, near Athlete Athlete, divers will meet the remains of Skipjack II fishing vessels and Gaafaru, which in two decades spent at the bottom of the ocean became part of the underwater life. The place of their flooding is easy to find: Skipjack II nose rises above the surface of the water. In addition, there are two excellent seatsand for diving Giri (coral accumulation, a few meters from the surface of the ocean): Anglassa, south of the huravali, rich in protrusions and faults, and Maa south-west of Canhuraa, where underwater flows create a fantastic diversity of marine flora and fauna. Another protected ocean zone called Couvenon Express offers pleasant divers with scuba, and Fushifara-tillage 250 m long with strong currents is a great place for "advanced" divers.

Southern Atolls

Given the proximity to Male, some of the southern atolls remains relatively undeveloped in the resort plan, perhaps, because the atolls are not so close to each other, as in the north Maldives. The slow pace of development made this terrain popular for safari on boats, which run on the archipelago in search of privacy and peace for their passengers.

If it were not for tourism, this zone could not be called active, especially on the islands where they are engaged in fishing and agriculture. As with the northern atolls, the number of resorts here barely exceeded the two-digit digit, it's along with those that developers still work. Male on its resort can fly on hydroplane for 35 or 45 minutes.


The absence of a lively boiler movement guarantees crystal clear water, and some even argue that local beaches - Some of the best in the Maldly Islands. And although drawing a rating of countless coastal lines It is almost impossible, walking in the sands of the BRAIND or VIL-RIF-resort, I really want to agree with them.


At the bottom at the bottom of the South Male atoll, in Vaava, there is the longest in the country of the raised reefs with a length of 55 km. She stretches from Khurahu Canda to the most southern atoll point. The main type of scuba diving in these places is a drift diving in Kyle, for which there are many excellent places, including Wattar Canda, a guarded zone and reef. Also popular tila (underwater coral reefs), in particular, photos, which many are included in the number best places For diving in the Maldives. It flows the amazing life of a variety of underwater inhabitants, and some corals are just dargeted.

Water sports

All ordinary water sports are available on the southern atolls, and among the centers that focus on this type of rest, you can allocate "Alimatha Aquatic", "MedHufushi" and "Vilu Reef".

Far South Atolls

The Maldives South Atolls, some of which are located on the other side of the equator, are rare islands, where tourists are freely mixed with the local population. The equatorial village is located on the southern atoll of the Sin island of Gan himself, at which traces of the British presence are preserved. Previously, there were two databases of the Royal Air Forces, which were liquidated in 1976, but English lawns and reconstructed barracks are still reminded of them.

Another unique feature of this part of the country is that here you can go in a straight line 17 km and without reaching water. This became possible thanks to the dam, which the British built, connecting the Gan with three islands - Fada, Marat and the chitada chief atoll - northeast of him. To visit these populated local residents Islands, no special permission is required, so they love to come here independent tourists who are curious to look at the real life of the Maldives. Relatively inexpensive (at the Maldives, of course) staying at the resort attracts a whole crowd of hiking tourists here.

Until recently, Gan was a pretty sleepy island, but in the near future everything should change. The fact is that the local airport brought in line with international standards, and now it can take a larger number of tourists seeking to visit the resorts, the number of which is steadily increasing. Geographical isolation Ghana caused the differences in culture and language, as well as flora and fauna, so travelers can get very different impressions of this island than from the rest of the Maldives. For many years, Gan remained single island In the group of distant southern atolls, on which the resort was built, but now he begins to compete from his neighbors.


If you prefer immaculately well-groomed beaches, it is better to settle somewhere else in the other place of the archipelago. The charm of the island of Gan is that it is possible to freely walk along its beaches, which do not observe a strict resort management, and mix with the locals. You can swim on Koattey Beach that on the northern tip Hitada.


Thanks to the almost complete absence of tourist infrastructures, ocean life flourishes in these places. Especially attractive in this sense atoll Sin, where divers will not find the crowd of their like-minded people. This atoll escaped that most The archipelago of the fading of corals, which gives it a special appeal. Perhaps the most famous place For divers, this is a multi-tanker British Loyalty tanker, which has torpedoed by the Japanese during World War II. Experimental divers are allowed to swim in the remains of the hull itself, where they are waiting for a dazzling variety of underwater life. Another point of attraction for the commune of scablastists is located to the northeast of Hulumida Shark Point, or shark the place called so because of the abundance of white and gray reef sharks.

Familiarity with local life

You can not miss a rare chance of dating from a real Maldives village. Go to the islands on a motorcycle, bicycle or on foot (in the equatorial village there are tours). There you will see the mosques, schools and remnants of the British stay. At the far end of the dam is the most adorable part of the atoll, the capital Hitada. There are many tea houses and a stadium in the center, where you can even see the competition. And on a lake with fresh water, Eydigali Kili can be admired by birds.

The wedding in the Maldives is not a fashion trend for a long time, but rather persistently not passing a pathos tradition that demonstrates the level of viability of the marriage. Order a ceremony in the best traditions of soap operas, which includes a visit to the spa, a romantic walk, a wedding ritual and a wedding picnic, smoothly turning into a wedding night in a secluded bungalow, can be right at the hotel. For spectacular theatrical formulation and wedding certificate will have to lay out 2833 Rufii (11,000 rubles). Fans of extreme and non-trivial impressions in the Maldives are offered underwater version of the solemn event. Rates for a wedding at the bottom of the sea in the company of experienced dive instructors are already more serious - in the area 3993 Rufi (15500 rubles).

The reverse side of the Maldives Paradise

On the most fashionable resort of the world, there are practically no natural sources of fresh water. Living moisture here or collected in the rainy season, or swinging from wells. The water produced from the atoll subsoil contains a large number of salts, so it is subjected to demineralization. However, it is still unsuitable for drinking, as it has a meager shelf life, in connection with which most tourists, and the indigenous people prefer to buy bottled water.

Own power plants in the Maldives are the subject of luxury, therefore, on a number of islands, fuel generators are replaced. And if on relatively populated atolls, electricity comes around the clock, then where the people are smaller, the light is served only in the evenings and then on a couple of hours.

The problem of garbage in an island state was decided ingenious and simply - a separate island was taken under household waste. But since official landfills are unable to accommodate the entire volume of accumulating waste, in some parts of Maldives to this issue are suitable with a large share of creative. For example, some atolls use sewer water to feed green plantings and enrich the soil with fertilizer from fish bits, in other parts of the resort, tourists are supplied with special bags for waste, which, after rest, the guest is obliged to take care of them. However, with all the efforts, it is not yet possible to completely get rid of garbage, so it is from time to the shores of the Maldives from time to time, plastic ejected by yacht passengers and boats.

Food and Drinks

In search of national Maldives it is better to go in Male, as the hotel kitchen works mostly from Sri Lanka, adapting food to their own culinary traditions. In the metropolitanly eaters work mainly islanders, so that food in them is the most authentic.

Oddly enough, but in the tropical paradise, the culinary preferences are more modest. True, such an unassumature is forced: the Maldives are growing little, except for bananas and coconuts. Products here are imported and, therefore, expensive, so local cooks are always in stock 1000 and one way of cooking rice with fish.

Frequenter Maldives - Tuna: Roasted, boiled, dried, smoked, dressed up to the condition of Souffle (Mas Huni), canned ... Love on Islands and Curry, which is much less sharp here than in neighboring India. From the first dishes, the Maldives prepare fish broth (Garuda). This tropic soup is booked for a few hours, having squeaked lime and chili and feeding everything with the same rice. Meat on the local tables - the guest is rare, since the pork in the Islamic country is prohibited, and the cattle on the atolls feed is simply nothing.

His "rice is the pressing" average of the Maldivec can slide coconut or lime juice, onions and chili pepper. The Bread Islanders replaces the fresh pellet Roshi (local variation on the topic of the Armenian lava), and the main drink here is the green tea with milk (Masala). Alcohol Maldives do not drink, but their portion of alcohol euphoria is obtained at the expense of Raa - the birth of palm juice. As for desserts, almost all of them are based on coconut. Bondi wand is considered the most striking representative of sweet dishes - a crushed and somewhat illustrated coconut chip delicacy, wrapped on the principle of Havana cigar.

Most hotels All Inclusive kitchen international. Of course, they are also sitting in the weeks of local delicacies, but on other days there are also French croissants, and the nightmare of each Maldivea is a juicy pork steaks.


The official monetary unit of the country is Maldives Rufia (0.06 dollars). The Rufi course is artificially supported in relation to the dollar, and its course is based on other currencies, so it makes no sense to look for a place where you can make a more profitable exchange. In the appeal go bills with a par value of 5, 10, 20, 50, 100, 500 and 1000 rugs and coins in 1 and 2 rugs. Exchange of foreign currency is made at the airport or in any of the banks, just keep in mind that the last on Friday and Saturday do not work. In all places where tourists are, they take American dollars and euros, they are in walking at all resorts. If you wish, you can not deal with cash at all, but ask to include all the costs of the hotel and pay at the end of your credit card.

Curious fact: Maldives printed their ruffs on the same paper as America dollars.


Tips, very relevant in nearby territories, such as India, do not have such a strong tradition in the Maldives. But low wages and foreign guests having a habit of giving tips began to change the situation. In most resorts, a guest immediately enshrine a certain table, so that it will be served by the same waiter throughout the rest. If you do not have a desire to deal with the trifle, then you can thank the service personnel on the last day. Some tour operators determine the amount of 10 dollars a week. There is no need to pay tips for taxi drivers or in a cafe. If you want to thank the local resident for photographed with you, he can be offended.


Shopping in a country where practically nothing is done, looks like a kind of quest. Although for an unassuming tourist in Maldives, of course, there is something authentic or skillfully this very authenticity imitating. It is worth noting that the majority of baubles with supposedly the Maldives, which are traded in the capital's bears, are in fact such not. All this, as a rule, Sri Lankan variations on the theme "True Maldives Souvenir".

For genuine creations of Maldives, Mahibadhu is better to go to the islands of Mahibadhu, Maafushi, Huura, Dold, where, for not the most modest amount, local craftsmen will gladly give you wooden boxes, miniature Donon, palm fiber mats, multicolored shells and funny monkeys from coconut. Hunters "For something like that" will definitely be responsible for the purchase of Maldives hookah of Gouda-Hood, in which the local grandmothers love to sleep for sleep. If the hookah did not work out, they will not be surprised with magnets and t-shirts, and bring a material reminder of vacation after all I want to take a look at the ritual drums Badu-take.

By the way, about T-shirts and magnets - you do not need to go far for them: all souvenir shops are small with this good. In them, you can get the notorious sharks of the teeth, which have long been turned into the main resort trophy.

Opening hours

Business life in Maldives freezes on Friday, as well as five times a day for 15 minutes during prayer. Stores can start their work at 6.00, but most often open at 8.00 or at 9.00. They usually close at 20.00, but some can work until 23.00. Public institutions and banks open at 7.30 or 8.00 and work until 13.30 from Sunday to Thursday.

Difference in time

The time difference with Moscow in Maldives is +1 hours in the summer (when in Moscow 11.00, in the Maldives is already 12.00) and +2 hours in winter.

  • Maldives do not celebrate birthdays. Moreover, this date is not even trying to remember.
  • The citizenship of the country can only live in it for several years of Muslim.
  • Maldives are included in the top 10 countries by the number of divorces (about 50%). At the same time, citizens carry criminal liability for marriage infidelity. Walking to the left here publicly "treat" a whisk.
  • The working week in the country begins on Sunday, and ends on Thursday.
  • Entry to Maldives with a dog is strictly prohibited: according to the Qur'an, this animal is considered unclean.
  • Resort's motto - No News, No Shoes! (No news, no shoes!).
  • The Maldives does not have the TAX Free system.
  • Male International Airport is located on an artificially created island.
  • At the Maldives, not only Halloween celebration is officially prohibited, but also the mention of it out loud.
  • The Maldives meet the largest fish in the world - a whale shark. Its size varies from 5.5 to 10 meters, and people can admire how this bulk cuts crystal clean waters Maldives.

Where to stay

Maldives are not the place where you can go with a hundred dollars clamped in a fist, to tear off the whole weekend and still bring the "delivery". On the one hand, there are several hostels and guest houses in the country, but even in such places from the tourist will require a far from a modest amount. You can, of course, try to negotiate with the locals and settle them, but it is rather an extreme option for backpackers and experienced adventurers. On the other hand, in tropical Paradise Not come to consider each bill and cut themselves in everything, so why not rest with a scope.

Local Housing Classic - Water Bungalows (Wooden Houses on Piles, Standing right in the Sea). Behind the splashing, the waves and the exclusive possibility of snorkeling in your own porch will have to pay an average of 5153 to 20,6611 Rufiy (20,000-80000 rubles). An excellent chance to combine comfortable living conditions and acquaintance with the most picturesque Maldives - yachts, renting cabins on which price equates to a great room number.

Budget chains in Maldives are relatively small, and in those settled in the main divers. More often than other recommends Gunbaru Inn, Rihiveli by Castaway and Sun Tan Beach. At prices there is a large scatter: you can find a number and for 902 ruffs (about 3500 rubles), and it is possible for 3865 (15000 rubles).


In the Maldives, the yellow fever is madly afraid, so the presence of vaccinations from this disease are scrupulously insisted from this disease. South America and Africa. All other causative agents of infections for some reason do not cause interest in local doctors, but, just in case, it is better to preliminarily hurt from rubella, measles, diphtheria, tetanus, polio, hepatitis A and B and abdominal typhoid. If you arrive not from an infected zone, then the vaccinations do not necessarily.

It is not necessary to leave and without the strategic reserve of the main medical staff - the normal pharmacies in the resort can be found unless in Male, while on most of the other islands the choice of drugs is extremely zudda, and the hospitalization in this country is worth a decent money. Without good sunscreen, repellent and bottles of water in Maldives are also better not to show. Due to the high concentration of solar radiation to earn sunburn At the equator, you can not just fall under the palm tree, but also sitting on the throat in the water.

Despite the fact that local beaches produce the impression of calm and "lazy" towns, do not hurry to demonstrate their own delets and swim in the line of red flags, which are noted safe sections for swimming. Of course, in most hotels on the shore, the guard is on duty, but underwater oceanic flows, with which it is impossible to cope until no one cancel.

Crime in the republic is minimized, so Maldives can be safely called one of the safest resorts. In force majeure situations, when not to do without the help of law enforcement agencies, it is better to apply for the protection of the hotel, which herself will set contact with the police station.


Cellular services at the resort are provided by Dhiraagu and OODOO operators, whose SIM cards can be purchased by the airport or in specialized male stores. The quality of communication is quite good, if only you have not gone too far into the sea. To replenish the balance of the phone is made with the help of special cards that are usually sold in hotels. The call to Russia with the SIM card of the Dhiraagu operator will cost in the area of \u200b\u200b4.9 Rufi / minute (about 19 rubles). For conversations within the country, it is better to use local payphones whose services are also paid by the card (easy to find in hotels and street vendors). For wealthy tourists there is such an exclusive option as calls to a landline telephone from the hotel room. So, if you are a happy owner of a pair of petroleum wells, - you can safely solve business questions, straight without leaving bed.

Free Wi-Fi in Maldives - "Beast" is rare and dwelling exclusively in hotels. Those who are not lucky with the hotel can be afraid in the Internet cafe of the capital, having lowered in them for an hour of online surfing from 45 to 150 Rufi (175-582 rubles), or connect the necessary service from one of the local cellular operators, thereby Having robbed itself at least 290 Rufi (1125 rubles.).

How to call to Maldives

To call from Russia to Maldives, dial:

  • from the city phone: 8-10-960 (Code Maldives) - the code of the desired city is the number of the subscriber;
  • from mobile phone: 8-10-960 - Mobile Operator Code - Mobile Phone Number of the Subscriber.

There are no zone codes in the Maldives. All rooms are now seven.

How to call abroad

To call from Maldives to Russia, dial:

  • from the city phone: 00 - 7 - the code of the desired city is the number of the subscriber in Russia (00 - the code of access to the international line; 7 - telephone code of Russia);
  • from a mobile phone: +7 - subscriber number. International Operator - 190; Reference - 11.


Ground transport in the Maldives is absent as such, the blessing of the overwhelming majority of the local islands can be wateted. And only in Male, the tourist can afford the luxury of ride for 27 Rufi (97 rubles) by taxi or for 4.70 (18 rubles) by bus.

For those who plan to travel from the island to the island, there are three main types of transport:

  • hydroplane;
  • boat / boat;
  • ferry.

The first option is ideal for travelers with an unlimited budget - there is a pleasure from 2400 to 3000 Rufi (9316-11645 rubles), but it gives a unique opportunity to look at the atoll chain from a bird's eye view. A ride on speedbote or the National Boat "Donon", depending on the remoteness of the destination, will cost 470-860 Rufi (1824-3380 rubles). Well, the ferry walk will be on the pocket even a budget tourist, since the final amount of the crossing will be from 31 to 46 Rufi (approximately 120-179 rubles). Main Airport The Maldives is located next to the capital, on a small island of Hulhul. It is here that all international flights arrive.


We strongly recommend getting the insurance, especially if you are going to spend time on the island; Delivery to the hospital in case of danger can do in a round sum. In any case, the acquisition of the same insurance will not be ruined: a two-week trip will cost approximately one euro per day. If you travel often, it is more profitable to buy an annual policy. The package of services may not include risk in class active recreation, such as swimming with scuba. When choosing the policy, be sure to consider it.


At the entrance to the Maldives, the tourist visa to Russian citizens put on a passport for free, for a period of 30 days. From foreign guest. A passport will be required with a period of at least six months, the return tickets, a receipt confirming the tourist service, and the presence of a sum of money at least $ 30 per day.

customs control

The Maldives does not have a restriction on the import and export of foreign currency. In addition, the resort can be divened to carry cigarettes (no more than 200 pieces) and perfume in an amount not exceeding 125 ml. But the goods worth 200 dollars (about 12,000 rubles) will have to declare.

Save money and nerves, once and forever abandoning an attempt to carry alcohol to Maldives (even bought in the stores Duty Free). Alcohol you will still take off and dispose of. The same fate will comprehend delicacies from pork and pornographic magazines. Local souvenirs should also be more inactive: with pearl oysters, corals and products from the shell armor (if it is not only certified products) from the equatorial paradise will not be released. It is allowed to carry a certain number of presents and tobacco. The prosecution of weapons or drugs is considered the greatest offense. The punishment can serve life imprisonment.


Those who travel through the countries of the Indian subcontinent, the international airport in Male will seem a sip of fresh air. Here, unlike other airports in this region, a civilized peace ofve reigns, passengers do not overcome crowds called, porters and taxi drivers. The airport is located on a separate island called Hulhul, which is not far from the capital. As soon as you come to the terminal, you will immediately see two rows of racks that belong to various resorts and tour operators. Find the one you need, and the representative will tell you about the transfer in all details. If your resort is near, there will be a high-speed boat, if far, then it is possible to get to the hydroplane. In any case, you will receive accurate instructions and freely, in the planned order will leave the airport. Upon returning to the reception at the hotel, you will also explain in detail all the details.

If you belong to the rare species of independent travelers, most likely you should go in Male. Between the capital and the island, where the airport is located around the clock, ferries run. They depart from the main pier in Hulhule and are moored to moles 9 and 10 in Male. Boats start every 15 minutes or when fill with the people, the trip costs 10 Rufi or 1 dollar. Approximately 10 dollars can rent a traditional Maldives Doni boat, which is now equipped with a motor.

To get information about flights, call Male International Airport: 333-8800.

In the Maldives you have the opportunity to visit in another, quite an unusual airport. Hydroplanes that transport passengers from small to the resorts land on the water and only then take off on a small floating platform a few more meters long and about as much width. From here on the boat you will be delivered to the desired island. The miniature sizes of these "airports" serve as a subject for jokes of resort companies. At one of the floating platforms there is a sign with the inscription: "Welcome to Sonya-Fushi International Airport."

How to get

Regular flights to Maldives from Moscow are carried out by the following airlines:

  • Aeroflot is direct flights from Sheremetyevo twice a week.
  • "Turkish Airlines" - Flights from Vnukovo with a transfer to Istanbul.
  • "Qatari Airlines" - Flights from Domodedovo with docking in Doha.
  • "Emirates" - with a change in Dubai.

You can go to the most expensive resort of the planet from St. Petersburg with "Turkish Airlines", "Aeroflot", "Russia" and "Emirates". All flights are connected. Another option is charters that fly away in the direction of Maldives from both Peter, so from other cities of Russia. Delivery to the hotel usually falls on the shoulders of tour operators, whose representatives meet their customers already at the exit of the aircraft.

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