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Poland is an amazing country with rich history and unique natural beauties. The Polish government is very careful about its cultural heritage, and therefore everything historical monuments Here they are restored in a timely manner and are under state protection.

The sights of Poland are so diverse that sometimes it becomes incomprehensible how all this splendor could fit into such a small area. We present to you the 15 best Polish attractions with photos and descriptions that you must see when visiting this unique country.

Morskoe Oko National Park is located in a picturesque mountainous area near the lake of the same name. The territory of the reserve is well-groomed and landscaped. There are cafes, toilets, paved paths and other infrastructure facilities that make the holiday more comfortable and convenient for tourists.

Despite the amenities, the Poles managed to preserve the pristine nature here. Mountain streams, picturesque meadows, the cleanest coastline and the diversity of wildlife create the impression of traveling through lands untouched by man. Fishermen love to relax here, in secluded bays rich in fish, families with small children and cheerful youth groups. If you go deep into the reserve you can find interesting places that you won't find anywhere else.

The Bieszczady Mountains are recognized as a national treasure and the most picturesque landmark in Poland. national reserve is a part Carpathian Mountains and presented unique natural resources, untouched by human hand. You can relax in the reserve at any time of the year. In winter they arrange here ski slopes, and in the summer walking routes.

When you come on an excursion to Bieszczady, you will probably meet strange people who seem to have come out of ancient times. This is a kind of community. Its members voluntarily went to live in the mountains and abandoned all the benefits of civilization. Zakopers, as they call themselves, are very good-natured and sociable. They live by crafts and hunting. Natural attractions will be of interest to tourists who prefer active recreation.

is a unique city. Only he was able to avoid total destruction during the Second World War. Thanks to this, here you can see real medieval buildings that have survived to this day in their original form. Guides advise starting the tour from the Old Town.

Krakow is more than 10 centuries old and for most of its history it was the capital of the country. Here you can visit Wawel Hill, the Market Square, the Basilica of the Virgin Mary, Kazimierz, numerous museums, monuments and parks. According to official data, there are 125 ancient churches in Krakow, 60 of which are located in the old part.

Krakow water park is recognized as the most interesting in all of Eastern Europe. There are 8 roller coasters here, the total length of which is more than 720 m. If you like to tickle your nerves and test your fortitude, then Black Pipe is for you. The height of this slide is more than 18 m, and its length is more than 200 m.

All conditions are created here for a family holiday. Children are entertained by animators, there are children's and adult pools. If you want to relax, you can enjoy a hydromassage session, visit the sauna or take a dip in the geyser. For lovers active rest There are fitness clubs, gyms and even beauty salons.

Krakow is also considered significant historical city. Here are the most interesting places in the country. Among the most striking and impressive is Wawel Castle, located on the banks of the Vistula River. This residence was built in the 11th century and served as the home of monarchs until the 16th century.

The historical complex includes not only the central house, but also the cathedral, where royalty was crowned. Today the palace houses a museum of tapestry art. There is a unique collection of exhibits here, which has no analogues in the world. The tour includes a visit to the castle, cathedral, mysterious cave and museum complex.

When traveling around Poland, be sure to check out. Here, not far from the center, is the Temple of Our Lady of Fatima. The temple was built in gratitude to Our Lady of Fatima in 1992 after the happy rescue of Pope John II in 1981.

This church was named Fatima in honor of the appearance of the face of the Mother of God to three girls in the small village of Fatima in Portugal. Then the Mother of God told the girls about three incidents that would invariably affect the history of mankind. Two of these prophecies have already happened. The temple is famous for its rich decoration, beautiful stained glass windows and a magnificent unique altar.

7. Majestic Warsaw

Warsaw is a unique city; there is something for everyone to see. He is the personification of the Poles' love for their homeland and their heritage. During the Second World War most of unique buildings were simply wiped off the face of the Earth, but the proud people of this small country painstakingly restored all the historical sights of Poland in the smallest detail.

Majestic Warsaw - this is what the Poles usually call this city, and this is what tourists also call it. Historical value here they represent not individual objects, but entire neighborhoods, walks through which will give you a lot of impressions and different emotions. Start your journey from the old part, and you will be able to see all the most interesting and memorable things in the capital.

In Poland, the bus network of the Polski Bus carrier is well developed, with which you can get to every point on our route. And what is important for your budget, the cost of the trip will not exceed €5-6, and if you plan everything in advance, there are almost always tickets for €1.

Accommodation prices in all cities on the route are approximately the same:

  • bed in a hostel - from €5
  • room in a 3* hotel - from €20 for two
  • room in a 5* hotel - from €70 for two

The easiest way to get to Poland from Ukraine is by plane. U Wizz Air there are cheap ones to various Polish cities, including Katowice - a city that is located not far from Krakow, and where we can conveniently start our route.

There are also direct buses and trains from Kyiv and Lviv, or you can make the most budget route with several transfers and crossing the border on foot.


Just a few hours and you will find yourself in a medieval - cultural capital Poland. Its heart is the Old Town (listed cultural heritage UNESCO) with the spacious Market Square, St. Mary's Church and Wawel Castle. For a long time, Krakow was the place of coronation of Polish monarchs, although the country's capital was in Warsaw - you can learn more about this on the excursion "

1. By area, Poland ranks 69th in the world and 9th in Europe.

2. The word "Poland" comes from the name of the Polanie tribe, which means "people living in the open field."

3. About 35% of the 60 million Poles live abroad. Large Polish-speaking communities live in the USA, Canada, Great Britain, Germany, Australia, Brazil and Argentina.

4. Poland boasts 17 Nobel laureates (more than Japan, China, India or Australia), including four peace prizes and five in literature. Polish-born Marie Curie (Maria Skłodowska) was the first and only Nobel laureate in two different sciences and the first female professor at the Sorbonne.

5. Polish astronomer Nicolaus Copernicus was the first to suggest that the Earth is not the center of the Universe.

6. Poland is ethnically homogeneous; only small national minorities live on the country’s territory: Ukrainians, Belarusians, Slovaks, Lithuanians and Germans.

7. Among the Slavic languages, Polish is the second in the number of speakers, after Russian.

8. Poland is the world's largest exporter of amber. Since ancient times, the country has been famous for its amber, which for more than 1000 years was transported along the Amber Route from the Baltic Sea to the Adriatic coast. Gdansk, a city in northern Poland, is a great place for amber shopping.

9. Before World War II, Poland was the European center of Jewry, with 3.3 million Jews living in the country. 450 thousand Poles saved Jews from death during the Holocaust. The state of Israel awarded 6,135 Poles the title of Righteous among the Nations, this is the largest number among all nationalities.

10. Nazi-occupied Poland was the only territory where any kind of assistance to Jews was officially punishable by death. Up to 50 thousand Poles were executed by the Nazis for saving Jews.

11. Polish “pies” (analogous to Ukrainian dumplings. – Ed.)– the most famous Polish dish outside of Poland.

12. In Poland, beer is often served with raspberry or blackcurrant juice (piwo z sokiem), which should be drunk through a straw. In cold weather, it is customary to drink hot beer with cloves and cinnamon, sweetened with honey (piwo grzane).

13. Poland is included “in the vodka belt of Europe.” The history of vodka production in the country goes back more than 500 years. The first Polish vodka appeared in the 11th century. It was called gorzalks and was used as a medicine.

14. Pope John Paul II (Karol Wojtyla) was the only Polish Pope. His tenure as papacy was the second longest in history. He is credited with helping hasten the end of communism in Poland and throughout Central and Eastern Europe. His ancestral home in Wadowice, near Krakow, is now a place of pilgrimage.

15. Catholicism is so popular in Poland that the country broadcasts a television channel dedicated to the Pope.

16. Poles more often than representatives of other nationalities won the title “World’s Strongest Man”. Pole Mariusz Pudzianowski is a five-time winner of this competition.

17. Poland has one of the best preserved Neolithic flint workings (3500-1200 BC) in the world. This is one of the most valuable archaeological sites in Europe.

18. One of the oldest salt mines in the world – the Wieliczka Salt Mine (Kopalnia Soli Wieliczka) – was built in the 13th century. It consists of corridors and galleries on seven underground levels at depths from 57 m to 198 m with a total length of more than 200 km. It is also called the "Underground Salt Cathedral" due to the three chapels and the entire cathedral that were carved out of the salt mountain by miners. Since 1978, the salt mine has been included in the UNESCO World Heritage List.

19. Poles are well educated: 90% of young people have at least a secondary education. 50% of Poles have an academic degree.

20. Restaurant Piwnica Świdnicka in Wroclaw is the oldest in Europe. It has been in operation since 1275.

21. In Poland it is still customary to kiss women’s hands when they meet.

22. One of the most popular songs in Poland is Żeby Polska była Polską, which was written in 1976 and became an anthem for protesters against the communist regime. Speaking in 1982, Ronald Reagan titled his speech Let Poland Be Poland, and Queen Elizabeth II quoted the song when speaking in the Polish Parliament.

23. In Warsaw there is a street named after Winnie the Pooh - Kubusia Puchatka Street. The street has a length of 149 m.

24. Many Poles consider their name day a more important holiday than their birthday.

25. One of the Christmas traditions in Poland is watching the movie Home Alone.

On Wawel Hill above the Vistula are located the Royal Castle And Cathedral Saints Stanislaus and Wenceslas. The first fortifications appeared in the 11th century. The castle and church were rebuilt several times during the 15th-18th centuries. The castle houses an exhibition dedicated to the life of Polish kings.

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Royal Palace and Castle Square (Warszawa) ☆☆☆☆☆

The palace was built in 1598-1618. Completely destroyed during the Second World War, rebuilt in 1971-1988. The palace houses an art museum.
The square is located between the palace and the Old Town. In the middle of the square is the column of King Sigismund (1644).

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Old Town Market Square (Warszawa) ☆☆☆☆☆

Appeared in the 13th century, modern planning and development took shape in the 17th century. It is a rectangle measuring 90 x 73 meters. In 1855, a monument to the siren was erected in the center of the square. During the Second World War it was almost completely destroyed, restored in the early 1950s.

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Wieliczka Salt Mine ☆☆☆☆☆

The rock salt deposit was developed from the 13th to the 20th centuries. The mine is located on 7 underground levels at a depth of 57 to 198 m, the passages have a length of more than 200 km. Included in the list of UNESCO World Heritage Sites.
The mine has been shown to privileged people since the 15th century. The public museum began to take shape in the 18th century. IN
Currently, its exhibitions reflect the development of methods and technologies for salt extraction over 7 centuries. In addition, in the mine shafts, chambers and chapels there are many salt sculptures made not only by professionals, but also by the mine workers themselves. different times.
Excursions are conducted (including in Russian 1-2 times a day).

Choosing for yourself good tour to Poland, every traveler, to one degree or another, is guided by the most beautiful cities. Of course, if possible, he wants to visit all popular centers in one trip and explore their sights to the maximum.

In order for you to select such a tour as easily as possible, let’s look at the most interesting centers in this country from a tourist point of view, so that you know where to get tickets.

Cities of Poland - excerpts for each

All tourists who managed to visit this amazing country, naming their most impressive cities, they agree on the following:

  • Warsaw- the capital of Poland, a city that combines ancient examples of architecture, as well as modern high-rise buildings. Despite the fact that Warsaw now plays the role of the main administrative center, it manages to maintain its flavor. This city has a lot of attractions, which is why it is often the first place that visitors are advised to visit. It is no coincidence that it is included in the UNESCO World Heritage List.
  • Krakow– the second center in terms of administrative workload, but not in importance. This Old city, there are a lot of interesting objects here, from Rynok Square to small churches. Unlike Warsaw, this former capital Poland was practically not damaged during the war, so the city managed to preserve its original architecture in full.
  • Torun- another wonderful Polish city that managed to survive the Second World War without losses. All the architecture and unusual Polish flavor have also been preserved here. Now it is rightfully considered the center of Europe, of course, cultural. If you choose what exactly to focus on here, you should still pay attention to the old part. Although new cozy areas here are quite capable of charming tourists.
  • Katowice– this city is quite young, about two centuries old. However, today it is one of the most cozy Polish places. There is quite interesting original architecture and original sights. It is worth choosing it mainly for those tourists who are already tired of the pomp of Warsaw and Krakow.
  • Gniezno. This city is the first capital of Poland. The most interesting thing that has been preserved here is Rynok Square (in almost all cities of this country it is a special attraction), as well as several churches.
  • Bydgoszcz– a completely unusual city for Poland. Most of all, it resembles Venice. The main attraction here is the Bydgoszcz Canal.
  • Wroclaw– another ancient city, in which famous old cathedrals are concentrated. Included in the UNESCO heritage list.
  • Poznanhistorical Center. A small but very cozy town that should be visited by everyone who wants to know Poland and its history thoroughly.
  • Wieliczka– a city that still hosts the best Polish balls to this day. It is recommended to go here only during the season, and only by invitation, otherwise you will risk missing out on all the fun.
  • Lublin- Another largest place in Poland, where there are quite a lot of historical museums, There is cultural centers and several interesting sites for tourists. And although this city no longer plays the role in the life of the state that it had several centuries ago, you should definitely stay in it.

There are several other small but interesting cities in this country. These are Zakopane, Malbork and some others. But, unfortunately, they are not of such special interest to tourists as the above-mentioned ones.

Main attractions of cities

Almost each of the cities presented has a number of special attractions, without which its understanding would not be complete.

Krakow may be the most interesting of its kind. It is here that Wawel Castle, Kazimierz, and the Bishops' Palace are located. A special zone of this city is Planty. This is a kind of park ring around the old center.

In total, Krakow accounts for a quarter of the country's museum art. Therefore, those traveling to this city can absolutely say that they will find something to see here. You should definitely visit the Czartoryski Museum here; without it, a tour of the city would probably be incomplete. Those who like to spend time with more modern entertainment should definitely visit the local water park. He deserves the highest praise.

For those who want to appreciate the state pomp of Poland best place will become Warsaw. Here you will have to explore the Royal Square, visit several palaces at once: Wilanów, made in the Baroque style, Royal Palace, as well as museums: Museum of the Polish Army, National Museum Warsaw, Chopin Museum and many others. Those who want to appreciate the full flavor of the city cannot do without the so-called Old Town, Rynok Square, as well as the Krakowskie Przedmieście.

In Lublin, if you choose this city for yourself, you should focus on the Crown Tribunal, Krakow Gate, and the Church of the Dominican Order. The most extreme tourists can also be offered a visit to Majdanek. But those who do not want to remember the horrors of war should go down to the city dungeon. In Poland this is one of the most popular such objects.

How to visit all cities in a few days

The easiest way to visit all cities in a few days is to choose a ready-made tour from those offered by agencies.

Today there are quite a lot of them. They can include both the two main cities - Warsaw and Krakow, and several smaller ones in addition. Most often these are tours Warsaw-Krakow-Wroclaw, Warsaw-Krakow-Torun and others, depending on the main theme of the excursion.

Such excursions are designed in such a way that a person stays in one place for no more than a day or two. Overnight stays on such tours are mainly in hotels, which are booked by the same company that organizes the trip.

The only disadvantage of such excursions: they, as a rule, have a standard set of monuments, which by default are mandatory for every visitor to see.

They are very good for those visiting Poland for the first time. But if a person is visiting the country for the second or third time, you can either look for more exotic tours (thematic excursions, for example, dedicated to churches or castles of the country), or create a program yourself, which in duration will correspond to a standard tour, but will differ according to the list of places. This way you can easily calculate the time and make a personal tour for yourself.

One way or another, you will be able to choose the optimal program for yourself that will satisfy all your travel expectations. And who knows, maybe one of the cities will amaze you so much that you will definitely want to get to know it better, but as part of a completely different tour.


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