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Volkonsky dolmen

The unique Volkonsky dolmen is located 200-300 meters from the Novorossiysk-Sochi highway in the gorge of the Godpik River.

In the vicinity of Sochi there are tiled, composite monolithic, cruciform and well-shaped dolmens. A remarkable example of a megalithic dolmen is the Volkonsky dolmen.

A flat platform was carved out of a huge piece of sandstone rock at a height of 4 meters. Overhanging it is a façade wall with a hole through which the main horseshoe-shaped chamber with a spherical ceiling is “hollowed out”. On the roof of this dolmen there is a round depression, up to 60 cm in diameter and depth. There is only one convenient stepped approach to it from the platform in front of the facade along the end of the wall.

During construction, a cut was made in the monolith and part of the monolith with the dolmen was deployed with the dolmen's façade oriented toward the summer solstice. When studying the dolmen, it was found that the megalith is located in a zone of seismic activity, which is a generator of acoustic waves with frequencies that resonate in the dolmen chamber.

Dolmens are acoustic devices that generate at different frequencies. Sort of information portals into subtle worlds. All dolmens “hum” and the Volkonsky dolmen incl.

According to some scientists, this is (exactly like others) an ancient sanctuary of our ancestors, who used it for ritual ceremonies, for communication with the subtle worlds, with deities, with spirits, with ancestors, as well as for the transition to information fields (to the concept " death" in those days was treated somewhat differently than now).

The dolmen received its name in honor of Princess Volkonskaya, who spent a lot of time in spiritual communication with the dolmen. It is approximately 9.5 thousand years old (!). In a number of cases, the placement of dolmens near springs has been noted, and the dolmen on the Godpik River is located next to a mineral spring. The technique of constructing and processing dolmen-monoliths required knowledge of certain techniques, possibly related to the use of skills to control sound waves or something else.

Not a single excursion here is complete without a story about two brothers and the beautiful bride of one of them. A young man from a noble and wealthy family, who fell in love with a poor, rootless girl, was forbidden by his elder brother to even think about his chosen one, ordering him not to disgrace the family.

And then the unfortunate lover exclaimed in his hearts that it was better to turn into stone than to live without his beloved. Heaven immediately fulfilled the request made to them. The repentant older brother, unable to bear the loss, decided to share the fate of the younger one. So here the second one arose stone statue. It is clear that the beauty could not stay in this world without her beloved, and she became a beautiful small river with clear, cool water.

Exact location of the dolmen: along the section of the Lazarevskoye-Sochi highway, passing the village of Soloniki, after about 2 km on the right of the road you will see a parking lot. The road goes into the forest, towards the sea and after 300 meters leads to a dolmen. Nearby there is a mineral weak hydrogen sulfide spring. If you follow the path behind the dolmen, you can see the picturesque rock “Two Brothers”.

Unfortunately, recently some tourists have brought here the not very good custom of tying scraps of fabric and polyethylene on the trees around the dolmen. This not only spoils the view, but also destroys trees.

After all, there are up to 300 people a day here during the season. Imagine what the nature around you will turn into if everyone becomes “infected” with such a hobby.

The Volkonsky dolmen is a unique monolithic structure carved into the rock. Dolmens these days are very rare structures in themselves. One of these ancient structures is located in the village of Volkonka (near the city of Sochi).

The length of the dolmen is a little more than 16 meters, the width is 8 meters, and the height is 1.5 meters. This is the uniqueness of the Volkonsky dolmen. Its size is considered enormous.

The design itself is very unusual; some may have never even heard of it. We will tell you what a dolmen is, why people built it in ancient times, what is unique about the Volkonsky dolmen and how you can get to it to see this man-made miracle with your own eyes.

Excursions to the Volkonsky dolmen from Sochi

Various excursions are organized from Lazarevsky and Sochi to the Volkonsky dolmen. Usually visiting a dolmen is just part of the route, that is tourist group doesn't stay there for long. The guide tells tourists about the history and uniqueness of the monolithic ancient building, then everyone, as a rule, goes to the waterfalls in mountain gorge in Lazarevskoe.

The cost of the excursion depends on the number of people in the group, route and duration. The average price is from 800 to 2,500 rubles.

Another important clarification: to go to the dolmen, tourists need to pay 100 rubles.

What is a dolmen

Scientists believe that the first dolmens appeared in the Bronze Age, that is, in the 2-3 millennia BC.

Dolmens are called stone tables, this is due to appearance designs. Usually dolmens were built in the shape of the letter P: two huge stones the stove was installed. Less commonly, dolmens were monolithic, that is, carved from stone, and closed - a stone slab with a hole blocked the entrance. Sometimes the structures were complex and consisted not of three slabs, but of 4-5 or more - such dolmens were called tiled. The weight and size of the slabs varied, but on average each of them reached 500 kilograms.

Most often, dolmens were built on the ground, less often - on a mound. They were usually tombs or served for various magical rituals.

Volkonsky dolmen on Google panorama

Features of the Volkonsky dolmen in Sochi

The uniqueness of the Volkonsky dolmen is indisputable. This is the only monolithic dolmen in the world that has survived to this day. The chamber was carved into the rock through a small hole. However, outwardly it looks like a tiled dolmen.

The entrance to the dolmen is round in shape. The internal chamber is dome-shaped, its height is only 1.5 meters. The walls inside the dolmen are not polished, so archaeologists have an assumption that for some reason work on the chamber was completed ahead of time.

Also, the uniqueness of the Volkonsky dolmen lies in its size (they are listed above). For a dolmen they are considered very large. There is a small depression on the roof - the so-called ritual bowl. It served to collect rainwater, which ancient people used for rituals.

The dolmen, located in the suburbs of Sochi, received its name in honor of Princess Volkonskaya, who loved to visit these places and often came to the dolmen itself.

The Volkonsky dolmen is considered a place of incredible power. There is an opinion - if you make a wish here and leave a coin or ribbon in place, then it will certainly come true.

How to get there

The Volkonsky dolmen is located in the village of Volkonka, not far from the route along which intercity buses run. Below you will find information on how you can get to this ancient structure on your own.

By public transport

The closest public transport stop to the Volkonsky dolmen is on the highway. You can get to the Glinishche stop from Lazarevskoye by buses No. 155, , , , . They depart from the railway station Lazarevskoye station. The distance between the station and the Glinishche stop is 8.3 kilometers.

From the Sochi railway station, bus number 155 runs to the same stop in the village of Volkonka. The distance between these two points is 58 kilometers.

You can also get to the village of Volkonka by train, which runs from Sochi to Lazarevskoye and back. Along the way, she makes a stop in Volkonka. See the link below for the traffic schedule.

By car

If you are heading to the village of Volkonka from Lazarevskoye, then the route will be as follows: leave the village along the Sochi highway, follow the highway past the Psezuapse and Tsuskhvadzh rivers. Following the signs, you will reach Volkonka in about 11 minutes. The distance from the center of Lazarevskoye to the Volkonsky dolmen is 8.3 kilometers. See the route map on Google Map.

For those who hit the road from Sochi: from the city you need to leave the Batumi highway, follow the villages of Uchdere, Nizhneye Uchdere, Gornoye Loo, Vardane, Detlyazhka, Shakhe, across the Shakhe river and the village of Katkova Shchel to Volkonka. The distance between Sochi and Volkonka is 58 kilometers. You will spend at least 1 hour 13 minutes on the road. See the route map on Google Map.

You can also use the services of local taxi services - Uber and Yandex.Taxi.

One of the interesting periods in my life is connected with the Volkonsky dolmen. Then, for example, I generally changed the direction of my life and professional activity. The dolmen has nothing to do with it, but when I find myself in such places, nostalgia and memories wash over me like a wave. So it was this time when I came to him, completely different, completely different from who I was at our previous meeting.

It so happened that I had a small picture in mind, and since I had long wanted to take normal photographs of the Volkonsky dolmen, and just walk along the beautiful Volkonsky gorge, then, of course, I taxied to it. Fortunately, the parking lot is located next to the highway, I passed it anyway, and the walk there is very close.

Morning, right after the rain. The sun had just broken through the trees, but the gorge, the sun comes here later than on the coast. Slight fog. Everything around is wet and that’s why it’s so bright, such a deep, rich green color all around. Slippery. The air temperature is pleasant, cool, but warm when moving, just right for walking. There is a massive dolmen, a giant, carved into the rock. It is unique, there are no others like it on the coast, made entirely from a piece of rock. And there are only a few of them in the world. Imagine, someone spent a lot of time, and for some purpose unclear to us, they created this structure. Scientists have never come to a consensus about why they were built, and almost every year a new version is put forward.

A design for ribbon lovers, with a dolmen in the background

If you try to plunge into the atmosphere of a place, you can imagine a lot of things, communicate with the dolmen and its spirit, communicate with your inner self, turn to God and higher powers, depending on what and who you believe in, and whether you believe at all.

I thought I wouldn’t meet anyone, but one of the souvenir shops was getting ready to open. It’s strange, it’s already October, the season is over, is anyone really coming, and at 8 am at that? Then I met my grandfather; he came to a hydrogen sulfide spring for water. He said that before all the locals drank this water without restrictions, but now they put up signs everywhere saying you shouldn’t drink it often, you have to dose it. It tastes like stale eggs, I definitely wouldn’t drink it every day, but it’s worth trying once, you’ll know what it is. It looks like water, but the receptors say eggs.

You can walk further along the gorge. At the end of the path you will see two “Two Brothers” stones leaning against each other. Nothing special, but a 5-10 minute walk in the woods is good for your health. In addition, the path itself is beautiful, roots underfoot, stones, a small cliff.

The tradition of propping up stones with sticks came to us from abroad.


Visiting information

Entrance is 100 rubles, children under 10 years old are free. If you come in the morning before 8-9 am and in the evening after 6 pm, you can usually get in for free.

It takes no more than 1 hour to visit the dolmen and rocks. And if you just go up to look at the dolmen and return back to the parking lot, then 20-30 minutes will be enough.

How to get there

If you are by car, it is very easy to get there. Drive along the highway until you see a large sign “Volkonsky Dolmen”, this is a parking lot. On the map below you can see where it is located, almost immediately after Lazarevsky, if you go towards Sochi.

You can also get there by public transport, the easiest way is by train, you need to get off at Volkonskaya station, it is second after Lazarevsky. And then walk up the village, there is one main road. There will be a couple of branches, but ask any local where the dolmen is, he will show you. From the train station the walk is about 20 minutes.

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The Black Sea coast of the Western Caucasus is literally dotted with dolmens, reminiscent of the ancient peoples who inhabited these lands, their culture, traditions and beliefs. Among them there is one that is unique even by world standards. This is the monolithic Volkonsky dolmen, which reached its contemporaries in almost perfect condition. Even in Europe, where stone buildings began to be protected from vandalism and destruction back in the 18th century, there are simply no analogues to it. What is striking is not only its size, but also the titanic efforts that the nameless architects spent on the construction of the mystical structure.

A little about dolmens

Historians cannot say exactly where dolmens first began to be built. It is believed that this could be the Iberian Peninsula, Balearic Islands or Sardinia. It is believed that these were ritual and religious buildings that served as spiritual centers for ancient people. Located in centers of geo- and electromagnetic activity, they have certain paranormal properties. Being near them for a long time has been proven by doctors to affect a person. For example, cell division or platelet formation and glucose release accelerate, blood pressure rises and migraines occur, which adversely affects the body.

In the western part Caucasus Mountains About 3 thousand structures of the late “megalithic” period were discovered, which can be divided into two types: composite and monolithic. The first are built from several stones or rock slabs, as if made up of parts, the second are hollowed out in solid pieces of rock. Most of them have been destroyed by time or man, but some are well preserved, reaching our time in almost pristine condition.


The Volkonsky dolmen belongs to the monolithic group and is the only completed and surviving representative of this type. Its uniqueness lies in the fact that even the roof of the building is part of the “native” rock, and not a stone partition placed on top over time. It is carved inside a huge piece of stone (about 17-18 meters long and about 8 meters wide), and it is difficult to imagine how they could do this more than 4,000 years ago.

Externally, the dolmen looks exactly like its tiled “brothers”, with a furnished facade and a round entrance-hole. Behind it lies a fairly large dome-shaped interior space, with a ceiling height of up to 1.5 meters, where several adults can easily fit. The main cavity was created by removing softer rocks and sand, but the walls still bear marks from the chisel used to widen the chamber.

The floor of the interior is also stone and flat, processed by man, and has a recess near the entrance. Some scientists believe that it serves to collect moisture in one place. Others suspect “black archaeologists” who were looking for anything valuable inside.

At the back of the rock in which the dolmen is carved, there is a second bowl-shaped recess, which causes controversy among experts. Some are sure that this is the first place where ancient builders tried to break into the stone. The second suggests that this is a religious recess that was used for ritual purposes.

In addition to all the mystical properties inherent in stone structures, the Volkonsky dolmen constantly emits a “hum” at low frequencies, inaudible to the human ear. This has been proven by scientists and measuring instruments. Thus, it indirectly confirms the hypothesis, which is fantastic for most, that the structures could be used as “relays”, providing “cellular” communications between various tribes and villages of ancient people.

Where is the Volkonsky dolmen and how to get there

Geographically, the dolmen is located near the village Volkonka, 60 kilometers north of the center of Greater Sochi, in the valley of the mountain river Godlich. The settlement is part of the Lazarevsky district of the resort city, located on the A-147 highway, the only one running along the entire Black Sea coast. From the village itself to the Volkonsky Gorge there are about 600 equipped meters in one direction, so a visit to the dolmen can be called a “weekend” excursion, accessible even to small tourists.

To visit the Volkonsky dolmen, just get to Volkonka using a personal or public transport, where the walking part of the route begins. Please note that the megalith is located on the right side of the highway (towards the sea), when looking in the direction Sochi .

What else to see in the gorge

Behind the Volkonsky dolmen there is a hydrogen sulfide mineral spring, the water into which comes directly from a geological fault. Under no circumstances should you drink it, but it has beneficial properties when used externally (washing, pouring or rubbing).

A trail starts from the spring and runs along the river along the bottom of the gorge. It is well maintained, not difficult, and in the right places is equipped with railings and bridges. The path leads to another attraction of Volkonka and Lazarevsky– rock “Two Brothers”. This rock formation consists of two rock blocks that form an irregular arch, under which the Godlich flows. Rocks overgrown with moss and vegetation, streams of water running out with murmurs create a stunning impression, worthy of a short trip to them.

It becomes especially interesting after becoming acquainted with the legend, according to which the stone giants are siblings, and the river is the lover of one of them. Locals They say that a long time ago a young man named Aslan lived in these places. He was from a rich and noble family, but he fell in love with the commoner Godlich, whose marriage with whom all his relatives protested. Especially her brother, Khadzhimuk, who demanded never to meet with her again.

The young man could not give up his love, preferring to turn into stone, and his brother, realizing what he had done, also became a rock, remaining nearby forever, atonement for his guilt. This conversation and the transformation of her beloved into stone was seen by Godlich, who also did not want to part with Aslan, and became a mountain river, washing the bases of the rocks with its eternal flow. They say that on special days, if you listen closely, you can make out the names of the brothers and the would-be bride in the murmur of water.


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