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And Olkhon Island starts at 10:00, or even earlier, we were respectively late for them. The only excursion that started at 11:00 was called “Trip to the Holy Springs”, its price was 1300 rubles per person. This is a one-day boat excursion with a stop on Ogoy Island and a visit to the holy springs

We were offered a transfer to the pier for 200 rubles. (!?) or walk. 200 rub. - somehow very steep, the pier is a 20-minute walk along the street. Baikalskaya. We, of course, decided that we would walk. There were already about forty people standing on the pier, after some time two ships arrived, we all loaded up and set sail. I will not describe the trip on the ship itself, you need to experience it yourself, everything around is very beautiful and difficult to describe in words.

The only advice is to take warm clothes on water excursions: jackets, sweaters, etc. The wind on the water is very cold, although we were there at the end of July, and in general it was warm on the island + 25-27. And also take swimsuits with you - the excursion route sometimes passes through the warm lakes of Baikal, where you can swim to your heart's content.

After an hour of our sailing, we moored to the island of Ogoy. Our guide was a young girl (as it turned out, she was still a schoolgirl, her name was Alena or Lena, her parents run the Internet cafe “Nerpenok”), who explained that Ogoy Island is a holy place and you can’t take anything from here with you: stones, flowers (especially red).

You can only, as in all holy places on Lake Baikal, leave gifts to the local Gods in the form of coins, sweets, cigarettes, someone even left sneakers...

On the island there is a Buddhist stupa, which was built by the wife of a local oil tycoon on her own initiative. The stupa was consecrated by the Dalai Lama himself. Inside it are holy relics of Buddhism, weapons famous personalities, in particular, Kolchak’s saber, and some other valuables from precious metals. metals The stupa is a message to people (or someone else, maybe aliens) of future generations about our civilization. Although I have a hard time believing that there is drag there. metals - in this case the stupa would have been dismantled brick by brick long ago.

The guide also said that here on this island near the stupa you can cleanse yourself spiritually from various experiences, worries, problems, etc. To do this, you need to walk around the stupa 8 times barefoot along a path previously laid with stones. Because Everyone probably had a lot of problems and worries, but the weather was good, most agreed to “arrange a round dance” around the stupa. I didn’t feel any particular cleansing, maybe I’ll realize it later...

Then it was time for lunch. We were fed freshly cooked fish soup from the famous Baikal omul and vegetable salad. We had a good lunch, everything was delicious.

The next point on our water excursion around Lake Baikal is the mainland and the holy springs. On the mainland we were promised real Buryat poses, which are prepared better here than anywhere else. After another hour-long boat ride, we landed on the mainland, where a big bummer awaited us. There were no poses, and there was no food at all, and the prices for drinks were so high that all desire to drink disappeared. I wonder what the price would be for the poses? On Olkhon it is 30 rubles/piece. There would probably be 50-60 here.

For about 35 minutes we climbed the mountains to the springs. The road passed through a coniferous forest: fresh air, around the mountain, Baikal splashing behind. The hand reaches out to the camera, although more than a hundred photographs of Baikal have already been taken, but it is still impossible to resist.

Well, finally, the holy springs. There are two of them: one female, the other male. The water in them, of course, is healing. Helps against diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. One source helps women, the other helps men. A line of people immediately lined up near them wanting to cure their stomach. One guy drank from a female spring, he was told, now that’s it, breasts will grow like a woman’s. We picked up bottles and drank. After a long journey in the heat, the cold water came in handy.

On the way back, the girl guide promised us a swim in a warm lake, but... No one told my friend and I that we needed to take a swimsuit and swimming trunks with us, we were not in danger of that. While everyone was swimming, I wrote the lines that you are reading now.

But now our journey around Lake Baikal is coming to an end, or rather not the journey itself, but only one of the excursions. Everyone returns from the lake, and we set sail for home. What I liked most about this excursion around Lake Baikal was the trip on the ship itself (a ship, of course, is a strong word, something like a longboat).

Before this, we traveled from the ferry to Khuzhir by bus, now almost the entire way by ship. Open from the sea beautiful views to Olkhon Island and the mainland. Photos can be viewed in the Gallery. The springs and the stupa are, of course, interesting, but a boat trip around Lake Baikal is something that cannot be described in words!!!

If you want to feel the full energy of Lake Baikal, then you simply need to sail across the lake on a ship/boat/kayak. Traveling around Lake Baikal by ship is an unforgettable adventure!


  • The excursion is carried out on a ship or speedboat
  • Lunch included!
  • Accompaniment: the group is accompanied by a guide
  • Recommendations: be sure to have comfortable shoes and a wind- and water-resistant windbreaker.

Dates for a water excursion on the Small Sea in 2016: on request

For groups of 7 people or more, dates are set at your request.

PLEASE NOTE! Tour rules!

Boat excursion program on the Small Sea:

Day 1

Meeting place: Khuzhir/Kharantsy village. Group meeting at 11:00. Boarding a ship/boat.

Let's go to the most big island Small Sea - Ogoy. Ogoy resembles the shape of Olkhon Island, which, in turn, repeats the shape of Lake Baikal! The place is sacred and very unusual, it has powerful energy!

In 2005, the Buddhist Stupa of ENLIGHTENMENT - overcoming obstacles - was erected on the island of Ogoy. Various objects carrying great meaning in Buddhism. The main relic is a figurine resembling a female silhouette. This figurine represents the mother of all Buddhas.

You need to go to the Stupa barefoot, after plunging into the waters of the sacred lake. Having walked 33 circles around the Stupa, you will feel the enlightenment of your mind, understanding of situations and problematic issues that have haunted you before.

But be careful! While on Ogoy Island, under no circumstances should the purity and harmony of this sacred place be violated. You cannot pick up or move stones/objects, pick flowers, use foul language, swear, etc.

After visiting the island of Ogoy, we go to the healing springs, where you will have a unique opportunity to taste mineral water containing silver.

Lunch on the ship or in a cafe on the shore.

On the way back you will have the opportunity to admire the amazingly proud birds - cormorants. For a long time there were no cormorants on Baikal, and only in recent years these always long-awaited guests began to visit the Siberian lake again.

If you're lucky, everyone's favorite seals will greet you in a friendly manner, basking in the sun in their favorite places.

Return to Khuzhir approximately at 17:00 local time.

Meals: lunch.

Buddhist stupa on the island. Ogoy – holy springs

One of the most popular excursions around the Small Sea

The excursion starts from the pier of the Malomorsky Fish Factory in the village of Khuzhir. The duration of the excursion is 7-8 hours. You will be accompanied by an experienced guide.

Be sure to take warm clothes for the excursion: jackets, sweaters, etc. The wind on the water is rather cold. And also take swimsuits with you - the excursion route passes through the warm lakes of Baikal, where you can swim.

The most beautiful route is a journey along the Small Sea towards a unique phenomenon for these places - a Buddhist Stupa and then to the opposite shore to healing mineral springs.. From the sea there are magnificent views of Olkhon Island and the mainland.

After an hour of sailing, moor to Ogoy Island. You are on the island for about an hour. Here the Buddhist Stupa will amaze you with its grandeur. It is believed that if you walk around the stupa three times clockwise, your wish will come true. cherished wish. Coins should be left next to the stupa as a gift to local deities, and a colored ribbon should be tied to the tree.

After visiting the stupa on the ship, you will be fed freshly cooked fish soup from the famous Baikal omul.

The next point of the water excursion around Lake Baikal is the mainland and the holy springs. The journey is about an hour and a half...

On the mainland you have 3 hours. You can order real Buryat poses. And then take a walk to the source. The source is 2.5 km away. The road passes through a coniferous forest, slightly uphill, into the interior of the mainland. At the source you can collect the healing water of the Holy Spring, while for men the water is collected from the male source, and for women - from the female

Returning to the ship's parking lot, you still have time to swim in the warm lake, which is nearby. The lake is separated from Baikal by a sand spit.

We return home past the rocky island of Elenka, where you can see and photograph a settlement of cormorants.

Ogoy Island located in the center of the Small Sea, length 6 km. The stupa on the island was built in 2005 and is called: “Stupa of Enlightenment.” Construction lasted 3 summer months and volunteers from different cities and countries (St. Petersburg, Moscow, Irkutsk, London, New York) took part in it. The stupa is 5.8 meters wide and 6.4 meters high. About 360 tons of sand and cement were used during construction. The architecture of the stupa always respects the symbolism of its five main constituent parts. In turn, these parts correspond to the five primary elements: top - space, spire - wind, dome - fire, staircase - water, base - earth.

It is believed that Buddhist stupas are intended to dissolve all negative obstacles in the world, favorably contribute to the prosperity of the area where they are built and benefit the people, especially those who visit these stupas.

For the first time in Russia, such an extensive library (with a total weight of about 750 kg) of original Buddhist texts, sent specifically for placing in the stupa from different countries. Along with the original Buddhist texts, electronic versions on CDs are also included in the stupa for posterity. In addition to ancient manuscripts, the stupa contains a total of 2.5 tons of various mantras, as well as sacred Buddhist relics and substances, various minerals and shells from the oceans, the holy lands of Jerusalem and Jordan. Egypt, Mexico, from various Christian places in the north of Russia and the Moscow region, water from all oceans, rusty casings of aerial bombs from the times of the First and Second World Wars, millet, grain, buckwheat, piercing tools: pitchforks, scythes, picks, tongs, an ax, a saw, a saber, as well as the central attachment - a bronze figurine of the dakini Troma Nagmo, to whom this stupa is dedicated.

Evening walk (2 hours)

Sailing from Khuzhir, the ship goes around Cape Burkhan - a rock that has long become a symbol of Lake Baikal. Then the ship sails along Saraisky Bay, a favorite place for vacationers. Having traveled around the island of Kharantsy with its grottoes, the ship heads to the neighboring bay, where two more islands are located, better known as “Belenky” and “Crocodile”. Here you can feed the seagulls.

Water-land Khoboy (7-8 hours)

This excursion also begins from the Khuzhir pier, one part of the tourists travels by car, and the second part sails on a boat; back everything changes.

The most popular of all routes. Khoboy (translated from Buryat as “fang”) is the most northern cape on Olkhon Island. A spectacular columnar rock, resembling a sharp fang in appearance, from the sea side has a pronounced resemblance to the profile of a woman’s head with a bust. One of the sacred places, there are many legends about it. The cape offers a grandiose view of the Small and Big Seas. From the water side, the island looks completely different.

Car excursions.

Cape Khoboy - Uzury Pad, 40 km, 5 hours

Cape Khoboy- this is the northernmost tip of Olkhon Island, the place where Small and Big Baikal unite their waters.

This route is the most popular of the excursions we offer to Lake Baikal, as it passes through the most picturesque places of Olkhon and allows you to see all the natural diversity of the island. Along the way you can do beautiful photos Baikal and Olkhon Island.

First, the road will take you through a small forest to the village of Kharantsy, then along the edge of the forest along small hills to the village of Khalgai. Along the way you will be able to see the small islands of Kharantsa and Yedor, located not far from the coast. Further, the route passes through the village of Peschanka, where in the post-war years there was a fish collection point and a prison camp. Peschanaya Bay fully lives up to its name - you will see sand dunes and stilt trees, the roots of which have been exposed by the constant winds and create bizarre shapes. Many tourists note that the area here is very reminiscent of the Baltic coast.

Beyond Peschanaya, the road goes through the mountains to the Sasy area, where it begins steppe landscape. From here, on the way to Cape Khoboy, you will make several stops, and your guide will take you to unique rock complexes and tell you legends about Baikal. Cape Sagan-Khushun (also often called “Three Brothers”) stands out here with its majestic beauty, which the writer Valentin Rasputin wrote about, admiring the power of these places.

And finally, in front of you is Cape Khoboy, a sacred place revered by shamanists. Translated from the Buryat language, Khoboy is translated as “fang”, but many of you will be able to see the clear outlines of a female figure in it. According to legend, this is the wife of a majestic shaman, whom the gods turned into a block of stone for her sins.

Once on Cape Khoboy, you can feel not just on the edge of the island, but on the edge of the earth, because ahead are the endless expanses of water of Lake Baikal, which allow you to feel like a small grain of sand in this kingdom of beauty and nature.

Since ancient times, this area has been shrouded in many myths and legends, which your guides will tell you during a picnic in the Uzury Pad. Uzury is one of the few places in the north of the island where you can go down to the shore. Here you can leisurely stroll along the shore and take beautiful photographs of Lake Baikal. After a delicious lunch and relaxation, full of impressions and emotions, we head back to Khuzhir.

Idebe Pad - Lake Shara-Nur, 5-6 hours

This excursion to Olkhon Island runs through the forested part of the island and will allow you to see the vastness of Big Baikal. First, you will drive through the Siberian taiga, and then walk down to the picturesque Idiba Pad. The forest silence and beauty of these places will help you feel truly at one with nature.

After a leisurely forest walk and a picnic in a clearing, you will go to the only one on Olkhon forest lake, famous for its healing mud. “Shara-Nuur” is translated from the Buryat language as “Yellow Lake”. Long ago, local hunters noticed that local waters and mud have a healing effect. Since then, hydrogen sulfide mud from Shara-Nuur has been successfully used for treatment; it is especially good for treating joints and skin diseases.

Due to the fact that the lake is surrounded on all sides by forest, it is very warm here, you can swim and sunbathe.

Lake Khankhoy, 20 km, 3-4 hours

small lake Khankhoy attracts tourists primarily because the water here is warmer than on the Small Sea and is suitable for swimming not only for adults, but also for children. The lake is separated from Baikal by a small channel and a sand spit that forms a beach. We advise all those who like to soak up the warm sun to choose this particular excursion to Lake Baikal - you are guaranteed a wonderful Baikal tan!

The lake also offers excellent fishing for trash fish, and around the lake you can find many ancient archaeological sites, stone walls and fortifications.

Tyshkine Pad - Lake Shara-Nur, 40 km, 4-5 hours

Tyshkine is the only place on the eastern side of Olkhon Island that can be reached by car. In the old days there was a Buryat ulus here, but now there is only one house left. A very beautiful area, a stream with clear spring water runs through the ravine, surrounded by willow and currant bushes. The valley is surrounded on both sides high mountains and on the shore it ends in a small bay. Rocky shores on the sides of the bay - comfortable places for those who like to fish for Baikal grayling. In Tyshkine, archaeologists have discovered sites and burials of ancient people, starting from the Neolithic era and ending with the period of ethnographic modernity.

On the way back you will make a stop at Lake Shara-Nur, where you can relax and swim.

Cape Khargoy - Lake Khankhoy, 70 km, 6-7 hours

This excursion to Olkhon will allow you not only to enjoy the beautiful panoramas of the Small Sea and the steppe part of the island, but also to get acquainted with ancient archaeological sites.

At Cape Khargoy there is an ancient Kurykan protective wall with a length of 185 m. It is made of stones and, apparently, was built to protect against enemy attacks. Although there are many other different versions of its origin, which our guide will tell you about. From the cape you can also see Ogoy Island, where the Buddhist Stupa of Enlightenment is located.

You can get to this small island by choosing our Baikal excursion “Holy Spring - Buddhist Stupa on the island. Whoa."

Horseback riding tours around the island. Olkhon


1. Horse rental

2. Cart rental




3.d.Maly-Khuzhir-Yalginskoe lake.

Three days tour

d Maly Khuzhir – Cape Khoboy

National cultural program "Buryat village".

This trip is a chance to see the life of the indigenous population of Olkhon - the Buryats, to get acquainted with their folklore, crafts, economy, way of life and beliefs.

1.Welcoming guests (meeting at the gates of the Buryat yurt in national costumes)

2. Demonstration of the yurt (story about the life and traditions of the Buryats)

3. Excursion around the territory of the yurt (showing everyday Buryat attributes: boat, plow)

4.Buryat traditional treats (milk, homemade bread, cheese, cottage cheese, sour cream, Buryat tea with thyme)

5. Concert (Buryat folklore songs, dances, riddles, poems in the Buryat language)

6.Buryat national wrestling (children can take part in the wrestling)

7. Final national dance "Yokhor".

The Stupa of Enlightenment is a unique structure on Ogoy Island in the Small Sea Strait of Baikal that attracts the attention of tourists and pilgrims from all over the world. It is believed that Buddhist stupas are intended to dissolve all negative obstacles in the world, favorably contribute to the prosperity of the area where they are built and benefit people, especially those who visit these stupas consciously. The most zealous believers strive to circumambulate the shrines 108 times, which is believed to guarantee their liberation and purification. The Stupa of Enlightenment on Ogoy Island symbolizes the goal of the Buddhist path - recognition of one's own mind, complete Enlightenment.

The stupa on Ogoy was built in compliance with all the necessary rules and with the implementation of all rituals and practices during construction. During the construction process, bright rainbows were repeatedly recorded above the stupa, and one of them appeared before the eyes of the builders from the base of the stupa and connected the island of Ogoy with Olkhon at the other end. The location for the construction of the Stupa on Lake Baikal was not chosen by chance. The blessing for the construction of the Stupa was given by many lamas and highly spiritual representatives of all faiths.

DESCRIPTION: Travel along the southern part of Olkhon Island and the islands of the Small Sea. Impressive winter views Small Sea and Primorsky Ridge.
The first stop is the “Kamchatka” of fishermen, where you can watch how they “bormashat” - catch omul with a fishing rod and take part in its catch! Winter fishing – what could be more exciting?!
Next, your route runs through several islands, grottoes and caves, picturesque from the water splashes frozen in the frost. Ogoy Island – sacred place for Buddhists. The Stupa of Enlightenment is installed there, giving peace and fulfilling wishes. And at the holy springs you can drink water and cleanse your body.
Collect the whole bouquet of memories: from a fish stop, cracking ice, frosty air to lunch in the fresh air... Every moment will remain in your heart!


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