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Africa is the second largest continent, located in all four hemispheres. The area of ​​Africa is 30 million km2.

Extreme points of Africa:

  • northern: Cape Ras Engela (38° N, 10° E);
  • southern: Cape Agulhas (35° S, 20° E);
  • western: Cape Almadi 1 (5° N, 17° W);
  • eastern: Cape Ras Hafun (11° N, 51° E).

From the west, Africa is washed by the waters of the Atlantic Ocean, from the east by the Indian Ocean, from the north by the waters, and from the northeast by the Red Ocean. Previously, it was connected by an isthmus 120 km wide; now the Suez Canal passes through it. It is separated from the mainland by the Strait of Gibraltar.

The coast of Africa is relatively slightly indented, there is a large Gulf of Guinea in the west and the Gulf of Aden in the east, a large peninsula. Located in: Madeira, Cape Verde, etc. In the east of the mainland there is a large island - besides it there are clusters of small islands - Comoros, etc.

The specificity of the relief of Africa is the large number of plains and plateaus. Most of the north of the mainland is occupied by the Ahaggar and Tibesti highlands. There are two noticeable mountain ranges: the Atlas Mountains in the north and the Cape Mountains in the south. In the east of Africa there is a large East African plateau. This relief structure is explained by the fact that most of the continent is located on a single ancient African-Arabian platform, which in ancient times separated from the common continent - Gondwana. The northern and southern mountain ranges are formed in the zone of collision of this platform with other large plates.

Lakes in Africa are quite large, formed in rock faults and therefore very narrow, long and deep: (maximum depth - 1400 m), (700 m). The lake, on the contrary, is shallow, fed mainly by precipitation, and during dry periods its area is greatly reduced.

Since most of the continent is located in tropical, subequatorial and subequatorial zones, it is warm here. Summer and winter average monthly temperatures differ slightly, the seasons differ in the amount of precipitation: summer is the rainy season, while winter is dry. There are tropical forests - the Basin, the east coast of Africa, where up to 3000 mm falls. precipitation. There are arid areas - savannas, deserts.

The natural zones of Africa are expressed quite clearly and are located accordingly. A zone of moist equatorial forests has formed at the equator and in the Congo. There is a huge variety of trees and shrubs here, and the layering is well defined. Red ones are forming. Monkeys, small ungulates, and many birds live in the forests.

Equatorial forests almost immediately turn into savannas - a special type with solitary trees. This natural area in Africa occupies a vast area. There are a lot of herbs here, among the trees there are acacias and baobabs. The soils are formed red-brown. There are many large ungulates (giraffes, buffalos, antelopes, zebras, rhinoceroses), and there are also predators (lions, cheetahs, hyenas).

An equally large natural zone is the tropical desert, represented by two large deserts: the Namib in the south and the Sahara in the north. The Sahara Desert is a huge desert located in the northern part of the continent. The dry trade winds that prevail here raise sand particles, so sandstorms that literally paralyze all living things are not uncommon in the desert. even in the shade it rises to +50°C, the sand heats up to +70°C. At night the temperature drops sharply and can drop to 0°C. In this regard, survival is very difficult; people live exclusively in oases that arise due to the proximity of groundwater. Most animals are nocturnal, hiding in burrows during the day.

The zone of subtropical hard-leaved evergreen forests stretches in two narrow strips in the northern and south coast mainland. Beeches, oaks, citrus fruits, and many conifers and shrubs grow here. The animals are mostly small: foxes, small deer, wild boars.

In the 19th and 20th centuries, Europeans actively destroyed unique nature Africa, cutting down valuable forests and exterminating animals. Many species went extinct on their own due to the destruction of their natural habitat. This has led to the fact that the areas occupied by forests are sharply decreasing, but the areas of deserts, on the contrary, are increasing. To preserve and increase populations of wild animals, many of them have become world famous - Kruger, Serengeti.

Detailed solution paragraph § 27 on geography for 7th grade students, authors Korinskaya V.A., Dushina I.V., Shchenev V.A. 2017

Questions and tasks

1. Name the most significant geographical features South Africa.

Zambezi, Kalahari Semi-Desert, Drakensberg and Cape Mountains.

2. Using a comprehensive map, highlight the main types of economic activities in the countries of Southern Africa.

Agriculture and mining.

3. Name the main features of the nature and economy of South Africa.

South Africa is a country of diverse natural complexes and enormous natural resources. Most of the country is a flat plateau, which gradually rises in steps to the south and east, giving way to mountains. The country's territory is dominated by savannas. Natural conditions, as throughout South Africa, change not only from north to south, but also from east to west.

South Africa, with its wide variety of landscapes, has a very rich fauna. In many areas, hunting and fishing are still the main occupation of the local population. But with the arrival of Europeans, the number of wild animals decreased noticeably and many species almost disappeared. The number of herbivores has especially decreased - antelopes, zebras, giraffes, elephants, large black buffalos, and rhinoceroses. Lions and leopards have almost completely disappeared.

In order to preserve wild animals from complete extermination, as well as natural complexes in general, nature reserves and national parks have been created in South Africa. In the largest of them - national park Kruger - collected all species of animals found on the mainland.

Territories with fertile lands in the country belong to white farmers - owners of private agricultural enterprises. Farms They widely use machinery and fertilizers and therefore obtain high yields. They grow corn, wheat, beans, sugar cane, citrus fruits, cotton and other crops. Sheep and cattle farms are located on high plateaus with good pastures. Pasture farming occupies a very important place in agriculture.

The subsoil of South Africa is rich in a variety of minerals. This country is called a geological miracle. South Africa ranks one of the first places in the world in reserves and production of diamonds, gold, platinum, uranium and iron ores. The country's economy is dependent on British and American monopolists, who lead the development of mineral resources and receive huge profits.

There are many factories and factories in the country, and industry is developing rapidly.

4. Compare the nature, population and their economic activities of Northern and Southern Africa. What are the similarities and differences? Explain the reasons for the differences.

North Africa is part of the Middle East and is even sometimes included in it. North Africa is an undoubted and inseparable part of the Muslim Arab world, mostly desert territories and it is inhabited mainly by Arabs, Berbers and other Semitic-Hamitic tribes, along with the traditional African population of Africa. South Africa is classic Africa except that it is more developed, along with North Africa, than other parts of Africa due to the larger white population there due to its mineral-rich lands.


1. Name the main features of the surface structure of Africa. What explains them?

Based on the type of relief, Africa can be divided into two parts: low in the north and west, high in the east and south. The relief of the continent is dominated by plains and plateaus with heights from 200 to 1000 m, the largest territory of which is occupied by East African and South African plateau. Elevated areas of the continent alternate with basins, the largest of which are the Congo Basin and the Kalahari Basin. The highest parts of the mainland are the Ethiopian Highlands (up to 4500 m) and the Drakensberg Mountains (over 3000 m). Such features of the African relief can be explained by the fact that most of the continent was formed on the ancient Arabian-African platform; within the platforms, the relief is represented by plains. The Atlas, Cape and Drakensberg Mountains are confined to fold belts of different ages. There is a large fault in eastern Africa earth's crust– continental rift. In the rift zone, heat flows escape and matter rises from the mantle; the resulting basins are occupied by lakes, along which volcanic cones rise. It is here that the highest peak in Africa is located - the Kilimanjaro volcano (5895 m).

The well-known statement “Africa is the hottest continent” can be explained by the fact that the continent is located in the warmest climatic zones of the Earth (equatorial, subequatorial, tropical and subtropical). Africa is located on both sides of the equator, within latitudes that receive significant amounts of solar radiation from 160 kcal/cm² to 200 kcal/cm². The temperature on the mainland is above +20⁰С throughout the year. The greatest amount of precipitation falls on the equator, because a low belt is formed here atmospheric pressure, in which rising air currents form clouds saturated with moisture. The least amount of precipitation occurs in the tropical zone, where, on the contrary, in the zone of high atmospheric pressure the formation of clouds does not occur. The climate of the continental coasts is influenced by warm and cold currents.

2. What are the characteristics of the African climate? What do they depend on?

The climate features of Africa were formed as a result of the action of a system of various factors. Most of the continent is located between the tropics, and therefore the climate of Africa is characterized by high values ​​of total solar radiation. Accordingly, a significant part of the continent has high temperatures, and therefore Africa is considered the hottest continent. There are areas where the air temperature sometimes exceeds 50° C.

In the latitudes of Africa, constant winds, the Trade Winds, dominate over the ocean, which significantly influence the distribution of precipitation. The southeast trade wind blows from the Indian Ocean and therefore brings humid air masses. The Northeast Trade Wind is from Eurasia and causes dry weather. The southwestern ones are delayed by the Cape Mountains, which affect the redistribution of precipitation: coastal areas receive a large amount of it, while behind the mountains there is little precipitation.

Sea currents play a significant role in shaping the climate of the African coast. Therefore, low humidity is typical for the northwestern coast (due to the cold Canary Current), southwestern, eastern (Somalia). On the contrary, the western and southeastern shores are well moistened due to warm currents(Guinean and Mozambican, respectively).

In the central part of the continent, the air warms up evenly throughout the year. Temperature fluctuations are clearly visible only in tropical and especially subtropical latitudes. The climate differs mainly in the amount and pattern of precipitation. Their largest number occurs in the Equatorial regions: the Congo River basin (Zaire) and the coast of the Gulf of Guinea - 2000–3000 mm per year, and on the mountain slopes - up to 9000 mm. North of 20° Mon. w. and south of 18° S. w. The climate in Africa is tropical, in the Northern Hemisphere it is deserted and very dry. In the Sahara, precipitation decreases to 100 mm or less per year; Eastern Sahara is the driest region in Africa (10–20 mm of precipitation per year).

Africa lies within seven climate zones. Due to the fact that the equator cuts the continent in half, climatic conditions are mirrored from the equator to the edges of the continent. In Africa there are equatorial, two subequatorial and two tropical zones. The extreme southern and northern parts of the continent are located in subtropical zones.

The equatorial belt extends in a narrow strip along the coast of the Gulf of Guinea and further inland to the eastern coast of Lake Victoria. In this belt all year round Constantly humid and uniformly hot equatorial air reigns. The air temperature here is high throughout the year: 26°С – +28°С. The total annual precipitation is more than 2000 mm, which is distributed evenly throughout the year.

3. List the main features of African rivers. Which of them depend on the terrain, which on the climate?

The longest river in the world is the Nile (6671 km). It begins on the East African Plateau and flows through Lake Victoria. In the upper reaches, the river, rushing down the gorges, forms rapids and waterfalls. Having reached the plain, it flows slowly and calmly and is called the White Nile. Near the city of Khartoum, the river merges with the waters of the largest tributary, the Blue Nile, flowing from the Ethiopian Highlands. After the confluence of the White and Blue Nile, the river becomes twice as wide and receives the name Nile. In the middle course, the Nile cuts through a plateau composed of hard rocks, so there were rapids that interfered with navigation. Now, thanks to the dam built near Aswan, navigation conditions have been improved. In the lower reaches the river flows calmly. When it flows into the Mediterranean Sea, it forms a large delta, in the place of which several tens of thousands of years ago there was a bay of the Mediterranean Sea. The deepest and second longest river in Africa is the Congo (Zaire) (4320 km). In terms of water content and basin area, it is second only to the Amazon. The river crosses the equator in two places and is full of water all year round. Congo (Zaire) flows along the ledges of plateaus, so it has many rapids and waterfalls. Navigation is possible only in certain areas. The river, unlike the Nile, does not form a delta; its muddy fresh waters in a wide stream they extend far into the Atlantic Ocean. The third largest river in Africa by length and basin area is the Niger. In its middle reaches it is a flat river, and in its upper and lower reaches there are many rapids and waterfalls. A significant part of the river crosses arid areas, so it is of great importance for irrigation; for this purpose, dams and irrigation canals were built on the river. The Zambezi is the largest of Africa's rivers. Indian Ocean. Here is one of the world's largest waterfalls - Victoria Falls. The river falls in a wide stream (1800 m) from a ledge 120 m high in a narrow gorge that crosses its bed.

The river's source is in the black swamp region of northwestern Zambia, among forested hills at an altitude of about 1,500 meters above sea level. To the east of the source there is a belt of hills with rather steep northern and southern slopes, lying between 11 and 12 degrees south latitude. The watershed between the Congo and Zambezi river basins runs along this belt. It clearly separates the Luapala River basin (the main tributary of the upper Congo) from the Zambezi. In the vicinity of the source, the watershed is not clearly defined, but the two river systems are not connected. The Zambezi is a powerful river. Although the Zambezi ranks only fourth in Africa in terms of length, it ranks second in terms of annual flow and is second only to the Congo River. The Zambezi mainly receives its nutrition from heavy summer rains (at these latitudes, summer lasts from November to March). At other times of the year the river is much less full. The river regime is characterized by a rapid decrease in water level in March and a subsequent rise in November. In order to prove the relationship that exists between inland waters and relief, it is necessary to trace the nature of the flow of rivers and the shape of lakes. Mountain rivers differ from lowland rivers in their fast flow, high banks, and the presence of rapids and waterfalls. Lake Tanganyika, located along the line of the Great African Rift, has an elongated shape in the meridional direction. The length of the lake is almost 10 times its width. The full flow of rivers and lakes and the regime of their filling with water depend on the nature of the climate. One of the main sources of nutrition for rivers and lakes is precipitation. Therefore, we can safely say that rivers and lakes located in the equatorial climate area are more full-flowing compared to rivers and lakes located within the tropical desert climate. Shallow Lake Chad, located within the subequatorial climate zone, periodically changes its shape, increasing and decreasing by half. This transformation is associated with the frequency of incoming water from the rivers flowing into the lake. Thus, we see a clear relationship that exists between relief, climate and inland waters.

Full water all year round (Congo), or dependence on rains in the lower reaches and high floods (Nile).

4. What natural areas predominate in Africa? What are their features and how do they explain them? Which zones have the most favorable nature for agriculture?

Africa is predominantly a flat continent. Mountain systems occupy only the northwestern (Atlas Mountains) and southern (Cape Mountains) outskirts of the continent. The eastern part of Africa (High Africa) is occupied by the East African Plateau, which is highly uplifted and fragmented by shifts in the earth's crust. Here are the highest peaks of the continent - giant extinct and active volcanoes Kilimanjaro, Kenya, etc. The peculiarities of the development of Africa determined the main features of the structure of its surface. Most of the continent is characterized by flat terrain with a wide development of planation surfaces from Permo-Carboniferous and Triassic to Neogene and even Quaternary with blocky and volcanic mountains protruding separately among them. Due to its geographical location ( for the most part in the hot light zone) Africa is the hottest continent on Earth. Due to its geographical location (mostly in the hot zone of illumination), Africa is the hottest continent on Earth. It receives more solar heat and light than any other continent. It is the only continent that extends approximately equal distances from the equator into the northern and southern hemispheres. The sun stands high above the horizon throughout the year between the tropics, and twice a year it is at its zenith at any point. The main features of the climate are determined primarily by the position of the main part of the continent in tropical and equatorial latitudes. Against the backdrop of constantly high air temperatures, the main differences in the climate of individual regions are determined by the amount of precipitation and the duration of the rainy season. In tropical latitudes there are huge deserts, closer to the equator there are areas of summer rains, in the equatorial zone precipitation falls throughout the year. Vast spaces experience an acute lack of moisture. The continental climate is especially pronounced in the northern part of Africa due to its large size and close proximity to Eurasia. The western shores of the continent in tropical latitudes are washed by cold currents - the Canary and Benguela, which cool the air above them so much that its lower layers to a height of about 500 m become noticeably colder than the overlying ones. This eliminates the possibility of the development of rising currents and precipitation. Therefore, along the western coasts in tropical latitudes lie oceanic deserts. The southeast coast, on the contrary, is washed by the warm Mozambique Current, which increases the instability of air masses and contributes to precipitation on the mountain slopes of Eastern and Southern Africa. Most of Africa is influenced by the trade wind circulation of both hemispheres. The northern hemisphere trade winds coming from land carry continental air with low relative humidity. The trade winds of the southern hemisphere, coming from the Indian Ocean, carry masses of moist, unstable air to the eastern edge of the continent. The distribution of the river network and flow across the continent is extremely uneven, which depends mainly on the difference climatic conditions, relief and nature of the rocks of certain areas. Along with areas with a dense hydrographic network and large lakes, vast areas of Africa are almost or completely devoid of local river networks. Many rivers do not reach the ocean and end in inland drainage basins. Almost all the continent's rivers are fed by rain. Only in deserts and semi-deserts are they fed by groundwater, and on the high peaks of the Atlas and East Africa mountains the sources of rivers are also fed by meltwater from snow and glaciers. On far north and in the south there are zones of hard-leaved evergreen forests and shrubs, followed by zones of semi-deserts and deserts, savannas, variable and permanent wet forests. Latitudinal zoning is violated only in the mountains and highlands, but there are few of them on the mainland.

The nature of savannas is most favorable for agriculture. A distinctive feature of savannas is the alternation of dry and wet seasons, which take approximately six months, replacing each other.

5. Name some of the most outstanding natural sites in Africa.

Sahara, Mount Kilimanjaro, Victoria Falls, Nile River.

6. What natural resources Africa has?

Crude oil, natural gas, iron ore, phosphates, uranium, lead, zinc, manganese, limestone, gypsum, talc, asbestos, lead, copper, diamonds, gold. chrome ore, tungsten, mica, silver, hydropower resources, fish, salt.

7. Give examples of changes in the nature of Africa by humans. What do you propose to stop the advance of deserts into savannas?

Back in the 19th century. Africa was presented as a continent of virgin nature. However, even then the nature of Africa was significantly changed by man. The area of ​​forests, which had been uprooted and burned for arable land and pastures for centuries, has decreased. Especially great damage to the nature of Africa was caused by European colonialists. Hunting, carried out for profit, and often for sport, led to the mass extermination of animals. Many animals were completely destroyed (for example, some species of antelope, zebra), and the number of others (elephants, rhinoceroses, gorillas, etc.) was greatly reduced. Europeans exported expensive wood to their countries. Therefore, in a number of states (Nigeria, etc.) there is a danger of complete disappearance of forests. The territories in place of cleared forests were occupied by plantations of cocoa, oil palm, peanuts, etc. Thus, savannas were formed in place of equatorial and variable-humid forests (Fig. 59). The nature of primary savannas has also changed significantly. There are huge areas of plowed land and pastures here. Due to poor agricultural practices (burning, overgrazing, and cutting down trees and shrubs), savannas have been giving way to deserts for many centuries. Over the last half century alone, the Sahara has moved significantly south and increased its area by 650 thousand km2. The loss of agricultural land leads to the death of livestock and crops, and to starvation of people.

Stop cutting down forests, start planting vegetation, watering deserts, and streamline economic activities.

8. What do you think will happen to boundaries? natural areas, if measures are not taken to protect Africa's nature?

The area of ​​savannas and equatorial forests will decrease, and deserts, including the Sahara, will expand.

9. What maps will you use to describe the nature of Madagascar? What data can be obtained from each card?

Physical (relief), climatic (precipitation, average temperatures in January and July, currents), map of natural zones (vegetation, animals).

10. What peoples inhabit Africa and how are they distributed on the continent?

Africa is inhabited by a variety of peoples. Over the course of a long history, other peoples have been added to the indigenous inhabitants, whose origins are not connected with this continent. The colonization of Africa contributed to the resettlement of peoples living in the countries of Asia, Europe, and America. Arab peoples inhabit the north of the continent. Central and southern regions inhabited by peoples of the Negroid race. Descendants of Europeans live in the north and south of the mainland: the French, the English, the Dutch.

11. What changes have occurred on political map Africa over the last 40–50 years? What do these changes indicate?

Many of the countries gained sovereignty. This indicates that peoples have received a chance to build their own states.

12. Name the African states you know and their capitals.

Algiers, capital Algiers. Ghana, capital Accra. Nigeria, capital Abuja. Ethiopia, capital Addis Ababa. Republic of South Africa, capital Pretoria. Egypt, capital Cairo, Tunisia, capital Tunisia.

13. Among the countries of Africa, distinguish those that are located on the plains and those that lie in the mountains.

On the plains are located: Egypt, Tunisia, Libya, Sudan, Algeria. The mountains are located in: Namibia, Botswana, South Africa.

14. Which parts of Africa would you like to travel to? Why?

I would like to travel across the entire continent of Africa to see with my own eyes all the features, similarities and differences.




Saransk 2010



NEEDLE" align="left" width="125" height="120 src="> S, 19°59" E. d.). It is located on the territory of the Republic of South Africa, 155 km southeast of the Cape of Good Hope.


Hafun, a cape on the Somali Peninsula, the easternmost point of the African continent (10°26" north latitude and 51°23" east longitude)." align="left" width="100" height="64 src="> Cape Verde is a peninsula on the African coast of the Atlantic Ocean, in Senegal The westernmost point of continental Africa, the city of Dakar, the capital of Senegal, is located at the southern tip of Cape Verde." width="19" height="40">.gif" alt=" Signature:" align="left" width="316" height="130 src=">.jpg" align="left" width="94" height="64"> Эль-Абьяд, мыс на побережье Средиземного моря, в 13 км к северо-западу от г. Бизерта (Тунис). Самая северная точка Африки (37° 21° с. ш. и 9° 45° в. д.).!}


SIDRA (GREAT SIRT)" align="left" width="106" height="83 src="> Sidra (east of Greater Sirte) - a large bay of the Mediterranean Sea off the coast of Libya, up to 1374 m deep, up to 465 km wide (at the entrance to the bay).

GABES" align="left" width="136" height="112 src="> Gabes is a bay of the Mediterranean Sea off the northern coast of Africa, in ancient times called Little Sirte. It washes the territory of Tunisia. It extends over more than 100 km and has a depth of about 50 m. In the southern part of the entrance to the bay is the island of Djerba, and in the northern part is the island of Kerkennah

TUNISIAN" align="left" width="232" height="96 src="> The Gulf of Tunisia is a large bay of the Mediterranean Sea off the northern coast of Africa, washes the territory of Tunisia. south coast The bay, where the capital of Carthage was previously located, is now the city of Tunis.

GUINEA" align="left" width="126" height="86 src=">

The Gulf of Guinea is a gulf of the Atlantic Ocean off the coast of Equatorial Africa. It juts out into the land between the capes of Palmas in the northwest (Liberia) and Palmeirinhas (Angola) in the southeast. The Gulf of Guinea is composed of the Gulf of Benin (in the north) and the Gulf of Biafra (in the east).

BENIN" align="left" width="131" height="102 src="> Benin is a bay in the Atlantic Ocean on the southern coast of West Africa, part of the Gulf of Guinea. Extends 640 km east from Cape St. Paul (Ghana) to the mouth of the Niger River. The waters of the Gulf of Benin wash the coasts of Ghana, Togo, Benin, and Nigeria.

BIAFRA" align="left" width="104" height="81 src="> Biafra is a gulf in the Atlantic Ocean, part of the Gulf of Guinea. Waters The bay washes the coasts of Nigeria, Cameroon, Equatorial Giveni and Gabon.

ADENSKY" align="left" width="298" height="169 src=">

The Gulf of Aden is part of the Arabian Sea of ​​the Indian Ocean. Length 890 km. The northern shore of the bay forms the Arabian Peninsula (the state of Yemen). The southern and western shores of the bay make up the African continent (the states of Somalia and Djibouti). In the west, the Gulf of Tadjoura is distinguished; in the southeast, the bay is separated from the rest of the Indian Ocean by the Socotra Islands (Yemen). The bay is connected to the Red Sea by the Bab el-Mandeb Strait.


GIBRALTAR" align="left" width="148" height="102 src=">The Strait of Gibraltar is an international strait between the southern tip of the Iberian Peninsula and the north -the western coast of Africa, connecting the Mediterranean Sea with Atlantic Ocean. Length 65 km, width 14-44 km.

BAB EL-MANDEB" align="left" width="186" height="165 src="> Bab el-Mandeb Strait - a strait between the southwestern the tip of the Arabian Peninsula (the state of Yemen) and Africa (the states of Djibouti and Eritrea). Connects the Red Sea with the Gulf of Aden of the Arabian Sea. The smallest width is 26.5 km, the smallest depth in the fairway is 182 m.

MOZAMBICAN" align="left" width="123" height="102 src=">


CANARY" align="left" width="172" height="161 src="> The Canary Current is a cold and, subsequently, moderately warm sea current in the northeastern part of the Atlantic Ocean. The Canary Current draws most of its water from the Azores and Portuguese Currents, as well as from the mineral-rich waters rising from the depths. It initially flows in a southern and southwesterly direction along the northwestern coast of Africa and past the Canary Islands .


Benguela Current, cold current of the Atlantic Ocean, northern branch of the Western Winds Current. It passes off the western coast of South Africa from south to north and further to the northwest, turning into the South Trade Wind Current.

MOZAMBIQUE" width="20" height="112">.gif" width="19" height="75">.gif" width= "64" height="115">" align="left" width="294" height="198 src="> The Amirant Islands are an archipelago in the western part of the Indian Ocean to the north east of the island of Madagascar, approximately 300 km southwest of the Seychelles. Part of the Republic of Seychelles. Area 83 square kilometers." align="left" width="88" height="69 src=">.jpg" align="left" width="148 " height="115 src=">

O. Ascension

Ascension Island is a volcanic island located in the Atlantic Ocean 1600 km west of the African coast. It is part of the British overseas territory of Saint Helena, from which it is located 1287 kilometers to the northwest.

CANARY" align="left" width="112" height="76 src=">.jpg" align="left" width="100 " height="76 src=">

CAPE GREEN" align="left" width="100" height="76 src=">.jpg" align="left" width="100 " height="76 src="> Islands Cape Verde are a cluster of 10 large and 8 small islands in the North Atlantic Ocean, west of Senegal, divided into Leeward and Windward groups.

MADEIRA" align="left" width="142" height="172 src=">Employees" href="/text/category/sluzhashie/ " rel="bookmark">serving as a haven for seabirds - Desertash Islands and Selvagens Islands.

NE. ELENA" align="left" width="98" height="69 src=">148" height="40" style="vertical- align:top"> St. Helena Island is located in the Atlantic Ocean, 2800 km west of Africa and belongs to Great Britain. Also, Saint Helena is an overseas possession of Great Britain, which, in addition to Saint Helena itself, includes the Ascension Islands and the Tristan da Cunha archipelago, as well as small islands and rocks.

COMOROS" align="left" width="208" height="88 src="> Comoros, Union of the Comoros (UCO) on the archipelago of -vov (Anjouan (Njuani) - 424 sq. km, Grande Comore (Ngazija) - 1146 sq. km, Mayotte (Maore), Moheli Island state off the southeastern coast of Africa. Located in the Mozambique Strait of the Indian Ocean between east coast Africa and northwestern islands. Madagascar.

SEYCHELLES" align="left" width="89" height="100 src="> Republic Seychelles- an island state in the western Indian Ocean, slightly south of the equator, approximately 1600 km east of the African mainland, north of Madagascar. The republic includes more than 100 islands and islets, only 33 are inhabited. big Island- Mahe (142 sq. km.). The capital of the state, Victoria, is located on it. Other large islands are Silhouette, Praslin, La Digue.

MASCHARENE" align="left" width="124" height="84 src=">.gif" width="43" height="137 "> PEMBA" align="left" width="100" height="76 src="> Pemba, a coral island in the Indian Ocean, off the eastern coast of Africa , separated from the mainland by the Pemba Strait. Area 984 sq. km. Part of Tanzania. Height up to 99 m. Equatorial-monsoon climate. Precipitation up to 1000 mm per year. Clove tree and coconut palm are cultivated." align="left" width="132" height="89 src="> Zanzibar is an archipelago in the Indian Ocean, off the coast of Tanzania, which and belongs to The largest islands are Pemba and Unguja, commonly also called Zanzibar." width="96" height="78">.jpg" align="left" width="112" height="85 src= ">.gif" width="31" height="106"> Madagascar is the fourth largest island in the world, located in the Indian Ocean, off the eastern coast of Africa, separated from it by the Mozambique Strait. The area of ​​the island is 590 thousand square meters. km. Length - about 1600 km, width - over 600 km. The island is home to the Republic of Madagascar.


Socotra is a small archipelago of six islands in the Indian Ocean off the coast of Somalia, about 350 km south of the Arabian Peninsula.

GULF OF GUINEA" align="left" width="184" height="116 src="> Largest islands Bioko, Sao Tome, Principe, Annobon. Bioko is an island in the Gulf of Biafra (part of the Gulf of Guinea) of the Atlantic Ocean, the largest of the islands belonging to the Equatorial

Guinea; ocean.


SOMALIA" align="left" width="125" height="107 src="> Somalia (Horn of Africa) is a peninsula in the east of the African continent. It is washed by the waters of the Gulf of Aden from the north, and by the Indian Ocean from the east. The territory of the peninsula is part of the state of Somalia, part of it is part of Ethiopia. The area is about sq. km.

RIVERS" width="97" height="59"> NILE" align="left" width="92" height="63 src="> The Nile is a river in Africa, one of the two largest in length rivers in the world. The river originates on the East African plateau and flows into the Mediterranean Sea, forming a delta. In the upper reaches it receives large tributaries - Bahr el-Ghazal (left) and Achwa, SOBAT, Blue Nile and Atbara (right). Below the mouth of the right tributary of the Atbara, the Nile flows through a semi-desert, having no tributaries for the last 3000 km. The length of the Nile (with Kagera) is about 6700 km (the most often used figure is 6671 km), but from Lake Victoria to the Mediterranean Sea it is approximately 5600 km. The area of ​​the basin, according to various sources, is 2.8-3.4 million square meters. km. (fully or partially covers the territories of Rwanda, Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda, Ethiopia, Eritrea, Sudan and Egypt).


Atbara (Arabic: Bahr el-Asuad) is a river in Africa (in Sudan and Ethiopia), a right tributary of the Nile (flowing into the Nile River near the city of Atbara in Sudan). The source is located near Lake Tana in Ethiopia. It flows mainly along the Sudanese Plateau.


The Blue Nile is much shorter than the White Nile, but it plays a much larger role in the formation of the Nile regime below Khartoum. The Blue Nile originates from the Abyssinian Highlands, flowing from Lake Tana.


Below Sobat, the river receives the name White Nile (Bahr el-Abyad), leaves behind an area of ​​swamps, and then flows calmly in a wide valley through a semi-desert area to Khartoum, where it merges with the Blue Nile. From here to the Mediterranean Sea the river is called the Nile (El-Bahr). The distance from Khartoum to the Nimule Gorge is approximately 1800 km; to Lake Victoria - about 3700 km.


The Kagera is a river in East Africa that flows through Rwanda, Tanzania and Uganda, as well as partly along the borders between them. It is the longest tributary of the Nile. It is formed at the confluence of the Nyavarongo and Ruvuvu rivers near Lake Rweru, from where its length to the mouth is 420 km; If we count from the source of the Rukarara River, which is located in Burundi near the northern edge of Lake Tanganyika and is the point of the Kagera river system farthest from the mouth, then its length is about 800 km.

CONGO" width="13" height="62"> Lualaba - local name The upper reaches of the Congo River are described by foreign researchers as the main tributary of the Congo. It flows from its source on the Shaba Plateau to Stanley Falls in the Congo. The length is about 2100 km. A hydroelectric power station was built in the upper rapids. In the middle course the river is navigable (644 km).


Upper "href="/text/category/verhovmze/" rel="bookmark">upper reaches of the Congo River). Some researchers consider it the main source of the Congo River (Zaire). Length (from the source of Chambeshi) over 1500 km, basin area 265.3 thousand sq. km Originates south of the lake Tanganyika, flows through several branches into Lake Bangweulu, then flows through Lake Mweru, below which it is called Luvua.

LOVOIA" width="186" height="12">



Lomami is a river in Africa, on the territory of the Democratic Republic of the Congo, a left tributary of the Congo. Length 1450 km, basin area about 110,000 sq. km. The river originates on the Katanga plateau and flows north, forming numerous waterfalls and rapids." align="left" width="256" height="255 src="> UBANGI

Ubangi, a river in Central Africa, the largest right tributary of the river. Congo (Zaire); flows along the borders of the Republic of Zaire with the Central African Republic and the People's Republic of the Congo. Formed by the confluence of the river. Knotle and Mbomou. The length from the source of the Uzle is about 2300 km (according to other data, about 2500 km), the basin area is 772.8 thousand square meters. km.


Quangor River in Angola and the Democratic Republic of the Congo. The Kwango River is a left tributary of the Kassai River. Its length is 1,100 kilometers. The sources are in the highlands of central Angola, the river flows mainly to the north. In its middle course, the Kwango forms the state border between Angola and the Congo, overcomes the Shute-Tembo waterfall, then flows through the territory of the Congo and below the city of Bandundu flows into the Kasai.


Kasai, river in the Center. Africa, the largest left tributary of the river. Congo, the flow is 20% of the Congo flow. Length 2153 km, basin area 880.2 thousand square meters. km. It originates on the Lunda plateau and descends from its northern slope, forming picturesque rapids and waterfalls; divides Angola and Congo. The main tributaries on the right are Lulua, Sankuru, Fimi-Lukeni, on the left - Kwango.

RUFIJI" align="left" width="208" height="165 src="> Rufiji is a river in Tanzania. The river is formed at the confluence of the Kilombero rivers and Luwegu, originating in the mountains east of Lake Nyasa (Malawi). Length - about 600 km, the source is in the southwestern part of Tanzania. In the upper reaches it is a typical mountain river. Below the Shuguli Falls it flows through the lowlands in a wide valley. It flows into the Indian Ocean near Mafia Island, approximately 200 km south of Dar es Salaam. The basin area is 178 thousand sq. km. The main tributary is the Great Ruaha.


Interstate structures" href="/text/category/mezhgosudarstvennie_strukturi/" rel="bookmark">between the states of Tanzania and Mozambique. Length about 800 km, basin area 145 thousand sq. km. Originates in the mountains to the east of the lake Nyasa (Malawi), flows into the Indian Ocean.The largest tributary is the Lujenda River (on the right).

ZAMBEZI" width="125" height="55"> The Zambezi is the fourth longest river in Africa. Basin area - 1 sq. km, length - 2,574 km The source of the river is in Zambia, the river flows through Angola, along the borders of Namibia, Botswana, Zambia and Zimbabwe, to Mozambique, where it flows into the Indian Ocean.

QUANDO" width="172" height="38"> LUANGWA" width="100" height="31"> LIMPOPO" align="left" width="220" height="162 src="> Limpopo is a river in South Africa. Flows through the territory of South Africa, Botswana, Zimbabwe, Mozambique. Originates on the slopes of the Witwatersrand ridge, flows into the Indian Ocean. The length of the river is 1600 km, the basin area is sq. km. Large tributaries: Shashe, Ulifants, Shangane.

ORANGE" align="left" width="160" height="147 src=">.gif" width="116" height="47 "> Shari, a river in Central Africa (CAI, Republic of Chad and along the latter’s border with Cameroon). Formed by the confluence of the river. Uam and Gribings; flows into the lake Chad. The length, according to various sources, is 1400-1500 km (from the source of the Uam River), the basin area is about 700 thousand square meters. km.


The Niger is the most important river in West Africa. Length 4,180 km, basin area 2,118 thousand square meters. km, the third according to these parameters in Africa after the Nile and Congo. The source is in Guinea, then the river flows through Mali, Niger, along the Benin border, then flows through Nigeria and flows into the Gulf of Guinea. The main tributaries of the Niger: Milo, Bani (right); Sokoto, Kaduna and Benue (left).

BENOUE" align="left" width="80" height="88 src=">.gif" width="96" height="50 "> The Senegal is a river in West Africa and forms a natural border between the states of Senegal and Mauritania. The length of the river is about 1970 km. The area of ​​the river basin is 419,575 square meters. km. Main tributaries: Falem, Karakoro and Gorgol.

GAMBIA" align="left" width="158" height="151 src=">



Victoria is a lake in East Africa, in the territory of Tanzania, Kenya and Uganda. Located in the tectonic trough of the East African Platform, at an altitude of 1134 m. Area 68,870 thousand square meters. km, length 320 km, maximum width 275 km. The high-water Kagera River flows in and the Victoria Nile River flows out. North coast The lake crosses the equator.

RUDOLF" width="78" height="58"> Kyoga is a large shallow lake, or rather a complex of lakes, in Uganda, with an area of ​​about 1720 sq. km, Located at an altitude of 914m above sea level, the White Nile flows into Kyoga on its way from Lake Victoria to Lake Albert.


Rukva, endorheic shallow water salt Lake in East Africa, in the southwest. Tanzania. It lies in a tectonic depression at an altitude of 792m." width="16 height=16" height="16">

NYASA" align="left" width="220" height="112 src="> Malawi (Nyasa) is a lake in Central-Eastern Africa. The lake runs from north to south, length 560 km, depth 706 m.

BANGWUEULU" width="137" height="66"> .jpg" align="left" width="148" height="132 src="> Mveru - mountain fresh lake on the border of Zambia and DR Congo. Located at an altitude of 917m above sea level southwest of Lake Tanganyika. The maximum length is 110 km, width 45 km, depth up to 27 m. Navigable. The lake is home to bream and tilapia. Described by David Livingston." width="19" height="123"> .gif" width="275" height="34"> TANA" align="left" width="315" height="78 src="> Tana, Tsana, Dembea, lake in Ethiopia, in Ethiopian highlands, at an altitude of 1830 m. Length 75 km, width up to 70 km. Area 3100-3600 sq. km. Depth up to 70 m.

CHAD" align="left" width="127" height="86 src="> The surface of the lake is not constant: usually occupying about 27 thousand square meters . km, the lake in the rainy season overflows to 50 thousand, and in the dry season it is reduced to 11 thousand sq. km. From the south, the rivers Shari with a wide and shallow delta and Mbulu flow into the lake, from the west - Komadugu-Vaube, and from the east - low-water Bar el-Ghazal.

ASSAL" align="left" width="122" height="100 src="> “Livingston Falls” - a system of rapids and rapids in the lower reaches The Congo River, located in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) in western equatorial Africa.Named after the Scottish explorer Livingstone, the “falls” system is a rapids section of the river with a length of 350 km with a total drop of 270 m.

VICTORIA" align="left" width="122 height=94" height="94"> STANLEY Stanley Falls, waterfalls in the upper reaches of the river. Congo (Zaire), between the cities of Ubundu and Kisangani, on the territory of the Republic of Zaire. 7 significant rapids, separated by stretches, at a distance of about 150 km; the total drop is about 40m.

MURCHISON" align="left" width="222" height="155 src="> Atlas Mountains, mountain system all in. Africa; to the west. parts of Morocco - three parallel. chains: middle (High Atlas or Idrar-in-Deren with the peak of Jebel Ayashi. 4500 m, southern Anti-A. and northern Er-Rif; in Algeria and Tunisia two chains: in the north of Mal. Atlas or Tell , on the south of the Great Atlas (2300m.), between them is the Shotto plateau (1100m.).


Saharan Atlas, a system of mountain ranges and massifs in the south of the Atlas mountain country within Algeria. Height 1200-1500 m, individual peaks over 2000 m (Aisa mountain up to 2336 m).

ANTIATLAS" align="left" width="124" height="89 src="> Ethiopian (Abyssinian) Highlands - a mountain system in the northeast Africa in Ethiopia, Eritrea, and northern Somalia.The average height is m. The highest point is Mount Ras Dashen 4533m, the fourth highest in Africa.


Mitumba, mountain range to the center. part of the East African Plateau, in the southeast. and V. Congo (formerly Zaire). It is composed of young volcanic and ancient crystalline rocks. Length from N to S approx. 400 km, altitude up to 3305 m. Flat tops predominate at several levels. North Part of the ridge extends along the tectonic depression occupied by lakes Edward, Kivu and Tanganyika.

DRAGON MOUNTAINS" width="113" height="77">


Cape Mountains, mountains in southern Africa, in South Africa, between Port Elizabeth in the east and the mouth of the river. Olifants in the west. The length is about 800 km. Consist of several parallel ridges. The average height is 1500m, the highest is 2326m.


Ras Dashan, most high peak in the Semien Mountains in the Ethiopian Highlands. Height 4620m.


Kenya is the most high mountain Kenya and the second highest mountain in Africa (after Kilimanjaro). The most high peaks are Batianm), Nelionm) and Point Lenanam). The mountain is located in the central part of the country slightly south of the equator, 150 km north-northeast of Nairobi.

KILIMANJARO, VOLCANO" align="left" width="173" height="120 src="> Somalia is a plateau bordered in the southeast and north by coastal lowlands. Rivers - Jubba, Webi-Shebeli. Most of the territory is desert.

DARFUR, PLATEAU" width="98" height="51"> High plateaus are the general name for intermountain semi-desert plateaus in the Atlas. Height m in the west, 700-800m in the east. Located between the Tel Atlas ridges in the north and the Saharan Atlas in the south.


BODEL" align="left" width="115" height="80 src="> Qattara is a waterless depression in Egypt in the north of the Libyan Desert in Africa Area sq. km.


Kalahari, a depression in the central part of South Africa, coinciding with the syneclise of the same name on the African Plate. Located in Angola, Zambia, Namibia, Botswana, Southern Rhodesia and South Africa. Area about 630 thousand square meters. km.


ARABIA" width="44" height="70"> Arabian desert, north-east. part of the Sahara (Egypt) between the Nile Valley and the ridge. Etbay, stretching along the Red Sea. To the south (at 22° N) it becomes the Nubian Desert. The plateau descends from east to west towards the Nile valley from 1000 to 200 m, and is intensively dissected by valleys with dry riverbeds (wadis)." align="left" width="149" height="114 src="> NUBIAN

Nubian Desert, in Africa, mostly in Sudan, between the river. Nile and the Red Sea, from which it is separated by the Etbai ridge.


Libyan Desert, a desert in Africa, in the northeast of the Sahara, west of the river. Nile, within eastern Libya, western Arab Republic of Egypt and northern Sudan. Area about 2 million square meters. km.

The second largest continent on planet Earth is the continent of Africa. The first in size is the continent of Eurasia. There is another part of the world that is also called Africa. This article will look at Africa as the continent of the planet.

In terms of area, Africa is 29.2 million km2 (with islands - 30.3 million km2), which is about 20% of the planet's total land surface. The continent of Africa is washed Mediterranean Sea on the north coast, West Coast washed by the Atlantic Ocean, in the south and east the continent is washed by the Indian Ocean, and the northeastern coast is washed by the Red Sea. There are 62 states in Africa, of which 54 are independent states, and the population of the entire continent is about 1 billion people. By following the link you can see full list African countries in the table.

The size of Africa from north to south is 8,000 kilometers, and when viewed from east to west, it is approximately 7,500 kilometers.

Extreme points on mainland Africa:

1) The easternmost point of the mainland is Cape Ras Hafun, which is located on the territory of the state of Somalia.

2) The most northern point This continent is Cape Blanco, which is located in the Tunisian Republic.

3) The westernmost point of the continent is Cape Almadi, which is located on the territory of the Republic of Senegal.

4) And finally, the most southern point mainland Africa is Cape Agulhas, which is located on the territory of the Republic of South Africa (RSA).

Relief of Africa

Most of the continent is made up of plains. The following landforms predominate: highlands, plateaus, stepped plains and plateaus. The continent is conventionally divided into High Africa(where the heights of the continent reach a size of over 1000 meters - the southeast of the continent) and Low Africa (where the heights reach a size mainly less than 1000 meters - the northwestern part).

The most high point mainland - Mount Kilimanjaro, which reaches a height of 5895 meters above sea level. Also in the south of the continent there are the Drakensberg and Cape Mountains, in the east of Africa there is the Ethiopian Highlands, and to the south of it there is the East African Plateau, in the northwest of the continent there are the Atlas Mountains.

In the north of the continent there is the largest desert on the planet - the Sahara, in the south there is the Kalahari Desert, and in the southwest of the continent there is the Namib Desert.

At the same time, the lowest point of the mainland is the bottom of the salt lake Assal, the depth of which reaches 157 meters below sea level.

African climate

The climate of Africa can be ranked first among all continents in terms of warmth. This is the hottest continent, since it is completely located in the hot climate zones of planet Earth and is intersected by the equator line.

Central Africa is located in the equatorial belt. This belt is characterized by high precipitation and a complete absence of seasons. To the south and north of the equatorial belt there are subequatorial belts, which are characterized by a rainy season in summer and a dry season in winter with high air temperatures. If you follow further to the south and north after the subequatorial belts, then the northern and southern tropical zones follow, respectively. Such belts are characterized by low precipitation at fairly high air temperatures, which leads to the formation of deserts.

African inland waters

The inland waters of Africa are uneven in structure, but at the same time vast and extended. On the mainland, the longest river is the Nile River (the length of its system reaches 6852 km), and the deepest river is the Congo River (the length of its system reaches 4374 km), which is famous for being the only river that crosses the equator twice.

There are also lakes on the mainland. The most big lake Lake Victoria is considered. The area of ​​this lake is 68 thousand km2. The greatest depth in this lake reaches 80 m. The lake itself is the second largest freshwater lake on planet Earth in terms of area.

30% of the landmass of continent Africa is deserts, in which bodies of water can be temporary, that is, at times they dry up completely. But at the same time, usually in such desert regions groundwater can be observed, which is located in artesian basins.

Flora and fauna of Africa

The continent of Africa is famous for its diversity as flora, and the animal. Tropical rainforests grow on the continent, which give way to open forests and savannas. In the subtropical zone you can also find mixed forests.

The most common plants in the forests of Africa are palms, ceiba, sundew and many others. But in savannas you can most often find thorny bushes and small trees. The desert is characterized by a small variety of plants growing in it. Most often these are herbs, shrubs or trees in oases. Many desert areas have no vegetation at all. A special plant in the desert is considered to be the Velvichia amazing plant, which can live for more than 1000 years, it produces 2 leaves that grow throughout the life of the plant and can reach a length of 3 meters.

Diverse in Africa and animal world. In areas of the savannah, grass grows very quickly and well, which attracts many herbivorous animals (rodents, hares, gazelles, zebras, etc.), and, accordingly, predators that feed on herbivorous animals (leopards, lions, etc.).

The desert may seem uninhabited at first glance, but in fact there live many reptiles, insects, and birds that hunt mainly at night.

Africa is famous for such animals as the elephant, giraffe, hippopotamus, a wide variety of monkeys, zebras, leopards, sand cats, gazelles, crocodiles, parrots, antelopes, rhinoceroses and much more. This continent is amazing and unique in its own way.

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Continent Africa is the second largest on the planet after Eurasia. It occupies more than twenty percent of the total landmass and is located almost entirely in the southern hemisphere.

The continent is washed by several oceans: the Atlantic and Indian. The territory is divided among fifty-five countries.

African countries and their capitals

African countries are usually divided into five groups. The list looks like this:

In terms of economic indicators, the most developed and wealthy is South Africa, located in the south of the mainland. At the same time, residents of many states, in particular the central part of the continent, are below the poverty line, in particular the Central African Republic, DRC, Burundi - the poorest countries in Africa.

The largest state in terms of territory is Algeria, and the smallest is Mayotte. The most populous is Nigeria, and the lowest population on the islands is the Seychelles.

African states gained their sovereignty in the mid-twentieth century. Majority modern names appeared at the same time.

For example, until 1985, Côte d'Ivoire was called the Ivory Coast, and until 1977 Djibouti had the official status and name as the French Territory of the Afars and Issa. Similar changes affected almost half of the mainland's territorial units.

Characteristics of Africa

The area is twenty-nine million square meters. km. The distribution from the north downwards is eight thousand kilometers, and from the west to the left - seven and a half.

Physical map of Africa (click to enlarge)

There are several options for the origin of the name. The most common ones are:

  1. Afri - people who lived near Carthage; later the Romans began to call this the entire region, and then the continent Africa.
  2. From the Latin aprica - sunny.
  3. From the Greek afrkn - without cold.

Note: Africa is considered to be the ancestral home of Homo sapiens; it is there that the remains of the most ancient ancestors, in particular hominids and Sahelanthropus, were discovered.

The continent has long attracted Europeans; as the history of discovery has shown, active study began in the fifteenth century, when Vasco da Gama circled Africa on his way to India.

From the late nineteenth to the mid-twentieth centuries, the continent was divided among the great powers:

  • the north is part of the Ottoman Empire;
  • south - Spain, Portugal and other colonialists.

After World War II, the map changed as the wave of independence began. Today there are several territories on the African mainland under European control, in particular Canary Islands, Madeira, Chagos Archipelago.

Extreme points of Africa

The following image tells well which point is the northernmost, the southernmost, which is the easternmost, and where the westernmost is located:


More than one billion people live on the mainland today. Along with this, the greatest increase in numbers and life expectancy is observed. Demographic estimates predict that the population will double over the next thirty years.

There are two main races in Africa:

  • Negroid - in the center;
  • Caucasoid - mainly in the north and in the Republic of South Africa.

The most common nationality are Arabs. Population density is low compared to Europe and Asia. Today, interethnic conflicts continue.

It is worth noting: The level of urbanization in the countries is low, but its rate is the highest in the world.

As for religion, the leading world ones are mainly widespread, but all other religious movements are also represented. Traditional beliefs are still common in the central part.

Climate zones

Africa is considered the warmest continent; it is also home to the most warm place- Dallol. The entire territory is distributed in warm climate zones.

The main ones and their characteristics:

  1. Equatorial - heavy rains and virtually no change of seasons, here it is permanent summer.
  2. Subequatorial - two main seasons, rainy summer, winter characterized by dry trade winds.
  3. Tropical - almost no precipitation, deserts are common.


Africa is rich in minerals, which have a high price.

In particular, the main ones include:

  • gold;
  • oil.

The northern coast is also rich in manganese, iron ores and phosphorites.

Flora and fauna

The organic world of Africa is characterized by exceptional diversity.

In tropical areas there are a variety of large animals, in particular rhinoceroses, elephants, lions, zebras, monkeys and others.

The continent is also home to large birds, such as flamingos and ibises.

The north is predominantly inhabited by lizards and snakes that have adapted to the Saharan climate. The hallmark of the south of the mainland is the “big five”: buffalo, lion, leopard, elephant and rhinoceros.

The climatic conditions of northern Africa have contributed to the adaptation of many plant species. In the south there are over two and a half thousand flowering plants - this is almost ten percent of the world's wealth.

Geographical objects

Atlas Mountains

The main objects of African geography include:

  • Atlas Mountains;
  • Congo (lowest point) and Nile basins;
  • Rift Valley;
  • Ethiopian and Ahaggar highlands;
  • deserts - Kalahari, Namib and Sahara.

In addition to the oceans, the continent is washed by one sea - the Red and Suez Canal.

Rivers and seas

One of the longest rivers in the world is located in Africa.

The length of the Nile is almost seven thousand kilometers.

Other major rivers include:

  • Niger;
  • Congo;
  • Zambezi, Limpopo and Orange.

Africa is also rich in large lakes: Victoria, Nyasa, Tanganyika and Chad. The latter is the largest salty body of water located inland.


Plains in Africa are represented by plateaus (East African) and basins (Chad, Congo, Kalahari).

The plateaus are high plains, along with them the pits are low.

African mountains

Mostly Africa is a continent on plains, it has enough mountains:

  • Atalas - in the north;
  • Ahagar and Tibeste - in the Sahara Desert;
  • Ethiopian Highlands - in the east;
  • Capsian and Draconian - in the south.

The highest point is the Kilimanjaro volcano, its height is five thousand nine hundred meters.

In conclusion, I would like to focus on the concepts of “mainland” and “continent”. There are only six continents on Earth, all of them are well known. But there are only four continents.

"Continent" means "continuous" in Latin. Since Eurasia and Africa are connected together by the Suez Canal, they are not separated from each other, therefore they are not separate continents.

Africa is a unique continent that combines the diversity of flora and fauna. Most of the states are at the stage of economically developing countries, partly due to the long colonization of the region.


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