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Gastronomic tours in Russia and abroad: wine tours to France, tasting tours to Italy, gastronomic tours to Portugal and other countries.

Just imagine a tempting picture: while crowds of tourists who consider themselves fans of painting, sculpture and architecture are languishing in kilometer-long queues at the Vatican Museums, the Louvre or Versailles, you are in a cool restaurant hall, accompanied by unobtrusive music, trying dishes made from Piedmontese truffles, washing them down with aromatic Barolo. Or enjoy transparent slices of jamon “with a tear” wrapped around a golden-orange piece of juicy melon, the color of which is so reminiscent of the Sagrada Familia glowing in the sunset rays, which is over there, a little further away. Or delve into the rules for preparing national Korean sauces and appetizers, and not just anywhere, but in royal palace Gyeongbokgung. Or you taste “Edam” and “Gouda” - and specifically in Edam or Gouda. In a word, you already understand that we are talking about something that has recently appeared, but is already very popular destination tourism - gastronomic.

Food can tell about the spirit of a people much more than other works of architecture and painting. The fine arts are individualized, but national cuisine, as the French say, is “a matter of pinches” of numerous and anonymous authors.

What are food tours

Some will say that gastronomic tourism is the lot of natures with a fine mental organization, others argue that all this is a whim, hedonism and money down the drain. Like, in the modern globalized world, almost any product of the terroir - be it from Spain or Mauritius - can be found in a good supermarket. You won’t surprise a Russian with oysters and frog legs for a long time, as well as with the wines of Valley X, slope Y. Undoubtedly, the times of gastronomic shortages have happily sunk into the past, and today it costs nothing to try international delicacies without leaving the capital. However, as the satirist noted, “everything is there... and there is a small shortage” - Parma ham in Moscow is a little different from the blessed Parma, sushi in the Land of the Rising Sun is definitely different from the Yakitori products, and real pasta in a village by the sea in Puglia cannot be compared with the assortment of the capital’s “vero”-Italian establishments.

It is thanks to maximalist gourmets who live (or rather, eat) according to the “all or nothing” principle that such a branch of tourism as gastronomic tours appeared. In short, gastrotours are trips abroad (still foreign, although all the prerequisites for a gourmet trip across Mother Russia are present), the main focus of which is taste impressions. Visiting restaurants on such trips is not a side thing so as not to die of hunger, but the very essence of the trip. Of course, you can’t do without sights - it’s stupid to go to Paris and not even look towards the Champs Elysees, but the visual impressions rather go in addition to the taste ones, setting off the “impression”, so to speak.

How to cook in Rome

Over the course of centuries, if not millennia, the local recipe (remember the oldest of the world's cuisines - Armenian) has absorbed the customs and traditions of the people who created it. So, Arabian spicy dishes are both a tribute to the hot climate, in which, in order to cool down, you need to sweat thoroughly, and a means to help avoid getting sick “in unsanitary conditions,” and a portrait of the average Egyptian or Moroccan imprinted in taste: emotional, hot-tempered and spontaneous.

Separately, it should be mentioned that the goal of a gastronomic tour is not to try a couple of specific exotic dishes (say, the same frog legs, fried worms or durian), but to form your own global idea of ​​the country through the taste buds. And of course, learn more about the “near-kitchen” traditions: how vegetables are grown or poultry raised, at what time they eat and how dishes are served.

What types of gastronomic tours are there?

Conventionally, gastronomic trips can be divided into two large groups: rural and urban. During the first, tourists are offered to enjoy natural products “from the earth” - take part in collecting berries, nuts and mushrooms (especially truffles), try fruits from the tree and vegetables from the garden, of course, 100% environmentally friendly, make jam or bake a cake under the supervision of a chef . This also includes a taste acquaintance with the so-called “products of the earth” - those gastronomic delights (and not ready-made dishes!) for which this area is famous: Parma ham, Spanish jamon, Dutch cheese, Brussels praline, Swedish caviar, bleak, Japanese fish fugu, etc.

City gastro tours include visiting restaurants national cuisine, where the guest is invited to taste local delicacies, as a rule, “from the pen” of famous chefs. The establishments themselves, of course, are also marked with at least one Michelin star. On such trips, the emphasis is more on the masterly combination of numerous components, rather than on enjoying the simple taste of “peasant” food. In other words, if you like an escape from civilization, welcome to the expanses of Alsace or Tuscany, and for those who want rare dishes on porcelain and boiling white starched napkins, there is a direct path to Parisian or Milanese haute cuisine restaurants.

Among other things, you can study the gastronomic map of the world, so to speak, synthetically or analytically. In the first case, we take one product (for example, cheese) and study it in all countries of production - we visit cheese factories in France, cheese factories in Holland, private farms in Belgium, try mozzarella in Italy and suluguni in Georgia. With an analytical approach, we choose a country and “taste” it - vegetables and fruits, snacks and sauces, cold and hot dishes, desserts and compotes.

And of course, you can’t do without wine on such tours! Although there are special wine routes (which are worth traveling through Champagne or Chianti alone), in one way or another, strong drinks are necessarily present in the programs of gastronomic trips, because it has long been known that the taste of even the most exquisite dish without wine will lose half of its uniqueness.

Gastronomic India

Where and what to try

Generally speaking, any country that decides to develop gastronomic tourism has every chance of success - there are no tasteless cuisines, there are only more widespread or more “highly specialized” destinations. In other words, Bavarian sausages are easy for any tourist to chop, but fried maggots and pickled chameleons are not an acquired taste.

Gastronomic Europe is, first of all, pasta, pizza, hams and wines of Italy, foie gras, snails, oysters and other seafood, cheeses, as well as numerous wines and champagnes of France, dry-cured delicacies, fish dishes and again wines of Spain, baked goods, sweets and chocolate from Austria, Switzerland and Belgium, cheeses and herring from Holland, sausages, meatballs and beer from Germany and other numerous products with a national flavor.

People go to exotic countries mainly for global experiences from local gastronomy: Jewish hummus, falafel and the usual stuffed fish are only a small part of the multicultural cuisine of Israel, as well as the national gastronomic traditions of India - a mixture of dozens of local dishes, spices and seasonings from different states.

Gastronomic fair in Peru

Programs, duration, cost

Depending on the chosen “inclination”, gastronomic tours are offered lasting from a weekend (urban programs, say, oysters in Paris) to a full two weeks of immersion in the ocean of taste (rural routes, for example, along the roads and restaurants of Puglia).

In most cases, tourists choose combined gastronomic tours - after all, trying, tasting, evaluating and describing from morning to evening can be interesting only to a graphomaniac glutton. In such combined programs, visiting restaurants is harmoniously combined with excursions or beach holiday. Fortunately, the most gastronomically remarkable countries, as a matter of selection, have great opportunities for recreation - be it excursion Belgium, Holland, the Czech Republic and Hungary or “sunny-sea” Italy, France, Spain and Portugal.

For example, one of the popular gastrotours in Italy based on accommodation in Parma, in addition to getting acquainted with local ham, includes a trip to memorable places associated with the name of Giuseppe Verdi, a visit to an opera performance, a tour of the castles of the county of Parma and, for complete pleasure, shopping in one of outlets.

Gastronomic tours, like any exclusive thing, are not a cheap pleasure. To a certain extent, this is explained by the individual approach to the client: it is impossible to recruit a large group for gastro tours, so the program is most often designed for one or two people. The cost depends on many factors - direction, duration, time of year, etc. Trips to significant gastronomic events - for example, to the gourmet festival in St. Moritz, will cost more. In general, when traveling on popular programs (to Italy, Spain, France), you should expect an amount of 1500-1800 EUR for a week-long tour. The cost of exclusive routes, such as eating snails in Madagascar, can reach up to 5000 EUR.

Yes, and finally, some proprietary valuable advice from “Subtleties”. Firstly, you should know when to stop: don’t overload on all the dishes offered. After all, you didn’t come for indigestion (you can get that at home), but for a pleasant experience. It’s better to try a little bit of everything than to fill yourself up with appetizers and look longingly at soups, main dishes and desserts. Secondly, you should definitely leave thoughts about unwanted waist measurements at home - or not go on a culinary tour at all - otherwise the joys of taste will be overshadowed by annoyance at the kilograms acquired during the vacation. And finally, grab a package of medicines like “indispensable for the stomach” - you will have to consume delicacies in considerable quantities.

Bon appetit and wonderful gastronomic experiences!

Portugal is a charming country that can be called a quiet European province, where everyone can find something for themselves: varied natural landscapes; majestic monuments of the past; and the calling card of Portugal - port wine.

The term "enogastronomy" comes from a combination of the words "eno" - "wine" and "gastronomy" - "a set of rules and customs of cooking." This is a real culture in which wine and food should be a wonderful pair, harmoniously complementing each other.

You have a wonderful opportunity to go on a trip and learn everything about the production of Portuguese wines and port!

Scotch whiskey is a drink that the people of Scotland are rightfully proud of; they say that it has even absorbed the rebellious spirit of this northern country. Its distinctive feature is a slight smoky taste. It is associated with the technology of preparing the drink: in order to dry barley grains, it is traditional to use burning peat.

Champagne is the drink of kings, aristocrats and true gourmets. We invite you on a journey with a tasting of the best wines of the iconic Champagne Houses - Louis ROEDERER and GOSSET.

Sunny, cheerful and alluring Spain invites you. A country known for its winemaking history dating back thousands of years.

Wineries and cheese factories, the art of making real Swiss chocolate and dinners in picturesque villages - we invite you on a journey where you will discover Switzerland in a new way!

Seduce your ladies with the luxury of Paris and the best wines of Bordeaux. Plunge into the atmosphere of romance, gourmet restaurants and visit the capital of world winemaking. Fashion exhibitions, cultural attractions and, of course, wine tastings await you.

Do you want to experience the real fullness of taste? Then we invite you on a culinary journey through central Spain!

We invite you to Montenegro, visit the vineyards of the Lipovac estate: enjoy the wine, cuisine and natural beauty of this beautiful country.

We offer all golf lovers a trip to Tuscany, where, in addition to an exciting game, you can relax in a spa and visit wineries.

Bordeaux is a unique region where history and the art of creating wine masterpieces merge together. We invite you to plunge into the most important period of the year for every winemaker - the harvest.

Tuscany – real paradise For gourmets, this region boasts a variety of culinary traditions.

Croatia is one of the few countries, the “pearl of the Adriatic” in the center of Europe, which still represents a bit of a mystery, and therefore of great interest to active and caring travelers.

A trip to Ireland combining a visit to Dublin with its attractions and beautiful nature in the surrounding area.

A trip to Ireland for the most beautiful West Coast– Cliffs of Moher. Immersion in the unforgettable flavor of local culture, tasting local salmon, oysters, goat cheese, craft beer.

A trip to Ireland, to the Atlantic, to the counties of Kerry and Killarney, which are famous for their nature reserves and authentic villages, untouched by civilization.

The date of birth of Scotch whiskey is still unknown and, apparently, will forever remain a mystery. But it is absolutely clear that over the centuries the drink has become one of the most important symbols of Scottish culture. Its distinctive feature is a slight smoky taste. Are you dreaming of a perfect weekend? Travel to Scotland and enjoy this vibrant drink in an authentic atmosphere!

We invite you on a journey through Tuscany to the famous farms of the Marquis Frescobaldi. For 700 years, the illustrious family has been making wine and is synonymous with the quality and excellence of Tuscany.

An unforgettable holiday in the Alps and the enogastronomy of the region.

We invite you on a trip where you can spend time actively skiing, as well as warm up and relax by visiting the best wineries in the region.

We invite you on a week-long yacht trip along the coast of Mallorca. Visit the beaches and coves of this crystal clear coast clean water, plunge into the atmosphere of a sailing trip, enjoy the views of cliffs with picturesque pine forests. Explore the island's unique attractions, wineries and restaurants in Palma de Mallorca.

We invite you to plunge your whole body into the magical properties of Kodali. “Our story begins in Bordeaux. This is where the roots of "Caudalie" are found. While exploring our wine estate, we discovered an underground warm spring at a depth of 500 meters. We've made the most of this lucky find and combined wine and grape extracts to create unique body treatments. Thus, in 1999, our first SPA Vinothérapie was born.” Matilda Thomas.

Picturesque lakes and islands, boat trips, gastronomic master classes and gourmet dinners in restaurants - all this awaits you in cheerful Italy!

Galicia is a gastronomic paradise for gourmets! We offer an original way to get to know this corner of Spain through its wines, cuisine and contemporary art.

Ireland is a country through which a river of fun and music flows. It flows through the old remote Irish villages and the noisy modern cities. It unites the past and the present, capturing everyone who finds themselves on Irish soil.

We invite you on a tour of Scotland, where you will visit the best distilleries, enjoy fantastic views and get acquainted with the sights of this unique country.

It’s easy to come to the UK and get acquainted with English culture! We invite you to London to spend an educational weekend there, as well as go outside the city and visit the mysterious Stonehenge.

A journey for real men awaits you: tastings in the best cognac houses, gastronomic restaurants and accompaniment by our wine expert.

Sardinia - amazing beautiful island in the Mediterranean Sea. There are still paradise spots left untouched by civilization with golden beaches and secluded rocky bays. Exclusive direct VIP flight on PRIVATE JET!

The program proposes to combine visits to the main attractions of Edinburgh and an active program in Scotland with accommodation in Edinburgh, trips to the Scottish highlands, among the most beautiful Scottish nature, as well as to the North Sea coast. This combination will allow you to see both the medieval heritage of Scotland and the unique atmosphere of the country, as well as the beautiful Scottish nature.

Lyon is the gastronomic center of France, the capital of silk, the birthplace of cinema, the birthplace of Antoine Marie Roger de Saint-Exupéry and the Roman emperors Tiberius Claudius and Caracalla... and that's not all! Visit Beaujolais, where there are wines aged for more than 3 years, and discover the secret of illusion born in Beaujolais Nouveau.

We invite you to an exciting gastronomic journey to Austria with Irina Klimenko! The capital of Austria is luxurious Vienna, hospitable and hospitable, always providing tasty food and beautiful drink.
And the lakeside Burgenland will surprise you with wonderful wines - white and red, sweet and very sweet.

We invite you on an exciting enogastronomic journey through southern Tuscany. Walking around medieval cities, tasting the iconic wines of Tuscany Brunello di Montalcino and Rosso di Montepulciano, visiting a cheese factory and olive farm. Horseback riding and relaxation thermal springs Chianciano Terme.

We present to you a program of acquaintance with Austrian winemaking in the unique region of Styria - the “green heart of Austria”. The fascinating and hospitable world of Austrian wines and cuisine will open its doors and family secrets wide. You will go on an unforgettable journey along the Wine Road with our experts. Welcome to Austrian Tuscany!

We invite you to one of the main wine and gastronomic centers of France - Burgundy. Festive tasting of the best millesimes in the heart of Beaune from Sandro Khatiashvili!

We invite you on a journey through the spring Costa Brava with a unique fishing opportunity sea ​​urchins and subsequent tasting of the famous delicacy - sea urchin caviar.

Gastronomic journey with Anatoly Gendin in the Spanish region of Andalusia. A unique wine made using original technology. A unique ham that has no analogues in the world. And excellent snacks in the style of a non-stop gastro show.

We invite you to an unforgettable journey along the Wine Road of Wachau and Styria with our expert Tatyana Schwegelbauer.
The fascinating and hospitable world of Austrian wines and cuisine will open its doors and family secrets to you. We are going to visit winemakers, we will live with winemakers, taste Austrian wine, communicate with them and listen to unique stories about their work, “aging” and more... Blooming apricots, the beauty of the Styrian hills and the dizzying fresh air will become excellent companions of your impressions.

We invite you to the incredible Basque Country!
Your journey begins in the extraordinary city of Bilbao with a visit to the even more extraordinary Guggenheim Museum. You will visit the city of gourmets - San Sebastian, get acquainted with the world of Basque wine, and enjoy breathtaking landscapes.

We invite you to take part in an exclusive 4-hour driving tour: experience the latest Ferrari models.

Provence is the most vibrant region, rich in cultural traditions and excellent gastronomy. We invite you to plunge into an atmosphere of harmony and beauty, appreciate the splendor of local cuisine and discover new pages of history.

Why do you regularly visit Monaco? Of course, to try to catch your luck in the Monte Carlo casino. Its doors are open daily from noon until dawn. For those who prefer peace and quiet to social gatherings, magnificent sandy beaches, walks through the gardens and palaces of the principality, a world of luxury luxury.
We invite you to follow in the footsteps of celebrities in unique places this magnificent Principality, and, of course, succumb to the temptation of excitement in our company.

Travel through the unexplored Occitania to the cities of Montpellier and Nîmes, getting to know famous wineries, tasting oysters and an unforgettable walk near Lake Etang de L'Or, where pink flamingos live.

Travel to Champagne and get to know the Great Champagne Houses Billecart Salmon and Louis Roederer, Lanson, Selosse and Geoffroi

We invite you to emerald Ireland! Travel from Dublin to the ocean coast along the 2,500 km Wild Atlantic Way. You will visit authentic pubs and distilleries, where you will taste real whiskey and ale.

Visit the largest annual wine exhibition in Merano - Merano Wine Festival 2018, with the leading teacher of the Enotria wine school Veronica Denisova. In terms of importance and scale, this event is second only to the Vinitaly exhibition in Verona. The best wines, Italian gastronomy, picturesque Alpine towns and relaxation at thermal springs await you.

Breathtaking landscapes, exclusive dinners with winemakers, boat trips on Lake Garda, exploring the Sirmione peninsula, tastings with the best wine producers on international exhibition Vinitaly 2020!

We invite you to take part in the colorful, active travel across Piedmont. You will visit the best wineries in the region, taste iconic millesims, and dine in the company of winemakers. Piedmont is famous for truffles - take part in a historical truffle hunt and visit a truffle fair. As part of the gastronomic journey, you will take part in a culinary master class, visit the production of local cheese DUMA and salumeria.

Elegant, neat, elegant, relaxed, rich, and everything, everything, everything as we love - so that it’s delicious, dizzyingly beautiful, casually carefree, and a kilometer-long beach, and yachts with snow-white sails, and champagne in the morning instead of coffee...
Normandy is one of the most romantic regions of France. Camembert and Pont-l'Evêque cheeses, Benedictine liqueur and Calvados were born here. Normandy is also known as the birthplace of impressionism.

Implemented programs

January March

We invite you to plunge into the atmosphere of cozy Switzerland, live in Zurich, visit cheese factories and restaurants, and also visit the famous Swiss resort Montreux.

Amarone has received DOC status since 1990. And since December 2009 - DOCG status. Translated from Italian, amarone literally means “bitter”, as opposed to the sweeter, high-alcohol wine of Ricioto. Amarone is a very gastronomic wine - it goes well with stewed meat, game, especially hare, duck with oranges, aged cheeses, and goes surprisingly well with lobster in tomato sauce.

Umbria- « green heart» Italy. We suggest starting your journey with this gastronomic region, famous for its Umbria DOP olive oil, deli meats, cheeses and vegetables. Tuscany is an ideal place for wine tourism.

Cobblestone streets, long shadows cast by burning lanterns and dark outlines Gothic cathedrals... is magical Prague, a city covered in numerous legends and myths that have arisen over its thousand-year history.

August 2016

We invite you on an amazing journey to Tuscany - the most picturesque region of Italy. We will make your journey into the world of colors and flowers unforgettable.


By inviting you on an enogastronomic trip to Holland, we want to break the stereotypes that have developed about this country here in Russia. What is Holland? This is a country of windmills, beer, cheese and herring. On our journey, of course, you will see and try all this. But, not only that.

Luxury Scotland

The award-winning 19th-century luxury Inverlochy Hotel and Restaurant ( is surrounded by the natural beauty of the Scottish West Highlands. The hotel features 17 individually designed rooms with luxurious decor. Fort William town center is just 4 miles away.

Oct. 2015

We invite you to a fascinating tour that will not leave anyone indifferent! The Silver Mine (“Sala Silvermine”) will reveal its secrets to you, where a unique tasting of local cheeses and wines will take place at a depth of 150 meters.

We invite you to visit the wine region – Bordeaux. This region can perhaps be called the most important wine region in France and one of the most famous in the world. Bordeaux wines are the standard of quality, prestige and good taste.

Tuscany is now one of the iconic and best wine regions in Italy. The zone of dominance of red wines. But, back in the 1970s. few people knew about him outside the country. The incredible hard work of local winemakers, coupled with rich terroirs and a mild climate, have made this land a Mecca for wine connoisseurs and connoisseurs from all over the world.

A master class on preparing truly Piedmontese dishes in their authentic presentation will lift the curtain on the history of the formation of the cuisine of the northern part of Italy. Home cooking from the best chefs!

We invite you to one of the world's greatest wine regions - Piedmont, the gastronomic capital of Italy. The region that gave the world such wines as Barolo, Barbaresco, Gavi.

The Wine Festival & Gourmet festival in the Italian city of Merano is a real summit of fine wines and products. It’s hard to say what’s more important: tastings of the world’s top drinks or master classes from the best chefs.

On this rich enogastronomic journey, we invite you to visit the three most significant wine regions of Spain: Rioja, Ribera del Duero and Navarra. Each region is interesting in its own way: for its wines, wine-making culture, and cuisine.

We invite all wine and ski lovers to take part in the brightest event of March! What is Winterfest? A 3-day festival that combines your two passions - wine and skiing. Enjoy tasting the best wines of the Balkan region.

For many people around the world, the word "Rioja" is synonymous with Spanish wine as such. The Spaniards themselves admit this: despite the fact that the country produces many excellent original wines, only the Rioja region was awarded DOC (Denominacion de Origen Calificada) status in 1991, the highest classification category adopted in Spain. Literally it means “Honored Name of Origin.”

We invite you to one of the world's greatest wine regions - Piedmont, the gastronomic capital of Italy. The region that gave the world such wines as Barolo and Barbaresco Barbera. Your residence for the duration of the tour will be Hotel Villa Beccaris.

We invite you to take advantage of the unique opportunity to become a participant in the world's oldest wine auction, Hospice de Beaune in Burgundy, which will take place from November 14 to 16.

Weekend gastronomic tours from Moscow in 2020 are one of the popular ways to organize leisure time. The travel agency Gastro Mania specializes in organizing such short and delicious tours. We can please even an experienced gourmet and offer to spend the weekend in such a way that it brings maximum pleasure and remains in the memory for a long time.

Organize a weekend getaway with GastroMania!

The prices we set for gastronomic weekend tours to Europe are low and allow you to have a great time at reasonable costs. Choose a country and we can organize an exquisite culinary trip in no time. If you already know where you want to go, we will definitely make your wish come true. If you haven’t decided, we will tell you where the food is delicious and delicious, focusing on your preferences. Book a gastronomic tour for the weekend from the travel agency Gastro Mania at favorable conditions. We have been organizing weekend gastronomic tours from Moscow for many years and have significant experience that allows us to fully fulfill all the client’s wishes. Weekend culinary tours will help you get acquainted with the cuisine traditions of different countries and learn a lot of new and interesting things. Travel with Gastro Mania if you are interested in organizing tours at a high professional level!

Gastronomic tours are very popular tourist destination, which appeared relatively recently. Some people believe that gastronomic tourism is suitable only for great gourmets and aesthetes, while others, on the contrary, regard this type of recreation as a very serious activity. But imagine for a moment how, instead of standing in line to view paintings or sculptures in museums in Paris and New York, you are at a restaurant table in Tbilisi, tasting elite Georgian wines. Or you can learn the rules of cooking rostilja dishes in one of the villages in Serbia. Do you agree, it sounds tempting and appetizing?

In fact, a gastronomic holiday reveals the spirit of the peoples whose national cuisines you decide to try and study. It was the maximalist gourmets who were the founders of this type of recreation. Initially, gastrotours were practiced only in Europe and Asia. But now culinary routes are also organized in neighboring countries. On such trips, the main focus is on visiting restaurants and culinary master classes, where taste impressions are the basis. Many people want to learn how to cook deliciously, so gourmet travelers are already planning a gastronomic tour for 2019.

Gastronomic tours from Moscow

You can go on a culinary journey from Moscow all year round. This is another uniqueness of gastrotours to get acquainted with different countries through the kitchen. Every point of the trip is thought out in the programs, and the price for a gastronomic tour is more affordable when compared with a beach holiday. Culinary travel from “Horizons” will allow you to meet talented chefs, see private wineries, and learn how to create exactly the taste of national dishes that are not in cookbooks.

An excursion and gastronomic tour can conditionally be of two categories: urban or rural. In the case of urban areas, travelers are invited to visit restaurant establishments to sample national delicacies from virtuoso chefs. Going on rural gastro tours from Moscow will be interesting for those who want to see how berries are picked, homemade cheese is made, and poultry is raised. And of course, take part in all these processes yourself.

However, you can study national cuisines not only analytically, but also geographically. For example, you can choose one specific product - cheese or wine - and try it in all countries. The analytical method is suitable for those who want to get to know a certain country, getting to know it thoroughly through dishes - from tasting desserts and snacks, ending with savoring meat dishes, vegetables, and fruits. Gastronomic tours of the tour operator “Horizons” allow you to choose exactly what you like best. So where can you go when you don’t want to travel far, but have a great desire to experience the real taste of delicacies without spending a huge budget?

Gastronomic tour to Georgia

One of the oldest cuisines in the world. Very often, when going to Georgian restaurants, you can hear the phrase “tasty, like at home.” But this is the true truth. The ingredients used in cooking are always fresh. No semi-finished products or freezing. Cooking with your own hands complements the cooking process. The famous khinkali, churchkhela and khachapuri with cheese melting in your mouth - this is just a small part of why they love Georgian cuisine most foodies.

The Georgian diet consists of numerous dishes:

· meat - mtsvadi (national shish kebab made from beef tenderloin);

· baked goods - achma (cheese pie), shoti (traditional flatbread cooked in the oven);

· first courses - chikhirtma (thick soup);

· vegetable snacks and side dishes - pkhali, lobio;

· a variety of sauces, topped by tkemali.

Culinary He will reveal to many people the secrets of creating a unique taste of national cuisine, and teach how to prepare local cheeses that cannot be bought in stores. And Georgian wines will perfectly complement a dinner prepared with your own hands.

Gastronomic tour to Armenia

The traditions and dishes of Armenian cuisine are no less famous. The centuries-old basis of food consists of numerous dairy products, cheeses, meat dishes, grains and legumes, as well as a large number of greens and herbs. Isn't it a miracle to learn how to cook khashlama or the famous variety of Matsoni cheese? And try the delicious whitefish that is found in famous lake Sevan, can be either fried or grilled. Spending time usefully and mastering it will allow tourists to gain good experience in preparing traditional dishes and enjoy the true tastes of this country.

Gastronomic tour to Serbia

Delicious and absolutely inexpensive food that you definitely need to try and learn how to cook. This is an interesting combination of Mediterranean, Austro-Hungarian and Turkish cuisines. In Serbia preference is given meat dishes, fruits and vegetables are not particularly popular here, with the exception of the famous “Shopska salad”. Therefore, meat lovers will like this culinary tour. will teach you how to cook these National dishes, like lamb over coals (which takes 4 hours to cook), pljeskavica, kapama, dzhuvech. And you should definitely try the incredibly delicious Serbian honey.

Gastronomic tours in Russia

Russian cuisine occupies one of the leading positions in the world. The program of a gastronomic tour in Russia may include acquaintance with ancient Russian dishes and also the opportunity to learn foreign cuisines without leaving the country. How is this possible? Everything is quite simple. Let's start, of course, with Russian dishes. The nationality of ancient Russian food includes about 1000 dishes, the centuries-old history of which includes preparation that requires certain skills.

Of the main products, starting with ancient Rus', food was prepared from:

· cabbage, mushrooms, radishes, turnips, potatoes;

· berries and fruits;

· meat, fish;

· cereals: millet, rye, oats, buckwheat, lentils, wheat.

· milk, sour cream, cottage cheese, yogurt.

Cabbage soup, pies, cheesecakes, potato pancakes, kvass, jelly, sbiten - the range of ancient Russian dishes is extensive. You can also go on gastronomic tours around the Moscow region on weekends. In just a couple of days you can gain a lot of benefits, learn the history through the prepared dishes, and most importantly, learn how to create your own traditional dumplings, giblet stew or pumpkin porridge.

You can also taste real European dishes in Russia. Gourmet travelers have the opportunity to go on a gastronomic tour with the Horizons tour operator to get acquainted with real European, Old Russian cuisine and take away the best souvenir - the ability to cook traditional, national dishes. Private agricultural farms, wineries of foreign farmers and cheesemakers have been created in many Russian cities.

Buy a gastronomic tour from the tour operator “Horizons”: prices and programs

Travel Company “Horizons” offers the best gastronomic tours in Russia and the Near Abroad. You will discover the history of different cultures, where over the course of many centuries and generations, the recipe has absorbed the traditions and characteristics of the dishes of the creating peoples. Getting to know the countries will be truly warm and special if you buy a gastronomic tour with the goal of discovering the world through culinary travel. The program does not forget the sights of the countries where the trip will be planned. This will serve as a wonderful combination of relaxation, knowledge and impressions.


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