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There are many attractions in Crimea. The most famous of them are: the Grand Canyon, Mount Ai-Petri and bird home. However, there are other very interesting, but, unfortunately, little-known places on this peninsula. The Pink Lake also falls into the category of such attractions. In Crimea it is the saltiest.

Where is it located?

This interesting tourist attraction is located on the territory of Cape Opuk, approximately 30 km from Kerch. Once upon a time there was a military training ground in this place. But not so long ago Opuksky was created here nature reserve. The area of ​​this reserve is not too large. But at the same time, a huge number of different kinds of rare birds live on its territory. Opuk was removed from the command of the military training ground in 1998. At the moment, it includes not only this cape itself, but also part of the coastal territory, as well as outcrops standing in the sea, called “Ship Rocks” for their unusual shape.

The Pink Lake itself in Crimea is located on Opuk in close proximity to the Black Sea. This body of water is separated from it only by a not too wide sandy embankment.

A little history

Story ( bcnjhbz) near the Pink Lake in Crimea is quite interesting. It belongs to the group of volcanic ones. That is, it was formed a very, very long time ago. In fact, even today its bottom is a dormant volcano. Not so long ago, Pink Lake was part of the Black Sea. However, later the surf brought a lot of sand here. Because of this, an embankment-lintel was formed.

Short description

So, we found out where Pink Lake is in Crimea. It is located near Kerch. Its official name is Koyashskoye. This unusual body of water is quite large in size. Its total area is about 5 hectares. The lake reaches 4 km in length and 2 km in width. You will not be able to swim in this reservoir. Its depth in spring reaches only 1 meter. By autumn, the lake dries up completely. This reservoir is actually very salty. Therefore, practically no living creatures are found in it. The salt concentration in it reaches 350 grams per liter. This is definitely a lot. Koyashskoye is the saltiest body of water on the Crimean peninsula.

The mud in this lake is healing. They are mined and supplied for the treatment of vacationers to local sanatoriums. You won't be able to swim in this lake. However, you can smear yourself with mud on the shore. There is enough water to wash them off.

Why pink?

The main feature of this reservoir that attracts tourists to it is, of course, not its shallow depth or high salt content. Of course, it was not for nothing that the lake was called pink. The water in it really has this color. This body of water looks especially beautiful at sunset. In fact, the name Koyashskoye itself translates as “the lake in which the sun hides.”

In spring, the water in this reservoir has an ugly brown-brown dirty color. However, already in June, with an increase in air temperature, its shade begins to change rapidly. This is primarily due to the vital activity of algae breeding in the lake Dunaliella Salina.The beta-carotene it produces gives the water a delicate, juicy pink hue.

When is the best time to go?

In spring, the water in Lake Koyashsky is not very beautiful. But you can admire the surroundings of this reservoir in April-May. At this time, a huge number of tulips bloom along the shores of the lake. They almost cover the local hills with a carpet.

In order toappreciate beautyhimselfPink lake in Crimea, it’s worth coming here in mid-late summer. It is during this period that algae develop most actively, and the water acquires a truly beautiful shade.

Closer to autumn, the lake, as already mentioned, dries up. But even at this time it looks quite impressive. The fact is that the beta-carotene contained in its water turns salt pink.

Later, in the fall, due to rains, the lake begins to fill with water again. At this time of year, the layer in its bowl is not too large - about 2 cm. But because of it, the lake looks like a huge clear mirror. Tourists walking along the pond at this time of year feel like they are floating in the air due to the reflecting clouds.

How to get to Pink Lake in Crimea?

Get to this unusual natural siteon the peninsula you can follow the Feodosia-Kerch highway. At the sign "Marfovo-Marevka",not reaching about 20 km to the city,you need to turn towards the Black Sea. The road ahead will not be very good. You should be prepared for this. Having reached the village of Maryevka, you need to turn straight towards the coast onto a country road. It may not be possible to drive through it in a regular car, as it is heavily rutted. Some part of the journey will most likely have to be covered on foot. But get to the cape by jeepThe dough will turn out without any problems.

Opuk Nature Reserve

Where is the Pink Lake in Crimea located specifically -It's clear. But it’s still not worth going on an excursion to see him spontaneously.Illegal entry into the reserve territoryat Cape Opukprohibited. In order to get into the reserve, you needat firstobtain a pass by first submitting an application to its administration. Hereshouldindicate the purpose of the visit, the number of people wishing to see the cape and their age.You don't need to travel anywhere to apply. Do itYou can, for example, via the Internet. The reserve has its own VKontakte group.

Other Pink Lakes of Crimea

Koyashskoye actually looks very beautiful. However, there are also others in Crimea salt lakes same nice color. In this case, the effect is caused by the same algae. Lakes such as Krasnoi and Staroye, for example, have a pink tint on the peninsula.

Both bodies of water are located on the territoryKrasnoperekopsk City Councilin the west of the peninsula. These lakes also look very impressive.

Senegal, located in West Africa, is famous for its extraordinary Pink Lake, its color reminiscent of a strawberry cocktail. Lake Retba is an amazing natural phenomenon, unique in its kind, with a truly rich pink color. It is this fact that made it one of the main attractions of Senegal. What is the secret of this miracle of nature, why does the lake have such a color, and what life stories are associated with it?

In fact, everything is quite simple, the water in Lake Retba is salty to such an extent that it is suitable for the life of only one type of microorganisms, which, in turn, give the color, which varies from pale pink to brown. The salt concentration here is many times higher than in the Dead Sea. The color intensity varies depending on the time of day, namely on the angle of incidence of the sun's rays, as well as on the weather. During drought, the pink color is most pronounced.

Pink Lake is located near the coast of the Atlantic Ocean, 30 km from the capital of Senegal - Dakar. Retba Square – 3 square kilometers.

There is an entire village located on the shore of the lake, and local residents spend their days extracting salt from the bottom of the lake and pouring it into boats. This work is very hard, but the pay for it is not bad.

Previously, Lake Retba was not a lake at all; once upon a time it was a lagoon. But year after year, the Atlantic surf brought sand, which subsequently caused the disappearance of the channel connecting the lagoon with the ocean. For many years the lake was unremarkable. But in the 70s, there was a severe drought in Senegal, the Retba became shallow, and the extraction of salt, which lay in a large layer at the bottom, became quite a profitable business.

Nowadays, people extract salt from the lake, standing shoulder-deep in the water, but about 20 years ago there was so little of it that it was possible to walk. By extracting huge amounts of salt from the bottom of the Pink Lake, people very quickly make it deeper. In some places the bottom level dropped by three or more meters.

Video: AROUND THE WORLD: Pink Lake Retba

Why is the water pink?

This question comes to mind first; it is asked by almost every traveler who has visited this anomalous place. But the answer has not yet been found. Unlike other colored lakes in the world, such as Retba in Senegal and the saltwater bodies of San Francisco Bay, the origin of Lake Hillier's pink color has not been definitively proven.

At first it was thought that the color was the result of paint created by Dunaliella and Halobacteria organisms living in salty bodies of water. Another hypothesis says that the pink color is due to red halophilic bacteria. It was assumed that the reason for the pink color of the water was a combination of a certain salinity of the water and specific microorganisms. But tests conducted in 1950 did not confirm these assumptions. In subsequent years, a number of studies were also carried out, but the mystery of Lake Hillier remained unsolved, seriously exciting the minds of scientists.

Lake location

Lake Hillier is located at the very edge of the Middle Island, separated from the ocean only by a small strip of eucalyptus trees surrounding the reservoir on all sides. The evergreen trees provide a wonderful contrast to the landscape, looking particularly vibrant against the pink lake backdrop.

As for the size of the lake, it cannot be said that it is large. Its width is about 600 meters. Thanks to its oval shape, the lake is often compared to a fairy-tale cake with delicious pink icing.

History of Pink Lake

The first mention of Lake Hillier dates back to 1802. British navigator and hydrographer Matthew Flinders stopped on Sredniy Island and noticed unusual lake on the way to Sydney.

In the years 1820-1840, seal hunters and whalers stopped on the island, and at the beginning of the 20th century, salt began to be extracted from rose water. But the resource quickly dried up, and after 6 years salt production was stopped. Since then, the lake has not been used for industrial purposes.

The Legend of Lake Hiller

This one has mysterious place has its own, very beautiful legend, explaining the pink color of the water. It is known to few sailors and rare travelers.

In the 17th century, in the waters surrounding the island, the ship was caught in a strong storm and sank. The only surviving sailor was thrown onto uninhabited lands. The fight against the elements greatly injured him. Due to broken limbs, every movement brought pain to the sailor, and getting food became torture. A few weeks later, maddened by pain, loneliness and hopelessness, he exclaimed: “I will sell my soul to the devil if this nightmare stops!” Then a man came out from the shadow of a nearby tree with two jugs in his hands: one contained blood, and the other milk. He slowly walked to the small internal lake of the island and said: “Blood will help you forget what pain is. Milk will relieve you of hunger. All you have to do is plunge into these waters.” After this, the stranger poured the contents of the jugs into the lake, causing it to change color. The sailor, who thought he was crazy, slowly walked into a suspicious rose water and dived, and when he emerged, the strange stranger was nowhere to be found. To the traveler’s surprise, there was no trace left of the fractures and the feeling of hunger. Later, pirates landed on this island and took the poor sailor prisoner. Subsequently, the filibusters were alerted by the fact that the prisoner did not feel pain and did not need food. Considering this a bad sign, the superstitious pirates threw the sailor overboard, not believing in his mystical story of healing. By the way, what original name Lake “Hiller” is absolutely consonant in pronunciation English word“Healer”, which translates as “Healer”.

Be sure to check out the Pink Lake, also known as Retba. The color of the water in it resembles either potassium permanganate or a strawberry cocktail. This incredible natural formation features natural water.

It is not surprising that the lake is considered one of the main ones. What is its secret?

The mystery of rose water

The water of Lake Retba is very salty. For most microorganisms, the salt level is lethal, and only one species can survive in it. It is these creatures that give the water its beautiful color. The intensity of the shade can vary from delicate pinkish to dark brown, everything is determined by the angle of incidence of the sun's rays and weather conditions. For example, during the dry season, the Pink Lake in Senegal becomes incredibly bright, attracting especially large numbers of tourists. The magical shade of the water, combined with the many boats gliding along the surface of the lake, creates a completely surreal picture.

Where is it located?

You can look at Pink Lake off the Atlantic coast. It is located near Dakar, the capital of the country.

Just thirty kilometers from the city, and you are there. It’s also not far from the westernmost point of the peninsula - twenty kilometers to the peninsula Cape Verde. The area of ​​the amazing reservoir is small (three square kilometers), and its deepest place is three meters. There is a village on the shore, whose workers and traders are fed by the Pink Lake. Photos of this place often illustrate the work local residents. They stand up to their necks in water and manually scoop salt from the bottom. This is very hard work, but it pays well. Therefore, flat boats cover the entire coastline every day.

Retba's story

There was once a lagoon here, connected to Atlantic Ocean. The surf brought sand from year to year, and the channel was gradually filled with it. In the 70s, a drought hit these places, after which the Retba became shallow, making salt production quite accessible.

The water is gradually returning, and workers are standing in it up to their shoulders, but just twenty years ago the level here was at most waist-deep. The depth of the lake is also increasing because people are extracting about twenty-five thousand tons of salt, gradually scooping out the bottom. Apart from microorganisms called dunaliella, which give the water a special hue with its pigment, no other organisms, fish or plants live here. The Pink Lake is even more deadly for all living things than the famous Dead Sea - there is one and a half times more salt here. It is impossible to drown here: dense water holds objects on the surface. Even boats heavily laden with loot do not sink. A boat can be filled in three hours of hard work, and each worker must repeat this operation three times a day. To prevent salt of such concentration from corroding the skin, workers rub themselves with special oil from the fruits of the tallow tree. Otherwise, painful ulcers will appear on the skin within half an hour. So it’s better to watch the lake from the outside.

Our planet is teeming with many mystical, unknown, scary and unusual beautiful places. Red and pink lakes are named after the color of their waters. Most often they have shades of red: pink, crimson, scarlet and closer to orange. Many of them are dangerous and inspire feelings of fear and horror.

Scientists say that the lakes owe their color to the microorganisms that live in their waters.

The creepy Red Lake Natron in Tanzania turns all living things into stone

In Africa, on the border with Kenya, in Tanzania there is an ominous Lake Narton. Everyone who touches him turns to stone. So far these are only careless birds.

Why do they become fossilized? It's simple: ideal alkalinity pH is from 9 to 10.5 and salt keeps the corpses in the condition that you see in the photo.

But the lake cannot be called dead - it is a haven for millions of pink flamingos. Birds come here to breed. This is an ideal habitat for them: predators avoid this lake, and blue-green algae with red pigments are good for food.

How to get to Lake Natron? From Kilimanjaro Airport to Arusha 50 km. And from Arusha it is another 240 km. There are no special tours to this lake, but on the list of tours to the Oldoinyo-Lengai volcano there is an item: visiting Lake Natron. On your own, of course, it will be much more expensive. You can also see the red lake during a safari in National Park Serengeti National Park or Great Rift Valley(Great Rift Valley).

Bloody Red Lagoon of Colorado in Bolivia

Another reddish lake, Laguna Colorado, is located in Bolivia, in the town of Eduardo Avaroa on the Altiplano. This is a state park with a salt lake. The color of the water is given by borax deposits and some algae.

The lake is inhabited by the same pink flamingos. Crowds of tourists from all over the world come to see these beautiful birds and the equally beautiful shallow lake.

How to get to Red Lagoon? You can get there from the towns of Tupiza or Uyuni by jeep (300 km). The place can be visited as part of the Andes tour.

Koyash mineral lake in Crimea

Koyashskoe Lake is located near the Borisovka resort, in the Opuk Bay, in the Cimmerian steppes.

To contemplate the beauty of the lake. Its rich pink color and fancy stone structures in salt crystals are worth coming to see in July-August. The water recedes and the salt comes out, settling on everything it meets on its way.

How to get there (get there)? From Feodosia, get to Borisovka and use your own transport along the dirt road. By public route from Kerch to Maryevka and then on foot 7 km.

Red salt lake Sasyk-Sivash in Crimea

And this is another lake on the Crimean peninsula, not far from the resort of Evpatoria. Lake Sasyk-Sivash is pink due to the evaporation of mineral salt. During evaporation, many carotenoid microalgae appear.

The healing properties of salt have attracted tourists for a long time. It has a high content of magnesium and potassium, bromine and calcium.

Another bizarre moment with Lake Sasyk-Sivash is the “boiling of the lake”. This miracle is understandable - it’s all due to underwater fountains (griffins).

How to get to Lake Sasyk-Sivash? You can take an electric train from Evpatoria to Saki. Then take a bus to Pribrezhnoye and walk 2 km. or by car.

The salty Chokraskoye Lake is located not far from the village of Kurortnoye on the Kerch Peninsula. It, like all the above, has the property of water turning pinkish-red. The reason for this is unicellular algae.

Tourists come here not only to look at the lake, but also to get healing mud and get treatment.

How to get there? By bus from Kerch to the village of Kurortnoye and 2 km. on foot.

Pink lakes tend to predominate in Australia. There is a large concentration of these unusual water areas. Lake Hillier is located at the very large island Middle Island in Western Australia.

How to get here? The problem is that the island is not inhabited, and you can see it from the window of an airplane. Although Australian travel companies offer trips on sea ships.

Lake Retba in Senegal

The pink lake Retba is located near the capital of Dakar in Senegal.

Pink lake in Altai

Or rather, not one pink lake, but two. The first lake Bursol or Buturlinskoye is located in the Slavogorodsky district Altai Territory(Bursol village), 500 km. from Barnaul to the steppe. And the second is called Raspberry Lake, located 400 km away. from the capital of Altai, near the village of the same name Raspberry Lake.

These salty pink lakes are a great place to relax and prevent the treatment of many diseases. It is clear that the only industry here is salt mining. The pink color of the lakes comes from the crustaceans Artemia and nauplii.

It is better to get there by your own transport or from Branaul by bus: to Raspberry Lake - to the village of Mikhailovskoye, to Buturlinsky - to Slavgorod.


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