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As you know, there are three sights in Azerbaijan - Baku (the plane arrives there), Hynalyg (village, located at an altitude of 2,200 meters above the bustle and being, drink tea), well, and mud volcanoes of Gobustan (dirt and gray). Today I suggest you dirty dirt, and with the rest of the sights, we will find another time. Go.

So, how to get there. From the center of Baku, you need to leave for 5 bus. It walks every five minutes, paid by the transport card, which acts on the subway and on beautiful red buses. Map can be bought in the terminal at the bus stop. The terminal only understands Azerbaijani, so when buying, some crap will happen. For example, instead of a one-time card, we took a permanent card, and they also enrolled 10 manat on it, and the cost of the bus on the bus is 20 gyapikov. At the final stop "20. Sahә "you need to transfer in 195 bus and ask the driver to prompt when Gobustistan, well, or follow the navigator. The passage costs 80 gyapiki cash.

At the exit from the bus you fall into the paws of Baryg Taxi drivers who are willing to take you to the museum. The fact is that Gobustistan among tourists is primarily famous for the reserve with the weak pictures, but we do not need there. Having learned that we want to volcanoes, the taxi driver requested 30 manat, although the red price of this trip is a dozen. Since we do not speak Azerbaijanis, and the taxi driver in Russian, and the weather was really disgusting, somehow consolidated twenty.

5 minutes on the highway, 10 on the dirty parcel, and, here, we are in place.

Mud volcanoes are not so large-scale as usual ordinary volcanoes. For the most purpose, they are a slide of a few meters high.

In the vertex crater of the mud volcano there is a mud lake, in which dirt bouffags.

When the crater is overwhelmed, the hut is starting to flow a mud. Dirt slowly dries, the volcano grows.

Here, for example, a newly frozen lava flow and, for scale, people on the slope of the volcano.

Around everything is also in volcanic mud. If you come in not to the end of the frozen dirt, then you can fit well. Dirt has unique properties - from it and building materials do, and medicines, and cosmetics.

By the number of mud volcanoes, Azerbaijan ranks first in the world. The internets say that in the world about 800 mud volcanoes. About 350 of them are located in Azerbaijan.

In addition, underwater mud volcanoes are found in Azerbaijan. On the Baku Archipelago 8 islands in originals relate to mud volcanoes.

In the usual condition, mud volcanoes are slowly bouffered by mud, but sometimes real eruptions are happening with a flame emissions to a height of up to a thousand meters. This is all due to the fact that mud volcanoes are located in oil and gas fields.

The weather was rainy, so the dirt in the craters is especially liquid.

Lava flow.

The street was a latter and hellish cold, running 20 minutes between the craters, we climbed into the car and rushed back to Gobustan, where they managed to catch the same bus returning to the city.

The main goal of our trip to Azerbaijan was the task of mixing the dirt of Gobustan and Hynalyga on shoes than we soon and we will deal with.

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Azerbaijan He is the epicenter of mud volcanoes of the world. Here is collected three hundred fifty of the eight hundred existing on the planet mud volcanoes!

In share Azerbaijan There is a good half of the volcanoes of the world. Azerbaijani mud volcanoes are located not only on land, but in the waters of the Caspian Sea. In total there are about 150 marine mud volcanoes.

According to research conducted by scientists of the world, the first eruption of the mud volcano occurred at 25 million years ago. It happened on the territory where it is located The Republic of Azerbaijan. It turns out that Azerbaijani volcanoes are the most ancient in the world.

When eruption of mud volcanoes, lava, dirt and liquid, which are used in the chemical and construction industry, and in pharmacology are used to the surface of the Earth.

Every year, thousands of tourists visit AzerbaijanTo see the eruption of mud volcanoes. It would seem that in this attractive? Mud baths are therapeutic effects on the body. And the fantastic landscape of mud volcanoes resembles a lunar surface. Travelers love to be photographed among mud volcanoes, show photos to friends and boast what we visited the moon. And, as it turned out, not in vain. NASA geologists studied surface MarsAfter they came to the conclusion that the mud volcanoes of Azerbaijan are similar in their structure with the elevation of a bloody-red planet.

Mud volcanoes of Azerbaijan There are all year round. Over the past 200 years, there were 200 major eruptions in Azerbaijan. Twenty-three mud volcanoes of the country received status National ParkNow they are under guard. Last year, the mud volcanoes of Azerbaijan fell into the list " Seven wonders of the world».

According to the head of the mud volcanism of the Institute of Geology, Nana, Dr. Geological and Mineralogical Sciences, Adyl Aliyeva, were chosen to create a mud volcanic reserves that were dramatically allocated in the terrain, were located at altitudes of up to 400 m, were actively operating and were on the coast of the Caspian Sea , as well as near the main roads and settlements.

District management and commutes of ecology, located near volcanoes, were connected to the protection of natural monuments of volcanoes. On the approaches to volcanoes already installed security inscriptions, notifying that these monuments of nature are protected by the state and to pollute, destroy, to carry out the construction and other works are strictly prohibited.

Nature monuments

In 1982, in the decision of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Azerbaijan No. 167, Beyuk Chenizdag, Ayrantenen and Dashgil, which are located in Gobustan and Volcano Lokbatan in Lokbatan, was given the status of a nature monument.

Created in 2007 state Natural Reserve The groups of mud volcanoes Baku and the Absheron Peninsula provided 52 mud volcanoes the status of a state reserve.

On September 15, 2004, the largest mud volcano in the world, located on the territory of Azerbaijan, entered the Guinness Book of Records.

In 2009, mud volcanoes claimed a place in the "Seven Natural Wonders of Light" list.

Underwater mud volcanoes


Mud volcanoes appeared on the territory of the current Azerbaijan Republic 25 million years ago.

Mud volcanoes by origin are associated with oil and gas fields. Rich deposits of gas condensate and oil (Lokbatan, Garadag, oil stones, Mysdag, etc.) were found on the plots of mud volcanoes (Lokbathan, Garadag, Oil Stones, Mis. In addition, dirt and liquid that mud volcanoes mud are used as raw materials for the chemical and construction industry, as well as for pharmacology.

Folk names

As well as geographic term - "Mud volcanoes", they are called them as "Yanardag" (burning mountain), "Pilpil" (terrace), "Guynach" (boiling water), "Bozdag" (gray mountain).

Eruption of mud volcanoes

On January 26, 2017, an eruption of Akhtarma Páshali volcano, which is considered one of the largest in Azerbaijan, occurred in the Gadjigabul district. It is located 35 km south-east of the city of Shirvan. The eruption continued until the morning, a jet of flames of 30-35 meters was chosen into the sky.


This is a periodically spewing mud volcano, many eruptions of which were accompanied by underground explosions, a flame, which sometimes reached 500 m of heights. Ieratenen volcano, which has a platoon shape is 65 km south-west of the capital, on an elevation with a height of 190 m. The first eruptions occurred in 1964-1990, as a result of which mud-tank flows were poured into the southern slope. There are 4 groups of mud-tank manifestations. The first is located in the southwestern part of the elevation and is characterized by oil-producing griffins. The second, the group is more, is located north-west of the modern eruption of the volcano and is characterized by a plurality of active microform, the height of which reaches 5-10 meters. There are several cracks around the volcanic field, the length of which reaches 700-800 m, and the depth is 2-3 m. The total volume of breccia approximates 500 million m3, and the area of \u200b\u200bBracchia is about 805 hectares. In the mud-tank eruptions it was possible to meet many oil-bearing rocks.


This volcano, which has an oval form is located 55 km south-west of Baku, in the Alyatskaya zone. It takes over the terrain of 45 m. Here the first eruption occurred in 1853, and the most recently in 1993. A total of 8 eruptions were. About 30 acting microforms were recorded on the volcanic field.


The volcano is located 70 km south-west of the capital and just 3 km from the volcano Ayrantene. The diameter of the volcano is more than 150 m, and the depth comes to 15-20 m. The average power of the eruption of this volcano is 130 m. Goturdag is characterized by its manifestation from other volcanoes of Azerbaijan. The dirt squeezes out of the field as a tube paste up, and then overlooking, slides down the slope of the volcano. For the first time, such a spectacle was observed here in 1926. This process continued until 1966. After that, in October 1966 and in the spring of 1970, conventional eruptions took place. The area of \u200b\u200bthe Pokrov Bracchia is 408 hectares, and the total volume of the prosecuted volcanic breccia comes to 530 million m3.


This volcano is located 65 km south-west of Baku, not far from the other mud volcano Dashgil. The proliferation area of \u200b\u200bthe Vulcan Bracia is 550 hectares, and the average power of the cover - 30 m. The volcano is represented by two groups of microform. The first is located in the eastern part of the crater shaft, where low hills and griffins are isolated gas, water, dirt with oil particles. The second group is located 500 meters from the first and has a relatively large height (more than 10 m) sobes and griffins. The second group is currently active.




The volcanic eruption occurred in the morning of September 23, 2018. The height of the flame was 200-300 meters. A lot of cracks are formed on the site with a depth of 40 meters.

see also


  1. Mud Volcanoes, Absheron, Baku (eng.). Checked January 9, 2018.
  2. Mud Volcanoes. (eng.). Checked January 9, 2018.
  3. Alexander Cheban. Mud volcanoes of Azerbaijan (Neopr.) . (November 5, 2011). Checked on May 28, 2017.

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In Azerbaijan, there is a large number of mud volcanoes in the world - this is what the guidebook says, after reading which, I realized what to be in Azerbaijan and not to visit the volcanoes, I could not afford to myself, I took a taxi and again went towards the Gobustan Reserve.

Well, that, let them write and say that the mud volcanoes in Azerbaijan the largest quantity, but the most dirt is exactly in Russia)))).

And now I am going on a taxi away from Baku, and on the left side of the Caspian Sea - another brilliant creation of human hands - the project of Azerbaijan - Khazar Island Island. This is an ultra-modern and futuristic city of the future on bulk islands. The idea is something similar to the palm islands of Dubai, but for me so more interesting. On Square 2000 hectares, unique houses, villas, mansions, shops, business centers, all modern infrastructure will be built. Here will be the most tall tower In the world - the Tower "Azerbaijan", it must be completed in 2019 and have a height of 1050 meters, thus surpassing the two main competitors of Kingdom Tower in Saudi Arabia And Madina Al Harir in Kuwait. I do not know whether this idea will be able to have Azerbaijan or not, but if so, then this is exactly the occasion, so that only for this to come and see this country. While only the gate is ready, leaving the distance to the rude island of Khazar.

Goal bulk island Khazar, Azerbaijan

And after about 40 minutes drive from the center of Baku, there is already a familiar pain - a turn to the Gobustan roofing.


A taxi driver, although was a native inhabitant Baku, "I heard something" about mud volcanoes, but I really didn't know where they were. As a result, we came again to the Gobustan Open-air Museum and turned to the local police asking us to show us the road.


The guards of the order explained that in fact, the mud volcanoes are "already closed", it is interesting to close the territory that can not be closed, but in just 20 "Baku rubles" (this, by the way, not 20 dollars, as in the notorious film "Zhmurki", And 20 euros, because one Azerbaijanic manat is approximately 1 euro) they will not only "open" these volcanoes specifically for us, but also hold us there ... said - done ... And I moved to the volcano on a taxi Accompanied by a police car, it sounds proudly.))) On the way, I met here such an interesting "tourist" machine - a group of tourists traveled onto the mud volcanoes.

In the Gobustan Reserve, Azerbaijan //

Finally, after the half-hour ride, the mud volcanoes themselves appear on the country road.


It is believed that of 800 mud volcanoes known for all globeMore than 300 is located on the territory of modern Azerbaijan and its Caspian water area.



Scientists believe that the world's first eruption of the mud volcano happened 25 million years ago and it happened just in the territory where modern Azerbaijan is now located.


Police car stood five minutes for decency and "dissolved" in the steppes of Azerbaijan.


Already, many tourists come to Azerbaijan then to first observe the eruption of mud volcanoes that "act" here all year round.


NASA geologists who studied the nature of Mars, said that the mud volcanoes of Azerbaijan are very similar in the structure with the elevation of the Red Planet. But they compared the surface of the moon with the Jordanian desert Wadi-Ram.



Over the past two hundred years, about 200 eruptions occurred in Azerbaijan, they are usually accompanied by explosions and a strong underground hum.


The dirt in the volcanoes is not hot at all, so in order to "improve the softness of the skin" you can safely shove into the dirt finger, well, or who has something for that fantasy.


And it is very high volcanoI found a plateau next to Gobustan. All other "geysers" below it in height.


Mud vulcan - this is a hole or recess on the surface of the Earth or elevation with the crater in the form of a cone ( mud hump) From which mud masses are pulled out to the surface of the Earth.

Azerbaijan ranks 1st in the world by the number of mud volcanoes - "burning mountains", as they are called in the people. Of the 800 famous volcanoes here are about 350, and in the international competition of the Swiss non-profit organization "Seven Wonders of Nature", the mud volcanoes of Azerbaijan took 5th place.

It is believed that mud volcanoes for the first time began their activities in the territory of the current Azerbaijan almost 25 million years ago.

Mud volcanoes are located very close to Gobustan:

The world's largest mud volcanoes have a diameter of 10 km and a height of about 700 meters. But those volcanoes that will be discussed in this report are very small and erused by small (sometimes large) fluthers of dirt. So be very careful with your photo engineering!

Mud volcanoes for their origin are associated with oil and gas fields.

There are also underground and sea mud volcanoes in Azerbaijan.

On the territory of Azerbaijan from 1810 to the present, about 200 eruptions occurred from 50 volcanoes. Usually, the eruption of mud volcanoes is accompanied by strong explosions and underground hum.

NASA specialists who studied, came to the conclusion that the mud volcanoes of Azerbaijan are similar in their structure on the elevation of the Red Planet.

It is interesting to note that a certain seasonality is observed in the mud eruption. Maximum cases of volcanic eruption falls on autumn. It is probably due to the change in atmospheric pressure.

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