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The lakes in Bali are four mountain reservoirs that are the largest reservoir fresh water islands. Local residents have a special and very reverent attitude towards water - after all, it nourishes the crops, ensuring the harvest. In this article I will tell you why the lakes of Bali are interesting, how they were formed, and what significance they have in traditional local culture.

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General characteristics of lakes

In Balinese, "lake" sounds like "danau". The roots of the name go back to ancient Sanskrit, where the word “d anu” means “moisture”.

The four lakes on the island have the following names:

Each of them can be characterized by the following parameters:

  • Location and dimensions
  • Origin
  • Cultural and religious significance
  • Ecology

Location and dimensions

The most big lake is Batur, the smallest is Tamblingan. All of them are located in the east and north of the island.

Here is basic information about their location and size:

  • It is located in the northeastern part of Bangli district - Kintamani district.
  • Height above sea level – 1061 meters
  • Area – 1 6 km²
  • Maximum depth – 70 meters

  • The lake is located in Tabanan district, at the eastern foot of the volcano of the same name.
  • Height above sea level – 123 1 meters
  • Area – 3.8 km²
  • Maximum depth - 35 meters

  • It is located in the northernmost district of the island - Buleleng.
  • Altitude above sea level – 1190 meters
  • Area – 3.6 km²
  • Maximum depth – 85 m

  • The lake is located less than a kilometer east of Buyan.
  • Altitude above sea level – 1200 meters
  • Area – 1.9 km²
  • Maximum depth – 88 meters


Mountain lakes in Bali are of volcanic origin. They are located in two calderas. A younger caldera near Lake Batur. It was formed as a result of two eruptions of the volcano of the same name. The first of them occurred 30,000 years ago, and the second - 20,000 years ago. After the lava came out, voids appeared under the volcano, into which huge sections of the earth's surface fell. Then part of the caldera filled with water - and a large lake Batur appeared.

Three northern lakes arose on the spot ancient volcano Chatur, which once reached a height of 3-4,000 meters. Presumably, its eruption occurred 100,000 years ago. The ancient caldera is larger than that near Batur. After the failure, a huge ring was formed, which now resembles a ridge with mountains and hills covered with tropical forest.

It is possible that initially all three northern Balinese lakes were connected into one. Then, as a result of an earthquake or other cataclysm, they separated. It is known for sure that until 1800 Buyan and Tamblingan were one body of water. There is no such information about Bro.

Due to the volcanic origin of the lakes, they have quite high level salt content. This is especially true of Batur, located next to an active volcano. There are many lakes nearby thermal springs. This also indicates high geological activity of the subsoil in this area. All lakes are surrounded by hills and mountains, many of which are former volcanoes.

The importance of lakes for the Balinese

As I already said, all four bodies of water play an important role in the life of the island’s population. Now I will tell you more about this.

Lakes are closely connected with such aspects of social life as:

  1. Religion
  2. History and culture
  3. Farm

Now more details about each

In religion

Water, primarily fresh water, is sacred to the island's inhabitants. It gives life to crops; without it, it is impossible to grow precious rice, which is also considered a sacred crop. Moisture serves to cleanse the body and soul. Since, apart from four lakes, there are no sources of fresh water on the island, the attitude towards them is special.

So, near each lake there is one or more temples. The most significant ones are located near Batur and Bratan (Ulong Danu Temple), they are dedicated to the goddess Devi Danu. All others are also connected to it in one way or another. Devi Danu in Hinduism is the embodiment of the primordial moisture in the Universe. In ancient Hinduism, Devi Danu was considered the mother of the demon of chaos and drought, Vitra, who was killed by his worst enemy Indra. In later versions, the goddess is the daughter of Daksha and the wife of the divine sage Kashyapa (Cher epakhi), from whom all living beings originate.

Religious ceremonies constantly take place near the temples (by the way, water from lakes is always used for them). Local residents do not begin to sow rice and plant vegetables until they present their gifts to the goddess. You can often see groups of people praying and meditating on the shore. Believers even from neighboring islands come to the lakes.

Temples are also an important part of the irrigation system. The water is distributed throughout their territory and only then flows to the rice terraces. Some temples get flooded during the rainy season. Their walls are often covered with moss and grass due to high humidity. This does not mean that the Balinese do not want to take care of their shrines. Religious rules do not allow one to disturb the gods in their homes.

In history and culture

In addition to religious, the lakes have historical and cultural significance for the inhabitants of the island. Not long ago, in the Tamblingan area, historians found artifacts indicating that this is where the Balinese civilization began.

In general, it would be logical to assume that the first inhabitants of the island settled next to fresh water bodies. This is quite enough real evidence. For example, the unique subak irrigation system originated in the 18th century in the area of ​​lakes. And near Batur there is one of the settlements of the oldest of the local peoples - Bali Agha.

On the farm

The lakes are very important for the agriculture of nearby settlements. The water from them is used for domestic needs and drinking. The lakes contain a lot of fish, which are used not only to feed local residents, but also for sale to neighboring restaurants.

Ecology of lakes

The crystal clear water of the lakes is more of a memory from the past than a reality. The main cause of pollution is the rapid development of the tourism business, population growth, intensive cultivation of agricultural land, the use of pesticides, and undeveloped sewers on the shores of lakes. For example, recent studies have shown that the water in Lake Batur is no longer suitable for drinking - only for irrigating the land. It reveals an increased amount of heavy metals and organic contaminants. Despite the government's calls, local residents continue to drink water from this lake.

The problem of pollution and overuse of water resources in Bali is becoming increasingly urgent. A large amount of water is directed to tourist sites, as a result, fields and gardens dry out, and traditional agriculture declines. Local residents in some areas experience a shortage of water even for domestic needs; there is no need to talk about its quality. At the same time, no drop in water level in the lakes has been recorded; on the contrary, a rise has been observed in some.

Another problem is intensive fishing. The number of residents on the lake shores is increasing, and more and more hotels and restaurants are opening where fish can be sold. The fauna of lakes is declining due to pesticide pollution. There are periodic reports of mass fish deaths. First of all, these problems concern Lake Batur. Chemical pollution due to volcanic activity, supplemented by agricultural waste entering the water, and the rapid development of tourism in the future may result in an environmental disaster.

Lakes on the map

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What to do on the lakes

I would recommend devoting several days to visiting the lakes. You can start from Batur, then move towards the north. The trip promises to be very interesting and diverse.

Here are the types of holidays available here:

  • Walking along the shore
  • Boat ride or catamaran
  • Fishing
  • Bathing in hot springs
  • Climbing to the tops of active and extinct volcanoes
  • Visiting temples
  • Observation of ceremonies
  • Visit neighboring farms and rice fields

Now I will tell you about the most interesting activities:

Hiking and trekking

All volcanic lakes are very beautiful. You can admire the surface of the water along the way, because the lakes are located in the valley. Near the roads and paths there are cafes with open areas from which beautiful views to the water. The surrounding hills are also very picturesque, some are overgrown with jungle, others can be seen with orchards and rice terraces.

All lakes are surrounded by mountains of varying heights. If you wish, you can climb one of the peaks. The most popular climbs are to the Batur volcano. There is also tourist routes to Lesung (near Lake Tamblingan) and Chatur (near Lake Braatan).

Boating and fishing

Boat trips are one of the favorite pastimes of tourists. I will only note that on some lakes motor vehicles are prohibited; here people only swim with oars. If you wish, you can sit with a fishing rod on the shore, or negotiate with one of the local residents about fishing on boats in the center of the lake.

Bathing in hot springs

Lake Buyan is the smallest lake on the island of Bali. It is located approximately 7 kilometers northeast of Bedugul. The lake is surrounded by virgin forest, and next to the lake there are trees, coffee and clove plantations, and farms.

In the western part of Lake Buyan we can see the sister of Lake Buyan - Lake Tamblingan. On the same side, between the fields, surrounded by trees, the Pura Tahun temple was hidden. On the shore opposite the village of Asam Tamblingan, rise the eleven-, nine- and five-tier roofs of the meru of the Pura Gubug Temple, which is dedicated to the goddess Devi Danu. Three kilometers from Lake Tamblingan is the Munduk waterfall, whose strong streams of water fall from a great height, and a kilometer from this place is the village of Munduk, in which there are several cottages and restaurants.

Lake Bro

The sacred lake Bratan is located in the crater of an extinct volcano, at an altitude of 1200 meters above sea level. Ancient legend says that the lake will give beauty, youth and health to anyone who plunges into its holy waters.

Lake Bratan is also a source of pure water, which is used by local farmers for cooking and farming. The local nature here is pristinely pure, as on the first day of the creation of the world. An exception is the modern water amusement park - a favorite place for tourists.

On the shore of the lake stands the Ulun Danu Temple, built in honor of the goddess of fertility. Consisting of several structures, some of which are located on lake islands, the temple produces a stunning, incredible spectacle - its multi-tiered roofs seem to grow from the depths of a sacred spring.

It is always very clean and elegant here, because local residents often perform religious ceremonies here dedicated to the goddess of fertility Devi Danu. You can often see clouds of incense over the surface of the lake.

And wondering what to watch on this fairy island, then turn your attention to attractions such as Lake Bratan and the incredible Ulun Danu Temple.

Lake Bratan.

Lake Beratan is located in the northern part of the island of Bali at an altitude of more than 1230 meters above sea level, near the foot of Mount Gunung Katur, the highest high point which is located at a level of 2096 meters. The lake is one of the most beautiful, which can be reached not only from, but also from other resorts on the Bukit Peninsula.
You can get to this place either by taxi or by excursion bus as part of a group of tourists. When independent travel For the sights of Bali, it is recommended to use a rented car to navigate to the cities of Baturiti or Petang to visit the unique and inimitable Lake of the Holy Mountain. So the road from Ubud - cultural capital country, located 27 km from Denpasar, it will take no more than 1.5 hours to reach Bratan through beautiful terrain with rice terraces, tea plantations, as well as palm forests and flowering gardens. When approaching the town of Bedogul in Tabanan Regency, near which it is located famous lake You need to turn right near the corn monument.

When approaching the lake, its main attraction immediately catches your eye: the Ulun Danu Temple, built by order of King Mengwi in 1663 in honor of the goddess of Lake Ida Batara Dewi Danu, to whom every morning, and especially during festive ceremonies, local residents bring offerings and pray for good things harvest.

Since Lake Bratan, whose depth is more than 35 meters, is the main body of water supplying water for irrigation and drinking most island of Bali, and the image of the temple and lake is depicted on most of the resort’s tourist brochures.

Pura Ulun Danu Temple.

A large number of legends are associated with the Pura Ulun Danu Temple and Lake Bratan. According to ancient legend, everyone who swims in the lake, that is, undergoes a purification procedure, will be granted not only youth, but also longevity. That is why the inhabitants of the island come to the lake to bathe in holy water at least once a year. The second legend is associated with the creation of the temple: it was allegedly built by blacksmiths-gunsmiths, who created “kris” - magical daggers for kings and troops, and after the capture of the territory by Javanese invaders, they were expelled from the island. And the temple itself remained as a reminder of them.

The most beautiful and unique of its kind temple complex on the water consists of several separate temples located on the lake shore and small islands. A unique appearance The water temple enchants with its multi-tiered pagodas (meru), which are covered with sugar palm leaves and black resin. At the same time, the pagodas fit harmoniously into the overall picture with clean waters lakes, silhouettes of mountains, constantly foggy, and picturesque nature. The peculiarity of the temple on the water is the pagodas, which have 11, 9, 7, 5 or 3 roof vaults, which determine the affiliation with certain gods. Thus, the main temple of the complex, located on an island consisting of 11 tiers, is dedicated to the god Shiva and his wife Parvati. A small wooden bridge leads to this temple. The remaining buildings are located on the shore, since over time the depth of the lake has decreased due to the intensity of use of water resources, thereby changing its location.

The temple of the goddess Dewi Danu is distinguished not only by its sophistication, but also by the sophistication of its execution, and therefore is the main water temple of Bali and is also included in the list of the most sacred places on the island.
Currently, the temple is open to tourists from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m., despite the constant pilgrimage of residents who perform various rites and religious ceremonies.

The territory of the temple complex itself is well-groomed, elegant and cozy. Moreover, on the territory of the temple itself you can take photographs with exotic animals such as iguanas, snakes, bats.

In addition to the temple complex itself, a luxurious Botanical Garden Eka Karya, which was created in 1959. On this moment it is the most representative reserve in the region, located on more than 157 hectares.

Also for active rest The Taman Rekreasi Bedugul amusement park has been opened, which offers not only boating, canoeing or pedalos on the lake, but also active water sports such as water skiing or parasailing.

At the market located near the amusement park, you can buy souvenirs, goods of local artisans made of both wood and silver, or exotic fruits, of which there is a wide variety at the market.
If you are planning a program for your vacation on a fabulous island and are thinking about what to see in Bali, then be sure to include this attraction in your program. The place is incredibly beautiful and unusual. In addition, various rituals are often held here - bright and beautiful.

When visiting the island of Bali, Lake Bratan and the Pura Ulun Danu Temple must be included in the program for visiting the attractions of the resort island (along with

Lake Danau Beratan is one of the main sources of fresh water in Bali. It is located in the mountainous part of the island at an altitude of more than 12,00 meters above sea level.

On this page you will find detailed description of this attraction. I will also tell you how to get to the lake and what you can see in its surroundings.

In Indonesian the lake is called Beratan. But, due to the peculiarities of the translation, in Russian it is called not Ber atan, but Bratan.

Description and legends regarding Lake Bratan

Many thousands of years ago, a huge volcano erupted, resulting in the appearance of the Chatur caldera - a ridge of volcanoes with many individual peaks. The eruption of the Chatur volcano caused changes in the nearby terrain and the formation of several lakes, one of which is Bratan. Despite the fact that the dimensions of the reservoir are impressive (about 2 km in length and the same in width), its depth does not exceed 35 meters. In addition to Lake Bratan, there are also lakes Buyan and Tamblingan, around which lie forests with lush tropical vegetation.

The Balinese are very sensitive to these lakes, as they are sources of fresh water, which is of particular value for the island, surrounded on all sides by the salt ocean. Bro is one of the largest freshwater sources from which local residents irrigate their rice fields, and the harvest depends on how full the lake is.

Locals call Bratan Lake of the Holy Mountain. According to ancient legends, anyone who enters it in the light of the first rays of the sun will live a long life and retain their youth .

Another miracle that makes it worth going to Lake Bratan is the Ulun Danu Temple, located on the shore. The Indonesians built it in 1663 in honor of Dewi Danu, considered the goddess of the lake. At the same time, they did not skimp during construction and created a real temple complex located both on land and on water. It consists of several pagodas with different numbers of tiers.

Each temple is dedicated to a deity. Thus, the highest of 11 tiers was built in honor of the god Shiva and his wife Parvati. The graceful pagodas look airy and sophisticated against the backdrop of the water and surrounding mountains. The Balinese value this holy place very much; they often bring offerings here and pray for the fertility of the land and longevity for yourself and your loved ones, health and family happiness.

How to get to the lake

By public transport

From the main resort towns of Bali you can take buses or minibuses that depart from the terminals.

  • From Denpasar, Seminyak, Legian:
    Reach the terminal located in Kuta. From there there are buses to Bedugul.
    Departure time: 10:00
  • From Sanur:
    The terminal is located on the territory of the resort.
    Departure time: 10:30
    Ticket price: 75,000 rupees
  • From Ubud:
    There is also a terminal here.
    Departure time: 11:30
    Ticket price: 75,000 rupees

By car

In addition, you can come by car or rent a taxi. The trip will take you a maximum of 2-2.5 hours. If you decide to go on your own, then I will tell you how to get to Lake Bratan from popular resorts Bali.

  • From Denpasar, Seminyak, Legian, Kuta and Sanur:
    Leave the city north on Jl. Cokroaminoto, Jl. Achmad Yani or Jl. Trenggan.
    Get to Jl. Denpasar-Singaraja and move along it without turning anywhere, approximately 2-7 km.
    The road will lead you to an intersection where you can turn either left or right. If you want to see not only the lake, but also the Tanah Lot Temple, turn left onto Jl. Baturiti Bedugul (you can follow the green signs with the inscription Ulun Danu Beratan). If you turn right onto Jl. Puncak Mangu, then you will come to south beach lakes a. There is also an observation deck overlooking Bratan, where you can take beautiful photos.

  • From Bukit Peninsula:
    The road is exactly the same. First you need to get to Denpasar, and then follow the route described above.
  • From Ubud:

Leave the city to the south - to Jl. Raya Singakerta.
According to Jl. Raya Semana, Jl. Raya Peng embungan, Jalan Baris, Jl. Legong, Jl. Ciung Wanara and Jl. Abimanyu take Jl. Denpasar-Singaraja. The road passes through the countryside and there are no special landmarks. Therefore, if possible, it is better to take a GPS navigator with you.
On Jl. Denpasar-Singaraja turn right and follow this road without turning off for approximately 25 km. After this, you will find yourself at a crossroads, from where you can turn either towards Ulun Danu Temple (left) or towards the beach (right).

Lake Bratan (Danau Beratan) on the map

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What interesting things can you see near the lake?

Of course, when traveling to Lake Bratan, you should definitely visit the local temple. If you are lucky enough to be there in calm, windless weather, you will be able to notice that the temple seems to be standing on a surface of water.

A little north of Bratan there are two more lakes - Buyan and Tamblingan. There are trails along them where you can walk or ride a bike. On the shores of each lake there are campsites where you can stay overnight if you take a tent with you.

If you drive from the lake towards Singaraja (about 16 km), you can get to one of the most famous Balinese waterfalls - Git Git. By the way, there you can not only enjoy the beauty of tropical nature, but also swim in the waterfall itself.

Botanical Garden and Amusement Park

Around the lake there is a beautiful botanical garden Eka Kary a and an amusement park Taman Rekreasi Bedug ul. In the botanical garden you can walk around the well-groomed area among the plants, look and take pictures with exotic animals, for example, monkeys , bats.

The amusement park offers:

  • boat trips;
  • pedalos;
  • other active types of recreation.

On the way to the lake or on the way back, I also advise you to look into the museum dedicated to the culture of rice cultivation. There you will get to know the island's irrigation system, learn how the Balinese grow rice, and even see the famous rice terraces.

To fully enjoy the beauty of Lake Bratan, see all the sights in the surrounding area and participate in local ceremonies, I recommend:

  • Arrive at sunrise to swim in the sacred waters of Lake Bratan and ask the spirits for protection. You can come here the day before and check into a hotel so that you can go to the lakes in the morning.
  • Visit the Ulan Danu Temple, the entrance to which is open from 08:00 to 18:00 hours. However, please note that visiting the temple is paid, and the ticket costs 30,000 rupees. Please note that this is a sacred site for the Balinese where ceremonies take place throughout the day. For visitors, the entrance is only open to the outer courtyard, and tourists are not allowed into the rest.
  • Bring raincoats and warm clothing to stay comfortable. This is necessary, since Lake Bratan is located high above sea level and the weather there is not the same as in the southern part of the island - the clouds hang low over the lake, the temperature is lower and it rains often.

If you're tired of the hustle and bustle resort area, welcome to Bedugul! Here, in addition to Lake Bratan, there are many other natural attractions. A trip to the lake will give you the opportunity to see a completely different Bali - without noisy beaches, fashion boutiques and luxury hotels. These places have a different atmosphere - quieter and calmer.

There are several lakes on the island of Bali that I recommend visiting to every tourist planning a trip to this country. The lakes are of particular interest, since on such a relatively small island there are four of them: Tamblingan, Buyan, Bratan, Batur. Each of them has its own origin, history and influence on the life and life of the local population.

This body of water is the largest existing in Bali. Its fresh water supplies provide most of the island. Like the others, it is of volcanic origin. Batur is located in the northeastern part of Bangli district. Its width is about 8 km and its length is 3 km. Since the lake was formed in a depression after a volcanic eruption, it has an impressive depth: along the shore it is about 3 meters, and closer to the center it reaches 70 m.

There are many legends about the appearance of this reservoir. Local residents claim that at its bottom there are 11 springs that feed the lake all year round. And even when the season is practically without precipitation, the water level does not decrease at all.

In those days when the lake did not yet exist, a village of the same name was located in its place. When it was flooded, local residents moved it higher up the slope. It is said to exist to this day.

There are villages along the entire coast; they are absent only on the northern side, because there the lake is close to the steep cliffs. Nearby is active volcano. Its eruptions often cause significant damage to agriculture, since the water is saturated with sulfur, which kills many fish and makes the water unsuitable not only for consumption, but even for irrigating fields.

Swimming in this lake is currently prohibited. Agricultural activities have suffered because of it, although some fields are still irrigated with the waters of this lake.

But there is another side to this coin: due to frequent volcanic eruptions, the soil is saturated with microelements, as a result of which the Balinese harvest twice and sometimes three times a year.

Arriving in this region of the island, you can enjoy the natural landscape, walk along the lake and, of course, climb the majestic Batur volcano. Currently, it is included in the UNESCO geopark system, thanks to which the population of local animals and plants is preserved.

Lake Bro

Just like the previous one, Lake Bratan was formed after a volcanic eruption, which contributed to a change in the area. This is the largest crater lake in the world, even larger than the American Crater Lake.

This reservoir stretches 2 km in length and approximately the same in width. But its maximum depth is only 35 m. Locals idolize Bratan and call it Lake of the Holy Mountain, since it is a source for irrigating rice fields.

There is a legend that if you want to prolong your youth and increase your life, you need to plunge into the waters of a reservoir at a time when the rays of the sun are just beginning to touch the ground.

It is this legend that attracts crowds of tourists here. But this is not the only reason for the popularity of this place.

Arriving here, it is worth visiting the Ulun Danu Temple, which is located on the shore of this sacred place. It has 11 tiers, some of which are in the water and above the water. Each of them was built in honor of a god. Balinese often come here, lay gifts and pray to various gods for a rich harvest, longevity and family happiness.

A luxurious botanical garden was built around the lake, by visiting which you can take advantage of the offer of boating, water skiing and admiring the enchanting landscapes.

Lake Buyan

It is located on the northernmost side of the island at an altitude of 1119 m above sea level. That is why fogs and temperature fluctuations from hot during the day to cool at night are regularly observed here. It was once a single lake with Tamblingan. But due to seismic activity, an isthmus formed between them, which divided them into two. Even now, the Balinese sometimes call them twin lakes or double lakes.

Compared to its brothers, Buyan is small in size, its area is only 3.5 square meters. km, and the depth in the center is 85 m. The lake is surrounded on all sides by dense forests, but despite this, a road runs along the hill on which observation decks, allowing you to view the lake and nearby villages. In addition, there are cafes where you can enjoy local cuisine and take a break from your trip.

To the southeast of Buyan there is a village around which there are many farms where fruits and vegetables are grown, as well as coffee. You can visit them and get to know the local people.

The lake is considered one of the cleanest of all existing on the island. Therefore, it is carefully protected and prohibited from driving motor vehicles. Fishermen catch fish by going to the backwaters on boats made from solid logs.

Tamblingan Lake

As for this lake, it is the smallest of the four lakes and is sacred according to local residents. Its name consists of two words and is translated as “tamba” - healing and “elingan” - spiritual healing.

There is a legend that in ancient times the village was attacked by a disease from which not only local residents, but also animals died. And only bathing in the waters of the lake, combined with the prayers of the temple servants, were able to heal people and save them from complete extinction. In addition, it occupies a leading position in purity.

Tamblingan is located on the slope of Mount Lesung at an altitude of 1200 m above sea level. The lake is 2 km long and 1.1 km wide. But at the same time, its depth is the greatest and reaches as much as 90 m. As in other reservoirs, it is forbidden to use motor boats. Residents of the surrounding villages use wooden canoes for fishing.

Tamblingan is the deepest lake. During the rainy season, its waters overflow its banks and flood all the fields and some villages. Because of this phenomenon, many Balinese moved their homes to higher and more distant slopes.

Unlike neighboring lakes, this is not popular place from tourists, since it is difficult to get to. But, nevertheless, there are areas for inspections with cafes, where you can not only taste local dishes national cuisine, but also purchase some exotic fruits.

In the rainforests located on the slopes, there are hiking trails along which you can walk and see monkeys. They are not very friendly, but they look at tourists passing by with interest. There is also a temple dedicated to the water goddess Devi Danu on the coast.

Lakes of Bali on the map

On this map you will find the exact location of all the lakes described.

These 4 lakes of the island of Bali make up all the fresh water reserves of the islanders, which they need to irrigate crops and carry out all life activities. That is why they protect them with special care. There are attractive hiking trails that are worth visiting. The beauty of natural landscapes will not leave indifferent any person who has visited these truly sacred places.


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