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Greek mountains

Greek land is rightfully considered one of the cradles of modern civilization. At least in the European expanses, its culture has become perhaps the most important in determining the development of many local peoples (and not only neighboring ones).

Many significant philosophical trends, the foundations of culture, literature, art and a fair number of others that determine the movement of nations towards civilization, all had Hellenic roots in one way or another.

Is it worth mentioning that this power, every square centimeter of which breathes with legends of ancient times, still attracts many foreigners with its beauties? ! Tourists come to admire not only the preserved architectural masterpieces, but also the natural wonders. Moreover, often the subject of their interest becomes the most high mountain V Ancient Greece.

Mountain range "Olympus"

To determine which one is larger than the others, it’s not a sin to at least recall ancient mythology. Where could the Hellenes “settle” their supreme gods, if not on the hill closest to heaven? Therefore, undoubtedly, Olympus can be considered the highest. By the way, this is not a single mountain, but an entire massif, located in the northeastern part of Thessaly (the historical region of Hellas). Its most significant peak, in terms of “growth” indicators, is considered to be Mitikas, whose height is about 2917 meters. Scolio is five meters shorter than him and Stephanie is another seven meters shorter. The latter is better known by the nickname “throne of Zeus”, and from a certain angle it really seems like a kind of giant back of a chair or a place where someone great and royal sits.

In ancient times, Olympus represented the natural border between Greece and Macedonia. It is not surprising that this was exactly the case, since this mountain range seemed very frightening to the inhabitants of those places at that time, so that they could even decide to approach it, and not even try to cross it. This massif has about fifty peaks and a fair number of ravines, which in their totality present a magnificent and, at the same time, seemingly ominous spectacle.

Conquerors of Olympus

However, the indecision of the Hellenes (and their then geographical neighbors) in terms of conquering Olympus was probably influenced by the sacred horror of the great likelihood of becoming a victim of divine wrath. To disturb the peace of the most formidable celestial beings (a dozen of whom were supposedly located in those places) led by the thunderer Zeus himself - what could be more terrible in the minds of those peoples! ?

The first climbers appeared on Olympus only at the beginning of the last century. It was then that the highest mountain in Ancient Greece conquered them. By the way, even now only people who are extremely experienced in such matters try to climb Mitikas, since it requires a fair amount of skill, and, by the way, the weather must certainly be favorable.

Olympus now

Now Olympus is interesting not only as a location covered in legends, but also as a Greek national reserve. It contains over one and a half thousand plants, which represent approximately a quarter of the entire fauna of this country, and a couple of dozen of them are endemic (that is, they exist only here). Also, this mountain range is home to about ten species of amphibians, a little over twenty of reptiles, more than thirty of wild animals and about one and a half hundred of birds.

It’s definitely worth visiting this wonderful world, marked by ancient mythology, at least once. If you don’t climb the legendary mountain, at least see it in person, which will give you the opportunity to touch ancient history full of mysteries.

Welcome to the third most mountainous country in Europe after Norway and Albania. Despite the fact that Greece is known throughout the world for its archipelago, 60% of its landmass is covered with mountains. Get to know the “magical” mountains of Greece: the peaks of Mount Varnunta in Grammos, the Pindus mountain range, the unique Olympus of the 12 gods, Pelion, the “manly” Taygetos, surrounded in greenery, and Asterousia in southern Crete. The magic of nature will simply captivate you.

The ancient Greeks identified mountains with their gods. was the habitat of 12 gods, Elikonas - Mount of the Muses, Menalos - the abode of Pan, Parnassus - Mount of Apollo. On the contrary, for modern Greeks, the mountains have always been their “refuge”, a free corner with indescribable charm and defiant majesty. Conquer their peaks and try your hand. The gorges in the mountains of mainland Greece are ideal for active rest. Pass these gorges and climb vertical rocks - the tasks are difficult, but their completion will give you endless peace, satisfaction, energy and, above all, peace of mind.

National reserves of Greece
In Greece, in 1938, a law on National Parks was approved in order to preserve places of particular ecological, biological, geomorphological and aesthetic value. Within the boundaries of the reserve, any human intervention that could harm the ecosystem is prohibited.

There is a peripheral zone around the reserve where controlled, minor interventions are permitted, such as the creation of nurseries for the breeding of wild animals and birds, the creation of parking areas, children's camps, deforestation, etc. To date, 10 areas in Greece have been declared National reserves: Olympus, Parnitha, Parnassus, Enos in Kefalonia, Sounion, Samaria, Valia Kalda, Prespes, Vikos-Aoos. Visit them and be charmed by this rich and wildlife. They will give you wonderful landscapes and endless peace.

Popular mountains of Greece

1. : The highest mountains in Greece. Impressive majestic form. Incredible natural resources. The abode of the 12 gods of antiquity and the throne of Zeus. The classic climb to its highest peak, Mytikas (2,917 meters), lasts just over 6 hours and is an unforgettable experience. At the foot of Mount Olympus lies the magnificent archaeological park of Dion.

2. : In the embrace of Mount Parnassus lies the sanctuary of the god Apollo, the oracle and the archaeological site of Delphi, but also the cosmopolitan resort of Arachova with excellent hotels and high-class service. Parnassus is also famous for its ski centers, which attract thousands of skiers every winter.

3. Taygetos: A giant cone dominates Sparta. This is Profitis Ilias, the most high peak Taygetos and the entire Peloponnese, its height is 2.404 meters. His “nickname” is Five-Fingered, and it comes from his five highest peaks, which look like the fingers of a hand joined together. Dozens of kilometers of marked paths await you.

What is Parnassus? For many years (and even centuries) this word has been synonymous with art and cultural figures. In ancient times, this was the name of the mountain from which, in fact, it all began. We will present you with legendary and more prosaic details about her.

What is Parnassus?

The name Parnassus dates back to pre-Greek times and, apparently, refers to the Hittite-Luwian languages. Their word parnassas is supposed to be derived from the word for "house" or "temple" and is interpreted as "the mountain where the god dwells."

However, there is another version, according to which the name is the Paleo-Balkan word “locust” - an epithet denoting Apollo. It was with this god, the patron of the arts, that the ancient Greeks associated the mountain. Subsequently, the term was transferred to cultural figures themselves.

In the 19th century, the literary movement of the Parnassian school arose in France. It included Théophile Gautier, Lecomte de Lisle, Georges Leconte, Sully-Prudhomme. Their work was close to Verlaine, Baudelaire, Rimbaud, and in Russia their poems were translated by Bryusov, Voloshin, Bunin, Zhukovsky, etc.

Mountain in Greece

Parnassus is one of the largest mountain ranges of mainland Greece and belongs to the greater Pindus massif. It is located in the central part of the country, and stretches from the top of Eta to the Gulf of Corinth. Territorially belongs to the nome (prefecture) of Phocis.

On the slopes of the mountain is modern city Delphi, as well as the ruins of the ancient village of the same name. Nearby are the villages of Itea and Arachova. The top of Mount Parnassus is forked. The highest peak, Liakura, has a height of 2547 meters, the second peak, Tiforea, reaches 2395 meters.

The foothills and slopes of the mountain are covered with Mediterranean vegetation, which with height turns into coniferous forests and alpine meadows. Like most other massifs, this one is composed of limestone rocks and has bauxite deposits. Due to the climate and quite high altitude, the rocky peaks are consistently covered with snow from December to April. Opens here in winter ski center"Parnassus".

Myths of the mountain

What is Parnassus? Ancient Greek shrine, shrine of Dionysus, Themis and Gaia, abode of Apollo and the nine muses. There are many myths associated with this mountain. Hellenic pilgrims visited it to pray to the gods and learn about the future, and ritual celebrations were held near the Corycian cave.

According to legend, Zeus, the head of the Olympian gods, decided to send a flood to sinful people. As in the biblical story, not everyone died. Deucalion and his wife managed to escape. On the advice of his father, he built an ark. On the ninth day of the voyage, the ship stopped at Mount Parnassus. Deucalion made a sacrifice to Zeus, and he allowed the human race to be revived.

Another story is connected with Apollo - the god of arts and healing, patron of the muses. He killed the evil serpent Python, who wrapped Parnassus in nine rings and did not give its inhabitants peace. Apollo shot about a hundred arrows at him, after which Gaia sent him into exile for 8 years. In honor of God, an oracle was founded in Delphi, where a priestess or Pythia predicted the future.

The mountain and its surroundings

To see with your own eyes what Parnassus is, you can go along one of walking routes. They start from Delphi and Arachova or from the south-eastern slopes of the mountain. Along marked paths you can reach the Corycian Cave or Corikion Androna, dedicated to Pan. It is located at an altitude of 1370 meters, and it takes about 4 hours to walk to it.

Continuing the path, you can reach the top of Liakura. At night, tourists often stop at the small village of Kalivya, which is a forty-minute walk from the cave. Paths lead upward from the village of Titorei, located on the other side of the mountain. From the top there are dazzling views, good weather The Peloponnese and Mount Olympus are clearly visible.

A significant part of the massif is Parnassus National Park. Cephalonian spruces grow here, foxes, wild boars, wolves, badgers, vultures and golden eagles live here. On one of the mountain slopes is the village of Arachova with interesting Greek architecture. Locals famous for making handmade carpets.

Below, at the foot of the mountain is the village of Itea. It is located on the very shore of the bay, eight kilometers from Delphi. In the past it was a prosperous trading port, now it is a typical tourist town. Nearby there are extensive olive groves that guests of Itea love to visit.


The ancient city of Delphi, located on a sacred mountain in Greece, was considered not only the main place of divination, but also the “Navel of the Earth,” which was symbolized by the omphalos stone. The city was considered a pan-Greek sanctuary, and the local oracle had influence on political and religious life.

The ruins of Delphi are located at an altitude of 700 meters, nine kilometers from the Gulf of Corinth. The remains of the temple of Apollo and Athena, an amphitheater, a gymnasium and a stadium are still preserved here. Around the 6th century BC, the city hosted the Pythian Games - the second large-scale event after the Olympics.

Modern Delphi is located near archaeological sites. This is a very small town that can be easily explored on foot. Of course, from a tourist point of view it is of little interest; people stop there in order to see the ancient village and the mountain itself.

The highest mountains different countries such as Hungary, Austria, Greece and Argentina are presented in the table below.

This article briefly describes the highest mountains in different countries of Europe and America. The name and height are given. Some descriptions about their names, locations and more are provided.

Highest mountain in Hungary

Hungary is located 200 meters above sea level, and at the same time it does not have high mountains. The highest mountain in Hungary is Kekes. In English it means “bluish” in front. Well, indeed, if you look at the mountain from a distance, it seems bluish.

Mount Kekesh is included in mountain range Matra, being the longest ski slope Hungary. Its length is about 2 km. The mountain is ideal for beginners. Its height is 1014 meters above sea level. It is located between the cities of Eger and Gyöngyös.

After Lake Balaton and the Danube, Kekes is one of the most popular attractions in Hungary.

The highest mountain in Hungary is Kekes, 1014 meters high.

Highest mountain in Austria

A quarter of Austria is occupied by the ridges of the Eastern Alps, united in chains. The most impressive landmark of the country and at the same time the most high mountain Austria is Grossglockner. This mountain has 2 peaks: Großglockner and Kleinglockner. The height of Grossglockner is 3798 meters, the second peak is slightly lower and reaches a height of 3770 meters. There is a pass between the peaks, and at the foot there is the largest glacier - Pasterze.

The highest mountain in Austria is Grossglockner, 3798 meters high.

Highest mountain in Greece

Known from ancient Greek mythology, Olympus is the highest mountain in Greece, where 12 gods lived, led by Zeus.

In ancient times, Mount Olympus was the border between two states - Thessaly and Macedonia. Today, the entire area surrounding the mountain range has been declared a national park. Since 1981, the mountain has been recognized as part of the World Natural Heritage and a historical and architectural heritage site by UNESCO.

There are 52 peaks on the mountain, the heights of which vary from 760 to 2917 meters. The highest peak of Olympus is Mitakis, whose height is 2917 meters. The second and third places were taken by the peaks of Scolio, 2912 meters high, and Stefani, 2905 meters high.

The highest mountain in Greece is Olympus, the highest peak of Olympus is Metakis, 2917 meters high.

Highest mountain in Argentina

Aconcagua rises 6962 meters in height, and is the highest point of South America, as well as the entire southern and western hemispheres.

The mountain appeared at the time of the collision of the South American and Nazca tectonic plates. Today the mountain is completely covered with snow. The name of the mountain is translated into Russian as Stone Guardian.

The highest mountain in Argentina is Aconcagua, 6962 meters high.

All significant myths and legends are associated with Olympus in Greece. This mountain is the highest in the country. Rocky cliffs and mountain peaks of Olympus smoothly flow into the park of the same name. The nature around the Abode of the Gods looks so attractive that it seems as if it was created by the Celestials themselves.

Mount Olympus: description

Height mountain range Olympus is 2917 meters. Its three famous peaks: Mytikas, Skolio, and Stefani, are the highest points of the mountain range.

On the northern slope of the Olympic Mountain is the Macedonian sanctuary of Dion. National Park Olympus includes 1,700 species of local flora and approximately 250 species of Greek fauna.

Climbing Olympus today

Previously, no mortal could just climb to Olympus. Today, organized ascents are made there, starting at local city Litokhorona.

From a height of 1100 meters there is a walking trail to Olympus. This mark can be reached by taxi or private car. The group climbs from settlement Prionia. There you can also visit the monastery of St. Dionysius.

At an altitude of 2100 meters there are organized parking lots. From there the path leads to Skolio and Mytikas. The road to the top must be climbed during the day; climbing Olympus at night is too dangerous due to unpredictable weather conditions.

« When climbing Olympus, there are rules, which can be found in the information center, so as not to anger the Gods, it is better to follow them strictly».

The Peaks of Olympus were first conquered in 1913. The ascent was made by Christos Kakalas.

Mount Olympus is considered amazing and very beautiful. It doesn't hurt to know the following about it:

  • Olympus is the home of the twelve main Greek Gods;
  • At Mitikas Peak there is an iron box with a special journal where those who managed to conquer the peak can leave their message;
  • Olympus is an object included in the UNESCO list;
  • The descendants of the Gods (Greeks) began to call themselves Olympians thanks to the name main mountain Greece.

The Greeks have many myths and legends associated with this mountain. Since Olympus is the cradle of Greek civilization, everything that happens there affects the lives of mere mortals.

One of the myths says that Hades once fell in love with the daughter of Demeter herself and also the goddess of fertility, Persephone. He stole a girl from Olympus. Then prosperity left the mountain, and the first winter came. Zeus tried to bring Persephone back, but she was already married to Hades. Then the Gods made a deal with their underground brother, according to which Persephone would have to spend 9 months on Olympus, and 3 months in the Underground Kingdom with her husband.

Olympus is a cultural heritage of the Greeks, a natural monument and an important historical site. Its landscapes fascinate with their colors and diversity. Climbing Olympus is still considered dangerous, although not prohibited. Previously, people did not have the right to climb the sacred mountain at all unless they received the personal permission of the Gods. Today the Gods have had mercy, and tourist excursions are being organized to Olympus.


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