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    The stone medieval castle of Loket is located in the tiny town of the same name, not far from Karlovy Vary. The bend of the Ohře River resembles an elbow, which is where the name of the fortress comes from. Loket Castle was first mentioned in historical documents dating back to 1234. However, it is still unknown who built it and when. Scientists cannot come to a consensus, and therefore there are three supposed founders - Prince Vladislav II, King Přemysl I Otakar and King Wenceslas I. Construction of Loket began approximately in the 12th century.

    The film “Casino Royale” was filmed at Loket Castle in the Czech Republic.

    The castle served as a border fortress that protected the country from German conquerors. That is why Loket was called “the key to the Czech kingdom.” In the 15th century, the building gradually fell into disrepair, and after some time a prison was made here, which lasted for a very long time - until the mid-20th century. In 1968, the historical museum opened to visitors.

    Despite the fact that Loket Castle is a little less popular than its “colleagues,” there is something to see here. A magnificent exhibition of porcelain, rare archaeological exhibits, a weapons museum and much more will certainly interest even experienced tourist. Thrill-seekers will be able to appreciate the premises of the former prison and the torture chamber. Here you can even take a photo in a cage or shackle yourself. With the help of wax figures, visitors will be able to see the instruments of torture in action. In the courtyard of the castle, performances are staged for spectators - imitation of the death penalty. At the request of tourists, the actress can repeat the trick and “die” again.

    In addition, you can visit the hall for weddings and ceremonies, which has a lot of paintings and frescoes. It is still often used for weddings. By the way, the film “Casino Royale” was filmed in the Czech Loket Castle.

    Loket Castle hosts an opera festival every July, which attracts spectators from all over the country.

    There are a lot of small statues of gnomes and mythical characters on the castle grounds. Of course, there are legends associated with them that travelers love so much. For example, to ensure success in all your endeavors, do not forget to touch the mustache of the gnome Gottstein. But it’s better not to touch his club - it won’t bring you good luck. The cheerful gnome Shtrakakal will also meet you here.

    According to legend, a dragon lives in the castle tower and guards the ghosts. By the way, it’s worth climbing the tower: it offers a beautiful panorama of the city. Besides, local residents It is believed that the healing springs of Karlovy Vary appeared thanks to Charles IV. While he was hunting, his horse stumbled, and later springs appeared in this place. There is another version of the legend: Charles IV’s dog fell into a gorge with hot springs. It was at this place that he ordered the foundation of the city of Karlovy Vary.

    Loket Castle

    Practical information

    The cost of a tour of Loket Castle with a guide in Russian is 170 CZK. For children, students and pensioners - 140 CZK. Family ticket - 420 CZK. Inspecting the castle with explanatory text, without a guide, will cost less. Adult ticket - 110 CZK, reduced ticket - 90 CZK, family ticket - 330 CZK. If you take photos and videos in the castle, you will have to pay an additional 20 CZK.

    From April to October the castle is open from nine in the morning until 16:30. In November-March - from 9:00 to 15:30. The castle restaurant is open daily from 11:00 to 22:00.

    Prices on the page are for October 2018.

    Basic moments

    Loket Castle got its name from the word “elbow”, since the bend of the Ogre River resembles the shape of a human arm bent at the elbow. The date of foundation of the castle is not known for certain; it is believed to be more than eight hundred years old.

    Loket is shrouded in many stories and extraordinary legends. The legend of the castle tells about the life of a terrible dragon who lives in the tower and guards many ghosts wandering the basements of the castle. Another legend is associated with Emperor Charles IV. When the emperor was once again hunting in the vicinity of Loket Castle, his horse stumbled, and a healing spring appeared in this place. Today, a famous Czech resort, Karlovy Vary, operates on this site.

    Visiting Loket means becoming a witness to several historical eras and touching the mystical secrets of the very heart of the medieval Czech Republic.

    History of the castle

    The first written mention of Loket Castle dates back to 1234. Today there is controversy about the founder of the castle. However, three rulers are still represented who could have founded Loket Castle - these are Prince Vladislav II, King Přemysl I Otakar and King Wenceslas I, however, it is still not known who exactly issued the decree on the construction of the castle.

    One of the many legends says that the purpose of building the castle was to divide the lands. Thus, in the Middle Ages, Loket Castle was a border fortress that separated the Czech lands from the German ones.

    In the second half of the 14th century, when Charles IV was elected Holy Roman Emperor, Loket Castle lost its seemingly important status as a border outpost. On the other hand, the castle took on even more important significance - it became the residence of the Czech kings.

    When the son of Charles IV, Wenceslas IV, came to power, the importance of the fortress only increased: the fortress was completed, turning into the most important structure in the Czech lands.

    During the reign of Sigismund in the 14th century, the castle was transferred to the notorious Schlik family. Over the years, Loket Castle lost its former authority and fell into decay.

    Centuries later, in 1822, a prison was located on the territory of Loket Castle, which operated until 1949.

    Only in 1968, Loket Castle was recognized as a national monument, and since then a museum has been opened here, within the walls of which you can see imprints of the events of past centuries.

    What to see at Loket Castle

    Loket Castle stands on a powerful rocky foundation and outwardly is a continuation of a gray granite block; it seems to have grown at the behest of nature, not man. The angular towers, the massive rectangle of the house of the Margrave, the local ruler, and the smooth, impregnable walls form a harmonious and complete picture. No wonder the castle is a tasty morsel for photographers, because you can simply admire it while standing on the street.

    But if you go inside, you can learn a lot of interesting things about the medieval history of the Czech Republic and the whole of Europe. The first exhibition of the museum is dedicated to Czech porcelain masters, the secrets of which were unraveled quite late. Next, you will find yourself in the archaeological hall. Most of the finds belong to this site, the rest were brought from the surrounding area. The armory hall is the pride of the museum, if not for the torture chambers.

    They will show you all the torture machines, tools and techniques that actually exist and were often used in the past. The interiors are decorated in a medieval style, everything is made of stone and rough wood, the corridors are dark and the stairs are narrow.

    The second floor offers a look at quieter things - an exhibition of amazing Czech porcelain. You can also listen to a lecture about the history of Loket.

    The castle tower, 26 meters high, is also of interest. Pay attention to the black dragon with flaming eyes that stands guard over her. There are legends that Loket housewives regularly go to the dragon to make fire, and besides, the dragon protects the ghosts living in the castle.

    In the outhouse near the tower there is a weapons museum. If you get to the second floor of the eastern wing, then through the front hall you can go down to the desired hall for weddings and ceremonies. Pay attention to the frescoes and portraits famous people. Since the hall is rented out, anyone can organize an appropriate ceremony in the ancient hall for weddings and ceremonies, with a ball and other festivities of past centuries.

    Those who like to tickle their nerves are recommended to visit the basement. It is there, in the most suitable place for such purposes, that the torture chamber is located. The restorers tried to preserve it in its original form. Criminals were tortured here throughout the time Loket was a prison. To be convincing, several mechanical dummies demonstrate exactly how the torture was carried out. Screams and groans are always heard in the basement of Loket Castle so that visitors can feel the atmosphere of those evil times. In one of the cells you can find Shtrakal, a disheveled gnome who supposedly punishes shaggy and unkempt children. Visitors are allowed to take photos while chaining themselves to the castle wall.

    The courtyard of Loket Castle is very small, but worth exploring. You will find here several statues of characters from Czech mythology. The excursion also includes an interesting performance - a mock public execution with a real executioner and a fragile girl. They'll be happy to do an encore show if you ask.

    Take a look at the rotunda chapel, which is the oldest building of the castle. Archaeological research The approximate date of construction has been established - 1170. The small internal diameter of 3.6 meters allowed the chapel to disappear from view under the stairs until 1966.

    From the narrow loopholes of the towers there is a picturesque view of the river at the foot of the cliff, as well as of the forests, as dense as they were several centuries ago. Walk along the fortress wall and try to imagine yourself in the shoes of those who tried to storm it, overcoming the resistance of soldiers and steep cliffs.

    Adjacent to the castle is the Margravial House, decorated in the late Romanesque style. Here you can see several gravestones that were previously located in the Loket cemetery. The Margravial House burned down in 1725, but when it was completely restored, a permanent exhibition of porcelain was placed within the walls. The presented exposition contains exhibits that were provided by defunct factories.

    Stepping outside the castle walls, tourists seem to find themselves in a fairy tale. Low colorful houses, narrow streets surrounded by greenery and a wonderful city hall with a clock on the tower.

    • In 2006, the film “Casino Royale” was filmed in the castle, although in the film this castle is shown as a castle in Montenegro.
    • Every year Loket Castle hosts an opera festival, where the Czech National Opera performs in an open-air amphitheater. The castle acts as a background.

    Practical information

    From April to October, Loket Castle is open to the public from 9.00 to 16.30 and until 15.30 from November to March. Tickets cost from 4.5 euros, there are discounts for children, pensioners and students, as well as special family offers. You can sign up at excursion group with a guide in Russian or receive an accompanying text. It contains descriptions of all the halls and exhibits of the museum. The entire excursion lasts about an hour.

    How to get there

    From Karlovy Vary to Loket there are only 15 km of travel, which can be easily covered thanks to organized regular bus services.

    Loket Castle is an atmospheric place. You will see everything related to the Middle Ages in full. Some will be interested in the porcelain exhibition, some in weapons, and others will be attracted by the torture chamber!

    Loket Castle (Hrad Loket), photo by Claudia G. Kukulka

    The Czech Republic has many well-preserved medieval castles. Among them is Loket Castle (Hrad Loket), which is about 13 km from “Loket” - translated as “elbow”. It is the shape of the curved hand that is reminiscent of the bend of the Ohře River, on the banks of which Loket rises.

    A little history

    The first mention of the castle as a border fortress was found in the chronicles of 1234. What function has Loket not performed in his 800 years! He was impregnable fortress, a prison, a border outpost, a hunting residence for imperial persons, and an administrative center. And yet the castle remained one of the most romantic places in the Czech Republic. Today's Loket, through the corridors of which the Holy Roman Emperors and the kings of the Czech Republic walked, seems to have stepped out of the pages of novels about brave knights and beautiful ladies.

    Who founded the fortress is an open question, perhaps Prince Vladislav II or King Přemysl I Otakar, or King Wenceslas I. As the owners changed, the building changed. Each ruler rebuilt it to his own taste. Therefore, the external and internal design of the castle is interesting for its unusual architectural style. At one time, Goethe came here and liked the interior of the castle so much that he described it in one of his legendary works.

    Castle today

    Archaeological Hall

    Exhibits found during excavations, photo by Ivo Weiss

    The Archaeological Hall displays exhibits found within the castle walls. These are fragments of the original masonry and various materials left after the reconstruction of the castle, household items. Interesting are the frescoes of the 15th century, located in a separate room on the 1st floor.

    Margrave's house and rotunda

    Porcelain collection, photo Ivo Weiss

    Today, the Margrave's house hosts an exhibition of locally produced porcelain. And also everyone can visit the exhibition dedicated to the cutlery of kings. Among the exhibits there is also glassware that was used in the Middle Ages during wedding ceremonies. Also in the Margrave's house you can see what remains of the smallest Romanesque rotunda in the Czech Republic.

    Margrave's house and tombstones at the entrance, photo Krenakarore

    At the entrance to the building several tombstones are placed in a row. One of them is Rabbi Benjamin, from a no longer existing Jewish cemetery.


    The Baroque cathedral was erected in 1734 on the site of a Gothic church that burned down in 1725. The altar was painted by P. Brandl, and its doors are the work of a Loket sculptor.

    Armory Hall, photo Jiří Hübner

    In Loket Castle you will also see prison cells and a torture room, an armory, wedding and ceremonial halls, a Romanesque corner tower, the houses of the burgrave and captain, a 16th-century palace with two wings and fortifications.

    Lock opening hours

    November – March: from 9:00-16:00;
    April – May: from 9:00-17:00;
    June – August: from 9:00-18:30;
    September – October: from 9:00-17:00.


    Full – 110 Kč;
    preferential – 90 Kč;
    family – 330 CZK;
    children under 6 years old – free.

    Please check times and prices before visiting.

    How to get there?

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    Near the famous Czech resort of Karlovy Vary (just 15 kilometers) and 140 kilometers from Prague there is a fairy-tale castle made of stone, standing in the middle of a picturesque town with red roofs.

    They both bear the name Loket, which translated into Russian means, oddly enough, “elbow.” According to one version, the castle and the city received this name thanks to the Ohře River, which resembles the shape of an arm bent at the elbow. Another explanation for the name is that the elbow resembles the construction diagram of the medieval fortification itself.

    Loket Castle in the Czech Republic - also known as Elbow.

    Loket is located in the Sokolov region, and belongs to the Karlovy Vary region. Located 505 meters above sea level.

    From the history of Loket Castle

    The fortress, according to one version, created for border purposes, was built around the 10th century. It was first written about in 1234 in ancient writings. Until now, historians have an acute question: which of the Czech rulers gave the order to build Loket? Among the possible candidates mentioned are Wenceslas I, Vladislav II and Přemysl I Otakar.

    When created, Loket played the role of a border fortress and was important for the protection of state borders and political influence. The soldiers protected the Czech Republic from its German neighbors.

    Remembers Loket and sad stories. Due to palace intrigues, the young Emperor Charles IV was locked in the fortress and saw his mother, Princess Eliska Przemyslovna, for the last time within the castle walls. Because the next day, Jan of Luxembourg exiled her for the rest of her days to the town of Melnik.

    This lasted until Charles IV became Emperor of the Roman Empire. The valiant brave men had to leave the castle forever, since it ceased to be a border tower by order of the new emperor.

    But Loket managed to defend the right to be important for his country. Charles IV constantly held meetings and diplomatic negotiations there. According to legend, it was a stay in Loket that became the reason for the founding of Karlovy Vary, that very famous resort city. While hunting, the emperor discovered a healing spring and founded a city next to it. With the coming to power of Charles, the heyday began for the Czech Republic, which is called the “Golden Age”.

    The famous noble family of Schlik received Loket for its use by order of Emperor Sigismund. However, the nobles did not appreciate the gift and practically did not strengthen the castle. Therefore, starting from the 15th century, the condition of the castle deteriorated. Territories and possessions fell into decay. By 1822, a prison was founded in Loket. The fortress operated in this capacity until 1949. It was then that it became clear that the castle had been undeservedly forgotten, so in 1968 it was declared a national treasure of the Czech Republic and architectural monument. Loket always welcomes tourists and works as a castle museum.

    By the way, about coins: we talk in detail about coins and banknotes in a special article -. It’s about history, and about creation, and about the exchange rate, and about the prospects of Czech money. If you are going to the Czech Republic, read it - it is informative and useful. And there is information on how and where it is profitable to exchange them. For your convenience, we have illustrated everything with our own photographs.

    What to see at Loket Castle?

    For tourists, the castle has many interesting attractions from a historical and aesthetic point of view.

    The oldest part of Loket is the chapel, which was built in 1170. Due to its venerable age, until the opening of the museum in the castle, the rotunda was hidden from prying eyes. The size of the chapel is small, the diameter is only 3.6 meters, which gives the elegant Gothic structure a special charm.

    The first floor is reserved for archaeological exhibitions. These are all the exhibits found within the walls of the castle and within its borders: bowls, figurines, jewelry and much more. Of particular interest are the 15th-century frescoes, which are located in a separate room on the ground floor.

    In the vicinity of Loket there is the Margravial House, decorated in the late Romanesque style. It survived a fire in 1725, but was restored. The house contains tombstones from the former Loket cemetery, nearby is the Renaissance-style tombstone of Rabbi Benjamin and the Church of St. John.

    Of particular interest is the outbuilding, which houses a museum of medieval weapons and later exhibits on the ground floor. The second floor has preserved within its ancient walls a real ancient hall for ceremonies and weddings. Its walls are decorated with picturesque portraits and frescoes. Anyone can rent a room and hold a themed event there - from a wedding costume ceremony to a fabulous ball.

    Those who like to tickle their nerves are recommended to visit the basement. It is there, in the most suitable place for such purposes, that the torture chamber is located. The restorers tried to preserve it in its original form. It was there that criminals were tortured throughout the entire time that Loket was a prison. To be convincing, several mechanical dummies demonstrate exactly how the torture was carried out. The bravest ones can take pictures with dummies that hang in chains on the castle wall.

    The second floor offers a look at quieter things - an exhibition of amazing Czech porcelain. You can also listen to a lecture about the history of Loket.

    When tourists go outside, it is as if they are entering a fairy tale. Low colorful houses, narrow streets surrounded by greenery and a wonderful city hall with a clock on the tower.

    Lock opening hours

    Loket is open to tourists from April to October from 09:00 to 17:00. Those who travel to the Czech Republic during the cold season, that is, from November to March, are welcome at the castle from 9:00-16:00.

    How to get to Loket from Prague?

    There are constant departures from Prague Shuttle Buses, which go to Loket. You can also reach the castle by train. If tourists are traveling by car, then they need to move in a westerly direction towards Karlovy Vary. In total you will have to move 140 kilometers and it will take about 2 hours. You need to remember that there will be several roads along the way. paid sections, namely from R6 to exit 136.

    Loket Castle in the Czech Republic it belongs to the sights preserved from the early Middle Ages. Loket is located near Karlovy Vary. From the resort to the town with a castle on a granite rock, it is less than 15 km in a westerly direction. Having overcome them, tourists will see a real medieval fortress, impressive with its Gothic-Romanesque appearance.

    The first walls of the castle were built in the Romanesque style in the second half of the 12th century. Historians suggest that King Władysław I initiated the construction of a fortress on the western border in order to guard the trade route from Prague to Germany.

    The place chosen for the stone stronghold and shelter was excellent - on one of the rocks of the forested Ore Mountains. Moreover, the Ohře River goes around the rock, ensuring the inaccessibility of the castle on three sides.

    Already at that time, they noticed that the river bed was making such a sharp turn, as if the arm was bending at the elbow and grasping the hill. Therefore, we quickly decided on the name. Loket in Czech means Elbow.

    As was customary in those days, other buildings gradually grew up next to the castle, which led to the formation of a town. In the 14th century, the castle was supplemented with Gothic structures, and a church was erected in the local square. Formed an attractive architectural ensemble, which has survived to this day.

    Of course, over eight centuries the details of this ensemble have changed. In 1437, a large fire swept away the main city buildings and significantly destroyed the church. But the historical center of the town was restored every time. Fortunately, the powerful walls of the castle could withstand the elements. The most recent restoration work was carried out from 1972 to 1993. Since then, the castle has been open to visitors all year round.

    Castle architecture

    The Loket castle complex is represented by strong buildings around the perimeter and a spacious courtyard. Let's look at this courtyard from the height of the Gothic tower.

    Interesting two-level layout of the yard with high platform in the middle.

    I have no doubt that, looking at the photographs, you noticed a considerable number of visitors to the castle. I foresee the question whether so many tourists always visit Loket. I think that such a daily flow is something that employees only dream of. of this complex. These photos were taken in August 2018 during a two-day festival called Medieval Glories in the Czech Republic. Many spectators come to such costumed historical shows. Such events are very atmospheric and spectacular.

    Let's return to the overview of the castle's architecture. The tallest tower is 26 meters high. Considering that it stands on a cliff, there is a decent view of the surrounding area. An important function for the fortress, which often served as a refuge for the royal family.

    An interesting fact: the 3-year-old future King Charles IV was hidden in Loket Castle for several months. The reason for this imprisonment was the unrest against his father, John of Luxembourg. But, despite such a severe reason for his stay, already as a ruler, Charles IV visited Elbow and supervised the laying of the castle from this castle.

    In subsequent years, the reliability of the fortress prompted the rulers to equip cells for prisoners in its premises. Since 1788, the implementation of this idea began in earnest, and from the beginning of the 19th century there was a prison in the castle, which functioned until 1948. The wing shown in the photo on the left was allocated for prison premises.

    Now the castle has exhibitions dedicated to this sad period. Moreover, in the basement not only instruments of torture are displayed, as, for example, in the tower. A torture chamber has been recreated in Loket Castle. The museum organizers provided the exhibitions with moving models and provided them with sound so that visitors could imagine what was happening in the dungeon as vividly as possible!..

    I will try to reassure those who do not accept such spectacles. It is not at all necessary to visit the ominous cellars in Loket. Moreover, in other rooms of the castle there is a much more life-affirming purpose.

    The rotunda dedicated to St. Agnes has been preserved. The uniqueness of the rotunda is that its diameter is only 3.6 m. The castle has a hall where wedding ceremonies are held in modern years.

    Part of the castle, called the Margravial House, has been converted into a museum. The building was restored at the beginning of the 20th century practically from ruins. The Romanesque foundations were preserved, but the entire above-ground part was reconstructed, maintaining stylistic consistency.

    Currently, a museum with a collection of ancient weapons is open in the Margraviate.

    Tour of the castle

    The tour inside the castle is interesting for its diversity. There are no preserved living quarters of the owners here, as in the northern fortress, or precious chapels, as in the castle. However, under the plaster of the county government hall, fragments of Gothic painting from the time of Wenceslas IV were discovered.

    Painting made using the technique secco– artistic images on dry limestone plaster. The picture shows an orchard with flying birds behind defensive walls.

    Some items and outfits from the former owners of the castle, as well as wooden sculptures, have still been preserved. Now they are displayed in the museum halls of the fortress.

    The armory hall displays collections of firearms and bladed weapons, as well as special targets. The targets painted on the tree often included portraits of local personalities, whom wealthy residents of the town were not averse to “hunting” in the 19th-20th centuries. The most ancient weapon exhibit is a cannon.

    Knightly armor in the Czech Republic can be seen not only in museums, as it is popular. But at the Loket exhibition they are different. Equestrian armor decorated with etchings dating back to the Renaissance is on display here. Complete outfit, anatomically adapted to every curve of the body.

    A good addition to visiting the castle museum could be a visit to the exhibition of products from local porcelain manufactories, which is also located in historical center town.

    Porcelain collections have been housed in Lokt since 1907. In the Karlovy Vary region, the development of the resort was accompanied by the opening of porcelain manufactories. The museum displays both local products and dishes from Viennese masters from the collections of the owners of the fortress.

    In the 17th century, such an attribute as an original mug with a spout, from which it is convenient to drink hot food, became popular. mineral water. At first the mugs were made of stone, but in this business there was a revolution. Resort visitors were offered more comfortable porcelain and glassware. By 1900, there was already a selection of exquisite flat mugs, the sides of which featured local landscapes. This crockery, in demand at the resort, was produced in factories in BrezovéAndin Horní Slavkov.

    Returning to the inspection of the castle, I note that the excursion tour of the fortress also includes an ascent to the very top high tower. If the visit coincides with holiday events, the monotonous climb can add variety to the “living exhibit” that is conveniently nestled in the tower.

    It’s interesting that sightseers assume that they are seeing another exhibition until the hero reveals himself with some kind of movement. An interesting idea, but it’s unlikely that such an actor is present in the tower every day.

    Climbing the tower, it is convenient to see the entire fortress and the surrounding area. In the historical center of the town, the bell tower of the church harmoniously juxtaposes the castle tower.

    When leaving the fortress, be sure to talk to the keeper of Loket Castle. There is a certain Gottstein there. A sign installed nearby warns that those who make a good wish and leave a coin as a souvenir will have their wish fulfilled.

    But, if someone is possessed by unkind thoughts, and this person even decides to touch the club in Gottstein’s hand, heavenly wrath will be poured out on him.

    The sightseers read this warning and affectionately stroke Gottstein’s beard. They are trying to appease))

    I will provide official information about the work of the castle museum. Opening hours: 9.00 – 17.00; ticket price is 130 CZK with a guide (in Czech) and 110 CZK for self-guided inspection using text.

    This review of Loket Castle is related to a visit to a festive event taking place in the historical center of the town and directly in the fortress. Events definitely increase interest in the excursion. Dear readers, when you are planning to visit, ask on the official website of the castle if they are planning events similar to the August “glories”.

    Your euro guide Tatyana


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