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The name of the country comes from “Akoba”, which means “land, dry land” in the language of the local Indians.

Cuba area. 110860 km2.

Population of Cuba. 11.39 million people (

Cuba GDP. $77.15 billion (

Location of Cuba. Cuba is a state, located on the largest island of West and several nearby islands. In the north it is washed by the Strait of Florida, in the southwest - by the Yucatan Strait, in the east - by the Windward Strait, in the south -.

Administrative division cubes. The state is divided into 14 provinces and the special municipality of Isla Juventud.

Cuban form of government. Republic.

Head of State of Cuba. Chairman of the State Council.

Supreme legislative body of Cuba. National Assembly, which elects the Council of State.

Supreme executive body of Cuba. Council of Ministers.

Major cities cubes. Santiago de Cuba, Camagüey, Holguin, Guantanamo, Santa Clara, Cienfuegos, Matanzas.

Official language of Cuba. Spanish.

Religion of Cuba. 55% are atheists, 40% are atheists, 3% are Protestants.

Ethnic composition cubes. 65% are descendants of Europeans, 20% are mulattoes, 12% are Africans, 1% are Chinese.

Fauna of Cuba. Of the mammalian representatives of the animal world, the hutia and the slittooth should be distinguished. Home to a huge number of bats, almost 300 species of birds, including vulture, quail, finch, macaw, hummingbird. More than 700 species of fish and shellfish live in coastal waters. There are numerous insects, including very dangerous ones - the sand flea and the malaria mosquito.

Rivers and lakes of Cuba. The largest is Kauto.

Sights of Cuba. In Havana - National Museum, Colonial Museum, Museum of Anthropology, Moro Castle, Santa Clara Monastery, La Fuerza Fortress, Cathedral Immaculate Conception, City Hall, America's largest zoo; in Santiago de Cuba - Museum of Natural History; In Cardenas - the Oscar M. de Rojas Museum; in Camagüey there are a large number of churches and mansions from the colonial period. On the shore of the bay is the world's largest aquarium.

Useful information for tourists

As souvenirs from Cuba, you can bring black coral and jewelry made from it, items made from tortoise shell (especially bracelets and hairpins). Don't forget to buy one or two bottles of unique Cuban rum and real Cuban cigars. When purchasing products made from crocodile skin, ask the seller for an export license, otherwise this souvenir will be confiscated during customs control. A good gift from Cuba would also be a tumbadora or bongo - percussion musical instruments. Another gift is the guayabera, a shirt worn by officials in the tropics. You will probably have to use currency shops, since pesos can only buy books and medicine.

In Cuba, it is customary to pay a tip of 5-15% of the cost of services. The porter and maid at the hotel are given 1 dollar.

A country of true Caribbean romance, Cuba fascinates at first sight: coconut palms, picturesque bays, rum, cigars and a unique revolutionary spirit.

Cuba attracts, first of all, heavenly beaches— Liberty Island is washed by the Atlantic Ocean, the Caribbean Sea and the Gulf of Mexico. Not surprisingly, the conditions here are ideal for leisurely sunbathing or active sea holidays.

The northern resort of Varadero is suitable for diving, surfing and deep-sea fishing.

Excellent tourist infrastructure, many hotels (4 and 5 stars), warm waters of the Atlantic - this is where most tourists come.

The island of eternal summer gives 330 sunny days a year, the rainy season is from May to October, which means it is best to come in the European winter. Cubans offer impeccable service, prices for accommodation and excursions are above average, but in addition to hotels, rooms and houses can be rented from local residents.

Holidays in the country are not limited to spending time on the beach; for lovers of educational trips, there are excursions to national reserve Baconao, the Viñales karst valley, the eco-trails of the Zapata Peninsula and the orchid gardens of Soroa.

After the silence of parks and nature reserves, you should definitely go to the capital of the country - the city of Havana.

The local architecture will appeal to lovers of contrasts: ancient colonial buildings stand side by side with modern glass skyscrapers. Feel the spirit of the past in Old Havana, for more active recreation- Prado Boulevard with its colorful carnivals.

The large cities of Santiago de Cuba, Trinidad, Camagüey will tell you about the history and culture of the country from all sides. For comfortable travel around Cuba, it is better to rent a car.

Public transport is practically undeveloped; to travel within the city, you can use inexpensive and safe “tourist taxis”.

The national cuisine combines traditional Spanish, Caribbean and African dishes. Meat lovers will be pleased with all kinds of “grills”, especially pork and chicken. Tourists can expect an abundance of fruits and vegetables, rice and legume dishes, and a rich assortment of seafood with spicy sauces. The famous Cuban rum and cigars will be the main highlight of the trip and an ideal souvenir from Liberty Island.

Cultural features

Cubans are very friendly and cheerful people.

The first thing that catches your eye is the smiles, because everyone smiles in Cuba, regardless of age and wealth. Considering that their lives are quite difficult for a number of reasons, this seems simply amazing. Another feature is that all Cubans simply love to sing and dance, they can suddenly throw a carnival or start dancing fiery salsa.

In addition, Cubans are very talkative and temperamental, but not aggressive. They always try to help others, including foreigners, and they treat Russians very friendly and with great sympathy. Cuba is a country where there is always an atmosphere of fun and celebration.

Local bans

Although Cuba is called the Island of Freedom, there are still some restrictions for tourists in the country:

  • It is prohibited to photograph military facilities and military personnel;
  • you cannot swim in the sea if a red flag is displayed;
  • nudism is prohibited;
  • You can go to jail for drugs;
  • smoking is prohibited in public places;
  • There is a ban on the use of cards from American banks in the country, that is, Visa cards will not be accepted.

National holidays

  • January 1-2 - Liberation Day (victory of the Cuban Revolution in 1959);
  • May 1—Labor Day;
  • July 26 is National Uprising Day (July 25 and 27 are also days off);
  • October 10 - Anniversary of the beginning of the wars for independence from Spanish rule, Cuban Culture Day;
  • December 25—Christmas.


Cuban cuisine has developed under the influence of Spanish, African and Creole traditions. It is difficult to call Cuban cuisine specific - in general, it is quite simple, and variety is provided by numerous sauces made from tomatoes, peppers, mangoes, papaya and other products.

From meat dishes Chicken, pork, beef and, of course, seafood are very popular.

Cubans, like most Latinos, prefer rice and beans as a side dish. Particularly popular dishes: ajiaco soup (a mixture of meat and vegetables), la caldosa (chicken), potaje soup (bean soup), picadillo a la abanera (rice with minced meat) and many others. The main rule of Cuban cuisine: food should be simple and satisfying.

Among desserts, Cubans prefer ice cream, as well as the traditional delicacy cucurucho. Among drinks, coffee is especially popular among Cubans, and tea is almost impossible to find in the country.

But if you do manage to get tea, it will be of very poor quality and, most likely, in bags. In terms of alcohol, the most common drink is, of course, rum.


From a trip to Cuba you can bring a large number of exotic gifts that will remind you of a wonderful trip.

A must-have are excellent Cuban cigars, which are worth buying in stores at large hotels, having first studied the varieties and types of cigars. Cohiba, Monte Cristo, Romeo y Julieta are popular in Cuba. Please note that you should not buy the product secondhand - most likely, you will run into a cheap fake, which will definitely not contain high-quality tobacco.

Rum and local coffee can be purchased at duty free, and for particularly rare varieties of the aromatic drink, you should go to specialized stores.

Representatives of the fair sex will certainly appreciate the original jewelry made of black coral. Note to travelers: to check the authenticity of the coral, you can heat it with fire - real coral will not melt. The interior will be decorated with mahogany figurines, paintings by local artists, Cuban flags and various trinkets bearing revolutionary symbols.

Fans of Comandante Che Guevara will be pleased with T-shirts and baseball caps with his image (it is also better to buy them at hotels or at the airport, where the quality is better). Finally, those with a sweet tooth should pay attention to the delicious coconut jam, which can be spread on toast and used to make various desserts.

Visa How to get there

They say that you need to go to Cuba while Fidel is still alive. You can put this into practice by purchasing a ticket for Aeroflot and Cubana De Aviacion flights, flying from Moscow to Havana five times a week. You can get to Cuba with transfers using flights from Iberia (via Madrid), KLM (via Amsterdam), Air France(via Paris). From neighboring countries in the region, Mexicana, Interjet and Cubana (from Mexico), Aeropostal (from Venezuela), from the Bahamas - Bahamasair, from El Salvador - TACA International Airlines regularly fly to Cuba. In addition, from large Russian cities, for example, from Yekaterinburg, here ... Read more

Border nuances

All foreigners entering Cuba must fill out a migration card, which will then be stamped by an immigration officer. On the road... Read more


Unlimited import of foreign currency is allowed, but amounts over 5,000 USD must be declared. You can import up to 1 liter of alcoholic beverages, 200 cigarettes or 250 grams of tobacco, and goods for personal use in reasonable quantities duty free. It is prohibited to import any parts and spare parts for cars and motorcycles, narcotic substances (face a long prison sentence), unlabeled medicines and medicines containing narcotic substances (except with a doctor's prescription). The import of weapons, ammunition, explosives and toxic substances, extremist or...

Republic of Cuba

Date of creation of an independent state: December 1, 1898 (declaration of independence); January 1, 1959 (victory of the Cuban Revolution)

Square: 110.9 thousand sq. km

Administrative division: 14 provinces and 1 special municipality (Juventud Island, other name - Pinos Island)

Capital: Havana

Official language: Spanish

Currency: pesos

Population: 11.38 million (2006)

Population density per sq. km: 160.9 people

Proportion of urban population: 75 %

Ethnic composition of the population: Cubans predominate (over 95%)

Religion: Christianity dominates; Syncretic Afro-Christian cults also persist

Basis of the economy: sugar production

Population employment: in the service sector - St. 60%; in agriculture - St. 30%; in industry - approx. 10%

GDP: 44.5 billion USD (2002)

GDP per capita: 3.9 thousand USD

Form of government: unitarianism

Form of government: socialist state; republic

Legislative body: unicameral parliament

Head of State:

Head of Government: Chairman of the State Council

Party structures: one-party system

Fundamentals of government

The Republic of Cuba after numerous upheavals at the end of the twentieth century. managed to preserve socialist statehood. The country has a Basic Law, adopted on February 15, 1976 after discussion in a national referendum and which came into force on February 24, 1976. This is the fifth Constitution since the declaration of independence of Cuba (the previous one was adopted in 1959), the preamble states that its The goal is to consolidate the victory of socialism in the country. The 2002 amendment reinforces the inviolable nature of the socialist system. Amendments to the Constitution (it consists of fifteen chapters and one hundred and thirty-seven articles) were also made in 1978 and 1992.

The head of state is the Chairman of the State Council, who is elected by the National Assembly, and is also the head of government.

Legislative power belongs to a unicameral parliament - National Assembly. The National Assembly consists of six hundred and fourteen deputies who are elected by universal suffrage for a term of five years. The right to vote belongs to persons who have reached the age of sixteen, and the right to become a deputy belongs to all eighteen-year-old citizens of the country.

The National Assembly forms State Council – the highest governing body of the country. He represents the National Assembly between sessions, implements its decisions and performs other functions defined by the Constitution. In its activities, the State Council is fully accountable to the National Assembly. There are thirty-one deputies in the State Council.

Members of the National Assembly elect the head of state (president), who is also the head of the Council of State, the head of government, and the leader of the only authorized party, the Communist Party of Cuba (CPC).

The highest executive body is Council of Ministers. Its members are nominated by the Chairman of the State Council and approved by the National Assembly. (According to the laws of the country, only deputies of the National Assembly can apply for senior leadership positions, including the post of president.)

After the victory of the Cuban Revolution in January 1959, the presidents were M. Urrutia (interim) and O. Dorticos Torrado, but in fact the country was led by Fidel Castro Rus, who served as head of the Revolutionary Government from February 1959.

In July 2006, after a complex proctological operation, seventy-nine-year-old F. Castro temporarily transferred all his powers to his younger brother Raul (born in 1931), who served as first deputy chairman of the State Council, first deputy chairman of the Council of Ministers, second secretary of the CPC Central Committee and minister country defense. Six months later, F. Castro for the first time announced his possible resignation, but it was assumed that he would return to governing the country before the upcoming parliamentary elections.

According to the results of the elections, which took place on January 20, 2008, both Raul and Fidel Castro (they ran in different constituencies) overcame the fifty percent threshold and entered parliament. F. Castro received 98.2% of the votes, while his brother received 99.3%.

And yet, an event that was not customary to talk about out loud in Cuba took place: on February 19, 2008, the permanent leader of the state for almost half a century announced that he was resigning from his post. Addressing the people on the pages of the Granma newspaper, he said: “I will not apply for and will not accept the position of Chairman of the State Council and Supreme Commander-in-Chief.”

Local government power is exercised by provincial and municipal assemblies, elected by general suffrage. The term of office of provincial bodies is five years, municipal – two and a half years. To help maintain local public order, committees for the defense of the revolution were created after 1960, which are still active.

Judicial system

The Cuban judiciary is headed by Supreme People's Court.

The Supreme People's Court carries out legislative initiatives, issues judicial rules, etc.

Direct control over compliance with the law is exercised by State Prosecutor's Office, which is subordinate to the National Assembly and the Council of State.

Local prosecutors are independent from state bodies and subordinate to the State Prosecutor's Office.

Each province has its own provincial courts (audiencia), courts of first instance, municipal courts, etc., elected by the Supreme Court.

Leading political parties

There is only one party in the country - Communist Party of Cuba(CPC). It was founded in August 1925 at the First National Congress held in Havana, as a result of the unification of the left Workers' Socialist Party of Cuba(RSPK; created in 1904) and various communist circles. In 1926, the CCP was outlawed and operated underground until mid-1938. In 1939, in a block with Revolutionary Union of Cuba(RSK; created in 1938) The CPC took part in the elections to the Constituent Assembly and achieved six parliamentary seats. In 1940, the leadership of the RSK decided to merge with the CPC; the updated party was named Revolutionary Communist Union RKS. In January 1944, RKS was renamed Popular Socialist Party of Cuba(NSPC). In November 1953, under the dictatorship of R. F. Batista y Saldivar, the activities of the NSPK were prohibited. As a result of the victory of the Cuban Revolution of 1959, the NSPC actually came to power. The activities of the opposition NSPK parties were stopped, and three organizations loyal to the new regime (the July 26 Movement, the March 13 Revolutionary Student Directorate and the People's Socialist Party) were merged into United Party of the Socialist Revolution of Cuba(EP-CPK), which in October 1965 was renamed the Communist Party of Cuba. According to the Constitution, the party plays a leading role in society. Trade unions, youth, women's and all public organizations operate under its control. The official program of the CPC was adopted at the III Congress in 1986. The IV Congress, held in 1991 in the context of the collapse of the socialist system, spoke in favor of carrying out economic reforms while maintaining command positions for the state and vested the CPC Central Committee with emergency powers. The Fifth Congress of the CPC (1997) confirmed that the historical goal of the party at the present stage is to complete the construction of socialism, and its ultimate goal is to build a communist society. Single-party rule was recognized as "a fundamental principle of the Cuban Revolution." Previously, in 1985, Cuba passed a law on associations. In accordance with it, an attempt to register was made by the Cuban Party for Human Rights, the Social Democratic Party of Cuba, and others, but they were all refused.

Chairman of the State Council

Since February 2008 – Raul Castro Rus

This text is an introductory fragment. From the book Secret Wars of the Soviet Union author Okorokov Alexander Vasilievich

CUBA. 1953-1992 Brief historical and geographical backgroundThe Republic of Cuba is located on the Cuba Islands (104 thousand sq. km). Pi-nos (2.2 thousand sq. km) and more than 1,600 small islands in Atlantic Ocean, Gulf of Mexico and Caribbean Sea. Until 1898, the territory of Cuba was

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SANTIAGO DE CUBA STREET This street runs from Northern Avenue to Lunacharsky Avenue. Initially, on July 15, 1974, it was given the name Bolnichny Lane, because the entire odd side of the street is occupied by hospital buildings (Clinics of Deep Mycoses and Regional

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Cuba: the secret army of the island of Liberty The country's intelligence system: Directorate General of Intelligence of the Ministry of the Interior (Direcciоn General de Inteligencia (DGI); General Intelligence Directorate Ministry of the Interior); Directorate of Military Counterintelligence of the Revolutionary Armed Forces (as part of the Ministry

From the book of Aphorisms author Ermishin Oleg

Cuba Jose Julian Marti (1853-1895) writer, thinker If the freedom of tyranny is terrible, then the tyranny of freedom is disgusting, shocking, terrifying. The most difficult profession is to be human. Suffering is the result of the discrepancy between what is desired and what is achieved. One who does not

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From the book Great Soviet Encyclopedia (CU) by the author TSB

From the book Great Soviet Encyclopedia (CU) by the author TSB

From the book Great Soviet Encyclopedia (CU) by the author TSB

CUBA Hurricane Flora, September 30-October 9, 1963 Hurricane Flora, which raged in Cuba for 10 days, from September 30 to October 9, 1963, killed over 1,000 people and displaced 175,000 people. Heading to Haiti, he killed 5,000 people there and left 100,000 homeless.* * *Hurricane paths can be

By Davis Lee

CUBA AND FLORIDA Havana, Florida, October 13, 1944. With an eye 112 kilometers across and winds reaching 270 kilometers per hour, a deadly hurricane struck Cuba and killed hundreds of people.* * *The Strange Havana-Florida Hurricane » originated in Columbia

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CUBA Santa Cruz del Sur, November 9, 1932. The hurricane, with wind speeds reaching 340 kilometers per hour, destroyed half the population of Santa Cruz del Sur (Cuba), which amounted to 2,500 people. This happened on November 9, 1932.* * *The captain of the ship standing off the coast of Cuba on November 9, 1932,

From the book Memo to USSR citizens traveling abroad author Author unknown

Republic of Cuba Consular Section of the Embassy: Havana, Vedado district, st. 8, 306, between st. 13 and st. 15, tel. 360-18, 339-34. Consulate General: Santiago de Cuba, Vista Alegre district, st. 4, 202, corner on the street. 7, tel. 423-46. Consulate General: Cienfuegos, Buena Vista district, Avenida 64, 11103,

Cuba – large island in the Caribbean and the same name island state. Cuba is famous all over the world beautiful beaches north coast, magnificent ancient cities, incomparable and fiery Latin American music and, finally, hand-rolled cigars. This contrast makes the country unique and interesting for tourists to visit.

Where is Cuba located on the world map

The official name of the state is the Republic of Cuba, the unofficial name is Liberty Island. The capital of Cuba is Havana. In the western hemisphere, it is the only state with a socialist form of government.

Cuba is located on the island of Juventud (the seventh largest in the world) between Northern and South America . All the islands and coral reefs that are located on the map around Cuba belong to the country. There are about 1,500 of them. They all belong to the group of the Greater Antilles.

On the map the country is shown as a narrow strip of land that stretches from west to east and its length is 1250 km. Externally, the island looks like a crocodile, with its head facing the Atlantic and its tail heading towards the Gulf of Mexico.

Cuba is an island, so it is washed from all sides:

  • the Atlantic Ocean in the northeast;
  • Gulf of Mexico in the northwest;
  • Caribbean Sea in the south.

The total area of ​​the state is 114,524 square kilometers. Sierra Maestro Mountains located on the southeastern part of the state map and are the highest point of the state (Turkino Peak - 1973 meters).

Distance from Cuba to Moscow – 9580 km, to – 215 km, to Jamaica – 150 km, to the USA – 185 km, to Haiti – 78 km.

All about Cuba

Cuba is an island state, so the characteristics of nature and weather largely depend on the ocean and sea that wash the country.


The landscape of Cuba is mostly flat. Mountains and small hills occupy about a third of the island's entire territory. The state has three main mountain systems:

  • in the west - the Cordillera de Guaniguanico;
  • in the center - Escambray;
  • in the east - Sierra Maestro.

In Cuba it is very many small and large caves. The most big cave– Santo Tomas, there are many so-called underground galleries, 25 km long. And there are also hills with steep slopes and flat tops. Areas that are slightly hilly have been developed and settled. The banks are often swampy, low, even overgrown in some places mangroves. Sandy beaches are not uncommon in Cuba and, as a rule, they stretch for several kilometers. For example, in fact famous resort Varadero (Hicacos Peninsula), spread out like this sandy beach.


In Cuba it is magnificent: warm and soft, which is due to geographical location countries. The American state of Florida is separated from Cuba by a small Straits of Florida. Its width is only 150 km. Warm water currents pass through this strait, which are classified as the Gulf Stream.

Thanks to such warm currents, water temperature on the beaches in winter time does not fall below 22 degrees, in summer – 28–30 degrees. In general, the climate in the country is trade wind-tropical and indicates that there is a clear division into dry and rainy seasons. The rainy season in Cuba lasts from May to October, and the dry and sunny weather is November-April, respectively.

By sea, Cuba is separated from the Yucatan Peninsula (Mexico) by a short distance. But also around the Republic of Cuba there are such magnificent places as Jamaica, Bahamas And . Cuba is separated from these states by small straits ranging from 80 to 170 km wide.


The country's population is 11.5 million people. Most of the population is descendants of immigrants from Spain, the rest are mestizos, mulattoes, blacks, but a large number of Chinese also live on the island. The indigenous people were completely exterminated during the development and colonization of the island by the Spaniards.

The Spaniards needed more labor, so slaves began to be imported to the island from Africa. More than 1 million slaves were imported over 350 years. For the same reason, the Chinese (120,000 people) were also brought from Asia between 1854 and 1875. Indian slaves were also brought to work on the plantations, but their numbers were small. A constant flow of migrants was represented by European countries (France, England, Germany, Spain).

Very big wave migration began during and after World War II. The main settlers of that time were Jews. Thus, the Cuban nation has absorbed the characteristics of many peoples of the world.

The majority of believers are:

  • 47% are Catholics;
  • 4% are Protestants.

The rest are the so-called Santeria. This is a belief based on the cult of African pagans, which is mixed with the Christian cult. The church is not subordinate to the state; the constitution states that every citizen has the right to freedom of religion.

What language is spoken in Cuba? Of course, the official language is Spanish. However, the staff in many hotels speaks fluent German, English, and Italian.

State structure

According to the 1992 Constitution, Cuba is a socialist republic, in which the Communist Party occupies the main place. The first secretary of the party is the president of the country.

Parliament consists of 609 deputies elected for a term of 5 years. The executive branch is the Council of Ministers and the State Council.

The country is divided into 15 provinces, which in turn are divided into municipalities (168) and the separate municipality of Juventud.

A brief excursion into history

Island discovered by Columbus in 1492, then it was inhabited by Indians. The island was captured in the 16th century by the Spaniards, who exterminated most of indigenous population and brought slaves from different continents to the island. Slavery continued on the island until 1887.

As a result of the difficult and long confrontation (1868–1878) of the Cuban people against the colonial yoke, the independence of the island of Cuba was proclaimed. But in fact, the country was under the yoke of the United States. The withdrawal of American troops took place in 1901, but even after that the American government more than once resorted to an armed seizure of power in Cuba. In 1934 dictator batista established a pro-American regime in the country.

Under the command of Fidel Castro in 1959 the dictator was overthrown. The USSR provided special economic assistance in the formation of statehood. During this period, the United States imposed an embargo. During the Cold War (the Cuban Missile Crisis), the Soviet Union stationed nuclear warheads in Cuba. In 1975, Cuba was proclaimed an independent socialist state, and Castro became the leader of the country. And he still pursues a policy of blockade of Cuba, thereby causing economic damage to the island.

A long period of Spanish colonization and attempts to take possession of the island by the British and Americans failed to turn Cuba into an overseas country. That's why Cubans proudly mark the island on the map and call it Liberty Island.

Republic of Cuba - island state in the north Caribbean Sea. Cuba occupies territory island of the same name comprising the Greater Antilles, the Island of Youth and many smaller islands.

The relief of Cuba is predominantly flat. Hills and mountains occupy about a third of the territory. Tallest mountain range The Sierra Maestra stretches along the southeastern coast for 250 km. His highest point- Turkino peak (1974 m). Approximately 2/3 of the entire area of ​​Cuba is occupied by slightly hilly plains.


State structure

Socialist republic. The head of state is the chairman of the State Council. The highest body of state power and legislative body of the country is the unicameral National Assembly of People's Power. The highest executive and administrative body, which is the government of the republic, is the Council of Ministers.


Official language: Spanish

IN resort areas English, German, Italian are widely used.


The majority of believers are Catholics (47%), Protestants (4%) and adherents of the so-called “Santeria” - a syncretic cult based on African pagan beliefs, mixed with the cult of some Christian saints.


International name: CUP

You can exchange currency at bank exchange offices, as well as in most hotels. Hotels, restaurants and shops accept credit cards from the world's leading payment systems, except North American ones. No payment will be accepted credit card, issued by any US bank, but cards and travel checks in other currencies are freely accepted. Traveler's checks in US dollars and pounds sterling are accepted without limitation, subject to one condition - if they are not issued by a US bank.

There are two types of pesos - “non-convertible” (for domestic use) and “convertible” (CUC or “convertible”, used for payments to tourists, pegged to the US dollar in a ratio of 1:1.08). Often they give change to both.

All goods and services, including transportation and departure tax, must be paid for in convertible pesos. The circulation of the American dollar in Cuba has ceased. When carrying out exchange transactions with US dollars, a commission fee of 10% of the exchanged amount is charged (no fee is charged when exchanging other currencies). All transactions using a credit card are subject to a tax of 11.24%.

History of Cuba

The settlement of the island of Cuba occurred quite late, about four thousand years ago. By the time the Europeans arrived, the Indians were still at the stage of a primitive communal system and did not seek to resist the small detachment of Christopher Columbus, which landed in October 1492 in one of the bays of the island. Colonized by Spain in the 16th century. The Spanish conquerors destroyed most of the indigenous Indian population and imported slaves from Africa to work on the plantations (slavery remained until 1886).

In 1902, Cuba was proclaimed an independent republic, but in fact it turned into a semi-colony of the United States, which resorted to occupation more than once in 1906-1922.

In the mid-50s, a struggle unfolded in Cuba against the regime of F. Batista. On January 1, 1959, Batista was forced to flee Cuba. The Cuban leadership, led by F. Castro, gradually began to focus on the USSR, which provided economic assistance to Cuba.

The irreconcilable position of the Cuban leadership towards the United States in the conditions of " cold war"(in 1961 the United States broke off diplomatic relations with Cuba, in 1962 Cuba was expelled from the Organization of American States) led to Cuba being drawn into the so-called Caribbean crisis (October 1962), caused by the deployment of Soviet missiles in Cuba.

In 1975, at the first congress of the Communist Party of Cuba, the country was proclaimed a socialist state with a one-party regime. Since the early 1990s, economic difficulties in Cuba have worsened dramatically.

The settlement of the island of Cuba occurred quite late, about four thousand years ago. By the time the Europeans arrived, the Indians were still at the stage of a primitive communal system and did not seek to resist the small detachment of Christopher Columbus, which landed in October 1492 in one of the bays of the island. Colonized by Spain in the 16th century. The Spanish conquerors destroyed most of the indigenous Indian population and imported slaves from Africa to work on the plantations (slavery remained until 1886)....

Cuba map

Popular attractions

Tourism in Cuba

Where to stay

In Cuba there are many hotels of famous world chains, mainly Spanish. Almost all coastal hotels are located on the first line of the beach.

Most hotels are four star. All are equipped with a bathroom with hairdryer, air conditioning, mini-fridge, safe, cable TV and telephone. Along with this, vacationers are provided with a huge selection of two- and three-star hotels. Hotels high level- there are not so many five-star and five-star deluxe hotels in the country. Before choosing a hotel, you need to take into account that the level of service here is low, lower than European or Asian.

Most hotels located on beach resorts Cuba, operates on an all-inclusive basis, that is, the room price includes the possibility of eating in the hotel bars and restaurants around the clock.

In resorts such as Varadero, Holguin, Cayo Largo and Cayo Coco, all hotels operate only on an all-inclusive basis. There are no mandatory surcharges in these hotels. Meals for guests are usually provided in the form of a buffet. Almost all Cuban hotels are equipped with a swimming pool. Animation programs for adults and children are available only in the largest hotels in Cuba.

Cuban hotels are quite expensive, so it will be cheaper to stay in the private sector, the so-called casa particular. These are rooms in a private house that are equipped with a double bed, air conditioning, toilet, bathroom with shower and hot water.

Another option for accommodation in Cuba are campismos (campsites) - neat houses, usually located by the sea. They cost a little less than the private sector.

Popular hotels

Excursions and attractions in Cuba

Cuba is one of the most popular tourist destinations Caribbean Sea. Her rich history And national traditions, magnificent colonial architecture and other cultural, historical and natural attractions, a wonderful climate, warm sea and excellent beaches will make your trip to Cuba unforgettable.

The capital of Cuba, Havana, is a picturesque city located on the Gulf Coast, rightfully considered one of the most beautiful cities peace. The heart and main attraction of the city is its historical part "Old Havana" with many cultural and architectural monuments. Among the most interesting places the capital is worth highlighting Prado Boulevard, Cathedral, the oldest stone fortress in America, La Fuerza (Real Fuerza), the Convent of Santa Clara, the Cathedral of St. Cristobal, the Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception, the National Capitol, the City Hall, the National Museum and the Palace of Fine Arts (National Museum of Art). No less interesting are the Ernest Hemingway House Museum, the Museum of the Revolution, the Roma Museum, the Guanabocoa Historical Museum, the Grand Theater of Havana and the magnificent Botanical Garden. Havana is also famous for its numerous festivals and holidays, among which the most impressive are the International Jazz Festival, the Latin American Film Festival and, of course, the national holiday - Revolution Day, which is celebrated on a huge scale.

The second largest city in the country, Santiago de Cuba, is famous for its magnificent fortress of San Pedro de la Roca (Castillo del Morro), which is included in the list World Heritage UNESCO. On the territory of the fortress there is most interesting Museum history of piracy. Santiago de Cuba is located in a cozy bay surrounded by high picturesque mountains. And in its vicinity there are beautiful National Park Gran Piedra, on whose territory the same name is located tourist center, and the original National natural park Baconao (declared a UNESCO Biosphere Reserve). Bacanao is famous throughout the world for its Prehistoric Valley, Sculpture Meadow and Lagoon. Not far from Santiago de Cuba, in the small village of El Cobre, on a picturesque green hill, is the snow-white Abode of the Most Pure Virgin of Mercy. In the city itself, of particular interest are the magnificent Cathedral, the Diego Velazquez House, Cespedes Park, the Ethnographic and History museums.

While vacationing in Cuba, you should definitely visit the magnificent karst caves Belyamar and Saturn in tourist area Mantanzas, the cities of Trinidad and Camagüey with their magnificent colonial architecture and the Ernesto Che Guevara Memorial in Santa Clara. No less interesting are the magnificent garden in Soroa (province of Pinar del Rio) with a unique collection of orchids and one of the main temples of Cuba - the Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception in the city of Cienfuegos.

Lovers beach holiday and water activities, you will certainly be interested in the picturesque island of Juventud (Pinos) with its unique natural landscapes, magnificent beaches and cozy bays. This place is also considered one of the best diving sites in the world. The resort town of Varadero is also popular, which is a fashionable recreation area with luxury hotels, excellent diving centers and picturesque surroundings, and its beach is recognized by UNESCO as one of the cleanest in the world. Also famous are the resorts of Elgea with its mineral springs, Holguin with the magnificent Nipe Bay and the picturesque island of Guam (the most south island Mariana Archipelago).

Among the main natural attractions of Cuba is the beautiful Viñales Valley, surrounded by picturesque mountains Sierra de los Organos, Nature reserve Zapata with unique flora and fauna, the Topes de Collantes park in the Sierra del Escambray mountains and the Salto del Caburni waterfall located on its territory (one of the largest in the country) and the Alexander Humboldt National Park.


Tips in most cases amount to up to 10% of the cost of the service. For porters and maids at the hotel - up to 1 USD. It is better to give tips in person, since tips are usually handed over to the general cash register.


Office hours

Banks are open on weekdays from 8.30 to 12 o'clock and from 13.30 to 15 o'clock; on Saturday - from 8.30 to 10.30.

Shops are open from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. (some until 8 p.m.) on weekdays, on Saturdays from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. (some until 6 p.m.). Supermarkets and shops in resort areas usually open from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. Most small stores have separate opening hours. Almost all shops close for a “siesta” around noon.


As souvenirs from Cuba, you can bring black coral and jewelry made from it, items made from tortoise shell (especially bracelets and hairpins). Don't forget to buy one or two bottles of unique Cuban rum and real Cuban cigars. A good gift from Cuba would also be a tumbadora or bongo - percussion musical instruments used in African melodies. Another gift is the guayabera, a shirt worn by officials in the tropics.


High risk of hepatitis, malaria and sunburn. It is recommended to drink bottled water and use sunscreen. It is better to take essential medicines with you.


There are dangerous reptiles in Cuba - caimans and boas, which can cause a lot of trouble sea ​​urchins, some species of tropical fish and jellyfish, as well as sand fleas, mosquitoes and analaria mosquito.

Emergency numbers

National Police: 82-0116
Fire brigade: 81-1115
Ambulance: 24-2811

Photo and video shooting

Photographing military equipment, military personnel and industrial enterprises is strictly prohibited.

Photos of Cuba

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