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Lake Nicaragua is located in the Central American state of the same name, in the southwestern part of the country, almost on the border with Costa Rica.

This is the largest freshwater body of Latin America: its area exceeds 8,600 square meters. km, and the maximum depth is almost 70 meters. The surface of the lake is 32 meters above sea level. Lake Nicaragua is connected to the Caribbean Sea by the navigable San Juan River. Fresh water enters it from many rivers and streams. The deepest of them is Tipitipa, which flows from Lake Managua.

In the water area of ​​the lake there are more than three hundred small and large islands, the largest of which is Omatepe Island with an area of ​​276 sq. km. On about. Omatepe has two impressive volcanoes - Maderas and Concepcien, overgrown with lush tropical vegetation.

Lake Nicaragua acquired its uniqueness not even because of its size, but because of the inhabitants who live there. Nicaragua is the only freshwater lake in the world where sharks are found. Due to this fact and due to the short distance to the Pacific Ocean, scientists believe that the area where the lake is now located was once a large sea bay. Over time, the passage to the sea was closed, and a lake was formed in which sharks still live. Sharks are not found in any freshwater lake on the planet, at least as permanent inhabitants. This species of shark belongs to the gray shark family, being a related species to the gray bull shark. There is not even a consensus among zoological scientists whether to consider the Lake Nicaragua shark an independent species, Carcharhinus nicaraguensis, or whether this species is completely identical to the blunt-nosed shark Carcharhinus leucas. It is known that the bull shark easily tolerates desalination of water, so it often enters river mouths, sometimes rising many kilometers inland. Individuals of the Nicaraguan shark reach a length of 2-2.5 meters and belong to species that pose a potential danger to humans, although there are no official statistics.

In addition to sharks, there are also some other, exclusively marine inhabitants - sawfish and swordfish. Therefore, the lake will be of interest to fans of sport fishing, for whom special services are organized. In addition, some fish living in the lakes of Central America, including Lake Nicaragua, are known as beautiful and unique aquarium fish that are in great demand among aquarium enthusiasts.

Lake Nicaragua is the largest freshwater body of water in Latin America. Its area exceeds 8600 sq. km, and its maximum depth is almost 70 meters. It is located in the Central American state of the same name, in the southwestern part of the country, almost on the border with Costa Rica. The surface of the lake is 32 meters above sea level.

1. Lake Nicaragua is connected to the Caribbean Sea by the navigable San Juan River. Fresh water is supplied by numerous rivers and streams, among which the deepest is the Tipitapa River, flowing from Lake Managua.

2. Lake Nicaragua, according to scientists, was formed on the territory of the Pacific Ocean gulf that existed in ancient times.

3. Lake Nicaragua ranks first in terms of surface area among freshwater lakes in Latin America and second among all lakes in Latin America.

4. Nicaragua is the only freshwater lake in the world where sharks are found. This shark has its own scientific name: Nicaraguan shark Carcharhinus nicaraguensis.

5. In addition to sharks, Lake Nicaragua is home to marine life such as swordfish and tarpon, which looks like a very large herring.

6. In the lake’s waters there are more than three hundred small and large islands, the largest of which is Omatepe Island with an area of ​​276 sq. km. On about. Omatepe has two volcanoes - Maderas and Concepcien

7. Most big city on the coast is Granada. This is one of oldest cities V Latin America, founded by Europeans (founded in 1524).

8. In the middle of the 17th century. pirates passed the river to rich Granada and besieged it three times.

9. Since the 16th century, the island of Ometepe has been favored by pirates who took refuge there from persecution by the Spanish authorities, and because of this, the local population was forced to move higher to the slopes of the volcanoes.

10. On the island of Ometepe there are preserved archaeological sites pre-Columbian civilizations - petroglyphs and stone idols - created, at the latest, in the 2nd millennium BC. e.

11. The Nicaraguan shark can reach a length of 4 meters, the average length of a shark is 2-2.5 meters.

12. In July 2014, the route of the Nicaraguan Canal between the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans, which will pass through Lake Nicaragua. Construction began on December 22, 2014.

13. On the coast of the lake there are many large lizards (helmeted basilisks), which calmly move on their hind legs.

14. The lake has several different names. The natives called it Coquibolka, the Spanish conquerors called it Sweet Sea, and at the same time, immigrants from Granada gave it the name Granada.

15. The reservoir was discovered in 1523 by an expedition of Spanish conquistadors led by Hiley Gonzalez Avila.

Lake Nicaragua is located on the territory of the Latin American country of the same name. It is a large freshwater lake and has tectonic origin. Area of ​​Lake Nicaragua is 8624 square kilometers, and is the largest in size, ranking 20th among the world’s lakes. Lake Nicaragua is the only freshwater lake in the world where sharks are found reaching a length of 3 meters. Due to the fact that the lake is located near the Pacific Ocean, scientists believe that the lake was previously located on the site of a large sea bay, which explains the presence of sharks in the lake. It is still not clear how sharks adapted to fresh water. Currently, shark fishing championships are regularly held on the lake, and environmentalists fear that sharks are in danger of complete extinction. Locals call the lake Lago Cocibolca or Mar Dulce, which means “sweet sea”. On Lake Nicaragua There are a number of large groups of islands, including Solentiname and Ometepe, which is popular among tourists due to the fact that it is home to two volcanoes. Periodically, strong storms occur on the lake; Nicaragua is connected by the San Juan River with, turning the city of Granada into an Atlantic port.

In the language of the Indians inhabiting these lands, Michigan means " big lake", it is located in North America, is located in the United States and is part of the Great Lakes system of North America. Lake Michigan is located at an altitude of 177 meters above sea level. Its area is 58,000 square kilometers, the greatest depth is 281 meters. Michigan is connected to Lake Huron by the Straits of Mackinac [...]

Lake Nicaragua is the largest freshwater body of water in all of Latin America.

Around it is one of the Central American states, which bears the same name as the lake - Nicaragua. South of the lake is another Central American country, Costa Rica.

Lake Nicaragua on the map

Characteristics of Lake Nicaragua

  • Has tectonic origin
  • The area of ​​the lake is 8,264 square meters
  • Width 68km
  • Length 177km
  • Lake volume 108 km 3
  • The lake is located 32 meters above sea level
  • Maximum depth 50 meters, average depth 13m
  • The climate is tropical
  • Average annual precipitation 900 - 1,200mm
  • Average annual temperature +30 0 C

The emergence of the lake

According to scientists, this lake arose on the site of the Pacific Gulf. In the distant past, this bay was isolated from the ocean as a result of tectonic processes and volcanic activity.

Lake Nicaragua photo

Numerous freshwater rivers flowing into it displaced the salty sea water. Many of the local animals are completely unique and are not found in other fresh water bodies.


Fishes found in Lake Nicaragua:

Most of the fish in Lake Nicaragua are predators. There are also numerous small aquarium fish that are distinguished by their exquisite beauty. They are in great demand and popularity among aquarists.

Sharks of Lake Nicaragua

Lake Nicaragua is famous for its freshwater sharks. They come in two types, and Nicaraguans call them visitantes and tintoreros. Both of them are bull sharks, but the visitants, distinguished by their white bellies, swim from the ocean and are not permanent residents of the lake. They are viviparous.

Lake Nicaragua. shark photo

Lake Nicaragua. toucan on the island photo


Lake Nicaragua. islands photo

During the rainy season, which lasts from May to October, the water level in the lake rises significantly. And during the dry season from December to April it decreases noticeably.


There are many streams and rivers flowing around the lake. The San Juan River flows to the east from Lake Nicaragua. It is navigable and connects the lake with the Atlantic. To the northwest of Lake Nicaragua there is another freshwater lake - Managua. (The capital of the Republic of Nicaragua bears the same name).

The Tipitapa River, wide and deep, flows from Lake Managua into Lake Nicaragua. It flows from Lake Nicaragua San Juan and flows into the Caribbean Sea.


The largest island in the lake, called Ometepe, is home to a pair of volcanoes, Maderas and Concepcien. The name of the island is translated from the Indian language and means “two mountains”. On this, as well as on some other islands, there are monuments dating back to pre-Columbian times. These include rock paintings with images of animals and birds.

Lake Nicaragua. Ometepe island and volcanoes photo

In addition, on the island of Ometepe there are stone idols installed in burial places. Since 2010, a biosphere reserve has been established on Ometele Island. It is home to a significant number of rare representatives of flora and fauna, in particular spider monkeys. Another nature reserve created on the Solentinam Islands.

  • In the 16th-17th centuries, many islands in Lake Nicaragua served as a convenient refuge for pirates. Because of them, local residents had to move away from the shores of the lake to the mountains, to the foothills of the volcanoes.
  • At the end of the 19th century, when plans were made to build a canal capable of connecting the Pacific and Atlantic oceans, it was initially planned to build it in the area of ​​Lake Nicaragua. There is a story that opponents of this project allegedly sent letters to the prospective investor in stamped envelopes that depicted a volcano near Lake Nicaragua. And the prospect of volcanic eruptions frightened the recipients so much that in the end it was decided to build the canal on the Isthmus of Panama. However, the idea of ​​building another canal in Nicaragua was periodically returned to. Since December 22, 2014, work has been underway on its construction.

Lake Nicaragua (Lago de Nicaragua) is the largest lake in Nicaragua. It is of tectonic origin, fills a tectonic depression and ultimately has an almost perfect oval shape. The shores of the lake are predominantly low-lying. Its appearance is the result of the work of a volcano: lava filled a narrow strait, separating the bay from the ocean and turning it into an inland body of water. With time salt water in the newly formed lake it was replaced by fresh water - from the forty rivers that flow into Nicaragua.
The largest of the inflowing rivers is the Tipitapa, which flows from the nearby (heavily polluted) Lake Managua. The San Juan River flows out of the lake and flows into. This connection allows us to call the lakeside city of Granada an Atlantic port, although it is closer to Pacific Ocean. This geographical location Granada in the old days led to sad consequences: in the middle of the 17th century. pirates passed the river to rich Granada and besieged it three times.
Lake Nicaragua ranks first in terms of surface area among freshwater lakes in Latin America and second among all lakes in Latin America. Depending on the counting system, it ranks 19th or 20th on the list of the largest lakes in the world.
Like most large lakes, Nicaragua has its own special character. In the eastern half of the lake, protected by mountains, the waters are quite calm; on the western side, influenced by the trade winds, there is a constant strong swell. Powerful storms are not uncommon here.
Only a few islands on the lake are inhabited. Most big Island Ometepe is formed by two volcanoes - Concepcion (1610 m) and Maderas (1394 m). The name of the island reflects the story of its origin: in the Nahuatl Indian language, “ome” means two, and “tepe” means mountain. In 2010, the territory of Ometepe Island was recognized by UNESCO as a biosphere reserve.
The third volcano, Mombacho (1344 m), is located on west coast lakes. The presence of volcanoes in the vicinity of Lake Nicaragua caused its clogging with ash brought by rivers from volcanic areas.
Even before the Panama Canal was built, a plan to create a Nicaraguan Canal had long been contemplated. All projects boiled down to the construction of a canal across Lake Nicaragua and the San Juan River. Back in the 16th century. the Spanish king Charles V of Habsburg (1500-1558) ordered the exploration of the isthmus in Nicaragua in order to connect the two oceans, but the level of technological development at that time did not allow construction to begin, and the Spaniards themselves did not seek to invest money in large-scale projects in Latin America .
This project was repeatedly returned to later, and often the authors of new proposals were outright adventurers who collected money from gullible investors.
After the construction of the Panama Canal, interest in the Nicaraguan Canal project waned, but sometimes this idea becomes relevant again, especially in moments of international political crises.
In ancient times, Lake Nicaragua was an ocean bay, which, as a result of a volcanic eruption, turned into an inland body of water. Its waters are quite rich in fish, of marine origin. There are more than 400 islands on the lake, and some of them are inhabited.
Marine life such as sharks can be found in the fresh waters of Nicaragua.
The population on the shores of the island are mestizos, descendants of the Indians who lived here since ancient times. Main activity local residents- growing bananas, coffee and cocoa. A significant part of the plantations is concentrated on the islands, where the land is covered with extremely fertile volcanic ash, which, combined with a favorable climate, allows for large harvests. Nicaragua has its own lake flotilla, represented by both a small fleet and quite spacious vessels, intended, among other things, to serve numerous tourists. Lake Nicaragua is popular for surfing and sport fishing.
Nicaragua is the only freshwater lake in the world where sharks are found. This is the most clear evidence that the territory now occupied by the lake was once a large sea bay. When the exit to the sea was blocked by lava flows, sharks remained in the lake and became accustomed to the new conditions. This shark has its own scientific name: Nicaraguan shark Carcharhinus nicaraguensis.
Until recently, the Nicaraguan shark was mistaken for the bull shark, which also lives in the lake. It subsequently turned out that the bull shark enters the lake from Caribbean Sea, rises up the San Juan River against the current - like salmon - and ends up in Lake Nicaragua. This journey can take up to two weeks. Currently, there are so many sharks in the lake that surrounding residents are allowed to fish for them commercially.
In addition to sharks, Lake Nicaragua is home to marine life such as swordfish and tarpon, which looks like a very large herring. Although Lake Nicaragua is connected by the Tipitapa River to Lake Managua, due to the heavy pollution of the latter, sharks do not go there.
Granada is the most Big city on the shore of the lake. It occupies the third largest place in the country (after the capital and Leon), is the administrative center of the department of Granada and proudly bears the title of the oldest city founded by Europeans in Central America (founded in 1524). Currently it is also the main tourist centre countries.
Another large city on the lake, San Carlos, stands where the San Juan River flows out of Lake Nicaragua, near the border with Costa Rica. The municipality of San Carlos includes the Solentiname Islands, which have the status of a national monument of Nicaragua. There is an exceptionally rich fauna here, and on the island of La Venada there is a preserved population of deer, after which the island is named (venado means “deer” in Spanish).
The beauty of the Solentiname Islands on Lake Nicaragua attracted masters of the pen and brush here, including the poet and politician Ernesto Cardenal (b. 1925), who founded an artists' commune on the island in 1966, which still exists today, as well as art Gallery.
On neighboring island Ometepe has preserved archaeological monuments of pre-Columbian civilizations - petroglyphs and stone idols - created at the latest in the 2nd millennium BC. e. In ancient times, the islands on the lake, due to their volcanic origin, were considered sacred by the Indians, which is why they were chosen as a burial place. Currently there is a biosphere reserve inhabited by rare species Koats are members of the spider monkey family.

general information

Location: Central America.

Administrative affiliation: Republic of Nicaragua.

Origin: tectonic.

Food: mainly rain.

Largest rivers: flows into Tipitapa; flows out - San Juan.

Largest island: Ometepe Island (276 km 2).

The most important ports: Granada - 83,439 people. (2013), San Carlos - 15,157 people. (2013).


Area: 8264 km2.

Catchment area: 23,844 km 2 .

Volume: 108 km 3.

Length: 177 km.

Width: 58 km.

Maximum depth: 45 m.
Average depth: 13 m.

Type of mineralization: fresh.
Height above sea level: 32 m.
Number of islands: OK. 400.

Climate and weather

Tropical, trade wind.

Average annual temperature: +28 - +32°С.

Average annual precipitation: 1200 mm.
Relative humidity: 70%.

Change in water level: Decreases during the dry season from December to April and increases during the rainy season from May to October.


Lake shipping.

Agriculture: crop production (bananas, coffee, cocoa, avocado, cotton, corn).
Traditional crafts: wood carving, twig weaving.

Services: tourism (surfing, fishing), transport.


City of Granada: Convento San Francisco Museum, Cathedral Iglesia de Guadalupe.
Natural: Mombacho Volcano, San Juan River, Ometepe Island (with a biosphere reserve), Tipitapa River, Concepcion Volcano, Maderas Volcano, Solentiname Archipelago (reserve wildlife Los Guatuzos).
Historical: monuments of pre-Columbian civilizations (Ometepe island).
Cultural: artists' commune (Solentiname Islands).

Curious facts

■ The San Juan River, which rises in Lake Nicaragua and flows into the Caribbean Sea, marks much of the border between Nicaragua and Costa Rica.
■ Ometepe Island is the largest freshwater volcanic island on earth.
■ The last time the issue of building the Nicaraguan Canal was raised was at a meeting between the presidents of Russia and Nicaragua on December 18, 2008.
■ One of the most famous Nicaraguan canal projects is called the Ecocanal.
■ Since the 16th century. pirates often landed on the island of Ometepe, choosing it as a refuge in case of persecution by the Spaniards and displacing the local population, who settled higher on the slopes of the volcanoes.
■ The islands of Lake Nicaragua are home to 76 species of parrots and toucans.

■ The Nicaraguan shark reaches a length of 2-2.5 m and is a species that poses a potential danger to humans.

■ The first option for a canal between the Pacific and Atlantic oceans included its construction through Lake Nicaragua, but lobbyists for the Panama Project cleverly used Nicaragua postage stamps with the image active volcano Momotombo, smoking against the backdrop of Lake Managua. Despite the assurances of the Nicaraguan authorities, who claimed that the Momotombo volcano was located too far from the canal construction site, the Panama project was accepted. In addition, it was three times cheaper than Nicaraguan. And the Momotombo volcano inappropriately began to erupt during the construction of the Panama Canal.

■ Large lizards live along the shores of the lake - helmet-bearing basilisks (up to 60 cm long), capable of running on their hind legs even on the surface of the water.
■ Ancient petroglyphs were discovered on the Solentinam Islands - drawings on rocks depicting parrots, monkeys and people. The country's authorities have assigned the Solentinam Islands the status of national natural monument Nicaragua.
■ Before the construction of the Panama Canal, the San Juan River, which flows from Lake Nicaragua, was used to transport goods and people between the Pacific and Atlantic oceans. For a long time, it was the shortest waterway connecting the east to west of the United States. During the California Gold Rush, the American transportation company Vanderbilt used this route to transport miners to East Coast USA.
■ Between 1981 and 1990, opposition units (“contras”) base camps which were located on the territory of Costa Rica, almost completely blocked navigation on the San Juan River, which caused significant damage to the economy of Nicaragua.


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