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A private jet or helicopter is no longer exotic. Having invested money in real estate and exotic cars, wealthy people turned their attention to flying technology. Some buy it for the sake of prestige, others - out of sporting interest. How much do “flight toys” cost and what does their maintenance cost?

Why do people fly

“I now have eight L-29 aircraft, one L-39 (these are jets) and one ten-seat L-410,” says Pavel Sh., president of one of the banks. - I get great pleasure from flying and from repairing my equipment. I fly on jet planes for aerobatics under the Master of Sports program, and if I need to get to another city, then, of course, I’ll fly on my own plane. I don't think anyone buys a plane to make life more convenient. After all, to fly from point A to point B, you can use a charter organized by the airline. Cheaper and no hassle. A personal plane is more of an expensive toy for people who are passionate about aviation.

According to Vladimir D., a businessman and co-owner of one of the flying clubs, flying equipment is not a car and keeping it in the country for Sunday flights (although there are amateurs who do this, breaking all laws) is stupid and pointless. Maintaining a flying aircraft costs on average $1000-1500 per month. Airplanes and helicopters require constant maintenance; conditions for takeoff and dispatch service are required, and this is only possible at the airfield. Therefore, most aviators rent parking at flying clubs and are usually members of the club themselves. The owner pays for parking and maintenance, and the club pays the owner for the use of the aircraft; the owner flies for free. An hour of plane flight costs from $100 to $500, depending on the model. But at the same time, a personal plane still remains an expensive toy. And all experts unanimously say: the acquisition will never pay off.

What, where, how much

Buying a new plane or helicopter today is not difficult. It is enough to study the websites of companies selling flight equipment on the Internet; there is everything for every taste and budget. There are authorized dealers in Russia who sell equipment from well-known foreign companies Evrocopter, Bell, McDonnel-Douglas.

The most common domestically produced aircraft are the four-seat Yak-18T, two-seat Yak-52, ten-seat Yak-40 and L-410. The vast majority are previously written-off vehicles that are sold at residual value by airlines or individuals who, in turn, bought written-off equipment somewhere. Our industry has not been mass-producing aircraft for small aviation for 50 years; they produce only individual batches, usually to order.

Of course, you can buy a new Yak-18T at the factory for $80,000, but no one does this, says Pavel. - Why, if there are used planes for $25,000.

According to Andrei Palchevsky, the founder of the flying club "Captain Nesterov", buying domestic equipment, especially decommissioned ones, is not only pointless, but also dangerous.

We are hopelessly behind in the production of light aircraft and helicopters, and we can say that our equipment, which has already used all its resources, exists outside the market,” says Andrey. - People buy domestic cars simply out of desperation: a foreign plane is expensive, but ours, decommissioned, with an old engine can be bought cheaply. But flying such machines is not safe.

New generation aircraft today are made not from aluminum, as before, but from plastic. In addition, modern airplanes and helicopters are equipped with last word technology. For example, there are navigation and anti-icing systems; some vehicles have an autopilot and oxygen masks. Modern light aircraft can have a rescue parachute system on board - in the event of a malfunction, the aircraft lands by parachute.

The most famous and purchased foreign-made aircraft from us are the American Cirrus ($500,000) and Cessna (from $100,000). Inexpensive Czech-made aircraft, for example, two-seat Evrofoks, Koala, Lambada, cost from $40,000, but these are lightweight aircraft that cannot carry excess fuel or passengers; they are suitable for training. In addition, flying them in strong gusts of wind is quite dangerous.

Turboprop aircraft are of a higher class. Unlike piston engines, they are economical, high-speed and reliable, they can fly at high levels, i.e. at 5000 m or more. Their speed is much higher, the cabin is pressurized, and they cost differently, for example, Swiss-made Pilatus or French-German-made Socata aircraft cost $1.5-2 million.

Helicopters are much more expensive than airplanes - the Evrocopter costs $1.5-2 million, the common training machines Robinson R22 (two-seater) - $250,000 and the four-seat R44 - $450,000.

You can save a lot if you purchase prefabricated aircraft models - so-called kits (from the English kit - do-it-yourself kit). Those who are seriously ill with palate do just that. The designer will cost three times less than the finished aircraft. But assembling it is serious work, and you can’t build a plane in one day. Amateur pilots spend several months, or even a year, on this.

How to learn to fly an airplane and how much it costs


First of all, before taking off on the ground, they give basic knowledge of what kind of bird it is - an airplane,” says Maxim Makartsev, director of the Maxim flying club. - The student becomes familiar with safety precautions and documents regulating flight work. The rest of the theory, along with practice, is during the flight. In order to obtain a private pilot's license, you need 42 hours of flight training, of which 9 to 13 hours of solo flights. This also includes knowledge of theory, the necessary piloting skills in the airfield area, flight along a route whose range is at least 200 kilometers, with landing at two unfamiliar airfields, and instrument flights.

Most of the time, the student and instructor fly circles over the airfield, practicing takeoff and landing (this is the most difficult thing at the first stage), then makes several flights into the aerobatic zones. At the same time, during the flight, the student masters radio communication, masters the art of visual orientation (to find his airfield), and practices actions in special cases (for example, engine failure).

When all this is well worked out, the instructor can send the student on his first independent flight. But first you need to undergo a medical examination at one of the flight medical institutions. After an independent flight (even if the student only flew one round), you can consider yourself an accomplished pilot.

True, this is not enough, continues Maxim Makartsev. - We also need to learn how to fly along routes, for which we study navigational training, meteorology, and radio navigation.

An airplane, unlike a car, cannot be stopped at the side of the road to consult a map. Therefore, at any moment of the flight, the pilot must know the position and heading of his aircraft, exact time passing the next point on the route, radio communication data along the entire route, not to mention the location of the destination airfield and alternate airfields. Moreover, the destination airfield must also be aware of which route you are flying. To do this, the flight request submitted the day before indicates the route and alternate airfields.

If the instructor believes that the newly qualified pilot has successfully completed all the tasks, then his documents are submitted to the Federation of Aviation Enthusiasts, and the qualification commission issues an amateur pilot certificate for a certain type of aircraft.

Training takes place mainly on our aircraft - the Yak-18T and Yak-52, which are the most common in the clubs. But the more foreign technology appears, the more fans it has.

The main advantage of foreign aircraft is their reliability, says Pavel Levchenko, director flight school"Captain Nesterov" - The two-seat ultralight aircraft P96 Golf (Italy) is equipped with a rescue parachute system with a minimum opening height of 33 meters. If necessary, the entire aircraft and crew are lowered to the ground under a parachute canopy. This is the most convenient machine with which one usually begins training. But you can also start on a two-seat training aircraft DA20-100 Katana (Austria), which is also intended for initial training. Experienced amateur pilots will be happy to master the four-seat Cirrus SR22 (USA). This is an aircraft equipped with the latest technology. It has autopilot, anti-icing system, collision warning system and much more. In addition, it is also equipped with a parachute rescue system.

The training course on a foreign aircraft is also 42 hours, of which 9 hours are independent flights.

Before making a decision, the cadet takes a free 30-minute introductory flight, after which he decides whether he will study, says Pavel Levchenko. If the decision is made, then he becomes a member of the club and can begin training. The school has special training classes where you can practice computer control.


Depending on the type of aircraft, an hour of flight costs from $150 to $400. At first, students fly for 30 minutes, which is enough for beginners. In many flying clubs, students pay membership fees. Only club members can fly and study. In some flying clubs, which also provide membership, not everything is so strict - everyone who comes can fly, but club members have discounts on flights - 15-20 percent. On average, a full course of training (based on $180 per hour) will cost $7,560. This is despite the fact that the student is diligent and capable and will not need additional hours of study.

Anyone over 15 years old can learn to fly.

If you don’t have the money for a private jet, but you still want to fly, you can take an initial training course at a flying club or school, of which a great number have appeared recently. What are they and who can study in them?

Most flying clubs for training amateur pilots are located in the Moscow region. Only on the territory of the Myachkovo airfield, not far from Lyubertsy, there are about 30 clubs. There are flying clubs at airfields in Serpukhov (Drakino), Podolsk (Dubrovitsy), Volokolamsk (Alferovo), in Yegoryevsk, in Stupino, where parachutists are mainly based, in Kimry (Borki, Tver region). A new airfield has opened in Yakhroma, where they teach how to fly light ultra-light aircraft. There are clubs throughout Russia - in St. Petersburg, Nizhny Novgorod, in the Vladimir region. A helipads appear like mushrooms after rain. It is difficult to name the exact number of clubs in Russia; no one keeps special records.

Each club has its own history of creation. Some things remain from Soviet times, these are those that belonged to DOSAAF. But they don't worry better times, there is no funding, so there is nothing to develop. The vast majority of clubs are private, and completely created anew; buying pre-Saaf clubs is troublesome and unprofitable. Each club has its own aircraft, which either belong to the club's shareholders or to private owners who rent the parking lot.

There are so many planes you can see in flying clubs! There are modern L-39 jets and ancient An-28s, as well as plenty of foreign technology - from the old Moravia to the new Cirrus. Beginners are mainly trained on time-tested Yak-18T, Yak-52 aircraft, American Cessnas and Italian Golfs, of which, however, there are very few.

Aeroclubs themselves select pilots and technicians, monitor the technical condition of the aircraft, and provide gasoline. In order for a pilot to have the right to train a beginner, he must have a service mark indicating this on his pilot’s license. According to current rules, a pilot is required to have two certificates: the first - issued by the State Civil Aviation Service (SCSA) and a certificate from the Federation of Aviation Amateurs (FLA). The contents of the documents are no different, except that their covers are of different colors. In addition, instructor pilots undergo a medical examination and a flight test to confirm their eligibility for training.

The airport provides clubs with the necessary services (parking, runway, taxiways, maintenance), of course, not for free.

There are plenty of people today who want to learn how to fly an airplane. Solo flights can be performed by a person who has reached 15 years of age; there is no upper age limit. Both men and women learn to fly, and in contrast to the automobile world, in aviation, a woman at the helm is treated with great reverence. As the pilot instructors themselves say, rich businessmen, middle-income people, and completely unmercenary people who are sick of the sky come. Everyone has one thing in common - the desire to fly like a bird.

One gets the impression that soon they will fly to any city within 300-600 kilometers by plane, just as they travel by car now, and faster and without traffic jams. But this is still far from reality. Firstly, flying a small plane 300-400 kilometers is not cheap at all. For example, a flight from Moscow to St. Petersburg on a four-seater Yak-18T aircraft will cost approximately $1,000 (this includes the cost of flight hours, gasoline and airport taxes). Secondly, on the eve (at least one day) of the flight, you must submit an application and receive permission to fly. And thirdly, unlike a car, learning to pilot an airplane is still more difficult, and everyone understands this, even the most ambitious students.

What should a private jet owner insure?

Flying is a risky business. And where there are risks, there is insurance - both voluntary and compulsory. DMITRY ZOTOV, chief specialist of the aviation risk insurance department of the VSK Insurance House, talks about what policies the owner of a private jet needs to buy.

Once the aircraft is registered, it can be accepted for air CASCO insurance. That is, the vessel will be protected from damage. The price of the policy depends on the type of aircraft and a number of other conditions, but in general, if the aircraft does not carry out training flights, the tariff will be from 1.5 to 2.5% of the cost of the aircraft. For example, for modern aircraft Cirrus, which costs from $500 thousand to 1 million, for a CASCO policy you need to pay $10,000-20,000 per year. A policy for a Russian Yak-18T or a more modern SM-2000 will cost $2000-2500.

As with any type of insurance, there are situations when insurance compensation is not paid. Damage aircraft will not be reimbursed if the pilot violated the flight manual (for example, overloaded the aircraft) or technical operating conditions (filled the wrong fuel, did not perform routine maintenance on the aircraft), took off without permission or a license, or the aircraft was used for training purposes, and the contract did not provide for this.

In addition to voluntary insurance protection of the aircraft against damage, the life of the pilot and the liability of the owner of the ship to passengers and third parties must be insured. For an insured amount of 100,000 rubles, a pilot’s life insurance policy costs 750-1,500 rubles. Liability to third parties should not be less than 200 rubles per 1 kg of take-off weight. For example, a car weighs 2 tons at takeoff, the liability limit is 400,000 rubles. Such insurance will cost 1200-1400 rubles per year, and liability to passengers will cost 650 rubles per year for each passenger seat.



ANTON SYCHEV, credit inspector of Sberbank:

This is the embodiment of some childhood aspirations. I have always been attracted to major aviation, and as soon as the opportunity arose, I immediately began to study. As for sensations, the first place for me is not emotions, but the opportunity to do something interesting in my free time. Although next week I will have my first solo flight in a circle, and I am worried.

VADIM ANDRONOV, deputy of the Moscow Regional Duma:

I believe that a person should try everything in life. The more activities you have, the more fulfilling your life is. Flights are interesting both as a sport, and as a journey, and as a new worldview. There's nothing like heaven.


I would like to learn to fly, although I don’t drive a car and am very afraid of heights. But one time I held the steering wheel, and the feeling was very pleasant. I experienced mixed feelings: fear, the desire to cope with this fear, the strength and power of the plane, I felt the shoulder of the second navigator, and in general the feeling of the sky. Everything that the romantics described is true!

OLGA MAKHOVSKAYA, senior researcher at the Institute of Psychology of the Russian Academy of Sciences: “Why don’t people fly like birds, but would like to...”

The psychoanalytic explanation of the desire to fly is the desire of a person to return to a homogeneous environment of intrauterine existence, where nothing presses, does not press, complete security and excellent shock absorption. That is, people think they want to fly, but in fact they want to swim, like astronauts in space or embryos in their mother’s tummy. But since Freud revealed a terrible secret to us after the first flying machines appeared, it was too late to retreat. Already Freud's student Jung had to explain fantastic dreams with flying machines and incredible balances by the activity of the collective unconscious, the desire of the group to arm themselves against an unknown enemy from outer space. By the way, studies have shown that the notorious flying in a dream occurs more often in boys than in girls.

There are no special registration rules for amateur aviation

Recently, the State Civil Aviation Service (SCSA) adopted new Federal Aviation Rules. According to them, all airplanes and helicopters must be registered and certified by the State Civil Aviation Authority in compliance with the same requirements for all aircraft, regardless of weight and model and, most importantly, the purpose of their use. That is, owners, even of motorized hang gliders, are required to register the aircraft in the same way as professional airlines do their aircraft. And all because there are no special rules for amateur aviation.

According to the Air Code, small aviation, which also includes private aircraft, is part of civil aviation. All aircraft must be registered in the state register, and the owner must obtain an “aircraft operator” certificate. In addition, the equipment must be certified for flights. It is almost impossible for the owner of an airplane or helicopter to do this. Aviators found a way out of the situation by flying under the auspices of the Federation of Amateur Aviation (FLA), which registered aircraft in its own registry and assumed the functions of a flight regulatory body. Today, by order of the State Civil Aviation Authority, these rules are declared as a temporary order allowing flights for amateurs, which will be in force until January 1, 2005. During this time, officials intend to approve the registration procedure for small aircraft.

Aviation enthusiasts understand and share the registration strictness of the authorities: with the increase in the number of private aircraft, the likelihood of its commercial use increases. And here, relaxations in the registration of airplanes and helicopters are fraught with a threat to people’s lives. But, according to experts, if the aviator does not intend to work as an air taxi, but flies for himself, the registration rules should be separate and not so strict. Most likely, the activities of the FLA will be extended for a year until new rules for aviation enthusiasts appear. Despite its illegal status, the private aircraft fleet continues to expand.

Cost of flights from an airfield near Moscow on a Yak-18T aircraft (based on $150 per hour)

Note. The price does not include airport tax, which can range from 300 to 1500 rubles.

Are there many Russians who have never flown on an airplane in their lives? According to sociological surveys in 2009, almost half. Until recently, you were one of them, but now, by choice or necessity, you go to the sky? You have many new and interesting experiences ahead!

The first plane trip is not only a storm of emotions, but also many practical tasks. You need to remember a thousand details: what to take with you, how much to arrive for registration, where to go at the airport... A person with little experience often gets confused in the little things and forgets about them out of excitement. This memo is intended for novice travelers - it can greatly facilitate pre-flight preparation.

Check-in for a flight opens on average three hours before departure and ends approximately 40-50 minutes before departure. Most airlines recommend that passengers arrive at the airport 3-2.5 hours before departure. It's better to do this the first time. The later you arrive at the airport, the more bustle and rush there will be. If you know that there is still a lot of time left, then you will not rush and worry.

Some companies offer a service such as online check-in for flights via the Internet. As a rule, it opens one day before the flight. In this situation, you can check in for a flight while at home or at work - you only need a computer with the Internet. To do this, go to your airline's website. After successful registration, the system will generate boarding pass which you should print. At the airport, online checked-in passengers have a separate counter where they can drop off their luggage.

If for some reason online registration is not available to you or simply confuses you, you can use the traditional form upon arrival at the airport. At the check-in counter you choose a seat on the plane and check in your luggage. Here you need to be especially careful. If you are flying in economy class, you have the right to carry no more than 20 kg of baggage free of charge, in business class - no more than 30 kg. They weigh him at the reception desk. Please note that the weight of the suitcase is not separate from the weight of the luggage. If you take a lot of things with you (18-19 kg), the suitcase should be as light as possible. Otherwise, there may be an excess, which you will pay additionally at airline rates. Information about how much the excess costs is usually posted at the registration desk.

Some things can be taken with you into the aircraft cabin - this is the so-called hand luggage. First of all, this applies to fragile electronic equipment: laptop, camera, video camera. It is strictly not recommended to check them in as luggage - there is a high risk that things will be damaged along the way. The same goes for fragile souvenirs.

It is prohibited to carry in hand luggage:

Liquids in bottles over 100 ml;

Flammable and explosive substances (acetone, hairspray);

Stabbing and cutting objects (knives, nail scissors);

Heavy items exceeding the established weight limit for carry-on luggage. Information about these restrictions is usually available on the airline’s website, and it’s a good idea to ask about this at home, while packing your luggage.

It’s easy to guess that dividing things into luggage and hand luggage better at home, a day or two before the trip, and not at the check-in counter at the airport.

After check-in, you need to go through a number of procedures: customs control (on international flights), passport control and security screening. When leaving Russia, you need to include cultural property, weapons, precious stones and some other goods in the declaration. But other countries have their own rules and regulations. It is better to find out which goods need to be declared at foreign customs in advance, via the Internet or special customs directories.

If you are flying on an international flight, you must present a valid passport at passport control. You will only need an internal Russian passport when flying within Russia; on international flights you don’t need to take it at all.

Security control is carried out as follows. You take off your shoes, put your shoes, hand luggage and outerwear in a special tray. Then you go through a metal detector while your belongings go through an X-ray scanner. It is also better to prepare for security control in advance: remove metal jewelry, a jacket with a metal zipper, remove a belt, keys, cell phone from trousers, put small coins in a bag or wallet.

“Will I squeak if I have dental crowns?”- this question often worries passengers flying for the first time. As a rule, modern metal detectors do not respond to crowns made of cobalt-chrome and gold-platinum alloy, since the mass of dentures is small. There is also no need to remove gold earrings and wedding rings in front of the “frame” - most metal detectors do not focus on small amounts of gold. But cigarettes or condoms most often “squeak” on a metal detector, so it is also better to take them out of your pockets. The packaging of these items contains aluminum, and most “frames” are sensitive to this metal.

Be careful when selecting items in your hand luggage if you are flying with a connecting flight. Some foreign airports have very strict security rules (in particular, this applies to European Union countries, where, for example, mascara can be confiscated at security control).

What to do after all the procedures have been completed? As a rule, passengers begin to be allowed onto the plane approximately 40 minutes before departure. If there is at least an hour left before departure, you can walk around the airport and go to duty-free shops. IN major airports There are several of them, and the assortment in them may be different. Do you have a long flight ahead – more than four hours? Then it's all the more worth taking a walk. You will still have time to sit in the seat, moreover, by the end of the flight you will already want to get up.

There is no need to queue for boarding an hour before departure. If you go to the plane by bus, the one who gets there last wins, not the first. Those standing at the beginning of the queue will enter the cabin first only if a “sleeve” is brought to the plane (this is a metal “gut” from the gate to the plane). So there is no need to worry - you will get on the plane in any case and sit in the seat you received.

What clothes should you wear on a flight? The temperature in the aircraft cabin usually fluctuates around 22 degrees +- 2 points. You need to focus on the time of year. If the weather is cold at your departure airport and hot at your arrival point, dress compactly. It is better to leave fur coats and sheepskin coats at home - in economy class seats they will only bother you, especially if the flight is long. The ideal option is a winter jacket that can be removed, rolled up and packed in a large bag. By the way, such clothes can also be useful in the opposite situation - if you are flying “from summer to winter.” You can take the bag with the jacket into the cabin as hand luggage and get dressed after boarding. It’s easy to guess that it’s better not to check in warm clothes as luggage in such a situation.

Many travelers going “from winter to summer” take a bag with light shoes and clothes to the cabin. You can change clothes right in the airplane toilet. It's not very comfortable, but it's still better than being in a winter jacket in the tropical sun.

You need to take care not only of clothes, but also of shoes. It is extremely hot to fly in warm winter boots, so during the cold season, take warm socks to the cabin. Your feet will be much more comfortable in them. It is strictly not recommended to wear tight shoes during the flight. It increases the already considerable load on the vessels of the lower extremities, and the risk of vein thrombosis also increases.

remember, that The air in the aircraft cabin is very dry. If you wear contact lenses, you should take eye drops with you on the flight, as when the mucous membranes dry out, unpleasant painful sensations appear. For long flights, it is better to travel with glasses.

Don't drink a lot of alcohol if you're flying for the first time! First you need to know how your vestibular system will react to the movement of the aircraft. Sometimes novice air travelers experience nausea or dizziness when climbing or turning the plane. And in this case, drinking alcohol can enhance the body’s natural reactions.

If you have already experienced seasickness, choose a seat in the wing area, take plenty of sour candies with you into the cabin and do not drink alcohol - it can increase nausea and dizziness. Also, a proven anti-sickness remedy that you have already used before will not be superfluous.

A private jet in our country still remains a great luxury even for businessmen, however, the first trends are already clearly visible, and it is possible that in the next 5 years, the number of people owning private jets will increase. However, as you know, an airplane is not a car, about which everything seems to be already known, and choosing one or another aircraft model is very difficult, especially considering a rather limited budget. However, there are 5 main things that you should pay attention to when purchasing an aircraft.

  1. Budget. When purchasing an aircraft, it is important to consider not only the funds that will be used to pay off the cost of the aircraft, but also those that will have to be spent on regular maintenance of the aircraft. Most of the overpayments, which is about 100-120%, are for aircraft maintenance, especially considering the fact that private business it is not very well developed here, and therefore spare parts, components and consumables will be much more expensive than it might seem at first glance. If the choice is whether it would be better to overpay several thousand for the cost of the aircraft and subsequently save on its maintenance, then know that this will obviously be the right step.

  1. Safety. When buying your own aircraft, pay attention to its characteristics. Of course, a much more effective choice would be to buy a powerful and fast light aircraft, but at the same time remember that you will have to fly at the controls, and your safety will depend on your skills. If you have never encountered fast models before, then it is better to refuse to buy similar ones.

  1. Target. In fact, before you spend a lot of money on a private jet, ask yourself if you really need it. vehicle. It is often much easier to use the services of private companies, which are much safer and cheaper. If you are confident in your choice, then specify the specific purpose for which you need an aircraft - if we are talking about walking in the air with your family, then there is no point in spending money on souped-up models with a bunch of additional features.

  1. Storage. Be sure to take care of where you will store your private jet. Many will answer without hesitation that even without a roof, nothing will happen to it, but remember that an aircraft is an extremely complex unit, very picky about weather conditions. For the first time, you can rent a hangar at the airport, but the costs in this case will be very high, which obviously will not satisfy you.

  1. Service. Before purchasing an aircraft, be sure to check the availability of its servicing in your region. If there is nothing like this within a radius of several hundred kilometers from you, then it is better to look for another aircraft or abandon it altogether, since a flight of several thousand kilometers to service your aircraft is unlikely to cost you cheap.

With these 5 simple principles, you'll be able to figure out whether you really need a private jet, and you'll also know what to look for when purchasing one.

At what speed and at what altitude do pleasure flights take place?

Typically, pleasure flights take place at altitudes from 200 to 600 meters. But you can understand the plane at an altitude of up to 3000 m. The choice of altitude and speed depends on the purpose of the flight and the desires of the passengers. During sightseeing flights, we select the optimal altitude so that passengers can view the landscape and feel the peculiarities of flying on a small aircraft. In addition, the maximum flight altitude may depend on the requirements of the air traffic control services in whose area of ​​responsibility the flight takes place.
Cruising speed, at which most pleasure flights take place: 180-220 km/h. The maximum speed that our planes can reach is 300 km/h.

How safe are recreational flights?

Pleasure flights modern aircraft, which have undergone thorough technical control and have an Airworthiness Certificate, which confirms the established level of safety in Civil aviation Russian Federation are rightfully considered much safer than traveling by car.
On board the aircraft there is the necessary emergency rescue equipment that meets the requirements of Civil Aviation. Even in the event of an emergency, the passenger will be provided maximum level security.

Which flight to choose for the first time?

If you are flying on an airplane for the first time, it is better to choose a quiet pleasure flight along the route.
For those who feel the strength and courage to experience unusual new sensations, we offer a flight to the zone performing simple aerobatics. At the same time, you will be able to feel positive and negative overloads, and learn what elements future pilots practice during piloting classes.

What should you take with you on a flight?

Traveling by plane does not require any special uniform or equipment.
Comfortable clothing and shoes that do not restrict movement are ideal.
In order to capture the most interesting moments of your air travel, be sure to take a camera and video camera on your flight.

Where to store and maintain your own aircraft?

The aircraft can be stored at any airfield or landing site with an equipped parking area. Typically, such places are registered in accordance with the established procedure, and must have an airfield passport or a landing site passport. Aircraft maintenance personnel must have the appropriate certificate and authorization to maintain the aircraft.

What fuel do planes fly on?

The Yak-18T and Corvette aircraft have piston gasoline engines and fly on aircraft or automobile gasoline with an octane rating of at least 92. In addition, there are aircraft with piston diesel engines, with turboprop and jet engines. They run on aviation kerosene.

Is it possible to fly the plane yourself on the first flight?

Yes, on the very first flight, at your request, after a short theoretical briefing, you will be able to control the aircraft in horizontal flight mode under the control of an instructor pilot.

How do domestic aircraft differ from imported ones?

Domestic aircraft have a number of advantages over imported ones, both economic and operational. For example:

  • domestic fuel is cheaper than foreign fuel;
  • for Russian aircraft it is easier to obtain interchangeable spare parts and equipment;
  • With the repair and maintenance of foreign equipment, many problems arise due to the lack of parts and materials, as well as repair specialists, etc.

At what minimum height from the ground can an airplane fly?

The minimum flight altitude in flight zones for practicing piloting techniques according to the instructions of the BELOOMUT landing site can be at least 50 meters. Most flights are not lower than the calculated safe altitude, which depends on the terrain, artificial obstacles on the ground and other factors.

Is it possible to take photographs during the flight?

Photo and video shooting is permitted during the flight. Be sure to take a camera or video camera with you, or better yet, both. The pilot will show you the most beautiful places to shoot.

Are there any health restrictions for flying?

There are no restrictions for flying as a passenger, but for training flights and obtaining a pilot's license, there are restrictions and health requirements described in the Federal Aviation Regulations (FAR) MOGA-2002. You can find them in our library.

When can you fly on an airplane without an instructor?

According to the practical training program, after 15 flight hours you will be able to perform your first solo flight if you have a valid medical certificate (VLEK).

What are the benefits of owning your own plane?

As the owner of an aircraft, you can, first of all, navigate it yourself. And of course, enjoy flying at any time convenient for you. Having your own aircraft, you can fly to any airfield and land on any landing site, or even on a piece of land or water, if the aircraft’s capabilities allow it and you have the appropriate clearance. You can pilot your own aircraft only if you have a pilot's license. On the basis of the Aist flying club there is a pilot school, the graduates of which receive a civil aviation pilot certificate.

Which airports can accept a private jet?

A private jet can land at any airport, airfield and landing site. To land at any airfield, you must submit a Flight Plan an hour before departure and have the latest aeronautical and meteorological information on the upcoming flight.

Where can you fly in the Moscow region?

There are a lot of interesting and beautiful places for sightseeing tours by plane. The choice of route depends, first of all, on your desires, the weather and time of year. The pilot can offer you the optimal route based on the flight duration you choose (15, 25, 30, 60 or more minutes). If you have already decided where you would like to fly, you can plan the route yourself.
If you want to take a flight with a stopover, that is also possible. Discuss the flight route with the pilot in advance, since landing at another airfield requires coordination with air traffic control services and obtaining permission.

What overloads does a person experience during a flight?

During the flight, if desired, overloads from +3 to -1.5 can be demonstrated, which are safe for an unprepared human body. With positive g-forces, you will feel an increase in body weight and “pressing into the seat.” With an overload of +3, it will seem to you that your weight has tripled. With negative g-forces, you will feel the so-called state of “weightlessness” that astronauts experience while in orbit.

Is it possible to land a plane outside an airfield?

Landing off the runway is usually carried out in the event of an emergency. For example, if an engine fails, it is possible to safely land the aircraft off the airfield. But in a normal situation, a planned site or a prepared airfield is required for land aircraft; for hydroplanes, any area of ​​the water surface of appropriate dimensions is suitable in accordance with the Flight Operations Manual (FOM) of the aircraft.

How does flying on a Yak-18T differ from flying on a large passenger plane?

On a light sports aircraft you can fully experience the feeling of flight, which is not possible when traveling by plane. passenger planes. Our flights take place at low altitudes, which makes it possible to see all the details of the landscape. The front seat offers excellent visibility. In addition, you will be able to see how the pilot controls the plane, how takeoff and landing take place, hear the dispatcher’s commands in the headset, be able to negotiate during the flight, and even control the plane yourself. The light aircraft is very maneuverable, which gives additional features for reviewing and performing aerobatic maneuvers. You will be able to feel various overloads, including weightlessness.

How many days before the expected flight date can I buy a gift certificate?

You can purchase a certificate at any time, but no less than 24 hours before the expected flight date. Please confirm the date and time of your flight with us by phone or email.

How to pass the qualifying exam to obtain a pilot's license?

The exam consists of two parts: practical and theoretical.
The practical exam is taken at the flying club by an instructor pilot. During it, the piloting skills acquired during training are tested.
The theoretical exam is taken in writing at the Aviation Training Center (ATC) in Moscow.

Most people believe that only oligarchs can have their own plane. But, in fact, becoming an amateur pilot and buying your own plane is not that expensive. The amounts are commensurate with the cost of a good car; fuel, maintenance and care will cost a very reasonable amount. And then fly as much as you want, take your friends for rides, travel. While some are dreaming of the sky, others have already acquired their own plane and are enjoying it!

In order to see how people learn to fly and what planes can be bought, I went to one of the small aviation airfields near Moscow - Severka. In addition to my good friends who have started developing a pilot training company, I am greeted by old airplanes. This one belongs to the MAI branch in Zhukovsky.

They are still flown in many places now. You can buy a Yak18 in good condition for 35-40,000 Euros.

In small aviation, a woman at the helm is common.


While we are going to see the new airplanes, I ask about how to become an amateur pilot.

What do you need to start flying yourself?
- There are two options. The first is to undergo training with us, obtain an amateur pilot certificate, become a member of a flying club and purchase an aircraft, the cost of which ranges from 38,000 to 125,000 euros (excluding VAT and customs clearance, this is another + 40%) depending on the type of aircraft, deliver the aircraft is parked and maintenance is carried out in accordance with the regulations.
- And second?
- Everything is the same, but don’t buy a plane, but rent it for flights. On average, it costs about 8 thousand rubles/hour, depending on the type of aircraft.
- How much does the training itself cost?
- The cost of training for the amateur pilot program is from 402,000 rubles. up to 442,750 rubles, the difference in price depends on the duration of training. A four-month training period costs 402,000 rubles, an express course for two months costs 442,750 rubles.
- What will they teach during this time?
- Training takes place in two stages - ground training and flight training. Ground training includes theoretical part programs for the study of disciplines: aircraft and engine design, practical aerodynamics, aviation and electronic equipment, aviation meteorology, etc., incl. testing equipment on an aviation simulator, which simulates flight dynamics and the operation of aircraft control systems. Theoretical training classes last no less than 200 hours and are held in Moscow. Flight training is carried out at the Severka or Myachkovo airfields of your choice, the flight time according to the program course is at least 42 hours.
- That’s it, can we fly?
- Yes, after that you can fly yourself.

Here is one of the smallest planes. Tecnam P2002 Sierra worth 74,000 euros + VAT and customs (40%). Total about 4 million rubles.

Maximum payload 263 kg
- luggage compartment capacity 20 kg
- cruising speed at 75% power 215 km/h
- practical ceiling 4500 m
- run 120 meters
- fuel tank capacity 100 liters
- fuel consumption 17 l/hour
- maximum flight range 1100 km
- maximum flight duration 5.9 hours

Amateur pilot.

First, inspect the aircraft.

Everything has been checked and takeoff is cleared.

Do you need any permits to fly?
- Now flights are carried out on a permit basis and this takes time. But the topic of small aviation has finally begun to be given serious attention and a notification procedure is being urgently implemented, which directly depends on the optimization of the boundaries of airspace zones prohibited for small aviation flights. In the zone air spaces airfields in Russia, incl. region of the Moscow region everything is much simpler, fly as much as you like. First of all, this concerns airfields located in the south-eastern direction of the Moscow region (federal highway M5), Myachkovo (16 km from the MKAD), Ramenskoye (36 km from the MKAD), Severka (73 km from the MKAD), Voskresensk (75 km from MKAD), Kolomna (100 km from MKAD).
-Where can I fly?
- You plot a course to the required airfield within a given altitude corridor, bypassing the prohibited zones and fly in the desired direction. At your destination airport you will need to pay for parking, which is not expensive. You may need to refuel; fuel costs about 30 rubles per liter.
- Well, it turns out that for an hour of flight, about 600-700 rubles will be spent on fuel.
- Yes, somewhere like that.

What happens to an airplane when you're not flying it? Where is it stored, maintained, how much does it cost?
- The plane is attached to the flying club and is under service support. It is stored at the airfield in covered hangars or in the open air (at the request of the customer). The cost of storage ranges from 8 (in the open air) to 27 thousand rubles (in a hangar). You can rent out your plane to flying clubs. Thus, in mutual settlements it will be possible to reimburse the difference for parking and maintenance or receive additional income.

Can you give rides to your friends and acquaintances, or attach an advertising banner to it and fly?
- You can ride anyone and as much as you want, even your favorite pets. It is forbidden to attach any structures to the fuselage - this will affect the aerodynamic characteristics of the aircraft. But sticking an advertising banner or doing airbrushing is welcome!

Will you be able to fly to the Kremlin? - I ask a stupid but interesting question
- Most likely not, all of Moscow is a closed zone for small aircraft.
- It's a pity, oh well ;)
- After completing the amateur pilot program, is it possible to improve my qualifications and continue training?
- In Russia there are three levels of flying skill. Recreational pilot (private pilot), commercial pilot and line pilot. If you study at a higher aviation educational institution, you will immediately receive a commercial pilot certificate. If you are going to learn to fly at a flying club, you will first need to obtain an amateur pilot certificate. Commercial pilots have the right to be pilot-in-command of single-engine aircraft, pilot-in-command of multi-engine aircraft in the case of non-commercial flights, and co-pilot of any aircraft. A line pilot can fly as a PIC on any class of aircraft, but must have at least 1,500 hours of flight time and appropriate health. Commercial and line pilots are assigned classes from 3rd (lowest) to 1st (highest).

One of the largest and most expensive aircraft, Tecnam P2006T, costs 373,000 euros + VAT and customs (40%). Total about 20 million rubles.

Tecnam P92 Echo Super aircraft, costing 69,000 euros + VAT and customs (40%). Total about 3.8 million rubles.

There are many other options, it’s like with cars, you get tired of choosing;) Although, as I already wrote, you can just unlearn it and then rent a plane for flying.

In addition, you can simply come for a ride as a passenger and give someone a gift certificate for a flight. It’s especially cool to organize a holiday for your company’s team, take everyone out of town to good weather and ride on an airplane!

In general, small aviation is not as expensive as it is commonly thought, and now it will develop rapidly.

In the summer, I want to persuade my friends to organize rides for bloggers. So if anyone wants to fly, write in the comments! So that I don’t forget to invite anyone later. Although it won’t do without selection ;)


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