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Over the centuries, people have found strange tunnels very unlike natural caves and grottoes. Such tunnels with traces of artificial processing are found everywhere. Some of them have hundreds of kilometers of artificially created galleries, some simply could not be measured. Both professional cavers and amateurs who have explored such tunnels suggest that they can stretch for many thousands of kilometers and even connect continents. Who and when could have created these grandiose tunnels? Was there or is there some kind of "underground civilization" capable of creating such grandiose structures on a global scale?

In fairy tales, legends, epics of peoples of all continents, the mysterious inhabitants of the underworld are often mentioned. It is very likely that all these ancient legends had a foundation and on our planet, in parallel with us, exists or existed underground civilization... This is confirmed by the mysterious man-made tunnels linking countries and continents.

An example of the fabulous inhabitants of the underworld are gnomes and trolls present in many ancient legends of Northern Europe, especially many such legends were found among the Scandinavian peoples. Gnomes were usually neutral creatures, even sometimes helping people. They were considered connoisseurs of ores, had an excellent knowledge of blacksmithing, and their products made of metals and processed precious stones were highly valued by the inhabitants of the surface. Trolls were gloomy and vicious creatures who in every possible way harmed people and attacked them.

The ancient Egyptians had myths about snake-people who were considered servants of the god of death Seth and lived in deep underground caves. There are many myths and legends about the underworld of the Himalayas and Tibet. The tunnels located in these mountains have many passages and go far into the depths of the earth. Rumor has it that Buddhist lamas can travel to the center of our planet and come into contact with the civilization of the underground.

Indian legends, which have come down from time immemorial, tell of the mysterious underground land of the Nagas, in which the serpent-people called Nanas live. It was believed that the nanas were the keepers of fabulous treasures. It was believed that human emotions and feelings are alien to them, they are cold in body and have no soul and steal the spiritual and physical warmth from people. Similar legends about people-snakes exist among the Hopi Indians living in the Andes, where there are many caves called chinkanas. The Hopi Indians believe that the serpent people are the creators of these caves.

There is no smoke without fire. Ancient legends did not arise out of the blue, and the mysterious underworld actually exists. Many people, seized with a thirst for knowledge, curiosity, and the search for adventure, penetrate further and further into the world of the dungeon and find there a lot of new and interesting things. But not only professional and amateur cavers make amazing discoveries in the bowels of the earth. Miners compete with them, because over the years the mines go deeper and longer. Naturally, in the process of their development, people stumble upon incomprehensible underground structures in the form of man-made tunnels going into the unknown.

In recent years, many facts have been revealed about mysterious underground structures. Pavel Miroshnichenko, well-known in the circles of speleologists, wrote a very interesting book on this topic and personally took part in the research of many mysterious underground tunnels and caves. The book is called - "The Legend of the LSP", for those who are interested in this topic, the book will turn out to be an invaluable treasure. The author of the book has created a map of global tunnels located in the territory of the former USSR. These tunnels stretch from the Crimea and the Caucasus to the Far East. Pavel also believes that these tunnels do not end in the Far East, but extend to the Japanese islands and further to continental America.

An example of the opening of such a tunnel is the case that occurred in the early 50s of the last century and received publicity only in 1991. On the instructions of the Soviet government, an attempt was made to create a tunnel that could connect Fr. Sakhalin with the mainland. According to one of the eyewitnesses who took part in the construction of this tunnel, L.S. Berman, they were not so much building a new tunnel, but restoring an existing one! The engineer was sure that the tunnel was built in very ancient times. The ancient builders planned it very competently, taking into account the smallest details, geological structure, bottom topography and other factors necessary for the successful construction of this structure. While work was underway on the construction of the tunnel, many interesting objects were found that resembled some kind of mechanisms, most likely used by ancient builders. Also, workers found fossils of ancient animals that lived on the planet millions of years ago. All finds were subsequently confiscated by the security authorities, and the builders gave a nondisclosure agreement.

On the territory of the Volga region there is a rocky hill called the Medveditskaya ridge. For several years in a row, there have been expeditions of "Cosmopoisk". Researchers have discovered a network of mysterious tunnels and conducted a thorough study of them. They examined tens of kilometers of underground galleries and found out that under the ridge there is a huge hall, in which there are many entrances and exits leading in different directions. According to the researchers, the huge hall they found may be an intermediate station in the network of global tunnels.

A lot of man-made structures have been found in South America. Scientist and traveler from England Percy Fossett, who traveled many times to various mysterious regions of this continent, repeatedly mentioned in his books the unusually long man-made caves located near the volcanoes Inlacuatl and Popocatepetel in the vicinity of Mount Shasta. These caves are more like artificial galleries stretching over great distances. Explorers who have been there call them the underground empire.

In the vicinity of the capital of Ecuador, Cusco, located in the Andes, there are also mysterious underground caves, with which incredible and mysterious rumors and legends are associated. The report of the 1952 American-French expedition was discovered by archaeologists. Researchers in the vicinity of Cusco discovered an entrance to an underground tunnel, which they decided to study. It was planned to spend no more than five days there, respectively, and stocks were taken for this period. But of the seven members of this expedition, only one managed to get out of the dungeon, after 15 days. It was the French archaeologist Philippe Lomonter. The scientist was completely exhausted, his speech was incoherent, in addition, he showed signs of bubonic plague, from which he soon died. It was possible to find out that the rest of the expedition members fell into a bottomless abyss, and the Frenchman himself had strange creatures, apparently with a mind. The archaeologist also managed to take out an ear of maize made of pure gold from the dungeon. After the death of the scientist, the entrance to the dungeon was filled with a concrete slab and filled with cement to prevent the plague epidemic.

Dr. Raul Rios Centeno, famous for his research on the Inca civilization, decided to repeat the route of the disappeared expedition. A group of researchers found another entrance to the dungeon. It was located in a dilapidated temple on the outskirts of Cusco. Scientists moved along a tunnel that resembled a ventilation pipe. Suddenly, the walls and arches of the gallery stopped reflecting infrared rays, then scientists using a spectrograph examined the wall. It turned out that it has a high aluminum content, when they tried to get a piece of the wall for study, the scientists were very surprised, not a single instrument took this wall. The expedition had to be interrupted when the tunnel wall narrowed greatly and it became impossible to continue moving forward.

In Turkey, near the city of Derikuyu in 1963, a huge multi-tiered underground city was found, which occupied several tens of kilometers. Numerous galleries and halls of the city communicated with each other by passages, the creators of this city thought out its arrangement to the smallest detail, the life support system of the underground metropolis was so perfect that the researchers were amazed by this. The city had not only residential buildings, but also public meeting rooms, facilities for livestock, food storage, temples, and even schools. The city's architects seem to have foreseen everything; in the event of an attack, granite slabs blocked all entrances with the help of special mechanisms. Fresh air was supplied without interruption with the help of perfect ventilation. The ventilation system is still working properly.

This ancient underground city was built by the Hittites, whose civilization existed for almost a millennium. The Hittite kingdom was created in the 17th century. BC era, and in the VII century. BC era this kingdom has disappeared. The Hittites, pressed by numerous enemies, created an underground empire that existed autonomously from the outside world for several centuries.

Scientists from many countries, who studied underground structures independently of each other, came to the conclusion that on our planet there is a global system of underground tunnels, galleries, junction stations and even cities located underground from several meters to several kilometers. These underground structures are equipped with perfect ventilation systems.

If we put together all the facts related to man-made underground structures, we can conclude that on our planet long before the emergence of our civilization, highly developed civilizations with a high level of technical development already existed or existed. Perhaps, the representatives of these civilizations still live in parallel with us in the underground world unknown to us.

Needless to say, the mysterious underground world exists not only in legends and myths? Recently, the number of lovers of visiting caves has noticeably increased, adventure seekers and miners are making their way deeper into the bowels of the Earth, more and more often they come across traces of underground inhabitants.

Underground there is a whole network of tunnels stretching for thousands of kilometers, as well as huge underground cities ...

Thus, the English traveler and scientist Percy Fawcett, who visited North America many times, mentioned the long tunnels located near the Popocatepetl and Inlakuatl volcanoes and in the region of Mount Shasta. From local residents he had heard tales of tall, golden-haired men inhabiting the dungeons. The Indians believed that they were the descendants of people who in ancient times descended from heaven, who could not adapt to life on the surface and left for underground caves ...

Some researchers even managed to see some kind of mysterious underground empire. The University Library of Cuzco (Peru) contains a report on the catastrophe that befell a group of researchers from France and the United States in 1952. In the vicinity of the city, they found the entrance to the dungeon and went down there. Without planning to linger, the archaeologists took food for only five days ... Of the seven participants, only the Frenchman Philippe Lamontiere made it to the surface, and then 15 days later. He was emaciated, suffered from memory lapses and was infected with the bubonic plague ... He said that his companions fell into a bottomless abyss. The authorities, fearing the spread of the plague, hastened to block the entrance to the dungeon. The Frenchman died a few days later, and after him there was only a corncob of pure gold, with which he returned from the ground.

Inca civilization researcher Dr. Raul Rios Centeno tried to repeat the route of the missing expedition. A group of enthusiasts entered the dungeon through the room under the tomb in a dilapidated temple a few kilometers from Cusco. At first they walked along a long, gradually narrowing corridor, which looked like a ventilation pipe. Suddenly they noticed that they stopped reflecting infrared rays. With the help of a spectrograph, the researchers determined that the walls contained a large amount of aluminum. Scientists tried to take a sample, but the plating proved to be very strong and not a single instrument took it. The tunnel, meanwhile, was getting narrower, and when its diameter decreased to 90 cm, the group had to turn back.

IN South America there are even more amazing (practically unexplored) caves connected by endless intricate passages - the so-called chinkan-si. The legends of the Hopi Indians say that human-snakes live in their depths. For some time, by order of the authorities, all entrances to them are tightly closed with bars: dozens of adventurers have already disappeared without a trace in the rank-kanas. Some tried to enter the caves out of curiosity, others - drawn by the thirst for profit (confident that the treasures of the Incas are hidden there). Few managed to get out of the caves, and even those, it seems, were damaged by reason, because, according to their stories, in the depths of the Earth they met strange creatures that looked like both man and snake at the same time.

In North America, in addition to the already mentioned tunnels, there are huge caves. The author of the book on Shambhala, Andrew Thomas, claims that in the mountains of California there are underground passages, straight, like arrows, leading to the state of New Mexico. Once the American military had to take up the study of the mysterious thousand-kilometer tunnels. An underground nuclear explosion was carried out at a test site in the state of Nevada, and exactly 2 hours later, at a military base in Canada, 2 thousand km away from the explosion site, a radiation level 20 times higher than the norm was recorded!

It turned out that next to the Canadian base there is an underground cavity that connects to a huge system of caves that permeate the North American continent.

There are especially many legends about the underworld of Tibet and the Himalayas. Through tunnels that go deep into the earth, the "initiate" supposedly can reach the center of the planet and meet with representatives of an ancient underground civilization.

But not only wise beings live in the underworld. Ancient Indian legends tell of the kingdom of the nagas, hidden in the depths of the mountains, in which the nagas - man-lizards - live. According to Indian belief, they keep countless treasures in their caves. Cold-blooded like lizards, these creatures are incapable of experiencing human feelings. They cannot keep warm themselves and therefore steal warmth from other beings.

There are also known deep underground tunnels under the Great Pyramids in Egypt. The winner of the International Chess Tournament S. Tivyakov took a picture in one of the underground galleries under the Pyramid of Khafre. “I managed to capture the asuri, a creature from a parallel world,” says the chess player. - The snapshot of this creature, invisible to the human eye, is the only one in the world! Before that, such a creature was found in the samadhi caves of Tibet and the Himalayas. "

Speleologist P. Miroshnichenko wrote about the existence of a system of tunnels in the book "The Legend of the LSP". The lines of tunnels drawn by him on the map went from the Crimea through the Caucasus to the Medveditskaya ridge. At each specified location, ufologists and cavers discovered tunnels or mysterious bottomless wells.

For example, tourists who come to admire the beauty of the Marble Cave in Crimea do not suspect that they are in a section of an ancient tunnel that has come to the surface as a result of various natural disasters.

Thirty years ago on Black sea coast Caucasus, near Gelendzhik, a bottomless mine with a diameter of about 1.5 m was accidentally discovered. Experts say that it has existed for more than one hundred years and was created using a technology unknown to us. The first attempt to explore the mine ended tragically: a few days after the descent, four of the five members of the expedition died. The fifth participant, having descended to a depth of 30 m, stayed there forever. First, his comrades heard strange sounds, and then a heart-rending scream. The rope was taut at first, like a string, and then suddenly loosened. We examined the rope - as if it had been cut with a sharp knife ...

For many years the Medveditskaya ridge has been studied by expeditions organized by the Cosmopoisk association. The researchers recorded the stories of local residents, whose fathers and grandfathers descended into the tunnels, and also proved their existence with the help of geophysical equipment. Unfortunately, it was not possible to penetrate them, since during the Second World War they were blown up.

But a tunnel stretching from south to east in the region of the Ural Mountains intersects with another one stretched from north to east.

In these places you can hear stories about "divine people". "Divya people", - says in the epics, widespread in the Urals, - live in Ural mountains go out into the world through the caves. Their culture is the greatest and the light in the mountains is not worse than the Sun. - “Divya people” are small in stature, very beautiful, with melodic voices, but only a select few can hear them ... Sometimes an old man from “divya people” comes to the square, talks about events and predicts what will happen. An unworthy person does not hear or see anything, but the men in those places know everything ... "

Who are they, the inhabitants of the underworld, and why do they avoid contact with us?

Here's the first version. These people are the heirs of the inhabitants of the civilizations of Lemuria, Atlantis or even more ancient. In the process of "underground" evolution, the skin has become so sensitive that exposure to light causes skin cancer. Therefore, the descendants of ancient civilizations are forced to spend their entire lives in darkness. According to another version, a long time ago, amazing creatures descended from heaven on our planet. They failed to adapt to life on the surface of the Earth and went into underground caves.

The latest version is associated with the idea of ​​parallel worlds where creatures live that can easily pass through the strata of rocks.

Tunnel through the planet

In the works of the founder of horror literature, Howard Lovecraft, there are amazing monsters living underground. But if we compare his texts with the stories of half-insane eyewitnesses who escaped from the caves, the striking similarity of the descriptions is striking.

Involuntarily, the suspicion arises that Lovecraft once saw the serpent-people and the horror he experienced remained forever in his memory and left an imprint on life and gloomy creativity. What is this mysterious world discovered by a science fiction writer?

It is difficult to find a people who did not have legends about creatures living in the darkness of the dungeons. They were much older than the human race and originated from dwarfs that disappeared from the surface of the earth. They possessed secret knowledge and crafts. In relation to humans, the inhabitants of the dungeons, as a rule, were hostile. Therefore, it can be assumed that the fairy tales describe a really existing, and maybe even today existing underground world.
The mysterious underground world exists not only in legends. In recent decades, the number of visitors to the caves has increased markedly. Deeper and deeper, adventurers and miners make their way into the bowels of the Earth, more and more often they come across traces of the activities of mysterious underground inhabitants. It turned out that under us there is a whole network of tunnels stretching for thousands of kilometers and enveloping the entire Earth in a network, and huge, sometimes even inhabited underground cities.

There are especially many stories about the mysterious South American tunnels.... The famous English traveler and scientist Percy Fossett, who visited South America many times, mentioned in his books about the extensive caves located near the Popocatepetl and Inlacuatl volcanoes and in the area of ​​Mount Shasta. Some researchers have been able to see fragments of this underground empire. Recently, in the university library of the city of Cuzco in the Andes, archaeologists discovered a report of a catastrophe that befell a group of researchers from France and the United States in 1952.

In the vicinity of the city, they found an entrance to the dungeon and began to prepare to descend into it. The archaeologists were not going to stay there for a long time, so they took food for five days. However, out of seven participants, only one made it to the surface after 15 days - the Frenchman Philippe Lamontiere. He was emaciated, remembered almost nothing, and soon showed signs of the deadly bubonic plague.

But still, he managed to learn that his companions fell into a bottomless abyss. The authorities, fearing the spread of the plague, hastened to block the entrance to the dungeon with a reinforced concrete slab. The Frenchman died a few days later, but he found a corncob of pure gold that he found underground.

Researcher of the Inca civilization, Dr. Raul Rios Centeno, tried to repeat the route of the missing expedition. A group of enthusiasts entered the dungeon through a room under the tomb of a dilapidated temple a few kilometers from Cusco. At first we walked along a long, gradually narrowing corridor, like a pipe of a huge ventilation system.

Suddenly the walls of the tunnel stopped reflecting infrared rays. Using a special spectrograph, the researchers determined that the walls contained a large amount of aluminum. When scientists tried to take a sample from the wall, it turned out that its casing is very strong and not a single instrument takes it. The tunnel continued to narrow, and when its diameter decreased to 90 centimeters, the researchers had to turn back.

In South America, there are amazing caves connected by endless intricate passages - the so-called chinkanas. The legends of the Hopi Indians say that people-snakes live in their depths. These caves are practically unexplored. By order of the authorities, all entrances to them are tightly closed with bars. Dozens of adventurers have already disappeared without a trace in the Chinkanas. Some tried to penetrate into the dark depths out of curiosity, others - because of the thirst for profit: according to legends, the treasures of the Incas are hidden in the Chinkanas.

Only a few managed to get out of the creepy caves. But even these "lucky ones" were permanently damaged in their minds. From the incoherent stories of the survivors, it can be understood that they met in the depths of the earth with strange creatures. These inhabitants of the underworld were both human and serpentine at the same time.

There are snapshots of fragments of global dungeons in North America. The author of the book about Shambhala, Andrew Thomas, based on a thorough analysis of the stories of American cavers, claims that there are direct underground passages in the mountains of California that lead to the state of New Mexico.

Once the American military had to take up the study of the mysterious thousand-kilometer tunnels. An underground nuclear explosion was carried out at a test site in the state of Nevada. Exactly two hours later, at a military base in Canada, 2,000 kilometers away from the explosion site, a radiation level 20 times higher than the norm was recorded. Geologists' research has shown that there is an underground cavity next to the Canadian base that connects to a huge cave system that runs through the North American continent.

There are especially many legends about the underworld of Tibet and the Himalayas. Here in the mountains there are tunnels that go deep into the ground. Through them, the "initiate" can travel to the center of the planet and meet with representatives of the ancient underground civilization.

But not only wise beings who give advice to "initiates" live in the underworld of India. Ancient Indian legends tell of the mysterious kingdom of the Nagas hidden in the depths of the mountains. It is inhabited by the Nanas - people-snakes who keep countless treasures in their caves. Cold-blooded like snakes, these creatures are incapable of experiencing human feelings. They cannot keep warm themselves and steal warmth, bodily and spiritual, from other living beings.

Pavel Miroshnichenko, a spelestologist and researcher who studies artificial structures, wrote about the existence of a system of global tunnels in Russia in his book “The Legend of the LSP”. The lines of global tunnels drawn by him on the map of the former USSR went from the Crimea through the Caucasus to the well-known Medveditskaya ridge. In each of these places, groups of ufologists, speleologists, researchers of the unknown discovered fragments of tunnels or mysterious bottomless wells.

For many years, the Medveditskaya ridge has been studied by expeditions organized by the Cosmopoisk association. The researchers not only managed to record the stories of local residents, but also using geophysical equipment to prove the reality of the existence of the dungeons. Unfortunately, after the Second World War, the mouths of the tunnels were blown up.

The sub-latitudinal tunnel stretching from the Crimea to the east in the Ural Mountains area intersects with another one stretching from the north to the east. It is along this tunnel that you can hear stories about “divyah people” who came out to the local residents at the beginning of the last century. "Divya people", - is told in the epics widespread in the Urals, - they live in the Ural mountains, they have access to the world through caves. Their culture is the greatest. “Divya people” are small, very beautiful and with a pleasant voice, but only a select few can hear them ... An old man from “divya people” comes to the square and predicts what will happen. An unworthy person neither hears nor sees anything, and the peasants in those places know everything that the Bolsheviks hide. "

Who are they, the inhabitants of the underworld?

A long time ago, amazing creatures descended from heaven on our planet. They taught the local residents a lot, but failed to adapt to life on the surface of the Earth and went into underground caves. A similar point of view is shared by the famous American writer and ufologist Lovecraft.

In one of his works, he writes that the aliens came "to Earth from distant space thousands of years ago and settled in the depths, since the earth's surface was unsuitable for them." Long before modern theories about the cosmic origin of human civilization, about the landing of aliens on Earth, Lovecraft described the creatures of an extraterrestrial race.

It is possible to disagree with the dating by which the author attributes the intercontinental tunnels to many millions of years ago, some of the described cases are clearly misleading, but a large amount of evidence and found fragments of tunnels eloquently refutes the official history of our planet ...

2003 in the suburbs (near the city of Solnechnogorsk) was marked by a mysterious event. In Lake Bezdonnoye, the driver of the Vereshenskaya village administration, Vladimir Saychenko, found a regular US Navy life jacket with an identification inscription confirming that this property belonged to sailor Sam Belovski from the destroyer Cowell, which was blown up by terrorists on October 12, 2000 in the port of Aden. 4 sailors were tragically killed, and 10 were missing, including Sam Belowski. Maybe the information is wrong and there is no mystery?

As a result of interviewing direct witnesses and participants in the described event, it was found out that the life jacket was indeed discovered and the inscriptions on it directly point to the sailor "Cowell" S. Belovski.

But like a life jacket from Indian Ocean could have got into a lake lost in the vastness of Central Russia, having overcome 4000 km in a straight line in three years? What was his path? Consequently; there are some unknown underground paths, tunnels, apparently, connecting rather separated parts of the Earth's continents. But by whom and when were they created, and for what?

It has been repeatedly noted by various researchers on different continents that in addition to metro tunnels, bunkers, mines and other various caves created by nature, there are underground cavities created by civilizations that preceded humanity. The latter exist not only in the form of giant underground halls, the walls of which have been processed by mechanisms unknown to us, with traces of secondary natural processes (streaks, stalactites, stalagmites, cracks, etc.), but also in the form of linear structures - tunnels. The beginning of the 21st century is marked by an increase in the frequency of finds of fragments of these tunnels on different continents.

Identification of ancient tunnels is not an easy task, requiring comprehensive knowledge of underground work techniques, transformation mechanisms crust and underground spaces in the course of the historical development of our planet. But this procedure is quite real when you consider; that the main difference between ancient tunnels and natural and modern underground objects is that, oddly enough, ancient objects are distinguished by the perfection and amazing accuracy of processing the walls of the cavities (as a rule, they are melted), ideal directionality and orientation. They are also distinguished by their enormous, cyclopean dimensions and ... antiquity beyond human understanding. But it cannot be argued that they all appeared at the same time. Consider the available real information about ancient tunnels and workings.

In Crimea, the Marble Cave is well known, located within the Chatyr-Dag mountain range at an altitude of 900 m above sea level. When descending into the cave, numerous visitors are greeted by a huge hall in the form of a pipe about 20 meters in size, currently half filled with boulders that have collapsed due to numerous earthquakes and filled with karst sediments. Stalactites hang through the cracks in the vault, and stalagmites stretch towards them, making a mesmerizing impression. Few people pay attention to the fact that initially it was a tunnel with perfectly flat walls, going deep into the mountain range with a slope towards the sea.

The walls are well preserved and do not have traces of erosion activity: flowing waters - karst caverns, which are formed as a result of dissolution of limestone. That is, in front of us is a part of the tunnel leading to nowhere and starting at an altitude of about 1 km from the Black Sea level. Considering that the Black Sea basin was formed at the boundary between the Eocene and the Oligocene (about 30 million years ago) as a result of the fall of a large asteroid that cut off and destroyed the main ridge of the Crimean mountains, it is quite appropriate to assume that the Marble Cave is a fragment of an ancient tunnel, the main part which was located in a mountain massif destroyed by an asteroid, which is at least 30 million years old.

As follows from the latest reports of Crimean speleologists, a huge cavity was discovered under the Ai-Petri massif, picturesquely hanging over Alupka and Simeiz. In addition, tunnels were discovered connecting the Crimea and the Caucasus.

Ufologists of the Caucasus region during one of the expeditions determined that under the Uvarov ridge, opposite Mount Arus, there are tunnels, one of which leads towards the Crimean Peninsula, and the other through the cities of Krasnodar, Yeysk and Rostov-on-Don stretches to the Volga region. A branch to the Caspian Sea is recorded in the Krasnodar region. Unfortunately, the expedition members did not provide more detailed information.

And in the Volga region, there is the notorious Medveditskaya ridge, which has been surveyed in sufficient detail by the Cosmopoisk expeditions since 1997. An extensive network of tunnels surveyed for tens of kilometers has been discovered and mapped. The tunnels have a circular cross-section, sometimes oval, with a diameter of 7 to 20 m, maintaining a constant width along the entire length, and a direction at a depth of 6–30 m from the surface. As they approach the hill on the Medveditskaya ridge, the diameter of the tunnels increases from 22 to 35 meters. further - 80 m and already at the very hill the diameter of the cavities reaches 120 m, turning under the mountain, and a huge hall. Three seven-meter tunnels go from here at different angles.

Tunnel layout Medveditskaya ridges by Vadim Chernobrov, Cosmompoisk

Some believe that the tunnels are still operational and are used as transport arteries and bases by UFO vehicles, although the latter are not necessarily their builders. It is not surprising that P. Mironichenko in the book "The Legend of the LSP" believes that our entire country, including Crimea, Altai, Ural, Siberia and Far East, riddled with tunnels. It remains only to find their location. And this happens in most cases by accident.

Thus, Yevgeny Chesnokov, a resident of the Liskinsky village of Selyavnoye, Voronezh Region, fell into a hole in a meadow, which turned out to be a cave with tunnels diverging in different directions, on the walls of which symbols were depicted.

In the Caucasus, in the gorge near Gelendzhik, a vertical shaft has been known for a long time - it is straight like an arrow, with a diameter of about one and a half meters, and a depth of 6 more than 100 m. In addition, its feature is smooth, like melted walls. The study of their properties showed that the walls were simultaneously subjected to thermal and mechanical action, which created a crust 1–1.5 mm thick in the rock, giving it extremely strong properties that cannot be created even with the current development of technology, and the melting of the walls testifies to its technogenic origin. In addition, an intense radiation background was noted in the mine. It is possible that this is one of the vertical shafts, connecting with a horizontal tunnel going from this area to the Volga region, to the Medveditskaya ridge.

It is known; that in the post-war years (in 1950) a secret decree of the USSR Council of Ministers on the construction of a tunnel through the Tatar Strait was issued to connect the mainland by rail with about. Sakhalin. Over time, the secrecy was lifted, and Doctor of Physical and Mechanical Sciences L.S. deep antiquity, extremely competently, taking into account the geology of the bottom of the strait. They also mentioned strange finds in the tunnel - incomprehensible mechanisms and fossilized remains of animals. All this then disappeared into the secret bases of the special services. So, P. Miroshnichenko's statements that our country and the Far East are riddled with tunnels are not without reason. And this used tunnel, it is possible, leads further through about. Sakhalin to Japan.

Now let's move to the region of Western Europe, in particular, to the border of Slovakia and Poland, in mountain range Tatras Beskydy. Here rises "Queen Beskyd" - Mount Babia with a height of 1725 m. Since ancient times, the inhabitants of the surrounding area have kept a secret associated with this mountain. As one of the residents named Vincent said, in the 60s of the XX century, together with his father, at his insistence, he went from the village to Babya Gora. At an altitude of 600 m, they, together with their father, pushed aside one of the protruding rocks, and a large entrance opened into which a cart with a horse could freely enter. The oval-shaped tunnel that opened was as straight as an arrow, wide and so high that an entire train could fit in it. The smooth and shiny surface of the walls and floor seemed to be covered with glass. It was dry inside. A long path along an inclined tunnel led them into a spacious, hall, shaped like a huge barrel. There were several tunnels in it, some of them were triangular in cross section, others were round. According to Vincent's father, it turned out that through the tunnels from here you can get into different countries and to different continents. The tunnel on the left leads to Germany, then to England and further to the American continent. The right tunnel stretches to Russia, to the Caucasus, then to China and Japan, and from there to America, where it connects with the left one.

You can get to America through other tunnels laid under the North and South Poles of the Earth. On the way of each tunnel there are “junction stations” like this one. According to him, at present, these tunnels are active - the advancement of UFO vehicles has been marked along them.

A report from England testifies that while driving a tunnel for economic needs, miners heard the sounds of working mechanisms coming from below. When the stone mass was broken through, the miners found a staircase leading to the well, while the sounds of working mechanisms intensified. True, nothing else is reported about their further actions. But perhaps they accidentally discovered one of the vertical shafts of a horizontal tunnel coming from Germany. And the sounds of working mechanisms testified to its working condition.

The American continent is also rich in reports of the location of ancient tunnels. Andrew Thomas, a renowned explorer, is convinced that ancient underground vertical and horizontal tunnels, again with burnt walls, have survived under America, and some of them are in perfect condition. The tunnels are straight as an arrow and cut across the entire continent. One of the nodes where several mines converge is Mount Shasta in California. From her paths lead to the states of California and New Mexico. This is confirmed by the case of the spouses Iris and Nick Marshall, who, in the vicinity of the small Californian town of Bishop in a mountainous area called Caso Diablo, entered a cave, the walls and floor of which were unusually smooth and smooth, as if polished to a mirror shine. Strange hieroglyphic letters were inscribed on the walls and ceiling. On one of the walls there were small holes from which faint beams of light streamed. Then they heard a strange noise coming from the ground, as a result of which they hurriedly left the premises. Perhaps they accidentally discovered one of the entrances to the underground tunnel, which turned out to be active.

In 1980, not far from the coast of California, a huge hollow space was discovered, extending into the interior of the continent for several hundred meters. It is possible that one of the junction stations of the underground tunnels was discovered.

The presence of tunnels is also evidenced by the fact that nuclear tests carried out at great depths at a well-known test site in the state of Nevada had an unexpected effect. Two hours later, in Canada, at one of the military bases at a distance of 2000 km from the Nevada test site, a radiation level 20 times higher than the norm was recorded. How could this happen? It turned out that next to the base there was a huge cave, which is part of a huge system of caves and tunnels of the continent. In 1963, while driving a tunnel, they stumbled upon a huge door, behind which marble steps descended. Perhaps this was another entrance to the tunnel system. Unfortunately, it is not known where this happened.

But in Idaho, anthropologist James McKean examined a large cave and moved along a wide stone tunnel several hundred meters before he was stopped by the unbearable smell of sulfur, the terrible remains of human skeletons and a clear noise from the depths. As a result, the research had to be stopped.

On the territory of Mexico, in one of the most deserted and sparsely populated areas, the ancient Satano de las Golondrinas cave is noted, which has a depth of more than a kilometer and a width of several hundred meters. Its sheer walls are absolutely flat and smooth. And its bottom is a real labyrinth of various “rooms”, “passages” and tunnels, diverging at this depth in different directions. One of the nodes of the intercontinental tunnels?

South America does not lag behind North America in terms of tunnels. In the course of recent research by Professor E. von Denikin, under the surface of the Nazca desert, many kilometers of tunnels were discovered, through which clear water still flows.

And in June 1965 in Ecuador, the Argentine explorer Juan Moritz in the province of Morona Santiago, within the territory delineated by the cities of Galaquiza - San Antonio - Yopi, discovered and mapped an unknown system of underground tunnels and ventilation shafts with a total length of hundreds kilometers. The entrance to the tunnel system looks like a neat cut in the rock, the size of a barn gate. Descent to successive horizontal platforms leads to a depth of 230 m. There are rectangular tunnels of varying width with turns at an angle of 90 degrees. The walls are smooth, as if covered with glaze or polished. Ventilation shafts with a diameter of about 70 cm and rooms the size of a concert hall are strictly periodically located. It was discovered that in the center of one of them there is a structure like a table and seven "thrones" made of an unknown material similar to plastic. Near the “throne” place, large figures of fossil lizards, elephants, crocodiles, lions, camels, bison, bears, monkeys, wolves, jaguars and even crabs and snails were found cast in gold. In the same room there is a “library” of several thousand embossed metal plates measuring 96 × 48 cm with some kind of badges. Each plate is specially stamped. H. Moritz also found a stone "amulet" (11 × 6 cm) with the image of a figurine of a man standing on a globe.

The tunnels and halls are replete with heaps of gold items (discs, plates, huge “necklaces”) with various designs and symbols. There are images of dinosaurs carved on the walls. On the plates there are images of pyramids made of blocks. And the symbol of the pyramid is adjacent to the kites flying (not crawling!) In the sky. Hundreds of such images have been found. Some records reflect astronomical concepts and ideas of space travel.

Undoubtedly, the discovery made by H. Moritz to some extent lifts the veil of the person who built the tunnels, their level of knowledge and tentatively - the era when this happened (they saw dinosaurs).

And already in 1976, a joint Anglo-Ecuadorian expedition examined one of the underground tunnels in the Los Tayos area, on the border of Peru and Ecuador. A room was found there, where there was also a table surrounded by chairs with backs more than two meters high, made of an unknown material. Another room was a long hall with a narrow passage in the middle. On the walls were shelves with ancient books, thick tomes - about 400 pages each. The sheets of volumes of solid gold were filled with an incomprehensible font.

Of course, the creators used the tunnels and halls not only for movement, but also as a repository of valuable information designed for a long time. It is clear that now these premises are no longer used.

An expedition of scientists-speleologists in 1971 on the territory of Peru discovered caves, the entrance to which was blocked by rock blocks. Having overcome them, the researchers found a huge hall at a depth of about 100 m, the floor of which was lined with blocks with a special relief. The (again) polished walls bore incomprehensible hieroglyphic inscriptions. Numerous tunnels ran in different directions from the hall. Some of them lead towards the sea, under the water and continue at its bottom.

Thus, we faced, apparently, with the next nodal station.

On the other hand, a section of the torus chain stretching from La Poma to Caiafate, Argentina, near the city of Cacho, is currently exposed to high levels of radioactivity and electrification of the soil, vibration and microwave radiation, according to research by scientists from the Equal Biophysical Institute Omar José and Jorge Dilletain held in June 2003. They believe that this phenomenon is technogenic in nature and is a consequence of the operation of certain technical devices (machines) that are underground at a depth of many kilometers. Perhaps these are underground workings currently used as work premises.

The reports from Chile are quite amazing. In November 1972, at the request of the government of S. Allende, a Soviet complex expedition arrived in Chile with mining specialists Nikolai Popov and Efim Chubarin for an examination and the possibility of resuming the work of old ore mines for the production of copper, which the republic needed. The specialists went to the mountains to a forgotten deposit located 40 km from the city of Chichuana.

Having cleared the orderly blocked entrance to the mine, Popov and Chubarin walked several tens of meters and found a passage going down at an angle of 10 degrees. The stroke was one and a half meters in diameter with a wavy surface. Our experts decided to examine the course, and after 80 meters it passed into a horizontal state and led to a large mine, rich in copper veins. They stretched for at least hundreds of meters.

But it turned out that the veins had already been developed using a high-tech method: the waste rock remained intact, no landslides and debris. A little further, experts saw copper ingots, shaped and sized like ostrich eggs, collected in piles of 40-50 pieces at a distance of 25-30 paces from each other. Then they saw a snake-like mechanism - a combine about a meter in diameter and 5-6 meters long. The snake fell to the copper vein and literally sucked the copper veins from the walls of the tunnel. But it was not possible to observe for a long time, since new snake-like mechanisms of a smaller size appeared - about 20 cm in diameter and 1.5–2 m long. Apparently, they penetrated into places inaccessible for a large mechanism, and also performed a protective function unwanted visitors.

Now let's remember the chemical composition of UFOs, which are 90 percent copper. And it is possible that our specialists accidentally discovered one of the copper deposits being developed by UFO representatives for their needs to repair and create new types of UFO vehicles, one of the bases of which is located in the mountains of South America. However, it also makes it possible to understand how large tunnels were created with their shiny, as if polished walls.

Thus, the legends about the presence of an extensive system of underground tunnels in South America are not without foundation, and it is entirely possible that the gold and jewelry, the search for which the conquistadors have devoted more than one hundred years, were hidden in the underground tunnels in the Andes, the center of which is one ancient capital. Cuzco, and they stretch for many hundreds of kilometers not only under the territory of Peru, but also the Equator, Chile and Bolivia. But the entrances to them were ordered to be bricked up by the wife of the last ruler of the Incas. So the deep past coexists and intertwines with the events of the near present.

Southeast Asia also does not suffer from the absence of ancient tunnels. The famous Shambhala is located in numerous caves in Tibet, connected by underground passages and tunnels, with its initiates in a state of "samadhi" (neither alive nor dead), sitting in the lotus position in them for many hundreds of thousands of years. The finished tunnels were also used for other purposes - preserving the Earth's gene pool and basic values. It was repeatedly mentioned from the words of initiates who have access to those in a state of "samadhi", about unusual means of transportation stored there and about tunnels with absolutely smooth walls.

In the Hunan province of China, on south bank Dongting Lake, southwest of Wuhan city, next to one of the circular pyramids, Chinese archaeologists discovered a buried passage that led them to underground labyrinth... Its stone walls turned out to be very smooth and carefully processed, which gave reason to scientists to exclude their natural origin. One of the many symmetrically positioned passages led the archaeologists into a large underground hall, the walls and ceiling of which were covered with many drawings. One of the drawings depicts a hunting scene, and above were creatures (gods?) "In modern clothes" sitting in a round ship, very similar to a UFO apparatus. People with spears chase the beast, and "supermen" flying over them aim at the target with objects similar to guns.

Another figure is 10 balls at equal distance from each other, placed around the center, and resembles a diagram of the solar system, with the third ball (Earth) and the fourth (Mars) connected by a line in the form of a loop. This speaks of the connection between the Earth and Mars in some kind of relationship. Scientists have determined the age of the nearby pyramids as 45,000 years.

But the tunnels could have been built much earlier and were only used by subsequent inhabitants of the Earth.

But in northwestern China, in the desert and sparsely populated area of ​​the Qinghoi province, in Tibet, near the city of Ikh-Tsaidam, Mount Baigong rises with fresh and salt lakes located nearby. On the southern shore of the salt lake Toson, a lonely rock with caves rises 60 meters; in one of them with smooth and smooth, obviously artificial walls, a rust-covered pipe with a diameter of 40 cm protrudes obliquely from the upper part of the wall, the other pipe goes underground, and at the entrance to the cave there are 12 more pipes of a smaller diameter - from 10 to 40 cm. They are located parallel to each other. On the shore of the lake and nearby you can see many iron pipes sticking out of rocks and sand, 2–4.5 cm in diameter and oriented from east to west. There are tubes of even smaller cross-section - only a few millimeters, but none of them is clogged inside. Such pipes are found in the lake itself - protruding outward or hidden in the depths. When studying the composition of the pipes, it turned out that they have 30 percent iron oxide, a large amount of silicon dioxide and calcium oxide. The composition speaks of long-term oxidation of iron and indicates a very ancient origin of pipes.

Everyone knows the pyramids and ruins of ancient temples on the Giza plateau in Egypt. But little is known about what lies beneath the surface of the earth. Recent research by scientists shows that huge unexplored underground structures are hidden under the pyramids inside the plateau, and scientists suggest that the network of tunnels extends for tens of kilometers and stretches both towards the Red Sea and towards the coast. Atlantic Ocean... And now let us recall the results of a study in South America of tunnels going under the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean ... Perhaps they are going towards each other.

Evgeny Vorobyov

The oldest underground tunnels that permeate the entire planet! Who created them?

Underground tunnels between continents - documentary

The theory of ancient underground tunnels, which covered almost the entire globe with cobwebs, was born thanks to an event that happened in 2003 in the vicinity of Solnechnogorsk, Moscow Region. In Lake Bezdonnoye, a local driver discovered a US Navy life jacket, which, according to the identification inscription, belonged to the American sailor Sam Belovski, who served on the destroyer Cowell. On October 12, 2000, the destroyer was blown up by terrorists, as a result of which four sailors were killed, and ten, including Sam, were missing. The tragedy took place in the port of Aden.

As a result of the verification of the reliability of the information, it was found out that the life jacket really belonged to Sem Belowski. But how could this thing get from the waters of the Indian Ocean into the waters of a lake lost in the depths of central Russia, while covering a distance of 4,000 kilometers, and this is in a straight line? It was then that an incredible version arose about the existence of ancient underground tunnels connecting distant parts of the continents of the Earth. But who paved these underground paths, when and for what purpose, remains a mystery of history. More than once and more than one researcher drew attention to the existence, along with metro lines, mine workings and natural caves, underground cavities created by ancient civilizations, so to speak, by our predecessors. This is not only about giant halls, the mechanical processing of the walls of which is almost completely hidden by secondary natural processes (stalactites and stalagmites, drips and cracks). In addition to them, there are also linear structures - ancient tunnels. Interestingly, at the beginning of this century, the frequency of finds of fragments of such "crossings" in different parts of our planet increased significantly.

In order to identify ancient tunnels, a versatile geological knowledge is required about the natural processes of transformation of the earth's crust and underground cavities that occur during the development of the planet, as well as about the technique of man-made underground work. However, identification is quite real. First of all, ancient tunnels differ from objects of natural origin and modern objects constructed underground, in more precise processing of the walls (mainly the walls of the cavities are melted), clear directionality and orientation.
The colossal dimensions of the ancient tunnels and their prohibitive antiquity, so far inaccessible to human understanding, are also introduced into bewilderment. No one is going to announce the approximate date of their appearance, but it can be assumed that the ancient tunnels were laid at different times. Let's take a look at some of the actual information available about ancient underground workings and tunnels.

The Crimean peninsula is dotted with caves, but one of the most popular is the Marble Cave, which rises 900 meters above sea level in the Chatyr-Dag mountain range. Descending into the cave, many tourists and cavers are greeted by a huge twenty-meter hall in the form of a pipe. At the moment, the hall is half covered with boulders that have collapsed during earthquakes and is filled with karst sediments. Behind the splendor of the stalactites descending towards the stalagmites, few people notice the fact that the huge "corridor" is actually an ancient tunnel with smooth worked walls, laid deep into the mountain range in the direction of the sea.

The walls of the tunnel are not damaged by erosion and do not have karst caverns. We can see part of the destroyed underground structure, starting at a kilometer height from the Black Sea level and going nowhere.

If we take into account that the Black Sea depression was formed as a result of the fall of a large asteroid (it happened about 30 million years ago), which destroyed most Crimean mountains, then the assumption that the Marble Cave is a preserved part of the ancient tunnel is quite appropriate. The tunnel itself cut through the entire mountain range, which is about 30 million years old, but was destroyed by an asteroid.

Crimean cavers managed to find a huge cavity under mountain peak Ai-Petri and ancient tunnels connecting the Crimean peninsula and the Caucasus.

In turn, ufologists from the Caucasus region have opened a network of tunnels under the Uvarov ridge, located opposite Mount Arus. Two of them deserve special attention. The direction of one of the found ancient tunnels is the Crimean Peninsula. The other one stretched to the Volga region through Krasnodar, Yeisk and Rostov-on-Don. During the expedition in the region of Krasnodar, a branch from the main branch, directed to the Caspian Sea, was also recorded. However, the expedition members did not submit a more detailed report.

In the Volga region, since 1997, the "Cosmopoisk" expeditions have been conducted, which examine in detail the well-known Medveditskaya ridge. Tens of kilometers of a branched network of tunnels have already been discovered, which have a round, less often oval, cross-sectional shape. The diameter of the "underground corridors" ranges from 7 to 20 meters, while maintaining a constant width along the entire length. In addition, the direction from the surface also varies from 6 meters to 30 meters deep into the mountain range. Approaching the hill itself, the diameter of the ancient tunnels gradually increases from 22 to 80 meters, and already directly at the very hill it is 120 meters. Under the mountain, the cavities turn into a huge hall, from which, having a different direction, there are three tunnels, each seven meters in diameter.

It becomes obvious that Medveditskaya Gora is a junction station of the “ancient metro”, where ancient tunnels from different regions converge. From here you can get to the Caucasus, the Crimea, and the north of Russia, and then through New earth to North America.

Some ufologists are sure that the tunnels are still used today as transport highways UFO vehicles, although it is not at all necessary to attribute authorship to the latter. P. Miroshnichenko in his book "The Legend of the LSP" claims that all of Russia, including the territory of the Crimea, the Far East, the Urals, Altai and Siberia, is dotted with ancient tunnels. There is little to do - to discover and investigate them.

The Caucasus also boasts the presence of mysterious mine tunnels. We are talking about a gorge near Gelendzhik, where there is a one and a half meter, completely straight, going strictly vertically to a depth of more than a hundred meters, with smooth, as if polished walls. The nature of the processing of the walls suggests that they were affected both mechanically and thermally at the same time. As a result, a very strong layer, 1 - 1, 5 mm thick, was formed on the surface, which cannot be repeated even with the help of modern high-tech devices. Among other things, an increased background radiation was recorded in the mine. It is likely that this vertical branch is connected to a horizontal ancient tunnel that leads to the Medvedkovo ridge in the Volga region.

To date, materials have already been declassified regarding the construction of a tunnel through the Tatar Strait in the 1950s, which would connect the mainland with the island of Sakhalin. In the postwar years, the decree of the USSR Council of Ministers on construction railroad was classified as "secret", but L.S. Berman, a doctor of physical and mathematical sciences, who worked there at that time, in 1991 said that the builders were mainly engaged not in construction, but in the restoration of already laid ancient tunnels, built taking into account all the geological features of the bottom of the strait. The builders also found strange objects, incomprehensible mechanisms and fossilized remains of animals, which immediately disappeared into secret bases. It is possible that this ancient tunnel stretches to Japan through the island of Sakhalin.

From the expanses of Russia we will move to the expanses of Poland and Slovakia, namely to the Western Beskydy mountain range to their highest point - Babia Gora. The inhabitants of the surrounding villages have kept the secret associated with this mountain since ancient times.

One of the watchmen said that in the 60s of the last century, he and his father and at his insistence went to the mountains. There, at an altitude of 600 meters, they pushed aside a protruding rock that hid the entrance to the tunnel. The tunnel was so high that not only a horse with a cart, but a whole train could easily enter it. The oval cavity was dry, and its walls resembled glass, so smooth they were. Having passed along the aisle, father and son found themselves in a spacious barrel-shaped room, from which several tunnels of various shapes in cross-section (triangular and round) emerged.

From the words of the father it followed that through the ancient tunnels you can get to different parts of the planet. The left tunnel leads to Germany, England and America. The right one leads to the territory of Russia, the Caucasus, China and Japan, and then to the American continent, where it meets the left tunnel.
It remains a mystery by whom and for what purpose the tunnels were built. But it is quite clear that the creatures living on our planet millions of years ago and, possibly, hiding in the depths to this day, had deeper knowledge than knowledge about semiconductors, diodes d226, their characteristics, operating and storage conditions. And this knowledge has not been revealed to us until now.

There is a junction station in the Western Beskids, from which several tunnels depart, connecting on the territory of the American continent. But these are not the only ancient underground highways leading to America. Today, ufologists know about the ancient tunnels, laid under the North and South poles of the Earth. Each tunnel has junction stations similar to those found in the Beskydy. There is information that underground cavities are still used by UFO vehicles.

British miners, while tunneling for household needs, heard incomprehensible sounds, similar to the sounds of working mechanisms, coming from below. Having broken through the stone wall, the miners saw a staircase that went into a well shaft, from where incomprehensible sounds were heard with even greater force. Further developments were no longer reported. But, probably, the discovered vertical shaft is part of a horizontal ancient tunnel leading to Germany. And the accompanying sounds indicate its current operation.

The American continent is no exception. On the contrary, this area boasts a large number of horizontal and vertical shafts, the walls of which are also melted and polished. The renowned American explorer Andrew Thomas is confident that the straight, directed ancient tunnels dotted the entire continent like Swiss cheese.

One of the so-called intercontinental nodes, connecting several mines leading to the states of California and New Mexico, is located under Mount Shasta. Confirmation of their existence is the situation in which the spouses Iris and Nick Marall have been. In the mountainous area of ​​Caso Diablo, located near the city of Bishop, the couple entered a cave with perfectly flat floors and walls. The cave was illuminated by faint beams of light coming from holes in one of the walls. Then the sound of a working mechanism filled the cave, and the couple left it in a hurry. It is possible that they were lucky enough to visit one of the active ancient tunnels.

Not far from the coast of the same California in 1980, an impressive cavity was discovered, penetrating several hundred meters into the interior of the continent, which can claim the status of a junction station.

Confirmation of the existence of the tunnels are the unexpected results of deep-sea nuclear tests that took place in the state of Nevada. Two hours after testing at a military base in Canada (at a distance of 2000 kilometers), a jump in the radiation background 20 times higher than the norm was recorded. This happened because next to the military base there was a cave connected with a local network of caves and ancient tunnels of the American continent.

Fast forward to Idaho, where anthropologist James McKean studied a large tunnel in the rocks. After passing several hundred meters into the depths of the cave, the scientist was stopped by an unbearable sulfur stench and human remains. In addition to this scary scene, the explorer heard a strange noise coming from the depths of the tunnel. The natural reaction to what he saw was the termination of the survey of the cave.

One of the most sparsely populated areas in Mexico hides the Satano de las Golondrinas cave. Judging by its size (a depth of about a kilometer and a width of several hundred meters), the condition of the treated sheer walls and the bottom, from which ancient tunnels diverge in different directions, it may well exist as a junction in a network of intercontinental underground tunnels.

From the vastness of North America we will move on to the territory of South America, where no less ancient underground tunnels have been dug. So, in the course of research recently carried out by Professor Eric von Deniken, a network of underground tunnels stretching for many kilometers was revealed under the surface of the Nazca desert. An important fact: clean water flows through them to this day.

In 1965, the Ecuadorian province of Morona-Santiago attracted explorer Juan Moritz, and it was not in vain. The scientist was able to discover and map to anyone a hitherto unknown network of ancient underground tunnels stretching for hundreds of kilometers. The fact that these many kilometers of cavities are not a consequence of natural processes is evidenced by many facts.

Firstly, the entrance to the system looks more like a neatly cut opening for a barn gate. By descending successively onto horizontal platforms, a maximum cavity depth of 230 meters can be reached. At this depth there are “highways” rectangular in cross-section, which have turns at right angles. Secondly, here we are faced with the same smooth-glossy wall treatment. Thirdly, there are huge rooms and ventilation shafts, the diameter of which varies within 70 centimeters, in strict periodicity.

In the center of one of these gigantic halls, there are structures that, according to scientists, resemble seven thrones around a table, so to speak, a "throne seat." Next to him were large golden figurines of elephants, lions, fossil lizards, jaguars, wolves, bison and even snails. In the same "throne" room, a "library" was kept, consisting of thousands of metal plates, dotted with unknown signs. It is not known whether any attempts were made to decipher the symbols, but each of these plates was stamped in a special way.

The hall in the found ancient tunnels resembled a gold treasury, which contains a large number of gold items. On its smooth walls there were images of the oldest dinosaurs. Some of the plates were decorated with images of pyramids. As in the underground tunnels of the ancient Maya, here you can find neighboring symbols of pyramids and flying kites. In addition to these images, the plates conveyed some astronomical concepts and ideas of space exploration.

By these sensational discoveries, one can only judge who their builders were, who had so much knowledge and who lived in the era of dinosaurs.

A similar find interested scientists in 1976. Then, in the nearby territory of Los Tayos, an Anglo-Ecuadorian expedition in another ancient underground tunnel several rooms were discovered. The first, like the one described earlier, contained a table surrounded by chairs with two-meter backs. The second played the role of a "library": a long hall, the walls of which were filled with shelves with ancient books (four hundred-leaf folios, each sheet of which was made of pure gold and dotted with unknown symbols).

It is safe to say that the ancient halls, as well as the tunnels, were used by the creators not only as a means of communication, but also as a repository of important and, of course, valuable information.

The next junction of the system of ancient tunnels was discovered by an expedition of speleologists in Peru in 1971. At a depth of one hundred meters, scientists opened a hall with the already familiar polished walls, on which it was possible to see symbols similar to hieroglyphs. And, as is typical for nodal stations, numerous cavities diverged from it in different directions, some of which lead to the sea and stretch further under the seabed.

On the other side, already in Argentina, in the section of the chain of tunnels from La Poma to Caiafate, there is an increased background radiation and high rates of electrification of the soil, at the same time, completely uncharacteristic microwave radiation and vibrations. Such data were recorded thanks to research by scientists of the Biophysical Institute, carried out in 2003. Omar José and Jorge Dilletaina are sure that what is happening is a man-made phenomenon, and the reason for their occurrence is the work of unknown devices at a depth of many kilometers. It can be assumed that this section of ancient tunnels is used as an excavation to this day.


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