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A dilapidated fortress in the embrace of tree roots, with cobwebs and curious eyes looking at you from the jungle. Wander around this mysterious place an hour or two, and then go to the cleanest and most deserted beach in the entire area to ride a bike right at the sea’s edge. Just step on the gas and rush towards the wind along the sand to where there is not a soul. Just you, the ocean, ancient stones and the sun on the horizon. Today it’s all about how we went from Goa to see Ready Fort and Paradise Beach in the neighboring state of Maharashtra.

Here in Goa, for the first time in all the years of our travels, we do not rent a bike. We have an apartment right near the sea, groceries are sold within a five-minute walk, so we don’t see the point of spending 4-6 thousand rupees ($70-100) on renting a scooter. When necessary, we rent vehicles for one or two days. It costs 200 rupees per day - only $3.22!

In Goa, everyone drives without helmets - both tourists and especially locals. We're not used to this. I had to beg for helmets at a nearby rental office. They were stored on the highest shelf, covered with cobwebs. The owner was sure that we were asking for helmets because we were “dummies” and were just learning to drive. For Indians to wear a helmet “for safety” is something out of fantasy. Here they look at us in surprise on the roads, honk their horns and diligently avoid us. So that's great!

In order to find Redi Fort, you first need to leave the tourist area Goa State. To do this, from Arambol we go north through the villages local residents. This is where real life is in full swing! I stopped to take a photo of a peasant who was working in a rice field. Knee-deep in mud, under the scorching sun, he plowed his plot. In general, a separate tearful book could be written about how Asians grow rice. For the first time we were told about the features of rice farming in. There, especially guilty prisoners are sent to rice fields. This is the worst punishment - from standing in the mud for many hours, rotting wounds appear on your feet. The fields are often infested with snakes and other nasty creatures. And all this despite the fact that the sun is mercilessly beating down. The work is simply unbearable. Now think about how much Asian rice costs in our stores. Dollar per kilo?

While I was photographing the farmer, the village children came running to me. They looked attentively, felt their hands, said something in their own language, but quite friendly. Older boys came and began to demand: “Pikchur, picchur!” Okay, picchur so picchur, let’s take a collective Indian selfie!

To Redi Fort, which is officially called on Google maps Yashwantgad Fort(Yashvantgad), the drive from Arambol is only 15 kilometers. Despite the proximity, the village of Redi, where the fortress is located, is a completely different state of Maharashtra. It and Goa are separated by the Tirakol River, and until a few months ago Indians and tourists had to cross to the other side by ferry. But now a brand new bridge has been built here.

Below the bridge, work is in full swing - they are strengthening the river bank.

Driving across the bridge with the breeze is a special pleasure.

Then everything is very simple. After the bridge we turn left, then at another large fork - left again. And further straight to the village of Redi. I explain in such detail only because our GPS did not work in this wilderness and there was no Internet for the map to load. We had to ask the locals a lot, once we took a wrong turn, but in the end the journey still took no more than half an hour.

The village of Redi is poor, the roads are bad, the houses are tiny, the fences here are built from poop, hay and clay.

The abandoned building stands out from the rest of the buildings with its carved wooden facade. The grandfather passing by did not speak English, so I cannot tell you what kind of building this is. If you find out, write in the comments. I wonder why a good house was left unattended.

Well, here we are again lost. We heard a noise high in the trees. Monkey! Fearful, shy. Apparently, they get hit hard for approaching local houses. In Delhi, for example, they do not stand on ceremony with them, and if the primates come too close to people, then sticks and stones are immediately thrown at them.

We went back a little, took the right turn and found ourselves on a narrow path where a bunch of bikes were already standing. It turned out that this is the entrance to Ready Fort. This is how a tourist attraction is marked, succinctly, in Indian style. If it weren’t for the scooters, we would definitely have passed these bushes, behind which the fortress is hidden.

Do cacti grow in India? It’s strange, but they are growing!

For the next hour we will wander among the dilapidated walls of the fortress.

The fort was built back in the 16th century. Two centuries later it was captured by the Portuguese. The Indians even made a desperate attempt to retake the fort by poisoning the fish that the enemy ate. But the maneuver failed; the Portuguese flag still flew over the fort. Then the provincial authorities managed to conclude a peace treaty with the colonialists, and the Yashwantgad fort again became Indian. However, after a couple of decades, it was captured again, this time by the British.

There are trodden paths around the fort. There are almost no people here, there is silence and desolation all around. Just please watch your step. This is a jungle after all, and there may be snakes in the bushes.

In general, nature has taken its toll in Redi Fort over many centuries. Here, tree roots intricately envelop the stone bricks, squeezing into all the cracks.

There are also fairly well-preserved walls, but the forest will also swallow them, it’s only a matter of time.

To me, these trees remind me of a boa constrictor, which first slowly wraps itself around its victim, squeezing it in its deadly embrace, and then, already lifeless, slowly digests it.

Arina is learning to take photographs. Maybe you will see her photos in one of the future posts. She also wouldn’t mind becoming a tour guide or working on TV. So today watch the first video tour of Redi Fort from Arinka.

They are also acrobats!

It is difficult to get lost in Redi Fort. Although it is quite large in area, the paths in it form a circle. Just before you go back to the start, climb up observation deck. Here you can feel like a princess locked in the tower of a fairytale castle.

And also - to see the same Paradise beach, the end point of our today's journey.

Near Redi Fort, literally 50 meters away, there is Redi Beach. Many people confuse it with Paradise and stay here for a long time. But we stopped only to eat and swim, it was too tiring to wander around the fortress.

Redi beach is good, the water is clean, there are almost no people. It is separated from Paradise by a river, so you will have to take a detour overland.

Cacti in India, and now camels. It’s just not a day, but a break in patterns...

Let's go to Paradise. From Redi Fort it is about 10 kilometers by land.

We arrived at the beach, not where tourists are hunted by sellers of juices and food from local shops, but a little further, where there are only lonely private hotels and not a soul. Well, maybe the four-legged beach guards came to see what kind of girl had come to them.

Paradise Beach is wonderful, very long, deserted, with clean golden sand. There are no crowds of tourists or intrusive merchants here. You can come here for the whole day and just be silent and alone, enjoying the sea and sun. In my opinion, just a dream for any office clerk.

And then suddenly a scooter with Russian guys rushed past us. It turns out that the sand here is so well compacted that it is quite possible to ride a bike. Great idea!

A short test drive - and all three of us are already racing along Paradise Beach on a bike!

The feeling is simply amazing! You feel such freedom, your head is freed from unnecessary thoughts, you think only about what is happening here and now.

We reached the end of the beach - it is on the right, if you are facing the sea. There is a river there again, and it is impossible to go further. But we found beautiful stones and had a photo shoot. In this photo, Arinka is supposedly standing on a huge boulder. In fact, Sasha is hiding behind a stone and belaying her from below.

And here I am portraying a mermaid on paradise island, although sitting on this pebble is oh so difficult. Sharp shells dig painfully into your butt.

People! Where are you?

And this is the same cart with buffaloes that you saw at the beginning of the post. The guys just came to Paradise Beach to collect sand for construction. Do you still go to the hardware store for sand? Come to India, there is this sand...

Finally, take a ride along Paradise Beach with us!

A couple of tips and a map for traveling to Ready Fort and Paradise Beach.

Look at the map in advance to find your way around the roads. It is not a fact that GPS will work.

Take a couple of bottles of water with you. The Indian sun is merciless in the middle of the day.

On the way to the fort in Redi village, be careful while driving. There are two speed bumps there, not marked in any way. At high speed you can roll over.

You can eat near Redi Fort on the beach. There, the cafe sells quite edible rice, noodles and omelettes.

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A trip to Paradise Beach from North Goa to the neighboring state of Maharashtra is an adventure. Paradise Beach - Paradise Beach. And he really is Paradise! For everyone, of course, this place will cause their own experiences...

In addition, on the way to Paradise Beach you will stop by ancient Portuguese forts!

Medieval Portuguese military forts still adorn the scenic spots of the Goan coast. Fortresses from fairy tales - something you can see with your own eyes!

I can tell you about my impressions of visiting Paradise Beach and the fort walls. It will be interesting for me to talk about Paradise Beach, if only because that day was one of the happiest days of my life! Everything, of course, is relative... We can say that the best day is what happens here and now. And yet... That day...

Breath of love

Archena and I rode a bike from Ashvem to Paradise Beach in about an hour. Suddenly, what appeared before us was not palm trees at all, but a coniferous forest, bathed in sun. Tall, healthy, powerful trees of fabulous beauty. We approached one of the pine trees. Feet walked on a carpet of pine needles and sand. Walking along it with bare feet was some completely new, previously unfamiliar pleasure.

We hugged the tree from different sides. Without moving, with our eyes closed, we breathed air of almost unreal purity and freshness. Just me and Archena. It was definitely Paradise! We got closer to each other... Do you know how manifestations of Love differ from manifestations of passion? Passion is rough and destructive, like its embrace, but true Love is like the touch of a mother on a newborn baby.

Two free people... God and Goddess... Krishna and Rada... At that moment we exchanged the Gifts of Love from Our Hearts. Through breathing, gentle, subtle touching and stroking each other... We dissolved in tenderness and affection...

We looked into each other's eyes for a long time... We smiled... I will remember her look for the rest of my life. Through Archena’s eyes, the grace and tenderness of the entire space of the Lord’s world flowed onto me...

Glad... - I whispered.
“Krishna...” answered Archena

Paradise Beach

Then we walked a little further and sat on a hill under a mighty tree. Then we lay down on our backs under a tree on the most delicate mixture of sand and pine needles in the world. We breathed in the air. We saw the sky through the crowns of fabulously beautiful trees. We joined hands. And dissolved in the purest stream of Love in the Universe. I didn’t even know that this could be felt here on Earth!
Energy of the highest order floated between me, a man, and Archena, a woman. In that embrace, in that hour, we were inside the purest energy of Love. We were God and Goddess...

Then we walked out of the pine forest onto the beach. We ran along the waves. We hugged while admiring the endless strip of white sand along the ocean. The sand underfoot was so clean that it crunched like white snow in a bitter frost in a distant homeland. Only the sand, unlike the snow, was warm and gentle.

We returned to the bike parking lot. We felt that we wanted to eat. We looked around and saw two Indian women selling strange-looking vegetarian food. I asked the price of the portion. “Five rupees,” replied the young Indian woman. Five rupees is approximately three rubles. Food in Paradise cost three rubles!.. We laughed. I handed over the money.

We ate, purring with pleasure, because the food was surprisingly tasty. Moreover, they put it on a piece of newspaper, and we ate it with our bare hands. Delicious!..

We returned in the evening. And again there was a ferry crossing. But this time, under the light of the Sun setting directly into the ocean... It was an amazingly beautiful day! The Universe allowed me to feel how beautiful the Love of the Gods is!..”

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The pearl of beach Maharashtra, Paradise Beach has a lot to offer. Firstly, it is very beautiful there: palm thickets alternate with pine groves, and the sand is very light, thanks to which pure water becomes literally crystalline. Secondly, relative solitude (with the exception of aborigines on weekends and a handful of know-it-alls from the tourist fraternity). Finally, on the beach you can rent quite decent reed bungalows almost at the water's edge.

How to get there

Paradise Beach is located very close to Ready Fort, and a visit to it is often included in excursions to the fort and the surrounding area. Ready Fort and the beach are separated by a river, which is easy to wade at low tide (waist-deep) or negotiate a crossing with fishermen who ply the river.

Redi Fort is located side by side with the most extreme resort of North Goa - Tiracol, which has still not been touched by civilization. A fort, now the Heritage Hotel, rises above the deserted beach.

Search for flights to Goa (the nearest airport to Paradise Beach)

Cuisine and restaurants

The infrastructure in Paradise Beach is absolutely undeveloped: there are no restaurants and bars as a class - so it is better to negotiate about food with the owners of rented bungalows and rooms (if you plan to stay on the beach for several days) or be content with the diet of local peasants - vegetables and fruits, which can be purchased on the market.

Paradise Beach Hotels

Paradise Beach offers several thatched bungalows for rent, as well as rooms in local residents' homes. Those who love comfort are better off staying at one of the neighboring resort hotels and making forays to the beach.

  • Where to stay: in luxury hotels, affordable hotels or budget guesthouses and bungalows on one of the resort’s 9 beaches - any tourist will certainly find accommodation here to suit their taste and budget. Resort entertainment will be met in the popular Anjuna and bustling Calangute. Those who speak exclusively Russian can safely go to Morjim. Those who love solitude have a direct route to Tiracol, Baga and Mandrem, and those who want both should settle in Sinquerim, Candolim or Arambol.
  • What to see: You should start getting acquainted with the nature of the island from the 300-meter waterfall Dudhsagar, and then go to the Selim Ali bird sanctuary. Cultural attractions - fort

The coast of Goa, which stretches for 100 km along the waters Indian Ocean, is far from the ultimate dream of vacationers. Especially those who are looking for privacy and tranquility. Goa gets crowded during the season, so tourists explore neighboring states, such as Maharashtra. Paradise Beach is of interest. Goa is very close - at a distance ferry crossing.

Features of Paradise Beach

The tropical landscape on Paradise Beach is very different from Goa: on the coast, pine trees and shrubs grow next to palm trees. It's not just dogs and cows that roam the white sand. It is quite possible to meet camels and horses here.

Otherwise, Paradise Beach is a godsend for an unpretentious and secluded holiday. There are few tourists, and the infrastructure is nothing to boast of: a few lonely hotels and poor fishing villages. Although every year brings its own changes.

Paradise Beach earned its name due to the opportunity to retire on the ocean shore, on the sand under the gentle sun. The magnificent views also played a role.

Geographical location India/Paradise Beach

A place of pilgrimage for international and Indian tourists, Goa is located on west coast peninsula and is washed by the waves of the Arabian Sea.

In Goa, looking for Paradise Beach on the map is pointless. It is located further north, in the neighboring state of Maharashtra.

There are also other names: Velagar, Shiroda or Aaravali - these are the beaches that lie close to Goa, but are separated from it by the mouth of the Tirakol River.

Climate Paradise Beach

The climate on Paradise Beach is generally no different from Goa. Although, the further north you go, the less rainfall there is during the off-season and monsoons. For residents of the Northern Hemisphere, this difference is almost unnoticeable.

The most suitable weather for holidays will be in winter, during the dry season. The temperature during the day is about +33 degrees, and at night +19... +20 degrees. The water warms up to no less than +26… +28 degrees.


For tourists, Paradise Beach may seem somewhat ascetic. But this is what makes it attractive: pristine nature, a minimum of people and flashy signs of hastily built eateries. Everything is changing, and the interest that Paradise Beach arouses among vacationers is attracting tourism operators here. The map already has markings for future construction.

The downside, as on other beaches, is the trash that gets washed up by the waves.

On weekends there are many Indian tourists in Paradise. Entire excursions arrive by bus. However, the beach is long and it is easy to avoid unwanted contacts.

How to get to Paradise Beach

To get to Paradise Beach from Goa, you need to travel along the highway past Arambol and Kerim to the ferry crossing across the Tirakol River. It is unlikely that this will be possible to do on foot along the beaches. On the map the distance is short and the route looks easy. In fact, the crossing will take time.

Where to stay

You can stay at the Tirakol Hotel. It is located on the site of the picturesque fort of the same name. However, this is not a complete list of options: along the highway, very close to the coast, private houses, bungalows, guest houses and just rooms are available for rent. You shouldn’t expect the level of a five-star hotel, but you will be provided with the necessary necessities.

Attractions in Paradise Beach

The main attraction at Paradise Beach is the beach itself. Get out here - great opportunity feel like a hermit or Robinson Crusoe. Bizarrely curved coastline, White sand, clear water and palm thickets, among which pine trees and deciduous shrubs grow.

In addition to the natural landscape, there are two ancient forts near Paradise Beach.

Tiracol is small. It houses a hotel of the same name. The fort has been restored and tourists are allowed on the observation deck. A great place for photos. Are opening beautiful views. Nearby is the Church of St. Anthony.

Much less “combed”, but much more interesting is Redi Fort. Actually, this is what you need to look at first. Dilapidated, overgrown with lush vegetation, ancient and very majestic. Leaves a lasting impression.

There are many fishing villages on the coast. For an additional fee, you can arrange a foray into the open sea. A little deeper into the peninsula - fresh lakes framed by dense vegetation.

Infrastructure and entertainment in Paradise Beach

On this moment Paradise Beach has not been developed by the bigwigs of the tourism industry. There are markings on the coast for the future construction of several hotels. Private sector in local settlements is designed to meet the needs of Indian tourists. Most of them are very unpretentious, so you shouldn't expect five-star service.

For entertainment, you can ride camels or horses just on the sand. An excellent opportunity to go to sea on one of the fishing boats. The rest of the usual entertainment packages are simply not available.


If you are going to Paradise Beach for a short time, it makes sense to take food supplies with you. Variety and choice as on Goa beaches, there is no. Sheki is rare. There are snack bars at gas stations along the highway or at the hotel in Fort Tiracol. The quality and selection is different from Goan. Although it is quite possible to find a good cafe, even with European cuisine.

If you decide to rent a room or bungalow from the locals, you can arrange for lunch or dinner to be prepared for you. The menu is quite modest, but with an Indian flavor. There will be an opportunity to try authentic cuisine: rice, flatbreads, fish, spices and sauces.

What are the prices

Paradise Beach, unaccustomed to a continuous flow of tourists, has affordable prices, even in comparison with northern Goa. Rental costs are on average 30% lower. Although the offers are very heterogeneous: there are more expensive brick bungalows and cheaper thatched houses. The choice is large. There may be problems with renting a bike or scooter. Therefore, not everyone takes the risk of immediately settling in Paradise Beach. People come here having already experienced the delights of noisy and colorful Goa, tired of the huge number of merchants and beggars.


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